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Arduino Blog
Enhance your IoT dashboards with Arduino Cloud’s new Image widget At Arduino, we’re constantly working to improve your IoT management experience. Today, we’re excited...
6 months ago
6 months ago
At Arduino, we’re constantly working to improve your IoT management experience. Today, we’re excited to announce a new feature for Arduino Cloud that will allow you to enhance your IoT dashboards: the Image widget. The new Image widget The Image widget is a simple yet powerful...
Arduino Blog
Arduino Nicla Sense Env: adding advanced environmental sensing to a broad range of applications We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Nicla Sense Env: the latest addition to our portfolio of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Nicla Sense Env: the latest addition to our portfolio of system-on-modules and sensor nodes, empowering innovators with the tools to unlock new possibilities. This tiny yet powerful sensor node is designed to elevate your environmental...
Buck on Software
Thinking incrementally about SaaS An overview of the key output of the growth software machine
over a year ago
Migration from blogger to blogofile and disqus is complete As stated in my previous post, I migrated all posts from blogger.com to my own host running...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As stated in my previous post, I migrated all posts from blogger.com to my own host running blogofile. At the time of my previous post, I was not able to restore all comments made on my old blog. Thanks to some help from disqcus I fixed an error on my behalf and all old comments...
Bryan Braun - Blog
Unusual Git IDs You can search Github for unusual commit IDs: There are over 2k commits starting with...
3 months ago
3 months ago
You can search Github for unusual commit IDs: There are over 2k commits starting with 0000000! While looking for commits like these, I started to become suspicious that people were intentionally modifying their commits IDs to be unusual: A commit ID of eeeeeee, with a message...
Neil Madden
A few clarifications about CVE-2022-21449 Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating around on Reddit/Twitter etc: The bug only impacts Java 15 and above. The original advisory from Oracle incorrectly listed earlier versions (like 7, 8 and 11) as being impacted....
Notes on software...
How I run a coffee club I started the NYC Systems Coffee Club in December of 2023. It's gone pretty well! I regularly get...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I started the NYC Systems Coffee Club in December of 2023. It's gone pretty well! I regularly get around 20 people each month. You bring a drink if you feel like it and you hang out with people for an hour or two. There is no agenda, there is no speaker, there is no structure....
Elevation Lab - Blog
Designers Desk #1: Angelo Vilar Designer's Desk is a new series featuring the desk setups of artists, designers, and creators -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Designer's Desk is a new series featuring the desk setups of artists, designers, and creators - showcasing how they work and what their workspace looks like.   Angelo Vilar (AKA Ansirone) is an art director, animation designer, & illustrator based in Los Angeles. He keeps it...
Jonas Hietala
Before the Games: The Site I’ve got some things I want to do before I start with my next game and they’re all about improving...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve got some things I want to do before I start with my next game and they’re all about improving the site. The last week or so has been extremely productive with me throwing out a lot of wasted code, speeding up the site and adding/removing features and I want to continue with...
Willem's Blog
From tree to table Creating a night stand from a raw slab of chestnut wood.
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Riding with Omata One If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely special: it indicates your speed, distance, ascent and time ridden using mechanical hands!
Home on Erik...
NYC subway math Apparently MTA (the company running the NYC subway) has a real-time API. My fascination for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Apparently MTA (the company running the NYC subway) has a real-time API. My fascination for the subway takes autistic proportions and so obviously I had to analyze some of the data. The documentation is somewhat terrible, but here's some relevant code for how to use the API:
Jonas Hietala
How I wrote a book using Pollen I wrote an online book using Pollen, a static site generator in Racket. An earlier post contains my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wrote an online book using Pollen, a static site generator in Racket. An earlier post contains my first impressions of it, but as the book is now completed I think I can summarize some implementation details in more detail with this post. I really like the markup language and...
Father's Day (First posted on Father's Day, 2022.)
over a year ago
Notes on software...
Intercepting and modifying Linux system calls with ptrace How software fails is interesting. But real-world errors can be infrequent to manifest....
a year ago
a year ago
How software fails is interesting. But real-world errors can be infrequent to manifest. Fault injection is a formal-sounding term that just means: trying to explicitly trigger errors in the hopes of discovering bad logic, typically during automated tests. Jepsen and ChaosMonkey...
Arduino Blog
Welcoming ControlSI to the Arduino Pro System Integrators Partnership Program! We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP):...
a month ago
a month ago
We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP): ControlSI, based in Peru, is well known for their expertise in Industry 4.0 solutions – including industrial automation, operational intelligence, data analytics, computer vision,...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Ethereum has blobs. Where do we go from here?
11 months ago
Arduino Blog
Prototype faster and smarter in 2025: Meet the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit Launching today at CES 2025, the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit is here to revolutionize how...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Launching today at CES 2025, the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit is here to revolutionize how professionals approach prototyping. Designed to empower engineers, designers, and innovators from all walks of life, this kit provides everything you need to turn your ideas into...
On Life and Lisp
Software freedom isn't about licenses -- it's about power. A restrictive end-user license agreement is one way a company can exert power over the user. When...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A restrictive end-user license agreement is one way a company can exert power over the user. When the free software movement was founded thirty years ago, these restrictive licenses were the primary user-hostile power dynamic, so permissive and copyleft licenses emerged as...
Notes on software...
Walking through a basic Racket web service Racket is an impressive language and ecosystem. Compared to Python, Racket (an evolution of Scheme...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Racket is an impressive language and ecosystem. Compared to Python, Racket (an evolution of Scheme R5RS is three years younger. It is as concise and expressive as Python but with much more reasonable syntax and semantics. Racket is also faster in many cases due in part to: JIT...
Abishek Muthian
Projects Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for indies to create sustainable income. Bone Health Tracker Track your bone health, Monitor the progress of your treatments. Memory Hammer What if you can remember everything you see,...
GitButler is now Fair Source GitButler is now officially one of the first members of the Fair Source movement, helping to shift...
7 months ago
7 months ago
GitButler is now officially one of the first members of the Fair Source movement, helping to shift closed source to publicly available software by default.
Simply Explained
MAX17043: Battery Monitoring Done Right (Arduino & ESP32) Building a battery-powered IoT device? Then you'll want to monitor the battery's percentage. Here's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Building a battery-powered IoT device? Then you'll want to monitor the battery's percentage. Here's how to do it properly.
On Life and Lisp
The Apple GPU and the Impossible Bug In late 2020, Apple debuted the M1 with Apple’s GPU architecture, AGX, rumoured to be derived from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In late 2020, Apple debuted the M1 with Apple’s GPU architecture, AGX, rumoured to be derived from Imagination’s PowerVR series. Since then, we’ve been reverse-engineering AGX and building open source graphics drivers. Last January, I rendered a triangle with my own code, but...
Arduino Blog
This three-fingered robot hand makes use of serial bus servos A small startup called K-Scale Labs is in the process of developing an affordable, open-source...
a week ago
a week ago
A small startup called K-Scale Labs is in the process of developing an affordable, open-source humanoid robot and Mike Rigsby wanted to build a compatible hand. This three-fingered robot hand is the result, and it makes use of serial bus servos from Waveshare. Most Arduino users...
Notes on software...
Writing a SQL database, take two: Zig and RocksDB For my second project while learning Zig, I decided to port an old, minimal SQL database project...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For my second project while learning Zig, I decided to port an old, minimal SQL database project from Go to Zig. In this post, in ~1700 lines of code (yes, I'm sorry it's bigger than my usual), we'll create a basic embedded SQL database in Zig on top of RocksDB. Other than the...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Camera for AirTag After having $10k+ of camera gear stolen, we set our to make the best AirTag mount for cameras. We...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
After having $10k+ of camera gear stolen, we set our to make the best AirTag mount for cameras. We wanted it to be very discreet and something you never needed to take off.  After many design iterations, tool changes, testing exotic materials, drop testing with old camera bodies...
Home on Erik...
Pareto efficency Pareto efficiency is a useful concept I like to think about. It often comes up when you compare...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pareto efficiency is a useful concept I like to think about. It often comes up when you compare items on multiple dimensions. Say you want to buy a new TV. To simplify it let's assume you only care about two factors: price and quality.
computers are bad
2024-08-31 ipmi I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home, here in New Mexico. One of the steps in this process is, of course, purchasing a new server... the current Big Iron is getting rather old (probably about a decade!) and here in...
Odds and Ends of...
Four nuggets of Postcode Address File news To free the PAF we must first solve a coordination problem
3 weeks ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Plurality philosophy in an incredibly oversized nutshell
6 months ago
Applied Cartography
Mass renaming files in fish on macOS One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install...
a year ago
a year ago
One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install rename rename "s/.mdx/.md/" **.md
'Secure programming: how to implement user account management' Most web applications work like this: The application uses a single database account to perform all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most web applications work like this: The application uses a single database account to perform all actions. Users are just some records in a table. Account privileges and roles are part of this table, or separate tables. This implies that all security must be designed and build...
Castro is back, baby Dustin Bluck writing for the Castro blog: State of the App: Year 1 Private and popular feeds update...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Dustin Bluck writing for the Castro blog: State of the App: Year 1 Private and popular feeds update have seen marked improvements, but unpopular feeds were the real issue before and that issue is entirely gone. I emailed Castro support back in 2021 to ask them for help with my
This remote has me questioning everything I recently lost my Apple TV remote (the latest model) and despite apparently being somewhere in the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I recently lost my Apple TV remote (the latest model) and despite apparently being somewhere in the couch according to Find My, my wife and I can not find it. We were using our phones as remotes for a couple days, which was annoying, but got the job done. But
On Life and Lisp
Vulkan 1.4 sur Asahi Linux English version follows. Aujourd’hui, Khronos Group a sorti la spécification 1.4 de l’API graphique...
3 months ago
3 months ago
English version follows. Aujourd’hui, Khronos Group a sorti la spécification 1.4 de l’API graphique standard Vulkan. Le projet Asahi Linux est fier d’annoncer le premier pilote Vulkan 1.4 pour le matériel d’Apple. En effet, notre pilote graphique Honeykrisp est reconnu par...
computers are bad
2024-07-31 just disconnect the internet So, let's say that a security vendor, we'll call them ClownStrike, accidentally takes down most of...
7 months ago
7 months ago
So, let's say that a security vendor, we'll call them ClownStrike, accidentally takes down most of their Windows install base with a poorly tested content update. Rough day at the office, huh? There are lots of things you could say about this, lots of reasons it happens this way,...
Jonas Hietala
We moved away from the city When me and my girlfriend Veronica moved to Linköping to study at the University the plan was never...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When me and my girlfriend Veronica moved to Linköping to study at the University the plan was never to stay there permanently. We just moved there to study but the longterm plan, if you can have one at that stage, was always to move back to the north of Sweden where we came...
A lot changed for LLMs in 2024 I thought this was a fascinating post by Simon Willison: Things We Learned About LLMs in 2024 This...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I thought this was a fascinating post by Simon Willison: Things We Learned About LLMs in 2024 This increase in efficiency and reduction in price is my single favourite trend from 2024. I want the utility of LLMs at a fraction of the energy cost and it looks like that&
Good Enough
TIL: Fixing Broken Social Share Images in Twitter/X I have an admission to make. Social share images for Pika were broken on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I have an admission to make. Social share images for Pika were broken on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and Apple Messages for months. And it made me sad. But in the past few months we got it fixed. And that made me very happy! We really love our Pika social share images. They are...
Arduino Blog
Can this tiny lawn mower robot cut it in the real world? We’re finally starting to see robotic lawn mowers gain a little bit of traction as prices come down...
8 months ago
8 months ago
We’re finally starting to see robotic lawn mowers gain a little bit of traction as prices come down and consumer trust goes up. They work a bit like Roomba vacuums and pathfinding sophistication varies from one model to the next. But even the most basic models are still a lot...
Creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux Here are some notes on creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux, using ZFS on Linux. I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here are some notes on creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux, using ZFS on Linux. I'm documenting the scenario where I just want to create a file system that can tollerate at least a single drive failure and can be shared over NFS. Identify the drives you want to use for the...
Zed Public Beta I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of...
a year ago
a year ago
I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of the slow performance and "uncanny valley" interface. I'm a sucker for a well-done native app, and Panic really hit the sweet spot with Nova: a beautiful, minimal editor that felt...
Abishek Muthian
OpenWrt login alert I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace Dropbear with OpenSSH-server OpenWrt uses lightweight Dropbear as SSH server by default but it needs to be compiled with PAM support to add alerts. Instead I'm replacing Dropbear...
Arduino Blog
Harness the power and connectivity of your Arduino UNO R4 WiFi with this IoT lamp It can be tough to get started with building an Internet of Things (IoT) project from the ground-up,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
It can be tough to get started with building an Internet of Things (IoT) project from the ground-up, as getting connected, serving a webpage, and managing other devices can all be a challenge to a beginner. This is why the YouTuber known as “Mario’s Ideas” made an end-to-end...
lcamtuf’s thing
Choosing an op-amp for your project Just say no to LM741.
2 months ago
lcamtuf’s thing
The serious science of trolling LLMs The internet's oldest pastime finally has a purpose -- and it's more serious than AI companies would...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The internet's oldest pastime finally has a purpose -- and it's more serious than AI companies would like to admit.
Computer Ads from...
American Heart Association A PSA and an Ad
4 months ago
Simply Explained
Building a killer NAS with an old Rackable Server Like many others, I'm generating a lot of digital data. Constantly taking photos, writing scripts,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Like many others, I'm generating a lot of digital data. Constantly taking photos, writing scripts, taking notes, coding projects, and making videos. I'm storing all these files on Google Drive, which has been very reliable but also a bit risky. What if Google closes my account?...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 4: The Verge
4 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates December 22
a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Write testable code by writing generic code Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains several software engineers nearly as obsessed with software testing as I am): uhh, so I’m writing some code to handle an econnreset… how do I test this? This is a good question!...
The Pragmatic...
Are LLMs making StackOverflow irrelevant? Fresh data shows that the number of questions asked on StackOverflow are as low as they were back in...
a month ago
a month ago
Fresh data shows that the number of questions asked on StackOverflow are as low as they were back in 2009 – which was when StackOverflow was one years old. The drop suggests that ChatGPT – and LLMs – managed to make StackOverflow’s business model irrelevant in about two years’...
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 1: Whale, Hello There! Dear friends, we have not been good at writing this newsletter regularly. But writing is hard work,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear friends, we have not been good at writing this newsletter regularly. But writing is hard work, and there’s only so much time we have, and there was the winter break and Shawn kept getting sick—we have many excuses, how much time do you have? Gosh, since July of last year?...
computers are bad
2024-05-06 matrix For those of you who are members of the Matrix project, I wanted to let you know that I am running...
10 months ago
10 months ago
For those of you who are members of the Matrix project, I wanted to let you know that I am running for the Governing Board, and a bit about why. For those of you who are not, I hope you will forgive the intrusion. Maybe you'll find my opinions on the topic interesting anyway. I...
What changing the CPU on a laptop looks like This post illustrates something that is not common on modern laptops: changing the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post illustrates something that is not common on modern laptops: changing the CPU. Background One of the modifications that you can do to a ThinkPad T430 laptop is changing the CPU to a more powerful quad core model. That’s exactly what I did back in 2017, but due to the...
Jonas Hietala
Regex substitution with unicode in Haskell While remaking the site I noticed my automatic embedding of bare youtube links sometimes didn’t...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While remaking the site I noticed my automatic embedding of bare youtube links sometimes didn’t work. The culprit was unicode in the document which the regex library couldn’t handle. Apparently while this would be supported by default by almost all modern languages it’s not the...
Notes on software...
Interpreting TypeScript In addition to providing a static type system and compiler for a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In addition to providing a static type system and compiler for a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript makes much of its functionality available programmatically. In this post we'll use the TypeScript compiler API to build an interpreter. We'll build off of a...
Never Met a Science
"Republic.com 2.0" is a terrible book title we don't always need citations to justify research
2 months ago
Matt Mullenweg
DrupalCon Singapore This week, DrupalCon Singapore is bringing together an incredible community of Drupal platform...
3 months ago
3 months ago
This week, DrupalCon Singapore is bringing together an incredible community of Drupal platform creators, developers, and supporters.  Last year, I had the chance to share the stage with Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, and the conversation stuck with me. It highlighted the...
Willem's Blog
Fixed Gear Gran Fondo Taking a fixed gear road bike for a gran fondo! Let some of my fun be of inspiration to you!
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Make your scary Halloween pumpkin smart with the Plug and Make Kit! With Halloween just around the corner, we’ve got the perfect project to make your decorations more...
5 months ago
5 months ago
With Halloween just around the corner, we’ve got the perfect project to make your decorations more fun and interactive. All you have to do is take the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and Modulino nodes included in your Plug and Make Kit to create an awesome jack-o’-lantern that will light up...
Jorge Arango
Jorge’s Wager: Why AI Needs Information Architecture One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that we have AI?” Of course, not everyone puts it like that. Instead, they’ll say things like “we won’t need navigation if we have chat” or “AI will organize the website” or “in a world...
Convert dos file to linux format wit vim If you have some file that has been saved on a (Win)do(w)s host you may notice that all lines end...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you have some file that has been saved on a (Win)do(w)s host you may notice that all lines end with ^M. To fix this, you can use the tool dos2unix. If however this tool is not at your disposal, you may have a problem. If vim is available, you do not have a problem: The trick...
FOSDEM 2024: my experience, some notes and tech tips I finally went to FOSDEM. I’m sleep-deprived, completely exhausted, but incredibly excited about the...
a year ago
a year ago
I finally went to FOSDEM. I’m sleep-deprived, completely exhausted, but incredibly excited about the whole experience. I’ve split this post into three separate sections. overall notes on the conference and the city less technical, but sheds light on the FOSDEM experience the...
Greater Still by...
In Defense of the New The future is being crafted out on the edge. Are you paying attention?
9 months ago
Posts on Made of...
How is duct tape like the force? I’m at Dragon*Con this weekend, my second time here now. I decided that if I was going to Dragon*Con...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m at Dragon*Con this weekend, my second time here now. I decided that if I was going to Dragon*Con again, I needed to do something in terms of costuming, and I wanted it to be something unique – I wasn’t going to come anywhere near as epic as some of the costumes people pull...
Computer Ads from...
Creative Computer Publishes Interview with the Guy Behind the Death Star Trench Run (1978) An Interview With Star Wars Animator Larry Cuba
10 months ago
Things I've learned during my self-hosting adventure This is a list of lessons that I’ve learned while playing around with my computer setup during the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a list of lessons that I’ve learned while playing around with my computer setup during the last 6-7 years or so. USB connected storage is a bad idea when you are using BTRFS. USB connected storage is still a bad idea when you are using ZFS, but it is at least much more...
Willem's Blog
Building a professional 72TB NAS This month I installed a professional HPE ProLiant DL380p server in a datacenter in Amsterdam, read...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This month I installed a professional HPE ProLiant DL380p server in a datacenter in Amsterdam, read this post to see how this was done!
Notes on software...
Writing a lisp compiler from scratch in JavaScript: 4. LLVM conditionals and compiling fibonacci Previously in compiler basics: 1. lisp to assembly 2. user-defined functions and variables ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously in compiler basics: 1. lisp to assembly 2. user-defined functions and variables 3. LLVM 5. LLVM system calls 6. an x86 upgrade In this post we'll extend the compiler's LLVM backend to support compiling conditionals such that we can support...
Applied Cartography
Content debt There’s a nascent trend of releasing ostensibly-private material (changelogs, public wikis,...
8 months ago
8 months ago
There’s a nascent trend of releasing ostensibly-private material (changelogs, public wikis, handbooks, etc.) to the public as a bit of a marketing push. This is essentially a form of debt, to the extent that you’re taking a lump-sum payment now in exchange for the implicit cost...
Willem's Blog
Refining my tablet OS experience Installing Debian GNU/Linux on a Surface Go 2 with LTE/4G to replace my iPad Pro as daily driver.
over a year ago
HP Proliant Microserver Gen10 as router or NAS Introduction In the summer of 2017, HP released the Proliant Microserver Gen10. This machine...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction In the summer of 2017, HP released the Proliant Microserver Gen10. This machine replaces the older Gen8 model. For hobbyists, the Microserver always has been an interesting device for a custom home NAS build or as a router. Let's find out if this is still the case....
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Microsoft Encarta Searchable Human Knowledge
a year ago
Matt Blewitt
Table Stakes This is a short post on what I see are table stakes for any new user-facing service, security-wise....
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a short post on what I see are table stakes for any new user-facing service, security-wise. Mostly focused on user-focused, rather than intra-service, considerations.
Home on Erik...
Books I read in 2015 Early last year when I left Spotify I decided to do more reading. I was planning to read at least...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Early last year when I left Spotify I decided to do more reading. I was planning to read at least one book per week and in particular I wanted to brush up on management, economics, and technology.
Computer Ads from...
Ergotron Mouse Cleaner 360 Keeps your mouse operating like new!!
2 weeks ago
Willem's Blog
Around town in an electric car For one week I drove the electric Smart EQ fortwo in and around town. I found out what it's like to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For one week I drove the electric Smart EQ fortwo in and around town. I found out what it's like to drive electrically: fun!
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Black and White All this time working on my latest game I thought it sucked and I was trying hard to make it to not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All this time working on my latest game I thought it sucked and I was trying hard to make it to not suck. My spirit wasn’t high, just check this post and this but now when it’s done it’s like night and day, or like black and white! I’m damn happy I got it done!! Aah I’ll try to...
Willem's Blog
The best bike computer app: Cyclemeter Collect advanced bike ride data using your smartphone connected to external Bluetooth sensors and a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Collect advanced bike ride data using your smartphone connected to external Bluetooth sensors and a steer mounted display.
Internet of kitchen lighting, with OSC This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say that I wrote a useful little bit of software and built up a crappy hack to demonstrate it but, secretly, the crappy hack came first and I’ve retroactively found something vaguely...
lcamtuf’s thing
Meta: 5,000 I don't really do self-congratulatory posts, but bear with me just once.
a week ago
Jonas Hietala
Now we have a Forum In a burst of random energy I made a forum for madeoftree. Well okay I just made an awesome style...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a burst of random energy I made a forum for madeoftree. Well okay I just made an awesome style for the awesome phpBB - the forum itself was up and running in say 10min and the rest of the latest days has been all about customizing. Now it’s finally kinda complete so here it is...
Good Enough
The Space Between Us Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical...
a year ago
a year ago
Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical office. I've been working remotely for more than ten years, and overall I really like it. I love the flexibility it affords, being more present with our families, and that my...
Home on Erik...
Installing TensorFlow on AWS Curious about Google's newly released TensorFlow? I don't have a beefy GPU machine, so I spent some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Curious about Google's newly released TensorFlow? I don't have a beefy GPU machine, so I spent some time getting it to run on EC2. The steps on how to reproduce it are pretty brutal and I wouldn't recommend going through it unless you want to waste five hours of your live.
Notes on software...
Surveying SQL parser libraries in a few high-level languages This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
csvbase blog
How does it know I want csv? ⁠— An HTTP trick Forgotten parts of RFC2616
over a year ago
Storage and I/O: reads vs. writes There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie about completing a write operation, but it can never lie about completing a read operation. Therefore read and writes have different characteristics. This is what I've learned. About...
Posts on Made of...
Exploiting misuse of Python's "pickle" If you program in Python, you’re probably familiar with the pickle serialization library, which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you program in Python, you’re probably familiar with the pickle serialization library, which provides for efficient binary serialization and loading of Python datatypes. Hopefully, you’re also familiar with the warning printed prominently near the start of pickle’s...
Automated install of Debian Linux based on PXE net booting Every honest and good system administrator is continue bussy with automating his work. For two...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every honest and good system administrator is continue bussy with automating his work. For two reasons: Repeating the same task over and over again is friggin boring. A system administrator has better things to do, such as drinking coffee. Humans make mistakes, especially if...
Simply Explained
How WebP Images Reduced My Bandwidth Usage by 50% Last year I migrated this website from Jekyll to Eleventy. This year, I’m finally implementing WebP...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last year I migrated this website from Jekyll to Eleventy. This year, I’m finally implementing WebP images to save bandwidth and make this site even faster to load! This simple change reduced my bandwidth usage by 50% and is still backwards compatible with old devices and...
Apple and the AI divide This morning I read a 404 Media article about Instagram showing people ads with AI-generated images...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This morning I read a 404 Media article about Instagram showing people ads with AI-generated images of themselves. I thought this take from Sam Biddle was very good: Never in my career have I seen such a giant gulf between What Companies Think Is the Most Important Thing in the...
Setup a VPN on your iPhone with OpenVPN and Linux ⚠️ 🚨 Update 2024 🚨⚠️ I'm not using OpenVPN anymore for my VPN needs and this article is considered...
over a year ago
over a year ago
⚠️ 🚨 Update 2024 🚨⚠️ I'm not using OpenVPN anymore for my VPN needs and this article is considered unmaintained. It's stronly recommended not to use this tutorial and find up-to-date documentation. I also have no plans to update this blogpost in the future. [Update 2018] This...
Christian Selig
Juno 1.1 If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was...
a year ago
a year ago
If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was such a cool feeling to release an app on day one of the Apple Vision Pro’s launch, and having people be so excited about it and have such great feedback made it that much better....
The next few vids you'll watch on YouTube I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really...
a month ago
a month ago
I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really connected with me in a huge way. Anyway, now All Eyes on Me is going to be stuck in my head for the next month.
So much time and money for a minor vibe shift Gary Marcus: Hot Take: GPT 4.5 Is a Nothing Burger Half a trillion dollars later, there is still no...
a week ago
a week ago
Gary Marcus: Hot Take: GPT 4.5 Is a Nothing Burger Half a trillion dollars later, there is still no viable business model, profits are modest at best for everyone except Nvidia and some consulting forms, there’s still basically no moat, and still no GPT-5. Any reasonable person
Arduino Blog
This Arduino device helps ‘split the G’ on a pint of Guinness Guinness is one of those beers (specifically, a stout) that people take seriously and the Guinness...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Guinness is one of those beers (specifically, a stout) that people take seriously and the Guinness brand has taken full advantage of that in their marketing. They even sell a glass designed specifically for enjoying their flagship creation, which has led to a trend that the...
Abishek Muthian
About Hi, this is Abishek Muthian. Thanks for visiting my blog. That's me on the picture. I'm a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hi, this is Abishek Muthian. Thanks for visiting my blog. That's me on the picture. I'm a time-constrained person. Here, I intend on writing on some of my Interests and try my best to deliver as I perceived it. Between 2014-2019, I had been running Timebender Technologies;...
AI, self-driving, and evolving your opinions on new tech over time Casey Newton on Platformer: The Phony Comforts of AI Skepticism The most persuasive way you can...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Casey Newton on Platformer: The Phony Comforts of AI Skepticism The most persuasive way you can demonstrate the reality of AI, though, is to describe how it is already being used today. Not in speculative sci-fi scenarios, but in everyday offices and laboratories and schoolrooms....
Git Merge 2024 GitButler is organizing the 2024 Git Merge conference, Sep 19/20 in Berlin!
7 months ago
Backing up another PC with a single Ethernet cable I was in a pinch. I needed to make a full disk backup of a PC, but I had no external storage device...
a month ago
a month ago
I was in a pinch. I needed to make a full disk backup of a PC, but I had no external storage device with me to store it on. The local Wi-Fi network was also way too slow to transfer the disk over it. All I had was my laptop with an Ethernet port, a Fedora Linux USB stick, and a...
How decentralized is Bluesky really? Here’s an excellent article from Christine Lemmer-Webber that takes a deeper technical look into...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Here’s an excellent article from Christine Lemmer-Webber that takes a deeper technical look into some of the criticisms I had in my previous piece. The article is long, but very much worth a read. From the conclusion: Bluesky is built by good people who care, and it is providing...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Degen communism: the only correct political ideology
11 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Trust Models
over a year ago
The Birth of THE MERGE Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our community is, product feature ideas, and how much Kiril loves food. As we shifted toward the topic of conferences, the idea of hosting our own event emerged. Wouldn’t it be fun
The releases keep on coming! New MacBook Air and Mac Studio Man, the releases recently are coming in fast and furious, today with Apple announcing new MacBook...
a week ago
a week ago
Man, the releases recently are coming in fast and furious, today with Apple announcing new MacBook Airs and Mac Studios. My MacBook Air predictions The Air will likely get a bump to the M4 chip and I’m not totally sure what will happen to the $999 model. as
Jonas Hietala
Balls Here’s my first ever experimental game! The theme was Addictive Gaming. My first thought was oh god...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s my first ever experimental game! The theme was Addictive Gaming. My first thought was oh god I’ll be making another tetris clone but the end result turned out a bit different. I’m not sure it’s very addictive but it’s actually okay! =D Balls is a game about… balls. Well...
Arduino Blog
This perplexing robotic performer operates under the control of three different Arduino boards Every decade or two, humanity seems to develop a renewed interest in humanoid robots and their...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Every decade or two, humanity seems to develop a renewed interest in humanoid robots and their potential within our world. Because the practical applications are actually pretty limited (given the high cost), we inevitably begin to consider how those robots might function as...
computers are bad
2024-12-21 something over New Jersey There were thousands of reports: strange aircraft, floating through the sky. A retrospective sum of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
There were thousands of reports: strange aircraft, floating through the sky. A retrospective sum of press accounts finds that some 100,000 people were reported to have witnessed aerial intruders. Despite the scant details associated with most reports, an eager press repeated the...
Worst headline of 2025 contender just dropped Victor Tangermann writing for Yahoo Finance with the very enticing headline: Microsoft CEO Admits...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Victor Tangermann writing for Yahoo Finance with the very enticing headline: Microsoft CEO Admits That AI Is Generating Basically No Value During an appearance on podcaster Dwarkesh Patel's show this week, Nadella offered a reality check. "Us self-claiming some [artificial...
Christian Selig
Using PHPickerViewController Images in a Memory-Efficient Way PHPickerViewController is (in my opinion) one of the more exciting parts of iOS 14. We developers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PHPickerViewController is (in my opinion) one of the more exciting parts of iOS 14. We developers now have a fully-fledged photo picker that we can just use, rather than having to spend a bunch of our time creating our own (much like SFSafariViewController did for developers and...
Matt Blewitt
Everything I Know About Operations, I Learned From NHS 111 Ever heard someone say “It’s only software/money/<trivial thing>, not life or death”, in the context...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ever heard someone say “It’s only software/money/<trivial thing>, not life or death”, in the context of incidents at your company? Although mostly true, I want to talk about a time in my career when sometimes, just sometimes, it was the latter, and how it shaped my approach to...
Notes on software...
Writing a simple JSON parser Writing a JSON parser is one of the easiest ways to get familiar with parsing techniques. The format...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Writing a JSON parser is one of the easiest ways to get familiar with parsing techniques. The format is extremely simple. It's defined recursively so you get a slight challenge compared to, say, parsing Brainfuck; and you probably already use JSON. Aside from that last point,...
New weekend, new video recommendations My fellow F1 fans should watch this to make sure they know the main rule changes coming in this...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
My fellow F1 fans should watch this to make sure they know the main rule changes coming in this season. I totally missed that the fastest lap point was going away. Unsecured and still-using0the-default-password cameras are quite the thing…always always always change your...
Willem's Blog
Removing paint from a bike frame Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal, raw aluminium look.
Applied Cartography
Notes from April Welcome to spring, bona fide and humid. Lots of writing this month: I wrote about spending the past...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Welcome to spring, bona fide and humid. Lots of writing this month: I wrote about spending the past two years as an independent technologist. On the media side of things: brief words on Murderville (meh), The Parallax View (incredible), This is Personal (meh), Cribsheet...
Jonas Hietala
addwatch: resource exhausted While tampering with Hakyll and running site preview I stumbled upon this error message: site:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While tampering with Hakyll and running site preview I stumbled upon this error message: site: addWatch: resource exhausted (No space left on device) At first I tried to clear /tmp but, so clearly the device did have some space left. After a bit of googling I found a solution...
Push to Prod
4 Ways To Say No, Elegantly and Effectively In my early days at Netflix, my inability to say no led me into unpleasant terrain. Here's how I...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In my early days at Netflix, my inability to say no led me into unpleasant terrain. Here's how I evolved to navigate these situations more fluidly.
GitButler 0.12 - "Stingy Baker" New GitButler release is out! Undo anything, modify your commits with ease, new AI stuff and more!
9 months ago
Himanshu Mishra |...
Quest for Universal action — Essay You may listen to this while reading We Are All Astronauts - Ether (YouTube). Few months ago, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You may listen to this while reading We Are All Astronauts - Ether (YouTube). Few months ago, a significant percentage of my peers were…
Odds and Ends of...
Nobody knows what the National Data Library is (not even the government) A policy wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma
4 months ago
Notes on software...
Windows It has been six years since I last used Windows for any remotely serious software development. I've...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been six years since I last used Windows for any remotely serious software development. I've used Ubuntu, Arch, or FreeBSD since. But eventually I spent so much time working around common workplace tasks that I decided to put Windows 10 Pro on my work laptop. Windows...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's decision to use the 8088 processor in the IBM PC (1981) was a critical point in computer history, leading to the success of the x86 architecture. The designers of the IBM PC selected...
Lighthouse Blog
Introducing Lighthouse - The RSS reader, newsletter reader, and read-it-later app to fight content...
11 months ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Jet Black - New Experimental finish ::Update:: - The manufacturing fallout from making these fingerprint-loving docks was too high, even...
over a year ago
over a year ago
::Update:: - The manufacturing fallout from making these fingerprint-loving docks was too high, even after a dozen process revisions, so we're not continuing making these after our second run. Recommend going with the Matte Black finish, it's super beautiful with all color...
Arduino Blog
Turning a desk mat into a MIDI drum kit Playing drums is a lot of fun, but drum sets are very big and very loud. They also aren’t cheap....
3 months ago
3 months ago
Playing drums is a lot of fun, but drum sets are very big and very loud. They also aren’t cheap. Those factors keep them from being an option for many people who would otherwise be interested. Conventional electronic drum sets are much quieter and a bit more compact, but they...
Willem's Blog
Do amazing things with a focused mind Read about my experience during the workshop I got as a birth day present involving the Wim Hof...
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
IDA Summer of Code 2014: Summary This is a wrap-up post of my entry to IDA Summer of Code this year. Quick stats 65 merged...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a wrap-up post of my entry to IDA Summer of Code this year. Quick stats 65 merged commits 6790 lines added 2822 lines deleted 36 pull requests, 34 merged 12 pull requests directly fixing issues rest either documentation or cleanup 1 RFC submitted...
Notes on software...
Bootloader basics I spent a few days playing around with bootloaders for the first time. This post builds up to a text...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spent a few days playing around with bootloaders for the first time. This post builds up to a text editor with a few keyboard shortcuts. I'll be giving a virtual talk based on this work at Hacker Nights on Jan 27. There are a definitely bugs. But it's hard to find...
Push to Prod
How We Built a Self-Healing System to Survive a Terrifying Concurrency Bug At Netflix Our CPUs were dying, the bug was temporarily un-fixable, and we had no viable path forward. Here's...
6 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Gitcoin Grants Round 5 Retrospective
over a year ago
Abishek Muthian
Privacy Policy The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this legal page. For legal terms of my individual products please refer to the legal section on their respective websites. Privacy Policy What personal data are collected and why its...
Notes on software...
Emulating linux/AMD64 userland: interpreting an ELF binary In this post we'll stumble toward a working emulator for a barebones C program compiled for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post we'll stumble toward a working emulator for a barebones C program compiled for linux/AMD64. The approach will be slightly more so based on observation than by following a spec; a great way to quickly become familiar with a topic, and a bad way to...
Jonas Hietala
The Little Things in Life It’s the little things in life that makes it extra special. Sometimes it’s the luxury of coffee...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s the little things in life that makes it extra special. Sometimes it’s the luxury of coffee together with the morning paper and other times it’s just a small simple smile from a random stranger, kid or dog. Today when I got this bad headache I got saved by a two hour nap and...
Arduino Blog
Making a photo enlarger more efficient with precisely controlled LEDs In photography, an enlarger is a piece of equipment that projects a smaller image onto a...
a week ago
a week ago
In photography, an enlarger is a piece of equipment that projects a smaller image onto a photosensitive material below using a strong light source and a negative to produce a much larger print. And while these have historically relied on single-color incandescent bulbs, such as...
The Pragmatic...
Software engineering job openings hit five-year low? There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared to other industries, job listings for software engineers grew much more in 2021-2022, but have declined much faster since. A look into possible reasons for this, and what could come...
computers are bad
2023-06-30 calling in the alarm I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But...
a year ago
a year ago
I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But here's something short while I'm temporarily back in the warm embrace of 5G: more about burglar alarms. I recently gave a presentation on this topic and I'll probably record it for...
Old Vintage...
Refurb weekend: Atari Stacy Ask any Atari Stacy owner how to open an Atari Stacy and the answer is always "never, if you can...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Ask any Atari Stacy owner how to open an Atari Stacy and the answer is always "never, if you can avoid it." So I'll just lead with this spoiler image after the refurb to prove this particular escapade didn't completely end in tragedy: see the much lighter and streamlined STBook...
Christian Selig
The Case for Getting Rid of TestFlight Review I tweeted today about how I think TestFlight review should become a thing of the past and many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I tweeted today about how I think TestFlight review should become a thing of the past and many developers seemed to agree, but some had questions so I wanted to expand on my thoughts a little. TestFlight’s awesome. But like App Store submissions, TestFlight betas also require a...
Arduino Blog
ThermoGrasp brings thermal feedback to virtual reality Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The Combine. Or operating a robot through augmented reality and feeling coldness on your fingers when you get close to exceeding the robot’s limits. A prototype device called ThermoGrasp...
Engineers Need Art
SystemSix SystemSix is a desk calendar project that displays the weather forecast and phase of the moon on an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
SystemSix is a desk calendar project that displays the weather forecast and phase of the moon on an e-ink display.
Disabling the crappy Broadcom Bluetooth adapter in your ThinkPad T430 running Linux You’ve disabled the boneheaded Lenovo WiFi adapter whitelist using a tool like 1vyrain, installed a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’ve disabled the boneheaded Lenovo WiFi adapter whitelist using a tool like 1vyrain, installed a better adapter like the Intel Dual Band Wireless-AC 7260, and found that Bluetooth is not working as intended on your ThinkPad T430 running Linux? Here’s a guide on what you can...
Applied Cartography
Why should a company? For a long time, my goal with Buttondown was largely around failure avoidance: "I want to get my...
11 months ago
11 months ago
For a long time, my goal with Buttondown was largely around failure avoidance: "I want to get my first paying customer so I know it's not a fake product"; "I want to hit a thousand dollars in revenue so I know it's not just friends humoring me"; "I want to make $10K/mo or else I...
The downside of 120 Mbit broadband internet My Dutch ISP Ziggo provides internet access through DOCSIS cable modems. They are now capable of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Dutch ISP Ziggo provides internet access through DOCSIS cable modems. They are now capable of providging 120 Mbit downstream and 10 Mbit upstream, for an affordable price. In a way this is mind boggling. Most people have 100 Mbit home networks that are not capable of handling...
The Vision Pro makes Touch ID more appealing Ryan Christoffel writing on 9to5Mac: Why Vision Pro Is Apple’s Best Reason Yet to Bring Touch ID...
a month ago
a month ago
Ryan Christoffel writing on 9to5Mac: Why Vision Pro Is Apple’s Best Reason Yet to Bring Touch ID Back to iPhone Because Face ID on iPhone does no good when Vision Pro is strapped to your face—an unfortunate detail I’m reminded of every time I
Simply Explained
Serverless Anagram Solver with Cloudflare R2 and Pages Six years ago, I reworked my anagram solver so it would run on top of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Six years ago, I reworked my anagram solver so it would run on top of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB. However, this year I realized I didn't need server-side code or a database at all. I could make it completely static by pre-computing anagram solutions.
Monitoring HP MSA P2000 G3 I/O latency with Nagios At work we have a couple of HP MSA P2000 G3 SANs. These are entry-level SANs that still seem to have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
At work we have a couple of HP MSA P2000 G3 SANs. These are entry-level SANs that still seem to have almost all features you might want from a SAN, except for official SSD-support. It seems that the new MSA 2040 adds support for SSDs and also provides 4 GB cache per controller...
Home on Erik...
Luigi: complex pipelines of tasks in Python I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs, handle dependency resolution, and create visualizations to help manage multiple workflows. It also comes with Hadoop support built in...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #56: The awkward truth about Brexit Plus a giant leap for devolution, the nuclear industry being cowards, and some crazy humanoid robots
a month ago
Yazin Alirhayim
Serializing and deserializing a Cookie Jar I was recently working on a way to serialize and deserialize a Faraday connection that uses...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was recently working on a way to serialize and deserialize a Faraday connection that uses HTTP::CookieJar to manage persistent cookies across requests. I needed to do this because I wanted a way to “freeze” an HTTP connection instance, and later “thaw” it to resume the...
Willem's Blog
Designing an interface for a food ordering page Designing a food ordering page is surprisingly challenging because of the many variables that need...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Designing a food ordering page is surprisingly challenging because of the many variables that need to be accommodated on a very small screen.
Matt Mullenweg
Where is Lee Wittlinger? Lee controls the board of WP Engine. The board is why WP Engine hasn’t done a trademark deal for...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Lee controls the board of WP Engine. The board is why WP Engine hasn’t done a trademark deal for their use of the WordPress and WooCommerce trademarks. You hide behind lawyers and corporate PR when you’re wrong, not when you’re right. I’m replying on Twitter, I’m commenting on...
Notes on software...
The world of PostgreSQL wire compatibility This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
This ‘modular server room’ is an interesting scale POC Server rooms are built for the comfort of servers — not people. But those servers need maintenance,...
a month ago
a month ago
Server rooms are built for the comfort of servers — not people. But those servers need maintenance, which means they need to be accessible. The resulting access corridors take up room that could be filled with more servers, which is why Jdw447 designed a claw machine-esque...
Arduino Blog
Shop vac becomes a Roomba on steroids A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and sweep your own floors, you have a little maid robot to do the job for you. But these devices have very little power and capacity, which makes them useless for anything other than...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Oh, Today is Diwali? Happy Diwali ! "First brush your teeth, then touch anything," Mommy used to say whenever I tried to sneak in to the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"First brush your teeth, then touch anything," Mommy used to say whenever I tried to sneak in to the kitchen for the Diwali sweets. Today…
Jonas Hietala
Rising from the Dead, it's Ludum Dare I’ve been a long time gone, been busy with school then having summer vacation and generally not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been a long time gone, been busy with school then having summer vacation and generally not making games or blogging. But I have revived! I scrambled to push my new website live because today it’s Ludum Dare time! The theme is “Evolution” and it’s the 24th time for Ludum Dare...
Computer Ads from...
Small Systems Engineering's PETSPEED Fast Enough for the Human Race
8 months ago
Apple’s 2024 report card: Vision Pro 👓 This is the fifth and final post in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the fifth and final post in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I did this last year and you can read last year’s Vision Pro report card here. Year one of Vision Pro This is a bit of
Simply Explained
Integrate Home Assistant with Apple Reminders I recently integrated Home Assistant with Apple Reminders so that automations can create new todos....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently integrated Home Assistant with Apple Reminders so that automations can create new todos. This is trickier as it sounds, because Reminders has no API that can be accessed from Home Assistant. Here's how I worked around that problem with a script, input text helper and...
Notes on software...
The limitations of LLMs, or why are we doing RAG? This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
8 months ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing ElevationDock 4! Well we started from scratch this time... :) ElevationDock 4 is the result of designing every...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Well we started from scratch this time... :) ElevationDock 4 is the result of designing every feature that we & our customers wanted into the dock. We made the adjustment not only more precise than any other dock, but easier too. It works out of the box, no cord mounting...
How to make digital copies of your old video tapes Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital copies of their contents. To get started, you will need the following: old video tapes that you want to make copies of (VHS and its variants) a device that can read analog AV signals...
Arduino Blog
Tecnoseta revives the silk industry with open-source innovation The silk industry has a rich history in Italy, but modern challenges have brought this centuries-old...
a month ago
a month ago
The silk industry has a rich history in Italy, but modern challenges have brought this centuries-old tradition to the brink of decline. Once a cornerstone of the rural economy in Italy, with a strong presence in Zagarolo, Rome, silk production has dwindled in the country due to...
On Life and Lisp
AAA gaming on Asahi Linux Gaming on Linux on M1 is here! We’re thrilled to release our Asahi game playing toolkit, which...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Gaming on Linux on M1 is here! We’re thrilled to release our Asahi game playing toolkit, which integrates our Vulkan 1.3 drivers with x86 emulation and Windows compatibility. Plus a bonus: conformant OpenCL 3.0. Asahi Linux now ships the only conformant OpenGL®, OpenCL™, and...
Arduino Blog
Introducing Arduino cores with ZephyrOS (beta): take your embedded development to the next level Last July, when we announced the beginning of the transition from Mbed to Zephyr, we promised to...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Last July, when we announced the beginning of the transition from Mbed to Zephyr, we promised to release the first beta by the end of 2024. Today, we are excited to announce the first release of Arduino cores with ZephyrOS in beta! ZephyrOS is an open-source, real-time operating...
Notes on software...
Implementing the Raft distributed consensus protocol in Go As part of bringing myself up-to-speed after joining TigerBeetle, I wanted some background on how...
a year ago
a year ago
As part of bringing myself up-to-speed after joining TigerBeetle, I wanted some background on how distributed consensus and replicated state machines protocols work. TigerBeetle uses Viewstamped Replication. But I wanted to understand all popular protocols and I decided to start...
Arduino Blog
UNO Rev3 or UNO R4? Choosing the perfect Arduino for your project The Arduino UNO is legendary among makers, and with the release of the UNO R4 in 2023, the family...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Arduino UNO is legendary among makers, and with the release of the UNO R4 in 2023, the family gained a powerful new member. But with two incredible options, which UNO should you pick for your project? Here’s a breakdown of what makes each board shine, depending on your needs,...
On Life and Lisp
Apple GPU drivers now in Asahi Linux We’re excited to announce our first Apple GPU driver release! We’ve been working hard over the past...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re excited to announce our first Apple GPU driver release! We’ve been working hard over the past two years to bring this new driver to everyone, and we’re really proud to finally be here. This is still an alpha driver, but it’s already good enough to run a smooth desktop...
Matt Mullenweg
Boom & Deepseek What an exciting time to be alive. I was hipped to Deepseek by Andrej Kaparthy’s tweet the day after...
a month ago
a month ago
What an exciting time to be alive. I was hipped to Deepseek by Andrej Kaparthy’s tweet the day after Christmas, it was clear then that something big had happened and that it was truly open source and open weights (not this fake Llama stuff). It’s been fun to see the rest of the...
The Future of Open Source A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating...
7 months ago
7 months ago
A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating on software in awesome ways.
Himanshu Mishra |...
What do I do when I’m bored from studying (or not studying) for the exams? The semester is about to end and I have no clue about what is going in the end semester...
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Repairing a Giro AEON bicycle helmet Try fixing your Giro bicycle helmet? I went through some trouble to do it! Read along to find out...
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
A Vacation Filled with Obsession A nice thing about school are the nice long vacations. Directly after my last exam we went north to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A nice thing about school are the nice long vacations. Directly after my last exam we went north to our dear home village Övertorneå and spent two weeks celebrating Christmas and New Years Eve. What did we do? I practiced some obsessive behavior with Power Grid and Minecraft (and...
Gemini 2.0: speed and deep research impress From The Keyword Google blog: Introducing Gemini 2.0: Our New AI Model for the Agentic Era Today...
3 months ago
3 months ago
From The Keyword Google blog: Introducing Gemini 2.0: Our New AI Model for the Agentic Era Today we’re excited to launch our next era of models built for this new agentic era: introducing Gemini 2.0, our most capable model yet. With new advances in multimodality —
btrbk is awesome I like having a safety net whenever I’m doing something potentially destructive, which is why I use...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I like having a safety net whenever I’m doing something potentially destructive, which is why I use the btrfs file system for my operating system and my data. Snapshots are one half of my “whoops, there goes all my work” strategy (backups are the other half). I’ve written about...
Jonas Hietala
Going down Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and mario bros kinda stuff. Well now I’m not so upbeat anymore, I’ve worked on this game for 7 days now and it’s not playable at all. With seven days I don’t mean a week, I’ve had a big...
Home on Erik...
New benchmarks for approximate nearest neighbors UPDATE(2018-06-17): There are is a later blog post with newer benchmarks! One of my super nerdy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
UPDATE(2018-06-17): There are is a later blog post with newer benchmarks! One of my super nerdy interests include approximate algorithms for nearest neighbors in high-dimensional spaces. The problem is simple. You have say 1M points in some high-dimensional space.
Home on Erik...
Giving more tools to software engineers: the reorganization of the factory It's a popular attitude among developers to rant about our tools and how broken things are. Maybe...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's a popular attitude among developers to rant about our tools and how broken things are. Maybe I'm an optimistic person, because my viewpoint is the complete opposite! I had my first job as a software engineer in 1999, and in the last two decades I've seen software engineering...
Vitalik Buterin's...
[Mirror] Bir Proof of Stake Tasarım Felsefesi
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
New Year, New Theme: 100 Things Happy New Year, Everyone! 2009 was great in many ways; I drove a submarine (yeah quite literally), I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Happy New Year, Everyone! 2009 was great in many ways; I drove a submarine (yeah quite literally), I released 6 experimental games and recently I discovered the completely amazing game Evil Genius but lets try to make 2010 even better! So let’s forget our small mishaps (yes I’m...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Moving beyond coin voting governance
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
5 Kup After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to grading. I slept well but I was super stressed all weekend so I had to constantly run to the bathroom and I couldn’t eat lunch or breakfast properly, and I don’t usually get...
Posts on Made of...
Disable Transparent Hugepages tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making more efficient use of your processor’s memory-mapping hardware. It is enabled ("enabled=always") by default in most Linux distributions. Transparent Hugepages gives some applications...
Notes on software...
btest: a language agnostic test runner btest is a minimal, language-agnostic test runner originally written for testing compilers. Brian,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
btest is a minimal, language-agnostic test runner originally written for testing compilers. Brian, an ex- co-worker from Linode, wrote the first implementation in Crystal (a compiled language clone of Ruby) for testing bshift, a compiler project. The tool accomplished exactly...
Fearless Rebasing GitButler now supports first class conflicts, which makes rebasing much less annoying. What is...
4 months ago
4 months ago
GitButler now supports first class conflicts, which makes rebasing much less annoying. What is "fearless rebasing"?
Notes on software...
Languages you can run in the browser, part 1: Python, JavaScript, SQLite This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Regular Expression Search with Suffix Arrays Back in January of 2012, Russ Cox posted an excellent blog post detailing how Google Code Search had...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in January of 2012, Russ Cox posted an excellent blog post detailing how Google Code Search had worked, using a trigram index. By that point, I’d already implemented early versions of my own livegrep source-code search engine, using a different indexing approach that I...
Jonas Hietala
Finishing Stuff I haven’t done much blogging or game programming in a while but instead I’ve finished some school...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I haven’t done much blogging or game programming in a while but instead I’ve finished some school stuff. We completed the assembly course labs, which were pretty fun actually, and I managed to finally complete the electronics course I’ve been holding off on for like forever… But...
Jonas Hietala
I'm writing a book: Why Cryptocurrencies? I decided to write a book. It’s called “Why Cryptocurrencies?” and I will be uploading chapters as I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I decided to write a book. It’s called “Why Cryptocurrencies?” and I will be uploading chapters as I complete them. It’s available to read online for free. I’ve only uploaded the introductory parts but I’ve got a bunch more planned. Why write a book you ask? Well, why not? I...
Home on Erik...
How to hire smarter than the market: a toy model Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable. It's not very important what those are, so let's just call them “thing A” and “thing B” for now.
Applied Cartography
Notes on buttondown.com We spent $85,000 for buttondown.com in April; this was the biggest capital expenditure I've ever...
6 months ago
6 months ago
We spent $85,000 for buttondown.com in April; this was the biggest capital expenditure I've ever made, and though it was coming from cash flow generated by Buttondown rather than my own checking account it was by rough estimation the largest non-house purchase I've ever made. As...
Vitalik Buterin's...
d/acc: one year later
2 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates April 05
11 months ago
Posts on Made of...
Implementing a declarative mini-language in the C preprocessor Last time, I announced Check Plus, a declarative language for defining Check tests in C. This time,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last time, I announced Check Plus, a declarative language for defining Check tests in C. This time, I want to talk about the tricks I used to implement a declarative minilanguage using the C preprocessor (and some GCC extensions). The Problem We want to write some toplevel...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Why is Sublime Text not something to be frowned upon? There have been people, advisers, and more people, enlightening the fact about “real programmers”,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There have been people, advisers, and more people, enlightening the fact about “real programmers”, they use emacs or vim. ‘I use sublime…
Posts on Made of...
A Cursed Bug In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language models. One of the joys of using a lot of computing resources, especially on somewhat niche software stacks, is that you spend a lot of time running into the long-tail of bugs which...
Vitalik Buterin's...
On Medium-of-Exchange Token Valuations
over a year ago
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows NT 3.1 A Highly Portable Future
a year ago
Home on Erik...
How to build up a data team (everything I ever learned about recruiting) During my time at Spotify, I've reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of people....
over a year ago
over a year ago
During my time at Spotify, I've reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of people. Lots of them were rejected but lots of them also got offers. Finally, I've also had my share of offers rejected by the candidate.
Arduino Blog
This Arduino-controlled machine dispenses the perfect bowl of cereal Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal?...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal? Most attractive mascot? The opportunities for debate never end. But we can all agree that consistency is key when it comes to the milk:cereal ratio — nobody changes that up from...
Notes on software...
Leaders, you need to share organization success stories more frequently This post goes out to anyone who leads a team: managers, directors, VPs, executives. You need to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post goes out to anyone who leads a team: managers, directors, VPs, executives. You need to share organization success stories with your organization on a regular and frequent basis. Talk about sales wins, talk about new services released, talk about the positive impact of a...
computers are bad
2024-09-08 private lines I have been meaning, for some time, to write about common carrier switching arrangements (CCSAs)....
6 months ago
6 months ago
I have been meaning, for some time, to write about common carrier switching arrangements (CCSAs). These could be considered an early form of products like "virtual private ethernet:" a private telephone network that was served by the same switching machines that handled the...
How to determine which process causes IO ? There is a nifty little program called 'iotop'. Iotop is part of Debian or Ubuntu and can be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a nifty little program called 'iotop'. Iotop is part of Debian or Ubuntu and can be installed with a simple apt-get. Once you have determined with 'top' that the system is waiting on IO-access, It is nice to know which process is responsibe for this IO. Therefore, you...
Odds and Ends of...
The new GOV.UK login system is the first step in a radical transformation of the British state A British "DOGE" (of sorts) is rearchitecting the government
a week ago
Computer Ads from...
UNIX Review Magazine Interviews Larry Tesler They discuss Tesler's involvement with Xerox, Apple and office automation with Unix.
6 months ago
A practical understanding of lead acid batteries Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries. We won't address the underlying chemistry, we'll treat them as a black-box and we will discover their characteristics and how to keep them healthy. Disclaimer I'm an amateur. I...
The absolute state of Bluetooth audio in 2022 I have the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. They’re good for consuming content. Audio calls with your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. They’re good for consuming content. Audio calls with your colleagues? Forget about it. This is the setup I have to go with, and it has all to do with how Bluetooth works. Your options with Bluetooth headsets are the following: high quality...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Letters What did you do?? I have developed a habbit of writing letters to friends and family for the past...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What did you do?? I have developed a habbit of writing letters to friends and family for the past few years. Today, I made some of them…
Tiered storage: use the right tool for the job Hard drives are still the default choice for many homelab and data hoarding enthusiasts. They still...
a year ago
a year ago
Hard drives are still the default choice for many homelab and data hoarding enthusiasts. They still hold the gigabytes per dollar advantage over SSD-s (for now), and if you buy the big external drives and take the drives out of the enclosures, you can get a pretty good...
Nabeel S. Qureshi
Reflections on Palantir A retrospective of an eight-year stint.
4 months ago
Toni Lijic's Blog
2024 Year in Review Everything that happened to me this year
2 months ago
Yazin Alirhayim
The Trouble With Optionality Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one morning thinking “Why, it appears I’ve spent the past several decades of my life optimizing for optionality. Perhaps I should figure out why?”. Most don’t even recognize the term –...
Applied Cartography
HQ1 After many wonderful years of working out of my home office (see Workspaces), I've now "expanded"...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
After many wonderful years of working out of my home office (see Workspaces), I've now "expanded" [1] into an office of my own. 406 W Franklin St #201 is now the Richmond-area headquarters of Buttondown. Send me gifts! The move is a bittersweet one; it was a great joy to be so...
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Philosophy of Blockchain Validation
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Improvements and fixes: December 2024
2 months ago
Computer Ads from...
A Quick Note and Some Comics An apology and some entertainment
2 weeks ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
STARKs, Part II: Thank Goodness It's FRI-day
over a year ago
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course Week 8: Ancient Egypt Week 8 of my humanities crash course focused on ancient Egypt with musical excursions to modern...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Week 8 of my humanities crash course focused on ancient Egypt with musical excursions to modern North Africa. I also finally saw an astonishing opera I’d heard countless times but had never seen. The internet delivers! Readings Rather than a specific text, like the Odyssey or the...
computers are bad
2025-02-02 residential networking over telephone Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed...
a month ago
a month ago
Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed telephone cabling. That article focused on the earlier and more business-oriented products, but many of you probably know that there have been a number of efforts to install IP...
Applied Cartography
Hidden settings are for cowards At Stripe, we had two abstractions for branching logic in production: flags, which were meant to be...
3 months ago
3 months ago
At Stripe, we had two abstractions for branching logic in production: flags, which were meant to be explicitly temporal (temporarily split-testing traffic; rolling out a new feature or code path; exposing a specific path for a cohort of users during a closed beta) and gates,...
I finally found an use case for my Raspberry Pi Model B+ You have probably heard about the Raspberry Pi. It’s a nice little affordable single-board computer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You have probably heard about the Raspberry Pi. It’s a nice little affordable single-board computer with a huge community using it for all sorts of projects. I got my first Raspberry Pi, the Model B+, during my first year at university, which was around the winter of...
Arduino Blog
Repurposing an automatic train control unit as a car speedometer We’re just now getting semi-autonomous self-driving capabilities in cars, which let them adhere to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
We’re just now getting semi-autonomous self-driving capabilities in cars, which let them adhere to posted speed limits and maintain their lanes. But trains have been doing the same thing for a long time — well before machine learning and computer vision became ubiquitous. How did...
Never Met a Science
The Incoherence of Science Reform Wake up, Boomers: Science 2 just dropped.
7 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Dawn of Hybrid Layer 2 Protocols
over a year ago
How to copy media off of an iPhone the hard way (using Linux) I helped a family member upgrade to a newer iPhone and make some room so that the internal storage...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I helped a family member upgrade to a newer iPhone and make some room so that the internal storage does not run out. They had Nextcloud installed on the current phone, but due to limitations of the Nextcloud iOS app, the backups only take place if the app itself is open, meaning...
Notes on software...
Lessons learned streaming building a Scheme-like interpreter in Go I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like language (minus macros and arrays and tons of stuff). I picked this simple topic because I wanted a low-stakes way to learn what I did not know about making videos. Here was the...
Jonas Hietala
The eBook for 'Why Cryptocurrencies?' is now available for free The eBook for my book Why Cryptocurrencies? is now available for free. It’s been almost 4 years...
a year ago
a year ago
The eBook for my book Why Cryptocurrencies? is now available for free. It’s been almost 4 years since the web version was done, and 3 since the physical copy was available… Which can hardly be called a success. Things happened, so let’s do a quick retrospective to, maybe, learn...
People Change (members post) Too often I see people suggest that others are a static combination of beliefs. I stongly believe...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Too often I see people suggest that others are a static combination of beliefs. I stongly believe that people can, and do change.
Ian's Blog
Why my Apps Aren't Available on Apple Vision Pro Recently I have received some questions from users of both TLS Inspector and DNS Inspector enquiring...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Recently I have received some questions from users of both TLS Inspector and DNS Inspector enquiring why the apps aren't available on Apple's new Vision Pro headset. While I have briefly discussed this over on my Mastodon, I figured it might be worthwhile putting things down with...
Applied Cartography
Notebook as marketing primitive Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from SingleStore — notebooks as a first-party page! There are a handful of nice things about this idea: Very easy to fan out. You're not going to really run out of sample notebooks from which you...
Why you should not use IPsec for VPN connectivity IPsec is a well-known and widely-used VPN solution. It seems that it's not widely known that Niels...
over a year ago
over a year ago
IPsec is a well-known and widely-used VPN solution. It seems that it's not widely known that Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier performed a detailed security analysis of IPsec and that the results were not very positive. We strongly discourage the use of IPsec in its current form...
Jonas Hietala
Black and White Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a game where graphics where included into the gameplay but sadly it didn’t come out nearly as good as I expected it too. Yes I know there are a lot of things bad and wrong with this...
Is ChatGPT the next Dropbox or the next iPhone? Ed Zitron on his Where's Your Ed At blog: There Is No AI Revolution I kept coming back to one...
a week ago
a week ago
Ed Zitron on his Where's Your Ed At blog: There Is No AI Revolution I kept coming back to one thought: where's the money? No, really, where is it? Where is the money that this supposedly revolutionary, world-changing industry is making, and will make? The answer
Good Enough
TIL: Fixing Broken Action Text Images in Atom Feeds For a while now we've seen that images in our Pika atom feeds were not displaying in some feed...
10 months ago
10 months ago
For a while now we've seen that images in our Pika atom feeds were not displaying in some feed readers. In fact, they weren't displaying in my own feed reader, which routes through Feedly. I was sad. I spent a lot of time troubleshooting this. Compared our feed with a lot of atom...
Odds and Ends of...
Why we need seven bins It's time for some #binchat
2 months ago
Notes on software...
Active and influential NYC infrastructure people These are some of the most influential (mostly due to experience or expertise) and active folks (I...
3 months ago
3 months ago
These are some of the most influential (mostly due to experience or expertise) and active folks (I actually see them attend events) in the NYC infrastructure scene (that I have a personal connection to). If you're running a dinner or are just looking to meet interesting people in...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Updating my blog: a quick GPT chatbot coding experiment
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Noise The build is going well and the printer is printing tons of random stuff and I’m generally in awe of...
a year ago
a year ago
The build is going well and the printer is printing tons of random stuff and I’m generally in awe of how cool the printer is. But there’s one thing that sucks: it’s damn loud. I knew that it wouldn’t be silent, but I wasn’t prepared for this kind of noise. Silent controller...
Matt Mullenweg
Ed Catmull on Change I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me...
a month ago
a month ago
I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me by my colleague Dave Martin a while back and I finally got around to it. There’s an interesting story in it where George Lucas has asked him to develop a film editing system that...
Posts on Made of...
Record/Replay testing in Sorbet In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 2017 and 2018, I (along with Paul Tarjan and Dmitry Petrashko) was a founding member of the Sorbet project at Stripe to build a gradual static typechecking system for Ruby, with the aim of enhancing productivity on Stripe’s millions of lines of Ruby, and eventually producing a...
Gwern.net Newsletter
June gwern.net newsletter June 2020 gwern.net newsletter with 3 new pages/essays, and links on CRISPR, population screening,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
June 2020 gwern.net newsletter with 3 new pages/essays, and links on CRISPR, population screening, AI scaling, politics, and technological unemployment.
Applied Cartography
Applied Cartography × Indie Rails Chatted with Jess and Jeremy about a whole slew of things, from pricing strategy to terrifying and...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Chatted with Jess and Jeremy about a whole slew of things, from pricing strategy to terrifying and arcane differences between various Markdown parsers (including why I hate Slack.) They were particularly kind and gracious given that the amount of production-quality Rails I've...
lcamtuf’s thing
Working with OLEDs: SSD1353 & SSD1333 A quick intro to interfacing common OLED displays to bare-metal microcontrollers.
a month ago
Willem's Blog
Working Offline First Dive into a digital blast from the past and learn how a 15-year-old ThinkPad X200 can revolutionise...
a year ago
a year ago
Dive into a digital blast from the past and learn how a 15-year-old ThinkPad X200 can revolutionise your workflow – join my cloud-free adventure today!
Good Enough
TIL: Easily Support Gravatars in Rails We’re building some software where we’d like to display avatars for email contacts even if they...
a year ago
a year ago
We’re building some software where we’d like to display avatars for email contacts even if they aren’t users of our software. While Gravatar is a relic of Web 2.0, we’ve found that there are still a significant number of people who have their email addresses in that...
Ian's Blog
Having a Website Used to Be Fun According to the Wayback Machine, I launched my website over a decade ago, in 2013. Just that...
4 months ago
4 months ago
According to the Wayback Machine, I launched my website over a decade ago, in 2013. Just that thought alone makes me feel old, but going back through the old snapshots of my websites made me feel a profound feeling of longing for a time when having a website used to be a novel...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Lotus The Hardest Working Software in the World
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Grace notes I'm not loving Unreasonable Hospitality, but it did supply me with a phrase that I've been looking...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I'm not loving Unreasonable Hospitality, but it did supply me with a phrase that I've been looking for: Eventually, that gesture became one of our steps of service. The host would ask guests, “How’d you get here tonight?” If they responded, “Oh, we drove,” he’d follow up with,...
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1978/05 Creative Computing Mag Time for some oldie levity.
12 hours ago
Posts on Made of...
wpa_supplicant: GUI and wpa_action I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on the subject. (Actually, I pretty much made both of them while reading documentation in order to write it, and have been lame about writing them up). Using wpa_gui It turns out that...
Jonas Hietala
Laying off Pintos Exam period is here which means all courses should be wrapping up and a week or so ago we finished...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Exam period is here which means all courses should be wrapping up and a week or so ago we finished up our lab series about pintos. The labs were among the best I’ve had yet and I learned a ton. We didn’t follow the official instructions but we had our own assigmnets....
computers are bad
2024-02-25 a history of the tty It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator...
a year ago
a year ago
It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator servers to embedded controllers in appliances, there must be uncountable devices that think they are connected to a TTY. I will omit the many interesting details of the Linux terminal...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Antenna diodes in the Pentium processor I was studying the silicon die of the Pentium processor and noticed some puzzling structures...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I was studying the silicon die of the Pentium processor and noticed some puzzling structures where signal lines were connected to the silicon substrate for no apparent reason. Two examples are in the photo below, where the metal wiring (orange) connects to small square regions of...
Willem's Blog
Building a product platform Leverage platform capabilities to quickly launch new products, designing for reusability,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Leverage platform capabilities to quickly launch new products, designing for reusability, flexibility and extensibility.
Willem's Blog
Apple Watch as Phone Embark on a digital detox journey as I swap my smartphone for an Apple Watch Ultra, exploring the...
a year ago
a year ago
Embark on a digital detox journey as I swap my smartphone for an Apple Watch Ultra, exploring the liberating yet challenging world of wearable tech.
watchTowr Labs
Auth. Bypass In (Un)Limited Scenarios - Progress MOVEit Transfer (CVE-2024-5806) In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!-...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne [def_not_phalanx@kernel.org] has joined #!hack (irc.efnet.nl) 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne changed the topic of #!hack to: mag1c sh0w
Visual representation of hard drives and their temperature If you build a NAS with many drives, it may be of interest to you which drives get hot and where...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you build a NAS with many drives, it may be of interest to you which drives get hot and where they are located in the chassis. My Norco 4020 case has twenty drives in RAID 6, plus two operating system drives in RAID 1. I wrote a script that shows me the temperature of each...
Willem's Blog
Building the blog... in style! Find out if it is possible to turn a computer from the 90s into a modern development machine.
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Why the Sorbet typechecker is fast This is the second in an indefinite series of posts about things that I think went well in the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the second in an indefinite series of posts about things that I think went well in the Sorbet project. The previous one covered our testing approach. Sorbet is fast. Numerous of our early users commented specifically on how fast it was, and how much they appreciated this...
Jonas Hietala
Easy setup of a static site on Amazon S3 with SSL I’ve been hosting my site on Amazon S3 for a while now but I never activated SSL for it. I just...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been hosting my site on Amazon S3 for a while now but I never activated SSL for it. I just never got around to it, probably the usual procrastination. When I had to setup a new site for another project I chose to host on Amazon as well. Although there are many other free...
Jonas Hietala
2022 in review A bit late, but it’s time for my yearly review. It’s something I like doing for myself and it’s nice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A bit late, but it’s time for my yearly review. It’s something I like doing for myself and it’s nice to see that despite a tough year I’ve done some good things. 2022 Non-Geek Achievements We got our third child! This time we got a girl to complement our two boys, and I love them...
Willem's Blog
Master of Change In this post I discuss the brilliant book Master of Change by Brad Stulberg, providing a...
a month ago
a month ago
In this post I discuss the brilliant book Master of Change by Brad Stulberg, providing a thought-provoking guide to thrive in a changing world.
Arduino Blog
Exercise while you game with this interactive treadmill add-on Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of virtual reality headsets, gaming is still done with relatively limited movement unless one has access to an expensive VR walking/running setup. As an effort to get more physical...
Tech tip: eliminate HDD humming noise Anyone that has bought themselves external WD drives from the Elements/My Book/Easystore series are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Anyone that has bought themselves external WD drives from the Elements/My Book/Easystore series are probably familiar with the acoustic characteristics of the drives. The drives have a loud hum caused by WD running the drives at 7200rpm while claiming the drives to be...
lcamtuf’s thing
RAM: the forgotten history We owe computers not to Charles Babbage, but to the invention of electronically-controlled working...
4 months ago
4 months ago
We owe computers not to Charles Babbage, but to the invention of electronically-controlled working memory.
Arduino Blog
Expanding possibilities: Blues Wireless amplifies Opta’s connectivity Blues Wireless and Arduino have joined forces to create the game-changing Blues Wireless for Arduino...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blues Wireless and Arduino have joined forces to create the game-changing Blues Wireless for Arduino Opta, unveiled this week at the Automate Show in Chicago. The expansion module is an affordable solution to enhance connectivity options for Arduino Opta micro PLCs, and marks a...
latest projects -...
LED Industrial Piercing [Hardware] Illuminated circuit inside a hypodermic
a year ago
Arduino Blog
Meet Real Robot One V2: A mini DIY industrial robot arm Started in 2022 as an exploration of what’s possible in the field of DIY robotics, Pavel Surynek’s...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Started in 2022 as an exploration of what’s possible in the field of DIY robotics, Pavel Surynek’s Real Robot One (RR1) project is a fully-featured 6+1-axis robot arm based on 3D-printed parts and widely available electronics. The initial release was constructed with PETG...
Arduino Blog
This maker designed a custom flight controller for his supercapacitor-powered drone Basic drones are very affordable these days—you can literally find some for less than the cost of a...
a month ago
a month ago
Basic drones are very affordable these days—you can literally find some for less than the cost of a fast food drive-thru meal. But that doesn’t mean drones are easy to control. That is actually quite difficult, but manufacturers are able to work off of established reference...
Push to Prod
One Key Aspect of Optimizing Computational Throughput When optimizing throughput, think carefully about how many CPUs you have when adding threads or...
5 months ago
Jonas Hietala
A * After a few hours of coding I’ve made a little, little, bit of progress but it took a lot longer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a few hours of coding I’ve made a little, little, bit of progress but it took a lot longer than I would have liked. I’ve basically managed to make a world and some tiles in the world and we have a worker who can move around on the tiles and he can’t move on all...
Jonas Hietala
2014 Read Books In total I read 20 books, which is 33% less than last year. Fiction How to Be a Woman - Catilin...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In total I read 20 books, which is 33% less than last year. Fiction How to Be a Woman - Catilin Moran Fun! The Kill Room - Jeffery Deaver A Song of Ice and Fire: Game of Thrones - George R.R. Martin Reread. A Song of Ice and Fire: A Clash of Kings - George R.R. Martin Reread. A...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Über Kollusion
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Bagging as a regularizer One thing I encountered today was a trick using bagging as a way to go beyond a point estimate and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One thing I encountered today was a trick using bagging as a way to go beyond a point estimate and get an approximation for the full distribution. This can then be used to penalize predictions with larger uncertainty, which helps reducing false positives.
Notes on software...
Is it worth writing about? You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and sharing the learning process. Professionals seem naturally to imagine a high bar for what is worth writing about. I think that's misguided. This article is not criticism of folks...
Posts on Made of...
Efficiency trades off against resiliency What’s the “right” level of CPU utilization for a server? If you look at a monitoring dashboard from...
a year ago
a year ago
What’s the “right” level of CPU utilization for a server? If you look at a monitoring dashboard from a well-designed and well-run service, what CPU utilization should we hope to see, averaged over a day or two? It’s a very general question, and it’s not clear it should have a...
Matt Mullenweg
Rhino Dehorning Yesterday in the African bush was great, I saw giraffes, zebras, warthogs, leopard turtles,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Yesterday in the African bush was great, I saw giraffes, zebras, warthogs, leopard turtles, elephants. Today wasn’t great: I witnessed a rhino shot with a tranquilizer from a helicopter, then it was held down, had its horns cut off, and then shaved down. I have some photos and...
Arduino Blog
An ultra-affordable DIY underwater ROV ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) let us explore bodies of water and it is hard not to be excited by...
10 months ago
10 months ago
ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) let us explore bodies of water and it is hard not to be excited by the possibilities. But traditional ROVs cost a lot of money and often require serious expertise to operate and maintain. Luckily there are affordable alternatives, such as this...
8 TB RAID 6 Linux software RAID using EXT4 Mobo: Asus P5Q-EM DO ( 6x sata) CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 RAM: 4 GB Controller; HighPoint RocketRAID...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mobo: Asus P5Q-EM DO ( 6x sata) CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 RAM: 4 GB Controller; HighPoint RocketRAID 2314 (16x poorten) PSU: CooMas Silent Pro M 600W ATX2 (definitely not overkill) HD: Samsung 1 TB SAT2 HD103UJ (10x) OS: Debian Lenny with custom kernel (backported) FS: EXT4 RAID...
Matt Blewitt
Sensibly Default There are two programming principles that I hold dear to my heart: the principle of least surprise...
4 months ago
4 months ago
There are two programming principles that I hold dear to my heart: the principle of least surprise and provide sensible defaults. I’ve recently been working within the GraphQL ecosystem, and the number of violations of both here has frustrated me. This will be a little bit ranty.
Jonas Hietala
I beat FTL on Hard with all ships in the game For 2023 I wanted to do something different than usual—I wanted to start playing computer games...
a year ago
a year ago
For 2023 I wanted to do something different than usual—I wanted to start playing computer games again. So I gave myself a late Christmas gift and bought a Steam Deck (and like any self-serving gentleman I took care to pitch it as being for my kids) and I started loading it up...
Jonas Hietala
Being Productive School’s been going on now for… Is it a month and a half maybe? I don’t know really but it’s all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
School’s been going on now for… Is it a month and a half maybe? I don’t know really but it’s all going so fast, week after week is disappearing and I don’t know where they go but I know that I’m at least not wasting them like I did most of last year! Last year I managed school...
On Life and Lisp
Clip control on the Apple GPU Neverball rendered on the Apple M1 GPU with an open source OpenGL driver After a year in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Neverball rendered on the Apple M1 GPU with an open source OpenGL driver After a year in development, the open source “Asahi” driver for the Apple GPU is running real games. There’s more to do, but Neverball is already playable (and a lot of fun!). Neverball uses legacy “fixed...
Engineers Need Art
Op-Amp Helper PCB A PCB for breadboards to make working with op-amps easier.
a year ago
Arduino Blog
A riddle wrapped in an enigma… made easy, with Arduino Plug and Make Kit The Arduino Plug and Make Kit was designed to open up infinite possibilities, breaking down the idea...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit was designed to open up infinite possibilities, breaking down the idea that technology is a “black box” reserved for experts. With its snap-together system, this kit gives everyone – beginners and seasoned makers alike – the power to create and...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse-engineering a carry-lookahead adder in the Pentium Addition is harder than you'd expect, at least for a computer. Computers use multiple types of adder...
a month ago
a month ago
Addition is harder than you'd expect, at least for a computer. Computers use multiple types of adder circuits with different tradeoffs of size versus speed. In this article, I reverse-engineer an 8-bit adder in the Pentium's floating point unit. This adder turns out to be a...
Difference of behavior in SATA Solid State Drives Introduction Update: I've noticed some strange behavior of SSDs when benchmarking them with FIO....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update: I've noticed some strange behavior of SSDs when benchmarking them with FIO. After further investigation and additional testing, I've found the reason for the strange patterns in the graphs. The 'strange' test results are due to the fact that they were...
Home on Erik...
Books I consumed in 2017 Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a teenager, but it has slowly deteriorated to maybe 20-30 books, at most. And I don't even finish all of them because life is too short!
Willem's Blog
Enjoy a festival without alcohol This year I didn't drink alcohol during Rock Werchter, leading to interesting observations during...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This year I didn't drink alcohol during Rock Werchter, leading to interesting observations during the music festival.
Jonas Hietala
Language spec in code blocks Even though I just recently restyled the blog and wasn’t going to touch it, there was one thing I...
a year ago
a year ago
Even though I just recently restyled the blog and wasn’t going to touch it, there was one thing I wanted to add, but it felt a little bothersome so I skipped it. It was to display the highlighted language in code blocks: The code spec displays what programming language the code...
Notes on software...
AOT-compilation of Javascript with V8 tldr; I'm working on a AOT-compiled Javascript implementation called jsc. Many dynamically typed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tldr; I'm working on a AOT-compiled Javascript implementation called jsc. Many dynamically typed programming languages have implementations that compile to native binaries: Python: Cython Common Lisp: SBCL Scheme: Chicken Scheme The benefits of compiling dynamically typed...
Arduino Blog
Giving Billy Bass the arti-fish-al intelligence he always deserved If you were unlucky enough to visit a big box retail store or goofy uncle’s home around the turn of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
If you were unlucky enough to visit a big box retail store or goofy uncle’s home around the turn of the century, you would have undoubtedly come across a Big Mouth Billy Bass. That’s an animatronic fish that wiggles on a plaque while older, very licensable hit songs play. But...
Matt Mullenweg
Age-gating I’m not opposed to age-gating at all, I think it’s appropriate in many situations and useful, and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I’m not opposed to age-gating at all, I think it’s appropriate in many situations and useful, and democratic societies can decide their own rules there. But it should be handled and authenticated as low-level as possible, at the operating system layer. See also: Australia’s...
Lighthouse Blog
How to manage tags
9 months ago
Willem's Blog
Designing my own watch Last month I received my custom made wristwatch from Switzerland, it is a minimalistic mechanical...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last month I received my custom made wristwatch from Switzerland, it is a minimalistic mechanical annual calendar designed to be understated and true to the metal.
Yazin Alirhayim
Part 1: Will greater access to capital spark Bahrain’s economy? Today, I was on a panel discussing lending and access to capital (not a wooden panel, mind you — but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today, I was on a panel discussing lending and access to capital (not a wooden panel, mind you — but a panel of speakers. Now that I think about it, we may have been sitting on wooden panel flooring). At any rate, the discussion covered alot of ground, all as part of the larger...
Oops, I published my drafts! Those of you who follow my blog using the RSS feed might have seen that new, incomplete posts popped...
a year ago
a year ago
Those of you who follow my blog using the RSS feed might have seen that new, incomplete posts popped up around the time I published my FOSDEM 2024 post. Oops. I recently tried looking for an alternative to writing blog posts in IntelliJ and out of all the options I stuck...
Running on fumes After a run-of-the-mill Windows BSOD, I was redirected to the UEFI settings and was presented with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a run-of-the-mill Windows BSOD, I was redirected to the UEFI settings and was presented with this fun little bug: 0GB ought to be enough for anybody.