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Abishek Muthian
Smart Watch to Smart Clock I was one of the early adopters of smart watch ecosystem with OG LG G Watch, but lately I have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was one of the early adopters of smart watch ecosystem with OG LG G Watch, but lately I have stopped wearing watches altogether as they're sweaty and that I've become weary of having devices with large batteries closer to my body especially those with connectivity. But the LG G...
'Linux: show graphical layout of disk temperatures' graphic, representation To get a visual representation of hard drive temperatures, I wrote a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
graphic, representation To get a visual representation of hard drive temperatures, I wrote a small script. The output of this script looks like this: This output is tailored to the exact disk lay-out of my storage server. However, it is also usable for other servers. You have to...
Computer Ads from...
EPYX's Pitstop Where Winning is the Pits.
8 months ago
lcamtuf’s thing
Random object: Sony Mavica MVC-FD73 Floppy disk digital cameras, or why our views of technological progress are not always rooted in...
a month ago
Lighthouse Blog
Deep dive into finding RSS feeds
3 months ago
Posts on Made of...
What MongoDB got Right MongoDB is perhaps the most-widely-mocked piece of software out there right now. While some of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
MongoDB is perhaps the most-widely-mocked piece of software out there right now. While some of the mockery is out-of-date or rooted in misunderstandings, much of it is well-deserved, and it’s difficult to disagree that much of MongoDB’s engineering is incredibly simplistic,...
Posts on Made of...
amd64 and va_arg A while back, I was poking around LLVM bugs, and discovered, to my surprise, that LLVM doesn’t...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A while back, I was poking around LLVM bugs, and discovered, to my surprise, that LLVM doesn’t support the va_arg intrinsic, used by functions to accept multiple arguments, at all on amd64. It turns out that clang and llvm-gcc, the compilers that backend to LLVM, have their own...
Applied Cartography
Bozos Kevin Twohy has a list of heuristics for new projects/clients, and my favorite is simple: No Bozos....
4 months ago
4 months ago
Kevin Twohy has a list of heuristics for new projects/clients, and my favorite is simple: No Bozos. Simple policy. No exceptions. You know it when you see it. Every founder has a story about the time that they ignored the red flags and bent over backwards for a particularly...
Good Enough
You Complete Me When Good Enough was in its infancy as a truly American LLC (formed in Delaware and representing one...
3 months ago
3 months ago
When Good Enough was in its infancy as a truly American LLC (formed in Delaware and representing one or two people who were only semi-serious about a business), it was fun to play around with building websites. Shawn and I were truly just playing and exploring, more than anything...
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Jonas IceCream Stand Ah my latest game Jonas IceCream Stand is finished and up and running and I’m really proud of it!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ah my latest game Jonas IceCream Stand is finished and up and running and I’m really proud of it! And thanks for the feedback guys, it’s always welcome. I spent almost exactly fifty hours on this game and that’s by far the most I’ve spent on a 7day project. To be honest it’s...
Willem's Blog
Scalable application design without magic I needed to design a scalable backend infrastructure that could handle lots of concurrent users. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I needed to design a scalable backend infrastructure that could handle lots of concurrent users. I did this by leveraging the client's computing power having it handle most of the user interaction workload.
Artemis 1 Countdown I've been following the Artemis 1 Launch Schedule quite closely on a few forums and discussing it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been following the Artemis 1 Launch Schedule quite closely on a few forums and discussing it with serveral people, and I had been regularly posting updated DateandTime countdown links for the revised launch attempts. With the schedule chnages and scrubs that have happened...
Notes on software...
Interpreting Go After spending some time at work on tooling for keeping documentation in sync with Go struct...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After spending some time at work on tooling for keeping documentation in sync with Go struct definitions I had enough exposure to Go's built-in parsing package that next steps were clear: write an interpreter. It's a great way to get more comfortable with a language's AST. In...
Construction Physics
Reading List 03/01/25 Nissan courting Tesla, Europe’s Starlink competitor, Chinese semiconductor progress, ways to use...
a week ago
a week ago
Nissan courting Tesla, Europe’s Starlink competitor, Chinese semiconductor progress, ways to use existing interconnection capacity, and more.
Willem's Blog
Realtime service uptime monitoring Downtime happens and it is nothing to be ashamed of, just make sure that you set yourself up to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Downtime happens and it is nothing to be ashamed of, just make sure that you set yourself up to discover problems as soon as possible! Know about problems before your customers do!
Home on Erik...
How to build up a data team (everything I ever learned about recruiting) During my time at Spotify, I've reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of people....
over a year ago
over a year ago
During my time at Spotify, I've reviewed thousands of resumes and interviewed hundreds of people. Lots of them were rejected but lots of them also got offers. Finally, I've also had my share of offers rejected by the candidate.
Christian Selig
Apollo for Reddit 1.9 Apollo 1.9’s a massive update to Apollo that’s taken months and months to complete, but I’m really...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Apollo 1.9’s a massive update to Apollo that’s taken months and months to complete, but I’m really happy with the result, and it brings together a ton of ideas from the community to make Apollo even nicer to use. The update includes a variety of features around crossposts, flair,...
Quest towards energy efficiency part 1: the water heater While listening to the SelfHosted podcast, one of the hosts brought up their peculiar...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While listening to the SelfHosted podcast, one of the hosts brought up their peculiar living arrangement multiple times. Essentially, he and his family are living in an RV that runs off of batteries, has solar panels, utilizes Home Assistant for automation, supports multiple...
Arduino Blog
This vending machine draws generative art for just a euro If you hear the term “generative art” today, you probably subconsciously add “AI” to the beginning...
a week ago
a week ago
If you hear the term “generative art” today, you probably subconsciously add “AI” to the beginning without even thinking about it. But generative art techniques existed long before modern AI came along — they even predate digital computing altogether. Despite that long history,...
watchTowr Labs
Exploitation Walkthrough and Techniques - Ivanti Connect Secure RCE (CVE-2025-0282) As we saw in our previous blogpost, we fully analyzed Ivanti’s most recent unauthenticated Remote...
a month ago
a month ago
As we saw in our previous blogpost, we fully analyzed Ivanti’s most recent unauthenticated Remote Code Execution vulnerability in their Connect Secure (VPN) appliance. Specifically, we analyzed CVE-2025-0282. Today, we’re going to walk through exploitation. Once again, however,...
Good Enough
Issue 0: Collector's Item 1. Oh, hello. We didn’t see you there. How are you doing? You’ve somehow ended up with a collector’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
1. Oh, hello. We didn’t see you there. How are you doing? You’ve somehow ended up with a collector’s item in your hands: the very first Good Enough Newsletter. This is the beginning of what we (Barry Hess & Shawn Liu) hope to be a years-long series of communiqués with our rabid...
computers are bad
2024-08-31 ipmi I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home, here in New Mexico. One of the steps in this process is, of course, purchasing a new server... the current Big Iron is getting rather old (probably about a decade!) and here in...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing MagBase Today we launched MagBase - it makes Apple's MagSafe Charger much easier to use. After trying other...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today we launched MagBase - it makes Apple's MagSafe Charger much easier to use. After trying other mounts for the MagSafe charger, we found it annoying to not be able to pick up & use your iPhone while charging. So we designed MagBase: Pull up to use your iPhone with MagSafe...
Home on Erik...
Interviewing is a noisy prediction problem I have done roughly 2,000 interviews in my life. When I started recruiting, I had so much confidence...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have done roughly 2,000 interviews in my life. When I started recruiting, I had so much confidence in my ability to assess people. Let me just throw a couple of algorithm questions at a candidate and then I'll tell you if they are good or not!
Notes on software...
Writing a storage engine for Postgres: an in-memory Table Access Method With Postgres 12, released in 2019, it became possible to swap out Postgres's storage engine. This...
a year ago
a year ago
With Postgres 12, released in 2019, it became possible to swap out Postgres's storage engine. This is a feature MySQL has supported for a long time. There are at least 8 different built-in engines you can pick from. MyRocks, MySQL on RocksDB, is another popular third-party...
Home on Erik...
Subway waiting math Why does it suck to wait for things? In a previous post I analyzed a NYC subway dataset and found...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why does it suck to wait for things? In a previous post I analyzed a NYC subway dataset and found that at some point, quite early, it's worth just giving up. This isn't a proof that the subway doesn't run on time – in fact it might actually proves that the subway runs really...
Computer Ads from...
T/Maker: Tiny Software Company Takes on the Giants (Interview) An interesting look at a company with less than 20 employees playing with the big boys
4 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
How to import feeds in Lighthouse
11 months ago
Engineers Need Art
VPX Scripting - Part 4 (Pet Sounds) Teacher's Pet gets new sounds in this post in a series about scripting Visual Pinball tables.
10 months ago
Show “nobody wanted” was the second-most-watched show on Disney+ Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly...
a month ago
a month ago
Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly Resilient” in 2024 Amid Production Declines, but Streaming Still Leads the Pack; ‘Fool Me Once’ Led TV Last Year, Luminate Says big IP franchises were still the best performing series on...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Analyzing Token Sale Models
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
A Game Boy is the worst and best option for a car’s dash If your car was made in the last decade, its dash probably has several displays, gauges, and...
a month ago
a month ago
If your car was made in the last decade, its dash probably has several displays, gauges, and indicator lights. But how many of those do you actually look at on a regular basis? Likely only one or two, like the speedometer and gas gauge. Knowing that, John Sutley embraced...
My self-hosting setup has an UPS now, here's my experience with it I changed my setup again. I’m now the proud owner of an APC Smart-UPS 750. Why? Because I got it as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I changed my setup again. I’m now the proud owner of an APC Smart-UPS 750. Why? Because I got it as a gift, and I have never actually had an UPS before, so it makes for a good introduction to this world. Overview My setup is quite basic: everything that I have on my table...
Jonas Hietala
Recent experiences with Netrunner tournaments After a bit of a hiatus after the Winter Kit Tournament the 16th January I participated in three...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a bit of a hiatus after the Winter Kit Tournament the 16th January I participated in three tournaments during February - March. After each of these tournaments I started a writeup of them but they fell off my mind a bit but consider this my break with my blogging...
Algorithms are breaking how we think Today, Alec Watson posted a video titled “Algorithms are breaking how we think” on his YouTube...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Today, Alec Watson posted a video titled “Algorithms are breaking how we think” on his YouTube channel, Technology Connections. The whole thing is excellent and very well argued. The main thrust is: people seem increasingly less mindful about the stuff they engage with. Watson...
Construction Physics
What Learning by Doing Looks Like The evolution of polycrystalline diamond drill bits
2 months ago
Abishek Muthian
Demand evidence to worry Disclaimer: I'm not qualified to advise on mental health issues, If you think you have OCD, anxiety...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disclaimer: I'm not qualified to advise on mental health issues, If you think you have OCD, anxiety or other issues then seek the help of a qualified medical professional. Like physical health, Everyone needs help with mental health at some point. The hair dryer incident is my...
Home on Erik...
HubSpot's Picture Shows how to Maintain Monocultures in the 21st Century I thought this article about the company culture at HubSpot is kind of funny. “HubSpot's Awesome...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I thought this article about the company culture at HubSpot is kind of funny. “HubSpot's Awesome Presentation Shows how to Create a 21st Century Culture”. Just FYI: You're not different. You're a bunch of white hipsters aged 25-30 dressed up in the same theme.
Jonas Hietala
Monaco What's Yours is Mine I’ve been waiting for soon to be three years for Monaco What’s Yours is Mine, and today I was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been waiting for soon to be three years for Monaco What’s Yours is Mine, and today I was granted an early christmas present - I was given a beta key! w00p!! I was planning on studying and sending some emails to some companies… But who knows what I’ll end up doing? Tomorrow...
Incomplete thought: using data to tell a story (members post) A year ago I tried to understand how much power ChatGPT was using and if I should be outraged by it....
a month ago
Jonas Hietala
Swelling with New Shiny Books So I read the wonderful Design for Hackers and I managed to win some money for books from a course…...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I read the wonderful Design for Hackers and I managed to win some money for books from a course… So I ran away and ordered some new books, and they just arrived today. Yay! First off I ordered Introduction to Algorithms which is the de facto book about algorithms and it seemed...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Control as Liability
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
A new Plug and Make Kit challenge! A game of rhythm and creativity The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of turning ideas into reality. It enables everyone to focus on the fun of creating with the power of the UNO R4 WiFi and a user-friendly, modular design – bypassing the complexities of...
Avestura's Blog
Oversimplified ideas of the great philosophers of all times Ideas of the great philosophers of all times explained in a few lines
a year ago
Good Enough
TIL: Deploying a Sinatra app to Render.com This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me,...
a year ago
a year ago
This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me, so I figured I’d write down what worked in the end. First, a Gemfile: # Gemfile source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'sinatra' gem 'sinatra-contrib' gem 'puma' * I’m pretty sure...
Avestura's Blog
Using Tor outside of the Tor Browser This post shows how to run Tor with a simple PowerShell script and use it in other apps like...
over a year ago
watchTowr Labs
“To live is to fight, to fight is to live! - IBM ODM Remote Code Execution In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some of the big players in the enterprise software space, but...
a year ago
a year ago
In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some of the big players in the enterprise software space, but there is one that we have not mentioned before, that is - quite frankly - the heavy-weight champion of the world in terms of applications for large enterprises. With over a hundred
Notes on software...
Reviewing the Surface Book 2 The first few paragraphs cover what I was looking for and what I considered. Then the review. Why...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The first few paragraphs cover what I was looking for and what I considered. Then the review. Why the Surface Book 2 I used a Macbook throughout my professional career until I had the choice a few years ago when I started my current job. Here, I ran Gentoo, then FreeBSD, then...
My home network setup based on managed switches and VLANs My home networking setup I live in a two story apartment, with on the top floor my utilities closet...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My home networking setup I live in a two story apartment, with on the top floor my utilities closet and my living room. The bottom floor contains a bedroom with all my servers and networking gear. So this is my setup (click for a bigger version): I like to run my own router but...
Jonas Hietala
The T-34/2 keyboard layout The T-34/2 layout. QMK Heatmap Generator, with all layers and combos. It’s been 6 months since my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The T-34/2 layout. QMK Heatmap Generator, with all layers and combos. It’s been 6 months since my last update on the T-34 keyboard layout, and I’ve made some changes I’d like to document here. As seen in the heatmap above, the layout seems quite decent. There’s still an issue...
Arduino Blog
Explore e-paper technology with Nano Matter and the new EPDK-Matter from Pervasive Displays We’re excited to share that Pervasive Displays has just launched the E-Paper Development Kit for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We’re excited to share that Pervasive Displays has just launched the E-Paper Development Kit for Matter! This groundbreaking, self-contained kit is designed to revolutionize how smart home devices use e-paper displays, enhancing user experience while driving down energy...
Engineers Need Art
Virtual Pinhead Discovering virtual pinball, a hobbyist community devoted to it, and building a full-size virtual...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Discovering virtual pinball, a hobbyist community devoted to it, and building a full-size virtual pinball cabinet.
Superhuman’s next big update looks very compelling On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto Labels are great, but what's even better is making your own. Just write a prompt, like “job applications” or “requests for me to review work”. You can
Applied Cartography
Buttondown Analytics 3.0 Working on a new analytics engine — a scant eleven months after the previous 'new analytics...
a year ago
a year ago
Working on a new analytics engine — a scant eleven months after the previous 'new analytics engine'. Calling this 3.0 is a bit of a misnomer: most of the code, design, and plumbing from the 2023 redesign is sticking around, just in a more modular format. The goal here is to...
Simply Explained
ESP32: Tips to increase battery life Running an ESP32 on a battery is a tricky operation. The chip is a powerhouse, and with power comes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Running an ESP32 on a battery is a tricky operation. The chip is a powerhouse, and with power comes great responsibility. In this post, I’ll outline how I got an ESP32 to run for over 15 weeks (and counting) on a single 1000mAh battery.
Abishek Muthian
How I run LLMs locally A HN user asked me0 how I run LLMs locally with some specific questions, I’m documenting it here for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A HN user asked me0 how I run LLMs locally with some specific questions, I’m documenting it here for everyone. Before I begin I would like to credit the thousands or millions of unknown artists, coders and writers upon whose work the Large Language Models(LLMs) are trained, often...
Abishek Muthian
Raspberry pi3 vs iPad2 for personal computing I blew my personal computer and before I could build a new one I needed a temporary machine which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I blew my personal computer and before I could build a new one I needed a temporary machine which could perform some of my routine tasks like browsing, social network, word processing, programming, gaming, videos, music & ocassional heavy computation. Though I would be needing a...
Surviving the front page of HackerNews on a 50 Mbps uplink Around a month ago I shared my blog post on HackerNews. I guess I lucked out with the choice of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Around a month ago I shared my blog post on HackerNews. I guess I lucked out with the choice of the topic, because it brought out a lot of enthusiasts who shared their own experiences with older machinery that still works in 2022. I really appreciate the feedback and...
Neil Madden
From KEMs to protocols This is the third part of my series on Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) and why you should care...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the third part of my series on Key Encapsulation Mechanisms (KEMs) and why you should care about them. Part 1 looked at what a KEM is and the KEM/DEM paradigm for constructing public key encryption schemes. Part 2 looked at cases where the basic KEM abstraction is not...
Arduino Blog
This DIY smart chicken coop features AI-based predator detection Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get rid of pests in the yard. But, like all animals, they require care. Most importantly, you’ll need to ensure that they have regular food and water, and you’ll need to protect them...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Letter with no subject :name-retracted: wrote - Hi Himanshu, Congratulations from the bottom of my heart for joining...
over a year ago
over a year ago
:name-retracted: wrote - Hi Himanshu, Congratulations from the bottom of my heart for joining Spotify. We really miss you at college. You're…
Jonas Hietala
We can build things! Finally we have some sort of progress! We can now build rooms and place and remove objects! Yay!!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Finally we have some sort of progress! We can now build rooms and place and remove objects! Yay!! But we still haven’t even begun with the game logic, resource management, the actual mining mechanic, multiple levels, actual tasks for our workers. But it’s something.
AMD Ryzen 7 5700G: first impressions on Fedora 34 Introduction I’ve covered my self-hosting setup in a previous post. It has been a couple of months...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction I’ve covered my self-hosting setup in a previous post. It has been a couple of months and the setup has mostly been fine. Sure, the power usage was pretty big under load, and yes, my internet did cut out every time I turned the VM on with all the services starting,...
Good Enough
Jelly was #1 on Hacker News Yesterday, Lettini took a chance and posted about Jelly on Hacker News, a discussion site notorious...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Yesterday, Lettini took a chance and posted about Jelly on Hacker News, a discussion site notorious for it's mercurial population of tech-maybe-too-saavy experts. Jelly is a tough sell for some of them, those with the technical skill to pipe email at a low level through...
Old Vintage...
Two tiny 65816 DTV consoles The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games to a more downmarket age. If you couldn't afford the real device, your alternative was these inexpensive, inadequate facsimiles faithful only to one's gauzy recollection. As their...
Himanshu Mishra |...
About Metakgp You can listen to this in background Before The Beginning - John Frusciante (YouTube)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You can listen to this in background Before The Beginning - John Frusciante (YouTube) :name-retracted: wrote - I wrote this couple of days…
Arduino Blog
Build an ePaper weather display and message board using Arduino Cloud If you haven’t yet experimented with the Arduino Cloud, then you may not be aware of how powerful it...
a month ago
a month ago
If you haven’t yet experimented with the Arduino Cloud, then you may not be aware of how powerful it is for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Using the service and its online tools, you can quickly build and deploy smart IoT devices — often with little or no custom code...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Farklı ZK-EVM Türleri
over a year ago
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course Week 9: The Bible For week 9 of the humanities crash course, I revisited the most important text in Western culture:...
a week ago
a week ago
For week 9 of the humanities crash course, I revisited the most important text in Western culture: the Bible. Of course, I didn’t read the whole book – only a small subset. Still, it was a lot. As I’ve done in previous weeks, I followed Gioia’s suggestions for the...
Willem's Blog
The best keyboard for iPad While everybody is raving about the Magic Keyboard there is something to be said for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While everybody is raving about the Magic Keyboard there is something to be said for the "mouse-less" Smart Keyboard Folio. Read along for a detailed analyses based on actual iPad use.
Willem's Blog
Improve your sleep by blocking light I have been wearing a sleep mask in bed, blocking all light. It has been amazing for my sleep's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have been wearing a sleep mask in bed, blocking all light. It has been amazing for my sleep's quality. Read along for my findings!
latest projects -...
Fluid Simulation Pendant [Hardware] Wearable real-time FLIP device
a month ago
Arduino Blog
Arduino Nicla Sense Env: adding advanced environmental sensing to a broad range of applications We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Nicla Sense Env: the latest addition to our portfolio of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We’re thrilled to announce the launch of Nicla Sense Env: the latest addition to our portfolio of system-on-modules and sensor nodes, empowering innovators with the tools to unlock new possibilities. This tiny yet powerful sensor node is designed to elevate your environmental...
lcamtuf’s thing
meta: apologies for the spam... To explain: in several places in the UI, the platform encourages you to enable “subscriber chat” —...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
To explain: in several places in the UI, the platform encourages you to enable “subscriber chat” — but doesn’t really explain what it does:
How I blew up my backup server (Valve pls fix) It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck...
a year ago
a year ago
It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck and how the Proton compatibility layer works, I decided to write a backup script that would back up everything in the home folder, excluding the Steam games themselves due to the...
The Pragmatic...
Is the “AI developer”a threat to jobs – or a marketing stunt? One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman...
10 months ago
10 months ago
One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman software engineer.” As intimidating as these sound: what if it’s more marketing than reality?
Most Technical debt is just bullshit Introduction I made an offhand remark about technical debt to a friend and he interrupted me,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction I made an offhand remark about technical debt to a friend and he interrupted me, saying: "technical debt is just bullshit". In his experience, people talking about technical debt were mostly trying to: cover up bad code cover up unfinished work source1 Calling...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing The 10-Year Battery for AirTag My camera bag with $10k of gear was stolen from my car. When I saw the broken glass and empty...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My camera bag with $10k of gear was stolen from my car. When I saw the broken glass and empty backseat, I immediately pulled up FindMy to track the thief - only to find that its last location was my office 3 months ago... because I hadn't changed the AirTag's battery. It was a...
lcamtuf’s thing
Don't build a platform... unless? "Build a product, not a platform" is a common saying among tech entrepreneurs. But why do some...
a month ago
a month ago
"Build a product, not a platform" is a common saying among tech entrepreneurs. But why do some platforms succeed?
computers are bad
2023-02-17 something up there pt II As we discussed previously, the search for UAP is often contextualized in terms of the events of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As we discussed previously, the search for UAP is often contextualized in terms of the events of 2017: the public revelation of the AATIP and alien-hunting efforts by Robert Bigelow and Tom DeLonge. While widely publicized, these programs seem to have lead to very little. I...
Applied Cartography
44% If you spend enough time digesting hackneyed business or self-improvement advice, you've probably...
10 months ago
10 months ago
If you spend enough time digesting hackneyed business or self-improvement advice, you've probably seen someone wax poetic about the following image: This is meant to be an illustration of the power of incrementalism (often referred to as kaizen when the writer is trying to be...
Good Enough
Cool Songs Don’t Die Earlier this week, I watched the pilot episode of Alias. Yes, that Alias – the one that began airing...
a year ago
a year ago
Earlier this week, I watched the pilot episode of Alias. Yes, that Alias – the one that began airing 22 years ago and ran for 5 seasons and was a pretty big hit and launched the careers of two bonafide movie stars and featured a cast of very well known supporting actors. So yeah,...
5 Frames with Nikon FM and Fomapan 100 On a few photowalks around Kitsilano in Vancouver BC with my first roll of Fomapan Classic 100. All...
a month ago
a month ago
On a few photowalks around Kitsilano in Vancouver BC with my first roll of Fomapan Classic 100. All pictures shot with older, non-AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens. Developed in Ilford Ilfosol3 for 5 minutes at 20°C and scanned with a cheap film scanner. Color has been removed and some...
Posts on Made of...
Conkeror I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension, but nowadays it’s a standalone app built on top of Mozilla’s xulrunner, so it uses the Gecko rendering engine. What it is, is an emacs implemented in Javascript, for the web. This...
computers are bad
2023-09-03 plastic money You will sometimes hear someone say, in a loose conceptual sense, that credit cards have money in...
a year ago
a year ago
You will sometimes hear someone say, in a loose conceptual sense, that credit cards have money in them. Of course we know that that isn't the case; our modern plastic card payment network relies on online transactions where the balance tracking and authorization decisions happen...
Jonas Hietala
Going to University I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of activity here and for that I’m sorry. It’s not as hard as I had imagined, and I don’t have that much in school but there’s still a lot that’s going on. For example now how to make...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing ElevationShelf XL & XL Plus Few products have been requested as much as a bigger version of our popular Elevation Shelf. So we...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Few products have been requested as much as a bigger version of our popular Elevation Shelf. So we made some new versions - and they work great! To hold more weight, Elevation Shelf XL ships with hollow core and solid core mounting hardware. It will hold over 50lbs and can be...
computers are bad
2023-02-07 secret government telephone numbers Very nearly a year ago, I wrote a popular article about secret military telephone buttons. To be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Very nearly a year ago, I wrote a popular article about secret military telephone buttons. To be clear, the "secret" here was a joke and these buttons are in fact well documented. The buttons I was talking about were the AUTOVON call precedence buttons, used for a five-level...
Jonas Hietala
Weekend Tournaments This weekend was filled by playing cards. On Saturday I hosted a small Game of Thrones tournament...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This weekend was filled by playing cards. On Saturday I hosted a small Game of Thrones tournament and on Sunday the local Netrunner community hosted a small summer kit tournament. Game of Thrones We’ve had a similar tournament once before when me and my girlfriend invited two of...
Arduino Blog
The web-based Arduino Lab for MicroPython Editor is out! With Chromebook support to code Alvik and... We’re excited to announce the release of the web-based version of the Arduino Lab for MicroPython...
4 months ago
4 months ago
We’re excited to announce the release of the web-based version of the Arduino Lab for MicroPython Editor. This lightweight platform makes it even easier to code with MicroPython using Arduino hardware such as Alvik, Nano ESP32, Nano RP2040 Connect, Nano 33 BLE Sense – and more!...
Willem's Blog
Using a budget Android as main smartphone I switched to Android to find out how good a budget smartphone performs compared to an expensive...
over a year ago
Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) released. The Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) is a small Bash script that acts as a library for bash...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Bash Shell Function Library (BSFL) is a small Bash script that acts as a library for bash scripts. It provides a couple of functions that makes the lives of most people using shell scripts a bit easier. The purpose of this library is to provide pre-build functions for...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Live Asynchronously I first heard the phrase "Live Asynchronously" in this article written by the amazing Quincy Larson,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I first heard the phrase "Live Asynchronously" in this article written by the amazing Quincy Larson, the creator of freecodecamp.org. In my…
Arduino Blog
Enhance your IoT dashboards with Arduino Cloud’s new Image widget At Arduino, we’re constantly working to improve your IoT management experience. Today, we’re excited...
6 months ago
6 months ago
At Arduino, we’re constantly working to improve your IoT management experience. Today, we’re excited to announce a new feature for Arduino Cloud that will allow you to enhance your IoT dashboards: the Image widget. The new Image widget The Image widget is a simple yet powerful...
Notes on software...
Finishing up a FreeBSD experiment I've been using FreeBSD as my daily driver at work since December. I've successfully done my job and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been using FreeBSD as my daily driver at work since December. I've successfully done my job and I've learned a hell of a lot forcing myself on CURRENT... But there's been a number of issues with it that have made it difficult to keep using, so I replaced it with Arch Linux...
Willem's Blog
Giving AI Training Explore the transformative power of AI in everyday work: Dive into firsthand insights from a recent...
a year ago
a year ago
Explore the transformative power of AI in everyday work: Dive into firsthand insights from a recent AI training session that's reshaping professional landscapes.
Computer Ads from...
Expedited Vote for the February 2025 + Post Topic Time is running out.
2 weeks ago
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course: Week 2 I’m embarking on a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week...
a month ago
a month ago
I’m embarking on a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week 2. Following Ted Gioia’s curriculum, I tackled a small volume of early Greek poetry and the first ten books of the Odyssey. I also heard music from recent descendents of these ancient bards...
Computer Ads from...
Vote for the April 2004 Plus Post Topic If you are a paid subscriber, voting is open for one week
11 months ago
A writer's autobiography (Just not mine.)
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Spotify's Discovery page The Discovery page, the new start page in Spotify, is finally out to a fairly significant percentage...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Discovery page, the new start page in Spotify, is finally out to a fairly significant percentage of all users. Really happy since we have worked on it for the past six months. Here's a screen shot:
Your Wi-Fi might be terrible because of Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) For a few months, I had issues with my Wi-Fi network. The 2.4 GHz network would be fine, but the 5...
4 months ago
4 months ago
For a few months, I had issues with my Wi-Fi network. The 2.4 GHz network would be fine, but the 5 GHz one would suddenly stop working and completely disappear from the available Wi-Fi networks. OpenWRT upgrades also didn’t improve the situation. This was very annoying. After...
Linux: script that creates table of network interface properties My server has 5 network interfaces and I wanted a quick overview of some properties. There may be an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My server has 5 network interfaces and I wanted a quick overview of some properties. There may be an existing linux command for this but I couldn't find it so I quickly wrote my own script (download). This is the output: The only requirement for this script is that you have...
The worst product Marques Brownlee ever reviewed dies after 10 months Jay Peters for The Verge: HP Is Buying Humane and Shutting Down the AI Pin Humane is selling “key AI...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Jay Peters for The Verge: HP Is Buying Humane and Shutting Down the AI Pin Humane is selling “key AI capabilities” to HP for $116 million and will stop selling AI Pin, the company announced today. AI Pins that have already been purchased will continue to function normally
Laptop or netbook as router? If you want a router for distribution of internet to your computers at home, there are several...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you want a router for distribution of internet to your computers at home, there are several options. buy some embedded device from Linksys, Draytek, Asus, 3com, ZyXtel or netgear This type of hardware is cheap, economical, and gets you up and running in a few minutes. The...
How to run Debian Linux on an Intel based Mac Mini The Mac Mini is just a gorgeous device. It is beautiful, small, silent, powerfull yet energy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Mac Mini is just a gorgeous device. It is beautiful, small, silent, powerfull yet energy efficient. When idle, it uses around 20 watts. I'm using one of the first Intel-based Minis with an Intel Core Duo chip, running at 1.6 Ghz. I want to use this mini as an expensive router...
Script that shows ETA of RAID rebuild / reshape I made a small script that converts the output of cat /proc/mdstat to an actual date and time...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I made a small script that converts the output of cat /proc/mdstat to an actual date and time telling you when the RAID rebuild / reshape is finished. This is the link to the correct version of the script. Example: debian:~# ./raid-rebuild-eta.sh Estimated time of finishing...
Matt Mullenweg
Response to DHH I’ve taken this post down. I’ve been attacked so much the past few days; the most vicious, personal,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve taken this post down. I’ve been attacked so much the past few days; the most vicious, personal, hateful words poisoned my brain, and the original version of this post was mean. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t let this stuff get to me, but it clearly did, and I took it out on DHH,...
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner Spring Tournament There was another, smaller, netrunner tournament about a week ago. I was looking forward to a very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There was another, smaller, netrunner tournament about a week ago. I was looking forward to a very casual setting but there were also some guys who came from… Västerås I think, but I’m not sure. We managed to scrape together 9 people at least, and I didn’t notice anyone bringing...
Style over Substance
M4 Hex Socket Thumbscrew Knob Caps For the past few weeks I’ve been teaching myself how to use Fusion 360, a free online cloud-based...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past few weeks I’ve been teaching myself how to use Fusion 360, a free online cloud-based CAD/CAM program that lets you create your own 3D designs. The best way to learn how to use a new program is to build something you actually need. And my latest design is a work in...
Jonas Hietala
I beat FTL on Hard with all ships in the game For 2023 I wanted to do something different than usual—I wanted to start playing computer games...
a year ago
a year ago
For 2023 I wanted to do something different than usual—I wanted to start playing computer games again. So I gave myself a late Christmas gift and bought a Steam Deck (and like any self-serving gentleman I took care to pitch it as being for my kids) and I started loading it up...
How to make digital copies of your old video tapes Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital copies of their contents. To get started, you will need the following: old video tapes that you want to make copies of (VHS and its variants) a device that can read analog AV signals...
Notes on software...
Unit testing C code with gtest This post covers building and testing a minimal, but still useful, C project. We'll use...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post covers building and testing a minimal, but still useful, C project. We'll use Google's gtest and CMake for testing C code. This will serve as a foundation for some upcoming posts/projects on programming Linux, userland networking and interpreters. test/CMakeLists.txt...
Azad's Blog
Traveling with Apple Vision Pro The Vision Pro has quickly become an essential item that I take onto every flight. It’s a fantastic...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The Vision Pro has quickly become an essential item that I take onto every flight. It’s a fantastic device to travel with—Be it by train or by plane, it offers an unparalleled opportunity to selectively tune out your environment and sink into an engaging activity like watching a...
watchTowr Labs
Auth. Bypass In (Un)Limited Scenarios - Progress MOVEit Transfer (CVE-2024-5806) In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!-...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne [def_not_phalanx@kernel.org] has joined #!hack (irc.efnet.nl) 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne changed the topic of #!hack to: mag1c sh0w
Arduino Blog
Shop vac becomes a Roomba on steroids A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and sweep your own floors, you have a little maid robot to do the job for you. But these devices have very little power and capacity, which makes them useless for anything other than...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Verkle trees
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Bugger It’s time for the follow up on my latest game Bugger. Wow it seems like forever since I begun this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s time for the follow up on my latest game Bugger. Wow it seems like forever since I begun this monthly game business, but it’s only been two months since I first thought about this and here I am having finished my third game. I’ve really come a long way, in the beginning I...
Trying out VR on an AMD Ryzen 4000 series APU You may know that I really like small, efficient APU-based builds. At this point in time, they’re so...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You may know that I really like small, efficient APU-based builds. At this point in time, they’re so close to being a viable mainstream option for gaming, especially the Ryzen 6000-series mobile APU-s. Forza Horizon 5, at 1080p high settings? Yes, they’re that good. I don’t have...
Notes on software...
Embedding Python in Rust (for tests) This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
a month ago
Notes on software...
SQLite has pretty limited builtin functions This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Gwern.net Newsletter
July 2020 gwern.net newsletter Links on the Uighurs, authoritarianism, negative emissions, AI overhang; 1 movie & 2 anime reviews
over a year ago
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1985/12 Australian Personal Computer Mag Some computer related levity from OZ
3 months ago
HP Procurve "auto DoS" feature causing network problems A feature on more recent HP Procurve models (18xx series, such as 1810G etc.) is called "Auto DoS"....
over a year ago
over a year ago
A feature on more recent HP Procurve models (18xx series, such as 1810G etc.) is called "Auto DoS". You can find it in the section "Security" and then "Advanced security". If you enable the Auto DoS feature, traffic is blocked based on one of these conditions: the source port...
Gwern.net Newsletter
December newsletter December 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI and technology; major new site feature:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
December 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI and technology; major new site feature: fully-generalized recursive popups.
Arduino Blog
A pair of Arduino UNO R4 boards power this Tron-inspired, decked-out shop room Bob Clagett of the “I Like to Make Stuff” YouTube channel has recently undertaken an extensive shop...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Bob Clagett of the “I Like to Make Stuff” YouTube channel has recently undertaken an extensive shop renovation project where he is rearranging tools, tidying up various spaces, and even creating a dedicated “clean” room for his collection of 3D printers/electronics work. With its...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates May 31
9 months ago
Benchmarking cheap SSDs for fun, no profit (be warned) The price of Solid-state drives (SSDs) has dropped significantly over the last few years. It's now...
a year ago
a year ago
The price of Solid-state drives (SSDs) has dropped significantly over the last few years. It's now possible to buy a 1TB solid-state drive for less than €60. However, at such low price points, there is a catch. Although cheap SSDs do perform fine regarding reads, sustained write...
Electronics etc…
An In-Depth Look at the ICE-V Wireless FPGA Development Board Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot Process UART Console Getting Started with the ICE-V Wireless Board for Real Reinstalling or Modifying the ESP32C3 Firmware The RISC-V Example FPGA Design Compiling the RISC-V Example...
Arduino Blog
This robotic kalimba plays melodies with an Arduino Nano With roots in Africa, the kalimba is a type of hand piano featuring an array of keys that are each...
5 months ago
5 months ago
With roots in Africa, the kalimba is a type of hand piano featuring an array of keys that are each tuned for a specific note, and upon plucking or striking one, a pleasant xylophone-like sound can be heard. Taking inspiration from his mini kalimba, Axel from the YouTube channel...
Applied Cartography
Stripe Sessions 2024 Stripe held the keynote for Sessions, their annual WWDC/re:invent-esque conference, this morning. I...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Stripe held the keynote for Sessions, their annual WWDC/re:invent-esque conference, this morning. I wanted to jot down some thoughts while they’re still fresh. (I think the changelog is the best way to poke around both the changes I’m writing about and the ones that I...
Jonas Hietala
The Decline of FPS Games I read an article about the decline of FPS games and it made me think a bit. When was the last time...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I read an article about the decline of FPS games and it made me think a bit. When was the last time I actually enjoyed an FPS game? I installed old Deus Ex a while ago but it’s what 12 years old? Team Fortress was okay, the one or two times I tried it, but I can’t say I truly...
Arduino Blog
Finally, you can DIY your own espresso machine Caffeine lovers take their coffee very seriously and that is most apparent when you dive into the...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Caffeine lovers take their coffee very seriously and that is most apparent when you dive into the world of espresso machines. To satisfy enthusiasts, an espresso machine needs to provide precise control over temperature, pressure, and flow to enable the perfect pull. But if...
Matt Mullenweg
Automattic Alignment Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Winston Churchill said, “Never let a good crisis go to waste.” Since I last blogged here, WP Engine filed a meritless lawsuit and Automattic responded, and there’s been a hurricane of public activity and press. Inside of Automattic, there’s been a parallel debate and process....
lcamtuf’s thing
Why are sine waves so common? A simple question that takes some effort to answer in a satisfying way.
11 hours ago
Matt Blewitt
Software Sprezzatura Sprezzatura is “a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sprezzatura is “a certain nonchalance, so as to conceal all art and make whatever one does or says appear to be without effort and almost without any thought about it”, coined by Castiglione in 1528’s The Book of the Courtier.
csvbase blog
My favourite API is a zipfile on the European Central Bank's website Simple data pipeline powertools: sqlite, pandas, gnuplot and friends
a year ago
Style over Substance
How I made HA-meural: a Meural Canvas integration for Home Assistant One of my 2020 lockdown projects I’m extremely proud of is HA-meural – a custom integration for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my 2020 lockdown projects I’m extremely proud of is HA-meural – a custom integration for the Home Assistant home automation software that lets you control a NETGEAR Meural Canvas digital frame. It’s the result of a few months of work, lots of trial and error, and many...
How to build a fleet of networked offsite backups using Linux, WireGuard and rsync Just like most people out there, I have some files that are irreplaceable, such as cat pictures. At...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Just like most people out there, I have some files that are irreplaceable, such as cat pictures. At one point I had a few single-board computers sitting idle, namely the Orange Pi Zero and the LattePanda V1, and a few 1TB SSD-s. I hate idle hardware, so I did the most sensible...
Home on Erik...
Ping the world I just pinged a few million random IP addresses from my apartment in NYC. Here's the result: Some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just pinged a few million random IP addresses from my apartment in NYC. Here's the result: Some notes: What's going on with Sweden? Too much torrenting? Ireland is likewise super slow, but not Northern Ireland Eastern Ukraine is also super slow, maybe not surprising given...
Himanshu Mishra |...
BFS vs DFS in friendships If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you already know and remember what Breadth First Search (BFS) and Depth First Search (DFS) are, skip to What are you saying? Take my…
Notes on software...
Running SQL Server in a container on Github Actions This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Nabeel S. Qureshi
Video Games are the Future of Education The things you learn by yourself stick; the things that are “taught” to you do not stick.
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Balls So it’s been what? Two, three years since I discovered the art of programming and I haven’t made one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So it’s been what? Two, three years since I discovered the art of programming and I haven’t made one single game?! Well now I’m not counting the visual basic nightmare mastermind I made a long time ago but a real game. Whatever that means. I’ve had these monster-projects; Point...
Himanshu Mishra |...
The Discovery of pseudo-Acquaintance It’s the dawn of the 20th century. If we pick two homo sapiens on earth, we can classify their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s the dawn of the 20th century. If we pick two homo sapiens on earth, we can classify their relationship as one of these three types: An…
TikTok is gone for at least a couple days, so here's some YouTube videos to stave off the boredom I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on...
a month ago
a month ago
I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on my phone now?" LegalEagle with a good explainer over what's happening. For the record, I think this sucks and isn't how
The past lives again! I found a GameBoy Camera for my GBC and thought it'd be a good idea to extract the photos from eons...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I found a GameBoy Camera for my GBC and thought it'd be a good idea to extract the photos from eons ago and bring them to the era of the internet.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Plurality philosophy in an incredibly oversized nutshell
6 months ago
Arduino Blog
This telescope can intelligently point itself anywhere in the sky Known by their characteristic mounting solution, Dobsonian telescopes are the standard in amateur...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Known by their characteristic mounting solution, Dobsonian telescopes are the standard in amateur astronomy due to their lower cost and ease-of-use. But after seeing how some of the larger, motorized telescopes at observatories can simply pivot to a target of interest, one member...
Buck on Software
Explaining the growth software sell-off The terminal value double whammy of rising interest rates
over a year ago
Computer Ads from...
Suture Software's Bludgeons 'n' Braggarts We very simply give you what you've been asking for -- we give you BLOOD
a year ago
Notes on software...
Studying foreign languages with inbox zero The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language was through intensive language courses in college. I was forced to actively speak, read, and write Chinese for 6-8 hours a week (1-2 hours every day). Then study another 5-10 hours a...
Applied Cartography
Auth.js + Square Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the periphery of your understanding, and a Third South project has led me to spin up a small Next project using Bun [1] and Auth.js (nee next-auth), which has been quite bad and I...
Computer Ads from...
Sundial Systems' Relish The Premier Workplace Shell Calendar, Phone Book, To Do List, and Program Runner, too
5 months ago
The Pragmatic...
Software engineering job openings hit five-year low? There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared to other industries, job listings for software engineers grew much more in 2021-2022, but have declined much faster since. A look into possible reasons for this, and what could come...
Simply Explained
Static webhosting benchmark: AWS, Google, Firebase, Netlify, GitHub & Cloudflare Static websites are still a hot topic. They are fast, and they're incredibly secure because there...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Static websites are still a hot topic. They are fast, and they're incredibly secure because there isn't a CMS to hack. Once you build a static website, however, the question becomes: Where do I host?In other words: what is the fastest static website hosting provider in 2020?...
Neil Madden
Some incomplete thoughts about Gödel I saw another article on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems linked from Reddit today. It’s a topic I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw another article on Gödel’s incompleteness theorems linked from Reddit today. It’s a topic I’ve wanted to write about for some time. Although many articles do a decent job in giving an idea of what the big deal is (and this one is pretty good), they can sometimes give a...
Arduino Blog
Create your own affordable Arduino-powered smart glasses When Google Glass launched in 2013, the public opinion seemed to be “interesting technology, but the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
When Google Glass launched in 2013, the public opinion seemed to be “interesting technology, but the world isn’t ready yet.” Now that more than a decade has passed, the world may finally be ready — especially with the omission of controversial features like video recording. If...
Matt Mullenweg
UH Magazine, Revisiting My Alma Mater My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political science, I started WordPress when there, and then dropped out after two years to move to San Franisco. It was fun seeing UH Magazine feature an article about my journey from a University...
Good Enough
Season 1, Issue 1: The Loneliest Number 1. Confirmed Positive After two years of running from reality, it has finally happened for my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
1. Confirmed Positive After two years of running from reality, it has finally happened for my family. I have tested positive for SARS Coronavirus-2, the virus that causes COVID-19. For this honor, I would like to thank our society’s collective tiring of virus mitigation. It truly...
Willem's Blog
Monolithic vs Microservices software architecture This week I flew to Gothenburg to talk about enterprise software architecture, read along to learn...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I flew to Gothenburg to talk about enterprise software architecture, read along to learn about choosing the right architecture for your app development
Posts on Made of...
Check Plus: An EDSL for writing unit tests in C Check is an excellent unit-testing framework for C code, used by a number of relatively well-known...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Check is an excellent unit-testing framework for C code, used by a number of relatively well-known projects. It includes features such as running all tests in separate address spaces (using fork(2)), which means that the test suite can properly report segfaults or similar crashes...
Neil Madden
Making things I made my daughter a toy tree house thing for Christmas out of old firewood (and a slice of cedar...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I made my daughter a toy tree house thing for Christmas out of old firewood (and a slice of cedar donated by a neighbour). It’s a bit clunky in places — “rustic” shall we say? But I probably enjoyed making this, over a few weeks of lunchtimes and evenings, more than anything I’ve...
Lighthouse Blog
Rules improvement: filter based on content
3 months ago
Never Met a Science
A View on the Job Market for Computational Social Science and some professional news...
9 months ago
Monitor power usage with your UPS If a system is connected to a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), it is possible to determine how...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If a system is connected to a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), it is possible to determine how much power it consumes. For this purpose, I wrote a small script: Host:~# ./ups.sh UPS model: Back-UPS RS 1200 LCD APC model: Back-UPS RS 1200 LC Capacity: 720 Watt Load: 18...
Simply Explained
ESP-IDF: Storing AWS IoT certificates in the NVS partition (for OTA) When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your firmware. While that does work, it means you won't be able to run over-the-air updates.In this post, I'll show how to store AWS certificates in the NVS partition. This will make it...
Simply Explained
MAX17043: Battery Monitoring Done Right (Arduino & ESP32) Building a battery-powered IoT device? Then you'll want to monitor the battery's percentage. Here's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Building a battery-powered IoT device? Then you'll want to monitor the battery's percentage. Here's how to do it properly.
Vitalik Buterin's...
In-person meatspace protocol to prove unconditional possession of a private key
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
This DIY guitar transmitter sends digital audio to the amp When on stage, most guitarists will simply run a long cable from their guitar to the amp or mixer....
7 months ago
7 months ago
When on stage, most guitarists will simply run a long cable from their guitar to the amp or mixer. But that cable can become tangled or get in the way, which is a problem for some of the more animated musicians out there. Wireless transmitters exist for them to express themselves...
Willem's Blog
Data versus Feeling Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to find out the differences!
Matter as a Smart home standard Matter is the name of the smart home standard that promises to bridge IOT devices and different home...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Matter is the name of the smart home standard that promises to bridge IOT devices and different home eco-systems. Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Homekit, Samsung SmartThings, etc. To prevent 6+ flavours of smart lightbulbs working with 6+ different apps, a standard needed to be...
latest projects -...
Pocketwatch of Goo [Concept] Liquid filled timepiece
5 days ago
Never Met a Science
What Are Survey Experiments For? The titular question emerged as I was working with Alessandro Vecchiato on our visual conjoint...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The titular question emerged as I was working with Alessandro Vecchiato on our visual conjoint experiment, just published at the Journal of Experimental Political Science:
Lighthouse Blog
Updates June 14
9 months ago
Notes on software...
How do databases execute expressions? Databases are fun. They sit at the confluence of Computer Science topics that might otherwise not...
a year ago
a year ago
Databases are fun. They sit at the confluence of Computer Science topics that might otherwise not seem practical in life as a developer. For example, every database with a query language is also a programming language implementation of some caliber. That doesn't include all...
Arduino Blog
Let’s play at the Maker Faire Rome 2024! We are excited to be back at Maker Faire Rome as a Gold Sponsor of the 12th edition (October 25-27,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We are excited to be back at Maker Faire Rome as a Gold Sponsor of the 12th edition (October 25-27, 2024), with some exciting experiences lined up for all makers, innovators, and creators who attend! Learn by playing at our booth  Visit us at the fair for a playful, interactive...
Jorge Arango
LLMs Give You Power User Abilities LLMs are a general-purpose technology with seemingly endless use cases. Among my favorite is...
a month ago
a month ago
LLMs are a general-purpose technology with seemingly endless use cases. Among my favorite is unlocking the potential of other technologies. For example, all modern “desktop” OSs come with shell environments. If you know a bit of scripting, you can automate tasks in ways that go...
Home on Erik...
Mortality statistics and Sweden's "dry tinder" effect We live in a year of about 350,000 amateur epidemiologists and I have no desire to join that “club”....
over a year ago
over a year ago
We live in a year of about 350,000 amateur epidemiologists and I have no desire to join that “club”. But I read something about COVID-19 deaths that I thought was interesting and wanted to see if I could replicated it through data.
Applied Cartography
Bluesky is good Three months ago, I wrote Bluesky et al, in which I walked through the various platforms vying for...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Three months ago, I wrote Bluesky et al, in which I walked through the various platforms vying for the dubious title of "Twitter's successor" and landed on Bluesky as being my favorite, perhaps less out of its ostensible inherent virtues and more out of the size of its...
Himanshu Mishra |...
On Psychedelics I wrote - Hello :name-retracted:! Last night, I watched the movie Her. It was a fascinating movie on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wrote - Hello :name-retracted:! Last night, I watched the movie Her. It was a fascinating movie on emotions and AI. It was one of its kind…
Arduino Blog
Check out these Arduino-powered research projects from CHI 2024 Held in Hawaii this year, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) hosted its annual conference...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Held in Hawaii this year, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) hosted its annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) that focuses on the latest developments in human-computer interaction. Students from universities all across the world attended the...
Applied Cartography
11ty .njk as the default templating language is an odd choice, and I find myself stubbing my toe on it a...
a year ago
a year ago
.njk as the default templating language is an odd choice, and I find myself stubbing my toe on it a good amount. Maybe that's a me thing! It is extremely fast. This site has around 2300 pages; Eleventy is compiling it in around two seconds. The extensibility ergonomics are...
CrowdStrike's Impact on Aviation Just after midnight Eastern Time on July 19, 2024, the enterprise cybersecurity company CrowdStrike...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Just after midnight Eastern Time on July 19, 2024, the enterprise cybersecurity company CrowdStrike YOLOed a software update to millions of Windows machines. Or as they put it: On July 19, 2024 at 04:09 UTC, as part of ongoing operations, CrowdStrike released a sensor...
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 4: Cosmic Staggering Tortoises 1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The...
a year ago
a year ago
1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The ambitious goal is to write you a lovely letter every week. Aim for the moon, right? But wait, if you aim for the moon, how in this physical world can you possibly hit a star by...
Arduino Blog
This Kenyan engineer modernizes vintage cars with a custom ECU and EFI upgrades The automotive industry’s switch from carburetion to fuel injection was one of the most effective...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The automotive industry’s switch from carburetion to fuel injection was one of the most effective advancements of the 20th century. Electronic fuel injection allows for precise control over an internal combustion engine’s air-fuel mixture, which dramatically improves fuel...
Applied Cartography
Finding null JSON values in Postgres Postgres' JSONB functionality is fast and useful but when I find myself dropping down from the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Postgres' JSONB functionality is fast and useful but when I find myself dropping down from the Django ORM into SQL to do weird things, the syntax strikes me as confusing and arcane. As such, when I need to do esoteric things it takes me longer time than I'd like, and in hopes...
Arduino Blog
Amassing a mobile Minion militia Channeling his inner Gru, YouTuber Electo built a robotic minion army to terrorize and amuse the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Channeling his inner Gru, YouTuber Electo built a robotic minion army to terrorize and amuse the public in local shopping malls. Building one minion robot is, in theory, pretty straightforward. That is especially true when, like these, that robot isn’t actually bipedal and...
computers are bad
2023-08-19 meanwhile elsewhere I had meant to write something today, but I'm just getting over a case of the COVID and had a hard...
a year ago
a year ago
I had meant to write something today, but I'm just getting over a case of the COVID and had a hard time getting to it. Instead I did the yard work, edited and uploaded a YouTube video, and then spewed out a Cohost thread as long as a blog post. So in lieu of your regularly...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Commodore, Part 1 Chuck Peddle, the 6502, MOS, and the PET
a year ago
Arduino Blog
You can now run Arduino and MicroPython side-by-side on multi-core microcontrollers We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature that we have been working on in collaboration with...
9 months ago
9 months ago
We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature that we have been working on in collaboration with the MicroPython team!  Starting with the upcoming release (v1.23), MicroPython will offer support for Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) on multi-core microcontrollers, based on the...
Solaris is an obsolete platform Assuming that the rumor is true and OpenSolaris will be slain by Oracle, we must conclude that the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Assuming that the rumor is true and OpenSolaris will be slain by Oracle, we must conclude that the Solaris operating system is obsolete. Solaris can be considered legacy. Sun was a hardware shop and to sell their hardware, they needed a great operating system. Sun had a great...
Construction Physics
Why it's so hard to build a jet engine Civilization's toughest technical challenges are those that require extraordinary (and constantly...
a week ago
a week ago
Civilization's toughest technical challenges are those that require extraordinary (and constantly improving) performance to be delivered at a low cost.
Odds and Ends of...
Four big US election takes: Yes, it was the woke stuff. Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump might do, and why the polls were right
Home on Erik...
Luigi: complex pipelines of tasks in Python I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs, handle dependency resolution, and create visualizations to help manage multiple workflows. It also comes with Hadoop support built in...
Ghostty is the hot new terminal and it’s out now Ghostty is a hip new terminal from Mitchell Hashimoto, who he described in October’s Ghostty 1.0 Is...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Ghostty is a hip new terminal from Mitchell Hashimoto, who he described in October’s Ghostty 1.0 Is Coming: With Ghostty, I set out to build a terminal emulator that was fast, feature-rich, and had a platform-native GUI while still being cross-platform. I believe Ghostty 1.0...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Glue and coprocessor architectures
6 months ago
Arduino Blog
Play rock-paper-scissors using a time-of-flight sensor and an Arduino UNO R4 Owing to its simplicity and fast-paced nature, rock-paper-scissors is a great game to play with...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Owing to its simplicity and fast-paced nature, rock-paper-scissors is a great game to play with friends, and when it comes to translating it into a digital format, many creative adaptations can be made. This version by madmcu forgoes the typical three-button input scheme in favor...
Home on Erik...
More Luigi! Elias Freider just talked about Luigi at PyData 2013: The presentation above is much better than one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Elias Freider just talked about Luigi at PyData 2013: The presentation above is much better than one I put together a few weeks ago. In case anyone is interested I'll include it too:
My experiences with DFS replication on Windows 2008 R2 If you are considering implementing DFS replication, consider using Windows 2012 R2 because DFS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you are considering implementing DFS replication, consider using Windows 2012 R2 because DFS replication has been massively improved. It supports larger data sets and performance has dramatically been improved over Windows 2008 R2. I've implemented DFS replication to keep two...
My lil' Ghostty terminal config I wrote about Ghosty last week, and since then I've played around with it enough to know it's my new...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I wrote about Ghosty last week, and since then I've played around with it enough to know it's my new terminal emulator of choice. For me the killer feature is how fast it is, putting the most popular apps to shame (Apple Terminal and iTerm, specifically)
Willem's Blog
Using AI to generate code Discover how AI-generated code can revolutionise your software development process and optimise...
a year ago
a year ago
Discover how AI-generated code can revolutionise your software development process and optimise cloud performance in our fascinating exploration of GPT-4's transformative capabilities.
Computer Ads from...
OS-9 Bonus Content A detailed look at OS-9 for Tandy Color Computers
6 months ago
Good Enough
TIL: JavaScript Turbo Stream Requests I am working on search for Album Whale and I was very confused when my JavaScript fetch requests...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am working on search for Album Whale and I was very confused when my JavaScript fetch requests were not resulting in turbo_stream rendering getting displayed on my page. I checked my logs to see if the render was happening. I looked for missing <%= tags. Debugged and...
Arduino Blog
Clone your IoT projects with Arduino Cloud Custom Templates Whether you are an IoT enthusiast, an enterprise developer or a high school teacher, we all know the...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Whether you are an IoT enthusiast, an enterprise developer or a high school teacher, we all know the thrill of bringing a new IoT project to life. But we also understand the frustration of repetitive setup processes and the time sink of configuring the same elements over and over...
Jonas Hietala
Speeding Ahead Life is slowly settling down over here. School has started with some pretty interesting stuff this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Life is slowly settling down over here. School has started with some pretty interesting stuff this year. Firstly we have a math analysis course in multiple variables which is ok. I’m not a fan of the previous analysis courses but maybe this will be a bit different. We’re...
Posts on Made of...
autocutsel As most of you probably know, X has several different mechanisms for copy-paste, used by different...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As most of you probably know, X has several different mechanisms for copy-paste, used by different applications in different ways. I know some people who use them deliberately, juggling two pieces of text in different clipboards at once, but for me, it’s always just been...
Jonas Hietala
HandCash handles require trust and are insecure The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their $handle concept. It’s basically a username you use instead of the normal Bitcoin Cash address, similar to how domain names abstract away IP addresses. For example instead of...
Notes on software...
Go database driver overhead on insert-heavy workloads The most popular SQLite and PostgreSQL database drivers in Go are (roughly) 20-76% slower than...
a year ago
a year ago
The most popular SQLite and PostgreSQL database drivers in Go are (roughly) 20-76% slower than alternative Go drivers on insert-heavy benchmarks of mine. So if you are bulk-inserting data with Go (and potentially also bulk-retrieving data with Go), you may want to consider the...
Christian Selig
The Case for Getting Rid of TestFlight Review I tweeted today about how I think TestFlight review should become a thing of the past and many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I tweeted today about how I think TestFlight review should become a thing of the past and many developers seemed to agree, but some had questions so I wanted to expand on my thoughts a little. TestFlight’s awesome. But like App Store submissions, TestFlight betas also require a...
Why VMware vSphere replication is changing the game If you are running a serious VMware environment, chances are you do have a SAN. Often with smaller...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you are running a serious VMware environment, chances are you do have a SAN. Often with smaller setups, many people do employ multiple VMware hosts, but the SAN is a single point of failure. SANs are often fully redundant devices, with redundant PSUs, storage controllers,...
Gwern.net Newsletter
March 2021 Gwern.net Newsletter 2 major new site features: 'popins' and recursive Wikipedia popups
over a year ago
The Pragmatic...
How does ChatGPT work? As explained by the ChatGPT team. For those of us who have not spent the past few years building ChatGPT from the ground up, how does...
10 months ago
10 months ago
For those of us who have not spent the past few years building ChatGPT from the ground up, how does it work? From Evan Morikawa, who leads the Applied engineering team at OpenAI
Good Enough
There's no “A” or “I” in “Jelly” The second half of 2024 was definitely an inflection point in the world of software. Large Language...
a month ago
a month ago
The second half of 2024 was definitely an inflection point in the world of software. Large Language Models (LLMs) and generative AI started to permeate products everywhere, from chatbots to operating systems, and at times it felt like everyone was taking part in a race to...
Arduino Blog
Axiom is Arduino’s newest Gold Integration Partner! Digital manufacturing consultancy and solutions provider, Axiom Manufacturing Systems, based in the...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Digital manufacturing consultancy and solutions provider, Axiom Manufacturing Systems, based in the United States, has recently joined our System Integrators Partnership Program. As Gold-level partners, Axiom will supercharge their mission – to empower manufacturers to rapidly...
Classical virtualisation rules applied to RISC-style atomics In 1974, Gerald Popek and Robert Goldberg published a paper, “Formal Requirements for Virtualizable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 1974, Gerald Popek and Robert Goldberg published a paper, “Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures”, giving a set of characteristics for correct full-machine virtualisation. Today, these characteristics remain very useful. Computer architects will...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing ElevationDock 5 It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the original ElevationDock launched on Kickstarter,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the original ElevationDock launched on Kickstarter, breaking crowdfunding records.  ElevationDock 5 is our best version yet - ultra-fast charging with USB-C to Lighting, precision machined ultra-smooth adjustment to perfectly fit your...
On the new iPhone 16e Today Apple unveiled the iPhone 16e, which they're calling a part of the iPhone 16 lineup now,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Today Apple unveiled the iPhone 16e, which they're calling a part of the iPhone 16 lineup now, rather than this odd duck the SE had been since launch. Honestly, I think this move in particular is interesting and maybe makes a ton of sense, but let's
Ian's Blog
Having a Website Used to Be Fun According to the Wayback Machine, I launched my website over a decade ago, in 2013. Just that...
4 months ago
4 months ago
According to the Wayback Machine, I launched my website over a decade ago, in 2013. Just that thought alone makes me feel old, but going back through the old snapshots of my websites made me feel a profound feeling of longing for a time when having a website used to be a novel...
Good Enough
Bad Ideas Are Fun Once I was complaining to Arun about how hard it is to come up with ideas, and he pointed out that...
a year ago
a year ago
Once I was complaining to Arun about how hard it is to come up with ideas, and he pointed out that coming up with ideas is actually very easy––what makes it hard is that we’re aiming for good ideas. The next time you're coming up with ideas, tell yourself, Forget about good...
computers are bad
2023-07-15 underwater ears everywhere Programming note: the subscribe link was broken for a while because I am bad at computers (yet...
a year ago
a year ago
Programming note: the subscribe link was broken for a while because I am bad at computers (yet another case of "forgot to enable the systemd unit"). It's fixed now. The unsubscribe link was also broken and is now fixed but, you know, maybe that was a feature. Did wonders for...
Applied Cartography
Vibes and years XH asks: How do indie developers/small teams keep track of and prioritize long-term roadmaps? I've...
a year ago
a year ago
XH asks: How do indie developers/small teams keep track of and prioritize long-term roadmaps? I've been basically work off my gut + Feeling of the Day for the past few years, and that's getting a bit unsustainable Buttondown's roadmapping has existed for the past three years in a...
Notes on software...
Deploying FreeBSD on Linode unattended in minutes I became a FreeBSD user over 2 years ago when I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I swapped...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I became a FreeBSD user over 2 years ago when I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. I swapped my y410p dual-booting Windows / Ubuntu with FreeBSD running Gnome 3. I learned a lot during the transition and came to appreciate FreeBSD as a user. I soon began running...
Radio Install in a Porsche Boxster The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so...
a year ago
a year ago
The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so much to love about the vehicle, but the OEM headunit is not one of them. It's very dated, clunky, and doesn't support CarPlay (!), so one of the first things I did after picking...
Creating storage benchmark charts with FIO and GNUplot Edit 2019: I've made a new tool called 'fio-plot'to create various graphs. I use FIO to perform...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Edit 2019: I've made a new tool called 'fio-plot'to create various graphs. I use FIO to perform storage IO performance benchmarks. FIO does provide a script called "fio_generate_plots" which generates PNG or JPG based charts based on the data generated by FIO. The charts are...
Good Enough
Say hello to Jelly: the simplest way to jam on email as a team Dear readers, we need to apologize. We know some of you have noticed that Good Enough has gotten...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Dear readers, we need to apologize. We know some of you have noticed that Good Enough has gotten much quieter this year than last, across this blog, our newsletter, and socials. We’ve been heads down for the last few months on something new, but we’re now ready to come back up...
csvbase blog
There are 665 open licences, most are pretty rubbish you are in a maze of twisty licences, all alike
5 months ago
Jonas Hietala
8-puzzle in rust I think rust is one of the most interesting upcoming programming languages out there. So I wrote a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think rust is one of the most interesting upcoming programming languages out there. So I wrote a solution to the 8-puzzle (see the 15-puzzle) using A*. It also has a breadth first search for solutions on a specific distance away from the goal. The solution is not by any means a...
Difference of behavior in SATA Solid State Drives Introduction Update: I've noticed some strange behavior of SSDs when benchmarking them with FIO....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update: I've noticed some strange behavior of SSDs when benchmarking them with FIO. After further investigation and additional testing, I've found the reason for the strange patterns in the graphs. The 'strange' test results are due to the fact that they were...
Computer Ads from...
Plus Post: Quantum Software Systems Ltd's QNX Operating Systems Come in Many Flavors But QNX Can Take the Heat
11 months ago
Neil Madden
A few clarifications about CVE-2022-21449 Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating around on Reddit/Twitter etc: The bug only impacts Java 15 and above. The original advisory from Oracle incorrectly listed earlier versions (like 7, 8 and 11) as being impacted....
Posts on Made of...
Advent of Code in C++ Template Metaprogramming This December, the imp of the perverse struck me, and I decided to see how many days of Advent of...
a year ago
a year ago
This December, the imp of the perverse struck me, and I decided to see how many days of Advent of Code I could do purely in compile-time C++ metaprogramming. As of this writing, I’ve done two days, and I’m not sure I’ll make it any further. However, that’s one more day than I...
lcamtuf’s thing
A 15-minute intro to hobby CNC In which the author tilts at windmills for a brief while.
6 months ago
Posts on Made of...
reptyr: Attach a running process to a new terminal Over the last week, I’ve written a nifty tool that I call reptyr. reptyr is a utility for taking an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the last week, I’ve written a nifty tool that I call reptyr. reptyr is a utility for taking an existing running program and attaching it to a new terminal. Started a long-running process over ssh, but have to leave and don’t want to interrupt it? Just start a screen, use...
Notes on software...
Coolest hard-tech companies in NYC 2021 For years I've kept a private list of really cool tech companies in NYC. Now that I'm funemployed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For years I've kept a private list of really cool tech companies in NYC. Now that I'm funemployed it's the perfect time to publish. This list is influenced by 1) my perception of the difficulty of the engineering behind the product and 2) the company's educational and OSS...
'Syslog: the hidden security risk' People sometimes forget that there are also a number of UDP-based services that may pose a threat to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People sometimes forget that there are also a number of UDP-based services that may pose a threat to the security of your systems. SNMP is a well-known service, notorious for being configured with a default password (or community string). But there is another service that is...
🕹️ I casually recommend Steamworld Heist 2 (members post) This game is definitely fun, and I enjoyed my time with it, but it didn't blow me away.
a week ago
Gwern.net Newsletter
November newsletter November 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on DL and genomics scaling, dark mode rewrite, 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
November 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on DL and genomics scaling, dark mode rewrite, 1 essay, and 1 opera review ('The Ring' cycle).
Arduino Blog
Making fire detection more accurate with ML sensor fusion The mere presence of a flame in a controlled environment, such as a candle, is perfectly acceptable,...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The mere presence of a flame in a controlled environment, such as a candle, is perfectly acceptable, but when tasked with determining if there is cause for alarm solely using vision data, embedded AI models can struggle with false positives. Solomon Githu’s project aims to lower...
Avestura's Blog
An opinion on what's a good general-purpose programming language What features should a programming language have to be ideal, in my opinion?
over a year ago
computers are bad
2023-11-19 Centrex I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened...
a year ago
a year ago
I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened to "PBX" in today's world where the "automatic" is implied. (Relatively) modern small and medium business PABXs of the type I like to collect are largely solid-state devices that...
On Life and Lisp
The Federation Fallacy Throughout the free software community, an unbridled aura of justified mistrust fills the air:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Throughout the free software community, an unbridled aura of justified mistrust fills the air: mistrust of large corporations, mistrust of governments, and of course, mistrust of proprietary software. Each mistrust is connected by a critical thread: centralisation. Thus,...
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner ID draft Örebro I entered an ID draft tournament in Netrunner hosted in Örebro and this is a brief overview of what...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I entered an ID draft tournament in Netrunner hosted in Örebro and this is a brief overview of what happened. Disclaimer: My memory is a little bit fuzzy and the events may or may not correspond to what actually happened. The draft The idea was to randomly sort all entrants and...
Abishek Muthian
Add subscribers to mailchimp list using PHP Static websites require a middleware to add subscribers to the Mailchimp list if we don't want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Static websites require a middleware to add subscribers to the Mailchimp list if we don't want to redirect our visitors to another website. PHP middleware which uses Mailchimp API 3.0 is useful because there's wide range of inexpensive options to host a PHP web service either in...
Home on Erik...
Annoy – now without Boost dependencies and with Python 3 Support Annoy is a C++/Python package I built for fast approximate nearest neighbor search in high...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Annoy is a C++/Python package I built for fast approximate nearest neighbor search in high dimensional spaces. Spotify uses it a lot to find similar items. First, matrix factorization gives a low dimensional representation of each item (artist/album/track/user) so that every item...
Simply Explained
Serverless Anagram Solver with Cloudflare R2 and Pages Six years ago, I reworked my anagram solver so it would run on top of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Six years ago, I reworked my anagram solver so it would run on top of AWS Lambda and DynamoDB. However, this year I realized I didn't need server-side code or a database at all. I could make it completely static by pre-computing anagram solutions.
Gwern.net Newsletter
June gwern.net newsletter June 2020 gwern.net newsletter with 3 new pages/essays, and links on CRISPR, population screening,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
June 2020 gwern.net newsletter with 3 new pages/essays, and links on CRISPR, population screening, AI scaling, politics, and technological unemployment.
Applied Cartography
Grace notes I'm not loving Unreasonable Hospitality, but it did supply me with a phrase that I've been looking...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I'm not loving Unreasonable Hospitality, but it did supply me with a phrase that I've been looking for: Eventually, that gesture became one of our steps of service. The host would ask guests, “How’d you get here tonight?” If they responded, “Oh, we drove,” he’d follow up with,...
Abishek Muthian
Postmortem of Butt Mover I suffer from chronic lower back pain, Since I don't consume opioids I find exercises 1 to be the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I suffer from chronic lower back pain, Since I don't consume opioids I find exercises 1 to be the best pain management technique. In addition to the specific exercises for managing back pain, Not sitting for long durations seems to be the key factor for me to not trigger the back...
Jonas Hietala
Fixing Problems Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a nice thread with a great answer. I solved it by forcefully patching libflashplayer.so perl -pi.bak -e 's/libvdpau/lixvdpau/g' libflashplayer.so Worked perfectly! I fixed the...
Computer Ads from...
Oberon International' Omni-Reader Audio Engineers announce a revolution in taking words from page to your computer
2 months ago
More details on Bluesky’s subscription plan Update: I had missed this, but the Bluesky team had already announced a subscription model was on...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Update: I had missed this, but the Bluesky team had already announced a subscription model was on the way. I had written this article assuming that was the news. What is new is the work happening on their official apps, which contains details on features and potential pricing. An...
Compiling Handbrake CLI on Debian Lenny In this post I will show you how to compile Handbrake for Debian Lenny. Please note that although...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post I will show you how to compile Handbrake for Debian Lenny. Please note that although the Handbrake GUI version does compile on Lenny, it crashes with a segmentation fault like this: Gtk: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -5 and height...
2025: The year of fitness (members post) 2025 is upon us and my goals for the new year are very clear: I need to get my fitness in order....
2 months ago
2 months ago
2025 is upon us and my goals for the new year are very clear: I need to get my fitness in order. Here's the plan…
computers are bad
2025-01-05 pairs not taken So we all know about twisted-pair ethernet, huh? I get a little frustrated with a lot of histories...
2 months ago
2 months ago
So we all know about twisted-pair ethernet, huh? I get a little frustrated with a lot of histories of the topic, like the recent neil breen^w^wserial port video, because they often fail to address some obvious questions about the origin of twisted-pair network cabling. Well, I...
Neil Madden
Parse, don’t type-check There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to any programmer (along with the more recent follow up Names are not type safety). The basic idea is that there are two ways to check that some input to a function is valid: A...
Buck on Software
Crypto and Chasing the Dragon Marc and Ben’s midlife crisis and the Crypto Crusades
over a year ago
Ian's Blog
Mourning the Loss of Cohost The staff running Cohost have announced (archived) that at the end of 2024 Cohost will be shutting...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The staff running Cohost have announced (archived) that at the end of 2024 Cohost will be shutting down, with the site going read-only on October 1st 2024. This news was deeply upsetting to receive, as Cohost filled a space left by other social media websites when they stopped...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Endnotes on 2020: Crypto and Beyond
over a year ago
An ode to the 10,000 RPM Western Digital (Veloci)Raptor Introduction Back in 2004, I visited a now bankrupt Dutch computer store called MyCom1, located at...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Back in 2004, I visited a now bankrupt Dutch computer store called MyCom1, located at the Kinkerstraat in Amsterdam. I was there to buy a Western Digital Raptor model WD740, with 74 GB of capacity, running at 10,000 RPM. When I bought this drive, we were still in...
computers are bad
2023-04-27 los alamos - compound to county pt I This weekend, I found myself staying in Los Alamos for a volunteer role in which I judge children on...
a year ago
a year ago
This weekend, I found myself staying in Los Alamos for a volunteer role in which I judge children on the quality of their software. Clearly this is not the kind of opportunity I would turn down, but I also always take an excuse to drive back up the hill. I only lived in Los...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Hard Problems in Cryptocurrency: Five Years Later
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Listen to your body Using health data gathered by sensors and wearables I learned to listen to my body. Now I have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using health data gathered by sensors and wearables I learned to listen to my body. Now I have stopped using bluetooth sensors all together.
Linux Iptables Firewall Script released on Google code I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released LIFS, the Linux Iptables Firewall Script. This script allows you to setup a firewall within minutes. It is easy to use, yet very powerful. It uses Iptables and even improves upon some limitations of Iptables. Every person who has to maintain some kind of...
Willem's Blog
Limitations of sleep tracking using a wearable Limitations of heart rate analyses during sleep, why you should reconsider tracking your sleep.
over a year ago
Benefits of hyper-threading on a Core 7i processor I had some wave files that I wanted to encode to mp3. I wrote a small parallel processing framework...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I had some wave files that I wanted to encode to mp3. I wrote a small parallel processing framework for this job. It executes parallel jobs so I can benefit from the 4 cores + 4 virtual cores of my new Core 7i 920 processor.  The framework is based on some shell scripts running...
Electronics etc…
Tektronix TDS 684B Oscilloscope Button Swap Introduction Removing the panels Swapping a Rotary Encoder Putting it all back together End...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Introduction Removing the panels Swapping a Rotary Encoder Putting it all back together End Result Introduction I recently bought a TDS 684B for cheap at a government auction. With 1 GHz BW and 5 Gsps sample rate, it can be used for those cases where my 350 MHz/2Gsps Siglent...
Arduino Blog
Exercise while you game with this interactive treadmill add-on Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of virtual reality headsets, gaming is still done with relatively limited movement unless one has access to an expensive VR walking/running setup. As an effort to get more physical...
Willem's Blog
Wearing Grand Seiko I am glad I took the opportunity to wear a Grand Seiko, learning first hand about its craftsmanship,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am glad I took the opportunity to wear a Grand Seiko, learning first hand about its craftsmanship, innovation and practicality.
Willem's Blog
Creating the ultimate commuter bike Creating the ultimate commuter bike by upgrading the Sensa Cintura belt drive bike.
over a year ago
I have a 'Dall UD19PB ThundeRbglt Dock': my experience with the HP Elitebook 845 G9 I’ve decided to give a new laptop a test drive, mainly because I had the opportunity at work, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve decided to give a new laptop a test drive, mainly because I had the opportunity at work, and also out of morbid curiosity. It’s the HP Elitebook 845 G9, and it has pretty good specifications: CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 6800U RAM: 2x16GB DDR5 Storage: 512GB KIOXIA NVMe SSD...
Willem's Blog
Developing a native iOS app How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with...
10 months ago
10 months ago
How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with some help from AI? Read along to find out!
Home on Erik...
Luigi Presentation @ NYC Data Science, Dec 16, 2014 More Luigi presentations!
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Towards solving Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey into interesting algorithms and high-performance parallel programming in Rust. Backstory Starting around the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve gotten myself deeply nerdsniped...
Yazin Alirhayim
Getting started with Flutter It used to be that you needed to know Kotlin and Swift to develop apps for both Android and iOS, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It used to be that you needed to know Kotlin and Swift to develop apps for both Android and iOS, but those days are long gone. Even the fundamental reasons for doing so have changed — some sort of compromise between performance and speed to deployment. React Native apps were...
Notes on software...
Practical? Common Lisp on the JVM: A quick intro to ABCL for modern web apps In a ridiculous attempt to prove an internet wrong about the practicality of Lisp (Common Lisp...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a ridiculous attempt to prove an internet wrong about the practicality of Lisp (Common Lisp specifically), I tried to get a simple (but realistic) web app running. After four days and a patch to ABCL I got something working. The code I had in mind would look something like...
Jonas Hietala
My first rust Contribution The problem with open-source for most people isn’t writing code, but it’s all the other things. How...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The problem with open-source for most people isn’t writing code, but it’s all the other things. How shall I push my changes? How do I handle git? What should I do? I was the same and I actually dreaded my awesome summer job, just a little bit, because now I’m supposed to...
Things I've learned during my self-hosting adventure This is a list of lessons that I’ve learned while playing around with my computer setup during the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a list of lessons that I’ve learned while playing around with my computer setup during the last 6-7 years or so. USB connected storage is a bad idea when you are using BTRFS. USB connected storage is still a bad idea when you are using ZFS, but it is at least much more...
Home on Erik...
Antipodes I was playing around with D3 last night and built a silly visualization of antipodes and how our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was playing around with D3 last night and built a silly visualization of antipodes and how our intuitive understanding of the world sometimes doesn't make sense. Check out the visualization at bl.ocks.org! Basically the idea is if you fly from Beijing to Buenos Aires then you...
WiFi Binary Clock Who doesn't love a classic Binary Clock? I remember getting one of these when I was in my 20's from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Who doesn't love a classic Binary Clock? I remember getting one of these when I was in my 20's from ThinkGeek, and it was pride of place on my desk. LED's are a thing of beauty.
Notes on software...
The year in books: 11 to recommend in 2021 Last year (2021) I finished 17 books, a five year low. But that's ok! 4 fiction and 13 non-fiction....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last year (2021) I finished 17 books, a five year low. But that's ok! 4 fiction and 13 non-fiction. Another 30 started but not finished. Non-fiction It seems I was pretty focused on business history books and history of tech. The 8 non-fiction books I liked the most: Designing...
RAID 5 vs. RAID 6 or do you care about your data? Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases the risk of a drive failure tenfold. So often RAID 5 is used to keep your data up and running if one single disks fails. But disks are so cheap and storage arrays are getting so...
Willem's Blog
Moving to the countryside Join me on a journey from the bustle of Amsterdam to the tranquility of Noord-Limburg's countryside.
over a year ago
over a year ago
Join me on a journey from the bustle of Amsterdam to the tranquility of Noord-Limburg's countryside.
Jonas Hietala
Computer upgrade After 5 years or so I’ve made a large upgrade to my desktop, and this post contains details and some...
a year ago
a year ago
After 5 years or so I’ve made a large upgrade to my desktop, and this post contains details and some pictures about the process. It was time I didn’t really want to do an upgrade right now, but I felt I had to do it. Sometimes the lag had gotten very noticeable, for example when...
Arduino Blog
Welcoming ControlSI to the Arduino Pro System Integrators Partnership Program! We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP):...
a month ago
a month ago
We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP): ControlSI, based in Peru, is well known for their expertise in Industry 4.0 solutions – including industrial automation, operational intelligence, data analytics, computer vision,...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Coordination, Good and Bad
over a year ago
Father's Day (First posted on Father's Day, 2022.)
over a year ago
I'm done with Ubuntu I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the...
a month ago
a month ago
I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the Ubuntu GNOME flavor, and after they ditched the Unity desktop environment, GNOME became the default option. I was really happy with it, both for work and personal computing...
lcamtuf’s thing
What's the deal with magnetic fields? I apologize, but there won't be any Insane Clown Posse jokes in this article.
a month ago
Matt Mullenweg
Ed Catmull on Change I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
I’ve been really enjoying the book Creativity Inc by Ed Catmull of Pixar, it was recommended to me by my colleague Dave Martin a while back and I finally got around to it. There’s an interesting story in it where George Lucas has asked him to develop a film editing system that...
Notes on software...
How to get better at recursion tldr; reimplement standard library functions in your favorite language without loops. Background For...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tldr; reimplement standard library functions in your favorite language without loops. Background For a few years after college I spent a lot of free time doing projects in Standard ML and Scheme. As a result I got really comfortable doing recursion. The two big reasons for this...
Abishek Muthian
Messi and Me When Messi's parents were informed that their Son would have stunted growth due to Growth Hormone...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When Messi's parents were informed that their Son would have stunted growth due to Growth Hormone Deficiency(GHD)1, My parents were being lied to by my doctor that I would grow taller than them. Lionel Messi got treated and became one the greatest footballer of all time while I...
A practical understanding of lead acid batteries Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The goal of this article is to give you a practical understanding Lead Acid batteries. We won't address the underlying chemistry, we'll treat them as a black-box and we will discover their characteristics and how to keep them healthy. Disclaimer I'm an amateur. I...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #48: The most important week of Labour government so far? Plus a British tech unicorn, a nuclear energy ticking time bomb and... New Zealand's weird...
2 months ago
Matt Mullenweg
Cloudflare Stories There are two great Cloudflare-related stories published this weekend. The first is Steven Levy’s...
4 months ago
4 months ago
There are two great Cloudflare-related stories published this weekend. The first is Steven Levy’s incredible story about Tim Jenkin, who created a secure communication protocol for the African National Congress to overthrow the apartheid regime in South Africa. Cloudflare’s CTO,...
Home on Erik...
Conversion rates – you are (most likely) computing them wrong How hard can it be to compute conversion rate? Take the total number of users that converted and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How hard can it be to compute conversion rate? Take the total number of users that converted and divide them with the total number of users. Done. Except… it's a lot more complicated when you have any sort of significant time lag.
Jonas Hietala
The Experimental Games It’s been nine months since I started doing Experimental Games and I think it’s time to evaluate and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been nine months since I started doing Experimental Games and I think it’s time to evaluate and maybe go in a new direction. At first I had been stuck for ages with my never-ending projects and I had literally nothing to show for all my coding. Well now things have changed a...
Arduino Blog
Arduino Cloud is now natively supported on tablets  We’re excited to announce the release of IoT Remote v3.0.0, featuring a native tablet version...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We’re excited to announce the release of IoT Remote v3.0.0, featuring a native tablet version (available for both Android and iOS platforms) optimized for unlocking the full potential of larger screen sizes. What is the Arduino IoT Remote app?  The Arduino IoT Remote app allows...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Hard Forks, Soft Forks, Defaults and Coercion
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Followup to "A Very Subtle Bug" After my previous post got posted to reddit, there was a bunch of interesting discussion there about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After my previous post got posted to reddit, there was a bunch of interesting discussion there about some details I’d handwaved over. This is a quick followup on some the investigation that various people carried out, and the conclusions they reached. In the reddit thread,...