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Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1983/08 Today Mag Time for some levity. The following comics were all found in the August 1983 issue of Today...
a year ago
a year ago
Time for some levity. The following comics were all found in the August 1983 issue of Today magazine. Enjoy! What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your friends and relatives. Thank you.
Jonas Hietala
Fun or Frustration? Ludum Dare 33 One of my goals this year was to participate in a Ludum Dare. I have cleared up my schedule,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my goals this year was to participate in a Ludum Dare. I have cleared up my schedule, negotiated with my better half and everything is set up for epicness. At first the idea was to make a game in rust, even tough I basically haven’t used it in almost a year, but when I...
Jonas Hietala
Christmas break So school is on a break and I welcome it with all of my heart. The semester has been pretty fun and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So school is on a break and I welcome it with all of my heart. The semester has been pretty fun and I really enjoy studying here. We had lisp the whole time which is a pretty sweet little language and if you haven’t, give it a shot. Then we had math and I do like math, although I...
Home on Erik...
It's called Berkson's paradox! As noted by multiple tweets, my previous post describes a phenomenon denoted Berkson's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As noted by multiple tweets, my previous post describes a phenomenon denoted Berkson's paradox. Here's another example: Why Are Handsome Men Such Jerks?
Good Enough
How We Built Quack (Beta) We recently launched Quack, a simple utility for you to share a beautifully rendered version of any...
a year ago
a year ago
We recently launched Quack, a simple utility for you to share a beautifully rendered version of any Markdown text. This software is completely front-end based, and for me personally it was a bit of a challenging puzzle to implement. Thankfully we have genius hackers like Arun...
Computer Ads from...
Ergotron Mouse Cleaner 360 Keeps your mouse operating like new!!
2 weeks ago
Good Enough
Pika: Start Your Happy Blog Have you thought about starting or restarting a blogging habit? Have you wanted to write on the...
a year ago
a year ago
Have you thought about starting or restarting a blogging habit? Have you wanted to write on the internet, but at your own place and at your own address rather than on a social network? Have you been overwhelmed by the online writing options that you’ve found? Well, have we got...
Home on Erik...
We're hiring at Better Just a quick note that my team is always hiring at Better. A lot of new people have been joining the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a quick note that my team is always hiring at Better. A lot of new people have been joining the team here in NYC lately—the tech team has actually grown from 35 to 60 in just ~3 months.
computers are bad
2024-08-12 a pedantic review of the las vegas loop Did you hear that Elon Musk dug a tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention Center? I think it is pretty...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Did you hear that Elon Musk dug a tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention Center? I think it is pretty universally known by now that the "Las Vegas Loop" is impractical, poorly thought out, and generally an embarrassment to society and industry. I will spare an accounting of the...
Toni Lijic's Blog
Homage to My Last Name How I build my custom error page with Next.js & Tailwind
4 months ago
Electronics etc…
Increasing Frequency Counter Precision with Linear Regression MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [...
a year ago
a year ago
MathJax.Hub.Config({ jax: ["input/TeX", "output/HTML-CSS"], tex2jax: { inlineMath: [ ['$', '$'], ["\\(", "\\)"] ], displayMath: [ ['$$', '$$'], ["\\[", "\\]"] ], processEscapes: true, skipTags: ['script', 'noscript', 'style', 'textarea', 'pre',...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Keychain for AirTag AirTags are perfect for your keychain, everyone should have one. The problem is Apple's AirTags...
over a year ago
over a year ago
AirTags are perfect for your keychain, everyone should have one. The problem is Apple's AirTags scratch easy and donut style cases will get destroyed in your pocket. So we designed TagVault Keychain for AirTag. It's the first waterproof case for AirTag, ultra-durable, and...
Applied Cartography
Recursive filter schema When we added support for complex filtering in Buttondown, I spent a long time trying to come up...
a week ago
a week ago
When we added support for complex filtering in Buttondown, I spent a long time trying to come up with a schema for filters that felt sufficiently ergonomic and future-proof. I had a few constraints, all of which were reasonable: It needed to be JSON-serializable, and trivially...
Matt Mullenweg
My First Million I had a great chat with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri on their podcast, My First Million.
a month ago
How to build an energy efficient computer for home use In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using it. Long: People are spending a lot of time building an energy efficient home computer, that can act as an HTPC, NAS, or whatever. It must consume as little power as possible, because it it...
Using InfiniBand for cheap and fast point-to-point Networking InfiniBand networking is quite awesome. It's mainly used for two reasons: low latency high...
over a year ago
over a year ago
InfiniBand networking is quite awesome. It's mainly used for two reasons: low latency high bandwidth As a home user, I'm mainly interested in setting up a high bandwidth link between two servers. I was using quad-port network cards with Linux Bonding, but this solution has some...
The impact of the MDADM bitmap on RAID performance Introduction I'm aware that most people with intensive storage workloads won't run those workloads...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction I'm aware that most people with intensive storage workloads won't run those workloads on hard drives anymore, that ship has sailed a long time ago. SSDs have taken their place (or 'the cloud'). For those few left who do use hard drives in Linux software RAID setups...
Arduino Blog
Innovative new tactile sensor helps assess fine motor skills Fine motor skills correlate strongly with cognition and the accurate assessment of an individual’s...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Fine motor skills correlate strongly with cognition and the accurate assessment of an individual’s motor skills can be critical in diagnosing and treating a variety of conditions. But objective evaluation has been a challenge, as suitable sensors weren’t available. To help...
Computer Ads from...
A Quick Note and Some Comics An apology and some entertainment
2 weeks ago
Abishek Muthian
Scam alert : mail from IPTI Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mail from IPTI This is a physical scam mail alert yeah because we don’t get enough of cyber phishing; right! Those who have filed international patents, keep an eye out for mails such as the above. I received a professional looking mail from IPTI & from what it looks like on the...
Jordan’s Substack
Coming soon This is Jordan’s Substack.
3 months ago
computers are bad
2024-04-05 the life of one earth station Sometimes, when I am feeling down, I read about failed satellite TV (STV) services. Don't we all?...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Sometimes, when I am feeling down, I read about failed satellite TV (STV) services. Don't we all? As a result, I've periodically come across a company called AlphaStar Television Network. PrimeStar may have had a rough life, but AlphaStar barely had one at all: it launched in...
Jonas Hietala
Fixing Problems Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a nice thread with a great answer. I solved it by forcefully patching libflashplayer.so perl -pi.bak -e 's/libvdpau/lixvdpau/g' libflashplayer.so Worked perfectly! I fixed the...
Odds and Ends of...
Yes, AI really can be used to tackle potholes It's not bullshit, it's already happening.
a month ago
Notes on software...
1 million page views I was delighted to notice this morning that this site has recently passed 1M page views. And since...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I was delighted to notice this morning that this site has recently passed 1M page views. And since Murat wrote about his 1M page view accomplishment at the time, I felt compelled to now too. I started regularly blogging in 2018. For some reason I decided to write a blog post...
computers are bad
2023-11-04 nuclear safety Nuclear weapons are complex in many ways. The basic problem of achieving criticality is difficult on...
a year ago
a year ago
Nuclear weapons are complex in many ways. The basic problem of achieving criticality is difficult on its own, but deploying nuclear weapons as operational military assets involves yet more challenges. Nuclear weapons must be safe and reliable, even with the rough handling and...
Understanding Windows KMS and MAK volume license activation Introduction If you have to administer a large number of PCs running Windows, you will end up...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction If you have to administer a large number of PCs running Windows, you will end up creating an automated deployment platform for your Windows clients. You may implement something like Windows Deployment Services. I used WDS to create a fully automated installation of...
Jonas Hietala
My MCU movie ranking I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I did the MCU Movie Re-Watch again this year in preparation for Avengers: Endgame. I wasn’t a huge MCU fan before doing the same re-watch for Infinity War, but after that I became one. For fun I tried to rank the movies as I saw them, this is some sort of accounting my rankings...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Plurality philosophy in an incredibly oversized nutshell
6 months ago
On Life and Lisp
Clip control on the Apple GPU Neverball rendered on the Apple M1 GPU with an open source OpenGL driver After a year in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Neverball rendered on the Apple M1 GPU with an open source OpenGL driver After a year in development, the open source “Asahi” driver for the Apple GPU is running real games. There’s more to do, but Neverball is already playable (and a lot of fun!). Neverball uses legacy “fixed...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates June 28
8 months ago
Willem's Blog
Art of visualisation You learn from experts if you have the privilege to work with them, this month I had a chance to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You learn from experts if you have the privilege to work with them, this month I had a chance to help a professional food photographer.
Applied Cartography
Mass renaming files in fish on macOS One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install...
a year ago
a year ago
One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install rename rename "s/.mdx/.md/" **.md
Home on Erik...
How to hire smarter than the market: a toy model Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable. It's not very important what those are, so let's just call them “thing A” and “thing B” for now.
Posts on Made of...
Write testable code by writing generic code Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Alex Gaynor recently asked this question in an IRC channel I hang out in (a channel which contains several software engineers nearly as obsessed with software testing as I am): uhh, so I’m writing some code to handle an econnreset… how do I test this? This is a good question!...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Surface Aero for AirTag With the popularity of our TagVault Surface Mount for AirTag, we wanted another option that was just...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
With the popularity of our TagVault Surface Mount for AirTag, we wanted another option that was just as durable, waterproof, and secure - but with a more minimal industrial design.  So we designed TagVault Surface Aero. It will look great on your motorcycle and even more...
This is why people see attacks on DEI as thinly veiled racism The tragedy in Washington D.C. this week was horrible, and a shocking incident. There should and...
a month ago
a month ago
The tragedy in Washington D.C. this week was horrible, and a shocking incident. There should and will be an investigation into what went wrong here, but every politician and official who spoke at the White House today explicitly blamed DEI programs for this crash. The message may...
+ iPhone 16e review in progress: battery life You can never do too much battery testing, but after a week with this phone I've got some...
5 days ago
RAID 5 vs. RAID 6 or do you care about your data? Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Storage is cheap. Lots of storage with 10+ hard drives is still cheap. Running 10 drives increases the risk of a drive failure tenfold. So often RAID 5 is used to keep your data up and running if one single disks fails. But disks are so cheap and storage arrays are getting so...
Arduino Blog
Slot machine game harnesses the beauty of Nixie tubes Everyone loves the look of Nixie tubes, with their glowing orange characters made of curvy filament....
4 months ago
4 months ago
Everyone loves the look of Nixie tubes, with their glowing orange characters made of curvy filament. But we usually only see makers using Nixie tubes for one purpose: clocks. That’s unfortunate, because they have a lot more potential, as illustrated by Bob Cascisa’s Nixie tube...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Deeper dive on cross-L2 reading for wallets and other use cases
a year ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Updating my blog: a quick GPT chatbot coding experiment
over a year ago
Electronics etc…
Zephyr Ravenna Control Board Replacement Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing Information Two PCBs - Control Board & Switch Assembly Switch of the Breaker!!! Glass Canopy Removal Duct Cover Removal Swapping the Control...
Jonas Hietala
Mining Incorporated (unfinished) Download Linux 64bit Windows Timelapse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIbr-mLi4DU I made a very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Download Linux 64bit Windows Timelapse https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NIbr-mLi4DU I made a very serious attempt at making a grand game for Ludum Dare 29. Unfortunately it was a far, far, too big of a game for me to be able to finish it in one weekend. But I had a great...
IBM M13 Trackpoint USB Converter Me, never not on the lookout for an opportunity to design something, whether needed or not, worked...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Me, never not on the lookout for an opportunity to design something, whether needed or not, worked with @micon to design a module that could fit snugly in the keyboard, and provide a USB-C interface directly into the Keyboard/Mouse module.
Home on Erik...
over a year ago
Experiences running ZFS on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 I really like ZFS because with current data sets, I do believe that data corruption may start...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really like ZFS because with current data sets, I do believe that data corruption may start becoming an issue. The thing is that the license under which ZFS is released does not permit it to be used in the Linux kernel. That's quite unfortunate, but there is hope. There is a...
Jonas Hietala
2010 in review I saw a post on briancarper where he reviews the past year and it sounds like a great idea...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw a post on briancarper where he reviews the past year and it sounds like a great idea actually. 2010 Geek Achievements Wrote a few games earlier this year; The Chronicles of Bim: The 100 Fake Afros A Geek Valentine Beebop The Island Hopper Where’s Teddy? Updated this site a...
Lighthouse Blog
Overview of the reading view
9 months ago
Arduino Blog
Turn your old Android smartphone into an Arduino screen with the RemoteXY app Each component you add to your Arduino project increases its complexity and the opportunity for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Each component you add to your Arduino project increases its complexity and the opportunity for mistakes. But most projects require some “auxiliary” hardware — components that you use to interact with the Arduino or to help it do the job you’re asking of it. Buttons and displays...
csvbase blog
Client libraries are better when they have no API fsspec is secretly everywhere, and boss
11 months ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
Standard cells: Looking at individual gates in the Pentium processor Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, a chip to "separate the really power-hungry...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, a chip to "separate the really power-hungry folks from ordinary mortals." The original Pentium was followed by the Pentium Pro, the Pentium II, and others, spawning a long-running brand of high-performance processors, Intel's...
Good Enough
TIL: Fixing Broken Social Share Images in Twitter/X I have an admission to make. Social share images for Pika were broken on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I have an admission to make. Social share images for Pika were broken on Twitter/X, LinkedIn, and Apple Messages for months. And it made me sad. But in the past few months we got it fixed. And that made me very happy! We really love our Pika social share images. They are...
Willem's Blog
Fighting backscatter spam at server level Deal with backscatter spam by implementing a stringent SMTP delivery policy at MTA level.
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Approximate nearest news As you may know, one of my (very geeky) interests is Approximate nearest neigbor methods, and I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As you may know, one of my (very geeky) interests is Approximate nearest neigbor methods, and I'm the author of a Python package called Annoy. I've also built a benchmark suite called ann-benchmarks to compare different packages.
Willem's Blog
Commuter bike checkup This week my trustworthy commuter bike started making strange squeaking noises when braking, time to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week my trustworthy commuter bike started making strange squeaking noises when braking, time to have a look at the bike after 21.000KM!
Gwern.net Newsletter
May 2021 Gwern.net Newsletter links on AI hardware, diffusion models, optogenetics, brain scanning.
over a year ago
Construction Physics
Energy Cheat Sheet Building an intuition about energy
2 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Sat-E So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme this time around was Alone and the game I came up with is about a lonely satellite in space, kinda like Wall-E. Sat-E Instructions Collect junk and other items for you to buy...
Arduino Blog
See how this homemade spectrometer analyzes substances with an Arduino Mega Materials, when exposed to light, will reflect or absorb certain portions of the electromagnetic...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Materials, when exposed to light, will reflect or absorb certain portions of the electromagnetic spectrum that can give valuable information about their chemical or physical compositions. Traditional setups use a single lamp to emit white light before it is split apart into a...
Applied Cartography
Weird test: internal link checking I wrote last month about using weird tests. Here's another example: checking for broken internal...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I wrote last month about using weird tests. Here's another example: checking for broken internal links in our upcoming docsite redesign! const extractInternalLinks = (content: string): string[] => { // Check for internal links only, in the form of [text](/path). const...
Electronics etc…
Measuring the HP 11720A Pulse Modulator and Coax Cables Introduction What is a pulse modulator and what are they used for? The HP 11720A Pulse...
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction What is a pulse modulator and what are they used for? The HP 11720A Pulse Modulator Inside the HP 11720A Measurement Setup for a Quick Testing Session Pin Modulator Power Measurements with HP 432A Cable Loss Measurements with HP 432A Cable Power Measurements with...
Vitalik Buterin's...
On Path Independence
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Enjoy a festival without alcohol This year I didn't drink alcohol during Rock Werchter, leading to interesting observations during...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This year I didn't drink alcohol during Rock Werchter, leading to interesting observations during the music festival.
Jonas Hietala
Rising from the Dead, it's Ludum Dare I’ve been a long time gone, been busy with school then having summer vacation and generally not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been a long time gone, been busy with school then having summer vacation and generally not making games or blogging. But I have revived! I scrambled to push my new website live because today it’s Ludum Dare time! The theme is “Evolution” and it’s the 24th time for Ludum Dare...
Engineers Need Art
Op-Amp Helper PCB A PCB for breadboards to make working with op-amps easier.
a year ago
Development is going through a real change Thomas Ricouard: Is Software Engineering Over as We Know It? Writing code has always been a means to...
a month ago
a month ago
Thomas Ricouard: Is Software Engineering Over as We Know It? Writing code has always been a means to an end, especially in my case, where my goal is to build and ship products to millions of users. What’s really happening is a shift in focus: away from obsessing
Fio-plot: creating nice charts from FIO storage benchmark data New release of fio-plot I've rewritten fio-plot, a tool that turns FIO benchmark data into nice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New release of fio-plot I've rewritten fio-plot, a tool that turns FIO benchmark data into nice charts. It allows you to create four types of graphs which will be discussed below. The github project page explains how to run this tool. Fio-plot also includes a benchmark script...
Understanding IOPS, latency and storage performance Update 2020: I've written another blogpost about this topic, including some benchmark examples. When...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 2020: I've written another blogpost about this topic, including some benchmark examples. When most people think about storage performance, they think about throughput. But throughput is similar to the top speed of a car. In reality, you will almost never reach the top...
Greater Still by...
Stop Calling it a Wallet How language shapes our view of the world
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Back to Training Five days of school now and things are starting to settle down a bit. The courses are pretty cool;...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Five days of school now and things are starting to settle down a bit. The courses are pretty cool; we have linear algebra which is pretty interesting, we have a java course where we’re going to make a game (!) and one about structures and algorithms. Pretty promising but we’ll...
Willem's Blog
Clouds below my floor Building a little datacenter in my basement utilising a very fast internet connection.
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Sat-E This is my postmortem for my Ludum Dare 22 entry, Sat-E. You can find the timelapse over here. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is my postmortem for my Ludum Dare 22 entry, Sat-E. You can find the timelapse over here. The Good Motivation I was really motivated for this dare and it showed in the game and outside it. It’s super hard to make a game in only 48 hours but this time it went pretty well. My...
Arduino Blog
This Arduino-controlled machine dispenses the perfect bowl of cereal Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal?...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Breakfast cereal is controversial. Milk or cereal first? Best cereal to milk ratio? Favorite cereal? Most attractive mascot? The opportunities for debate never end. But we can all agree that consistency is key when it comes to the milk:cereal ratio — nobody changes that up from...
Computer Ads from...
Sundial Systems' Relish The Premier Workplace Shell Calendar, Phone Book, To Do List, and Program Runner, too
5 months ago
Jonas Hietala
A simple timeline using CSS flexbox As I added a /now page to the site I also decided to refresh my /about page and I figured it would...
6 months ago
6 months ago
As I added a /now page to the site I also decided to refresh my /about page and I figured it would be neat to have timeline element where I could list some of the larger events in my life. To my surprise it wasn’t too difficult to create one that looks pretty clean—the flexbox...
Computer Ads from...
Page 6 Magazine Interviews the Godfather of Adventure Games, Scott Adams Scott McNealy talks about Sun Microsystems, RISC, UNIX, and NeXT
7 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Competition Feedback The voting is over and I got a few ratings I want to comment on. You can view all ratings and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The voting is over and I got a few ratings I want to comment on. You can view all ratings and comments here. They’re all from 1 to 5. Innovation: 3.75 Fun: 3.29 Theme: 3.17 Graphics: 2.54 Audio: 2.14 Humor: 2.54 that ugly. Overall: 3.13 something playable out of this. Community:...
Old Vintage...
Two tiny 65816 DTV consoles The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The 21st century direct-to-TV game console: a dirt-cheap toy dragging poor ports of cherished games to a more downmarket age. If you couldn't afford the real device, your alternative was these inexpensive, inadequate facsimiles faithful only to one's gauzy recollection. As their...
Core i7 920 @ 3,6 Ghz is a true beast! Even today, Core 2 Duo processors clocked at 2 ghz are no slugs. However, the Core i7 920 is of a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Even today, Core 2 Duo processors clocked at 2 ghz are no slugs. However, the Core i7 920 is of a different kind. First, it is not only clocked at a higher speed (default 2,8 Ghz), it is also a quad-core processor. Thanks to the re- introduction of hyperthreading, this processor...
Arduino Blog
ardEEG is an Arduino UNO R4 WiFi shield for measuring biosignals The secrets to most of the mind’s mysteries may still elude us, but we’ve made a tremendous amount...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The secrets to most of the mind’s mysteries may still elude us, but we’ve made a tremendous amount of progress in reading signals produced by the brain. We may not understand exactly what is going on, but we can see the result and utilize it. And now you can start...
On Life and Lisp
Growing up Alyssa When I was 10, I came out as transgender. I was a girl and I knew it. I was one of the lucky...
a year ago
a year ago
When I was 10, I came out as transgender. I was a girl and I knew it. I was one of the lucky ones. After four painful years, I was fortunate enough to access gender-affirming health care. First testosterone blockers. Later estrogen, the stuff my peers soaked in for years while I...
Stupid project ideas: the War Machine LinusTechTips has some pretty great videos about building insane PC and server setups, such...
over a year ago
over a year ago
LinusTechTips has some pretty great videos about building insane PC and server setups, such as: unboxing and deploying petabytes of storage 7 gamers, 1 CPU building sleeper PC-s testing sketchy CPU-s opening up a 100TB SSD I have the ideas, but not the budget of LinusTechTips, so...
Yazin Alirhayim
The Trouble With Optionality Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one morning thinking “Why, it appears I’ve spent the past several decades of my life optimizing for optionality. Perhaps I should figure out why?”. Most don’t even recognize the term –...
My 71 TiB ZFS NAS after 10 years and zero drive failures My 4U 71 TiB ZFS NAS built with twenty-four 4 TB drives is over 10 years old and still going...
5 months ago
5 months ago
My 4U 71 TiB ZFS NAS built with twenty-four 4 TB drives is over 10 years old and still going strong. Although now on its second motherboard and power supply, the system has yet to experience a single drive failure (knock on wood). Zero drive failures in ten years, how is that...
Abishek Muthian
Possible compromise of Read Aloud browser extension Possible compromise of Read Aloud browser extension. Read Aloud is a famous Text-To-Speech browser...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Possible compromise of Read Aloud browser extension. Read Aloud is a famous Text-To-Speech browser extension with 65,065 Users & Recommended badge on Firefox and 3,000,000+ users on Chrome web store. It is mostly used by people with accessibility needs, Especially those who are...
Willem's Blog
Tudor Black Bay 36 long-term review For the past six months I have been wearing the same watch, every day and night. Read along to learn...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past six months I have been wearing the same watch, every day and night. Read along to learn what makes the Tudor Black Bay 36 the perfect every day watch.
Vitalik Buterin's...
Review of Optimism retro funding round 1
over a year ago
Matt Mullenweg
Status Quo I wrote over on WordPress.org about breaking the status quo with a Joost/Karim fork. It’s a perfect...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I wrote over on WordPress.org about breaking the status quo with a Joost/Karim fork. It’s a perfect time as Automattic is re-focusing its work while the legal stuff is going on.
Himanshu Mishra |...
The Trap of "I am not an Extrovert" It was one of those farewell dinners we had hosted back in college. I was in the third year. I was...
2 months ago
2 months ago
It was one of those farewell dinners we had hosted back in college. I was in the third year. I was surrounded by two junior batches and two…
latest projects -...
3D Model Viewer Improvements [Software] Unlocking the embedded gimbals
a year ago
Arduino Blog
Move Mario remotely with this online N64 controller system For obvious reasons, video game console controls provide input commands directly to the console....
3 months ago
3 months ago
For obvious reasons, video game console controls provide input commands directly to the console. Modern consoles may do so wirelessly, but the effect is the same: direct input. But what if you connected a “controller” to the internet? Then you could play from anywhere and that is...
Computer Ads from...
Suture Software's Bludgeons 'n' Braggarts We very simply give you what you've been asking for -- we give you BLOOD
a year ago
Apple and the AI divide This morning I read a 404 Media article about Instagram showing people ads with AI-generated images...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This morning I read a 404 Media article about Instagram showing people ads with AI-generated images of themselves. I thought this take from Sam Biddle was very good: Never in my career have I seen such a giant gulf between What Companies Think Is the Most Important Thing in the...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Security Mount for AirTag Having had our skis stolen, we wanted to design the ultimate AirTag ski and snowboard mount. It...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Having had our skis stolen, we wanted to design the ultimate AirTag ski and snowboard mount. It needed to be ultra-tough so it couldn't get knocked off, waterproof, hard to remove, and discreet. After a lot of design, testing, and iteration, we have TagVault Security Mount for...
Lars Lofgren
The Billion-Dollar World of Parasite SEO: How to Cash In Parasite SEO is when a third-party company partners with an established domain, then posts a bunch...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Parasite SEO is when a third-party company partners with an established domain, then posts a bunch of SEO content to make a bunch of money. Content often gets published in a subfolder or subdomain or the website. The goal is to leverage the domain’s trust with Google to get...
Applied Cartography
Why can't you just...? Buried in a snarky thread about why Google Calendar doesn’t support calendar syncing is a long,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Buried in a snarky thread about why Google Calendar doesn’t support calendar syncing is a long, detailed explanation of why shipping this sort of thing is hard: Designing a consent experience for the enterprise admin and enterprise end user Creating a special "read only" object...
Watch me write a task manager in 30 minutes A core tenet of A Better Computer is showing, not telling. I don’t use a lot of press kit material...
6 days ago
6 days ago
A core tenet of A Better Computer is showing, not telling. I don’t use a lot of press kit material or talking points from companies in my videos because I don’t particularly care about those. My incentives are fully aligned with showing software (and sometimes hardware)
Willem's Blog
Helping people with free software This week I helped a man with repairing and reinstalling his computer with Debian GNU/Linux.
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
A small LED Cube As a follow up of my hobby project goals this autumn I have now completed the smallest goal there. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a follow up of my hobby project goals this autumn I have now completed the smallest goal there. I got started a little with soldering by constructing a small 3x3x3 LED cube. Although extremely hard to see in this picture it actually worked without a hitch! It’s not the...
Jonas Hietala
Let's create a Tree-sitter grammar One of my favorite features in Neovim is the Tree-sitter integration. It allows for fast syntax...
11 months ago
11 months ago
One of my favorite features in Neovim is the Tree-sitter integration. It allows for fast syntax highlighting that works well even in an error state (often the case when you’re editing code), and it has additional semantics (you can differentiate between function parameters and...
Willem's Blog
iPad Pro as primary computer Is the time right to use an iPad as primary development platform to get some real work done?
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
A DIY bottle-labeling machine perfect for homebrewers While it is certainly possible (and common) to put homebrewed beer into kegs, that requires...
8 months ago
8 months ago
While it is certainly possible (and common) to put homebrewed beer into kegs, that requires regulated gas and large refrigeration space. A keg is also more difficult to transport and overkill if you just want to bring a few beers to a friend’s backyard BBQ. For those reasons,...
Storage and I/O: reads vs. writes There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a fundamental difference between a read operation and a write operation. Storage can lie about completing a write operation, but it can never lie about completing a read operation. Therefore read and writes have different characteristics. This is what I've learned. About...
Jonas Hietala
Tufte style sidenotes and marginnotes in Pollen When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved it for Pollen but felt it deserved it’s own post. A caveat: I generated Tufte CSS style sidenotes and marginnotes which made it more complex than if I had simply generated...
Notes on software...
Writing a web server from scratch: 1. HTTP and sockets Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Say we have some HTML: <html> <body> <h1>Hello world!</h1> </body> </html> And say we'd like to be able to render this page in a web browser. If the server is hosted locally we may want to enter localhost:9000/hello-world.html in the address bar, hit enter, make a...
LFS - Linux Firewall Script released I started a small new Google project for a new script I wrote called LFS. It stands for Linux...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I started a small new Google project for a new script I wrote called LFS. It stands for Linux Firewall Script. I run a small Linux box as an internet router that doubles as a firewall. The firewall is configured using iptables. In my opinion, iptables is not the easiest tool to...
Willem's Blog
Optical vs chest strap heart rate monitors Understanding the differences in common HR monitors used in wearables, smartwatches and fitness...
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates December 22
a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Some Android reverse-engineering tools I’ve spent a lot of time this last week staring at decompiled Dalvik assembly. In the process, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve spent a lot of time this last week staring at decompiled Dalvik assembly. In the process, I created a couple of useful tools that I figure are worth sharing. I’ve been using dedexer instead of baksmali, honestly mainly because the former’s output has fewer blank lines and so...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing NightPad Wireless Charger NightPad has no LEDs, so it won't light up your room. This was a frustration we had with other...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NightPad has no LEDs, so it won't light up your room. This was a frustration we had with other wireless chargers - which I covered with electrical tape. So in designing this one, the first thing we did was remove the light. NightPad charges iPhone 50% faster than standard Qi...
Arduino Blog
A pair of Arduino UNO R4 boards power this Tron-inspired, decked-out shop room Bob Clagett of the “I Like to Make Stuff” YouTube channel has recently undertaken an extensive shop...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Bob Clagett of the “I Like to Make Stuff” YouTube channel has recently undertaken an extensive shop renovation project where he is rearranging tools, tidying up various spaces, and even creating a dedicated “clean” room for his collection of 3D printers/electronics work. With its...
Never Met a Science
For-Profit Academic Publishers Love LLM Garbage Springer Nature CEOs say: Hooray for Open Access!!
4 months ago
The minimum viable fan control script I’ve always been a fan of tinkering with cooling setups on my computers. I’ve even went as far as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve always been a fan of tinkering with cooling setups on my computers. I’ve even went as far as writing crappy solutions to make up for deficiencies on the hardware level. After years of dumb experiments I’ve seen how little you can get away with in cooling and how to run your...
Applied Cartography
PSA: mess around with Keystatic We've been using Keystatic in Buttondown for around six months now: we migrated most of the content...
11 months ago
11 months ago
We've been using Keystatic in Buttondown for around six months now: we migrated most of the content on the marketing site (which is backed by Next) from MDX onto Keystatic, and were so happy with the experience that the upcoming rebuild of the docs site will be featuring...
Good Enough
Our Favorite Video Games Right Now While everyone at Good Enough is their own kind of nerd, thank you very much, as builders of the web...
a year ago
a year ago
While everyone at Good Enough is their own kind of nerd, thank you very much, as builders of the web you probably expect that we also play video games. And we do! Well, collectively we do, but not to an unhealthy degree. Usually. I asked the team to share with me what their...
Jonas Hietala
We can build things! Finally we have some sort of progress! We can now build rooms and place and remove objects! Yay!!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Finally we have some sort of progress! We can now build rooms and place and remove objects! Yay!! But we still haven’t even begun with the game logic, resource management, the actual mining mechanic, multiple levels, actual tasks for our workers. But it’s something.
Construction Physics
Will Boom Successfully Build a Supersonic Airliner? Boom Supersonic is an aerospace startup trying to build a supersonic airliner.
a week ago
Jorge Arango
One Year of “Duly Noted” Duly Noted just celebrated its first birthday. It’s an opportunity for me to reflect on what’s...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Duly Noted just celebrated its first birthday. It’s an opportunity for me to reflect on what’s changed since it came out. The book’s central premise is evergreen: thinking isn’t limited to the spongy mass between your ears. Instead, you think by interacting with your environment...
Jonas Hietala
5 Kup After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a season with very bad attendence, I blame school and lack of motivation, I still went to grading. I slept well but I was super stressed all weekend so I had to constantly run to the bathroom and I couldn’t eat lunch or breakfast properly, and I don’t usually get...
Electronics etc…
Fake Parallel Printer - A Parallel Port Traffic Capturing Tool Introduction What Is Out There? The Parallel Printer Port Fake Printer Top Level Design Choices Fake...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction What Is Out There? The Parallel Printer Port Fake Printer Top Level Design Choices Fake Printer HW Details PCB Revision 1 PCB Revision 2 Firmware Building a Fake Printer Tool Yourself Programming the Raspberry Pico Fake Printer as a USB Serial Device on your...
Nabeel S. Qureshi
The Serendipity Machine Notes on Using Twitter
a year ago
Simply Explained
How I Structure My ESPHome Config Files I'm a big fan of ESPHome. I have 24 devices running it, and I only buy new IoT devices when I know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm a big fan of ESPHome. I have 24 devices running it, and I only buy new IoT devices when I know they can run ESPHome.ESPHome is a modular firmware that you have to configure with YAML files. You define what components it should load and how it should talk to the hardware of...
Odds and Ends of...
The government ordering Apple to break its encryption is stupid, counter-productive and unworkable For the love of god, ask the computer people if your plan might actually work first.
a month ago
latest projects -...
Pocketwatch of Goo [Concept] Liquid filled timepiece
a week ago
Simply Explained
Impact of Adblockers on Google Analytics (vs. Plausible) Adblocker usage is quickly rising, with some estimates saying that almost 25% of internet users have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Adblocker usage is quickly rising, with some estimates saying that almost 25% of internet users have one installed. Not only do they block advertisements, but also analytics scripts (like Google Analytics, Matomo, etc.)So that begs the question: what is the impact of these...
Willem's Blog
The value of notifications It's easy to dismiss your phone's notifications as something that disturbs you, but if you take the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's easy to dismiss your phone's notifications as something that disturbs you, but if you take the time to set them up correctly, notifications can actually save you time!
RAID 5 is perfectly fine for home usage RAID 5 gets a lot of flak these days. You either run RAID 1, RAID 10 or you use RAID 6, but if you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
RAID 5 gets a lot of flak these days. You either run RAID 1, RAID 10 or you use RAID 6, but if you run RAID 5 you're told that you are a crazy person. Using RAID 5 is portrayed as an unreasonable risk to the availability of your data. It is suggested that it is likely that you...
Home on Erik...
I'm featured in Mashable This article from today in Mashable describes some of the fun stuff I get to work with: Erik...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article from today in Mashable describes some of the fun stuff I get to work with: Erik Bernhardsson is technical lead at Spotify, where he helped to build a music recommendation system based on large-scale machine learning algorithms, mainly matrix factorization of big...
lcamtuf’s thing
The untimely demise of an image upscaler ML-based image enhancement models are great. Unfortunately, some of them are great only once.
6 months ago
Matt Mullenweg
Kindness and Techcrunch Disrupt Back in June I recorded an episode with Jaclyn Lindsey on the Why Kindness podcast, for their...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Back in June I recorded an episode with Jaclyn Lindsey on the Why Kindness podcast, for their awesome non-profit kindness.org. You can listen to it through Pocket Casts here: This is kind of funny because I’m obviously in the midst of the big battle with Silver Lake and WP...
Jonas Hietala
The ASIC pit of despair Monero has once again changed the POW to brick ASICs following confirmation that 85% of Monero’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Monero has once again changed the POW to brick ASICs following confirmation that 85% of Monero’s hashrate were ASICs. Recurring hard forks to brick ASICs is a very dangerous game and what better to illustrate this than with an xkcd-style plot? You’re safe on the edges but how do...
Abishek Muthian
Why are we addicted to misery porn I walked by the living room other day and there was this reality show on television in which the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I walked by the living room other day and there was this reality show on television in which the participants were narrating what it seemed like their life story. It was sad, they and other participants were crying inconsolably while the camera panned to each of their faces for a...
Construction Physics
Why the U.S. Can’t Build Icebreaking Ships I want to say thank you to all the people who sent condolences following last week’s post,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I want to say thank you to all the people who sent condolences following last week’s post, especially those who shared their own stories of loss.
Posts on Made of...
Conkeror I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension, but nowadays it’s a standalone app built on top of Mozilla’s xulrunner, so it uses the Gecko rendering engine. What it is, is an emacs implemented in Javascript, for the web. This...
Jonas Hietala
rustc: error while loading shared libraries: librustc_driver I had installed and used rust already but today I fired it up and received: rustc...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I had installed and used rust already but today I fired it up and received: rustc --version rustc: error while loading shared libraries: librustc_driver-7e44814b.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory I’ve seen this before… I thought modifying...
Avestura's Blog
Oversimplified ideas of the great philosophers of all times Ideas of the great philosophers of all times explained in a few lines
a year ago
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 3 Windows becomes competitive
a year ago
Notes on software...
First few hurdles writing a Scheme interpreter I started working on BSDScheme last October, inspired to get back into language implementation after...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I started working on BSDScheme last October, inspired to get back into language implementation after my coworker built bshift, a compiler for a C-like language. BSDScheme is an interpreter for a (currently small subset of) Scheme written in D. It implements a few substantial...
Jonas Hietala
Black and White Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a game where graphics where included into the gameplay but sadly it didn’t come out nearly as good as I expected it too. Yes I know there are a lot of things bad and wrong with this...
Matt Blewitt
Table Stakes This is a short post on what I see are table stakes for any new user-facing service, security-wise....
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a short post on what I see are table stakes for any new user-facing service, security-wise. Mostly focused on user-focused, rather than intra-service, considerations.
Arduino Blog
Easily build an energy meter with the Arduino Nano Matter The primary appeal of microcontrollers is their versatility. They are, essentially, the embedded...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The primary appeal of microcontrollers is their versatility. They are, essentially, the embedded equivalent of computers — general purpose devices that can perform a wide range of functions. And to get the most out of a microcontroller, you’ll also want connectivity suitable for...
Applied Cartography
Why your marketing site should be separate In Notes on buttondown.com and How Buttondown uses HAProxy, I outlined the slightly kludgy way we...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In Notes on buttondown.com and How Buttondown uses HAProxy, I outlined the slightly kludgy way we serve buttondown.com both as a marketing site (public-facing, Next/Vercel, largely just content pushed by non-developers) and an author-facing app (behind a login, Django/Heroku/Vue)...
Notes on software...
Writing a lisp compiler from scratch in JavaScript: 2. user-defined functions and variables Previously in compiler basics: 1. lisp to assembly 3. LLVM 4. LLVM conditionals and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously in compiler basics: 1. lisp to assembly 3. LLVM 4. LLVM conditionals and compiling fibonacci 5. LLVM system calls 6. an x86 upgrade In this post we'll extend the compiler to support defining functions and variables. Additionally, we'll require the...
Jonas Hietala
Calling closures in a Vec In rust one might want to have a list of closures, for example as a list of callbacks. let mut fs:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In rust one might want to have a list of closures, for example as a list of callbacks. let mut fs: Vec<||> = Vec::new(); fs.push(|| { println!("imma firing my lazer"); }); for f in fs.iter() { f(); // error: expected function but found `&||` }; Maybe if we borrow...
Engineers Need Art
VPX Scripting - Part 6 (End Sound) This post wraps up the sound work on Teacher's Pet.
10 months ago
Applied Cartography
Against Against Innovation Tokens Glyph (whose writing and contributions to the Python ecosystem I am deeply grateful for) wrote...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Glyph (whose writing and contributions to the Python ecosystem I am deeply grateful for) wrote Against Innovation Tokens yesterday: In 2015, Dan McKinley laid out a model for software teams selecting technologies. He proposed that each team have a limited supply of “innovation...
Notes on software...
A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability A database does not need a write-ahead log (WAL) to achieve durability. A database can write its...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A database does not need a write-ahead log (WAL) to achieve durability. A database can write its long-term data structure durably to disk before returning to a client. Granted, this is a bad idea! And granted, a WAL is critical for durability by design in most databases. But I...
Home on Erik...
Data architecture vs backend architecture A modern tech stack typically involves at least a frontend and backend but relatively quickly also...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A modern tech stack typically involves at least a frontend and backend but relatively quickly also grows to include a data platform. This typically grows out of the need for ad-hoc analysis and reporting but possibly evolves into a whole oil refinery of cronjobs, dashboards, bulk...
I don’t care about bad or missing features that I don’t use Sometimes I’ll talk about something I like online and people will express shock that I can use a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Sometimes I’ll talk about something I like online and people will express shock that I can use a product that has such a clear downside. I’ve gotten people ask how I can use Things since it doesn’t have shared task lists. More recently I
computers are bad
2024-07-31 just disconnect the internet So, let's say that a security vendor, we'll call them ClownStrike, accidentally takes down most of...
7 months ago
7 months ago
So, let's say that a security vendor, we'll call them ClownStrike, accidentally takes down most of their Windows install base with a poorly tested content update. Rough day at the office, huh? There are lots of things you could say about this, lots of reasons it happens this way,...
Home on Erik...
Luigi: complex pipelines of tasks in Python I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs, handle dependency resolution, and create visualizations to help manage multiple workflows. It also comes with Hadoop support built in...
Notes on software...
Standard ML in 2020 Incredibly, Standard ML implementations are still actively developed. MLton, Poly/ML, MLKit, SML#...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Incredibly, Standard ML implementations are still actively developed. MLton, Poly/ML, MLKit, SML# and SML/NJ are the most prominent. Discussion on the future direction of Standard ML remains healthy as well. And somehow OCaml's lesser known cousin still beats out OCaml...
Arduino Blog
Exercise while you game with this interactive treadmill add-on Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Motion-based controls for games have been around for decades, but even with the latest generation of virtual reality headsets, gaming is still done with relatively limited movement unless one has access to an expensive VR walking/running setup. As an effort to get more physical...
Home on Erik...
Machine, Platform, Crowd I just bought Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future and discovered that it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just bought Machine, Platform, Crowd: Harnessing Our Digital Future and discovered that it mentions my blog – in particular the post When machine learning matters. Ok, I lied a little bit. I didn't discover it serendipitously.
Buying a new computer *** Desktop or Laptop *** When deciding on which computer to buy, the first decision you have to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
*** Desktop or Laptop *** When deciding on which computer to buy, the first decision you have to make is about whether to go for a desktop or a laptop. There was a time that many believed that the desktop would become a niche product. Most people want a laptop because they can...
Linux RAID 6 performance using software RAID So after toying around with RAID 0 just for fun, time to get serious. I created a RAID 6 of 10 x 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So after toying around with RAID 0 just for fun, time to get serious. I created a RAID 6 of 10 x 1 TB disks. This gives me raw device read speeds of 850 MB/s and write speeds of 300 MB/s. I think this is exactly what should be expected, but boy it is damn fast. Especially the...
Posts on Made of...
Navigating the Linux Kernel In response to my query last time, ezyang asked for any tips or tricks I have for finding my way...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In response to my query last time, ezyang asked for any tips or tricks I have for finding my way around the Linux kernel. I’m not sure I have much in the way of systematic advice for tracking down the answers to questions about the Linux kernel, but thinking about what I do when...
Notes on software...
Is it worth writing about? You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and sharing the learning process. Professionals seem naturally to imagine a high bar for what is worth writing about. I think that's misguided. This article is not criticism of folks...
Jonas Hietala
A Christmas Game I’m going through a bit of a boardgame stint, as I usually do during christmas time. I had exactly...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m going through a bit of a boardgame stint, as I usually do during christmas time. I had exactly one thing on my wishlist for this christmas for my little brother: Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries. Guess what? I got something from my wishlist! This was our 5th or 6th game (or...
Posts on Made of...
Disable Transparent Hugepages tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tl;dr “Transparent Hugepages” is a Linux kernel feature intended to improve performance by making more efficient use of your processor’s memory-mapping hardware. It is enabled ("enabled=always") by default in most Linux distributions. Transparent Hugepages gives some applications...
Matt Blewitt
Leadership Power Tools: SQL and Statistics A common pattern I’ve seen over the years have been folks in engineering leadership positions that...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A common pattern I’ve seen over the years have been folks in engineering leadership positions that are not super comfortable with extracting and interpreting data from stores, be it databases, CSV files in an object store, or even just a spreadsheet. We’re going to cover SQL &...
The iPad will be the death of Flash So Apple finally released their tablet computer: the iPad. One of the most debated drawbacks is that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So Apple finally released their tablet computer: the iPad. One of the most debated drawbacks is that it lacks support for Adobe Flash. The iPhone does not support Flash either, and since the iPad is based on the iPhone OS, this should not come as a surprise. Now many people see...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Collection of Linux fortunes ❤ fortune | cowsay This is about how I maintain the space...
over a year ago
over a year ago
fortune | cowsay This is about how I maintain the space https://github.com/OrkoHunter/mfdf/blob/master/fortunesfortune is a Unix program…
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 01
a year ago
Gwern.net Newsletter
March 2021 Gwern.net Newsletter 2 major new site features: 'popins' and recursive Wikipedia popups
over a year ago
Jorge Arango
Jorge’s Wager: Why AI Needs Information Architecture One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that we have AI?” Of course, not everyone puts it like that. Instead, they’ll say things like “we won’t need navigation if we have chat” or “AI will organize the website” or “in a world...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Your product either lives long enough to become a platform or it dies out Everything around you is a platform💡 If you are building a software to be used by developers, you...
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
A gamified approach to therapy and motor skills testing For children who experience certain developmental delays, specific types of physical therapies are...
9 months ago
9 months ago
For children who experience certain developmental delays, specific types of physical therapies are often employed to assist them in improving their balance and motor skills/coordination. Ivan Hernandez, Juan Diego Zambrano, and Abdelrahman Farag were looking for a way to quantify...
computers are bad
2024-03-27 telephone cables So let's say you're working on a household project and need around a dozen telephone cables---the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
So let's say you're working on a household project and need around a dozen telephone cables---the ordinary kind that you would use between your telephone and the wall. It is, of course, more cost effective to buy bulk cable, or simply a long cable, and cut it to length and attach...
Home on Erik...
Simple sabotage for software CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out...
a year ago
a year ago
CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out various ways for infiltrators to ruin productivity of a company. Some of the advice is timeless, for instance the section about “General interference with Organizations and...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Farklı ZK-EVM Türleri
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Exploring Alvik: 3 fun and creative projects with Arduino’s educational robot platform Alvik is cute, it’s smart, it’s fun… so what can it actually do?  To answer this question, we...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Alvik is cute, it’s smart, it’s fun… so what can it actually do?  To answer this question, we decided to have fun and put the robot to the test with some of the most creative people we know – our own team! A dozen Arduino employees volunteered for a dedicated Make Tank session...
Odds and Ends of...
Keir Starmer needs to prepare for a world without America Today's empires, tomorrow's ashes.
4 months ago
Willem's Blog
The Problem With Bitcoin Some thoughts on the long term viability of Bitcoin's rising value.
3 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Faster than Light So I returned to Faster than Light again this weekend, this time for real. I bought it when it came...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I returned to Faster than Light again this weekend, this time for real. I bought it when it came out and I played it only in passing, but this weekend I played it a ton. Aaahh a new beginning in FTL. Will it be death once more I generally don’t like games where you have to...
Thunderbolt, a cheap high-speed storage interconnect? Intel and Apple released Thunderbolt a high-speed (10 Gigabit/s) interface, that seems to replace...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Intel and Apple released Thunderbolt a high-speed (10 Gigabit/s) interface, that seems to replace both USB and Firewire. It is mainly targeted at end-user systems allowing to connect peripherals with just a single cable to a computer. Thunderbolt devices, like external hard...
Arduino Blog
This robot can dynamically change its wheel diameter to suit the terrain  A vehicle’s wheel diameter has a dramatic effect on several aspects of performance. The most obvious...
a month ago
a month ago
A vehicle’s wheel diameter has a dramatic effect on several aspects of performance. The most obvious is gearing, with larger wheels increasing the ultimate gear ratio — though transmission and transfer case gearing can counteract that. But wheel size also affects mobility over...
Notes on software...
Checking linearizability in Go You want to check for strict consistency (linearizability) for your project but you don't want to...
4 months ago
4 months ago
You want to check for strict consistency (linearizability) for your project but you don't want to have to deal with the JVM. Porcupine, used by a number of real-world systems like etcd and TiDB, has you covered! Importantly, neither Jepsen projects nor Porcupine can...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Amazon is complicit with counterfeiting (updated) When someone goes to the lengths of making counterfeits of your products, it's at least a sign...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When someone goes to the lengths of making counterfeits of your products, it's at least a sign you're doing something right. And it deserves a minute of flattery. But when Chinese counterfeiters tool up and make copies of your product, send that inventory to Amazon, then overtake...
Neil Madden
Towards a standard for bearer token URLs In XSS doesn’t have to be Game Over, and earlier when discussing Can you ever (safely) include...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In XSS doesn’t have to be Game Over, and earlier when discussing Can you ever (safely) include credentials in a URL?, I raised the possibility of standardising a new URL scheme that safely allows encoding a bearer token into a URL. This makes it more convenient to use lots of...
Willem's Blog
Designing a multi dimensional capacity queue Dealing with a capacity queue is challenging, but if you take the time to model it right it is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dealing with a capacity queue is challenging, but if you take the time to model it right it is possible to create a performant and reliable system.
Good Enough
Cosmic Maelstrom As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's...
a year ago
a year ago
As Barry wrote in his recent blogpost, we're busy building prototypes here at Good Enough. It's weird to be in this situation. Most of the Good Enough team are used to working on just one software at a time, focusing on steadily improving it. But right now we're doing the...
Arduino Blog
This DIY smart chicken coop features AI-based predator detection Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Raising chickens can be a very rewarding endeavor, as they can provide fresh daily eggs and help get rid of pests in the yard. But, like all animals, they require care. Most importantly, you’ll need to ensure that they have regular food and water, and you’ll need to protect them...
Greater Still by...
Enjoying the Journey Reflections on training for a marathon and a lesson from my late Uncle Murray
a year ago
Jonas Hietala
HandCash handles require trust and are insecure The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their $handle concept. It’s basically a username you use instead of the normal Bitcoin Cash address, similar to how domain names abstract away IP addresses. For example instead of...
Willem's Blog
Tablet as main computer I have been using a tablet as my main computer for quite some time now. In this blog post I share...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have been using a tablet as my main computer for quite some time now. In this blog post I share you my experience on using Surface Pro and iPad Pro to get my work done.
Home on Erik...
State drift I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion. But here is something I thought about: how to build in self-correction into systems. This has been something just vaguely sitting in my head lacking a clear conceptual definition...
Notes on software...
How I run a software book club I've been running software book clubs almost continuously since last summer, about 12 months ago. We...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I've been running software book clubs almost continuously since last summer, about 12 months ago. We read through Designing Data-Intensive Applications, Database Internals, Systems Performance, and we just started Understanding Software Dynamics. The DDIA discussions were...
Notes on software...
Writing an x86 emulator from scratch in JavaScript: 2. system calls Previously in emulator basics: 1. a stack and register machine In this post we'll extend x86e...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously in emulator basics: 1. a stack and register machine In this post we'll extend x86e to support the exit and write Linux system calls, or syscalls. A syscall is a function handled by the kernel that allows the process to interact with data outside of its memory....
Ian's Blog
Mourning the Loss of Cohost The staff running Cohost have announced (archived) that at the end of 2024 Cohost will be shutting...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The staff running Cohost have announced (archived) that at the end of 2024 Cohost will be shutting down, with the site going read-only on October 1st 2024. This news was deeply upsetting to receive, as Cohost filled a space left by other social media websites when they stopped...
Arduino Blog
This portable Starmap could be your guide to the cosmos Estimates vary, but there are generally a few thousand stars bright enough to see in the sky on a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Estimates vary, but there are generally a few thousand stars bright enough to see in the sky on a clear, moonless, cloudless night away from city lights. You might be able to identify a couple of them, along with a handful of constellations. But what about the rest? If they...
Arduino Blog
Amassing a mobile Minion militia Channeling his inner Gru, YouTuber Electo built a robotic minion army to terrorize and amuse the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Channeling his inner Gru, YouTuber Electo built a robotic minion army to terrorize and amuse the public in local shopping malls. Building one minion robot is, in theory, pretty straightforward. That is especially true when, like these, that robot isn’t actually bipedal and...
Bending the knee, $1 million at a time M.G. Siegler on his blog, Spyglass: $1M Knee Pads Of course, the point here, in the real world,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
M.G. Siegler on his blog, Spyglass: $1M Knee Pads Of course, the point here, in the real world, isn't actually the money – though I would just note that as President, Trump will have access to thousands of warheads... – but what the money signals. That is,
Yazin Alirhayim
Part 2: Will greater access to capital spark Bahrain’s economy? 👉 If you haven’t read Part 1, do that first. In the last post, I discussed the question of access...
over a year ago
over a year ago
👉 If you haven’t read Part 1, do that first. In the last post, I discussed the question of access to capital and why’s important to verify that we do in fact have a problem before we attempt to “solve” it. Now, we’re going to talk about the method for measuring the extent of...
When do the Trump flags come down? (members post) The flags are still flying, celebrating the man, not the country. Why is this something that happens...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The flags are still flying, celebrating the man, not the country. Why is this something that happens now, and why is it something only happening on one end of the political spectrum?
Posts on Made of...
Fun with the preprocessor: CONFIG_IA32_EMULATION hacks in Linux About two months ago, Linux saw CVE-2010-0307, which was a trival denial-of-service attack that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
About two months ago, Linux saw CVE-2010-0307, which was a trival denial-of-service attack that could crash essentially any 64-bit Linux machine with 32-bit compatibility enabled. LWN has an excellent writeup of the bug, which turns out to be a subtle error related to the details...
Electronics etc…
ThinMachine - a $25 Thin Client MacOS Time Machine Appliance The instructions below set up Time Machine using the Apple File Protocol (AFP). After publishing...
a year ago
a year ago
The instructions below set up Time Machine using the Apple File Protocol (AFP). After publishing this blog post, I’ve been told that this is now deprecated and that Samba should be used instead. I’ll update this blog post in the near future. Introduction The HP t520 Thin...
What home NAS builders should understand about silent data corruption Introduction When it comes to dealing with storage in a DIY NAS context, two important topics come...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction When it comes to dealing with storage in a DIY NAS context, two important topics come up: Unrecoverable read errors (UREs) or what old people like me call 'bad sectors' Silent data corruption (data corruption unnoticed by the storage layers) I get a strong impression...
Vitalik Buterin's...
What do I think about Community Notes?
a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Picking up rust by writing a QR code generator I wanted to pick up rust again after having used it many years ago. After around 5 years or so I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to pick up rust again after having used it many years ago. After around 5 years or so I didn’t really know where to start? Approaches to picking up a language When learning, or as in this case re-learning, a programming language there are different approaches. For...
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course: Week 4 I’m undertaking a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week 4. Following...
a month ago
a month ago
I’m undertaking a year-long crash course in the humanities. These are my notes for week 4. Following Ted Gioia’s curriculum, this week I read the Analects of Confucius. As I did last week, ChatGPT helped me select a movie to complement this reading – albeit...
csvbase blog
There are 665 open licences, most are pretty rubbish you are in a maze of twisty licences, all alike
5 months ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
The Pentium contains a complicated circuit to multiply by three In 1993, Intel released the high-performance Pentium processor, the start of the long-running...
a week ago
a week ago
In 1993, Intel released the high-performance Pentium processor, the start of the long-running Pentium line. I've been examining the Pentium's circuitry in detail and I came across a circuit to multiply by three, a complex circuit with thousands of transistors. Why does the...
Arduino Blog
This Arduino device helps ‘split the G’ on a pint of Guinness Guinness is one of those beers (specifically, a stout) that people take seriously and the Guinness...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Guinness is one of those beers (specifically, a stout) that people take seriously and the Guinness brand has taken full advantage of that in their marketing. They even sell a glass designed specifically for enjoying their flagship creation, which has led to a trend that the...
computers are bad
2023-01-16 huff-duff We've talked a fair amount about HF radio recently, in the context of OTH radar. Recall that an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We've talked a fair amount about HF radio recently, in the context of OTH radar. Recall that an extremely useful property of HF radio here is that HF frequencies can reflect off of the upper layers of the atmosphere, causing them to rebound towards earth at a range much further...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #52: A right to air conditioning? Plus how New Zealand solved a housing crisis, dodgy Chinese robotaxis and Newsnight reviewing...
a month ago
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Wiring Dread it. Run from it. Wiring arrives all the same. It’s time for the part of my VORON build that...
a year ago
a year ago
Dread it. Run from it. Wiring arrives all the same. It’s time for the part of my VORON build that I’ve been dreading: the wiring. It’s scary because I really have no clue what I’m doing, and mistakes can be very costly and time-consuming. I’ve taken my time to double- and...
computers are bad
2024-03-09 the purple streetscape Across the United States, streets are taking on a strange hue at night. Purple. Purple streetlights...
a year ago
a year ago
Across the United States, streets are taking on a strange hue at night. Purple. Purple streetlights have been reported in Tampa, Vancouver, Wichita, Boston. They're certainly in evidence here in Albuquerque, where Coal through downtown has turned almost entirely to mood lighting....
Notes on software...
An intuition for distributed consensus in OLTP systems Distributed consensus in transactional databases (e.g. etcd or Cockroach) is a big deal these days....
a year ago
a year ago
Distributed consensus in transactional databases (e.g. etcd or Cockroach) is a big deal these days. Most often under the hood are variations of log-based Paxos-like algorithms such as MultiPaxos, Viewstamped Replication, or Raft. While there are new variations that come out each...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Limits to Blockchain Scalability
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Lab Notebooking for the Software Engineer A few weeks ago, I wrote that software engineers should keep lab notebooks as they work, in addition...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few weeks ago, I wrote that software engineers should keep lab notebooks as they work, in addition to just documenting things after the fact. Today, I’m going to share the techniques that I’ve found useful to try to get in the habit of lab-notebooking my work, even though I...
Greater Still by...
Towards Crypto Literacy Consumer scale isn’t reached by abstracting the crypto away — not yet, at least.
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Expanding possibilities: Blues Wireless amplifies Opta’s connectivity Blues Wireless and Arduino have joined forces to create the game-changing Blues Wireless for Arduino...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blues Wireless and Arduino have joined forces to create the game-changing Blues Wireless for Arduino Opta, unveiled this week at the Automate Show in Chicago. The expansion module is an affordable solution to enhance connectivity options for Arduino Opta micro PLCs, and marks a...
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 4: Cosmic Staggering Tortoises 1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The...
a year ago
a year ago
1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The ambitious goal is to write you a lovely letter every week. Aim for the moon, right? But wait, if you aim for the moon, how in this physical world can you possibly hit a star by...
Buck on Software
Winds of Change Software is maybe, just maybe about to get exciting
8 months ago
lcamtuf’s thing
The Review Interior of a low-rise office park.
2 weeks ago
Willem's Blog
The joy of a simple laptop This week I tested the Surface Laptop Go with Windows 10 and quite frankly was amazed by the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I tested the Surface Laptop Go with Windows 10 and quite frankly was amazed by the experience!
Lars Lofgren
My 7 Rules for A/B Testing That Triple Conversion Rates I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I double or triple conversion rates without caring how a test performs? I actually care about the whole SYSTEM of testing. All the pieces need to fit together just right. If not,...
Willem's Blog
Workout data in 3D I had this idea to use ThreeJS to visualise workout data from a recent run, read along to see what...
4 days ago
4 days ago
I had this idea to use ThreeJS to visualise workout data from a recent run, read along to see what I've created.
Notes on software...
SQLite in Go, with and without cgo This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Better Laptop This post is a quick rundown of assembling my new Framework 13 laptop, why I chose this brand and...
a month ago
a month ago
This post is a quick rundown of assembling my new Framework 13 laptop, why I chose this brand and what's next.
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner Lindhska Store Championship Örebro After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store championship at Lindhska Bokhandel in Örebro. I brought a modified version of the same corp I used the last time, a Blue Sun kill deck and a new runner with Leela Patel. See the links for...
Neil Madden
API Security in Action handed over to production After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has now been handed over to Manning’s production team. That means a few weeks of copy editing and graphics polish, then indexing and typesetting to produce the final version around...
Good Enough
TIL: Tiptap Excerpt Extension with Rails While building Pika’s Stream of posts layout, we had need to add the capability to manage excerpts...
a month ago
a month ago
While building Pika’s Stream of posts layout, we had need to add the capability to manage excerpts in the Pika editor. These excerpts would be used to show a small portion of your post in a post stream while offering a “continue reading” link for readers to click to read the rest...
2025: The year of fitness (members post) 2025 is upon us and my goals for the new year are very clear: I need to get my fitness in order....
2 months ago
2 months ago
2025 is upon us and my goals for the new year are very clear: I need to get my fitness in order. Here's the plan…
Fairphone 5: my heavily biased overview after 58 days of use (and counting) After months of contemplating I finally pulled the trigger and got myself a Fairphone 5. The...
a year ago
a year ago
After months of contemplating I finally pulled the trigger and got myself a Fairphone 5. The fact that iPhone X stopped receiving major iOS updates certainly helped make that decision. “But why? My Xiaomi/Oneplus/Samsung/other glued-together device is like so much cheaper and...
Posts on Made of...
New reptyr feature: TTY-stealing Ever since I wrote reptyr, I’ve been frustrated by a number of issues in reptyr that I fundamentally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ever since I wrote reptyr, I’ve been frustrated by a number of issues in reptyr that I fundamentally didn’t know how to solve within the reptyr model. Most annoyingly, reptyr fundamentally only worked on single processes, and could not attach processes with children, making it...
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner Winter Kit Tournament Linköping After quite the hiatus from Netrunner I had a chance to join a tournament here in Linköping with 14...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After quite the hiatus from Netrunner I had a chance to join a tournament here in Linköping with 14 participants. The number of players has grown a lot since the previous tournament which is really great. As I really wanted to win the wonderful Day Job playmat I went with two of...
Matt Blewitt
Unreasonably Effective Patterns Much of my current job is maintaining and enhancing control planes for Heroku’s managed data...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Much of my current job is maintaining and enhancing control planes for Heroku’s managed data services. This post explores three patterns used to reduce operational burden and increase system safety and resiliency: state machines (and associated state-transition tables),...
Willem's Blog
Something the smartwatch will never have: patina Patina is often neglected when comparing smartwatches with regular watches.
over a year ago
Nabeel S. Qureshi
May Updates + New Essay On Moral AI A few months back, I read a tweet from Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI Chief Scientist) which stuck in my...
a year ago
a year ago
A few months back, I read a tweet from Ilya Sutskever (OpenAI Chief Scientist) which stuck in my mind: “the long term goal is to build AGI that loves people the way parents love their children”.
1.0 GB/s using Linux software RAID I filled the Norco case with hardware. It is now up and running, based on Debian Linux (Lenny). I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I filled the Norco case with hardware. It is now up and running, based on Debian Linux (Lenny). I immediately performed some initial tests with software RAID 0. The results are just astounding. debian:~# dd if=/dev/md0 of=/dev/null bs=1M count=50000 50000+0 records in 50000+0...
Willem's Blog
Write your own words Why not to use AI for writing - a blog post on the underestimated long term costs of AI tools for...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Why not to use AI for writing - a blog post on the underestimated long term costs of AI tools for human creativity.
Home on Erik...
Leaving Spotify Febrary 6 was my last day at Spotify. In total I spent more than six years at Spotify and it was an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Febrary 6 was my last day at Spotify. In total I spent more than six years at Spotify and it was an amazing experience. I joined Spotify in Stockholm in 2008, mainly because a bunch of friends from programming competitions had joined already.
The Birth of THE MERGE Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Sitting at lunch one day, the GitButler team were having our usual conversations of how awesome our community is, product feature ideas, and how much Kiril loves food. As we shifted toward the topic of conferences, the idea of hosting our own event emerged. Wouldn’t it be fun
Azad's Blog
RealityCapture to Gaussian Splatting using PostShot TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import...
7 months ago
7 months ago
TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import it into PostShot to train Gaussian Splats without using COLMAP. Video tutorial RealityCapture Import your images and align them. If you ever need help with tricky dataset, refer to...
🕹️ I strongly recommend: Resident Evil 2 (members post) Oh buddy, what a game!
a month ago
Back to roots This blog is running on a home server again. I have once again gained access to a competent internet...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This blog is running on a home server again. I have once again gained access to a competent internet connection1, and I think I have figured out the IPv6 setup as well2, leading to this change. The IP address is dynamic, there are occasional power outages and I might just mess up...
Ian's Blog
Pragmatically Generating a Self-Signed Certificate and Private Key using OpenSSL Recently I found myself needing to generate a HTTPS Server Certificate and Private Key for an iOS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I found myself needing to generate a HTTPS Server Certificate and Private Key for an iOS app using OpenSSL, what surprised me was the total lack of documentation for OpenSSL. While there is plenty of function documentation, what OpenSSL really lacks is examples of how it...
Jonas Hietala
Changes A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but there are things I’d like to change after the exam period this week. Program more! nothing since christmas or someting. I need to finish: Ada project for school. Can’t believe I...
Arduino Blog
This mod simplifies single-point threading on mini lathes “Single-point threading” on a lathe is the process of cutting threads, such as for a bolt, into the...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
“Single-point threading” on a lathe is the process of cutting threads, such as for a bolt, into the material through turning. The spindle/workpiece spin and the carriage moves linearly at a precise amount per turn of the spindle. That linear movement is the thread pitch. But this...
Old Vintage...
The unreleased Commodore HHC-4's secret identity Once upon a time (and that time was Winter CES 1983), Commodore announced what was to be their one...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Once upon a time (and that time was Winter CES 1983), Commodore announced what was to be their one and only handheld computer, the Commodore HHC-4. It was never released and never seen again, at least not in that form. But it turns out that not only did the HHC-4 actually exist,...
Electronics etc…
Remote Controlling an HP 1670G Logic Analyzer with a Linux PC X Server Introduction Reserving a fixed IP address for the logic analyzer Assign the chosen IP address to the...
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction Reserving a fixed IP address for the logic analyzer Assign the chosen IP address to the logic analyzer Allow the logic analyzer to access your Ubuntu X server Configure the X-window Settings on the logic analyzer Install and declare the HP logic analyzer font...
Posts on Made of...
Two Perspectives on the End-to-End Principle Back when I was an undergraduate, as part of a class called “Computer Systems Engineering”, we read...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back when I was an undergraduate, as part of a class called “Computer Systems Engineering”, we read numerous classic papers of systems design. I enjoyed and learned a great deal from many of these papers, but one that paper that has stuck with me in particular was Saltzer et al’s...
Abishek Muthian
Projects Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hi I'm Abishek Muthian, an indie, I write code to solve problems in health and build tools for indies to create sustainable income. Bone Health Tracker Track your bone health, Monitor the progress of your treatments. Memory Hammer What if you can remember everything you see,...
Bryan Braun - Blog
Setting up your /now page with an RSS feed I have a /now page, which I use to tell people what I’m up to these days. I like the concept of “now...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I have a /now page, which I use to tell people what I’m up to these days. I like the concept of “now pages” but I felt like it would be better if it had an RSS feed. The feed would give interested parties a way to subscribe to life changes. The problem is that RSS feeds aren’t...
Notes on software...
Practical? Common Lisp on the JVM: A quick intro to ABCL for modern web apps In a ridiculous attempt to prove an internet wrong about the practicality of Lisp (Common Lisp...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a ridiculous attempt to prove an internet wrong about the practicality of Lisp (Common Lisp specifically), I tried to get a simple (but realistic) web app running. After four days and a patch to ABCL I got something working. The code I had in mind would look something like...
Arduino Blog
The Swervebot is an omnidirectional robot that combines LEGO and 3D-printed parts Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup...
a month ago
a month ago
Robotic vehicles can have a wide variety of drive mechanisms that range from a simple tricycle setup all the way to crawling legs. Alex Le’s project leverages the reliability of LEGO blocks with the customizability of 3D-printed pieces to create a highly mobile omnidirectional...
How I fixed one hardware issue with another one I happen to run on an ASRock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITX/ac motherboard that used to run fine, but ever...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I happen to run on an ASRock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITX/ac motherboard that used to run fine, but ever since I installed one UEFI update, it has had this one annoying issue: whenever you reboot, it gets stuck at POST. Cold boots work fine and the shutdown-and-push-the-power-button...
Willem's Blog
Different ways to visualise health To better understand how to visualise health I looked at different health/fitness apps and games.
over a year ago
Odds and Ends of...
WATCH: Talking trains with Jonn Elledge! The new Overground names, why the north always loses out, and more!
3 months ago
Notes on software...
An explosion of transitive dependencies A small standard library means an explosion in transitive dependencies. A more comprehensive...
a month ago
a month ago
A small standard library means an explosion in transitive dependencies. A more comprehensive standard library helps you minimize dependencies. Don't misunderstand me: in a real-world project, it is practically impossible to have zero dependencies. Armin Ronacher called for a vibe...
Installation of ZFS on Linux hangs on Debian Wheezy This article is no longer relevant. After a fresh net-install of Debian Wheezy, I was unable to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is no longer relevant. After a fresh net-install of Debian Wheezy, I was unable to compile the ZFS for Linux kernel module. I've installed apt-get install build-essential but that wasn't enough. The apt-get install debian-zfs command would just hang. I noticed a...
Willem's Blog
Data versus Feeling Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to find out the differences!
Why you should not use IPsec for VPN connectivity IPsec is a well-known and widely-used VPN solution. It seems that it's not widely known that Niels...
over a year ago
over a year ago
IPsec is a well-known and widely-used VPN solution. It seems that it's not widely known that Niels Ferguson and Bruce Schneier performed a detailed security analysis of IPsec and that the results were not very positive. We strongly discourage the use of IPsec in its current form...
Determining smartphone market share using wireless sniffing I started a project to see if I could track smartphone users by sniffing for wifi-clients. Most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I started a project to see if I could track smartphone users by sniffing for wifi-clients. Most smartphones support wifi and most people don't bother disabling wifi when they go outdoors1. If wifi is left on, it is possible to detect these smartphones and track their movement. To...
Notes on software...
Let's build a distributed Postgres proof of concept What is CockroachDB under the hood? Take a look at its go.mod and notice a number of dependencies...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is CockroachDB under the hood? Take a look at its go.mod and notice a number of dependencies that do a lot of work: a PostgreSQL wire protocol implementation, a storage layer, a Raft implementation for distributed consensus. And not part of go.mod but still building on 3rd...
Willem's Blog
Whoop strap review: 24/7 wearable sensor
over a year ago
HoloISO: the unofficial Steam Deck experience on your PC If you have spent any time in gaming hardware circles, then you’ve probably heard about the Steam...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you have spent any time in gaming hardware circles, then you’ve probably heard about the Steam Deck, the Linux-based handheld gaming PC built by Valve. Yes, you heard that right: not Windows, but Linux. I’ve had my fair share of attempts at gaming on Linux. When it works,...
Neil Madden
A few clarifications about CVE-2022-21449 Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a few quick notes/updates to correct some potentially inaccurate statements that are floating around on Reddit/Twitter etc: The bug only impacts Java 15 and above. The original advisory from Oracle incorrectly listed earlier versions (like 7, 8 and 11) as being impacted....
Jonas Hietala
Favourite Programming Language All the programmers love to promote their favourite language, or to hate on others. Now I read a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All the programmers love to promote their favourite language, or to hate on others. Now I read a post which claimes my favourite language is not good enough! But he’s correct of course, there is no one language to rule them all. You should always choose the mest language for the...
Matt Mullenweg
Welcoming Harper As announced by Automattic and covered by TechCrunch, I want to take a moment to welcome Elijah...
3 months ago
3 months ago
As announced by Automattic and covered by TechCrunch, I want to take a moment to welcome Elijah Potter and Harper to join Automattic. Harper is a super-fast (way faster than LanguageTool and Grammarly), local English grammar checker. The technology is nascent, but I’m very...
Electronics etc…
Teardown of the TM4313 GPS Disciplined Oscillator Introduction What is a GPSDO? The TM4313 GPSDO Power Consumption Inside the TM4313 The TM4313...
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction What is a GPSDO? The TM4313 GPSDO Power Consumption Inside the TM4313 The TM4313 Schematic Frequency or Phase Lock Loop? OCXO Temperature The Curious Case of the MAX6192 Voltage Reference The Discrete Tuning DAC GPS Module Microcontroller instead of NMEA Serial...
Why I bought a digital projector (Panasonic PT-AT5000E) I don't have a TV. I haven't been watching TV for more than 10 years. But I love to watch movies or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don't have a TV. I haven't been watching TV for more than 10 years. But I love to watch movies or great series like Dexter and Game of Thrones. Until recently, I watched movies or series on my 27" iMac. Twenty-seven inch is large for a computer screen but for a TV, it's quite...
How to fix ZFS pool not importing at boot Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Issue description You are running a Linux-based machine with an install of ZFS on Linux. Everything seems to work correctly, but after restarting your machine, the ZFS pool is not visible. You can still import your pool manually using zpool import poolname or zpool import -a. In...
Apple’s new iPads are here, let’s break them down Another day, another opportunity to rate my 2025 Apple predictions! iPad Here’s what I predicted...
a week ago
a week ago
Another day, another opportunity to rate my 2025 Apple predictions! iPad Here’s what I predicted would happen with the base iPad this year: I fully expect to see the 11th gen iPad in 2025, and I think it will come with a jump to the A17 Pro or
Vitalik Buterin's...
Hard Forks, Soft Forks, Defaults and Coercion
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Open source
over a year ago
Good Enough
Jelly was #1 on Hacker News Yesterday, Lettini took a chance and posted about Jelly on Hacker News, a discussion site notorious...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Yesterday, Lettini took a chance and posted about Jelly on Hacker News, a discussion site notorious for it's mercurial population of tech-maybe-too-saavy experts. Jelly is a tough sell for some of them, those with the technical skill to pipe email at a low level through...
Notes on software...
A single-node Kubernetes cluster without virtualization or a container registry This post is a recipe for setting up a minimal Kubernetes cluster on Fedora without requiring...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is a recipe for setting up a minimal Kubernetes cluster on Fedora without requiring virtualization or a container registry. These two features make the system cloud-agnostic and the cluster entirely self-contained. The post will end with us running a simple Flask...
Matt Gemmell is back on the Mac Matt Gemmell went iPad-only in 2016, but he's made the move Back to Mac [The Mac is] satisfying in...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Matt Gemmell went iPad-only in 2016, but he's made the move Back to Mac [The Mac is] satisfying in the conventional way, in that it meets needs without drama or acrobatics. It works in the sense that it directs its resources firmly in the direction of service, rather
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse engineering the barrel shifter circuit on the Intel 386 processor die The Intel 386 processor (1985) was a large step from the 286 processor, moving x86 to a 32-bit...
a year ago
a year ago
The Intel 386 processor (1985) was a large step from the 286 processor, moving x86 to a 32-bit architecture. The 386 also dramatically improved the performance of shift and rotate operations by adding a "barrel shifter", a circuit that can shift by multiple bits in one step. The...
Home on Erik...
Meta-blogging (This is not a very relevant/useful post for regular readers – feel free to skip. I thought I would...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(This is not a very relevant/useful post for regular readers – feel free to skip. I thought I would share it so people can find it on Google.) My blog blew up twice in a week earlier this year when I landed on Hacker News.
Jonas Hietala
Ugly and Slow Progress Ludum Dare is coming along… Slowly. The rust on me is probably so brown it’s nearly black. But I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ludum Dare is coming along… Slowly. The rust on me is probably so brown it’s nearly black. But I have an idea and it might be good, all I need to do is execute it. Right? Programmer graphics coming to take you away! Anyway it’s going to be a risk-like game with a twist: you can...
A 12.48 inch (1304x984) three-color e-paper display by Waveshare Introduction Update September 2023: A small horizontal and large vertical row of pixels died. Demo...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update September 2023: A small horizontal and large vertical row of pixels died. Demo of defective display here. I'm running a solar-powered blog and I wanted to add a low-power display to show the daily solar 'harvest'1 and maybe some additional information. So I...
Nokia 5110 - Back from the dead. Part 1: Nostalgia I loved my Nokia 5110 and I wonder if it was possible to breathe new life into this long-shelved and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I loved my Nokia 5110 and I wonder if it was possible to breathe new life into this long-shelved and still-memed mobile phone. As it turns out, not only is it possible, but it's going to be a lot easier than I anticipated.
Abishek Muthian
Do we need humanoids to show the progress in AI ? Watch video on YouTube Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation That’s the 1939 promo video of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Watch video on YouTube Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation That’s the 1939 promo video of the robot (air quotes) — Elektro from Westinghouse Electric Corporation demoed at New York World’s Fair. Now this, Watch video on YouTube Sophia from Hanson Robotics That is...
The Vision Pro makes Touch ID more appealing Ryan Christoffel writing on 9to5Mac: Why Vision Pro Is Apple’s Best Reason Yet to Bring Touch ID...
a month ago
a month ago
Ryan Christoffel writing on 9to5Mac: Why Vision Pro Is Apple’s Best Reason Yet to Bring Touch ID Back to iPhone Because Face ID on iPhone does no good when Vision Pro is strapped to your face—an unfortunate detail I’m reminded of every time I
Odds and Ends of...
Listen to The Abundance Agenda A new podcast about growth and progress
3 days ago
computers are bad
2023-03-24 docker Lately I tend to stick to topics that are historic by at least twenty years, and that does have a...
a year ago
a year ago
Lately I tend to stick to topics that are historic by at least twenty years, and that does have a lot of advantages. But I am supposedly a DevOps professional, and so I will occasionally indulge in giving DevOps advice... or at least opinions, which are sort of like advice but...
Style over Substance
Create a Hue-compatible DIY LED light sculpture Learn how to create your own Hue compatible LED light sculpture, inspired by by the REFLEKTION art,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learn how to create your own Hue compatible LED light sculpture, inspired by by the REFLEKTION art, using cheap LED strips and DIY parts you can order online. The post Create a Hue-compatible DIY LED light sculpture appeared first on Style over Substance.
Matt Blewitt
Corporate Legibility for Software Engineers Corporate legibility is the art of making tasks, and their outcomes, easier to understand for those...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Corporate legibility is the art of making tasks, and their outcomes, easier to understand for those not directly involved. I’ll help you understand why this is an important thing to be aware of and how to use it to help your career.
Notes on software...
Leaders, you need to share organization success stories more frequently This post goes out to anyone who leads a team: managers, directors, VPs, executives. You need to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post goes out to anyone who leads a team: managers, directors, VPs, executives. You need to share organization success stories with your organization on a regular and frequent basis. Talk about sales wins, talk about new services released, talk about the positive impact of a...
Jonas Hietala
The T-34/2 keyboard layout The T-34/2 layout. QMK Heatmap Generator, with all layers and combos. It’s been 6 months since my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The T-34/2 layout. QMK Heatmap Generator, with all layers and combos. It’s been 6 months since my last update on the T-34 keyboard layout, and I’ve made some changes I’d like to document here. As seen in the heatmap above, the layout seems quite decent. There’s still an issue...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Hard Problems in Cryptocurrency: Five Years Later
over a year ago
Applied Cartography
Klarna: nineteen years, twenty billion kroner I tend to ignore the entire genre of what we now refer to as BNPL businesses — Affirm, Afterpay...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I tend to ignore the entire genre of what we now refer to as BNPL businesses — Affirm, Afterpay (RIP), Klarna, et al — not for any particular sin I feel that they are committing, but because they in my mind are much less interesting companies with less volatile upside than the...
lcamtuf’s thing
The 8-bit (MCU) manifesto Eight-bit microcontrollers aren't relics; they are a design philosophy. You might want to use them...
9 months ago
How Flight Simulator helped my flying anxiety (members post) It turns out video games really can impact how you view the world.
3 months ago
Posts on Made of...
New Blog Location I finally got fed up with Blogger, and am moving this blog to live on Wordpress hosted off of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I finally got fed up with Blogger, and am moving this blog to live on Wordpress hosted off of scripts.mit.edu. In the process of converting everything over and setting up Wordpress I’ve decided I hate it, but hopefully I hate it less than I hate Blogger. We’ll see. I’ve also...
Electronics etc…
$17 GM1312 Thermometer Review, Test, and Teardown Introduction What is a thermocouple The GM1213 Thermometer A few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction What is a thermocouple The GM1213 Thermometer A few tests Internals Conclusion References Introduction I’ve been doing a bunch of measurements on oven-controlled oscillators lately, including their temperature. There are multiple ways to measure...
Jonas Hietala
Bitcoin Cash needs a Specification I’m not a Bitcoin developer, I’m just some guy looking in from the outside. Lately there’s been a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m not a Bitcoin developer, I’m just some guy looking in from the outside. Lately there’s been a bunch of heated debates between the different Bitcoin Cash developer teams. Something that stood out from all the noise was problems with communications and a lack of specification...
computers are bad
2024-05-15 catalina connections Some things have been made nearly impossible to search for. Say, for example, the long-running...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Some things have been made nearly impossible to search for. Say, for example, the long-running partnership between Epson and Catalina: a query that will return pages upon pages of people trying to use Epson printers with an old version of MacOS. When you think of a point of sale...
Matter as a Smart home standard Matter is the name of the smart home standard that promises to bridge IOT devices and different home...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Matter is the name of the smart home standard that promises to bridge IOT devices and different home eco-systems. Amazon Alexa, Google Home, Apple Homekit, Samsung SmartThings, etc. To prevent 6+ flavours of smart lightbulbs working with 6+ different apps, a standard needed to be...
computers are bad
2025-01-05 pairs not taken So we all know about twisted-pair ethernet, huh? I get a little frustrated with a lot of histories...
2 months ago
2 months ago
So we all know about twisted-pair ethernet, huh? I get a little frustrated with a lot of histories of the topic, like the recent neil breen^w^wserial port video, because they often fail to address some obvious questions about the origin of twisted-pair network cabling. Well, I...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Filters I can print, but the printer is missing a very important thing that I alluded to in the previous...
a year ago
a year ago
I can print, but the printer is missing a very important thing that I alluded to in the previous post: filtering dangerous particles and fumes. This is mostly covered by the kit, but I was missing some parts from the print it forward and the kit didn’t include a HEPA...
computers are bad
2024-12-04 operators on the front At the very core of telephone history, there is the telephone operator. For a lot of people, the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
At the very core of telephone history, there is the telephone operator. For a lot of people, the vague understanding that an operator used to be involved is the main thing they know about historic telephony. Of course, telephone historians, as a group, tend to be much more...
Vitalik Buterin's...
An Incomplete Guide to Rollups
over a year ago
Applied Cartography
Applied Cartography × Val Town Had a blast live-coding some experimentations with Steve and Shovel yesterday using Val Town. (If...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Had a blast live-coding some experimentations with Steve and Shovel yesterday using Val Town. (If you haven't used Val, well, watch the stream — think live, zero-deploy code snippets that can be arbitrarily extended and executed.) Reflecting on the experience, the most exciting...
Abishek Muthian
Pricing Bone Health Tracker Premium Track your bone health, Monitor the progress of your treatments. Get...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Bone Health Tracker Premium Track your bone health, Monitor the progress of your treatments. Get more reports and cloud sync for just ₹1,332.21/year Free Premium Parsed BMD reports ✓ ✓ Skeleton visualization ✓ ✓ T-Score chart ✓ ✓ Z-Score chart ✓ ✓ Submit reports without private...