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Like many others, I'm generating a lot of digital data. Constantly taking photos, writing scripts, taking notes, coding projects, and making videos. I'm storing all these files on Google Drive, which has been very reliable but also a bit risky. What if Google closes my account? Or loses my files?Time to set up a NAS so I can backup my files loc...
over a year ago

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Bringing Foam Monsters to Life: How I Wrote and Illustrated a Children's Book Using AI

I've always wanted to write a book. It's been on my bucket list for several years, but I never got around to it. Last summer I had a revelation: my kids love being read to, so why don't I write a story for them?Here's how I approached writing a children's book and how I used AI to illustrate it.

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How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids

When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to today, and my children's movie collection is vastly different. It's completely digital and dispersed across services. I wanted to recreate the tangible magic of my childhood for them.

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Analyzing Link Rot in My Newsletter (After 31 Editions)

I've been writing a monthly newsletter for the past 2.5 years. In every edition, I link to interesting articles related to science and technology. I thought it would be interesting to analyze how many of those links are still accessible, and how many have succumbed to link rot. Let's dive in!

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How I Use Alfred to Search My Obsidian Notes Faster (with Spotlight!)

In this post, I’ll show you how I integrated Obsidian into Alfred so I can search my vault from anywhere on my Mac. I just open Alfred, type “note” followed by my query, and see my search results. Hit enter and the correct note opens in Obsidian. Easy and quick!

a year ago 15 votes
Year in review: 2022

Every new year I reflect on the previous year and set new goals. I'm focusing primarily on my YouTube channel and newsletter, but there are personal reflections in here as well. Last year was an off year for me, and I'm gearing up to make up for lost time in 2023.

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Going down the rabbit hole of Git's new bundle-uri

Git's new bundle-uri could help significantly speed up clones, but what bugs lurk within?

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Unbundling and Abundance

on the (high) dimensionality of 21st century ideology

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This challenge escalated quickly!

Check it out on YouTube and Podcasts! Matt and Chris have all the new Apple hardware, and Niléane takes the challenge to the next level. Weekly Topics iPhone 16e iPad Air (M3) MacBook Air (M4) Other Things Discussed Niléane’s brilliant Touch ID setup TP-Link

13 hours ago 2 votes
Britain needs a national drone company

Forget GB Railways and GB Energy... how about GB Drones?

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The "essential" iPhone

Today marks day 13 of using the iPhone 16e as my primary phone, and after this review goes live, I'll be moving my eSIM back to the 16 Pro that I use day to day. I intended to use this phone for a month before going back to

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