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Home on Erik...
Dollar cost averaging (I accidentally published an unfinished draft of this post a few days ago – sorry about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(I accidentally published an unfinished draft of this post a few days ago – sorry about that). There's a lot of sources preaching the benefits of dollar cost averaging, or the practice of investing a fixed amount of money regularly.
Christian Selig
More Efficient/Faster Average Color of Image Skip to the ‘Juicy Code 🧃’ section if you just want the code and don’t care about the preamble of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Skip to the ‘Juicy Code 🧃’ section if you just want the code and don’t care about the preamble of why you might want this! Finding the average color of an image is a nice trick to have in your toolbelt for spicing up views. For instance on iOS, it’s used by Apple to make their...
Vitalik Buterin's...
[Mirror] Bir Proof of Stake Tasarım Felsefesi
over a year ago
Recycle your old laptop display and turn it into a monitor During a cleaning spree I decided that it was time to recycle two old laptops that were just...
over a year ago
over a year ago
During a cleaning spree I decided that it was time to recycle two old laptops that were just collecting dust on a shelf for many years. Although I didn't have any purpose for them anymore, I realised that the displays were still perfectly fine. This is the display of my old 13"...
Applied Cartography
How Buttondown uses HAProxy There are few technical decisions I regret more with Buttondown than the decision to combine the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
There are few technical decisions I regret more with Buttondown than the decision to combine the author-facing app, the subscriber-facing app, and the marketing site all under a single domain. Most technical decisions are reversible with sufficient grit and dedication; this one...
Posts on Made of...
What's with ML software and pickles? I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but...
a year ago
a year ago
I have spent many years as an software engineer who was a total outsider to machine-learning, but with some curiosity and occasional peripheral interactions with it. During this time, a recurring theme for me was horror (and, to be honest, disdain) every time I encountered the...
GitButler is joining the Open Source Pledge GitButler is joining the Open Source Pledge to help move towards a more sustainable open source...
6 months ago
Home on Erik...
Welcome Echo Nest! In case you missed it, we just acquired a company called Echo Nest in Boston. These people have been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In case you missed it, we just acquired a company called Echo Nest in Boston. These people have been obsessed with understanding music for the past 8 years since it was founded by Brian Whitman and Tristan Jehan out of MIT Medialab.
Jonas Hietala
Printing Hextraction for my kids A session of Hextraction, a 3D printed board game. I did it. I made something actually useful with...
a year ago
a year ago
A session of Hextraction, a 3D printed board game. I did it. I made something actually useful with my 3D printer instead of just tinkering with it. I printed Hextraction, a very cool 3D printed board game for my kids—and they love it. Hextraction is a gamified marble run, where...
Jonas Hietala
IDA Summer of Code 2014 IDA Summer of Code is Linköping University’s response to Google Summer of Code. Students can send in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
IDA Summer of Code is Linköping University’s response to Google Summer of Code. Students can send in a project of their choice and if selected they get paid to work on it for 4 weeks during the summer. In return the university get to show off the students and their projects in...
Toni Lijic's Blog
SwiftUI Explorations My journey of learning SwiftUI as a designer.
8 months ago
Bryan Braun - Blog
Capability makes your life simpler If you can tolerate discomfort, then you can camp much lighter. Camping lighter means you spend less...
7 months ago
7 months ago
If you can tolerate discomfort, then you can camp much lighter. Camping lighter means you spend less time and energy packing, setting-up, tearing down, and unpacking. The same goes for travel. Fewer clothes and shoes means less luggage to carry, manage, and lose. You can board...
Odds and Ends of...
WATCH: Talking trains with Jonn Elledge! The new Overground names, why the north always loses out, and more!
3 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Moving beyond coin voting governance
over a year ago
Abishek Muthian
Raspberry pi3 vs iPad2 for personal computing I blew my personal computer and before I could build a new one I needed a temporary machine which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I blew my personal computer and before I could build a new one I needed a temporary machine which could perform some of my routine tasks like browsing, social network, word processing, programming, gaming, videos, music & ocassional heavy computation. Though I would be needing a...
Posts on Made of...
Configuring dnsmasq with VMware Workstation I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux distribution, and use them heavily for all kinds of kernel testing and development. This post is a quick writeup of my networking setup with VMware Workstation, using dnsmasq to assign...
Linux Iptables Firewall Script released on Google code I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall within minutes. It is easy to use, yet very powerful. It uses Iptables and even improves upon some limitations of Iptables. Every person who has to maintain some kind of...
Matt Mullenweg
Automattic Alignment Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine filed a meritless lawsuit and Automattic responded, and there’s been a hurricane of public activity and press. Inside of Automattic, there’s been a parallel debate and process....
Himanshu Mishra |...
धुआं (Dhuaan)
over a year ago
I have a 'Dall UD19PB ThundeRbglt Dock': my experience with the HP Elitebook 845 G9 I’ve decided to give a new laptop a test drive, mainly because I had the opportunity at work, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve decided to give a new laptop a test drive, mainly because I had the opportunity at work, and also out of morbid curiosity. It’s the HP Elitebook 845 G9, and it has pretty good specifications: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 6800U RAM: 2x16GB DDR5 Storage: 512GB KIOXIA NVMe SSD...
Notes on software...
Minimal downtime Postgres major version upgrades with EDB Postgres Distributed This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
a week ago
Matt Mullenweg
Matt 4.1 Forty-one is a nice birthday because it doesn’t feel like too much pressure. For forty I did a big...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Forty-one is a nice birthday because it doesn’t feel like too much pressure. For forty I did a big eclipse thing that ended up amazing, this year I’m replicating what I did a few years ago and celebrating in New York, Houston, and San Francisco. My birthday today has already been...
Some spoiler free thoughts about the first episode of “Jet Lag: The Game” season 13 Tom Scott is playing to win. The intro music made me wonder if the Wendover team watch...
a week ago
a week ago
Tom Scott is playing to win. The intro music made me wonder if the Wendover team watch c90dventures. At one point in the episode, Adam breaks out some Scatman. This is going to be a great season.
Posts on Made of...
My Apollo Bibliography Over the last few years — perhaps not that unusually among the nerds I know — I’ve become...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the last few years — perhaps not that unusually among the nerds I know — I’ve become increasingly fascinated by the Apollo program (and early space program more generally), and been reading my way through a growing number of books and documentaries written about it. At a...
Arduino Blog
Simplifying IoT for smarter manufacturing: Join the chat with Arduino, AWS, and Atlas Machine We all know that the future of manufacturing lies in IoT — yet the path to adoption can sometimes...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We all know that the future of manufacturing lies in IoT — yet the path to adoption can sometimes feel daunting. But what if you could simplify the process and start seeing results quickly? That’s exactly what we’re going to explore in our upcoming Arduino Cloud Café webinar on...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 3 Windows becomes competitive
a year ago
Posts on Made of...
On git and usability I’ve been helping a number of people get started working with git over the last couple of weeks, as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been helping a number of people get started working with git over the last couple of weeks, as Ksplice has brought on some new interns, and we’ve had to get them up to speed on our internal git repositories. (As you might expect from a bunch of kernel hackers, we use git for...
Notes on software...
Studying foreign languages with inbox zero The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language was through intensive language courses in college. I was forced to actively speak, read, and write Chinese for 6-8 hours a week (1-2 hours every day). Then study another 5-10 hours a...
Linux Software RAID benchmarking script Just a small post. To benchmark your Linux software RAID array as setup with MDADM, please use...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a small post. To benchmark your Linux software RAID array as setup with MDADM, please use my new benchmark script. I used this script to create these results. You may need to configure some values within the header of this file to make it fit your enviroment. ...
Good Enough
Pika: Start Your Happy Blog Have you thought about starting or restarting a blogging habit? Have you wanted to write on the...
a year ago
a year ago
Have you thought about starting or restarting a blogging habit? Have you wanted to write on the internet, but at your own place and at your own address rather than on a social network? Have you been overwhelmed by the online writing options that you’ve found? Well, have we got...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates June 28
8 months ago
Abishek Muthian
Postmortem of Butt Mover I suffer from chronic lower back pain, Since I don't consume opioids I find exercises 1 to be the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I suffer from chronic lower back pain, Since I don't consume opioids I find exercises 1 to be the best pain management technique. In addition to the specific exercises for managing back pain, Not sitting for long durations seems to be the key factor for me to not trigger the back...
Home on Erik...
State drift I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion. But here is something I thought about: how to build in self-correction into systems. This has been something just vaguely sitting in my head lacking a clear conceptual definition...
Quick Reviews for iOS is coming soon I teased this last week for More Birchtree subscribers, and today I'm excited to announce my new...
a month ago
a month ago
I teased this last week for More Birchtree subscribers, and today I'm excited to announce my new app, Quick Reviews! Wait, Quick Reviews which I've been making on the web for years? No, Quick Reviews for iOS. I talked about what tools helped me make this
Abishek Muthian
Did I break WhatsApp? I told my friend that I don't use WhatsApp and asked to be contact me via Signal. We had a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I told my friend that I don't use WhatsApp and asked to be contact me via Signal. We had a conversation on Signal and this happened, Can even Facebook stoop so low? I was told that the WhatsApp didn't work after installing Signal, I replied that it could be a coincidence. But I...
Setup a VPN on your iPhone with OpenVPN and Linux ⚠️ 🚨 Update 2024 🚨⚠️ I'm not using OpenVPN anymore for my VPN needs and this article is considered...
over a year ago
over a year ago
⚠️ 🚨 Update 2024 🚨⚠️ I'm not using OpenVPN anymore for my VPN needs and this article is considered unmaintained. It's stronly recommended not to use this tutorial and find up-to-date documentation. I also have no plans to update this blogpost in the future. [Update 2018] This...
Good Enough
TIL: Use touch-action: manipulation; to avoid double-tap-to-zoom Recently we built and launched A Good Enough Guestbook, a place where you can send us doodles and...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently we built and launched A Good Enough Guestbook, a place where you can send us doodles and they’ll print out on our little printer. It’s quite lovely and fun, and you should send us a doodle. We might also have more in store for these printers in the future. In the...
Jonas Hietala
ISOC update I have now worked a bit more than 3 weeks out of my 4 weeks of IDA Summer of Code and this is an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have now worked a bit more than 3 weeks out of my 4 weeks of IDA Summer of Code and this is an update post of what I’ve done so far. I will write a more extensive summary post at the end of the project. I was planning on writing a weekly summary, but that ship sailed a long...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The promise and challenges of crypto + AI applications
a year ago
computers are bad
2024-08-31 ipmi I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home, here in New Mexico. One of the steps in this process is, of course, purchasing a new server... the current Big Iron is getting rather old (probably about a decade!) and here in...
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1986/06 Australian Personal Computer Mag It’s that time of the month. This time let’s look at humor from down under. These comics are from...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It’s that time of the month. This time let’s look at humor from down under. These comics are from the June 1986 issue of Australian Computer magazine. Enjoy! What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your...
Jonas Hietala
Resurrection Aah what a nice summer! It was nice to be back in Övertorneå, doing nothing in particular. Just not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Aah what a nice summer! It was nice to be back in Övertorneå, doing nothing in particular. Just not having to make lunch and dinner every day is such a relief, and if you do slip up food with grandma or Veronica’s parents is only a phone call away. I watched TV, played...
Notes on software...
Implementing the Raft distributed consensus protocol in Go As part of bringing myself up-to-speed after joining TigerBeetle, I wanted some background on how...
a year ago
a year ago
As part of bringing myself up-to-speed after joining TigerBeetle, I wanted some background on how distributed consensus and replicated state machines protocols work. TigerBeetle uses Viewstamped Replication. But I wanted to understand all popular protocols and I decided to start...
Jorge Arango
Jorge’s Wager: Why AI Needs Information Architecture One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that we have AI?” Of course, not everyone puts it like that. Instead, they’ll say things like “we won’t need navigation if we have chat” or “AI will organize the website” or “in a world...
Arduino Blog
A DIY bottle-labeling machine perfect for homebrewers While it is certainly possible (and common) to put homebrewed beer into kegs, that requires...
8 months ago
8 months ago
While it is certainly possible (and common) to put homebrewed beer into kegs, that requires regulated gas and large refrigeration space. A keg is also more difficult to transport and overkill if you just want to bring a few beers to a friend’s backyard BBQ. For those reasons,...
Notes on software...
The case for comments in code When I first started programming, especially when asked for code samples, my comments lacked purpose...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I first started programming, especially when asked for code samples, my comments lacked purpose and would often duplicate in English what the code clearly indicated. I knew that "commenting is good" but as a beginner I had no further insight. Over time with the help of books...
Things you should consider when building a ZFS NAS ZFS is a modern file system designed by Sun Microsystems, targeted at enterprise environments. Many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
ZFS is a modern file system designed by Sun Microsystems, targeted at enterprise environments. Many features of ZFS also appeal to home NAS builders and with good reason. But not all features are relevant or necessary for home use. I believe that most home users building their...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates April 12
11 months ago
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #58: An even greater London? Plus a revealing portrait of Westminster's hidden connections and some cope on why Trump might not...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Plus a revealing portrait of Westminster's hidden connections and some cope on why Trump might not be *so* catastrophic. Maybe. If we're lucky.
Jonas Hietala
Giving the blog a facelift When I rewrote the blog in Rust I tried not to touch any of the styling, but some things annoyed...
a year ago
a year ago
When I rewrote the blog in Rust I tried not to touch any of the styling, but some things annoyed me: It wasn’t pretty (even ugly in some parts). No dark mode support. Some elements were broken, for instance images or code blocks overlapping the header when it was floating to the...
Jonas Hietala
Computer upgrade After 5 years or so I’ve made a large upgrade to my desktop, and this post contains details and some...
a year ago
a year ago
After 5 years or so I’ve made a large upgrade to my desktop, and this post contains details and some pictures about the process. It was time I didn’t really want to do an upgrade right now, but I felt I had to do it. Sometimes the lag had gotten very noticeable, for example when...
Dell Latitude 5411: the Linux compatibility sweet spot Oh boy, here I go testing a new laptop again! Well, it was new back in 2020. You might remember my...
a year ago
a year ago
Oh boy, here I go testing a new laptop again! Well, it was new back in 2020. You might remember my article on why I went back to a ThinkPad T430 in 2022. Or that other time when I got a new HP laptop for testing and got so frustrated that I wrote about it. Well, today I’m writing...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Three Transitions
a year ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing MagicGrips Apple has a long history with with computer mice. They pioneered one of the first commercially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Apple has a long history with with computer mice. They pioneered one of the first commercially available with the Lisa Mouse and helped make it mainstream when it shipped with the Macintosh 128K.   Apple has also been known to make good looking mice at the expense of ergonomics -...
Good Enough
Why We Built Quack (Beta) Today we're launching a tiny beta tool called Quack. It is a simple utility for you to share a...
a year ago
a year ago
Today we're launching a tiny beta tool called Quack. It is a simple utility for you to share a beautifully rendered version of any markdown text. Type away in our simple editor. When you're done writing, click Share to grab the link for sending to others. There are no servers in...
Cake Hole Whistler Mountain Often inviting. This terrain just off the Whistler peak road can be an enticing sun-swept run of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Often inviting. This terrain just off the Whistler peak road can be an enticing sun-swept run of untouched powder.Understanding that you need to come back up the same way you go down, can make you question if it’s really worth it.Know before you go. Cake Hole by Andrew...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Most Important Scarce Resource is Legitimacy
over a year ago
Applied Cartography
January, 2025 Hello, 2025! (As always, Death Cab remains the soundtrack by which you should read this.) Headlining...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hello, 2025! (As always, Death Cab remains the soundtrack by which you should read this.) Headlining this month was my annual review; everything else is flotsam. But, speaking of flotsam: A quick development note on the order attribute in CSS Notes on Linear and Fathom Why...
Construction Physics
Energy Cheat Sheet Building an intuition about energy
2 months ago
Buck on Software
Crypto and Chasing the Dragon Marc and Ben’s midlife crisis and the Crypto Crusades
over a year ago
Greater Still by...
In Crypto, Apps Need Infrastructure Like Infrastructure Needs Apps Or, maybe the real infrastructure was the applications we made along the way
a year ago
Russet Lake Early Summer An early canvas of Fissile mountain reflected in Russet Lake. This time early summer when there was...
5 months ago
5 months ago
An early canvas of Fissile mountain reflected in Russet Lake. This time early summer when there was still a bit of ice on the lake and the mountain tops are covered with snow. The painting is framed in western red cedar. Russet Lake Early Summer by Andrew SmithAcrylic on canvas10...
Never Met a Science
There's Gold in Them Thar Reels Selling Gold Rushes
4 months ago
Bryan Braun - Blog
The flood of AI website builders There are so many of them. instead of markdown to enable lazy-loading --> How good...
10 months ago
10 months ago
There are so many of them. instead of markdown to enable lazy-loading --> How good are these site builders? I don’t know. Are you worried about job security? I have two thoughts… 1. We’ve seen this before Wordpress, Squarespace, Shopify, Webflow… all these tools...
Willem's Blog
Multi-Window support in your iPad app Take advantage of the improved support for multiple windows on iPadOS by implementing new UI...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Take advantage of the improved support for multiple windows on iPadOS by implementing new UI concepts enabling different use cases for your app.
Old Vintage...
After 41 years, my first assembly program on my first computer, the Tomy Tutor We got it in 1983, I think, so it only took me about 41 years to get around to it. This Tomy Tutor...
11 months ago
11 months ago
We got it in 1983, I think, so it only took me about 41 years to get around to it. This Tomy Tutor isn't a replacement system I secondarily acquired, nor is it a Ship of Theseus Frankenstein rebuild. This is my actual first computer, in its original case, on its original...
Core i7 920 @ 3,6 Ghz is a true beast! Even today, Core 2 Duo processors clocked at 2 ghz are no slugs. However, the Core i7 920 is of a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Even today, Core 2 Duo processors clocked at 2 ghz are no slugs. However, the Core i7 920 is of a different kind. First, it is not only clocked at a higher speed (default 2,8 Ghz), it is also a quad-core processor. Thanks to the re- introduction of hyperthreading, this processor...
A lot changed for LLMs in 2024 I thought this was a fascinating post by Simon Willison: Things We Learned About LLMs in 2024 This...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I thought this was a fascinating post by Simon Willison: Things We Learned About LLMs in 2024 This increase in efficiency and reduction in price is my single favourite trend from 2024. I want the utility of LLMs at a fraction of the energy cost and it looks like that&
Vitalik Buterin's...
Don't overload Ethereum's consensus
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Notes on Zed, revisited A little over six months ago, I wrote Notes on Zed. My conclusion at that time was that Zed made a...
5 months ago
5 months ago
A little over six months ago, I wrote Notes on Zed. My conclusion at that time was that Zed made a lot of great choices and felt really good to use, but lacked parity with VS Code's feature/ecosystem to its detriment. Six months later, I spent a few days using it as my daily...
Arduino Blog
Track the location history of your devices in Arduino Cloud IoT dashboards Asset tracking has become increasingly crucial across various industries and applications. Whether...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Asset tracking has become increasingly crucial across various industries and applications. Whether you’re a logistics company monitoring your fleet, a conservation organization tracking wildlife, or an individual passionate about outdoor adventures, the ability to track and...
Odds and Ends of...
We need more than Westminster reporters to understand government Lobby correspondent hegemony is bad.
3 months ago
Abishek Muthian
Projects Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for indies to create sustainable income. Bone Health Tracker Track your bone health, Monitor the progress of your treatments. Memory Hammer What if you can remember everything you see,...
The “Home Alone” / “NiGHTS into Dreams” connection NiGHTS into Dreams is one of those games I tend to think about when Christmas rolls around. It’s one...
3 months ago
3 months ago
NiGHTS into Dreams is one of those games I tend to think about when Christmas rolls around. It’s one of my favourites from the Saturn lineup, and it also had a free Christmas version. In it, there’s a song I really love that plays on the level select screen called Gate of Your...
Willem's Blog
Programming on Apple Watch Programming with VIM over SSH on Apple Watch using a bluetooth keyboard
over a year ago
csvbase blog
From Shell to Excel - with a little bit of HTTPS Write once, read everywhere
7 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Monaco What's Yours is Mine I’ve been waiting for soon to be three years for Monaco What’s Yours is Mine, and today I was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been waiting for soon to be three years for Monaco What’s Yours is Mine, and today I was granted an early christmas present - I was given a beta key! w00p!! I was planning on studying and sending some emails to some companies… But who knows what I’ll end up doing? Tomorrow...
The minimum requirements for a secure system The most secure server system is a system that is not connected to a network and turned off....
over a year ago
over a year ago
The most secure server system is a system that is not connected to a network and turned off. However, little work seems to be getting done this way. So we want to turn systems on and connect them to a network, or even (God forbid) the internet. The thing is this. A system...
Abishek Muthian
Why are we addicted to misery porn I walked by the living room other day and there was this reality show on television in which the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I walked by the living room other day and there was this reality show on television in which the participants were narrating what it seemed like their life story. It was sad, they and other participants were crying inconsolably while the camera panned to each of their faces for a...
Himanshu Mishra |...
BFS vs DFS in friendships If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are, skip to What are you saying? Take my…
Willem's Blog
Supernova E3 Pro 2 dynamo powered headlight
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates August 12
7 months ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
Interesting double-poly latches inside AMD's vintage LANCE Ethernet chip I've studied a lot of chips from the 1970s and 1980s, so I usually know what to expect. But an...
a year ago
a year ago
I've studied a lot of chips from the 1970s and 1980s, so I usually know what to expect. But an Ethernet chip from 1982 had something new: a strange layer of yellow wiring on the die. After some study, I learned that the yellow wiring is a second layer of resistive polysilicon,...
Posts on Made of...
Disable Transparent Hugepages tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making more efficient use of your processor’s memory-mapping hardware. It is enabled ("enabled=always") by default in most Linux distributions. Transparent Hugepages gives some applications...
Posts on Made of...
A week with the iPhone I’ve had a new iPhone for about a week now, so I figure it’s time to write up some thoughts about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve had a new iPhone for about a week now, so I figure it’s time to write up some thoughts about it. First, the little things. It is, in typical Apple fashion, an incredibly slick piece of work. Scrolling and zooming images or webpages is simple, easy, and, well, just fun to do...
Bryan Braun - Blog
You can’t fix a problem you don’t understand A few weeks ago, I was building a server-side API client. I had written the code and tested it in...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
A few weeks ago, I was building a server-side API client. I had written the code and tested it in isolation. Everything looked good. Unfortunately, when I included it in the main service, I started seeing errors. I decided to try asking an AI tool for suggestions. I gave it the...
Willem's Blog
Creating the ultimate commuter bike Creating the ultimate commuter bike by upgrading the Sensa Cintura belt drive bike.
over a year ago
Matt Mullenweg
Michael Palmisano on Collier I’ve been obsessed with Jacob Collier since I first saw his Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing cover on...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve been obsessed with Jacob Collier since I first saw his Don’t You Worry ‘Bout A Thing cover on YouTube, and one of my favorite genres of videos is genius musicians breaking down the incredible musical stuff Jacob is doing. (He even has his own instrument now.) This reaction...
Willem's Blog
Cutting Cloud Costs Facing sky-high cloud costs, I found software optimisation vital. Discover how I saved 90% on cloud...
a year ago
a year ago
Facing sky-high cloud costs, I found software optimisation vital. Discover how I saved 90% on cloud expenses!
computers are bad
2024-06-08 dmv.org The majority of US states have something called a "Department of Motor Vehicles," or DMV. Actually,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The majority of US states have something called a "Department of Motor Vehicles," or DMV. Actually, the universality of the term "DMV" seems to be overstated. A more general term is "motor vehicle administrator," used for example by the American Association of Motor Vehicle...
Home on Erik...
σ-driven project management: when is the optimal time to give up? Hi! It's your friendly project management theorician. You might remember me from blog posts such as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hi! It's your friendly project management theorician. You might remember me from blog posts such as Why software projects take longer than you think, which is a blog post I wrote a long time ago positing that software projects completion time follow a log-normal distribution.
computers are bad
2024-12-04 operators on the front At the very core of telephone history, there is the telephone operator. For a lot of people, the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
At the very core of telephone history, there is the telephone operator. For a lot of people, the vague understanding that an operator used to be involved is the main thing they know about historic telephony. Of course, telephone historians, as a group, tend to be much more...
Home on Erik...
Software infrastructure 2.0: a wishlist Software infrastructure (by which I include everything ending with *aaS, or anything remotely...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Software infrastructure (by which I include everything ending with *aaS, or anything remotely similar to it) is an exciting field, in particular because (despite what the neo-luddites may say) it keeps getting better every year! I love working with something that moves so...
Notes on software...
Tail call elimination In this post we'll explore what tail calls are, why they are useful, and how they can be eliminated...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post we'll explore what tail calls are, why they are useful, and how they can be eliminated in an interpreter, a compiler targeting C++, and a compiler targeting LLVM IR. Tail calls A tail call is a function call made at the end of a block that returns the value of the...
Jonas Hietala
The great Hochstapler Hey there. A lot has happened lately since my last update and my last game here. I’m now a pretty...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hey there. A lot has happened lately since my last update and my last game here. I’m now a pretty happy student at Linköpings university and I’m reading something similar to Computer Science or Computer engineering, but I guess it’ll become whatever you make it to be. For...
csvbase blog
How does it know I want csv? ⁠— An HTTP trick Forgotten parts of RFC2616
over a year ago
Notes on software...
Implementing a simple jq clone in Go, and basics of Go memory profiling In this post we'll build a basic jq clone in Go. It will only be able to pull a single path out of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post we'll build a basic jq clone in Go. It will only be able to pull a single path out of each object it reads. It won't be able to do filters, mapping, etc. $ cat large-file.json | head -n2 | ./jqgo...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Sidechains vs Plasma vs Sharding
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Focusing Attention: Study Hacking A week of drawing is over, but I didn’t draw that much. It was a little bit of a fail from my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A week of drawing is over, but I didn’t draw that much. It was a little bit of a fail from my part. But the past is the past and this week I’m going to be study focused. Not that I need to study, but I really need to rework my study technique. I’ve been going on like a classical...
How to fix ZFS pool not importing at boot Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything seems to work correctly, but after restarting your machine, the ZFS pool is not visible. You can still import your pool manually using zpool import poolname or zpool import -a. In...
Jonas Hietala
Calling closures in a Vec In rust one might want to have a list of closures, for example as a list of callbacks. let mut fs:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In rust one might want to have a list of closures, for example as a list of callbacks. let mut fs: Vec<||> = Vec::new(); fs.push(|| { println!("imma firing my lazer"); }); for f in fs.iter() { f(); // error: expected function but found `&||` }; Maybe if we borrow...
latest projects -...
Pocketwatch of Goo [Concept] Liquid filled timepiece
a week ago
Halls of Torment: a thematically questionable downtime game Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope everyone out there has a joyful and relaxing day, however...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope everyone out there has a joyful and relaxing day, however you celebrate. During the downtime I got to play a game I’d been wanting to try for a while. Last summer on The Besties podcast, Russ Frushtick mentioned that he was enjoying...
Posts on Made of...
A Cursed Bug In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my day job at Anthropic, we run relatively large distributed systems to train large language models. One of the joys of using a lot of computing resources, especially on somewhat niche software stacks, is that you spend a lot of time running into the long-tail of bugs which...
Jonas Hietala
My first netrunner store championship My girlfriend has told me I get these narrow interests where I pour all my energy and thoughts into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My girlfriend has told me I get these narrow interests where I pour all my energy and thoughts into and about 1,5 months ago I discovered Netrunner, a very awesome card game. Check out this how to play or team covenant’s channel if you want to know more. So this Sunday I went to...
Willem's Blog
Using Google Free Android Using a Google Free Android phone is uncommon these days, yet I decided to try the Volla Phone to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using a Google Free Android phone is uncommon these days, yet I decided to try the Volla Phone to experience its freedom and privacy.
Arduino Blog
A riddle wrapped in an enigma… made easy, with Arduino Plug and Make Kit The Arduino Plug and Make Kit was designed to open up infinite possibilities, breaking down the idea...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit was designed to open up infinite possibilities, breaking down the idea that technology is a “black box” reserved for experts. With its snap-together system, this kit gives everyone – beginners and seasoned makers alike – the power to create and...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of the IBM 5100 IBM's First Personal Computer
a year ago
Home on Erik...
More MCMC – Analyzing a small dataset with 1-5 ratings I've been obsessed with how to iterate quickly based on small scale feedback lately. One awesome...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been obsessed with how to iterate quickly based on small scale feedback lately. One awesome website I encountered is Usability Hub which lets you run 5 second tests. Users see your site for 5 seconds and you can ask them free-form questions afterwards.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Sharding FAQ
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Slackware installation notes It seems like it’s been a yearly recurrence reinstalling slackware from scratch. This time it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It seems like it’s been a yearly recurrence reinstalling slackware from scratch. This time it happened during my vacation when I was mucking around with trying to compile erlang with wxWidgets support and somehow a make clean started to remove / and I only noticed it too late…...
Lighthouse Blog
How to rate content and find it again
9 months ago
Arduino Blog
Marble art madness from a marvelous machine Marbles are underrated. They’re very round, roll well, tend to be pretty shiny, and come in all...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Marbles are underrated. They’re very round, roll well, tend to be pretty shiny, and come in all sorts of neat colors. That last characteristic makes them suitable for artwork, like orbicular pixels. In his most ambitious project to date, Engineezy took advantage of those...
Jonas Hietala
5 Kup After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to grading. I slept well but I was super stressed all weekend so I had to constantly run to the bathroom and I couldn’t eat lunch or breakfast properly, and I don’t usually get...
Home on Erik...
Snakebite Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie. It's a super fast tool to access HDFS over CLI/Python, by accessing the namenode directly over sockets/protobuf. Spotify's developer blog features a nice blog post outlining what...
Style over Substance
Create a Hue-compatible DIY LED light sculpture Learn how to create your own Hue compatible LED light sculpture, inspired by by the REFLEKTION art,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learn how to create your own Hue compatible LED light sculpture, inspired by by the REFLEKTION art, using cheap LED strips and DIY parts you can order online. The post Create a Hue-compatible DIY LED light sculpture appeared first on Style over Substance.
Computer Ads from...
Ampere WS-1 A cool Japanese clamtop
11 months ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Jet Black - New Experimental finish ::Update:: - The manufacturing fallout from making these fingerprint-loving docks was too high, even...
over a year ago
over a year ago
::Update:: - The manufacturing fallout from making these fingerprint-loving docks was too high, even after a dozen process revisions, so we're not continuing making these after our second run. Recommend going with the Matte Black finish, it's super beautiful with all color...
Arduino Blog
This disturbing Halloween doll was brought to life with Bottango Halloween is popular for a lot of reasons and it is safe to say that “creative expression” is near...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Halloween is popular for a lot of reasons and it is safe to say that “creative expression” is near the top of the list. That extends beyond store-bought costumes and decorations to DIY projects. If you want an excuse to make something impractical, Halloween can provide that. And...
My experience at the k-space hackerspace hackathon k-space is a hackerspace in Tallinn, Estonia, and they organized a hackathon recently. Unlike in...
a year ago
a year ago
k-space is a hackerspace in Tallinn, Estonia, and they organized a hackathon recently. Unlike in most hackathons, in this one you could whatever you like with no expectations about building a business or coming up with an MVP, just come on down to the space and start working on...
Tiered storage: use the right tool for the job Hard drives are still the default choice for many homelab and data hoarding enthusiasts. They still...
a year ago
a year ago
Hard drives are still the default choice for many homelab and data hoarding enthusiasts. They still hold the gigabytes per dollar advantage over SSD-s (for now), and if you buy the big external drives and take the drives out of the enclosures, you can get a pretty good...
Jonas Hietala
Swelling with New Shiny Books So I read the wonderful Design for Hackers and I managed to win some money for books from a course…...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I read the wonderful Design for Hackers and I managed to win some money for books from a course… So I ran away and ordered some new books, and they just arrived today. Yay! First off I ordered Introduction to Algorithms which is the de facto book about algorithms and it seemed...
This page looks better in the app You’re a web developer at a social media company that has recently made a big push for modernizing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’re a web developer at a social media company that has recently made a big push for modernizing their frontend for the mobile-first era. It has taken a lot of time and effort from many people. Countless challenges, arguments, testing. The release is near. You’re probably a bit...
Jonas Hietala
2021 in review A new year is always a good time to review the past year. Funny how this is already the 12th year...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new year is always a good time to review the past year. Funny how this is already the 12th year I’ve done this kind of quick review… Time sure flies. 2021 Non-Geek Achievements Started strength training using a strength coach from Kabuki. I got inspired by the book Peak that...
Notes on software...
Interpreting TypeScript In addition to providing a static type system and compiler for a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In addition to providing a static type system and compiler for a superset of JavaScript, TypeScript makes much of its functionality available programmatically. In this post we'll use the TypeScript compiler API to build an interpreter. We'll build off of a...
Home on Erik...
coin2dice Here's a problem that I used to give to candidates. I stopped using it seriously a long time ago...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a problem that I used to give to candidates. I stopped using it seriously a long time ago since I don't believe in puzzles, but I think it's kind of fun. Let's say you have a function that simulates a random coin flip.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Alternatives to selling at below-market-clearing prices for achieving fairness (or community...
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: More mods The printer is done, but I feel one of the best part of a VORON printer is the ability to modify and...
a year ago
a year ago
The printer is done, but I feel one of the best part of a VORON printer is the ability to modify and personalize it. There a tons of mods you can do, and while I’ve done a few there are lots more that I’d like to do some day. It’s a wonderful feeling to augment the printer with...
Posts on Made of...
wpa_supplicant: GUI and wpa_action I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve made two new interesting discoveries about wpa_supplicant since writing my last blog post on the subject. (Actually, I pretty much made both of them while reading documentation in order to write it, and have been lame about writing them up). Using wpa_gui It turns out that...
Computer Ads from...
Small Systems Engineering's PETSPEED Fast Enough for the Human Race
8 months ago
The Pragmatic...
Where to find to The Pragmatic Engineer Podcast The Pragmatic Engineer Podcast covers software engineering at Big Tech and startups, from the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Pragmatic Engineer Podcast covers software engineering at Big Tech and startups, from the inside. We do deepdives with experienced engineers and tech professionals who share their hard-earned lessons, interesting stories and advice they have on building software. After each...
Backing up another PC with a single Ethernet cable I was in a pinch. I needed to make a full disk backup of a PC, but I had no external storage device...
a month ago
a month ago
I was in a pinch. I needed to make a full disk backup of a PC, but I had no external storage device with me to store it on. The local Wi-Fi network was also way too slow to transfer the disk over it. All I had was my laptop with an Ethernet port, a Fedora Linux USB stick, and a...
Arduino Blog
ThermoGrasp brings thermal feedback to virtual reality Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The Combine. Or operating a robot through augmented reality and feeling coldness on your fingers when you get close to exceeding the robot’s limits. A prototype device called ThermoGrasp...
Never Met a Science
Yes, Xxit Xxit is like Brexit for X haha
3 months ago
Posts on Made of...
6.170, CVS, and SVN I’m taking 6.170 Lab in Software Engineering this semester. The course sucks in various ways, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m taking 6.170 Lab in Software Engineering this semester. The course sucks in various ways, but one of the most egregious, in my opinion, is that they force you to use CVS for your version control. Problem sets are distributed by the TAs importing them into your repository, and...
Engineers Need Art
Kim-1 User Manual For sale: a few KIM-1 User Manuals I printed up.
a year ago
Willem's Blog
Replacing a Shimano shift cable After some adventure with our cargo bike, the Shimano Nexus 7-speed shifter cable got damaged and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After some adventure with our cargo bike, the Shimano Nexus 7-speed shifter cable got damaged and needed replacement. Read my blog post to learn how to do this yourself.
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 08
a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Black and White All this time working on my latest game I thought it sucked and I was trying hard to make it to not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All this time working on my latest game I thought it sucked and I was trying hard to make it to not suck. My spirit wasn’t high, just check this post and this but now when it’s done it’s like night and day, or like black and white! I’m damn happy I got it done!! Aah I’ll try to...
Posts on Made of...
What MongoDB got Right MongoDB is perhaps the most-widely-mocked piece of software out there right now. While some of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
MongoDB is perhaps the most-widely-mocked piece of software out there right now. While some of the mockery is out-of-date or rooted in misunderstandings, much of it is well-deserved, and it’s difficult to disagree that much of MongoDB’s engineering is incredibly simplistic,...
computers are bad
2024-01-21 multi-channel audio part 1 Stereophonic or two-channel audio is so ubiquitous today that we tend to refer to all kinds of...
a year ago
a year ago
Stereophonic or two-channel audio is so ubiquitous today that we tend to refer to all kinds of pieces of consumer audio reproduction equipment as "a stereo." As you might imagine, this is a relatively modern phenomenon. While stereo audio in concept dates to the late 19th...
Avestura's Blog
Hiding a photo inside another photo How to hide a small photo inside a larger photo?
over a year ago
latest projects -...
Simsim Pendant [Concept] Mercurial Medallion
a year ago
Arduino Blog
7 powerful ways to integrate Collaborative Coding into education with the Arduino Cloud Collaborative coding in education can be a game-changer for students, providing them with real-world...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Collaborative coding in education can be a game-changer for students, providing them with real-world skills in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving. With the new collaborating coding feature of the Arduino Cloud, students can collaborate in real time on coding projects,...
Jonas Hietala
An intriguing new puzzle Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix between Rubik’s cube and sudoku. I enjoy puzzles like those and I really enjoyed this one too - it took me a while to beat it but I just love the feeling when you do. If you like...
Posts on Made of...
Computers can be understood Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially all of my work with software. I attempt to articulate this mindset, some of its implications and strengths, and some of the ways in which it’s lead me astray. Software can be...
Old Vintage...
So thieves broke into your storage unit - again If you've been wondering why entries have been a little slow lately, let me tell you a story. All...
5 months ago
5 months ago
If you've been wondering why entries have been a little slow lately, let me tell you a story. All collectors tend to be a bit obsessive by nature, and us classic computer nerds probably pick up more hardware than we can (or should) store in our residence — especially if the...
Christian Selig
Smart Open Xcode If you’re like me, you often have multiple versions of Xcode installed. One or two beta versions, a...
a year ago
a year ago
If you’re like me, you often have multiple versions of Xcode installed. One or two beta versions, a stable version, and maybe another version in case the most recent stable version has something weird about it. I also really like mapping my Caps Lock key to something more useful,...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Inside a vintage aerospace navigation computer of uncertain purpose I recently obtained an aerospace computer from the early 1970s, apparently part of a navigation...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I recently obtained an aerospace computer from the early 1970s, apparently part of a navigation system. Aerospace computers are an interesting but mostly neglected area of computer hardware, so I'm always delighted to examine one up close. In an era when most computers were large...
Willem's Blog
Riding with Omata One If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for an alternative for common cycling computers, the Omata One is something truely special: it indicates your speed, distance, ascent and time ridden using mechanical hands!
Willem's Blog
Traffic shaping using iptables and tc This month I responded to an automated alert indicating excessive bandwidth usage on a server,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This month I responded to an automated alert indicating excessive bandwidth usage on a server, requiring me to apply traffic shaping to mitigate the traffic.
Lighthouse Blog
How to use rules
9 months ago
lcamtuf’s thing
Random objects: Guycot & Jarre Early repeating handguns, or another unnecessary excursion into the bowels of history.
8 months ago
Nabeel S. Qureshi
How To Sell Sales at a startup is counter-intuitive.
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
New feature: RSS feed export
3 months ago
Arduino Blog
This rolling ball game brings Skee-Ball-style fun from the arcade to your home Ask your friends about their favorite games at the arcade and the most common answer will likely be...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Ask your friends about their favorite games at the arcade and the most common answer will likely be Skee-Ball. But while many other popular arcade games have viable at-home alternatives, Skee-Ball doesn’t — at least not unless you’re willing to spend a serious amount of money....
Vitalik Buterin's...
Exit games for EVM validiums: the return of Plasma
a year ago
Construction Physics
Inside the interconnection queue Electric power in the US is provided by the electrical grid, a huge network of power plants,...
a month ago
a month ago
Electric power in the US is provided by the electrical grid, a huge network of power plants, transmission lines, and transformers that moves electric power from where it's generated to where it's consumed.
Toni Lijic's Blog
Homage to My Last Name How I build my custom error page with Next.js & Tailwind
4 months ago
Posts on Made of...
A Very Subtle Bug 6.033, MIT’s class on computer systems, has as one of its catchphrases, “Complex systems fail for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
6.033, MIT’s class on computer systems, has as one of its catchphrases, “Complex systems fail for complex reasons”. As a class about designing and building complex systems, it’s a reminder that failure modes are subtle and often involve strange interactions between multiple parts...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #61: Fake Woolly Mammoths Plus why intelligence is social, Land Registry open data, and some completely invisible VFX
6 days ago
Notes on software...
Coolest hard-tech companies in NYC 2021 For years I've kept a private list of really cool tech companies in NYC. Now that I'm funemployed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For years I've kept a private list of really cool tech companies in NYC. Now that I'm funemployed it's the perfect time to publish. This list is influenced by 1) my perception of the difficulty of the engineering behind the product and 2) the company's educational and OSS...
Jonas Hietala
Faster than Light So I returned to Faster than Light again this weekend, this time for real. I bought it when it came...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I returned to Faster than Light again this weekend, this time for real. I bought it when it came out and I played it only in passing, but this weekend I played it a ton. Aaahh a new beginning in FTL. Will it be death once more I generally don’t like games where you have to...
computers are bad
2023-12-05 vhf omnidirectional range The term "VHF omnidirectional range" can at first be confusing, because it includes "range"---a...
a year ago
a year ago
The term "VHF omnidirectional range" can at first be confusing, because it includes "range"---a measurement that the technology does not provide. The answer to this conundrum is, as is so often the case, history. The "range" refers not to the radio equipment but to the space...
Good Enough
TIL: Deploying a Sinatra app to Render.com This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me,...
a year ago
a year ago
This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me, so I figured I’d write down what worked in the end. First, a Gemfile: # Gemfile source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'sinatra' gem 'sinatra-contrib' gem 'puma' * I’m pretty sure...
Posts on Made of...
Wordpress tricks: Disabling editing shortcuts One of the major reasons I can’t stand webapps is because I’m a serious emacs junkie, and I can’t...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the major reasons I can’t stand webapps is because I’m a serious emacs junkie, and I can’t edit text in anything that doesn’t have decent emacs keybindings. Fortunately, on Linux, at least, GTK provides basic emacs keybindings if you add gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs" to...
Jonas Hietala
Design for Hackers I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific thing. It happened again yesterday (or was it the day before I don’t know) when I saw this post on hackernews. It’s a book this time, again, but this is something a little different -...
Is storage really that cheap? Nowadays you can buy a 1 TB harddrive for less than 100 euro's . So I build myself a 4 TB NAS box,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Nowadays you can buy a 1 TB harddrive for less than 100 euro's . So I build myself a 4 TB NAS box, which is already 50% full. However, although it is to some degree fault-tollerant by using RAID 6, one mistake or catastrophic hardware faillure and all data is lost. And that's...
Electronics etc…
Guide Technology GT300 Frequency Standard Teardown MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [...
11 months ago
11 months ago
MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'], ["\\(", "\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ['$$', '$$'], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre',...
The optimization treadmill: why I keep changing my computing setup all the time I have a bad habit of changing my computing setups all the time. I tend to see new gear, then I...
a year ago
a year ago
I have a bad habit of changing my computing setups all the time. I tend to see new gear, then I get some new ideas, and then I obsessively think about it for weeks and months until I just buy it. And then the cycle repeats. I’ve had time to think about why that keeps happening...
Posts on Made of...
Lightweight Linux Kernel Development with KVM I don’t do a ton of Linux kernel development these days, but I’ve done a fair bit in the past, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don’t do a ton of Linux kernel development these days, but I’ve done a fair bit in the past, and picked up a number of useful techniques for doing kernel development in a relatively painless fashion. This blog post is a writeup of the tools and techniques I use when developing...
Pickle plus mains Back in February 2014, it was a cold (but dry) winter’s night and we decided to warm our hearts with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in February 2014, it was a cold (but dry) winter’s night and we decided to warm our hearts with some science. Our experiment was to observe the conduction of electricity through a pickle, using salt ions. We connected a pickle to the mains supply. Pickles have a strong...
Yazin Alirhayim
The Trouble With Optionality Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one morning thinking “Why, it appears I’ve spent the past several decades of my life optimizing for optionality. Perhaps I should figure out why?”. Most don’t even recognize the term –...
Firewire: the forgotten security risk The battle between Firewire and USB has been won by USB, but Firewire is still arround. It is not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The battle between Firewire and USB has been won by USB, but Firewire is still arround. It is not that prevalent, cheap computers lack Firewire, but they often have a PCMCIA slot. The thing is this: Firewire allows direct access to all RAM of your computer. An attacker...
Systemd Forward Secure Sealing of system logs makes little sense Systemd is a more modern replacement of sysvinit and its in the process of being integrated into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Systemd is a more modern replacement of sysvinit and its in the process of being integrated into most mainstream Linux distributions. I'm a bit troubled by one of it's features. I'd like to discuss the Forward Secure Sealing (FSS) feature for log files that is part of systemd....
Configuring SCST iSCSI target on Debian Linux (Wheezy) My goal is to export ZFS zvol volumes through iSCSI to other machines. The platform I'm using is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My goal is to export ZFS zvol volumes through iSCSI to other machines. The platform I'm using is Debian Wheezy. There are three iSCSI target solutions available for Linux: LIO IET SCST I've briefly played with LIO but the targetcli tool is interactive only. If you want to...
Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) released. The Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) is a small Bash script that acts as a library for bash...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) is a small Bash script that acts as a library for bash scripts. It provides a couple of functions that makes the lives of most people using shell scripts a bit easier. The purpose of this library is to provide pre-build functions for...
Old Vintage...
So long, Z80 You can still buy 6502s from Western Design Center and others, but Zilog's getting out of Z80s...
10 months ago
10 months ago
You can still buy 6502s from Western Design Center and others, but Zilog's getting out of Z80s (PDF), announcing earlier this week that after June 14th you won't be able to buy them anymore (specifically the last-part-standing Z84C00 which comes in various speeds from 6-20 MHz)...
8 TB RAID 6 Linux software RAID using EXT4 Mobo: Asus P5Q-EM DO ( 6x sata) CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 RAM: 4 GB Controller; HighPoint RocketRAID...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mobo: Asus P5Q-EM DO ( 6x sata) CPU: Core 2 Duo E7400 RAM: 4 GB Controller; HighPoint RocketRAID 2314 (16x poorten) PSU: CooMas Silent Pro M 600W ATX2 (definitely not overkill) HD: Samsung 1 TB SAT2 HD103UJ (10x) OS: Debian Lenny with custom kernel (backported) FS: EXT4 RAID...
Electronics etc…
Remote Controlling an HP 1670G Logic Analyzer with a Linux PC X Server Introduction Reserving a fixed IP address for the logic analyzer Assign the chosen IP address to the...
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction Reserving a fixed IP address for the logic analyzer Assign the chosen IP address to the logic analyzer Allow the logic analyzer to access your Ubuntu X server Configure the X-window Settings on the logic analyzer Install and declare the HP logic analyzer font...
Home on Erik...
In defense of false positives (why you can't fail with A/B tests) Many years ago, I used to think that A/B tests were foolproof and all you need to do is compare the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many years ago, I used to think that A/B tests were foolproof and all you need to do is compare the metrics for the two groups. The group with the highest conversion rate wins, right?
Electronics etc…
Tesla’s FSD - First and Last Impressions TLDR: It’s a useless technology demo. Introduction Rules of Engagement Test Ride 1: from Kings Beach...
9 months ago
9 months ago
TLDR: It’s a useless technology demo. Introduction Rules of Engagement Test Ride 1: from Kings Beach to Truckee (11 miles) Test Ride 2: I-80 from Truckee to Blue Canyon (36 miles) Test Ride 3: from West-Valley College to I-85 Entrance (1 mile) Conclusion Introduction In the past...
Arduino Blog
DIY ECU controls Honda Insight’s Kubota diesel engine The Honda Insight was the first hybrid car released in North America and Honda put serious effort...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The Honda Insight was the first hybrid car released in North America and Honda put serious effort into making it as efficient as was practical at the time. That meant aerodynamic streamlining, which is why the first-generation Insight had very distinct covers over the rear...
Engineers Need Art
Same Stop Marvelling at the full circle life seems to have taken after retirement.
a year ago
How to compile HAProxy from source and setup a basic configuration To learn more about HAProxy I decided to compile it from source and use it to load-balance traffic...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To learn more about HAProxy I decided to compile it from source and use it to load-balance traffic to louwrentius.com across two different web servers. I run HAProxy on a VPS based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Let's dive right in. First, we need to download the source. Don't copy/pased...
Simply Explained
Impact of Adblockers on Google Analytics (vs. Plausible) Adblocker usage is quickly rising, with some estimates saying that almost 25% of internet users have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Adblocker usage is quickly rising, with some estimates saying that almost 25% of internet users have one installed. Not only do they block advertisements, but also analytics scripts (like Google Analytics, Matomo, etc.)So that begs the question: what is the impact of these...
Arduino Blog
The Swervebot is an omnidirectional robot that combines LEGO and 3D-printed parts Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup...
a month ago
a month ago
Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup all the way to crawling legs. Alex Le’s project leverages the reliability of LEGO blocks with the customizability of 3D-printed pieces to create a highly mobile omnidirectional...
Abishek Muthian
Scam alert : mail from IPTI Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber phishing; right! Those who have filed international patents, keep an eye out for mails such as the above. I received a professional looking mail from IPTI & from what it looks like on the...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Keychain for AirTag AirTags are perfect for your keychain, everyone should have one. The problem is Apple's AirTags...
over a year ago
over a year ago
AirTags are perfect for your keychain, everyone should have one. The problem is Apple's AirTags scratch easy and donut style cases will get destroyed in your pocket. So we designed TagVault Keychain for AirTag. It's the first waterproof case for AirTag, ultra-durable, and...
Jonas Hietala
The killer features of the Steam Deck In the beginning of the year I gave myself a late Christmas gift and bought a Steam Deck for...
a year ago
a year ago
In the beginning of the year I gave myself a late Christmas gift and bought a Steam Deck for myself. There were two main reasons I decided to buy it: burnout and depression by picking up gaming again. And boy did it deliver. The Deck is probably the most impressive thing I can...
Electronics etc…
Zephyr Ravenna Control Board Replacement Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing Information Two PCBs - Control Board & Switch Assembly Switch of the Breaker!!! Glass Canopy Removal Duct Cover Removal Swapping the Control...
Home on Erik...
More recommender algorithms I wanted to share some more insight into the algorithms we use at Spotify. One matrix factorization...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to share some more insight into the algorithms we use at Spotify. One matrix factorization algorithm we have used for a while assumes that we have user vectors $$ bf{a}_u $$ and item vectors $$ bf{b}_i $$ .
lcamtuf’s thing
The untimely demise of an image upscaler ML-based image enhancement models are great. Unfortunately, some of them are great only once.
6 months ago
Why is Git Autocorrect too fast for Formula One drivers? Why does Git's autocorrect wait 0.1s before executing a mistyped command? Let's dig in.
a month ago
Home on Erik...
What is the right level of specialization? For data teams and anyone else. This isn't as much of a blog post as an elaboration of a tweet I posted the other day: I think this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This isn't as much of a blog post as an elaboration of a tweet I posted the other day: I think this specialization of data teams into 99 different roles (data scientist, data engineer, analytics engineer, ML engineer etc) is generally a bad thing driven by the fact that tools are...
Notes on software...
Edit for clarity I have the fortune to review a few important blog posts every year and the biggest value I add is to...
a month ago
a month ago
I have the fortune to review a few important blog posts every year and the biggest value I add is to call out sentences or sections that make no sense. It is quite simple and you can do it too. Without clarity only those at your company in marketing and sales (whose job it is to...
Are these 2025’s new iPhones? 9to5Mac has links to two mock ups claiming to represent the iPhone 17 Air and iPhone 17 Pro coming...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
9to5Mac has links to two mock ups claiming to represent the iPhone 17 Air and iPhone 17 Pro coming this fall. If I could be so bold, I’d say the 17 Air looks potentially reasonable, but the 17 pro render looks absolutely atrocious. I think there’s
Abishek Muthian
Apple Watch with Android A friend passed away recently during sleep due to unknown natural causes when they were all alone in...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A friend passed away recently during sleep due to unknown natural causes when they were all alone in a hotel in a foreign country. I couldn't dismiss the thought that may be if they had worn a smart watch they could have had better chances of reaching out for help and perhaps...
Stacked Branches with GitButler GitButler can now manage dependent branches that are stacked, including managing stacked GitHub PRs.
3 months ago
lcamtuf’s thing
Choosing an op-amp for your project Just say no to LM741.
2 months ago
Notes on software...
We put a distributed database in the browser – and made a game of it This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
a year ago
Grammarly still bests Writing Tools Adam Engst: Why Grammarly Beats Apple’s Writing Tools for Serious Writers Say I want to proofread...
a month ago
a month ago
Adam Engst: Why Grammarly Beats Apple’s Writing Tools for Serious Writers Say I want to proofread this paragraph while writing in Lex, which is running in Arc. To invoke Writing Tools, I must select the paragraph, Control-click, and choose Writing Tools > Proofread from the...
Good Enough
Cool URLs Don’t Die If you've been reading our newsletter (and you should be reading our newsletter) you will have seen...
a year ago
a year ago
If you've been reading our newsletter (and you should be reading our newsletter) you will have seen that I've been building some printers. This is actually the resurrection of a project I began in 2012 with the help of some colleagues, and while I've been updating it, it's been...
Notes on software...
An effective product manager There are three specific activities I have loved in some product managers I've worked with (and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are three specific activities I have loved in some product managers I've worked with (and missed in others). tldr; Talk with customers and prospects Develop and share a vision Evangelize Talk with customers and prospects As a product manager, your superpower over...
Neil Madden
Towards a standard for bearer token URLs In XSS doesn’t have to be Game Over, and earlier when discussing Can you ever (safely) include...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In XSS doesn’t have to be Game Over, and earlier when discussing Can you ever (safely) include credentials in a URL?, I raised the possibility of standardising a new URL scheme that safely allows encoding a bearer token into a URL. This makes it more convenient to use lots of...
How I blew up my backup server (Valve pls fix) It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck...
a year ago
a year ago
It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck and how the Proton compatibility layer works, I decided to write a backup script that would back up everything in the home folder, excluding the Steam games themselves due to the...
Willem's Blog
Flying in a C47-A (DC-3) classic plane Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received, experiencing aviation history unlike anything else!
Engineers Need Art
VPX Scripting - Part 2 (Linting) The second in a series of posts about scripting Visual Pinball tables.
11 months ago
Notes on software...
Walking through a basic Racket web service Racket is an impressive language and ecosystem. Compared to Python, Racket (an evolution of Scheme...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Racket is an impressive language and ecosystem. Compared to Python, Racket (an evolution of Scheme R5RS is three years younger. It is as concise and expressive as Python but with much more reasonable syntax and semantics. Racket is also faster in many cases due in part to: JIT...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing QuickDraw This may be the best product we've ever designed. Existing cord organizers sit at the back or edge...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This may be the best product we've ever designed. Existing cord organizers sit at the back or edge of your desk and create a mountain of clutter. Using them requires reaching for the cord you want and pulling it across your desk. To put it back, you have to flip the the cord...
csvbase blog
Client libraries are better when they have no API fsspec is secretly everywhere, and boss
11 months ago
Abishek Muthian
Butt Pomodoro - A butt triggered pomodoro timer A need gap of Remind me to take break when working from home was recently posted. Forgetting to take...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A need gap of Remind me to take break when working from home was recently posted. Forgetting to take regular breaks when immersed with work in front of a computer is a common problem, especially when working from home. On the flip side, getting distracted from completing a task...
Why VMware vSphere replication is changing the game If you are running a serious VMware environment, chances are you do have a SAN. Often with smaller...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you are running a serious VMware environment, chances are you do have a SAN. Often with smaller setups, many people do employ multiple VMware hosts, but the SAN is a single point of failure. SANs are often fully redundant devices, with redundant PSUs, storage controllers,...
Willem's Blog
The best bike computer app: Cyclemeter Collect advanced bike ride data using your smartphone connected to external Bluetooth sensors and a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Collect advanced bike ride data using your smartphone connected to external Bluetooth sensors and a steer mounted display.
Lighthouse Blog
Updates September 9: Feed finding
6 months ago
Notes on software...
Writing a document database from scratch in Go: Lucene-like filters and indexes In this post we'll write a rudimentary document database from scratch in Go. In less than 500 lines...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post we'll write a rudimentary document database from scratch in Go. In less than 500 lines of code we'll be able to support the following interactions, inspired by Elasticsearch: $ curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"name": "Kevin", "age": "45"}'...
Jonas Hietala
Going to University I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of activity here and for that I’m sorry. It’s not as hard as I had imagined, and I don’t have that much in school but there’s still a lot that’s going on. For example now how to make...
Notes on software...
Make small changes and solve the problems you have Two frustrating things that can happen in an organization are 1) big changes and 2) changes that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Two frustrating things that can happen in an organization are 1) big changes and 2) changes that aren’t clearly associated with a known problem. It’s even worse in that order. These situations tend to happen when a problem remain unaddressed for too long. These situations tend to...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing DraftTable for iPad Pro We are thrilled to release DraftTable for iPad Pro. It's the result of hundreds of hours of testing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We are thrilled to release DraftTable for iPad Pro. It's the result of hundreds of hours of testing and iteration with artists, designers and heavy iPad users to make the very best stand for working on iPad pro. Like a traditional drafters table, it is ultra-sturdy, widely...
Greater Still by...
Good Things Take Time A crypto whitepill with Bridget Harris
6 months ago
Construction Physics
Do U.S. Ports Need More Automation? On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily...
5 months ago
5 months ago
On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily dockworkers on East and Gulf Coast ports, went on strike after failing to agree contract terms with USMX, an alliance of port operators and employers.
Howto get the hard disk size under Linux? A: There is no single tool for this job, but it seems that Fdisk is just fine: server:~# fdisk -l 2>...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A: There is no single tool for this job, but it seems that Fdisk is just fine: server:~# fdisk -l 2> /dev/null | grep Disk | grep -v identifier Disk /dev/sda: 500.0 GB, 500028145664 bytes Disk /dev/sdb: 500.0 GB, 500028145664 bytes Disk /dev/sdc: 1000.1 GB, 1000123400192...
computers are bad
2023-12-23 ITT Technical Institute Programming note/shameless plug: I am finally on Mastodon. The history of the telephone industry is...
a year ago
a year ago
Programming note/shameless plug: I am finally on Mastodon. The history of the telephone industry is a bit of an odd one. For the greatest part of the 20th century, telephony in the United States was largely a monopoly of AT&T and its many affiliates. This wasn't always the case,...
On Life and Lisp
Vulkan 1.3 on the M1 in 1 month u{text-decoration-thickness:0.09em;text-decoration-color:skyblue} Finally, conformant Vulkan for the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
u{text-decoration-thickness:0.09em;text-decoration-color:skyblue} Finally, conformant Vulkan for the M1! The new “Honeykrisp” driver is the first conformant Vulkan® for Apple hardware on any operating system, implementing the full 1.3 spec without “portability”...
Good Enough
Season 1, Issue 1: The Loneliest Number 1. Confirmed Positive After two years of running from reality, it has finally happened for my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
1. Confirmed Positive After two years of running from reality, it has finally happened for my family. I have tested positive for SARS Coronavirus-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. For this honor, I would like to thank our society’s collective tiring of virus mitigation. It truly...
Jonas Hietala
Building my ultimate keyboard The Cybershard keyboard. What comes to mind when you see the description “the ultimate...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Cybershard keyboard. What comes to mind when you see the description “the ultimate keyboard”? There are many keyboards in this world; here are some that might fit the “ultimate” moniker: Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate mechanical keyboard DataHand Ergodox EZ Glove80 Happy...
Willem's Blog
Escaping the flat tires Finding the answer to the question how resilient a puncture-proof tire really is took me quite some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Finding the answer to the question how resilient a puncture-proof tire really is took me quite some time, but alas - here it is!
Home on Erik...
More Luigi! Continuing in the same spirit of shameless self-promotion, here's some recent Luigi press: Reddit...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Continuing in the same spirit of shameless self-promotion, here's some recent Luigi press: Reddit thread A Guide to Python Frameworks for Hadoop (slides from the NYC Hadoop User Group) This presentation from the Open Analytics NYC meetup about how Foursquare uses Luigi  Luigi...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Inside the guidance system and computer of the Minuteman III nuclear missile The Minuteman missile was introduced in 1962 as a key part of America's nuclear deterrent. The...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The Minuteman missile was introduced in 1962 as a key part of America's nuclear deterrent. The Minuteman III missile is currently the only US land-based intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), with 400 missiles ready for launch, spread across five central states.1 The missile...
lcamtuf’s thing
Investigating an "evil" RJ45 dongle Reverse-engineering hardware can be difficult -- but sometimes, all you need is a comfy armchair and...
a month ago
a month ago
Reverse-engineering hardware can be difficult -- but sometimes, all you need is a comfy armchair and some Google Translate.
IKEA $50 VINDSTYRKA vs. $290 Dylos air quality monitor This is a brief article in which I compare the IKEA VINDSTYRKA $50 air quality monitor (PM2.5) with...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a brief article in which I compare the IKEA VINDSTYRKA $50 air quality monitor (PM2.5) with a $290 air quality monitor made by Dylos to see if it's any good. Context If you care about indoor air quality, you may already own a CO2 to determine if it's time to ventilate...
Odds and Ends of...
AI is going to break how schools work – but that will be good The awkward reality the government seems scared to talk about
a month ago
Why Debian/Ubuntu Linux is to be preferred There are many Linux distributions around. However, I always come back to just one: Debian. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are many Linux distributions around. However, I always come back to just one: Debian. The reason why so many people use Debian is the same reason I like it so much: software management.  With good old apt-get or the new aptitude, software is installed within minutes. Due to...
Engineers Need Art
Stereographer Experimenting in stereo photography and I write an app to create old-fashioned stereoscopic cards.
7 months ago
7 months ago
Experimenting in stereo photography and I write an app to create old-fashioned stereoscopic cards.
Arduino Blog
Arduino’s Alvik Robot shortlisted for the Bett Awards 2025 in the AV, VR/AR, Robotics, and Digital... We’re thrilled to announce that Arduino Education has been shortlisted for the Bett Awards 2025,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
We’re thrilled to announce that Arduino Education has been shortlisted for the Bett Awards 2025, this time in the AV, VR/AR, Robotics, or Digital Device category with our Alvik robot! This recognition highlights our dedication to innovation, inclusivity, and the advancement of...
Home on Erik...
Blogroll Remember when everyone had a really ugly blog with a blogroll? Anyway, just think the word is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Remember when everyone had a really ugly blog with a blogroll? Anyway, just think the word is funny. I follow a few hundred blogs using Feedly and Reeder and have been reading a few hundred thousand blog posts over the last 10 years.
computers are bad
2025-02-02 residential networking over telephone Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed...
a month ago
a month ago
Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed telephone cabling. That article focused on the earlier and more business-oriented products, but many of you probably know that there have been a number of efforts to install IP...
Jonas Hietala
Hearthstone on Wine I like Hearthstone and recently the next expansion Goblins vs Gnomes so I wanted to install and play...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I like Hearthstone and recently the next expansion Goblins vs Gnomes so I wanted to install and play it. It didn’t work in vanilla wine, with a “time out error”, but I found a bug report which makes it work. Here’s a short summary: Get wine source from git. My version was...
Willem's Blog
One year on the ultimate commuter bike Answering questions from one of the most popular posts of last year, I am reviewing my commuter bike...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Answering questions from one of the most popular posts of last year, I am reviewing my commuter bike after one year of extensive use through winter and summer.
Odds and Ends of...
How I learned to stop worrying and love the military industrial complex Whether Trump wins or loses today, Europe should tool up and prepare to fight.
4 months ago
Creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux Here are some notes on creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux, using ZFS on Linux. I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here are some notes on creating a basic ZFS file system on Linux, using ZFS on Linux. I'm documenting the scenario where I just want to create a file system that can tollerate at least a single drive failure and can be shared over NFS. Identify the drives you want to use for the...
Lars Lofgren
How Live Chat Tools Impact Conversions and Why I Launched a Bad Variant Do those live chat tools actually help your business? Will they get you more customers by allowing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Do those live chat tools actually help your business? Will they get you more customers by allowing your visitors to chat directly with your team? Like most tests, you can come up with theories that sound great for both sides. Pro Live Chat Theory: Having a live chat tool helps...
Electronics etc…
Measuring the HP 11720A Pulse Modulator and Coax Cables Introduction What is a pulse modulator and what are they used for? The HP 11720A Pulse...
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction What is a pulse modulator and what are they used for? The HP 11720A Pulse Modulator Inside the HP 11720A Measurement Setup for a Quick Testing Session Pin Modulator Power Measurements with HP 432A Cable Loss Measurements with HP 432A Cable Power Measurements with...
Odds and Ends of...
Book now! Where we're going, we need roads (and trains) My next in-person event/meet-up, with transport policy expert Michael Dnes!
3 months ago
Electronics etc…
A Hardware Interposer to Fix the Symmetricom SyncServer S200 GPS Week Number Rollover Problem Introduction IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The Problem: SyncServer Refuses to Lock to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Introduction IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The Problem: SyncServer Refuses to Lock to GPS The GPS Week Number Rollover Issue Making the Furuno GT-8031 Work Again How It Works Build Instructions Power Supply Recapping The Future: A Software-Only Solution The...
watchTowr Labs
The Best Security Is When We All Agree To Keep Everything Secret (Except The Secrets) - NAKIVO... As an industry, we believe that we’ve come to a common consensus after 25 years of circular debates...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
As an industry, we believe that we’ve come to a common consensus after 25 years of circular debates - disclosure is terrible, information is actually dangerous, it’s best that it’s not shared, and the only way to really to ensure that no one ever
Jonas Hietala
The current Cybershard layout This is the keyboard layout I’m using for my custom keyboard that I generated, printed, and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
This is the keyboard layout I’m using for my custom keyboard that I generated, printed, and hand-wired. It’s a minimalistic keyboard of 35 keys and features an integrated trackball on the right-hand side. The keyboard layout started out as a direct copy of the T-34 keyboard...
Notes on software...
Writing a web server from scratch: 1. HTTP and sockets Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd like to be able to render this page in a web browser. If the server is hosted locally we may want to enter localhost:9000/hello-world.html in the address bar, hit enter, make a...
Home on Erik...
How to set compensation using commonsense principles Compensation has always been one of the most confusing parts of management to me. Getting it right...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Compensation has always been one of the most confusing parts of management to me. Getting it right is obviously extremely important. Compensation is what drives our entire economy, and you could look at the market for labor as one gigantic resource-allocating machine in the same...
Gwern.net Newsletter
Jan 2021 Gwern.net Newsletter January 2021 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI scaling up and down.
over a year ago
Playing with the Bluesky firehose Over the weekend I started playing around with Jetstream, a project from the Bluesky team to deliver...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Over the weekend I started playing around with Jetstream, a project from the Bluesky team to deliver a JSON based firehose of atproto data. Here’s an overview of the simple project I built with that data. I was inspired by a post from Simon Willison where he showed off a tool for...
computers are bad
2023-03-24 docker Lately I tend to stick to topics that are historic by at least twenty years, and that does have a...
a year ago
a year ago
Lately I tend to stick to topics that are historic by at least twenty years, and that does have a lot of advantages. But I am supposedly a DevOps professional, and so I will occasionally indulge in giving DevOps advice... or at least opinions, which are sort of like advice but...
Notes on software...
Speeding up Go's builtin JSON encoder up to 55% for large arrays of objects This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Good Enough
Season 1, Issue 2: Just the Two of Us 0. Everyone Likes a Giveaway Stick around to hear how you can win a fabulous prize by hardly doing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
0. Everyone Likes a Giveaway Stick around to hear how you can win a fabulous prize by hardly doing anything. Take it away, fellas… 1. Still Positive Did you know that once you acquire COVID-19 your PCR test can be positive for up to 90 days? Did you know that the at-home tests...
Axio.ms site refresh This is the obligatory “first post on new platform” post, coupled with a bit of “first post in 4...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the obligatory “first post on new platform” post, coupled with a bit of “first post in 4 years, I’m still alive”. The original axio.ms site was a very HTML1.0 affair and while this was kind of intentional-tongue-in-cheek-chic, it was also a PITA to update. It wasn’t...
watchTowr Labs
Get FortiRekt, I am the Super_Admin Now - FortiOS Authentication Bypass CVE-2024-55591 Welcome to Monday, and what an excitingly fresh start to the week we're all having. Grab your...
a month ago
a month ago
Welcome to Monday, and what an excitingly fresh start to the week we're all having. Grab your coffee, grab your vodka - we're diving into a currently exploited-in-the-wild critical Authentication Bypass affecting foRtinet's (we are returning the misspelling gesture 🥰) flagship...
Anything's a portable speaker if you're brave enough I hate buying things that are single-purpose, which is why I ended up with this setup. Take a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I hate buying things that are single-purpose, which is why I ended up with this setup. Take a speaker, a battery, put them together, and what you now have is a portable speaker. Since I had access to both, I felt no need to buy a separate portable speaker for use in social...
Engineers Need Art
Building Quarter-Cab - Phase I Lets build a simple virtual pinball controller to bring more immersion to your game.
10 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Jonas IceCream Stand Ah my latest game Jonas IceCream Stand is finished and up and running and I’m really proud of it!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ah my latest game Jonas IceCream Stand is finished and up and running and I’m really proud of it! And thanks for the feedback guys, it’s always welcome. I spent almost exactly fifty hours on this game and that’s by far the most I’ve spent on a 7day project. To be honest it’s...
Matt Blewitt
Movement for Engineers Until we get get to be chromed-up cyborgs, we’re stuck with our meat bodies, and like many things,...
a year ago
a year ago
Until we get get to be chromed-up cyborgs, we’re stuck with our meat bodies, and like many things, they need regular maintenance. Here is a brief introduction to keeping your body moving as someone who spends a lot of time sitting down.
Abishek Muthian
Oracle cloud free tier quirks I recently came to know that Oracle offers VMs with decent compute performance as part of always...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently came to know that Oracle offers VMs with decent compute performance as part of always free cloud services, Which is great for someone like me who has too many side projects and spending way more on their hosting infrastructure than one should. There are several great...
My very first career day This post is a short overview of my experience at a career day in Valga, Estonia, hosted with the...
a year ago
a year ago
This post is a short overview of my experience at a career day in Valga, Estonia, hosted with the help of GreenDice. I’ve never spoken at a career day before nor attended one as a student, which is why I instantly agreed to going to one when GreenDice reached out to me. Why? I...
Willem's Blog
Lunch by plane This week I went out for lunch by plane from Hilversum to Texel with a good buddy of mine.
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Tumblr's awesome project names Not sure how I managed to miss this, but I'm watching this Tumblr presentation and they talk about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Not sure how I managed to miss this, but I'm watching this Tumblr presentation and they talk about their projects named after Arrested Development topics: Gob, Parmesan, Buster, Jetpants, Oscar, George and Motherboy. Still, the best software project name is probably still Apple's...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Inside the tiny chip that powers Montreal subway tickets To use the Montreal subway (the Métro), you tap a paper ticket against the turnstile and it...
8 months ago
8 months ago
To use the Montreal subway (the Métro), you tap a paper ticket against the turnstile and it opens. The ticket works through a system called NFC, but what's happening internally? How does the ticket work without a battery? How does it communicate with the turnstile? And how can it...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Verkle trees
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
The Filter Bubble is Silly and you Can't Guess What Happened Next I'm at RecSys 2014, meeting a lot of people and hanging out at talks. Some of the discussions here...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm at RecSys 2014, meeting a lot of people and hanging out at talks. Some of the discussions here was about the filter bubble which prompted me to formalize my own thoughts. I firmly believe that it's the role of a system to respect the user's intent.
Willem's Blog
Commuting by bike One week on the VanMoof Electrified S E-bike testing it for commuting and comparing it to a normal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One week on the VanMoof Electrified S E-bike testing it for commuting and comparing it to a normal bike.
Arduino Blog
This frighteningly realistic animatronic head features expressive silicone skin The human face is remarkably complex, with 43 different muscles contorting the skin in all kinds of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The human face is remarkably complex, with 43 different muscles contorting the skin in all kinds of ways. Some of that is utilitarian — your jaw muscles are good for chewing, after all. But a lot of it seems to be the result of evolution giving us fantastic non-verbal...
watchTowr Labs
Hop-Skip-FortiJump-FortiJump-Higher - Fortinet FortiManager CVE-2024-47575 It’s been a tricky time for Fortinet (and their customers) lately - arguably, even more so than...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It’s been a tricky time for Fortinet (and their customers) lately - arguably, even more so than usual. Adding to the steady flow of vulnerabilities in appliances recently was a nasty CVSS 9.8 vulnerability in FortiManager, their tool for central management of FortiGate...
Matt Mullenweg
My First Million I had a great chat with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri on their podcast, My First Million.
a month ago
watchTowr Labs
We Spent $20 To Achieve RCE And Accidentally Became The Admins Of .MOBI Welcome back to another watchTowr Labs blog. Brace yourselves, this is one of our most astounding...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Welcome back to another watchTowr Labs blog. Brace yourselves, this is one of our most astounding discoveries. Summary What started out as a bit of fun between colleagues while avoiding the Vegas heat and $20 bottles of water in our Black Hat hotel rooms - has now seemingly...
Simply Explained
How I Structure My ESPHome Config Files I'm a big fan of ESPHome. I have 24 devices running it, and I only buy new IoT devices when I know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm a big fan of ESPHome. I have 24 devices running it, and I only buy new IoT devices when I know they can run ESPHome.ESPHome is a modular firmware that you have to configure with YAML files. You define what components it should load and how it should talk to the hardware of...
Cool projects This is an unsorted list of projects that really cool and neat. Chromebook cluster someone took...
a year ago
a year ago
This is an unsorted list of projects that really cool and neat. Chromebook cluster someone took some old Chromebooks, stripped them down and built a cluster. I love this kind of jank!
Arduino Blog
This device prevents garage door security breaches Your automatic garage door is almost certainly the most vulnerable access point in your house....
4 months ago
4 months ago
Your automatic garage door is almost certainly the most vulnerable access point in your house. Traditional systems are notorious for their susceptibility to replay attacks, but even more sophisticated modern garage door openers and those that lack remote functionality entirely...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Why Proof of Stake (Nov 2020)
over a year ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Guide to 99% Fault Tolerant Consensus
over a year ago
Notes on software...
First month on a database team A little over a month ago, I joined EnterpriseDB on a distributed Postgres product (PGD). The...
a year ago
a year ago
A little over a month ago, I joined EnterpriseDB on a distributed Postgres product (PGD). The process of onboarding myself has been pretty similar at each company in the last decade, though I think I've gotten better at it. The process is of course influenced by the team, and my...
Simply Explained
ESP32 Cam: cropping images on device The ESP32 camera is the cheapest microcontroller with a built-in camera that you can buy. The OV2640...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The ESP32 camera is the cheapest microcontroller with a built-in camera that you can buy. The OV2640 sensor has a max resolution of 1600x1200, but sometimes you don't need the entire image.In this post I'll show how to crop the images on the ESP32 itself, before sending it of to...
Jonas Hietala
Tufte style sidenotes and marginnotes in Pollen When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved it for Pollen but felt it deserved it’s own post. A caveat: I generated Tufte CSS style sidenotes and marginnotes which made it more complex than if I had simply generated...
First look at my next big thing (members post) I've been working on something new, but it's not ready for prime time.
a month ago
Matt Blewitt
Service Objects in Rails Let’s kick off 2016 with a whistle-stop tour of one of my favourite OO approaches, Service Objects,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let’s kick off 2016 with a whistle-stop tour of one of my favourite OO approaches, Service Objects, in the context of Rails.
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 2.0 Success and Litigation
a year ago
Arduino Blog
Why is STEAM education important for kids? 6 activity tips School’s out for summer – at least for most of us. While the majority of children (and teachers!)...
8 months ago
8 months ago
School’s out for summer – at least for most of us. While the majority of children (and teachers!) will probably be breathing a huge sigh of relief, parents face a new challenge: how to keep kids engaged during the long break. Of course, downtime is important, but there are also...
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Note On Charity Through Marginal Price Discrimination
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Beebop The Island Hopper So I participated in the Ludum Dare for the first time and this is a postmortem of my game Beebop...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I participated in the Ludum Dare for the first time and this is a postmortem of my game Beebop The Island Hopper for the theme Islands. About Ludum Dare Ludum Dare is a competition which runs maybe two times a year and the competition is 24 hours long with a specific theme....
computers are bad
2023-10-15 go.com Correction: a technical defect in my Enterprise Content Management System resulted in the email...
a year ago
a year ago
Correction: a technical defect in my Enterprise Content Management System resulted in the email having a subject that made it sound like this post would be about the classic strategy game Go. It is actually about a failed website. I regret the error; the responsible people have...
Willem's Blog
MUSE in Carré MUSE's legendary rock fused with Amsterdam's Royal Theatre Carré for an unforgettable, electrifying...
over a year ago
over a year ago
MUSE's legendary rock fused with Amsterdam's Royal Theatre Carré for an unforgettable, electrifying experience - read about my experience!
Understanding Windows KMS and MAK volume license activation Introduction If you have to administer a large number of PCs running Windows, you will end up...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction If you have to administer a large number of PCs running Windows, you will end up creating an automated deployment platform for your Windows clients. You may implement something like Windows Deployment Services. I used WDS to create a fully automated installation of...
Christian Selig
Juno 1.1 If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was...
a year ago
a year ago
If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was such a cool feeling to release an app on day one of the Apple Vision Pro’s launch, and having people be so excited about it and have such great feedback made it that much better....
Superhuman’s next big update looks very compelling On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto Labels are great, but what's even better is making your own. Just write a prompt, like “job applications” or “requests for me to review work”. You can
Willem's Blog
Talking tablets: what makes a great tablet? Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be your main computer?
Arduino Blog
This vending machine draws generative art for just a euro If you hear the term “generative art” today, you probably subconsciously add “AI” to the beginning...
a week ago
a week ago
If you hear the term “generative art” today, you probably subconsciously add “AI” to the beginning without even thinking about it. But generative art techniques existed long before modern AI came along — they even predate digital computing altogether. Despite that long history,...
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner Lindhska Store Championship Örebro After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store championship at Lindhska Bokhandel in Örebro. I brought a modified version of the same corp I used the last time, a Blue Sun kill deck and a new runner with Leela Patel. See the links for...
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1983/08 Today Mag Time for some levity. The following comics were all found in the August 1983 issue of Today...
a year ago
a year ago
Time for some levity. The following comics were all found in the August 1983 issue of Today magazine. Enjoy! What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends and relatives. Thank you.
Arduino Blog
Assess your aquarium’s health with an AI-enabled ultrasonic sensor Below the surface of any body of water, harmful amounts of toxic gases and contaminates can...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Below the surface of any body of water, harmful amounts of toxic gases and contaminates can accumulate, which leads to a loss in fish and plant populations if not fixed quickly. But because most water testing, especially in aquariums, is done primarily on the surface, vital...
HP Procurve "auto DoS" feature causing network problems A feature on more recent HP Procurve models (18xx series, such as 1810G etc.) is called "Auto DoS"....
over a year ago
over a year ago
A feature on more recent HP Procurve models (18xx series, such as 1810G etc.) is called "Auto DoS". You can find it in the section "Security" and then "Advanced security". If you enable the Auto DoS feature, traffic is blocked based on one of these conditions: the source port...
Jonas Hietala
Laying off Pintos Exam period is here which means all courses should be wrapping up and a week or so ago we finished...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Exam period is here which means all courses should be wrapping up and a week or so ago we finished up our lab series about pintos. The labs were among the best I’ve had yet and I learned a ton. We didn’t follow the official instructions but we had our own assigmnets....
Willem's Blog
Clouds below my floor Building a little datacenter in my basement utilising a very fast internet connection.
over a year ago
Good Enough
Cosmic Maelstrom As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's...
a year ago
a year ago
As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's weird to be in this situation. Most of the Good Enough team are used to working on just one software at a time, focusing on steadily improving it. But right now we're doing the...