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Create a Markdown Portfolio with Next.js So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from platforms like Godly and Minimal Gallery, draw some rectangles in Figma, and open your text editor. You pause. There's thousands of ways to build your website, how do you decide which...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Glue and coprocessor architectures
6 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Dijkstra's Algorithm For rust, I’m updating the documentation for the standard library and specifically with the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For rust, I’m updating the documentation for the standard library and specifically with the collections. For the priority queue I had the idea to use Dijkstra’s algorithm as a fun example. That idea was well received and that example is now live. At first I wanted to use A* to...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Bed & electronics I’ve made a lot of progress on my VORON. Electronics and other stuff are installed to the degree...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve made a lot of progress on my VORON. Electronics and other stuff are installed to the degree that I’ve begun wiring, but I’m going to separate the wiring into it’s own post. This will be a short post about bed preparation and installing electronics components. Feedback from...
Joey's Hoard of...
I Ditched the Algorithm for RSS—and You Should Too <img src="/assets\images\blog_posts\2025_01_12-rss\banner.png" alt="An image of a banner cartoon of...
a month ago
How to build a fleet of networked offsite backups using Linux, WireGuard and rsync Just like most people out there, I have some files that are irreplaceable, such as cat pictures. At...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Just like most people out there, I have some files that are irreplaceable, such as cat pictures. At one point I had a few single-board computers sitting idle, namely the Orange Pi Zero and the LattePanda V1, and a few 1TB SSD-s. I hate idle hardware, so I did the most sensible...
Posts on Made of...
The Window Manager I Want Since I first discovered ratpoison in 2005 or so, I've basically exclusively used tiling window...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since I first discovered ratpoison in 2005 or so, I've basically exclusively used tiling window managers, going through, over the years, StumpWM, Ion 3, and finally XMonad. They've all had various strengths and weaknesses, but I've never been totally happy with any of them. This...
ZFS RAIDZ expansion is awesome but has a small caveat Introduction Update April 2023: It has been fairly quiet since the announcement of this feature. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update April 2023: It has been fairly quiet since the announcement of this feature. The Github PR about this feature is rather stale and people are wondering what the status is and what the plans are. Meanwhile, FreeBSD has announced In February 2023 that they...
Christian Selig
Qi2 is kinda underwhelming Using MagSafe for portable battery packs has so many niceties versus Qi1: Increased communication...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Using MagSafe for portable battery packs has so many niceties versus Qi1: Increased communication with the device, allowing for better efficiency due to better thermal management and charging Easily view the charge percentage of the external battery when first attaching it, and...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse-engineering a carry-lookahead adder in the Pentium Addition is harder than you'd expect, at least for a computer. Computers use multiple types of adder...
a month ago
a month ago
Addition is harder than you'd expect, at least for a computer. Computers use multiple types of adder circuits with different tradeoffs of size versus speed. In this article, I reverse-engineer an 8-bit adder in the Pentium's floating point unit. This adder turns out to be a...
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1984/04 Creative Computing Mag Sorry for the delay. - JP
a month ago
Jonas Hietala
Favourite Programming Language All the programmers love to promote their favourite language, or to hate on others. Now I read a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All the programmers love to promote their favourite language, or to hate on others. Now I read a post which claimes my favourite language is not good enough! But he’s correct of course, there is no one language to rule them all. You should always choose the mest language for the...
Home on Erik...
NoDoc We had an unconference at Spotify last Thursday and I added a semi-trolling semi-serious topic about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We had an unconference at Spotify last Thursday and I added a semi-trolling semi-serious topic about abolishing documentation. Or NoDoc, as I'm going to call this movement. This was meant to be mostly a thought experiment, but I don't see it as complete madness.
Neil Madden
Some incomplete thoughts about Gödel I saw another article on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems linked from Reddit today. It’s a topic I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw another article on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems linked from Reddit today. It’s a topic I’ve wanted to write about for some time. Although many articles do a decent job in giving an idea of what the big deal is (and this one is pretty good), they can sometimes give a...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Christmas Special
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Hidden features
9 months ago
Willem's Blog
Tudor Black Bay 36 long-term review For the past six months I have been wearing the same watch, every day and night. Read along to learn...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past six months I have been wearing the same watch, every day and night. Read along to learn what makes the Tudor Black Bay 36 the perfect every day watch.
Notes on software...
Benchmarking esbuild, swc, tsc, and babel for React/JSX projects This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
The Pentium as a Navajo weaving Hurrying through the National Gallery of Art five minutes before closing, I passed a Navajo weaving...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Hurrying through the National Gallery of Art five minutes before closing, I passed a Navajo weaving with a complex abstract pattern. Suddenly, I realized the pattern was strangely familiar, so I stopped and looked closely. The design turned out to be an image of Intel's Pentium...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Gitcoin Grants Round 7 Retrospective
over a year ago
My lil' Ghostty terminal config I wrote about Ghosty last week, and since then I've played around with it enough to know it's my new...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I wrote about Ghosty last week, and since then I've played around with it enough to know it's my new terminal emulator of choice. For me the killer feature is how fast it is, putting the most popular apps to shame (Apple Terminal and iTerm, specifically)
Arduino Blog
Arduino CLI 1.0 is out! We are excited to share some incredible news with you all! We recently released the Arduino CLI...
6 months ago
6 months ago
We are excited to share some incredible news with you all! We recently released the Arduino CLI version 1.0.0, marking a significant milestone for our software. This release is a big deal because it signifies the stabilization of the software API, bringing greater reliability and...
Neil Madden
Newsletter Happy new year! I’m hoping to write a few posts on here over the next few weeks, but probably...
a year ago
a year ago
Happy new year! I’m hoping to write a few posts on here over the next few weeks, but probably exploring a few topics around AI and philosophy. If you’d prefer some more technical content around security and cryptography, then take a look at the newsletter I put out for my...
Azad's Blog
Traveling with Apple Vision Pro The Vision Pro has quickly become an essential item that I take onto every flight. It’s a fantastic...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The Vision Pro has quickly become an essential item that I take onto every flight. It’s a fantastic device to travel with—Be it by train or by plane, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to selectively tune out your environment and sink into an engaging activity like watching a...
Arduino Blog
Ready for SPS Italia 2024? Ready for accessible industrial automation! Save the date on May 28th-30th, Arduino will be back at SPS Italia in Parma, showcasing how our...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Save the date on May 28th-30th, Arduino will be back at SPS Italia in Parma, showcasing how our open-source solutions are revolutionizing the industrial sector with high performance and accessibility. At Arduino’s booth #C020, hall 7, we’ll be presenting the latest additions to...
Jonas Hietala
The 4-Hour Chef: Scrambled Eggs I’ve been listening to The Tim Ferriss Show a while now and he and his guests often inspire me to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been listening to The Tim Ferriss Show a while now and he and his guests often inspire me to make changes and start doing new things. I got introduced to Josh Waitzkin’s excellent The Art of Learning and the meta skill of learning has since then fascinated me. So when I got...
Good Enough
Cosmic Maelstrom As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's...
a year ago
a year ago
As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's weird to be in this situation. Most of the Good Enough team are used to working on just one software at a time, focusing on steadily improving it. But right now we're doing the...
Neil Madden
Digital signatures and how to avoid them Wikipedia’s definition of a digital signature is: A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Wikipedia’s definition of a digital signature is: A digital signature is a mathematical scheme for verifying the authenticity of digital messages or documents. A valid digital signature on a message gives a recipient confidence that the message came from a sender known to the...
How to mess up a simple ThinkPad X230 BIOS flash and how to recover from it Background I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X230. It’s a small and good laptop that I’ve used as my main...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Background I have a Lenovo ThinkPad X230. It’s a small and good laptop that I’ve used as my main laptop and a server as well. A couple of years ago I messed around with flashing alternative BIOS implementations on the X230, such as the skulls project, which made installing...
Computer Ads from...
ProHance Technologies' Power Mouse Even A Totally Souped up PC Is A Dog Without PowerMouse
5 months ago
Home on Erik...
Momentum strategies Haven't posted anything in ages, so here's a quick hack I threw together in Python on a Sunday...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Haven't posted anything in ages, so here's a quick hack I threw together in Python on a Sunday night. Basically I wanted to know whether momentum strategies work well for international stock indexes. I spent a bit of time putting together a strategy that buys the stock index if...
My blog successfully survived a scheduled power outage I had the opportunity to test the resiliency of my home server setup due to a scheduled power outage...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I had the opportunity to test the resiliency of my home server setup due to a scheduled power outage on 2024-09-13. It was also Friday the 13th. I’m not superstitious, but I’m a little stitious. My setup usually consists of the home server, a Wifi AP/router combo box, a converter...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Trust Models
over a year ago
Never Met a Science
Do Something Else Lakens and the Second Reformation
5 months ago
Posts on Made of...
Configuring dnsmasq with VMware Workstation I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux distribution, and use them heavily for all kinds of kernel testing and development. This post is a quick writeup of my networking setup with VMware Workstation, using dnsmasq to assign...
Abishek Muthian
My experience with Fitbit Charge HR — numbness, tingling and pain Disclaimer : I have limb deformities, but my deformities haven’t been an issue with any wrist based...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disclaimer : I have limb deformities, but my deformities haven’t been an issue with any wrist based gadget in the past. Especially in the non-dominant hand, apart from it being stunted I haven’t faced restrictions to daily activities due to my disabilities. But I’m open to the...
Abishek Muthian
OpenWrt login alert I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace Dropbear with OpenSSH-server OpenWrt uses lightweight Dropbear as SSH server by default but it needs to be compiled with PAM support to add alerts. Instead I'm replacing Dropbear...
Applied Cartography
Things take time Things take time. Nintendo fairly famously was born in 1889, and the modern incarnation — Yamamuchi...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Things take time. Nintendo fairly famously was born in 1889, and the modern incarnation — Yamamuchi Nintendo & Co., LTD — was established nearly fifty years later, in 1933. They spent forty years selling playing cards, then another decade operating merely as a distributor of...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Plurality philosophy in an incredibly oversized nutshell
6 months ago
Home on Erik...
I don't want to learn your garbage query language This is a bit of a rant but I really don't like software that invents its own query language....
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a bit of a rant but I really don't like software that invents its own query language. There's a trillion different ORMs out there. Another trillion databases with their own query language. Another trillion SaaS products where the only way to query is to learn some random...
Abishek Muthian
COVID-19 temperature correlation A user on needgap posted a problem of not being able to find graphs showing confirmed COVID-19 cases...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A user on needgap posted a problem of not being able to find graphs showing confirmed COVID-19 cases and local weather data such as temperature. The reason for reputed agencies not publishing such graph is likely to prevent misinformation and possibly to avoid governments getting...
My home network setup based on managed switches and VLANs My home networking setup I live in a two story apartment, with on the top floor my utilities closet...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My home networking setup I live in a two story apartment, with on the top floor my utilities closet and my living room. The bottom floor contains a bedroom with all my servers and networking gear. So this is my setup (click for a bigger version): I like to run my own router but...
Jonas Hietala
10 Games in 10 Languages For school we have this programming course for Java. It isn’t anything special really and it would...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For school we have this programming course for Java. It isn’t anything special really and it would be really boring if I don’t like to program, it almost is anyway, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re to create a game! Just any game will do and we’re in a group of two and we...
Computer Ads from...
Vote for the Topic of the February 2024 Plus Post If you are a paid subscriber, voting is open for one week
a year ago
HP Proliant Microserver N40L is a great NAS or Router Update 2012-12-11: It seems that a new and faster version is on the horizon. Update 2012-12-21:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 2012-12-11: It seems that a new and faster version is on the horizon. Update 2012-12-21: Yes, the new model G7 N54L is out. Some products seem almost too good to be true and I think the HP Proliant Microserver N40L is one of them. If you are into the market for a very...
Engineers Need Art
Same Stop Marvelling at the full circle life seems to have taken after retirement.
a year ago
Willem's Blog
I see dead people This may be Apple Vision Pro's killer feature, enabling you to see dead people: augmenting old...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This may be Apple Vision Pro's killer feature, enabling you to see dead people: augmenting old photos into lifelike representations.
Christian Selig
Juno for YouTube has been removed from the App Store For those not aware, a few months ago after reaching out to me, YouTube contacted the App Store...
5 months ago
5 months ago
For those not aware, a few months ago after reaching out to me, YouTube contacted the App Store stating that Juno does not adhere to YouTube guidelines and modifies the website in a way they don’t approve of, and alludes to their trademarks and iconography. I don’t personally...
Abishek Muthian
Do we need humanoids to show the progress in AI ? Watch video on YouTube Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation That’s the 1939 promo video of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Watch video on YouTube Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation That’s the 1939 promo video of the robot (air quotes) — Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation demoed at New York World’s Fair. Now this, Watch video on YouTube Sophia from Hanson Robotics That is...
Arduino Blog
A desktop-sized DIY vending machine for your room Have you ever wanted your very own vending machine? If so, you likely found that they’re expensive...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Have you ever wanted your very own vending machine? If so, you likely found that they’re expensive and too bulky to fit in most homes. But now you can experience vending bliss thanks to this miniature vending machine designed by m22pj, which you can craft yourself using an...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 4: The Verge
4 months ago
Fully unattended deployment of Windows clients using limited resources Introduction Anyone who ever installed Windows on a computer by hand must have wished for a solution...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Anyone who ever installed Windows on a computer by hand must have wished for a solution that automate this task. It's just waiting a lot and pressing a button now and then. But installing the operating system itself is only the beginning. Once installed, you need to...
Abishek Muthian
Legal The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this legal page. For legal terms of my individual products please refer to the legal section on their respective websites. Privacy Policy What personal data are collected and why its...
Computer Ads from...
T/Maker: Tiny Software Company Takes on the Giants (Interview) An interesting look at a company with less than 20 employees playing with the big boys
4 months ago
Jonas Hietala
2014 Read Books In total I read 20 books, which is 33% less than last year. Fiction How to Be a Woman - Catilin...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In total I read 20 books, which is 33% less than last year. Fiction How to Be a Woman - Catilin Moran Fun! The Kill Room - Jeffery Deaver A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin Reread. A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin Reread. A...
Posts on Made of...
Confessions of a programmer: I hate code review Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work requires code review on most of our code, and as we bring on an army of interns for the summer, I've been responsible for reviewing lots of code. Additionally, about five months ago...
Lighthouse Blog
Overview of the reading view
9 months ago
Jonas Hietala
My MCU movie ranking I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge MCU fan before doing the same re-watch for Infinity War, but after that I became one. For fun I tried to rank the movies as I saw them, this is some sort of accounting my rankings...
Construction Physics
Energy Cheat Sheet Building an intuition about energy
2 months ago
All the games I played in 2024, reviewed I love movies, but I really love games as well, so I figured I may as well follow up my 2024 movies...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I love movies, but I really love games as well, so I figured I may as well follow up my 2024 movies of the year post with something similar for games. I’m not going to rank these, but I’ll give a few words on each one
Notes on software...
Implementing MVCC and major SQL transaction isolation levels In this post we'll build a database in 400 lines of code with basic support for five standard SQL...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In this post we'll build a database in 400 lines of code with basic support for five standard SQL transaction levels: Read Uncommitted, Read Committed, Repeatable Read, Snapshot Isolation and Serializable. We'll use multi-version concurrency control (MVCC) and optimistic...
Anzu Castle Gracula Turns out you can release a QBasic game on Steam if it’s packaged correctly. Beside being a nerdy...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Turns out you can release a QBasic game on Steam if it’s packaged correctly. Beside being a nerdy oddity, this game is extremely well made and quite fun! Lots of Castlevania II vibes going on here. Check out Anzu Castle Gracula on Steam, or give it a shot on Itch.io.
Greater Still by...
Finance, Fairer Sharing our investment in Jia, which turns crypto liquidity into working capital for small...
a year ago
a year ago
Sharing our investment in Jia, which turns crypto liquidity into working capital for small businesses in every corner of the world.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Coordination, Good and Bad
over a year ago
Style over Substance
M4 Hex Socket Thumbscrew Knob Caps For the past few weeks I’ve been teaching myself how to use Fusion 360, a free online cloud-based...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past few weeks I’ve been teaching myself how to use Fusion 360, a free online cloud-based CAD/CAM program that lets you create your own 3D designs. The best way to learn how to use a new program is to build something you actually need. And my latest design is a work in...
Notes on software...
Analyzing large JSON files via partial JSON parsing This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
What I want to achieve with Lighthouse
a year ago
Neil Madden
Entity authentication with a KEM In cryptography, the process of authenticating a user (or app/service) is known as entity...
a year ago
a year ago
In cryptography, the process of authenticating a user (or app/service) is known as entity authentication or identification (to distinguish it from message authentication or data origin authentication). There are lots of ways to do this. In this post I’m going to talk about...
Web tech rocks John Siracusa is making a new Mac app and he’s been talking about the development process on ATP for...
a month ago
a month ago
John Siracusa is making a new Mac app and he’s been talking about the development process on ATP for the last few weeks. I got a kick out of his frustrations with using a payment system that delivered a confusing user experience he had no control over, and
Odds and Ends of...
Four big US election takes: Yes, it was the woke stuff. Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump might do, and why the polls were right
Gwern.net Newsletter
May Gwern.net Newsletter Link compilation newsletter with anime GAN updates, links on AI scaling, discussion of GPT-3, and 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Link compilation newsletter with anime GAN updates, links on AI scaling, discussion of GPT-3, and 1 book review.
Odds and Ends of...
Christmas Mailbag! Is Elon Musk actually smart? Will HS2 ever be properly finished? Do I like Dominic Cummings? And...
2 months ago
Maze Mice I was late to the party, but I played Luck Be a Landlord last year and really enjoyed it. It’s a...
a week ago
a week ago
I was late to the party, but I played Luck Be a Landlord last year and really enjoyed it. It’s a deckbuilder where you build combos by manipulating the icons in your custom slot machine. I linked above to the Steam page, but it’s on just about every platform — I played through it...
Notes on software...
Writing a web server from scratch: 1. HTTP and sockets Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd like to be able to render this page in a web browser. If the server is hosted locally we may want to enter localhost:9000/hello-world.html in the address bar, hit enter, make a...
OpenAI is early Googling late-stage Google Chuck W. Nelson: Google's Search Results Are Infested, and Open AI Is Using Google's Playbook From...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Chuck W. Nelson: Google's Search Results Are Infested, and Open AI Is Using Google's Playbook From the 2000s In order for Google to keep its crown, it needs to remember what it was in the 2000s and a bit of luck. Seeing Google grow from the
Willem's Blog
Clouds below my floor Building a little datacenter in my basement utilising a very fast internet connection.
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Black Box Machine Learning in the Cloud There's a bunch of companies working on machine learning as a service. Some old companies like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a bunch of companies working on machine learning as a service. Some old companies like Google, but now also Amazon and Microsoft. Then there's a ton of startups: PredictionIO ($2.7M funding), BigML ($1.6M funding), Clarifai, etc, etc.
Show “nobody wanted” was the second-most-watched show on Disney+ Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly...
a month ago
a month ago
Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly Resilient” in 2024 Amid Production Declines, but Streaming Still Leads the Pack; ‘Fool Me Once’ Led TV Last Year, Luminate Says big IP franchises were still the best performing series on...
Notes on software...
A single-node Kubernetes cluster without virtualization or a container registry This post is a recipe for setting up a minimal Kubernetes cluster on Fedora without requiring...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is a recipe for setting up a minimal Kubernetes cluster on Fedora without requiring virtualization or a container registry. These two features make the system cloud-agnostic and the cluster entirely self-contained. The post will end with us running a simple Flask...
Electronics etc…
An In-Depth Look at the ICE-V Wireless FPGA Development Board Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot Process UART Console Getting Started with the ICE-V Wireless Board for Real Reinstalling or Modifying the ESP32C3 Firmware The RISC-V Example FPGA Design Compiling the RISC-V Example...
Willem's Blog
Do amazing things with a focused mind Read about my experience during the workshop I got as a birth day present involving the Wim Hof...
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Moving to FastMail About two years ago after Lavabit’s shutdown I searched for a replacement email provider. For some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
About two years ago after Lavabit’s shutdown I searched for a replacement email provider. For some reason I settled on eumx which I used since then. Yesterday I got an email saying the recurring billing could not be renewed as I had my old credit card registered and it got me...
Shunit2, unit testing for shell scripts This may be of interest to people who are as stupid as I am and write elaborate shell scripts...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This may be of interest to people who are as stupid as I am and write elaborate shell scripts instead of using a proper scripting language such as Python or Ruby. No I am deliberately not mentioning Perl here. Anyway, testing is always an issue. With PPSS, I encountered many...
Notes on software...
A reawakening of systems programming meetups This year has seen a resurgence in really high quality systems programming meetups. Munich...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This year has seen a resurgence in really high quality systems programming meetups. Munich Database Meetup, Berlin Systems Group, SF Distributed Systems Meetup, NYC Systems, Bengaluru Systems, to name a few. This post summarizes a bit of disappointing recent tech meetup history,...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Inside the mechanical Bendix Air Data Computer, part 3: pressure transducers MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']] }, svg: { fontCache:...
a year ago
a year ago
MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']] }, svg: { fontCache: 'global' }, chtml: { displayAlign: 'left' } }; MathJax.Hub.Config({ "HTML-CSS": { scale: 175} }); .MathJax {font-size: 1em !important} The Bendix Central Air...
Posts on Made of...
Systems that defy detailed understanding Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be explained, if we’re willing to dig deep enough into the stack of abstractions our software is built atop. Some of the ensuing discussion on Twitter and elsewhere lead me to write...
Willem's Blog
Talking tablets: what makes a great tablet? Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be your main computer?
My cat water fountain comes with a spicy USB power adapter It turns out that you can’t trust any USB type A power adapter to be within spec. I have a Catit...
a year ago
a year ago
It turns out that you can’t trust any USB type A power adapter to be within spec. I have a Catit Flower Fountain for my two adorable cats. The idea of a water fountain for cats may sound odd, but having one really helps with cats staying hydrated and that alone avoids all sorts...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing CordDock! We spend a lot of time thinking about & observing people charge their devices. Cords are nice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We spend a lot of time thinking about & observing people charge their devices. Cords are nice because you can easily hold, text, browse and do everything you normally do on your phone while it charges. But cords require both hands to plug in, you have to hunt for the cord head, &...
Willem's Blog
Riding with Omata One If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely special: it indicates your speed, distance, ascent and time ridden using mechanical hands!
Posts on Made of...
A Brief Introduction to termios If you’re a regular user of the terminal on a UNIX system, there are probably a large number of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’re a regular user of the terminal on a UNIX system, there are probably a large number of behaviors you take mostly for granted without really thinking about them. If you press ^C or ^Z it kills or stops the foreground program – unless it’s something like emacs or vim, in...
The Pragmatic...
Did Automattic commit open source theft? The maker of WordPress took 2M customers from its biggest rival: has a red line been crossed?
4 months ago
Posts on Made of...
Why node.js is cool (it's not about performance) For the past N months, it seems like there is no new technology stack that is either hotter or more...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past N months, it seems like there is no new technology stack that is either hotter or more controversial than node.js. node.js is cancer! node.js cures cancer! node.js is bad ass rock star tech!. I myself have given node.js a lot of shit, often involving the phrase...
Matt Mullenweg
RIP Quincy Jones Quincy Jones had such an impact on the culture that it’s impossible to summarize. His discography is...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Quincy Jones had such an impact on the culture that it’s impossible to summarize. His discography is amazing. I feel so lucky to have met him in 2012 when I was much earlier in my career, and he didn’t have any reason to give me time, but he treated everyone as if they were...
Lighthouse Blog
How to combine multiple RSS feeds in one view
9 months ago
Posts on Made of...
Building personal software with Claude Earlier this month, I used Claude to port (parts of) an Emacs package into Rust, shrinking the...
a month ago
a month ago
Earlier this month, I used Claude to port (parts of) an Emacs package into Rust, shrinking the execution time by a factor of 1000 or more (in one concrete case: from 90s to about 15ms). This is a variety of yak-shave that I do somewhat routinely, both professionally and in...
Arduino Blog
This Arduino-controlled machine dispenses the perfect bowl of cereal Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal?...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal? Most attractive mascot? The opportunities for debate never end. But we can all agree that consistency is key when it comes to the milk:cereal ratio — nobody changes that up from...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates February 02
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Letters to a Young Bartender Every straight white male is forced, character-creation-screen-style, to choose one overtly...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Every straight white male is forced, character-creation-screen-style, to choose one overtly consumptive hobby that in some small part defines their twenties and – God willing — their enduring adulthood. Some choose sourdough; many choose barbecue; I chose mixology. (A...
Christian Selig
Announcing Apollo: a new Reddit app for iPhone I’m really excited to unveil a project I’ve been working on for the last year or so. It’s called...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m really excited to unveil a project I’ve been working on for the last year or so. It’s called Apollo and it’s a new Reddit app for iPhone. I’ve been a Reddit user for about four years now, and the site is a constant source of interesting discussion, hilarity and news for me...
Arduino Blog
Massive tentacle robot draws massive attention at EMF Camp Most of the robots we feature only require a single Arduino board, because one Arduino can control...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Most of the robots we feature only require a single Arduino board, because one Arduino can control several motors and monitor a bunch of sensors. But what if the robot is enormous and the motors are far apart? James Bruton found himself in that situation when he constructed this...
Construction Physics
Will Boom Successfully Build a Supersonic Airliner? Boom Supersonic is an aerospace startup trying to build a supersonic airliner.
5 days ago
Electronics etc…
Zephyr Ravenna Control Board Replacement Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing Information Two PCBs - Control Board & Switch Assembly Switch of the Breaker!!! Glass Canopy Removal Duct Cover Removal Swapping the Control...
Jonas Hietala
Ludum Dare 22 results! The results from Ludum Dare 22 are in! I made the game Sat-E for the 48 hour competition and I was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The results from Ludum Dare 22 are in! I made the game Sat-E for the 48 hour competition and I was quite happy with it. #24 Community 3.71 #40 Fun 3.38 #49 Theme 3.69 #65 Overall 3.42 #95 Humor 2.82 #167 Mood 2.92 #247 Innovation 2.69 #338 Audio 2.23 #340 Graphics 2.62 #376...
lcamtuf’s thing
The 101 of analog signal filtering Some intuition about this topic can be developed without summoning the ghost of Pierre-Simon...
8 months ago
Himanshu Mishra |...
Response to 'How is Life?' I was asked "How is Life?" over chat by someone and I thought of responding with a letter. Hello...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was asked "How is Life?" over chat by someone and I thought of responding with a letter. Hello :name-retracted:, I am sorry it took me so…
Jonas Hietala
5 Kup After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to grading. I slept well but I was super stressed all weekend so I had to constantly run to the bathroom and I couldn’t eat lunch or breakfast properly, and I don’t usually get...
Arduino Blog
GLEWBOT scales buildings like a gecko to inspect wall tiles A great deal of building maintenance expenses are the result of simple inaccessibility. Cleaning the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A great deal of building maintenance expenses are the result of simple inaccessibility. Cleaning the windows are your house is a trivial chore, but cleaning the windows on a skyscraper is serious undertaking that needs specialized equipment and training. To make exterior wall...
Applied Cartography
What's in a name Guillermo posted this recently: What you name your product matters more than people give it credit....
a month ago
a month ago
Guillermo posted this recently: What you name your product matters more than people give it credit. It's your first and most universal UI to the world. Designing a good name requires multi-dimensional thinking and is full of edge cases, much like designing software. I first will...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates May 24
9 months ago
Arduino Blog
This automatic laser turret keeps the cats entertained for hours Cats may be adorable, but they evolved to be predators. Unfortunately, responsible owners keep their...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Cats may be adorable, but they evolved to be predators. Unfortunately, responsible owners keep their cats indoors to avoid decimating the local wildlife population and that means Mr. Whiskers and Ms. Socks don’t get much opportunity to express their hunting urges. That’s why...
Arduino Blog
The 2024 Arduino Open Source Report is here! Every year, we take a moment to reflect on the contributions we made to the open source movement,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Every year, we take a moment to reflect on the contributions we made to the open source movement, and the many ways our community has made a huge difference. As we publish the latest Open Source Report, we are proud to say 2024 was another year of remarkable progress and...
Willem's Blog
How to use rsync to make backups In this post I'll explain how to use rsync to transfer files to another computer system in an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post I'll explain how to use rsync to transfer files to another computer system in an efficient manner, suitable to be used in a backup script.
A quick, incomplete thought about Squid Game 2 This one thing about Squid Game really sticks in my craw…
2 months ago
Posts on Made of...
Some opinionated thoughts on SQL databases People who work with me tend to realize that I have Opinions about databases, and SQL databases in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People who work with me tend to realize that I have Opinions about databases, and SQL databases in particular. Last week, I wrote about a Postgres debugging story and tweeted about AWS’ policy ban on internal use of SQL databases, and had occasion to discuss and debate some of...
Notes on software...
Writing a storage engine for Postgres: an in-memory Table Access Method With Postgres 12, released in 2019, it became possible to swap out Postgres's storage engine. This...
a year ago
a year ago
With Postgres 12, released in 2019, it became possible to swap out Postgres's storage engine. This is a feature MySQL has supported for a long time. There are at least 8 different built-in engines you can pick from. MyRocks, MySQL on RocksDB, is another popular third-party...
Notes on software...
The case for comments in code When I first started programming, especially when asked for code samples, my comments lacked purpose...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I first started programming, especially when asked for code samples, my comments lacked purpose and would often duplicate in English what the code clearly indicated. I knew that "commenting is good" but as a beginner I had no further insight. Over time with the help of books...
Odds and Ends of...
WATCH: Were the US election polls right? My conversation with polling guru Mark Pack
3 months ago
Grading my 2024 Apple predictions First off, merry Christmas! I closed out last year with a series of posts reviewing Apple’s main...
2 months ago
2 months ago
First off, merry Christmas! I closed out last year with a series of posts reviewing Apple’s main product lines, iPhones, iPads, Macs, Watches, and the soon-to-be-released Vision Pro. I’ll be doing that again over the last few days of the year, but in the interest of
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 22
11 months ago
Saibah Securitah It's always okay to buy the domain for the meme!
over a year ago
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course: Week 2 I’m embarking on a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week...
a month ago
a month ago
I’m embarking on a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week 2. Following Ted Gioia’s curriculum, I tackled a small volume of early Greek poetry and the first ten books of the Odyssey. I also heard music from recent descendents of these ancient bards...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #54: Voters in 2019 and 2024 were (mostly) the same – it was the parties that changed Plus can Trump revive the British left's patriotism? And some quick wins for growth, and the...
a month ago
Jonas Hietala
Embedding youtube videos with Hakyll A while ago a made a timelapse of my entry to Ludum Dare. This is how I parse and embed videos using...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A while ago a made a timelapse of my entry to Ludum Dare. This is how I parse and embed videos using Hakyll. I don’t want to remember any special syntax for embedding, I don’t want to bother (remember?) to use something like {% youtube: <link> %} or whatever syntax we might find...
Arduino Blog
7 powerful ways to integrate Collaborative Coding into education with the Arduino Cloud Collaborative coding in education can be a game-changer for students, providing them with real-world...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Collaborative coding in education can be a game-changer for students, providing them with real-world skills in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. With the new collaborating coding feature of the Arduino Cloud, students can collaborate in real time on coding projects,...
Good Enough
Thoughts On Thoughts It’s time for a revolution. Too long have we, collectively and individually, been tyrannized by our...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s time for a revolution. Too long have we, collectively and individually, been tyrannized by our thoughts and what we believe about them. Or perhaps we can think of this as an intervention. This post is the circle of friends gathered to help us stop hitting ourselves in the...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #42: An Elizabeth Line extension, some mad planning law nonsense, and the world's most... Your regular round-up of interesting links
3 months ago
computers are bad
2023-09-10 the Essex GWEN site Programming note: this post is in color. I will not debase myself to the level of sending HTML...
a year ago
a year ago
Programming note: this post is in color. I will not debase myself to the level of sending HTML email, so if you receive Computers Are Bad by email and want the benefit of the pictures, consider reading this online instead (the link is at the top of the email). In the aftermath of...
Notes on software...
In response to a frontend developer asking about database development This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Zed Public Beta I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of...
a year ago
a year ago
I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of the slow performance and "uncanny valley" interface. I'm a sucker for a well-done native app, and Panic really hit the sweet spot with Nova: a beautiful, minimal editor that felt...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Printing & Tuning It’s up and running, and now it’s finally printing time! Less exciting—but necessary—tuning the...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s up and running, and now it’s finally printing time! Less exciting—but necessary—tuning the printer to make the prints better. Filament shipment Even though I’ve been building the printer for more than a month, I wasn’t ready for it being time for printing so soon. I don’t...
Matt Blewitt
Modifying pg_dump To Exclude Event Triggers At $WORK, we have a case where we have implemented an event trigger to prevent customers from...
8 months ago
8 months ago
At $WORK, we have a case where we have implemented an event trigger to prevent customers from dropping an extension. As this extension is part of contrib and normally installed by users, we can’t prevent them from dropping it normally. However, event triggers can only be created...
Understanding Storage Performance - IOPS and Latency Introduction The goal of this blogpost is to help you better understand storage performance. I want...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The goal of this blogpost is to help you better understand storage performance. I want to discuss some fundamentals that are true regardless of your particular needs. This will help you better reason about storage and may provide a scaffolding for further learning....
Greater Still by...
Talking to the Protocol An exploration into a new communication layer. By Gaby Goldberg & Sophie Fujiwara
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Working with special hardware from China This month I reversed engineered my way into developing software for a Chinese Android device with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This month I reversed engineered my way into developing software for a Chinese Android device with an embedded printer!
Never Met a Science
Action Syllabus Week 1: Decide Technology Policy in the Classroom
10 months ago
Notes on software...
A paper reading club at work; databases and distributed systems research I started a paper reading club this week at work, focused on databases and distributed systems...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I started a paper reading club this week at work, focused on databases and distributed systems research. I posted in a general channel about the premise and asked if anyone was interested. I clarified the intended topic and that discussions would be asynchronous over email, run...
Jonas Hietala
Long Term Goals (part 2) A few minutes after I wrote about my long term goals, in the shower, I realize I forgot a few major...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few minutes after I wrote about my long term goals, in the shower, I realize I forgot a few major goals I have: Write my own Programming Language Why? Because it sounds fun and epic as hell. Write a Book So I like books and I like to collect them and I have my whole bookcase...
Good reads This is an unsorted list of articles that I find to be good in one way or another. Maker’s Schedule,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is an unsorted list of articles that I find to be good in one way or another. Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule a must-read for anyone working in a software development team. Helps express what most of us have felt at some point in our careers. The case of the 500-mile...
Jonas Hietala
Bitcoin Cash needs a Specification I’m not a Bitcoin developer, I’m just some guy looking in from the outside. Lately there’s been a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m not a Bitcoin developer, I’m just some guy looking in from the outside. Lately there’s been a bunch of heated debates between the different Bitcoin Cash developer teams. Something that stood out from all the noise was problems with communications and a lack of specification...
Notes on software...
Zig, Rust, and other languages Having worked a bit in Zig, Rust, Go and now C, I think there are a few common topics worth having a...
12 months ago
12 months ago
Having worked a bit in Zig, Rust, Go and now C, I think there are a few common topics worth having a fresh conversation on: automatic memory management, the standard library, and explicit allocation. Zig is not a mature language. But it has made enough useful choices for a number...
Posts on Made of...
DEF CON I’m sitting in the airport in Las Vegas on the way back from DEF CON 15. It’s the first time I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m sitting in the airport in Las Vegas on the way back from DEF CON 15. It’s the first time I’ve been at the con, and it wasn’t really what I expected. Frankly, I walked away feeling kinda underwhelmed. Very few of the talks were as technical as I was hoping – they were almost...
ThinkPad as a server: the follow-up It’s been a while since I last wrote about my ThinkPad T430 that was tasked with being a home...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been a while since I last wrote about my ThinkPad T430 that was tasked with being a home server. After doing some experiments with my setup a couple of times, it is once again the main server for all my self-hosting needs. However, this time I have made some...
Willem's Blog
Google Analytics vs AWStats Comparing Google Analytics with AWStats to find out where they differ and which is better.
over a year ago
Good Enough
All About CSS: Alphabetize, Normalize, and Dark-mode-itize Hello reader, I’m Matthew, the newest member of Good Enough (LLC). The rest of the team are avid...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hello reader, I’m Matthew, the newest member of Good Enough (LLC). The rest of the team are avid writers and sharers… I’m not. But they keep chanting “One of us. One of us.” so I suppose you’ll see me around here sometimes. For my inaugural post, I thought I’d quickly share what...
computers are bad
2024-10-26 buy payphones and retire PAYPHONES at High Volume Existing sites! Earn BIG $$. Money Back Guarantee! Dropshipping AliExpress...
4 months ago
4 months ago
PAYPHONES at High Volume Existing sites! Earn BIG $$. Money Back Guarantee! Dropshipping AliExpress watches, AI-generated SEO spam websites... marginally legal and ethical passive income schemes, that serve to generate that income mostly for their promoters, can feel like a...
Matt Mullenweg
Ed Catmull on Change I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me by my colleague Dave Martin a while back and I finally got around to it. There’s an interesting story in it where George Lucas has asked him to develop a film editing system that...
Jorge Arango
Traction Heroes Ep. 2: Unprecedented In episode 2 of the Traction Heroes podcast, Harry shared an extreme personal experience in service...
a month ago
a month ago
In episode 2 of the Traction Heroes podcast, Harry shared an extreme personal experience in service to exploring the question: How can we act skillfully in unfamiliar circumstances? I considered adding a trigger warning – Harry’s story made me wince. That said, we landed in a...
Home on Erik...
Wikiphilia I've been obsessed with Wikipedia for the past ten years. Occasionally I find some good articles...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been obsessed with Wikipedia for the past ten years. Occasionally I find some good articles worth sharing and that's why I created the wikiphilia Twitter handle. Just a long stream of stuff that for one reason or another may be interesting.
Willem's Blog
Improve your sleep by blocking light I have been wearing a sleep mask in bed, blocking all light. It has been amazing for my sleep's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have been wearing a sleep mask in bed, blocking all light. It has been amazing for my sleep's quality. Read along for my findings!
lcamtuf’s thing
Deep dive: the (in)stability of op-amps A closer look at op-amp feedback loops and the stability criteria for circuits that use them.
4 months ago
watchTowr Labs
Pots and Pans, AKA an SSLVPN - Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-0012 and CVE-2024-9474 It'll be no surprise that 2024, 2023, 2022, and every other year of humanities' existence has been...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It'll be no surprise that 2024, 2023, 2022, and every other year of humanities' existence has been tough for SSLVPN appliances. Anyhow, there are new vulnerabilities (well, two of them) that are being exploited in the Palo Alto Networks firewall and SSLVPN offering, and as ever,...
Computer Ads from...
Small Systems Engineering's PETSPEED Fast Enough for the Human Race
8 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Most Important Scarce Resource is Legitimacy
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Done this, done that. What now? Finished and uploaded our java game Grand Thief Arto, done an exam (didn’t quite go as intended) and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Finished and uploaded our java game Grand Thief Arto, done an exam (didn’t quite go as intended) and starting some new courses in school. I’m liking my choice of Computer Science more and more. Data structures and Algorithms was a super fun course, I actually ordered a new book...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse engineering standard cell logic in the Intel 386 processor The 386 processor (1985) was Intel's most complex processor at the time, with 285,000...
a year ago
a year ago
The 386 processor (1985) was Intel's most complex processor at the time, with 285,000 transistors. Intel had scheduled 50 person-years to design the processor, but it was falling behind schedule. The design team decided to automate chunks of the layout, developing "automatic...
Are these 2025’s new iPhones? 9to5Mac has links to two mock ups claiming to represent the iPhone 17 Air and iPhone 17 Pro coming...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
9to5Mac has links to two mock ups claiming to represent the iPhone 17 Air and iPhone 17 Pro coming this fall. If I could be so bold, I’d say the 17 Air looks potentially reasonable, but the 17 pro render looks absolutely atrocious. I think there’s
Abishek Muthian
Scam alert : mail from IPTI Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber phishing; right! Those who have filed international patents, keep an eye out for mails such as the above. I received a professional looking mail from IPTI & from what it looks like on the...
Odds and Ends of...
We need more than Westminster reporters to understand government Lobby correspondent hegemony is bad.
3 months ago
Apple’s 2024 report card: iPhone 📱 This is the first in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the first in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I did this last year and you can read last year’s iPhone report card here. iPhone 16 Pro I really, really liked the 15 Pro lineup, and I would
Applied Cartography
Notebook as marketing primitive Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from SingleStore — notebooks as a first-party page! There are a handful of nice things about this idea: Very easy to fan out. You're not going to really run out of sample notebooks from which you...
I strongly recommend Portal: Revolution (members post) In this new series, I’ll be reviewing the media I experience (I don’t like saying I “consume” media)...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In this new series, I’ll be reviewing the media I experience (I don’t like saying I “consume” media) in more detail than I normally do. Don’t worry, the movie reviews are staying free and on social media ✌️
Elevation Lab - Blog
A newer, better, ElevationDock Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones, ships with an Apple-certified Lightning connector (that you can assemble in seconds with the new tool-free back plate), and we've added some new lateral supports for added...
Applied Cartography
HQ1 After many wonderful years of working out of my home office (see Workspaces), I've now "expanded"...
a week ago
a week ago
After many wonderful years of working out of my home office (see Workspaces), I've now "expanded" [1] into an office of my own. 406 W Franklin St #201 is now the Richmond-area headquarters of Buttondown. Send me gifts! The move is a bittersweet one; it was a great joy to be so...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Design of Public Posts: Twitter vs Facebook What design tells you about the company’s values Both Facebook and Twitter allow posts to be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What design tells you about the company’s values Both Facebook and Twitter allow posts to be publicly accessible by people who have not…
Style over Substance
My Home Assistant setup (2023 edition) For the past few years, I have been running Home Assistant to make my apartment a smart home. It’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past few years, I have been running Home Assistant to make my apartment a smart home. It’s become such a hobby of mine that I’ve even started coding add-ons for it. While there are other popular automation platforms, Home Assistant’s versatility blows the rest out of the...
Arduino Blog
A new Plug and Make Kit challenge! A game of rhythm and creativity The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of turning ideas into reality. It enables everyone to focus on the fun of creating with the power of the UNO R4 WiFi and a user-friendly, modular design – bypassing the complexities of...
The Bindicator So I made this project for my dad for Fathers Day a couple of years ago, and thought i'd share it....
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I made this project for my dad for Fathers Day a couple of years ago, and thought i'd share it. The one shown is the Rev-1 design which is far from perfect, in fact it has several major issues I will discuss below, however it definitely works,
GitButler is joining the Open Source Pledge GitButler is joining the Open Source Pledge to help move towards a more sustainable open source...
6 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Three Transitions
a year ago
Notes on software...
Writing a SQL database from scratch in Go: 3. indexes Previously in database basics: 1. SELECT, INSERT, CREATE and a REPL 2. binary expressions...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously in database basics: 1. SELECT, INSERT, CREATE and a REPL 2. binary expressions and WHERE filters 4. a database/sql driver In this post, we extend gosql to support indexes. We focus on the addition of PRIMARY KEY constraints on table creation and some easy...
Jonas Hietala
2018 in review A new year and a lingering feeling of not having done enough during the year. A fast review of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new year and a lingering feeling of not having done enough during the year. A fast review of the year usually makes me feel better. 2018 non-geek achievements Was on parental leave for about 7 months. It was great although I’ve been crawling up the walls a little the last...
Home on Erik...
Functional programming is the libertarianism of software engineering This is a pretty dumb post, in which I argue that functional programming has a lot of the bad parts...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a pretty dumb post, in which I argue that functional programming has a lot of the bad parts of libertarianism and a lot of the good parts: Both ideologies strive to eliminate [the] state.
latest projects -...
Pocketwatch of Goo [Concept] Liquid filled timepiece
5 days ago
Home on Erik...
Microsoft's new marketing strategy: give up I think it's funny how MS at some point realized they are not the cool kids and there's no reason to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think it's funny how MS at some point realized they are not the cool kids and there's no reason to appeal to that target audience. Their new marketing strategy finally admits what's been long known: the correlation between “business casual” and using Microsoft products:
Jonas Hietala
Notifications with xmonad/irssi/urxvt So I’ve been idling on irc for years now and I’ve been using irssi for that, which works fine. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I’ve been idling on irc for years now and I’ve been using irssi for that, which works fine. I have not had notifications enabled, so I can see from the statusbar whenever someone messages me. As I’ve never been very active this has been fine, but now I figured it’s time to fix...
Speeding up Linux MDADM RAID array rebuild time using bitmaps Update 2020: Please beware of the impact of random write I/O performance. Please note that with a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 2020: Please beware of the impact of random write I/O performance. Please note that with a modern Linux distribution, bitmaps are enabled by default. They will not help speed up a rebuild after a failed drive. But it will help resync an array that got out-of-sync due to...
Home on Erik...
Fun with trigonometry: the world's most twisted coastline I just spent a few days in Italy, on the Ligurian coast. Even though we were on the west side of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just spent a few days in Italy, on the Ligurian coast. Even though we were on the west side of Italy, the Mediterranean sea was to the east, because the house was situated on a long bay.
Arduino Blog
Can this tiny lawn mower robot cut it in the real world? We’re finally starting to see robotic lawn mowers gain a little bit of traction as prices come down...
8 months ago
8 months ago
We’re finally starting to see robotic lawn mowers gain a little bit of traction as prices come down and consumer trust goes up. They work a bit like Roomba vacuums and pathfinding sophistication varies from one model to the next. But even the most basic models are still a lot...
Posts on Made of...
wpa_supplicant: GUI and wpa_action I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on the subject. (Actually, I pretty much made both of them while reading documentation in order to write it, and have been lame about writing them up). Using wpa_gui It turns out that...
Willem's Blog
Removing paint from a bike frame Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal, raw aluminium look.
Linux Iptables Firewall Script released on Google code I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall within minutes. It is easy to use, yet very powerful. It uses Iptables and even improves upon some limitations of Iptables. Every person who has to maintain some kind of...
Building a RAID 6 array of mixed drives To be honest, 4 TB of storage isn't really necessary for home usage. However, I like to collect...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To be honest, 4 TB of storage isn't really necessary for home usage. However, I like to collect movies in full DVD or HD quality and so I need some storage. I decided to build myself a NAS box based on Debian Etch. Samba is used to allow clients to access the data. The machine...
computers are bad
2023-02-13 my homelab I have always found the term "homelab" a little confusing. It's a bit like the residential version...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have always found the term "homelab" a little confusing. It's a bit like the residential version of "on-premises cloud," in that it seems to presuppose that a lab is the normal place that you find computer equipment. Of course I get that "homelab" is usually used by those who...
lcamtuf’s thing
meta: apologies for the spam... To explain: in several places in the UI, the platform encourages you to enable “subscriber chat” —...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
To explain: in several places in the UI, the platform encourages you to enable “subscriber chat” — but doesn’t really explain what it does:
Jonas Hietala
Going down Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and mario bros kinda stuff. Well now I’m not so upbeat anymore, I’ve worked on this game for 7 days now and it’s not playable at all. With seven days I don’t mean a week, I’ve had a big...
The simplicity of the modulo operator: how I scaled an inefficient solution on a legacy system Your service cannot process events fast enough during peak hours. There is no obvious quick and...
a year ago
a year ago
Your service cannot process events fast enough during peak hours. There is no obvious quick and dirty fix. Refactoring would take ages. People have been unhappy for a while now. What the hell do you do? Background I had the pleasure of working with a legacy backend system...
Notes on software...
Be someone who does things I wrote last month that what you want to do is one of the most useful motivations in life. I want to...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I wrote last month that what you want to do is one of the most useful motivations in life. I want to follow that up by saying that the only thing more important than wanting to do something is to actually do something. The most valuable trait you can develop for yourself is to...
Jorge Arango
A Crash Course in the Humanities My education has lots of gaps. “Youth is wasted on the young” is an apt cliché: I wasted lots of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My education has lots of gaps. “Youth is wasted on the young” is an apt cliché: I wasted lots of opportunities as a young person. After graduation, I committed to ongoing learning. Alas, it’s been scattered and undirected. This year, I’m doing something about it: immersing myself...
Ken Shirriff's blog
The first microcomputer: The transfluxor-powered Arma Micro Computer from 1962 What would you say is the first microcomputer?1 The Apple I from 1976? The Altair 8800 from...
a year ago
a year ago
What would you say is the first microcomputer?1 The Apple I from 1976? The Altair 8800 from 1974? Perhaps the lesser-known Micral N (1973) or Q1 (1972)? How about the Arma Micro Computer from way back in 1962. The Arma Micro Computer was a compact 20-pound transistorized...
Home on Erik...
Exploding offers are bullshit I do a lot of recruiting and have given maybe 50 offers in my career. Although many companies do, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I do a lot of recruiting and have given maybe 50 offers in my career. Although many companies do, I never put a deadline on any of them. Unfortunately, I've often ended up competing with other companies who do, and I feel really bad that this usually tricks younger developers...
HP Proliant Microserver Gen10 as router or NAS Introduction In the summer of 2017, HP released the Proliant Microserver Gen10. This machine...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction In the summer of 2017, HP released the Proliant Microserver Gen10. This machine replaces the older Gen8 model. For hobbyists, the Microserver always has been an interesting device for a custom home NAS build or as a router. Let's find out if this is still the case....
Home on Erik...
Interview with a Data Scientist: Erik Bernhardsson I was featured in Peadar Coyle's interview series interviewing various “data scientists” – which is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was featured in Peadar Coyle's interview series interviewing various “data scientists” – which is kind of arguable since (a) all the other ppl in that series are much cooler than me (b) I'm not really a data scientist.
Posts on Made of...
Record/Replay testing in Sorbet In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the Sorbet project at Stripe to build a gradual static typechecking system for Ruby, with the aim of enhancing productivity on Stripe’s millions of lines of Ruby, and eventually producing a...
Home on Erik...
Luigi: complex pipelines of tasks in Python I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs, handle dependency resolution, and create visualizations to help manage multiple workflows. It also comes with Hadoop support built in...
Arduino Blog
Synjets provide non-contact haptic feedback If the COVID pandemic showed us anything, it is that our public spaces are overflowing with...
9 months ago
9 months ago
If the COVID pandemic showed us anything, it is that our public spaces are overflowing with opportunity for germ transmission. In 2019, most people didn’t think twice about touching a gas pump handle or an ATM touchscreen, but it quickly became apparent that such contact presents...
Notes on software...
Exploring PL/pgSQL: Strings, arrays, recursion, and parsing JSON Next in exploring PL/pgSQL: Implementing a Forth-like interpreter PostgreSQL comes with a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Next in exploring PL/pgSQL: Implementing a Forth-like interpreter PostgreSQL comes with a builtin imperative programming language called PL/pgSQL. I used to think this language was scary because it has a bit more adornment than your usual language does. But looking deeper,...
Greater Still by...
Get In Loser, We’re Unbundling Again OpenSea as crypto's "shopping mall," aggregated liquidity, web3 loyalty programs, curating the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
OpenSea as crypto's "shopping mall," aggregated liquidity, web3 loyalty programs, curating the buyers, and more... some high-level thoughts around The Current Thing
Himanshu Mishra |...
रानी (Rani) Dedicated to all the nameless young girls out there in our villages…
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Books I consumed in 2017 Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a teenager, but it has slowly deteriorated to maybe 20-30 books, at most. And I don't even finish all of them because life is too short!
Jonas Hietala
ghc 8.8.3 cannot find cabal packages I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system it suddenly stopped working. I installed my dependencies with cabal install xmonad, and checked that it’s installed under ~/.cabal: $ ls .cabal/bin/ xmonad@ But still when I...
Abishek Muthian
What is the value of my life Content Warning: If you are at the brink of an existential crisis, depressed from the ongoing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Content Warning: If you are at the brink of an existential crisis, depressed from the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic or suicidal, please do not proceed further with this content. Be advised that there could also be usage of expletives in this content. Disclaimer: This is a work of...
Neil Madden
How do you use a bearer URL? In “Towards a standard for bearer token URLs”, I described a URL scheme that can be safely used to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In “Towards a standard for bearer token URLs”, I described a URL scheme that can be safely used to incorporate a bearer token (such as an OAuth access token) into a URL. That blog post concentrated on the technical details of how that would work and the security properties of the...
Arduino Blog
A stroopwafel doneness detection device If you’re lucky enough to visit the Netherlands and you order a hot drink, you’ll likely be given a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
If you’re lucky enough to visit the Netherlands and you order a hot drink, you’ll likely be given a sweet treat as well. That is a stroopwafel, a crispy little waffle-syrup sandwich that the Dutch like to rest on top of their drink so that the rising heat will soften the pastry....
Jonas Hietala
Incomplete game coming up Man I’m far too much of a perfectionist, with this mentality I’ll never get anything done -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Man I’m far too much of a perfectionist, with this mentality I’ll never get anything done - seriously. I spent far too many hours, even days, figuring out in my mind how the game should be and I started off going for nothing less than just that. But it turned out to be a lot...
Home on Erik...
A brief history of Hadoop at Spotify I was talking with some data engineers at Spotify and had a moment of nostalgia. 2008 I was writing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was talking with some data engineers at Spotify and had a moment of nostalgia. 2008 I was writing my master's thesis at Spotify and had to run a Hadoop job to extract some data from the logs.
The mythical iOS 18.4 Zac Hall writing for 9to5Mac: Apple’s Competitive Edge in AI Hinges on These Three Unreleased Siri...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Zac Hall writing for 9to5Mac: Apple’s Competitive Edge in AI Hinges on These Three Unreleased Siri Features It feels like a make-or-break moment for Siri, and these three remaining iOS 18 features are key indicators of Apple’s ability to leverage AI with Siri. These three Siri
Jonas Hietala
HandCash handles require trust and are insecure The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their $handle concept. It’s basically a username you use instead of the normal Bitcoin Cash address, similar to how domain names abstract away IP addresses. For example instead of...
Abishek Muthian
Time-constrained person Time is a human constructfor now, integral to both personal life and the well being of the society...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Time is a human constructfor now, integral to both personal life and the well being of the society at large. From waking up to the alarm in the morning to going to sleep on time so we could wake up to that alarm, We've come with average amount of time to do all tasks. If suddenly...
Calculating EXT2 EXT3 EXT4 stride size when using RAID When formatting a RAID device with an EXT filesystem, it is always advised to specify a stride size....
over a year ago
over a year ago
When formatting a RAID device with an EXT filesystem, it is always advised to specify a stride size. The format utility will take this stride size into account when formatting a device. The stride size is the number you get when you divide the 'chunck' size, as specified with...
Jonas Hietala
Soda These quotes are from hacker news and I found them all too funny. It’s hard for me to understand the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
These quotes are from hacker news and I found them all too funny. It’s hard for me to understand the whole soda phenomenon in Canada and the US. Is it as addictive as cigarettes? Does it make you crave for more? Or it simply tastes so good that you can’t get enough of it? Why not...
Applied Cartography
Pytest: test for print statements Inspired by Adam Johnson's test for pending migrations, and of course in conversation with my own...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Inspired by Adam Johnson's test for pending migrations, and of course in conversation with my own love of weird tests, I offer a similar concept: a test for finding stray print statements in your codebase, with a ratchet array for stuff to ignore. import glob PATH =...
Home on Erik...
Language pitch Here's a fun analysis that I did of the pitch (aka. frequency) of various languages. Certain...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a fun analysis that I did of the pitch (aka. frequency) of various languages. Certain languages are simply pronounced with lower or higher pitch. Whether this is a feature of the language or more a cultural thing is a good question, but there are some substantial...
Good Enough
Let's talk about conversations If you subscribe to our newsletter — which you do, right? — then you'll know that recently we've...
a year ago
a year ago
If you subscribe to our newsletter — which you do, right? — then you'll know that recently we've been thinking about conversations. We're a small group making fun software for people, and we like to have conversations with those people; the lovely folks who like our take on...
Posts on Made of...
Software Engineers should keep lab notebooks Software engineers, as a rule, suck at writing things down. Part of this is training – unlike...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Software engineers, as a rule, suck at writing things down. Part of this is training – unlike chemists and biologists who are trailed to obsessively document everything they do in their lab notebooks, computer scientists are taught to document the end results of their work, but...
Vitalik Buterin's...
In-person meatspace protocol to prove unconditional possession of a private key
over a year ago
Old Vintage...
Two tiny 65816 DTV consoles The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games to a more downmarket age. If you couldn't afford the real device, your alternative was these inexpensive, inadequate facsimiles faithful only to one's gauzy recollection. As their...
computers are bad
2025-01-20 office of secure transportation I've seen them at least twice on /r/whatisthisthing, a good couple dozen times on the road, and...
a month ago
a month ago
I've seen them at least twice on /r/whatisthisthing, a good couple dozen times on the road, and these days, even in press photos: GMC trucks with custom square boxes on the back, painted dark blue, with US Government "E" plates. These courier escorts, "unmarked" but about as...
Arduino Blog
Adding real-time local voice controls to a SMARS Quad Mod robot with an Arduino RP2040 Connect Robotics kits like the Screwless/Screwed Modular Assemblable Robotic System (SMARS) are great tools...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Robotics kits like the Screwless/Screwed Modular Assemblable Robotic System (SMARS) are great tools for learning more about how electronics, mechanics, and software can combine to perform useful tasks in the physical world. And in his latest project, Edge Impulse’s senior...
OH8HUB’s Substack
A quick visit to Vaajasalo island Vaajasalo is a small island in lake Kallavesi in eastern Finland with population less than hundred....
a year ago
a year ago
Vaajasalo is a small island in lake Kallavesi in eastern Finland with population less than hundred. There’s also a winery called Alahovi Berry Wine Farm. They produce berry wines, cider, beer and liqueur. The temptation to visit them was huge, but I was on tight schedule. Maybe...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Fabric for AirTag Having an AirTag fall out of our camera bag pocket that was then stolen, we wanted something...
a year ago
a year ago
Having an AirTag fall out of our camera bag pocket that was then stolen, we wanted something better. So we designed TagVault Fabric Mount for AirTag. It is ultra-flexible to move and flow with your fabric. Discreet, so it doesn't stand out to a would-be thief. And it's...
Quick Reviews is out now! Quick Reviews is currently available on the App Store and is a free download. Check it out! I...
a month ago
a month ago
Quick Reviews is currently available on the App Store and is a free download. Check it out! I recently wrote about how the app works, so I’ll let you read that to see how it works. I have finalized my monetization, so I did want to lay that
Applied Cartography
VC does not guarantee PMF Two companies that I started following (with no small amount of envy) back in 2021: Hype (fka Pico)...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Two companies that I started following (with no small amount of envy) back in 2021: Hype (fka Pico) sold to an MMA-themed holdco earlier this year. Raised a $4.5m seed from Stripe and Bloomberg Beta and a $10m Series A; crossed the finish line at $200K ARR after eight years. Stir...
Storage and I/O: reads vs. writes There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie about completing a write operation, but it can never lie about completing a read operation. Therefore read and writes have different characteristics. This is what I've learned. About...
Using ncat to provide SSL-support to non-ssl capable software Sometimes, people are using software that does not support encrypted connections using SSL. To...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes, people are using software that does not support encrypted connections using SSL. To provide SSL-support to such a client, ncat can be used. Ncat is part of nmap, the famous port-scanner. The main principle is that the non-ssl capable software does not connect to the...
Old Vintage...
The unreleased Commodore HHC-4's secret identity Once upon a time (and that time was Winter CES 1983), Commodore announced what was to be their one...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Once upon a time (and that time was Winter CES 1983), Commodore announced what was to be their one and only handheld computer, the Commodore HHC-4. It was never released and never seen again, at least not in that form. But it turns out that not only did the HHC-4 actually exist,...
Computer Ads from...
Massive Interview with Steve Jobs from MicroTime (1992) An in-depth discussion on NeXT
a week ago
Home on Erik...
How to hire smarter than the market: a toy model Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable. It's not very important what those are, so let's just call them “thing A” and “thing B” for now.
Arduino Blog
BrainPatch.AI: How a British neurotech startup built a working prototype fast, using Arduino Nano 33... The field of neurotechnology has been advancing rapidly in recent years, opening up to safe and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The field of neurotechnology has been advancing rapidly in recent years, opening up to safe and effective non-invasive interfaces that can deliver tiny milliamp currents to the right stimulation location on the head, neck or body. One example of the new players in this field is...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Lessons for creating good open source software I was reading about The Cathedral and the Bazaar, a book by Eric S. Raymond on various (open source)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was reading about The Cathedral and the Bazaar, a book by Eric S. Raymond on various (open source) software development methods. The…
Fio-plot: creating nice charts from FIO storage benchmark data New release of fio-plot I've rewritten fio-plot, a tool that turns FIO benchmark data into nice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New release of fio-plot I've rewritten fio-plot, a tool that turns FIO benchmark data into nice charts. It allows you to create four types of graphs which will be discussed below. The github project page explains how to run this tool. Fio-plot also includes a benchmark script...
Matt Blewitt
Software Sprezzatura Sprezzatura is “a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sprezzatura is “a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it”, coined by Castiglione in 1528’s The Book of the Courtier.
Jonas Hietala
Getting the book into my hands Around a month ago I placed an order for a reference copy of my upcoming book Why Cryptocurrencies?....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Around a month ago I placed an order for a reference copy of my upcoming book Why Cryptocurrencies?. I took the cheapest shipping option at IngramSpark, without tracking and, apparently, without customs declarations as it got stuck in customs for several weeks. But it’s here...
Notes on software...
Reviewing the Surface Book 2 The first few paragraphs cover what I was looking for and what I considered. Then the review. Why...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The first few paragraphs cover what I was looking for and what I considered. Then the review. Why the Surface Book 2 I used a Macbook throughout my professional career until I had the choice a few years ago when I started my current job. Here, I ran Gentoo, then FreeBSD, then...
Odds and Ends of...
I'm pro-assisted dying in principle, but I'm not sure about the proposed law Is no law better than a bad law?
3 months ago
Why security is all about defense in depth Many people asume that if you regularly update your computer, you are safe from hackers. But nothing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many people asume that if you regularly update your computer, you are safe from hackers. But nothing could be further from the truth. Keeping your systems up-to-date only protects you against exploits for publicly known vulnerabilities. Your systems are still not protected...
The Pragmatic...
The Pragmatic Engineer 100K Giveaway The Pragmatic Engineer's YouTube channel crossed 100K subscribers. Celebrating with a giveaway of...
a month ago
a month ago
The Pragmatic Engineer's YouTube channel crossed 100K subscribers. Celebrating with a giveaway of 100 books and newsletter subs: 10x signed physical books (The Software Engineer’s Guidebook [in English or German - your choice!], Building Mobile Apps at Scale; winners get both;...
Home on Erik...
Luigi Presentation @ NYC Data Science, Dec 16, 2014 More Luigi presentations!
over a year ago
Two flavours of open social media Yesterday, the Mastodon team announced it would be handing over control of its project to a new...
a month ago
a month ago
Yesterday, the Mastodon team announced it would be handing over control of its project to a new non-profit organization. The timing of this announcement is perfect given everything that’s happening with WordPress, Meta, and… well, everything else. To date, I think Eugen Rochko...
Jonas Hietala
Writing Home Assistant automations using Genservers in Elixir I’ve been a fan of Home Assistant a while now; it’s a great platform for home automation with its...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I’ve been a fan of Home Assistant a while now; it’s a great platform for home automation with its beginner friendly and feature rich UI, support for a ton of different devices and integrations, and there’s a bunch of ways to create automations. But there’s no engine for writing...
Willem's Blog
Enter text without keys Worn on your fingers, the Tap Strap recognises tapping and moving to control and type without a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Worn on your fingers, the Tap Strap recognises tapping and moving to control and type without a mouse or keyboard!
How to save an old printer from the e-waste pile with a Raspberry Pi A family member has a Canon PIXMA MP250 printer, originally released in 2009. It has been a very...
9 months ago
9 months ago
A family member has a Canon PIXMA MP250 printer, originally released in 2009. It has been a very reliable piece of hardware, especially for a printer. Then came Windows 10. The printer would not work out of the box with it and the official drivers got stuck during installation....
Vitalik Buterin's...
On Radical Markets
over a year ago
Computer Ads from...
Creative Computer Publishes Interview with the Guy Behind the Death Star Trench Run (1978) An Interview With Star Wars Animator Larry Cuba
10 months ago
Azad's Blog
RealityCapture to Gaussian Splatting using PostShot TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import...
7 months ago
7 months ago
TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import it into PostShot to train Gaussian Splats without using COLMAP. Video tutorial RealityCapture Import your images and align them. If you ever need help with tricky dataset, refer to...
RAID 5 vs. RAID 6 or do you care about your data? Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases the risk of a drive failure tenfold. So often RAID 5 is used to keep your data up and running if one single disks fails. But disks are so cheap and storage arrays are getting so...
The Pragmatic...
Where did TikTok’s software engineers go? How has this uncertainty affected software engineers at the Chinese-owned social network?
a month ago
Eztables: simple yet powerful firewall configuration for Linux I've created and released Eztables on Github. Anyone who ever has a need to setup a firewall on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've created and released Eztables on Github. Anyone who ever has a need to setup a firewall on Linux may be interested in this project. It doesn't matter if you need to protect a laptop, server or want to setup a network firewall. Eztables supports it all. If you're not afraid...
Posts on Made of...
What's with ML software and pickles? I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but...
a year ago
a year ago
I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but with some curiosity and occasional peripheral interactions with it. During this time, a recurring theme for me was horror (and, to be honest, disdain) every time I encountered the...
Notes on software...
Experimenting with column- and row-oriented datastructures This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
The downside of 120 Mbit broadband internet My Dutch ISP Ziggo provides internet access through DOCSIS cable modems. They are now capable of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Dutch ISP Ziggo provides internet access through DOCSIS cable modems. They are now capable of providging 120 Mbit downstream and 10 Mbit upstream, for an affordable price. In a way this is mind boggling. Most people have 100 Mbit home networks that are not capable of handling...
Notes on software...
Transparency and communication on small teams I saw a post on dev.to that talks about dysfunctional teams. This is a response that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw a post on dev.to that talks about dysfunctional teams. This is a response that focuses specifically on how to prevent burnout from overworking. This is aimed at senior/lead engineers and engineering/project managers -- because everyone in a leadership role is responsible...
Construction Physics
What Learning by Doing Looks Like The evolution of polycrystalline diamond drill bits
2 months ago
DIY cloud gaming setup with VFIO, Parsec and AMD This is a follow-up to my previous post where I covered the VFIO setup in general. For many people...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a follow-up to my previous post where I covered the VFIO setup in general. For many people that would have been good enough, but my goal with this setup was to have a powerful gaming setup that I could access from my living room PC with 20 meters of Ethernet cables...
Bryan Braun - Blog
Links #10 How to Get on a Podcast - This is a short and invaluable post for anyone who wants to be a podcast...
7 months ago
7 months ago
How to Get on a Podcast - This is a short and invaluable post for anyone who wants to be a podcast guest. It puts you in the shoes of a podcaster, showing you what they need, and how you can be a “sure thing” for them. As usual, there are no short cuts. You gotta do the work! A...
Electronics etc…
Setting Up a Symmetricom SyncServer S200 Network Time Protocol Server Introduction What was the SyncServer S200 Supposed to be Used For? IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Introduction What was the SyncServer S200 Supposed to be Used For? IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The SyncServer S200 Outside and Inside Installing the Missing BNC Connectors Setting Up a SyncServer S200 from Scratch Opening up the SyncServer S200 The SyncServer File...
Home on Erik...
Optimizing over multinomial distributions Sometimes you have to maximize some function $$ f(w_1, w_2, ldots, w_n) $$ where $$ w_1 + w_2 +...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes you have to maximize some function $$ f(w_1, w_2, ldots, w_n) $$ where $$ w_1 + w_2 + ldots + w_n = 1 $$ and $$ 0 le w_i le 1 $$ . Usually, $$ f $$ is concave and differentiable, so there's one unique global maximum and you can solve it by applying gradient ascent.
Good Enough
Our Favorite Video Games Right Now While everyone at Good Enough is their own kind of nerd, thank you very much, as builders of the web...
a year ago
a year ago
While everyone at Good Enough is their own kind of nerd, thank you very much, as builders of the web you probably expect that we also play video games. And we do! Well, collectively we do, but not to an unhealthy degree. Usually. I asked the team to share with me what their...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Gitcoin Grants Round 6 Retrospective
over a year ago
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 2.0 Success and Litigation
a year ago
Arduino Blog
This DIY smart chicken coop features AI-based predator detection Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get rid of pests in the yard. But, like all animals, they require care. Most importantly, you’ll need to ensure that they have regular food and water, and you’ll need to protect them...
Style over Substance
How to build your own Goodman ZONE camera, part 2 The Goodman ZONE is a medium-format 3D-printed film camera designed by Dora Goodman as part of her...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Goodman ZONE is a medium-format 3D-printed film camera designed by Dora Goodman as part of her range of open-source camera models, using the existing Mamiya Press lens series for glass and the Mamiya RB67 backs to hold film. She sells pre-printed kits that contain all the...
Matt Blewitt
Building a PostgreSQL Extension, Line by Line I’ve been working on a particular problem - how to offer logical replication for a very large number...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I’ve been working on a particular problem - how to offer logical replication for a very large number of Postgres databases, where I don’t have the ability (or capacity) to liaise with the users of the databases one-to-one. In order to mitigate some of the limitations, I wanted to...
Arduino Blog
Improve indoor air quality with Arduino When we think about air quality and pollution, it’s easy to conjure up images of smog-filled cities...
10 months ago
10 months ago
When we think about air quality and pollution, it’s easy to conjure up images of smog-filled cities and power plants churning clouds of poison into the atmosphere. And while all this is still important, and has massive consequences for our health, it’s all too easy to overlook...
Style over Substance
Using the Olympus XA as an everyday carry camera The Olympus XA has been my EDC camera this year and I gotta say – it’s a ton of fun. The concept of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Olympus XA has been my EDC camera this year and I gotta say – it’s a ton of fun. The concept of EDC – Every Day Carry – is that a piece of equipment should be light and compact enough to have with you every day, yet still versatile enough to be useful in […] The post Using...
The Pragmatic...
Klarna’s AI chatbot: how revolutionary is it, really? Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use to eliminate 2/3rds of customer support positions. But is it as revolutionary, and as likely to replace jobs, as Klarna claims?
Jonas Hietala
Poking at Emacs I’ve been a vim vim fan for a while now and with some recent configs I’m starting to feel pretty...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been a vim vim fan for a while now and with some recent configs I’m starting to feel pretty confident and happy with it. For those who don’t know it’s basically a text editor, like notepad, but with a lot of keycommands which allows you to edit code (and text in general)...
Home on Erik...
More Luigi! Continuing in the same spirit of shameless self-promotion, here's some recent Luigi press: Reddit...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Continuing in the same spirit of shameless self-promotion, here's some recent Luigi press: Reddit thread A Guide to Python Frameworks for Hadoop (slides from the NYC Hadoop User Group) This presentation from the Open Analytics NYC meetup about how Foursquare uses Luigi  Luigi...
Jonas Hietala
Minecraft Server Hosting I play the phenomena that is Minecraft on and off. Sometimes the laid back building or the exploring...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I play the phenomena that is Minecraft on and off. Sometimes the laid back building or the exploring is just what I need. Sometimes I can challange myself to build cool complex stuff and I’m even an avid follower of Doc’M and Etho and the other mindcrackers over at the youtube....
Vitalik Buterin's...
What do I think about network states?
over a year ago
lcamtuf’s thing
Weekend projects: getting silly with C C is beautiful yet full of horrors. Here's to uncovering its hidden depths.
8 months ago
📕 I recommend: Co-Intelligence: Living and Working with AI Hey everyone, this post is for everyone, but it’s a part of a new series I’m doing on More Birchtree...
a month ago
a month ago
Hey everyone, this post is for everyone, but it’s a part of a new series I’m doing on More Birchtree where I review the books and games I read and play in 2025. My movie reviews have been a relative hit on social media for the
Applied Cartography
You should use Helpscout Was digging through old issues of the personal site and found this draft snippet: I was evaluating...
a year ago
a year ago
Was digging through old issues of the personal site and found this draft snippet: I was evaluating HelpScout as a potential first step in a series of many, many steps to onboard a dedicated support engineer for Buttondown, and it turns out that the process of adding custom...
computers are bad
2023-05-07 electrical characteristics of telephone lines Let's take a break from our boring topic of regional history to focus instead on an even more boring...
a year ago
a year ago
Let's take a break from our boring topic of regional history to focus instead on an even more boring topic: implementation details of telephone lines. The conventional "copper pair" analog telephone line is fading away. The FCC has begun to authorize abandonment of copper outside...
Matt Mullenweg
UH Magazine, Revisiting My Alma Mater My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political science, I started WordPress when there, and then dropped out after two years to move to San Franisco. It was fun seeing UH Magazine feature an article about my journey from a University...
Arduino Blog
Monitoring the weather with an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010-based station Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to analyze how the local climate changes over time. This project by Hackster.io user Pradeep explores how he was able to design a simple station outdoors that could communicate with a...
Jonas Hietala
Autocomplete with nvim-cmp Autocomplete tags in the frontmatter. Autocompletion is an absurdly powerful feature that I—and I...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Autocomplete tags in the frontmatter. Autocompletion is an absurdly powerful feature that I—and I must assume most programmers—use all the time. It’s not as crucial for writing blog posts as when you’re coding but it’s still easy to come up with examples of how autocomplete...
Himanshu Mishra |...
BFS vs DFS in friendships If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are, skip to What are you saying? Take my…
Willem's Blog
Measuring cholesterol levels in blood This week I had my blood examined to measure my cholesterol levels, taking a lipid profile. Know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I had my blood examined to measure my cholesterol levels, taking a lipid profile. Know your LDL, HDL and Triglycerides numbers with a simple test.
TikTok is gone for at least a couple days, so here's some YouTube videos to stave off the boredom I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on...
a month ago
a month ago
I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on my phone now?" LegalEagle with a good explainer over what's happening. For the record, I think this sucks and isn't how
computers are bad
2023-06-30 calling in the alarm I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But...
a year ago
a year ago
I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But here's something short while I'm temporarily back in the warm embrace of 5G: more about burglar alarms. I recently gave a presentation on this topic and I'll probably record it for...
Linux: get a list of al disks and their size To get a list of all disk drives of a Linux system, such as this: Disk /dev/md0: 58.0 GB Disk...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To get a list of all disk drives of a Linux system, such as this: Disk /dev/md0: 58.0 GB Disk /dev/md1: 2015 MB Disk /dev/md5: 18002.2 GB Disk /dev/sda: 60.0 GB Disk /dev/sdb: 60.0 GB Disk /dev/sdc: 1000.1 GB Disk /dev/sdd: 1000.1 GB Disk /dev/sde: 1000.1 GB Disk /dev/sdf: 1000.1...
Applied Cartography
Why your marketing site should be separate In Notes on buttondown.com and How Buttondown uses HAProxy, I outlined the slightly kludgy way we...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In Notes on buttondown.com and How Buttondown uses HAProxy, I outlined the slightly kludgy way we serve buttondown.com both as a marketing site (public-facing, Next/Vercel, largely just content pushed by non-developers) and an author-facing app (behind a login, Django/Heroku/Vue)...
Greater Still by...
Making the Internet Alive Again The Internet is changing. Are we changing, too?
a year ago
The next few vids you'll watch on YouTube I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really...
a month ago
a month ago
I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really connected with me in a huge way. Anyway, now All Eyes on Me is going to be stuck in my head for the next month.
Arduino Blog
This Flip-Pelt wearable concept enables ultra-fast thermal feedback in VR Wouldn’t it be great if, while playing a virtual reality game, you could feel the heat of a fire on...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Wouldn’t it be great if, while playing a virtual reality game, you could feel the heat of a fire on your arm? Or the cold of chilly water? Engineers around the world have been trying to make that happen, but there is a big problem: temperature changes are slow. The immersive...
Willem's Blog
Saving a MacBook Air with exploded battery Saving a MacBook Air with a swollen battery pack.
over a year ago
Comfort Zone: OLED Dreams and Studio Display Realities Niléane is out, so Chris and I are left to fend on ourselves! Chris steals like an artist and I...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Niléane is out, so Chris and I are left to fend on ourselves! Chris steals like an artist and I defend a new purchase…oh, and we have some fun with desks that sadly ends in Vision Pro slander. Why does this keep happening?! Watch on YouTube
latest projects -...
Portable Probability Panel [Misc] Laser-cut Galton board
7 months ago
On Life and Lisp
Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month u{text-decoration-thickness:0.09em;text-decoration-color:skyblue} Finally, conformant Vulkan for the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
u{text-decoration-thickness:0.09em;text-decoration-color:skyblue} Finally, conformant Vulkan for the M1! The new “Honeykrisp” driver is the first conformant Vulkan® for Apple hardware on any operating system, implementing the full 1.3 spec without “portability”...
Jet Lag: The Game: The Game Some fun news today from the creators of Jet Lag: The Game. They officially announced the next...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Some fun news today from the creators of Jet Lag: The Game. They officially announced the next season, and also a “home version” of the game. I’ve written about Jet Lag: The Game before, so you might want to start there if you don’t know what I’m talking about. On the latest...
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: The Chronicles of Bim: The 100 Fake Afros My first shooter! It’s working (although a friend got a null pointer error) so I’m a little...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My first shooter! It’s working (although a friend got a null pointer error) so I’m a little happy. The Time I spent about 24 hours on this game. A whopping 30% was break time, mostly me eating, reading manga or playing games… This is proof of me being really lazy this month I...
Style over Substance
Shooting the Ligero 3D-printed Mamiya Press camera by MaxWanderlush Last year I started shooting my first 3D-printed camera, a Goodman Zone. It was soon followed by the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last year I started shooting my first 3D-printed camera, a Goodman Zone. It was soon followed by the panoramic pinhole Goodman Scura and the MPWide, a modified Fuji Instax Wide 300. The MPWide is a mod by the talented Mario, otherwise known as MaxWanderlush. He has been releasing...
Jonas Hietala
Long Term Goals I have a lot of things I want to do. Right now I want to go to the kids training tomorrow and also...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a lot of things I want to do. Right now I want to go to the kids training tomorrow and also to our training time. I haven’t trained a lot lately so it feels good to do something again and training the kids is very rewarding. On Monday I have the next graph theory lecture...
Applied Cartography
buttondown.com/alternatives Some kind words from Chris Krycho on Buttondown's Alternatives page: This is how I want all my tools...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Some kind words from Chris Krycho on Buttondown's Alternatives page: This is how I want all my tools to be. There is a ton of room in these markets for healthy and friendly competition — and no need at all for winner-take-all or monopolist attitudes. First off — credit where it's...
71 TiB DIY NAS based on ZFS on Linux This is my new 71 TiB DIY NAS. This server is the successor to my six year old, twenty drive 18 TB...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is my new 71 TiB DIY NAS. This server is the successor to my six year old, twenty drive 18 TB NAS (17 TiB). With a storage capacity four times higher than the original and an incredible read (2.5 GB/s)/write (1.9 GB/s) performance, it's a worthy successor. Purpose The...
Applied Cartography
Linear I invited nickd to join our Linear instance yesterday, which reminded me that I had a slew of notes...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I invited nickd to join our Linear instance yesterday, which reminded me that I had a slew of notes I wanted to publish on our own experience of migrating from GitHub Issues to Linear, and some reflections on it as a product now that we've been using it for a few months. One...
Good Enough
Fixing Things In 2009 I started doing something called "business travel." I bought a piece of dependable luggage:...
a year ago
a year ago
In 2009 I started doing something called "business travel." I bought a piece of dependable luggage: the Travelpro WalkAbout Lite 2 22" Rollaboard Suiter. The reality was that this wasn't proper business travel. First, it'd only be two or three round-trip flights a year. Second,...
A practical understanding of lead acid batteries Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries. We won't address the underlying chemistry, we'll treat them as a black-box and we will discover their characteristics and how to keep them healthy. Disclaimer I'm an amateur. I...
Good Enough
Bad Ideas Are Fun Once I was complaining to Arun about how hard it is to come up with ideas, and he pointed out that...
a year ago
a year ago
Once I was complaining to Arun about how hard it is to come up with ideas, and he pointed out that coming up with ideas is actually very easy––what makes it hard is that we’re aiming for good ideas. The next time you're coming up with ideas, tell yourself, Forget about good...