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Here is a confession: I am a very strong proponent of a robust test suite being perhaps the single most important asset of a codebase, but when it comes to auxiliary services like admin sites or CLIs when it comes to testing I tend to ask for forgiveness more than I ask for permission. Django's admin site is no different: and, because Django's admin DSL is very magic-string-y, there's a lot of stuff that never gets caught by CI or mypy until a lovely CS agent informs me that something is blowing up in their face. Take this example, which bites me more often than I care to admit: from django.contrib import admin from stripe.models import StripeCustomer class StripeCustomer(models.Model): id = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True) username = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True) email_address = models.EmailField() creation_date = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True) @admin.register(StripeCustomer) class StripeCustomerAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ( "id", "username", "email", "creation_date", ) search_fields = ( "username", "email", ) One thing that has made my life slightly easier in this respect is a parametric test that just makes sure we can render the empty state for every single admin view. Code snippet first, explanation after: from django.urls import get_resolver, reverse def extract_routes(resolver: URLResolver) -> iter[str]: keys = [key for key in resolver.reverse_dict.keys() if isinstance(key, str)] key_to_route = {key: resolver.reverse_dict.getlist(key)[0][0][0] for key in keys} for key in keys: yield key for key, (prefix, subresolver) in resolver.namespace_dict.items(): for route in extract_routes(subresolver): yield f"{key}:{}" def is_django_admin_route(route_name: str): # Matches, e.g., `admin:emails_event_changelist`. return route_name.split(":").endswith("changelist") ADMIN_URL_ROUTE = "buttondown.urls.admin" DJANGO_ADMIN_CHANGELIST_ROUTES = [ for route in extract_routes(get_resolver(ADMIN_URL_ROUTE)) if is_django_admin_route( ] # The fixture is overkill for this example, but I'm copying this from the actual codebase. @pytest.fixture def superuser_client(superuser: User, client: Client) -> Client: client.force_login(superuser) return client @pytest.mark.parametrize( "url", DJANGO_ADMIN_CHANGELIST_ROUTES ) def test_can_render_route(superuser_client: Any, url: str) -> None: url = reverse(url, args=[]) response = superuser_client.get(url) assert response.status_code == 200 Okay, a bit of a mouthful, but the final test itself is very clean and tidy and catches a lot of stuff. That extract_routes implementation looks scary and magical, and it is — I use a more robust implementation in django-typescript-routes, which itself we gratefully purloined from django-js-reverse. Lots of scary indexing, but its held up well for a while. The fixture and parametrize assumes usage of pytest (you should use pytest!) but it's trivially rewritable to use subTest instead.
When we added support for complex filtering in Buttondown, I spent a long time trying to come up with a schema for filters that felt sufficiently ergonomic and future-proof. I had a few constraints, all of which were reasonable: It needed to be JSON-serializable, and trivially parsable by both the front-end and back-end. It needed to be arbitrarily extendible across a number of domains (you could filter subscribers, but also you might want to filter emails or other models.) It needed to be able to handle both and and or logic (folks tagged foo and bar as well as folded tagged foo or bar). It needed to handle nested logic (folks tagged foo and folks tagged bar or baz.) The solution I landed upon is not, I’m sure, a novel one, but googling “recursive filter schema” was unsuccessful and I am really happy with the result so here it is in case you need something like this: @dataclass class FilterGroup: filters: list[Filter] groups: list[FilterGroup] predicate: "and" | "or" @dataclass class Filter: field: str operator: "less_than" | "greater_than" | "equals" | "not_equals" | "contains" | "not_contains" value: str And there you have it. Simple, easily serializable/type-safe, can handle everything you throw at it. For example, a filter for all folks younger than 18 or older than 60 and retired: FilterGroup( predicate="or", filters=[ Field( field="age", operator="less_than", value="18" ) ], groups=[ FilterGroup( predicate="and", filters=[ Field( field="age", operator="greater_than", value="60" ), Field( field="status", operator="equals", value="retired" ) ] groups=[], ) ] )
If there's been one through line in changes to Buttondown's architecture over the past six months or so, it's been the removal and consolidation of dependencies: on the front-end, back-end, and in paid services. I built our own very spartan version of Metabase, Notion, and Storybook; we vended a half-dozen or so Django packages that were not worth the overhead of pulling from PyPI (and rewrote another half-dozen or so, which we will open-source in due time); we ripped out c3, our visualization library, and built our own; we ripped out vuedraggable and a headlessui and a slew more of otherwise-underwhelming frontend packages in favor of purpose-built (faster, smaller, less-flexible) versions. [1] There are a few reasons for this: Both Buttondown as an application and I as a developer have now been around long enough to be scarred by big ecosystem changes. Python has gone through both the 2.x to 3.x transition and, more recently, the untyped to typed transition; Vue has gone from 2.x to 3.x. The academic problem of "what happens if this language completely changes?" is no longer academic, and packages that we installed back in 2018 slowly succumbed to bitrot. It's more obvious to me now than a few years ago that pulling in dependencies incurs a non-trivial learning cost for folks paratrooping into the codebase. A wrapper library around fetch might be marginally easier to invoke once you get used to it, but it's a meaningful bump in the learning curve to adapt to it for the first time. It is easier than ever to build 60% of a tool, which is problematic in many respects but useful if you know exactly which 60% you care about. (Internal tools like Storybook or Metabase are great examples of this. It was a fun and trivial exercise to get Claude to build a tool that did everything I wanted Metabase to do, and save me $120/mo in the process.) We still use a lot of very heavy, very complex stuff that we're very happy with. Our editor sits on top of tiptap (and therefore ProseMirror); we use marked and turndown liberally, because they're fast and robust. On the Python side, our number of non-infrastructural packages is smaller but still meaningful (beautifulsoup, for instance, and django-allauth / django-anymail which are both worth their weight in gold). But the bar for pulling in a small dependency is much higher than it was, say, twelve months ago. My current white whale is to finally get rid of axios. 39 call sites to go! ↩︎
After many wonderful years of working out of my home office (see Workspaces), I've now "expanded" [1] into an office of my own. 406 W Franklin St #201 is now the Richmond-area headquarters of Buttondown. Send me gifts! The move is a bittersweet one; it was a great joy to be so close to Haley and Lucy (and, of course, Telly), and the flexibility of being able to hop off a call and then take the dog for a walk or hold Lucy for a while was very, very nice. At the same time, for the first time in my life that flexibility has become a little bit of a burden! It turns out it is very hard to concentrate on responding to emails when your alternative is to play with your daughter giggling in the adjoining room; similarly, as Buttondown grows and as more and more of my time is spent on calls, it turns out long-winded demos and onboarding calls are logistically trickier when it is Nap Time a scant six feet away. And, beyond that, it's felt harder and harder to turn my brain off for the day: when there is always more work to be done, it's hard not to poke away at a stubborn pull request or jot down some strategy notes instead of being more present for my family (or even for myself, in a non-work capacity.) So, I leased an office. The space is pretty cool: it's downtown in the sweet spot of a little more than a mile away from the house: trivially walkable (or bikeable, as the above photo suggests) but far enough away to give me a good bit of mental space. The building is an old manor (turned dormitory, turned office building). I've got a bay window with plenty of light but no views; I've got a nice ethernet connection and a Mac Mini with very few things installed; I've got a big Ikea desk and a printer; I've got an alarm on my phone for 4:50pm, informing me that it's time to go home, where my world becomes once again lively and lovely, full of noise and joy and laughter. Air quote because I'm fairly confident this office is actually smaller than the home office. ↩︎
I love this bit from Paul Graham on pattern-matching founders: Though the most successful founders are usually good people, they tend to have a piratical gleam in their eye. They're not Goody Two-Shoes type good. Morally, they care about getting the big questions right, but not about observing proprieties. That's why I'd use the word naughty rather than evil. They delight in breaking rules, but not rules that matter. This quality may be redundant though; it may be implied by imagination. I love this not because I agree with the sentiment, and in fact I think you can point to a lot of Icarian tendencies (and perhaps pervasive industry-wide rot) as germinating in this naughtiness, but because it is a specific and opinionated characteristic — as opposed to, like, "determined!" and "smart!" and "driven!" It's novel, it's a characteristic with a viewpoint around which reasonable people can agree/disagree. Antimetal is not a YC company, but it certainly embodies naughtiness. Its founder made a large hullabaloo about trying to commission "the highest quality publicly available version" of the Facebook Red Book, but of course couldn't resist a tiny act of digital vandalism by inserting its own branding into the scan. Does this matter, on a grand scale? Is this an evil act? Probably not, but certainly a naughty one. Buttondown in 2025 has reached a sort of escape velocity, less in terms of growth per ce (though also that!) and more in terms of the median user being very far way from my orbit: these users are less technical and more wary than the ones I am used to onboarding. Users of new tools — especially tools that must be entrusted with important data — are wary these days. They're wary of pivots to video, of shifting business models and sudden price hikes and emails announcing that the curtain is coming down this time next week. It is unfortunate that this wariness — a kind of cynicism — is not only pervasive but entirely rational. Anyone who has used anything new over the past few years has a high number of since-shuttered apps that they trusted with their time and money and data and energy, only to be rewarded with an "Our Incredible Journey" email. At a high level, I think this stems from the same vein as naughtiness: a tendency to think of systems and expectations as something to be overcome, as social contracts as a thing to be voided or ignored rather than bolstered. We get a lot of questions that boil down to "why should I trust [Buttondown]?" The blithe answer — the one that I generally try not to give, even though I think it's the most rigorous and correct one — is that, well, you shouldn't — insofaras you should only trust any company as much as you can exfiltrate your data. We've made a lot of decisions in service of decades-long continuity; we're cash-flow positive, we're stable and robust; our incentives are aligned with yours. But, more than that, the email space is novel in that you can always pack up your entire dataset — archives, addresses, et al — and ship them off to a competitor. You shouldn't need to trust us; you should find us valuable enough to be worth keeping around. Email is also unique in that it's, by software standards, a very mature industry — one with a long history already. Many of my customers come with data exports from tools that they started using fifteen years ago; prospects who I reached out to in 2019 follow up in 2025. After twelve months of active usage, we ask every paying customer a single question: "why are you still using Buttondown?" [1] There are two answers whose volume dwarf the rest: Because the customer support is really good. Because I haven't had an experience that has prompted me to look elsewhere. Customer goodwill is a real asset; it is one that will probably become more valuable over the next decade, as other software-shaped assets start to become devalued. It feels almost anodyne to say "it is in a company's best interest to do right by their customers", but our low churn and high unpaid growth in a space uniquely defined by lack of vendor lock-in is perhaps a sign that being nice is an undervalued strategy. And "being nice" in a meaningful sense is, like "being naughty", something that gets baked into an organization's culture very early and very deeply. The implicit subtext being "...given that you can, in an afternoon's work, migrate to a competitor, most of whom are substantially less expensive." ↩︎
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