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More from lcamtuf’s thing

What's root mean square voltage?

And how do we derive its value for sine waves?

yesterday 2 votes
Why are sine waves so common?

A simple question that takes some effort to answer in a satisfying way.

2 days ago 6 votes
The Afterlife

AGENT: I am prescribing vardenafil 5 mg for you.

a week ago 8 votes
Meta: 5,000

I don't really do self-congratulatory posts, but bear with me just once.

a week ago 10 votes
But good sir, what is electricity?

A quick look at the physics of conductors, insulators, and electric charges.

2 weeks ago 11 votes

More in technology

Comics from 1978/05 Creative Computing Mag

Time for some oldie levity.

18 hours ago 3 votes
Handheld consoles, assemble!

Jez Corden writing for Windows Central: EXCLUSIVE: Xbox's New Hardware Plans Begin With a Gaming Handheld Set for Later This Year, With Full Next-Gen Consoles Targeting 2027 Microsoft is working with a PC gaming OEM (think ASUS, Lenovo, MSI, Razer, etc.) on an Xbox-branded gaming handheld, surprisingly slated

10 hours ago 2 votes
Britain needs a national drone company

Forget GB Railways and GB Energy... how about GB Drones?

16 hours ago 2 votes
The "essential" iPhone

Today marks day 13 of using the iPhone 16e as my primary phone, and after this review goes live, I'll be moving my eSIM back to the 16 Pro that I use day to day. I intended to use this phone for a month before going back to

17 hours ago 2 votes
Going down the rabbit hole of Git's new bundle-uri

Git's new bundle-uri could help significantly speed up clones, but what bugs lurk within?

an hour ago 1 votes