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Neil Madden
Parse, don’t type-check There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to any programmer (along with the more recent follow up Names are not type safety). The basic idea is that there are two ways to check that some input to a function is valid: A...
Home on Erik...
Everything I learned about technical debt I just made it to Sweden suffering from jet lag induced insomnia, but this blog post will not cover...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just made it to Sweden suffering from jet lag induced insomnia, but this blog post will not cover that. Instead, I will talk a little bit about technical debt. The concept of technical debt always resonated with me, partly because I always like the analogy with “real” debt.
Computer Ads from...
UNIX Review Magazine Interviews Larry Tesler They discuss Tesler's involvement with Xerox, Apple and office automation with Unix.
6 months ago
People Change (members post) Too often I see people suggest that others are a static combination of beliefs. I stongly believe...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Too often I see people suggest that others are a static combination of beliefs. I stongly believe that people can, and do change.
Elevation Lab - Blog
NightStand at your local Apple Store NightStands now come in some beautiful new colors & new packaging - you can find them in Apple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NightStands now come in some beautiful new colors & new packaging - you can find them in Apple Stores around the globe beginning today. For any designer, to see something you made out in the wild is a special experience. So today is a real trip for our tiny little Portland...
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 2: Britney Coltrane 1. I ❤️HR The past two weeks Barry and Lettini have been building our next little project, and I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
1. I ❤️HR The past two weeks Barry and Lettini have been building our next little project, and I tried to deal with the company-side of work: setting up payroll, health insurance, and making sure we’re compliant (hello, bureaucracy!). Back in the day when Danny and I started...
My cat water fountain comes with a spicy USB power adapter It turns out that you can’t trust any USB type A power adapter to be within spec. I have a Catit...
a year ago
a year ago
It turns out that you can’t trust any USB type A power adapter to be within spec. I have a Catit Flower Fountain for my two adorable cats. The idea of a water fountain for cats may sound odd, but having one really helps with cats staying hydrated and that alone avoids all sorts...
Debian Linux Preseeding - an installation framework Look Ma! No hands! just watching a system PXE-boot and install itself into a fully...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Look Ma! No hands! just watching a system PXE-boot and install itself into a fully operational system is fun. PXE boot and preseeding is not enough however to accomplish this. By itself, preseeding only installs a basic operating system. Next, you need to configure all sorts of...
Abishek Muthian
COVID-19 temperature correlation A user on needgap posted a problem of not being able to find graphs showing confirmed COVID-19 cases...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A user on needgap posted a problem of not being able to find graphs showing confirmed COVID-19 cases and local weather data such as temperature. The reason for reputed agencies not publishing such graph is likely to prevent misinformation and possibly to avoid governments getting...
Abishek Muthian
Get notification when a new device connects to OpenWRT When a new device is connects to my OpenWRT router, I get a notification on Gotify. This serves as a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
When a new device is connects to my OpenWRT router, I get a notification on Gotify. This serves as a good low-key intrusion detection along with my earlier OpenWRT login alerts. Heavy lifting was already done by Brandon McFarlin, I had to just modify the code to send messages to...
Jonas Hietala
Ludum Dare 22 Here I Come The time has finally come. After more than three hours of exam writing, and almost double spent on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The time has finally come. After more than three hours of exam writing, and almost double spent on studying for it, I am now ready to declare my entry into Ludum Dare 22! I’ve been away far too long, with my entries for the 17th and the 20th dare being almost a century away, the...
Arduino Blog
Monitoring the weather with an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010-based station Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to analyze how the local climate changes over time. This project by Hackster.io user Pradeep explores how he was able to design a simple station outdoors that could communicate with a...
Convert dos file to linux format wit vim If you have some file that has been saved on a (Win)do(w)s host you may notice that all lines end...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you have some file that has been saved on a (Win)do(w)s host you may notice that all lines end with ^M. To fix this, you can use the tool dos2unix. If however this tool is not at your disposal, you may have a problem. If vim is available, you do not have a problem: The trick...
Notes on software...
Writing a simple JSON parser Writing a JSON parser is one of the easiest ways to get familiar with parsing techniques. The format...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Writing a JSON parser is one of the easiest ways to get familiar with parsing techniques. The format is extremely simple. It's defined recursively so you get a slight challenge compared to, say, parsing Brainfuck; and you probably already use JSON. Aside from that last point,...
Willem's Blog
Fixed Gear Gran Fondo Taking a fixed gear road bike for a gran fondo! Let some of my fun be of inspiration to you!
over a year ago
Somehow, more YouTube gems Yup, we’re doing this again because you all seem to like them an honestly I kinda like making them...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Yup, we’re doing this again because you all seem to like them an honestly I kinda like making them 😊 I love Answer in Progress, especially Sabrina’s videos, and she gets about as obsessed with anything she’s ever looked at in this episode (and
The Fedora Linux starter pack: everything you need for a smooth experience I like Fedora Linux. It’s the Linux distro that stopped my habit of distro-hopping. Big deal? Ooh,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I like Fedora Linux. It’s the Linux distro that stopped my habit of distro-hopping. Big deal? Ooh, big deal! It’s stable in day-to-day use, ships with up-to-date software, and the software selection is adequate out of the box. It also ships with a fresh Linux kernel version1,...
What changing the CPU on a laptop looks like This post illustrates something that is not common on modern laptops: changing the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post illustrates something that is not common on modern laptops: changing the CPU. Background One of the modifications that you can do to a ThinkPad T430 laptop is changing the CPU to a more powerful quad core model. That’s exactly what I did back in 2017, but due to the...
Home on Erik...
Microsoft's new marketing strategy: give up I think it's funny how MS at some point realized they are not the cool kids and there's no reason to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think it's funny how MS at some point realized they are not the cool kids and there's no reason to appeal to that target audience. Their new marketing strategy finally admits what's been long known: the correlation between “business casual” and using Microsoft products:
A 12.48 inch (1304x984) three-color e-paper display by Waveshare Introduction Update September 2023: A small horizontal and large vertical row of pixels died. Demo...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update September 2023: A small horizontal and large vertical row of pixels died. Demo of defective display here. I'm running a solar-powered blog and I wanted to add a low-power display to show the daily solar 'harvest'1 and maybe some additional information. So I...
Notes on software...
Lessons learned streaming building a Scheme-like interpreter in Go I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like language (minus macros and arrays and tons of stuff). I picked this simple topic because I wanted a low-stakes way to learn what I did not know about making videos. Here was the...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Three Transitions
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Auth.js + Square Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the periphery of your understanding, and a Third South project has led me to spin up a small Next project using Bun [1] and Auth.js (nee next-auth), which has been quite bad and I...
I'm setting the bar too low I've been a proponent of high-refresh rate displays for years now, and I think it's pretty...
a week ago
a week ago
I've been a proponent of high-refresh rate displays for years now, and I think it's pretty ridiculous that Apple doesn't put these displays in their sub-$1,000 iPhones. I think if you're just keeping up with the Apple ecosystem then you
Why filtering DHCP traffic is not always possible with iptables When configuring my new firewall using iptables, I noticed something very peculiar. Even if all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When configuring my new firewall using iptables, I noticed something very peculiar. Even if all input, forward and output traffic was dropped, DHCP traffic to and from my DHCP server was not blocked even if there were no rules permitting this traffic. I even flushed all rules,...
Willem's Blog
Six months with MCADD It's six months since our son was born with MCADD, a good moment to reflect upon the experience of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's six months since our son was born with MCADD, a good moment to reflect upon the experience of being a parent with some thoughts and tips.
Jonas Hietala
Microfeatures in my blog xkcd: Nerd sniping A while I ago I encountered a blog post called Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and...
8 months ago
8 months ago
xkcd: Nerd sniping A while I ago I encountered a blog post called Microfeatures I Love in Blogs and Personal Websites, and together with the related Hacker News discussion I got nerd sniped. (I spent more time than I care to admit implementing new and exciting microfeatures for...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates July 07
8 months ago
Notes on software...
We put a distributed database in the browser – and made a game of it This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
a year ago
watchTowr Labs
Auth. Bypass In (Un)Limited Scenarios - Progress MOVEit Transfer (CVE-2024-5806) In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!-...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In the early hours of a day in a month in 2024, watchTowr Labs was sent a chat log: 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne [def_not_phalanx@kernel.org] has joined #!hack (irc.efnet.nl) 13:37 -!- dav1d_bl41ne changed the topic of #!hack to: mag1c sh0w
Home on Erik...
Norvig's claim that programming competitions correlate negatively with being good on the job I saw a bunch of tweets over the weekend about Peter Norvig claiming there's a negative correlation...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw a bunch of tweets over the weekend about Peter Norvig claiming there's a negative correlation between being good at programming competitions and being good at the job. There were some decent Hacker News comments on it.
Jonas Hietala
The eBook for 'Why Cryptocurrencies?' is now available for free The eBook for my book Why Cryptocurrencies? is now available for free. It’s been almost 4 years...
a year ago
a year ago
The eBook for my book Why Cryptocurrencies? is now available for free. It’s been almost 4 years since the web version was done, and 3 since the physical copy was available… Which can hardly be called a success. Things happened, so let’s do a quick retrospective to, maybe, learn...
Home on Erik...
Ratio metrics We run a ton of A/B tests at Spotify and we look at a ton of metrics. Defining metrics is a little...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We run a ton of A/B tests at Spotify and we look at a ton of metrics. Defining metrics is a little bit of an art form. Ideally you want to define success metrics before you run a test to avoid cherry picking metrics.
Odds and Ends of...
Book now! Where we're going, we need roads (and trains) My next in-person event/meet-up, with transport policy expert Michael Dnes!
3 months ago
Notes on software...
An intuition for distributed consensus in OLTP systems Distributed consensus in transactional databases (e.g. etcd or Cockroach) is a big deal these days....
a year ago
a year ago
Distributed consensus in transactional databases (e.g. etcd or Cockroach) is a big deal these days. Most often under the hood are variations of log-based Paxos-like algorithms such as MultiPaxos, Viewstamped Replication, or Raft. While there are new variations that come out each...
Applied Cartography
Tailwind black magic: swallowing all pointer events I wrote two days ago about a real and useful application of Tailwind black magic; here's...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I wrote two days ago about a real and useful application of Tailwind black magic; here's another. Buttondown has a dropzone component lets folks drag-and-drop items or click on it to get a file-picker. It's used for importing images, archives, CSVs, the works: because it's so...
Willem's Blog
Helping people with free software This week I helped a man with repairing and reinstalling his computer with Debian GNU/Linux.
over a year ago
Applied Cartography
Against Against Innovation Tokens Glyph (whose writing and contributions to the Python ecosystem I am deeply grateful for) wrote...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Glyph (whose writing and contributions to the Python ecosystem I am deeply grateful for) wrote Against Innovation Tokens yesterday: In 2015, Dan McKinley laid out a model for software teams selecting technologies. He proposed that each team have a limited supply of “innovation...
Script that shows ETA of RAID rebuild / reshape I made a small script that converts the output of cat /proc/mdstat to an actual date and time...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I made a small script that converts the output of cat /proc/mdstat to an actual date and time telling you when the RAID rebuild / reshape is finished. This is the link to the correct version of the script. Example: debian:~# ./raid-rebuild-eta.sh Estimated time of finishing...
Creating storage benchmark charts with FIO and GNUplot Edit 2019: I've made a new tool called 'fio-plot'to create various graphs. I use FIO to perform...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Edit 2019: I've made a new tool called 'fio-plot'to create various graphs. I use FIO to perform storage IO performance benchmarks. FIO does provide a script called "fio_generate_plots" which generates PNG or JPG based charts based on the data generated by FIO. The charts are...
Simply Explained
How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to...
a year ago
a year ago
When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to today, and my children's movie collection is vastly different. It's completely digital and dispersed across services. I wanted to recreate the tangible magic of my childhood for them.
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing AirTag Security Cable We wanted to make a better braided steel AirTag mount - more compact, stronger, really well...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
We wanted to make a better braided steel AirTag mount - more compact, stronger, really well made.    So we fired up our Swiss lathe and machined a custom oversized screw that keeps it secure and looks awesome. It is T10 Torx and comes with an included driver.   There is an...
Jonas Hietala
Going to University I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I mentioned in the last post that I’m going to the university, which might explain my lack of activity here and for that I’m sorry. It’s not as hard as I had imagined, and I don’t have that much in school but there’s still a lot that’s going on. For example now how to make...
Matt Blewitt
Everything I Know About Operations, I Learned From NHS 111 Ever heard someone say “It’s only software/money/<trivial thing>, not life or death”, in the context...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ever heard someone say “It’s only software/money/<trivial thing>, not life or death”, in the context of incidents at your company? Although mostly true, I want to talk about a time in my career when sometimes, just sometimes, it was the latter, and how it shaped my approach to...
Posts on Made of...
Confessions of a programmer: I hate code review Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work requires code review on most of our code, and as we bring on an army of interns for the summer, I've been responsible for reviewing lots of code. Additionally, about five months ago...
Notes on software...
Writing a web server from scratch: 1. HTTP and sockets Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd like to be able to render this page in a web browser. If the server is hosted locally we may want to enter localhost:9000/hello-world.html in the address bar, hit enter, make a...
Home on Erik...
Annoy – now without Boost dependencies and with Python 3 Support Annoy is a C++/Python package I built for fast approximate nearest neighbor search in high...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Annoy is a C++/Python package I built for fast approximate nearest neighbor search in high dimensional spaces. Spotify uses it a lot to find similar items. First, matrix factorization gives a low dimensional representation of each item (artist/album/track/user) so that every item...
Debian Lenny and Dell R410 network card not supported For those who are running Debian Lenny and want to order the new Dell R410 server, beware! There is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For those who are running Debian Lenny and want to order the new Dell R410 server, beware! There is no safe solution to get Debian Lenny working with the on-board Broadcom network cards. A fairly recent kernel is required. Basically, you will have to install back-ported kernels,...
Style over Substance
Our favorite places to eat and drinks during our Portugal vacation In the summer of 2023, we went on an amazing trip through Portugal. We’d already visited Lisbon on a...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In the summer of 2023, we went on an amazing trip through Portugal. We’d already visited Lisbon on a short city trip a few years earlier, and that experience was so good we knew we had to return. This time, we decided to take a full three weeks and see the sights. We were...
Arduino Blog
Alumnus Software joins Arduino’s System Integrators Partnership Program We are thrilled to announce that Alumnus Software, based in India and the United States, has joined...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We are thrilled to announce that Alumnus Software, based in India and the United States, has joined our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP) at the Gold level. With over 20 years of expertise in embedded software, IoT applications, and Edge AI development, Alumnus has a...
Push to Prod
When Things Are Slow, Look for Queues When your system is slower than desired, queues are often heavily involved. Here's an overview of...
7 months ago
7 months ago
When your system is slower than desired, queues are often heavily involved. Here's an overview of the most common situations.
Notes on software...
Let's build a distributed Postgres proof of concept What is CockroachDB under the hood? Take a look at its go.mod and notice a number of dependencies...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is CockroachDB under the hood? Take a look at its go.mod and notice a number of dependencies that do a lot of work: a PostgreSQL wire protocol implementation, a storage layer, a Raft implementation for distributed consensus. And not part of go.mod but still building on 3rd...
Home on Erik...
Books I consumed in 2017 Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Turns out having a toddler isn't super compatible with reading. I used to read ~100 books/year as a teenager, but it has slowly deteriorated to maybe 20-30 books, at most. And I don't even finish all of them because life is too short!
Good Enough
The Element of Surprise Good Enough happens to be a remote team. This isn't from some strongly-held belief that remote is...
a year ago
a year ago
Good Enough happens to be a remote team. This isn't from some strongly-held belief that remote is best, but rather as a side effect of how we all happened to meet each other. We met remotely, we did not end up all moving into some commune, and so to work together we must work...
Jonas Hietala
Christmas break So school is on a break and I welcome it with all of my heart. The semester has been pretty fun and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So school is on a break and I welcome it with all of my heart. The semester has been pretty fun and I really enjoy studying here. We had lisp the whole time which is a pretty sweet little language and if you haven’t, give it a shot. Then we had math and I do like math, although I...
Git Merge 2024 GitButler is organizing the 2024 Git Merge conference, Sep 19/20 in Berlin!
7 months ago
Yazin Alirhayim
How do you know that an API does what it says it does? Having been in fintech for a while, I’ve noticed something in common between the many new startups...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Having been in fintech for a while, I’ve noticed something in common between the many new startups that come and go. They all require access to personal information. A specific example that comes to mind is the Plaid-like solution we developed while working on amal. We’d ask...
This page looks better in the app You’re a web developer at a social media company that has recently made a big push for modernizing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’re a web developer at a social media company that has recently made a big push for modernizing their frontend for the mobile-first era. It has taken a lot of time and effort from many people. Countless challenges, arguments, testing. The release is near. You’re probably a bit...
How to fix ZFS pool not importing at boot Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything seems to work correctly, but after restarting your machine, the ZFS pool is not visible. You can still import your pool manually using zpool import poolname or zpool import -a. In...
Willem's Blog
Flying in a C47-A (DC-3) classic plane Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received, experiencing aviation history unlike anything else!
Willem's Blog
Abandoning my own tablet OS After a year of experimenting with Debian GNU/Linux on a Surface Go 2 I have returned to iPad Pro...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a year of experimenting with Debian GNU/Linux on a Surface Go 2 I have returned to iPad Pro and the Mac.
Odds and Ends of...
The government ordering Apple to break its encryption is stupid, counter-productive and unworkable For the love of god, ask the computer people if your plan might actually work first.
a month ago
The Raspberry Pi 5 is no match for a tini-mini-micro PC I've always been fond of the idea of the Raspberry Pi. An energy efficient, small, cheap but capable...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I've always been fond of the idea of the Raspberry Pi. An energy efficient, small, cheap but capable computer. An ideal home server. Until the Pi 4, the Pi was not that capable, and only with the relatively recent Pi 5 (fall 2023) do I feel the Pi is OK performance wise, although...
Arduino Blog
Reduce power consumption in IoT and wearable devices, with Arduino’s new power management library! Developing energy-efficient IoT and wearable devices is complex and time-consuming, yet it is...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Developing energy-efficient IoT and wearable devices is complex and time-consuming, yet it is essential for creating high-quality products that stand out in today’s market. A key part in this process is optimizing power consumption without sacrificing performance or...
Applied Cartography
Tailwind black magic: styling paragraphs within tables The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's typography plugin — which makes it really easy to author beautiful docs in plaintext. We ran into one small issue, which is that the Markdoc renderer likes to place paragraph tags in table...
Posts on Made of...
Running Tensorflow on AWS GPUs I’ve been spending some time learning deep learning and tensorflow recently, and as part of that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been spending some time learning deep learning and tensorflow recently, and as part of that project I wanted to be able to train models using GPUs on EC2. This post contains some notes on what it took to get that working. As many people have commented, the environment setup...
Jonas Hietala
Long Term Goals I have a lot of things I want to do. Right now I want to go to the kids training tomorrow and also...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a lot of things I want to do. Right now I want to go to the kids training tomorrow and also to our training time. I haven’t trained a lot lately so it feels good to do something again and training the kids is very rewarding. On Monday I have the next graph theory lecture...
Posts on Made of...
Some musings on ORMs I’m pretty sure every developer who has ever worked with a modern database-backed application,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m pretty sure every developer who has ever worked with a modern database-backed application, particularly a web-app, has a love/hate relationship with their ORM, or object-relational mapper. On the one hand, ORMs are vastly more pleasant to work with than code that constructs...
Odds and Ends of...
Christmas Mailbag! Is Elon Musk actually smart? Will HS2 ever be properly finished? Do I like Dominic Cummings? And...
2 months ago
Ian's Blog
The Zune "HD" It is my joy and pleasure to present to you: the Zune "HD". The final device to wear the Zune name,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is my joy and pleasure to present to you: the Zune "HD". The final device to wear the Zune name, released by Microsoft in October of 2009. A direct competitor to Apple's wildly successful iPod Touch, the Zune HD was the first Zune to feature a multi-touch display, full web...
Jonas Hietala
Customizing Neovim Scripting is configuration. Configuration is scripting. TJ DeVries A different take on editing...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Scripting is configuration. Configuration is scripting. TJ DeVries A different take on editing code I’ve been using Neovim since it forked from Vim almost 8 years ago, and I used Vim many years before that. I feel quite comfortable with Neovim, and I’ve gone down the...
Notes on software...
Writing a simple JSON path parser Let's say we want to implement a simple list filtering language so we can enter a.b = 12 and return...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let's say we want to implement a simple list filtering language so we can enter a.b = 12 and return only results in a list where the a column is an object that contains a field b that is set to the value 12. What would a filter(jsonPath, equals, listOfObjects) function...
Home on Erik...
Snakebite Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie. It's a super fast tool to access HDFS over CLI/Python, by accessing the namenode directly over sockets/protobuf. Spotify's developer blog features a nice blog post outlining what...
Odds and Ends of...
How to fix the New Statesman In which I probably burn some bridges.
a week ago
Electronics etc…
Symbolic Reference and Hardware Models in Python The Traditional Hardware Design and Verification Flow An Image Downscaler as Example Design The...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Traditional Hardware Design and Verification Flow An Image Downscaler as Example Design The Reference Model The Micro-Architecture Model Comparing the results Conversion to Hardware Combining symbolic models with random input generation Specification changes Things to...
Never Met a Science
"Republic.com 2.0" is a terrible book title we don't always need citations to justify research
2 months ago
Simply Explained
My Sixth Year as YouTube Creator (statistics + retrospective) Every new year I reflect on the previous year and set new goals. Last year has been my most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every new year I reflect on the previous year and set new goals. Last year has been my most successful year on YouTube so far, and I'd like to share some statistics and thoughts. I will also go over how my email newsletter is doing and where I'm headed. And finally, I'll set...
Christian Selig
A free, 3D printable Meta Quest 3 stand People were really kind and seemed to enjoy my 3D printable Apple Vision Pro stand, a stand I...
10 months ago
10 months ago
People were really kind and seemed to enjoy my 3D printable Apple Vision Pro stand, a stand I designed in Fusion 360 with the goal of being visually appealing and compact as it stored the headset vertically so it wouldn’t take up too much space on your desk. Turns out there were...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 3: The Scourge
4 months ago
The Birth of THE MERGE Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our community is, product feature ideas, and how much Kiril loves food. As we shifted toward the topic of conferences, the idea of hosting our own event emerged. Wouldn’t it be fun
Jonas Hietala
My MCU movie ranking I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge MCU fan before doing the same re-watch for Infinity War, but after that I became one. For fun I tried to rank the movies as I saw them, this is some sort of accounting my rankings...
Arduino Blog
An ultra-affordable DIY underwater ROV ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) let us explore bodies of water and it is hard not to be excited by...
10 months ago
10 months ago
ROVs (remotely operated vehicles) let us explore bodies of water and it is hard not to be excited by the possibilities. But traditional ROVs cost a lot of money and often require serious expertise to operate and maintain. Luckily there are affordable alternatives, such as this...
HoloISO: the unofficial Steam Deck experience on your PC If you have spent any time in gaming hardware circles, then you’ve probably heard about the Steam...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you have spent any time in gaming hardware circles, then you’ve probably heard about the Steam Deck, the Linux-based handheld gaming PC built by Valve. Yes, you heard that right: not Windows, but Linux. I’ve had my fair share of attempts at gaming on Linux. When it works,...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Glue and coprocessor architectures
6 months ago
Home on Erik...
I'm looking for data engineers I'm interrupting the regular programming for a quick announcement: we're looking for data engineers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm interrupting the regular programming for a quick announcement: we're looking for data engineers at Better. You would be the first one to join and would work a lot directly with me. Some fun things you could work on (these are all projects I'm working on right now):
Never Met a Science
Is The Best Social Science Good Enough? Note: this is the first of several posts discussing the 2020 Meta Election research partnership and...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Note: this is the first of several posts discussing the 2020 Meta Election research partnership and the resulting papers, in advance of a keynote panel at IC2S2 on the topic next Thursday July 18.
Style over Substance
My Home Assistant setup (2023 edition) For the past few years, I have been running Home Assistant to make my apartment a smart home. It’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past few years, I have been running Home Assistant to make my apartment a smart home. It’s become such a hobby of mine that I’ve even started coding add-ons for it. While there are other popular automation platforms, Home Assistant’s versatility blows the rest out of the...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: More mods The printer is done, but I feel one of the best part of a VORON printer is the ability to modify and...
a year ago
a year ago
The printer is done, but I feel one of the best part of a VORON printer is the ability to modify and personalize it. There a tons of mods you can do, and while I’ve done a few there are lots more that I’d like to do some day. It’s a wonderful feeling to augment the printer with...
Arduino Blog
DIY ECU controls Honda Insight’s Kubota diesel engine The Honda Insight was the first hybrid car released in North America and Honda put serious effort...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The Honda Insight was the first hybrid car released in North America and Honda put serious effort into making it as efficient as was practical at the time. That meant aerodynamic streamlining, which is why the first-generation Insight had very distinct covers over the rear...
Willem's Blog
Do amazing things with a focused mind Read about my experience during the workshop I got as a birth day present involving the Wim Hof...
over a year ago
Steam local network game transfers are a game-changer Steam recently launched a new feature: local network game transfers. The idea is simple: if you have...
a year ago
a year ago
Steam recently launched a new feature: local network game transfers. The idea is simple: if you have a game downloaded on another PC and you’re both on the same local network, then Steam can download game data from that PC, avoiding the need to download the game over public...
Testing GPU passthrough on AMD Ryzen 7 5700G APU Introduction Before we jump into all the nitty-gritty details, I’d like to go over what we are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Before we jump into all the nitty-gritty details, I’d like to go over what we are dealing with here since these topics may be unfamiliar to you. VFIO is quite a niche topic and not everyone knows about it. GPU passthrough: the process of allowing a VM...
watchTowr Labs
“To live is to fight, to fight is to live! - IBM ODM Remote Code Execution In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some of the big players in the enterprise software space, but...
a year ago
a year ago
In previous blogs, we’ve discussed some of the big players in the enterprise software space, but there is one that we have not mentioned before, that is - quite frankly - the heavy-weight champion of the world in terms of applications for large enterprises. With over a hundred
Willem's Blog
Fietselfstedentocht 2017 Cycling the 235KM long Fietselfstedentocht through Friesland
over a year ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Prehistory of the Ethereum Protocol
over a year ago
Good Enough
Strong Prototypes, Weakly Held Excuse any obtuse thoughts that make their way into this writing. I sat down to type with My Life in...
a year ago
a year ago
Excuse any obtuse thoughts that make their way into this writing. I sat down to type with My Life in the Bush of Ghosts by Brian Eno and David Byrne as my soundtrack. This is an album I've never listened to before, and apparently I'm supposed to love it or hate it. Mostly the...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 2: The Surge
4 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Über Kollusion
over a year ago
Yazin Alirhayim
The Meem app: it sucks If you’re a “digital only” bank like Meem, the app your customers use is all they see: it’s like a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’re a “digital only” bank like Meem, the app your customers use is all they see: it’s like a virtual 🏦 branch. That’s fitting, because you know what my impression of meem is as a user? When I open up their app, it feels like walking into a crowded butcher shop, with...
Computer Ads from...
Apple IIe and IIc Design Manager Peter Quinn Interviewed by BYTE's Gregg Williams A behind-the-scenes look at the development of the Apple IIe and IIc.
a year ago
Arduino Blog
Introducing Arduino Academy: your path to becoming an Arduino-Certified Engineer begins! Want to upgrade your skills and become a certified Arduino engineer? Welcome to the Arduino Academy,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Want to upgrade your skills and become a certified Arduino engineer? Welcome to the Arduino Academy, the go-to platform for hands-on, interactive learning designed to prepare you for the future of technology. Whether you’re just starting or looking to advance your career, the...
Arduino Blog
Meet Mr. Wallplate, an animatronic wall plate that speaks to you Interactive robots always bring an element of intrigue, and even more so when they feature unusual...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Interactive robots always bring an element of intrigue, and even more so when they feature unusual parts and techniques to perform their actions. Mr. Wallplate, affectionately named by Tony K on Instructables, is one such robot that is contained within an electrical wall plate...
Home on Erik...
Why conversion matters: a toy model There are often close relationships between top level business metrics. For instance, it's well...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are often close relationships between top level business metrics. For instance, it's well known that retention has a super strong impact on the valuation of a subscription business. Or that the % of occupied seats is super important for an airline.
Willem's Blog
Wearing WHOOP 4.0 Use WHOOP to see the impact your choices have on your body, think of it as a special kind of mirror...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Use WHOOP to see the impact your choices have on your body, think of it as a special kind of mirror - it's so powerful, that I don't take mine off!
Show “nobody wanted” was the second-most-watched show on Disney+ Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly...
a month ago
a month ago
Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly Resilient” in 2024 Amid Production Declines, but Streaming Still Leads the Pack; ‘Fool Me Once’ Led TV Last Year, Luminate Says big IP franchises were still the best performing series on...
Nabeel S. Qureshi
Reading Notes on “Lost Time: Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp” by Josef Czapski
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Create your own affordable Arduino-powered smart glasses When Google Glass launched in 2013, the public opinion seemed to be “interesting technology, but the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
When Google Glass launched in 2013, the public opinion seemed to be “interesting technology, but the world isn’t ready yet.” Now that more than a decade has passed, the world may finally be ready — especially with the omission of controversial features like video recording. If...
Matt Mullenweg
WPAI Very excited to share that we’ve acquired WPAI and the team is joining Automattic. They have some...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Very excited to share that we’ve acquired WPAI and the team is joining Automattic. They have some very cool products including CodeWP, AgentWP, and WP.chat.
Computer Ads from...
Huson Soft HuCAL Hudson creates business software for everyone.
a year ago
Home on Erik...
Google diversity memo, global warming, Pascal's wager, and other stuff There's about 765 million blog posts about the diversity “memo” that leaked out of Google a couple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's about 765 million blog posts about the diversity “memo” that leaked out of Google a couple of weeks ago. I think the case for any biological difference is pretty weak, and it bothers me when people refer to an “interest gap” as anything else than caused by the...
Apple’s 2024 report card: Vision Pro 👓 This is the fifth and final post in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the fifth and final post in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I did this last year and you can read last year’s Vision Pro report card here. Year one of Vision Pro This is a bit of
Neil Madden
API Security in Action handed over to production After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has now been handed over to Manning’s production team. That means a few weeks of copy editing and graphics polish, then indexing and typesetting to produce the final version around...
Jonas Hietala
2018 in review A new year and a lingering feeling of not having done enough during the year. A fast review of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new year and a lingering feeling of not having done enough during the year. A fast review of the year usually makes me feel better. 2018 non-geek achievements Was on parental leave for about 7 months. It was great although I’ve been crawling up the walls a little the last...
watchTowr Labs
No Way, PHP Strikes Again! (CVE-2024-4577) Orange Tsai tweeted a few hours ago about “One of [his] PHP vulnerabilities, which affects XAMPP by...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Orange Tsai tweeted a few hours ago about “One of [his] PHP vulnerabilities, which affects XAMPP by default”, and we were curious to say the least. XAMPP is a very popular way for administrators and developers to rapidly deploy Apache, PHP, and a bunch of other tools, and
Jonas Hietala
Rewriting my Neovim config in Lua This screenshot betrays just how much productive time was wasted setting this up. I’ve got tons of...
a year ago
a year ago
This screenshot betrays just how much productive time was wasted setting this up. I’ve got tons of things to do; clean the bathrooms, prototype an idea for a SaaS and ponder world peace. So naturally the procrastination took over and I rewrote my Neovim configuration in...
Engineers Need Art
Same Stop Marvelling at the full circle life seems to have taken after retirement.
a year ago
lcamtuf’s thing
Lies, damned lies, and photodiodes Diffusion and drift currents: depending on what you're trying to do, photodiodes can be really fast...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Diffusion and drift currents: depending on what you're trying to do, photodiodes can be really fast or infuriatingly slow.
Jonas Hietala
Poking at Emacs I’ve been a vim vim fan for a while now and with some recent configs I’m starting to feel pretty...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been a vim vim fan for a while now and with some recent configs I’m starting to feel pretty confident and happy with it. For those who don’t know it’s basically a text editor, like notepad, but with a lot of keycommands which allows you to edit code (and text in general)...
Abishek Muthian
Auto suspend and resume KVM Virtual Machine with the host When the host machine is suspended while the KVM through QEMU is running lead to issues like display...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When the host machine is suspended while the KVM through QEMU is running lead to issues like display unable to wake up when resuming suspend. Suspending and resuming the Virtual Machine when the host machine is suspended using hooks in systemd and resumed fixes this...
Arduino Blog
The end of Mbed marks a new beginning for Arduino As you might have heard, on July 9th, Arm announced that the Mbed platform and OS are officially...
7 months ago
7 months ago
As you might have heard, on July 9th, Arm announced that the Mbed platform and OS are officially destined to reach end of life in July 2026, and therefore will no longer be maintained. The news has sent ripples through the embedded development community, particularly affecting...
Posts on Made of...
Stripe's monorepo developer environment I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I worked at Stripe for about seven years, from 2012 to 2019. Over that time, I used and contributed to many generations of Stripe’s developer environment – the tools that engineers used daily to write and test code. I think Stripe did a pretty good job designing and building that...
Home on Erik...
Installing TensorFlow on AWS Curious about Google's newly released TensorFlow? I don't have a beefy GPU machine, so I spent some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Curious about Google's newly released TensorFlow? I don't have a beefy GPU machine, so I spent some time getting it to run on EC2. The steps on how to reproduce it are pretty brutal and I wouldn't recommend going through it unless you want to waste five hours of your live.
Posts on Made of...
Write testable code by writing generic code Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains several software engineers nearly as obsessed with software testing as I am): uhh, so I’m writing some code to handle an econnreset… how do I test this? This is a good question!...
Notes on software...
HTML event handler attributes: down the rabbit hole This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Toolhead Since the last update I’ve made some good progress: All the motors are installed The x-axis and belt...
a year ago
a year ago
Since the last update I’ve made some good progress: All the motors are installed The x-axis and belt are installed Tap is installed The toolhead with Stealthburner + Clockwork 2 is also installed Purple means Pretty. I’ve run into a few problems on the way that I’ll try to...
Jonas Hietala
Incomplete game coming up Man I’m far too much of a perfectionist, with this mentality I’ll never get anything done -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Man I’m far too much of a perfectionist, with this mentality I’ll never get anything done - seriously. I spent far too many hours, even days, figuring out in my mind how the game should be and I started off going for nothing less than just that. But it turned out to be a lot...
Abishek Muthian
Getting smoother desktop experience on Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi, according to me sits on the same row as smartphones when it comes democratizing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Raspberry Pi, according to me sits on the same row as smartphones when it comes democratizing computation. Between $5 - $35, these tiny computers are capable of functioning as standalone desktop or power hundreds of IoT projects. Raspberry Pi foundation consciously price their...
Recovering a password-protected ThinkPad T60 A couple of years ago, I worked on a ThinkPad T60. That ThinkPad had been in use by a family member...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A couple of years ago, I worked on a ThinkPad T60. That ThinkPad had been in use by a family member before that, and I started its cleanup by disassembling the whole machine and making sure that it was pristine. However, once I put it all back together, I saw that it was password...
Notes on software...
Writing a SQL database from scratch in Go: 3. indexes Previously in database basics: 1. SELECT, INSERT, CREATE and a REPL 2. binary expressions...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously in database basics: 1. SELECT, INSERT, CREATE and a REPL 2. binary expressions and WHERE filters 4. a database/sql driver In this post, we extend gosql to support indexes. We focus on the addition of PRIMARY KEY constraints on table creation and some easy...
Computer Ads from...
Page 6 Magazine Interviews the Godfather of Adventure Games, Scott Adams Scott McNealy talks about Sun Microsystems, RISC, UNIX, and NeXT
7 months ago
Good Enough
Cool Songs Don’t Die Earlier this week, I watched the pilot episode of Alias. Yes, that Alias – the one that began airing...
a year ago
a year ago
Earlier this week, I watched the pilot episode of Alias. Yes, that Alias – the one that began airing 22 years ago and ran for 5 seasons and was a pretty big hit and launched the careers of two bonafide movie stars and featured a cast of very well known supporting actors. So yeah,...
VR, VFIO and how latency ruined everything I’ve been running my all-in-one PC for a while now. It was my desktop, my NAS and my gaming...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been running my all-in-one PC for a while now. It was my desktop, my NAS and my gaming PC. However, during the next couple of months I kept hitting small bumps along the road. Most of these were quite straightforward to fix, but there is one that finally convinced me to go...
Jonas Hietala
Undo git reset --hard I purposefully and more or less idiotically executed git reset --hard <hash> in hopes of going back...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I purposefully and more or less idiotically executed git reset --hard <hash> in hopes of going back a bit. What I didn’t realize then is that you throw away all the commits between now until <hash>. Not quite what was planned. After a bit of panic I found the answer: Find your...
Bryan Braun - Blog
Why we prefer computers over consoles when introducing kids to gaming I grew up gaming on consoles like Nintendo 64 and Gamecube. I have a lot of fond memories playing...
a year ago
a year ago
I grew up gaming on consoles like Nintendo 64 and Gamecube. I have a lot of fond memories playing games with my brothers on those devices. But as my own kids have gotten older, my wife and I have decided to first introduce them to gaming with computers, instead of consoles. The...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 6: The Splurge
4 months ago
Is the iPhone OS a threat to our freedom? There is one fundamental flaw with both the iPhone and the iPad. As a user, you do not have full...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is one fundamental flaw with both the iPhone and the iPad. As a user, you do not have full control over your device. You can only install or run software that is approved by Apple. This is something that is unprecedented. All major platforms, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X do...
Electronics etc…
Cable Length Measurement with an HP 8007B Pulse Generator MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [...
a year ago
a year ago
MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'], ["\\(", "\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ['$$', '$$'], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre',...
Configuring, attacking and securing VRRP on Linux The VRRP or Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol helps you create a reliable network by using multiple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The VRRP or Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol helps you create a reliable network by using multiple routers in an active/passive configuration. If the primary router fails, the backup router takes over almost seamlessly. This is how VRRP works: Clients connect to a virtual...
csvbase blog
Take the tools out of 'Data', but don't take the data out of the tools Using dataframes to write smaller, faster programs
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
How to manually add content to read it later
9 months ago
How to compile HAProxy from source and setup a basic configuration To learn more about HAProxy I decided to compile it from source and use it to load-balance traffic...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To learn more about HAProxy I decided to compile it from source and use it to load-balance traffic to louwrentius.com across two different web servers. I run HAProxy on a VPS based on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Let's dive right in. First, we need to download the source. Don't copy/pased...
Posts on Made of...
Why scons is cool I’ve recently started playing with scons a little for some small personal projects. It’s not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve recently started playing with scons a little for some small personal projects. It’s not perfect, but I’ve rapidly come to the conclusion that it’s a probably far better choice than make in many cases. The main exceptions would be cases where you need to integrate into legacy...
Another study on LLM energy use This study was linked to by The Verge today, and as someone who keeps looking at the energy costs of...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
This study was linked to by The Verge today, and as someone who keeps looking at the energy costs of AI wondering why he’s missing something, one of the opening lines in the study’s executive summary really caught my eye: Electricity consumption from data centres, artificial
Applied Cartography
You should use Helpscout Was digging through old issues of the personal site and found this draft snippet: I was evaluating...
a year ago
a year ago
Was digging through old issues of the personal site and found this draft snippet: I was evaluating HelpScout as a potential first step in a series of many, many steps to onboard a dedicated support engineer for Buttondown, and it turns out that the process of adding custom...
Jonas Hietala
A Vacation Filled with Obsession A nice thing about school are the nice long vacations. Directly after my last exam we went north to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A nice thing about school are the nice long vacations. Directly after my last exam we went north to our dear home village Övertorneå and spent two weeks celebrating Christmas and New Years Eve. What did we do? I practiced some obsessive behavior with Power Grid and Minecraft (and...
Father's Day (First posted on Father's Day, 2022.)
over a year ago
Superhuman’s next big update looks very compelling On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto Labels are great, but what's even better is making your own. Just write a prompt, like “job applications” or “requests for me to review work”. You can
Matt Blewitt
Leadership Power Tools: SQL and Statistics A common pattern I’ve seen over the years have been folks in engineering leadership positions that...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A common pattern I’ve seen over the years have been folks in engineering leadership positions that are not super comfortable with extracting and interpreting data from stores, be it databases, CSV files in an object store, or even just a spreadsheet. We’re going to cover SQL &...
Lion's Disk Utility not compatible with CoreStorage and Filevault My 1 TB hard drive of my 2011 27" iMac was partitioned with: A bootable partition with Mac OS X...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My 1 TB hard drive of my 2011 27" iMac was partitioned with: A bootable partition with Mac OS X Lion Time machine partition (I use an external SSD as my main OS) Bootcamp partition with windows A data partition containg... data. The problem is that CoreStorage is too new. Disk...
Abishek Muthian
Restart modem automatically when Internet is down If I have to restart my modem often like a caveman, I'll at least automate it. Years ago I would...
2 months ago
2 months ago
If I have to restart my modem often like a caveman, I'll at least automate it. Years ago I would have pitied the soul which had to restart their Internet modem often, Now I'm in the situation where the ISP seems to have not heard about network reliability and so my modem hangs at...
Smoking coolermaster Silent Pro M 600W TN6M50 So I was just messing around on my work station, when suddenly I smelled the smell any person...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I was just messing around on my work station, when suddenly I smelled the smell any person familiar with electronics fears. The smell of some electrical component burning. The whole upper floor smelled like something was smoldering. So I shut down both my storage servers....
Computer Ads from...
Ergotron Mouse Cleaner 360 Keeps your mouse operating like new!!
2 weeks ago
Notes on software...
Extending gosql to supporting LIMIT and OFFSET It's been a few months since I picked up gosql and I wanted to use it to prototype a SQL interface...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's been a few months since I picked up gosql and I wanted to use it to prototype a SQL interface for data stored in S3. But one missing critical feature in gosql is LIMIT and OFFSET support. This post walks through the few key changes to gosql to support LIMIT and OFFSET. You...
Bryan Braun - Blog
Made in 2024 Here are some things I made in 2024: Music Box Fun: Advanced Editing (a new major feature): ...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Here are some things I made in 2024: Music Box Fun: Advanced Editing (a new major feature): Adds multiple-note selection for bulk operations on notes (like deletion, copy/paste, nudging and dragging) Also includes a “space editor” for arbitrarily adding/removing space...
Notes on software...
A reawakening of systems programming meetups This year has seen a resurgence in really high quality systems programming meetups. Munich...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This year has seen a resurgence in really high quality systems programming meetups. Munich Database Meetup, Berlin Systems Group, SF Distributed Systems Meetup, NYC Systems, Bengaluru Systems, to name a few. This post summarizes a bit of disappointing recent tech meetup history,...
On Life and Lisp
Hilariously Fast Volume Computation with the Divergence Theorem (No, there won’t be jokes.) The following presents a fast algorithm for volume computation of a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(No, there won’t be jokes.) The following presents a fast algorithm for volume computation of a simple, closed, triangulated 3D mesh. This assumption is a consequence of the divergence theorem. Further extensions may generalise to other meshes as well, although that is presently...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #52: A right to air conditioning? Plus how New Zealand solved a housing crisis, dodgy Chinese robotaxis and Newsnight reviewing...
a month ago
Construction Physics
How We Got the Lithium-ion Battery It took decades of research, performed around the world, before a practical lithium-ion battery was...
3 months ago
Notes on software...
General book recommendations This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
You can use almost anything as a key file for your encrypted storage device Imagine that you have an unencrypted drive containing your private data and one day it starts...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Imagine that you have an unencrypted drive containing your private data and one day it starts throwing a bunch of errors. You have backups of the data so you’ve got that part covered, but would you feel comfortable sending the drive in to be warrantied? You have no control over...
Notes on software...
On NYC, Tokyo and Seoul I’ve lived in NYC for the past year — moved here after years in Philly and after growing up in a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve lived in NYC for the past year — moved here after years in Philly and after growing up in a rural community a few hours west of there. My wife is South Korean and last week concluded my second trip to the suburbs of Seoul to visit her family. We finished up that trip with a...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Inside the mechanical Bendix Air Data Computer, part 3: pressure transducers MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']] }, svg: { fontCache:...
a year ago
a year ago
MathJax = { tex: { inlineMath: [['$', '$'], ['\\(', '\\)']] }, svg: { fontCache: 'global' }, chtml: { displayAlign: 'left' } }; MathJax.Hub.Config({ "HTML-CSS": { scale: 175} }); .MathJax {font-size: 1em !important} The Bendix Central Air...
Elevation Lab - Blog
A newer, better, ElevationDock Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones, ships with an Apple-certified Lightning connector (that you can assemble in seconds with the new tool-free back plate), and we've added some new lateral supports for added...
Matt Blewitt
7 Languages in 7 Weeks for 2025 It’s been over 14 years since the original 7 Languages in 7 Weeks was first published, giving a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It’s been over 14 years since the original 7 Languages in 7 Weeks was first published, giving a hands on tour of Ruby, Clojure, Haskell, Io, Scala, Erlang and Prolog. Ruby achieved critical mass, to some degree so did Scala, with the others being popular within their specific...
Home on Erik...
I don't want to learn your garbage query language This is a bit of a rant but I really don't like software that invents its own query language....
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a bit of a rant but I really don't like software that invents its own query language. There's a trillion different ORMs out there. Another trillion databases with their own query language. Another trillion SaaS products where the only way to query is to learn some random...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Christmas Special
over a year ago
Running on fumes After a run-of-the-mill Windows BSOD, I was redirected to the UEFI settings and was presented with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a run-of-the-mill Windows BSOD, I was redirected to the UEFI settings and was presented with this fun little bug: 0GB ought to be enough for anybody.
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 22
11 months ago
Arduino Blog
Controlling a drum machine with the Arduino Opta Makers have long asked the question “why bother with an expensive PLC when I can just use an...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Makers have long asked the question “why bother with an expensive PLC when I can just use an Arduino?” The answer comes down to the priorities and needs of industrial clients. In a factory automation setting, the client will prioritize durability, reliability, and serviceability...
Abishek Muthian
Privacy Policy The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The legal terms mentioned here covers abishekmuthian.com and products which explicitly link to this legal page. For legal terms of my individual products please refer to the legal section on their respective websites. Privacy Policy What personal data are collected and why its...
Jonas Hietala
ISOC update I have now worked a bit more than 3 weeks out of my 4 weeks of IDA Summer of Code and this is an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have now worked a bit more than 3 weeks out of my 4 weeks of IDA Summer of Code and this is an update post of what I’ve done so far. I will write a more extensive summary post at the end of the project. I was planning on writing a weekly summary, but that ship sailed a long...
Willem's Blog
Talking tablets: what makes a great tablet? Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few weeks I worked with Microsoft Surface Pro X to see if it is any good, can it be your main computer?
Home on Erik...
Where do locals go in NYC? One obvious thing to anyone living in NYC is how tourists cluster in certain areas. I was curious...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One obvious thing to anyone living in NYC is how tourists cluster in certain areas. I was curious about the larger patterns around this, so I spent some time looking at data. The thing I wanted to understand is: what areas are dominated by tourists?
csvbase blog
From Shell to Excel - with a little bit of HTTPS Write once, read everywhere
7 months ago
Applied Cartography
Notebook as marketing primitive Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Earlier this week, I stumbled upon this brilliant marketing-slash-documentation idea from SingleStore — notebooks as a first-party page! There are a handful of nice things about this idea: Very easy to fan out. You're not going to really run out of sample notebooks from which you...
Jonas Hietala
I, Robot Here are the results of the big robot construction course we had before christmas! The whole process...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here are the results of the big robot construction course we had before christmas! The whole process went smooth and our group was amazing. The design and building of the robot went well even though in hindsight I would’ve changed a lot of stuff. The ending competition didn’t go...
Never Met a Science
There's Gold in Them Thar Reels Selling Gold Rushes
4 months ago
Ian's Blog
All About Apache Cassandra: Snapshots The concept of a "Snapshot" In computing, a snapshot is a point-in-time copy of data or state of a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The concept of a "Snapshot" In computing, a snapshot is a point-in-time copy of data or state of a machine. You ever end up doing something like this? Each one of these files is a snapshot, as it's a copy of your essay at the point-in-time when you saved it. Snapshots provide us...
🕹️ I strongly recommend: Resident Evil 2 (members post) Oh buddy, what a game!
a month ago
Testing a cheap ExpressCard to NVMe SSD adapter on my ThinkPad T430 I stumbled upon this post in /r/thinkpad, which got my attention. It showcases an ExpressCard to M.2...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled upon this post in /r/thinkpad, which got my attention. It showcases an ExpressCard to M.2 NGFF adapter that they purchased from AliExpress. The adapter has a similar purpose to the one designed by thinkmods.store, with the added bonus that it could fit longer NVMe...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The roads not taken
over a year ago
Simply Explained
ESP-IDF: Storing AWS IoT certificates in the NVS partition (for OTA) When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your firmware. While that does work, it means you won't be able to run over-the-air updates.In this post, I'll show how to store AWS certificates in the NVS partition. This will make it...
Jonas Hietala
2015 Read Books I didn’t read a lot of books in 2015, but the books I did read were pretty damn good. Fiction A Song...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I didn’t read a lot of books in 2015, but the books I did read were pretty damn good. Fiction A Song of Ice and Fire: A Dance with Dragons - George R.R. Martin Reread. A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms - Gearge R.R. Martin The Skin Collector - Jeffery Deaver Best Served Cold - Joe...
Gwern.net Newsletter
July 2020 gwern.net newsletter Links on the Uighurs, authoritarianism, negative emissions, AI overhang; 1 movie & 2 anime reviews
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Navigating the Linux Kernel In response to my query last time, ezyang asked for any tips or tricks I have for finding my way...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In response to my query last time, ezyang asked for any tips or tricks I have for finding my way around the Linux kernel. I’m not sure I have much in the way of systematic advice for tracking down the answers to questions about the Linux kernel, but thinking about what I do when...
Arduino Blog
Hey Google! Meet Arduino Cloud We’re excited to announce that the Arduino Cloud now supports Google Home™! This means you can now...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We’re excited to announce that the Arduino Cloud now supports Google Home™! This means you can now interact with your devices, simply through your Google Home Assistant: use voice commands, the Google Home app, or create new routines integrating Arduino solutions.  This new...
Construction Physics
What Learning by Doing Looks Like The evolution of polycrystalline diamond drill bits
3 months ago
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 4: Cosmic Staggering Tortoises 1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The...
a year ago
a year ago
1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The ambitious goal is to write you a lovely letter every week. Aim for the moon, right? But wait, if you aim for the moon, how in this physical world can you possibly hit a star by...
Arduino Blog
These Shattered Space helmet replicas stay video game accurate using an Arduino Nano Starfield, a game set in the vast expanse of our galaxy, is receiving a new expansion called...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Starfield, a game set in the vast expanse of our galaxy, is receiving a new expansion called “Shattered Space” in which players can don novel weapons and gear to take on the latest challenge. As part of its release, the expansion’s publisher Bethesda reached out to cosplayer...
Matt Mullenweg
On Lenny’s Podcast One of my must-read newsletters for the past several years has been Lenny’s Newsletter, probably...
a week ago
a week ago
One of my must-read newsletters for the past several years has been Lenny’s Newsletter, probably best known for its writing on growth and product management, which really means it covered everything you need to create a great company. It expanded into a really well-done podcast;...
Jonas Hietala
Autocomplete with nvim-cmp Autocomplete tags in the frontmatter. Autocompletion is an absurdly powerful feature that I—and I...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Autocomplete tags in the frontmatter. Autocompletion is an absurdly powerful feature that I—and I must assume most programmers—use all the time. It’s not as crucial for writing blog posts as when you’re coding but it’s still easy to come up with examples of how autocomplete...
Neato XV-15 / XV-11 Robotic Vacuum cleaner review Update 18 February 2012 There is one problem. When the robot is not connected to the charger, the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 18 February 2012 There is one problem. When the robot is not connected to the charger, the batteries are depleted very fast. Even if the batteries are not entirely depleted and the robot can still display the menu, the clock loses it's time. Every time the robot gets a too...
Computer Ads from...
The Grand Stand Joystick Stabilizer Support & Score Enhancer
3 months ago
Good Enough
How We Made A Good Enough Zine We made a zine! The first issue was released in August, and I finished the second issue just last...
a year ago
a year ago
We made a zine! The first issue was released in August, and I finished the second issue just last week. Right now, a hundred copies are on their way from the printer to me (update: they've just arrived!). Today I'd like to share the story of how this zine came about. (Sorry for...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Keep : A personal shell command keeper A Meta CLI toolkit Writwick Wraj loves using the command line. Writwick googles “How to do X in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A Meta CLI toolkit Writwick Wraj loves using the command line. Writwick googles “How to do X in terminal?” and multiple forums and blog…
Why my blog was down for over 24 hours in November 2024 In November 2024, my blog was down for over 24 hours. Here’s what I learned from this absolute...
a month ago
a month ago
In November 2024, my blog was down for over 24 hours. Here’s what I learned from this absolute clusterfuck of an incident. Lead-up to the incident I was browsing through photos on my Nextcloud instance. Everything was fine, until Nextcloud started generating preview images for...
Simply Explained
ESP32: Tips to increase battery life Running an ESP32 on a battery is a tricky operation. The chip is a powerhouse, and with power comes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Running an ESP32 on a battery is a tricky operation. The chip is a powerhouse, and with power comes great responsibility. In this post, I’ll outline how I got an ESP32 to run for over 15 weeks (and counting) on a single 1000mAh battery.
Willem's Blog
Removing paint from a bike frame Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using dichloromethane and sanding paper I removed the paint from my bike frame to create a minimal, raw aluminium look.
Posts on Made of...
Lightweight Linux Kernel Development with KVM I don’t do a ton of Linux kernel development these days, but I’ve done a fair bit in the past, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don’t do a ton of Linux kernel development these days, but I’ve done a fair bit in the past, and picked up a number of useful techniques for doing kernel development in a relatively painless fashion. This blog post is a writeup of the tools and techniques I use when developing...
Home on Erik...
Toxic meeting culture I spent six years at a company that went from 50 people to 1500 and one contributing factor leading...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spent six years at a company that went from 50 people to 1500 and one contributing factor leading to my departure was that I went from a “maker” to a person stuck in meetings every day.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Alternatives to selling at below-market-clearing prices for achieving fairness (or community...
over a year ago
WetSocks Revival How to get a broken METAR/TAF Toolbar application working again; the fun way! Seeing what we can do...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How to get a broken METAR/TAF Toolbar application working again; the fun way! Seeing what we can do to get WetSocks Windows 98 tray weather app working again.
Computer Ads from...
MacWorld Interviews Apple CEO John Sculley (1987) They discuss the future of Apple, personal computing, and the Mac II
3 months ago
Computer Ads from...
Expedited Vote for the February 2025 + Post Topic Time is running out.
2 weeks ago
Notes on software...
The impact of management teams as a decision-making group, in startups and enterprise Ambitious companies form management teams at every level above you, sometimes including you....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ambitious companies form management teams at every level above you, sometimes including you. Management teams meet periodically and have private chat rooms. They discuss customers, product and organizational direction. Sometimes discussions are well documented and...
Home on Erik...
Implicit data and collaborative filtering A lot of people these days know about collaborative filtering. It's that Netflix Prize thing, right?...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot of people these days know about collaborative filtering. It's that Netflix Prize thing, right? People rate things 1-5 stars and then you have to predict missing ratings. While there's no doubt that the Netflix Prize was successful, I think it created an illusion that all...
Arduino Blog
Arduino Cloud is now available in AWS Marketplace! We’re excited to announce that Arduino Cloud is now available in AWS Marketplace, making it easier...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We’re excited to announce that Arduino Cloud is now available in AWS Marketplace, making it easier than ever for developers and businesses worldwide to integrate our powerful IoT platform into their AWS infrastructure. This development is particularly relevant for those in...
Vitalik Buterin's...
over a year ago
TikTok is gone for at least a couple days, so here's some YouTube videos to stave off the boredom I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on...
a month ago
a month ago
I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on my phone now?" LegalEagle with a good explainer over what's happening. For the record, I think this sucks and isn't how
Zed Public Beta I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of...
a year ago
a year ago
I have been a dedicated Nova user for over three years. I switched over from VSCode after tiring of the slow performance and "uncanny valley" interface. I'm a sucker for a well-done native app, and Panic really hit the sweet spot with Nova: a beautiful, minimal editor that felt...
Jonas Hietala
The T-34/1 keyboard layout This is the revision of the T-34 keyboard layout that I use as my primary driver. I’ve used this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the revision of the T-34 keyboard layout that I use as my primary driver. I’ve used this particular version without any major changes for almost 3 months, so I’d say it’s a good improvement over the last revision. There are two large changes from T-34/0: swapping o and...
This remote has me questioning everything I recently lost my Apple TV remote (the latest model) and despite apparently being somewhere in the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I recently lost my Apple TV remote (the latest model) and despite apparently being somewhere in the couch according to Find My, my wife and I can not find it. We were using our phones as remotes for a couple days, which was annoying, but got the job done. But
Himanshu Mishra |...
Google Summer of Code 2016 Report : Stingray It began 5 months ago, in February. Due to my recent interests in Image Processing, I had made few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It began 5 months ago, in February. Due to my recent interests in Image Processing, I had made few Pull Requests to the scikit-image library…
Home on Erik...
HubSpot's Picture Shows how to Maintain Monocultures in the 21st Century I thought this article about the company culture at HubSpot is kind of funny. “HubSpot's Awesome...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I thought this article about the company culture at HubSpot is kind of funny. “HubSpot's Awesome Presentation Shows how to Create a 21st Century Culture”. Just FYI: You're not different. You're a bunch of white hipsters aged 25-30 dressed up in the same theme.
Good Enough
The Space Between Us Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical...
a year ago
a year ago
Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical office. I've been working remotely for more than ten years, and overall I really like it. I love the flexibility it affords, being more present with our families, and that my...
Arduino Blog
Prototype faster and smarter in 2025: Meet the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit Launching today at CES 2025, the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit is here to revolutionize how...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Launching today at CES 2025, the Arduino Pro Portenta Proto Kit is here to revolutionize how professionals approach prototyping. Designed to empower engineers, designers, and innovators from all walks of life, this kit provides everything you need to turn your ideas into...
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Beebop The Island Hopper So I participated in the Ludum Dare for the first time and this is a postmortem of my game Beebop...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I participated in the Ludum Dare for the first time and this is a postmortem of my game Beebop The Island Hopper for the theme Islands. About Ludum Dare Ludum Dare is a competition which runs maybe two times a year and the competition is 24 hours long with a specific theme....
Building a RAID 6 array of mixed drives To be honest, 4 TB of storage isn't really necessary for home usage. However, I like to collect...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To be honest, 4 TB of storage isn't really necessary for home usage. However, I like to collect movies in full DVD or HD quality and so I need some storage. I decided to build myself a NAS box based on Debian Etch. Samba is used to allow clients to access the data. The machine...
Russet Lake Early Summer An early canvas of Fissile mountain reflected in Russet Lake. This time early summer when there was...
5 months ago
5 months ago
An early canvas of Fissile mountain reflected in Russet Lake. This time early summer when there was still a bit of ice on the lake and the mountain tops are covered with snow. The painting is framed in western red cedar. Russet Lake Early Summer by Andrew SmithAcrylic on canvas10...
Matt Mullenweg
Bezos at Dealbook It looks like the Dealbook Summit had a number of great interviews this year, major props to Andrew...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It looks like the Dealbook Summit had a number of great interviews this year, major props to Andrew Ross Sorkin, but this one with Jeff Bezos was particularly good.
Jonas Hietala
2019 in Review As is tradition a quick rundown of the year is due. It’s been good to do as it makes me reflect on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As is tradition a quick rundown of the year is due. It’s been good to do as it makes me reflect on the past year, and see that I did indeed do some things, and to look ahead a little. 2019 Non-Geek Achievements Played around with Isidor. It’s hard to describe how happy a kid can...
Arduino Blog
This miniature monorail stays upright with the help of gyro stabilization Most monorail systems, like the kind at Disney and in Las Vegas, stay upright because the “rail” is...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Most monorail systems, like the kind at Disney and in Las Vegas, stay upright because the “rail” is actually a very wide beam. The car’s load tires (often literal truck or trailer tires) roll on top of that beam and guide tires clamp the sides of the beam, preventing the car from...
latest projects -...
Talking Tines [Concept] Tuning forks that talk
8 months ago
Willem's Blog
The Same, Differently
a year ago
Storage and I/O: reads vs. writes There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie about completing a write operation, but it can never lie about completing a read operation. Therefore read and writes have different characteristics. This is what I've learned. About...
Arduino Blog
The new Auxivo EduExo Pro helps students with exoskeleton research Emerging technologies initially develop at a slow pace and that is due in large part to the lack of...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Emerging technologies initially develop at a slow pace and that is due in large part to the lack of resources available to students. Complex technology is built on existing knowledge and higher education students need the tools to gain hands-on experience. To help educate the...
Willem's Blog
Linking Lemmid Store with kitchens Designing backend servers to connect with external services is challenging as you need to take into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Designing backend servers to connect with external services is challenging as you need to take into account unreliability and unpredictability.
Yazin Alirhayim
The best bank in Bahrain … is Meem Yes, that’s right. The best bank in Bahrain is … Meem. This nomination will be especially shocking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yes, that’s right. The best bank in Bahrain is … Meem. This nomination will be especially shocking to those of you that read my last post that ripped the Meem app to shreds. Criteria for ‘best bank’ My criteria for “best bank” isn’t the best user experience or customer support....
Arduino Blog
This robot can dynamically change its wheel diameter to suit the terrain  A vehicle’s wheel diameter has a dramatic effect on several aspects of performance. The most obvious...
a month ago
a month ago
A vehicle’s wheel diameter has a dramatic effect on several aspects of performance. The most obvious is gearing, with larger wheels increasing the ultimate gear ratio — though transmission and transfer case gearing can counteract that. But wheel size also affects mobility over...
Posts on Made of...
Performance engineering, profilers, and seeing the invisible I was recently introduced to the paper “Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of...
a year ago
a year ago
I was recently introduced to the paper “Seeing the Invisible: Perceptual-Cognitive Aspects of Expertise” by Gary Klein and Robert Hoffman. It’s excellent and I recommend you read it when you have a chance. Klein and Hoffman discuss the ability of experts to “see what is not...
Release of PPSS - the Parallel Processing Shell Script PPSS is a shell script that processess files or other items in parallel. It is designed to make use...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PPSS is a shell script that processess files or other items in parallel. It is designed to make use of the current multi-core CPUs. It will detect the number of available CPUs and start a thread for each CPU core.  This script is build with the goal to be very easy to use. Also,...
Posts on Made of...
Building personal software with Claude Earlier this month, I used Claude to port (parts of) an Emacs package into Rust, shrinking the...
a month ago
a month ago
Earlier this month, I used Claude to port (parts of) an Emacs package into Rust, shrinking the execution time by a factor of 1000 or more (in one concrete case: from 90s to about 15ms). This is a variety of yak-shave that I do somewhat routinely, both professionally and in...
Arduino Blog
Make your scary Halloween pumpkin smart with the Plug and Make Kit! With Halloween just around the corner, we’ve got the perfect project to make your decorations more...
5 months ago
5 months ago
With Halloween just around the corner, we’ve got the perfect project to make your decorations more fun and interactive. All you have to do is take the Arduino UNO R4 WiFi and Modulino nodes included in your Plug and Make Kit to create an awesome jack-o’-lantern that will light up...
Jonas Hietala
Sat-E So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme this time around was Alone and the game I came up with is about a lonely satellite in space, kinda like Wall-E. Sat-E Instructions Collect junk and other items for you to buy...
Simply Explained
ESP32: Keep WiFi connection alive with a FreeRTOS task I have a few ESP32's running in my house. A few of them are running 24/7 and require an always-on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a few ESP32's running in my house. A few of them are running 24/7 and require an always-on WiFi connection. That's been quite tricky to implement. I used to include various checks throughout my code, but that's not scalable.What I need is something running in the...
Home on Erik...
Storm in the stratosphere: how the cloud will be reshuffled Here's a theory I have about cloud vendors (AWS, Azure, GCP): Cloud vendors1 will increasingly...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a theory I have about cloud vendors (AWS, Azure, GCP): Cloud vendors1 will increasingly focus on the lowest layers in the stack: basically leasing capacity in their data centers through an API. Other pure-software providers will build all the stuff on top of it.
Systemd Forward Secure Sealing of system logs makes little sense Systemd is a more modern replacement of sysvinit and its in the process of being integrated into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Systemd is a more modern replacement of sysvinit and its in the process of being integrated into most mainstream Linux distributions. I'm a bit troubled by one of it's features. I'd like to discuss the Forward Secure Sealing (FSS) feature for log files that is part of systemd....
Himanshu Mishra |...
Threads “You’re an interesting species. An interesting mix. You’re capable of such beautiful dreams, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“You’re an interesting species. An interesting mix. You’re capable of such beautiful dreams, and such horrible nightmares. You feel so lost…
Lighthouse Blog
How to subscribe to content
9 months ago
computers are bad
2024-04-26 microsoft at work I haven't written anything for a bit. I'm not apologizing, because y'all don't pay me enough to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I haven't written anything for a bit. I'm not apologizing, because y'all don't pay me enough to apologize, but I do feel a little bad. Part of it is just that I've been busy, with work and travel and events. Part of it is that I've embarked on a couple of writing projects only to...
Willem's Blog
One year of cycling GPS recording an entire year of bike rides using Garmin and Strava.
over a year ago
Construction Physics
How China Is Like the 19th Century U.S. I spend a lot of time reading about manufacturing and its evolution, which means I end up repeatedly...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I spend a lot of time reading about manufacturing and its evolution, which means I end up repeatedly reading about the times and places where radical changes in manufacturing were taking place: Britain in the late 18th century, the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,...
Trump’s latest executive order plainly states no one has authority over him The White House: Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies Sec. 7. Rules of Conduct Guiding Federal...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The White House: Ensuring Accountability for All Agencies Sec. 7. Rules of Conduct Guiding Federal Employees’ Interpretation of the Law. The President and the Attorney General, subject to the President’s supervision and control, shall provide authoritative interpretations of law...
How to build an energy efficient computer for home use In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using it. Long: People are spending a lot of time building an energy efficient home computer, that can act as an HTPC, NAS, or whatever. It must consume as little power as possible, because it it...
Vitalik Buterin's...
STARKs, Part I: Proofs with Polynomials
over a year ago
Quick Reviews 1.0.5: the quality of life update An update to my app, Quick Reviews, is rolling out now! After a lot of feature adds in the first few...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
An update to my app, Quick Reviews, is rolling out now! After a lot of feature adds in the first few updates, I took this as a chance to clean up some bugs and improve a few elements that made the app a little annoying to use at times. Oh,
📕 I strongly recommend: Nexus (members post)
a month ago
How I blew up my backup server (Valve pls fix) It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck...
a year ago
a year ago
It all started with me getting a Steam Deck. Background After getting familiar with the Steam Deck and how the Proton compatibility layer works, I decided to write a backup script that would back up everything in the home folder, excluding the Steam games themselves due to the...
Home on Erik...
Calculating cosine similarities using dimensionality reduction This was posted on the Twitter Engineering blog a few days ago: Dimension Independent Similarity...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This was posted on the Twitter Engineering blog a few days ago: Dimension Independent Similarity Computation (DISCO) I just glanced at the paper, and there's some cool stuff going on from a theoretical perspective. What I'm curious about is why they didn't decide to use...
Never Met a Science
Do Echo Chambers Cause Echo Chambers? Towards poetic validity
8 months ago
Home on Erik...
Deep learning for&#8230; chess (addendum) My previous blog post about deep learning for chess blew up and made it to Hacker News and a couple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My previous blog post about deep learning for chess blew up and made it to Hacker News and a couple of other places. One pretty amazing thing was that the Github repo got 150 stars overnight.
Computer Ads from...
Oberon International' Omni-Reader Audio Engineers announce a revolution in taking words from page to your computer
2 months ago
Radio Install in a Porsche Boxster The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so...
a year ago
a year ago
The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so much to love about the vehicle, but the OEM headunit is not one of them. It's very dated, clunky, and doesn't support CarPlay (!), so one of the first things I did after picking...
Jonas Hietala
Getting the book into my hands Around a month ago I placed an order for a reference copy of my upcoming book Why Cryptocurrencies?....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Around a month ago I placed an order for a reference copy of my upcoming book Why Cryptocurrencies?. I took the cheapest shipping option at IngramSpark, without tracking and, apparently, without customs declarations as it got stuck in customs for several weeks. But it’s here...
Willem's Blog
Upgrading a 27-inch iMac 5K to 14 terabytes This month I nearly destroyed my iMac during an attempt to upgrade it. Thanks to determination and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This month I nearly destroyed my iMac during an attempt to upgrade it. Thanks to determination and some spare time I was able to resurrect it from the death!
Matt Blewitt
What Is a Senior Engineer, Anyway? I’ve been having a bunch of conversations with my team about our career ladder, and what it means to...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I’ve been having a bunch of conversations with my team about our career ladder, and what it means to be “senior” in a software engineering context. It’s a little different in every company, but here is my view.
Neil Madden
How do you use a bearer URL? In “Towards a standard for bearer token URLs”, I described a URL scheme that can be safely used to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In “Towards a standard for bearer token URLs”, I described a URL scheme that can be safely used to incorporate a bearer token (such as an OAuth access token) into a URL. That blog post concentrated on the technical details of how that would work and the security properties of the...
Jonas Hietala
A simple timeline using CSS flexbox As I added a /now page to the site I also decided to refresh my /about page and I figured it would...
6 months ago
6 months ago
As I added a /now page to the site I also decided to refresh my /about page and I figured it would be neat to have timeline element where I could list some of the larger events in my life. To my surprise it wasn’t too difficult to create one that looks pretty clean—the flexbox...
GitButler 0.13 - "Lucky Baseball" It has been 4 months since our last minor release. In that time, we have done 27 patch releases,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
It has been 4 months since our last minor release. In that time, we have done 27 patch releases, adding lots of small features, bug fixes, performance improvements and experiments. Last week we released GitButler 0.13, which is our first release with our new Fearless Rebasing...
Jonas Hietala
Focusing Attention: Drawing In my last post I wrote about some ideas and projects I have and how it’s a little bit too much at a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my last post I wrote about some ideas and projects I have and how it’s a little bit too much at a time, so now I’m going to try something new here. In the beginning of every week I’ll declare something I’ll be focusing on and then that’s the only thing I should focus on on my...
Jonas Hietala
ghc 8.8.3 cannot find cabal packages I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system it suddenly stopped working. I installed my dependencies with cabal install xmonad, and checked that it’s installed under ~/.cabal: $ ls .cabal/bin/ xmonad@ But still when I...
Good reads This is an unsorted list of articles that I find to be good in one way or another. Maker’s Schedule,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is an unsorted list of articles that I find to be good in one way or another. Maker’s Schedule, Manager’s Schedule a must-read for anyone working in a software development team. Helps express what most of us have felt at some point in our careers. The case of the 500-mile...
Home on Erik...
Looking for smart people I haven't mentioned what I'm currently up to. Earlier this year I left Spotify to join a small...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I haven't mentioned what I'm currently up to. Earlier this year I left Spotify to join a small startup called Better. We're going after one of the biggest industries in the world that also turns out to be completely broken.
Notes on software...
The year in books: 11 to recommend in 2021 Last year (2021) I finished 17 books, a five year low. But that's ok! 4 fiction and 13 non-fiction....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last year (2021) I finished 17 books, a five year low. But that's ok! 4 fiction and 13 non-fiction. Another 30 started but not finished. Non-fiction It seems I was pretty focused on business history books and history of tech. The 8 non-fiction books I liked the most: Designing...
Jonas Hietala
An intriguing new puzzle Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix between Rubik’s cube and sudoku. I enjoy puzzles like those and I really enjoyed this one too - it took me a while to beat it but I just love the feeling when you do. If you like...
Yazin Alirhayim
Braindump Been having a hard time lately focusing. It’s like whenever I start doing anything of any...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Been having a hard time lately focusing. It’s like whenever I start doing anything of any significance I get derailed, and fall into this spiral of thought where I reconsider whether what I’m about to do matters, why it would, and whether I could be doing something else that...
Posts on Made of...
autocutsel As most of you probably know, X has several different mechanisms for copy-paste, used by different...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As most of you probably know, X has several different mechanisms for copy-paste, used by different applications in different ways. I know some people who use them deliberately, juggling two pieces of text in different clipboards at once, but for me, it’s always just been...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Prediction Markets: Tales from the Election
over a year ago
Notes on software...
Finding memory leaks in Postgres C code This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
11 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates September 16: Explore all available articles of a feed
5 months ago
Arduino Blog
Two NEW Arduino Plug and Make Kit projects recreate iconic vintage games The Plug and Make Kit is a toolbox you can use for infinite ideas. So what happens if you ask a mix...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The Plug and Make Kit is a toolbox you can use for infinite ideas. So what happens if you ask a mix of Arduino designers, engineers, and managers to sit down and brainstorm new ideas to have fun with it? Well, at least one of them is guaranteed to come up with an adorable,...
About the time my ThinkPad T430 ran with an external GPU The ThinkPad T430 is not a remarkable laptop. It’s thick, bulky and built like a tank. I got mine in...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The ThinkPad T430 is not a remarkable laptop. It’s thick, bulky and built like a tank. I got mine in 2016 when the first university scholarship money dropped, and it’s still my backup laptop of choice. Around 2017 I did something every reasonable poor computer science...
watchTowr Labs
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire - Mitel MiCollab CVE-2024-35286, CVE-2024-41713 And An 0day It is not just APTs that like to target telephone systems, but ourselves at watchTowr too. We can't...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It is not just APTs that like to target telephone systems, but ourselves at watchTowr too. We can't overstate the consequences of an attacker crossing the boundary from the 'computer system' to the 'telephone system'. We've seen attackers realise this in 2024,
Applied Cartography
Talking to customers You say that these numbers mean dial it down. I say they mean dial it up. You haven't gotten...
5 months ago
5 months ago
You say that these numbers mean dial it down. I say they mean dial it up. You haven't gotten through. There are people you haven't persuaded yet. These number mean dial it up. Otherwise you're like the French radical, watching the crowd run by and saying, "There go my people. I...
Applied Cartography
My approach to GTD and PKM One pernicious thing with writing about productivity and knowledge systems: you only change systems...
4 months ago
4 months ago
One pernicious thing with writing about productivity and knowledge systems: you only change systems that aren’t working, and you tend to write about things during times of change. So most writing about productivity systems stem from people whose systems have failed them. It is...
Most Technical debt is just bullshit Introduction I made an offhand remark about technical debt to a friend and he interrupted me,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction I made an offhand remark about technical debt to a friend and he interrupted me, saying: "technical debt is just bullshit". In his experience, people talking about technical debt were mostly trying to: cover up bad code cover up unfinished work source1 Calling...
Arduino Blog
MicroPython programming on Arduino just got easier If you’ve been exploring MicroPython on Arduino, you already know how powerful and flexible this...
a month ago
a month ago
If you’ve been exploring MicroPython on Arduino, you already know how powerful and flexible this Python-based language can be for microcontroller programming. Whether you’re a pro or just starting out, MicroPython opens up a new world of quick prototyping and clean, readable...
Posts on Made of...
Implementing a declarative mini-language in the C preprocessor Last time, I announced Check Plus, a declarative language for defining Check tests in C. This time,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last time, I announced Check Plus, a declarative language for defining Check tests in C. This time, I want to talk about the tricks I used to implement a declarative minilanguage using the C preprocessor (and some GCC extensions). The Problem We want to write some toplevel...
Good Enough
TIL: System Colors are supported in CSS, but they’re unreliable I’ve said this before: We’re primarily a web shop here at Good Enough, but occasionally we come up...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve said this before: We’re primarily a web shop here at Good Enough, but occasionally we come up with ideas that we think would work really well as a native desktop or mobile application. Still, we prototype those ideas on the web first. Recently, I wanted to try and make one...
Jonas Hietala
Drawing a self portrait Drawing is hard. I’d like to improve though. Here’s a self portrait I tried to draw in Krita. I’m...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Drawing is hard. I’d like to improve though. Here’s a self portrait I tried to draw in Krita. I’m really slow so I stopped a bit before it really was finished. Obviously I’d like it to be a bit better, but I’m still a little happy about the glasses and the eyebrows. The mouth...
Home on Erik...
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Two kinds of testing While talking about thinking about tests and testing in software engineering recently, I’ve come to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While talking about thinking about tests and testing in software engineering recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that there are (at least) two major ideas and goals that people have when they test or talk about testing. This post aims to outline what I see as these two schools,...
Notes on software...
Build a serverless ACID database with this one neat trick (atomic PutIfAbsent) Delta Lake is an open protocol for serverless ACID databases. Due to its simplicity, scalability,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Delta Lake is an open protocol for serverless ACID databases. Due to its simplicity, scalability, and the number of open-source implementations, it's quickly becoming the DuckDB of serverless transactional databases for analytics workloads. Iceberg is a contender too, and is...
Arduino Blog
The Swervebot is an omnidirectional robot that combines LEGO and 3D-printed parts Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup...
a month ago
a month ago
Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup all the way to crawling legs. Alex Le’s project leverages the reliability of LEGO blocks with the customizability of 3D-printed pieces to create a highly mobile omnidirectional...
Matt Mullenweg
Response to DHH I’ve taken this post down. I’ve been attacked so much the past few days; the most vicious, personal,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve taken this post down. I’ve been attacked so much the past few days; the most vicious, personal, hateful words poisoned my brain, and the original version of this post was mean. I am so sorry. I shouldn’t let this stuff get to me, but it clearly did, and I took it out on DHH,...
Construction Physics
Will Boom Successfully Build a Supersonic Airliner? Boom Supersonic is an aerospace startup trying to build a supersonic airliner.
a week ago
Computer Ads from...
Salamander Software's Franklin's Tomb My name is Diamond, Dan Diamond. I'm a private cop.
a year ago
Scrub your NAS hard drives regularly if you care about your data Introduction Lots of people run a NAS at home. Maybe it's a COTS device from one of the well-known...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Lots of people run a NAS at home. Maybe it's a COTS device from one of the well-known vendors1, or it's a custom build solution (DIY2) based on hardware you bought and assembled yourself. Buying or building a NAS is one thing, but operating it in a way that assures...
Jonas Hietala
Soda These quotes are from hacker news and I found them all too funny. It’s hard for me to understand the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
These quotes are from hacker news and I found them all too funny. It’s hard for me to understand the whole soda phenomenon in Canada and the US. Is it as addictive as cigarettes? Does it make you crave for more? Or it simply tastes so good that you can’t get enough of it? Why not...
Ian's Blog
Hardware-Accelerated Video Encoding with Intel Arc on Redhat Linux I've been wanting hardware-accelerated video encoding on my Linux machine for quite a while now, but...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I've been wanting hardware-accelerated video encoding on my Linux machine for quite a while now, but ask anybody who's used a Linux machine and they'll tell you of the horrors of Nvidia or AMD drivers. Intel, on the other hand, seems to be taking things in a much different, much...
Arduino Blog
You can now run Arduino and MicroPython side-by-side on multi-core microcontrollers We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature that we have been working on in collaboration with...
9 months ago
9 months ago
We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature that we have been working on in collaboration with the MicroPython team!  Starting with the upcoming release (v1.23), MicroPython will offer support for Asymmetric Multiprocessing (AMP) on multi-core microcontrollers, based on the...
AI is critically important but not for you Before Chat-GPT caused a sensation, big tech companies like Facebook and Apple were betting their...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Before Chat-GPT caused a sensation, big tech companies like Facebook and Apple were betting their future growth on virtual reality. But I'm convinced that virtual reality will never be a mainstream thing. If you ever used VR you know why: A heavy thing on your head that messes up...
Dell Latitude 5411: the Linux compatibility sweet spot Oh boy, here I go testing a new laptop again! Well, it was new back in 2020. You might remember my...
a year ago
a year ago
Oh boy, here I go testing a new laptop again! Well, it was new back in 2020. You might remember my article on why I went back to a ThinkPad T430 in 2022. Or that other time when I got a new HP laptop for testing and got so frustrated that I wrote about it. Well, today I’m writing...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Book Recommendation - Man's Search for Meaning Dear :name-retracted:, I finished reading a book today. It’s called Man’s Search for Meaning,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear :name-retracted:, I finished reading a book today. It’s called Man’s Search for Meaning, written by Viktor Frankl. He was a German…
Arduino Blog
Zoo elephants get a musical toy to enrich their lives Everyone loves looking at exotic animals and most of us only get to do that at zoos. But, of course,...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Everyone loves looking at exotic animals and most of us only get to do that at zoos. But, of course, there is a lot to be said about the morality of keeping those animals in captivity. So, good zoos put a lot of effort into keeping their animals healthy and happy. For more...
Posts on Made of...
A Very Subtle Bug 6.033, MIT’s class on computer systems, has as one of its catchphrases, “Complex systems fail for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
6.033, MIT’s class on computer systems, has as one of its catchphrases, “Complex systems fail for complex reasons”. As a class about designing and building complex systems, it’s a reminder that failure modes are subtle and often involve strange interactions between multiple parts...
Ian's Blog
Hardware-Protected Apple Distribution Certificates Using a YubiKey iOS and macOS developers will be familiar with the dreaded distribution certificate, a codesigning...
a year ago
a year ago
iOS and macOS developers will be familiar with the dreaded distribution certificate, a codesigning certificate issued to you by Apple for signing your release artifacts before you distribute them. Protecting that signing key is important, as Apple must blindly trust any binaries...
Computer Ads from...
VenturCom's VENIX Mixing REAL Time With REAL UNIX Is Not Magic...It Is Technology.
a year ago
IBM M13 Trackpoint USB Converter Me, never not on the lookout for an opportunity to design something, whether needed or not, worked...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Me, never not on the lookout for an opportunity to design something, whether needed or not, worked with @micon to design a module that could fit snugly in the keyboard, and provide a USB-C interface directly into the Keyboard/Mouse module.
Jonas Hietala
Recent experiences with Netrunner tournaments After a bit of a hiatus after the Winter Kit Tournament the 16th January I participated in three...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a bit of a hiatus after the Winter Kit Tournament the 16th January I participated in three tournaments during February - March. After each of these tournaments I started a writeup of them but they fell off my mind a bit but consider this my break with my blogging...