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Jonas Hietala
Design for Hackers I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific thing. It happened again yesterday (or was it the day before I don’t know) when I saw this post on hackernews. It’s a book this time, again, but this is something a little different -...
Old Vintage...
With PowerPC, Windows CE and the WiiN-PAD slate, everyone's a WiiN-er (except Data General) Telemedicine (and mobile health generally) accumulated a hunk of public mindshare during the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Telemedicine (and mobile health generally) accumulated a hunk of public mindshare during the pandemic emergency, but speaking as someone with a day job in public health for almost two decades, it's always been a buzzword in certain corners of IT with enough money sloshing around...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Commodore, Part 4 The Amiga, The Decline, The Fall
a year ago
Willem's Blog
iPad Pro next to my primary machine Using iPad Pro with Apple Pencil next to my computer to form a create powerhouse
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Some notes on CVE-2010-3081 exploitability Most of you reading this blog probably remember CVE-2010-3081. The bug got an awful lot of publicity...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of you reading this blog probably remember CVE-2010-3081. The bug got an awful lot of publicity when it was discovered an announced, due to allowing local privilege escalation against virtually all 64-bit Linux kernels in common use at the time. While investigating...
Buck on Software
The Software Slog As a newly minted high school grad I had a brief stint as a wildland firefighter.
a year ago
Computer Ads from...
VenturCom's VENIX Mixing REAL Time With REAL UNIX Is Not Magic...It Is Technology.
a year ago
WFS - WAN Failover Script now available Since I could not find a WAN failover script for Linux to my likening, I wrote one myself. If you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since I could not find a WAN failover script for Linux to my likening, I wrote one myself. If you have any use for it: I put it on a Google code project. WFS tests the availability of your primary WAN connection and switches to your secondary / backup connection when a failure is...
Jonas Hietala
Going down Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ah my first game was so painless so I thought I could do any game I could imagine! Shooters, and mario bros kinda stuff. Well now I’m not so upbeat anymore, I’ve worked on this game for 7 days now and it’s not playable at all. With seven days I don’t mean a week, I’ve had a big...
Applied Cartography
Two weeks of parenthood We've had Lucy for two weeks, which qualifies us as experts, which means it is time to write about...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We've had Lucy for two weeks, which qualifies us as experts, which means it is time to write about parenthood. (In all seriousness, consider the below descriptive and not prescriptive: mostly, it's a notepad filled with things that were remarkable or surprising or divergent from...
Posts on Made of...
Building LLVM in 90 seconds using Amazon Lambda Last week, Frederic Cambus wrote about building LLVM quickly on some very large machines,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, Frederic Cambus wrote about building LLVM quickly on some very large machines, culminating in a 2m37s build on a 160-core ARM machine. I don’t have a giant ARM behemoth, but I have been working on a tool I call Llama, which lets you offload computational work –...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Against overuse of the Gini coefficient
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
An invisible Remake What does a guy like me do when not working on a new game? Except living my life, being a coach for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What does a guy like me do when not working on a new game? Except living my life, being a coach for my little brother’s hockey team and eating strawberries? The last week or so I’ve been working hard with my webpage, yes this page. If you’ve visited my site before today you’ll...
Internet of kitchen lighting, with OSC This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say that I wrote a useful little bit of software and built up a crappy hack to demonstrate it but, secretly, the crappy hack came first and I’ve retroactively found something vaguely...
Construction Physics
Why it's so hard to build a jet engine Civilization's toughest technical challenges are those that require extraordinary (and constantly...
a week ago
a week ago
Civilization's toughest technical challenges are those that require extraordinary (and constantly improving) performance to be delivered at a low cost.
csvbase blog
Parquet: more than just "Turbo CSV" Quicker, but also more convenient
a year ago
No HDMI port on the ThinkPad T430? No problem! The ThinkPad T430 has a few options for running it with an external display: VGA port, which is...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The ThinkPad T430 has a few options for running it with an external display: VGA port, which is pretty much obsolete at this point mini DisplayPort connector on the laptop itself DVI or DisplayPort on a dock The mini DisplayPort port has annoyed me for as long as I’ve had this...
computers are bad
2025-03-01 the cold glow of tritium I have been slowly working on a book. Don't get too excited, it is on a very niche topic and I will...
a week ago
a week ago
I have been slowly working on a book. Don't get too excited, it is on a very niche topic and I will probably eventually barely finish it and then post it here. But in the mean time, I will recount some stories which are related, but don't quite fit in. Today, we'll learn a bit...
Applied Cartography
Order, Tailwind, DRY (Order in the CSS rule sense, not the metaphysical sense.) The time has come to begin exfiltrating...
2 months ago
2 months ago
(Order in the CSS rule sense, not the metaphysical sense.) The time has come to begin exfiltrating some higher-traffic, higher-leverage parts of Buttondown's admin UI away from the autogenerated Django admin and into some more bespoke components. Take, for instance, this rather...
Posts on Made of...
Software Engineers should keep lab notebooks Software engineers, as a rule, suck at writing things down. Part of this is training – unlike...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Software engineers, as a rule, suck at writing things down. Part of this is training – unlike chemists and biologists who are trailed to obsessively document everything they do in their lab notebooks, computer scientists are taught to document the end results of their work, but...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Response to 'How is Life?' I was asked "How is Life?" over chat by someone and I thought of responding with a letter. Hello...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was asked "How is Life?" over chat by someone and I thought of responding with a letter. Hello :name-retracted:, I am sorry it took me so…
Lighthouse Blog
How to rate content and find it again
9 months ago
Good Enough
Season 3, Issue 4: Cosmic Staggering Tortoises 1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The...
a year ago
a year ago
1. Weekly Studio Update Hello. We're going to try doing this newsletter thing regularly. The ambitious goal is to write you a lovely letter every week. Aim for the moon, right? But wait, if you aim for the moon, how in this physical world can you possibly hit a star by...
Home on Erik...
Conversion rates – you are (most likely) computing them wrong How hard can it be to compute conversion rate? Take the total number of users that converted and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How hard can it be to compute conversion rate? Take the total number of users that converted and divide them with the total number of users. Done. Except… it's a lot more complicated when you have any sort of significant time lag.
Notes on software...
How to get better at recursion tldr; reimplement standard library functions in your favorite language without loops. Background For...
over a year ago
over a year ago
tldr; reimplement standard library functions in your favorite language without loops. Background For a few years after college I spent a lot of free time doing projects in Standard ML and Scheme. As a result I got really comfortable doing recursion. The two big reasons for this...
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Quick Garbled Circuits Primer
over a year ago
Jorge Arango
The New Leverage: AI and the Power of Small Teams This weekend, a small team in Latvia won an Oscar for a film they made using free software. That’s...
a week ago
a week ago
This weekend, a small team in Latvia won an Oscar for a film they made using free software. That’s not just cool — it’s a sign of what’s coming. Sunday night was family movie night in my home. We picked a recent movie, FLOW. I’d heard good things about it and thought we’d enjoy...
Notes on software...
RFCs and asynchronous-first culture I hated writing documentation before working on features. But after a while I realized I couldn't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I hated writing documentation before working on features. But after a while I realized I couldn't communicate well enough, even with folks I had a good connection with. It took me a number of mistaken deliveries to get the message. Sketches and mockups Designers solve this by...
Lighthouse Blog
How to subscribe to content
9 months ago
Never Met a Science
The Whirlpool of the Artificial There are many processes now subsumed under the term “Artificial Intelligence.” The reason we’re...
4 months ago
4 months ago
There are many processes now subsumed under the term “Artificial Intelligence.” The reason we’re talking about it now, though, is that the websites are doing things we never thought websites could do.
Nabeel S. Qureshi
The Serendipity Machine Notes on Using Twitter
a year ago
Notes on software...
Confusion and disengagement in meetings The quickest way to cut through confusion or disagreement among otherwise amiable and honest folks...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The quickest way to cut through confusion or disagreement among otherwise amiable and honest folks is to ask questions. Ask early so you don't waste time. But it's not enough to just ask clarifying questions because the answers won't always be clear. Sounds like Human Interaction...
Gwern.net Newsletter
December newsletter December 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI and technology; major new site feature:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
December 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI and technology; major new site feature: fully-generalized recursive popups.
Recycle your old laptop display and turn it into a monitor During a cleaning spree I decided that it was time to recycle two old laptops that were just...
over a year ago
over a year ago
During a cleaning spree I decided that it was time to recycle two old laptops that were just collecting dust on a shelf for many years. Although I didn't have any purpose for them anymore, I realised that the displays were still perfectly fine. This is the display of my old 13"...
Odds and Ends of...
NEW EVENT: How the YIMBYs won Book now to see my conversation with housing hero Anya Martin!
a month ago
Home on Erik...
Buffet lines are terrible, but let's try to improve them using computer simulations My company has a buffet every Friday, and the lines grow to epic proportions when the food arrives....
over a year ago
over a year ago
My company has a buffet every Friday, and the lines grow to epic proportions when the food arrives. I've suspected for years that the “classic” buffet line system is a deeply flawed and inefficient method, and every time I'm stuck in the line has made me more convinced.
Neil Madden
API Security in Action is published! I wasn’t expecting it so quickly, so it caught me a little off guard, but API Security in Action is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wasn’t expecting it so quickly, so it caught me a little off guard, but API Security in Action is now finally published. PDF copies are available now, with printed copies shipping by the end of the month. Kindle/ePub take a little bit longer but should be out in a few weeks...
Experiences running ZFS on Ubuntu Linux 12.04 I really like ZFS because with current data sets, I do believe that data corruption may start...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really like ZFS because with current data sets, I do believe that data corruption may start becoming an issue. The thing is that the license under which ZFS is released does not permit it to be used in the Linux kernel. That's quite unfortunate, but there is hope. There is a...
watchTowr Labs
Pots and Pans, AKA an SSLVPN - Palo Alto PAN-OS CVE-2024-0012 and CVE-2024-9474 It'll be no surprise that 2024, 2023, 2022, and every other year of humanities' existence has been...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It'll be no surprise that 2024, 2023, 2022, and every other year of humanities' existence has been tough for SSLVPN appliances. Anyhow, there are new vulnerabilities (well, two of them) that are being exploited in the Palo Alto Networks firewall and SSLVPN offering, and as ever,...
Jonas Hietala
2021 in review A new year is always a good time to review the past year. Funny how this is already the 12th year...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new year is always a good time to review the past year. Funny how this is already the 12th year I’ve done this kind of quick review… Time sure flies. 2021 Non-Geek Achievements Started strength training using a strength coach from Kabuki. I got inspired by the book Peak that...
Jonas Hietala
Black and White Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here it is at last! Boasting a unoriginal name, themed Bare Minimum. My thoughts where to create a game where graphics where included into the gameplay but sadly it didn’t come out nearly as good as I expected it too. Yes I know there are a lot of things bad and wrong with this...
Never Met a Science
TikTok in Romania Platform control and national sovereignty
3 months ago
Odds and Ends of...
WATCH: Were the US election polls right? My conversation with polling guru Mark Pack
3 months ago
Willem's Blog
Offline Music People sometimes act suprised when I tell them about my music hobby, manually converting CD's to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People sometimes act suprised when I tell them about my music hobby, manually converting CD's to lossless audio files; there is some reason to this madness however!
Notes on software...
Two books I recommend to developers Originally published on February 1, 2021. The original version included two books I don't think...
a year ago
a year ago
Originally published on February 1, 2021. The original version included two books I don't think are actually so worthwhile. This list is down to two. I think that's a good thing actually. These are the books I recommend to developers wanting to improve their skills as...
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Explore two ways to white label with Arduino Cloud We’re excited to announce a brand-new feature called “Custom Branding,” which allows Enterprise plan...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We’re excited to announce a brand-new feature called “Custom Branding,” which allows Enterprise plan users to white label their workspace and enhance the overall user experience. This announcement is exciting because it empowers businesses to create a truly tailored environment...
Applied Cartography
Using Cursor to port Django tests to pytest When it comes to AI tooling, I am equal parts optimist and cynic. I have no moral qualm with using...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When it comes to AI tooling, I am equal parts optimist and cynic. I have no moral qualm with using these tools (Supermaven is a pretty heavy part of my day-to-day work), but have found most tools quite bad by the metric of "do they make me more productive on Buttondown's code...
lcamtuf’s thing
Lies, damned lies, and photodiodes Diffusion and drift currents: depending on what you're trying to do, photodiodes can be really fast...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Diffusion and drift currents: depending on what you're trying to do, photodiodes can be really fast or infuriatingly slow.
Home on Erik...
ML at Twitter I recently came across this paper describing how they do ML at Twitter. TL;DR Their approach is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently came across this paper describing how they do ML at Twitter. TL;DR Their approach is pretty interesting. Everything is a Pig workflow and then they do everything as UDF's. This approach seems pretty interesting.
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1986/06 Australian Personal Computer Mag It’s that time of the month. This time let’s look at humor from down under. These comics are from...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It’s that time of the month. This time let’s look at humor from down under. These comics are from the June 1986 issue of Australian Computer magazine. Enjoy! What computer ads would you like to see in the future? Please comment below. If you enjoyed it, please share it with your...
How to build an energy efficient computer for home use In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In short: Buy whatever you fucking want. Turn the fucking thing off when you're not using it. Long: People are spending a lot of time building an energy efficient home computer, that can act as an HTPC, NAS, or whatever. It must consume as little power as possible, because it it...
Home on Erik...
Language pitch Here's a fun analysis that I did of the pitch (aka. frequency) of various languages. Certain...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a fun analysis that I did of the pitch (aka. frequency) of various languages. Certain languages are simply pronounced with lower or higher pitch. Whether this is a feature of the language or more a cultural thing is a good question, but there are some substantial...
Notes on software...
Be someone who does things I wrote last month that what you want to do is one of the most useful motivations in life. I want to...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I wrote last month that what you want to do is one of the most useful motivations in life. I want to follow that up by saying that the only thing more important than wanting to do something is to actually do something. The most valuable trait you can develop for yourself is to...
Jonas Hietala
Ludum Dare 22 Timelapse Here’s the timelapse for my entry to Ludum Dare 22,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s the timelapse for my entry to Ludum Dare 22, Sat-E. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoKDyhxCVm0 This time I managed to record one screen every minute, which is very suboptimal to say the least but I slowed it down a bit so you can at least see something being done there.
Jonas Hietala
2014 in Review Previous reviews: 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. 2014 Geek Achievements Solved 73 UVa problems. Won a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previous reviews: 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. 2014 Geek Achievements Solved 73 UVa problems. Won a turn in IMPA and solved a bunch of problems. Completed a doctorand course about algorithmic problem solving. Finished my 4 first years in University. Became a contributor to rust and...
Jonas Hietala
Why is my file so huge? My latest game was absolutely huge! And I’m not talking about the music (which was pretty huge too -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My latest game was absolutely huge! And I’m not talking about the music (which was pretty huge too - roughly 20mb) but the little .exe file. It was 14,6mb!! Now every way you look at it, that’s incredibly huge. It’s like comparing an ant to a human. Normally the little ant is the...
lcamtuf’s thing
Electric chainsaws and the gorge of misery Lithium batteries are great -- so why do mid-size electric power tools suck in 2024?
7 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Against choosing your political allegiances based on who is "pro-crypto"
7 months ago
An ode to the 10,000 RPM Western Digital (Veloci)Raptor Introduction Back in 2004, I visited a now bankrupt Dutch computer store called MyCom1, located at...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Back in 2004, I visited a now bankrupt Dutch computer store called MyCom1, located at the Kinkerstraat in Amsterdam. I was there to buy a Western Digital Raptor model WD740, with 74 GB of capacity, running at 10,000 RPM. When I bought this drive, we were still in...
Home on Erik...
The software engineering rule of 3 Here's a dumb extremely accurate rule I'm postulating* for software engineering projects: *you need...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a dumb extremely accurate rule I'm postulating* for software engineering projects: *you need at least 3 examples before you solve the right problem*. This is what I've noticed: Don't factor out shared code between two classes.
Abishek Muthian
I was told, I would become quadriplegic Tingling on the side of the face during tasks involving intense cognition was my first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tingling on the side of the face during tasks involving intense cognition was my first symptom. Nature of my job involves regular problem solving of various degree, on certain occasions there was a halting tingling sensation on the right side of my face to the end of lower...
Jonas Hietala
The ASIC pit of despair Monero has once again changed the POW to brick ASICs following confirmation that 85% of Monero’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Monero has once again changed the POW to brick ASICs following confirmation that 85% of Monero’s hashrate were ASICs. Recurring hard forks to brick ASICs is a very dangerous game and what better to illustrate this than with an xkcd-style plot? You’re safe on the edges but how do...
Arduino Blog
An Arduino-powered robotic ukulele that plays itself The ukulele has a bit of a reputation for being quaint, but it is a legitimate instrument like any...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The ukulele has a bit of a reputation for being quaint, but it is a legitimate instrument like any other and that means it takes a lot of practice to play competently. Zeroshot is too busy building cool stuff to bother with all of that, so he put his skills to use constructing...
Vitalik Buterin's...
[Mirror] Cantor was Wrong: debunking the infinite set hierarchy
over a year ago
Matt Blewitt
Shunn The Shunn manuscript format is a set of guidelines for writers to follow when submitting manuscripts...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Shunn manuscript format is a set of guidelines for writers to follow when submitting manuscripts to publishers. It was created by author William Shunn and is widely used in the publishing industry. Here is a brief demonstration of a tool I wrote to facilitate generating...
Fearless Rebasing GitButler now supports first class conflicts, which makes rebasing much less annoying. What is...
4 months ago
4 months ago
GitButler now supports first class conflicts, which makes rebasing much less annoying. What is "fearless rebasing"?
Willem's Blog
Wearing Grand Seiko I am glad I took the opportunity to wear a Grand Seiko, learning first hand about its craftsmanship,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am glad I took the opportunity to wear a Grand Seiko, learning first hand about its craftsmanship, innovation and practicality.
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Commodore, Part 3 Are you keeping up with the Commodore?
a year ago
Notes on software...
SMTP protocol basics from scratch in Go: receiving email from Gmail I've never run my own mail server before. Before today I had no clue how email worked under the hood...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've never run my own mail server before. Before today I had no clue how email worked under the hood other than the very few times I've set up mail clients. I've heard no few times how hard it is to send mail from a self-hosted server (because of spam filters). But how hard can...
Lars Lofgren
My 7 Rules for A/B Testing That Triple Conversion Rates I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I double or triple conversion rates without caring how a test performs? I actually care about the whole SYSTEM of testing. All the pieces need to fit together just right. If not,...
Arduino Blog
A new Plug and Make Kit challenge! A game of rhythm and creativity The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Arduino Plug and Make Kit is all about unleashing creativity while simplifying the process of turning ideas into reality. It enables everyone to focus on the fun of creating with the power of the UNO R4 WiFi and a user-friendly, modular design – bypassing the complexities of...
Notes on software...
Lessons learned streaming building a Scheme-like interpreter in Go I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to practice making coding videos so I did a four-part series on writing a basic Scheme-like language (minus macros and arrays and tons of stuff). I picked this simple topic because I wanted a low-stakes way to learn what I did not know about making videos. Here was the...
RGB Input Range Sliders R0 G20 B0 A fun little challenge to myself this week was putting together these HTML input range...
7 months ago
7 months ago
R0 G20 B0 A fun little challenge to myself this week was putting together these HTML input range type sliders to control the color of an LED.Each color channel change triggers an update to read the value, convert it to a hex code (eg. #FF0000), update the output element value,...
Jordan’s Substack
Coming soon This is Jordan’s Substack.
3 months ago
Style over Substance
How to use a Phase One H20 digital back on a medium format Hasselblad V camera (500EL/M) My newest purchase was a bit of a gamble. I bought a $500 Phase One H20 digital back for my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My newest purchase was a bit of a gamble. I bought a $500 Phase One H20 digital back for my Hasselblad 500EL/M medium format camera. Or, simply put, I bought an expensive old gadget for my even older analog camera, making it a digital camera. A gadget that was released in the...
Is ChatGPT the next Dropbox or the next iPhone? Ed Zitron on his Where's Your Ed At blog: There Is No AI Revolution I kept coming back to one...
a week ago
a week ago
Ed Zitron on his Where's Your Ed At blog: There Is No AI Revolution I kept coming back to one thought: where's the money? No, really, where is it? Where is the money that this supposedly revolutionary, world-changing industry is making, and will make? The answer
Performance monitoring using dstat I'd like to introduce the utility 'dstat'. Dstat provides detailed statistics about what is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'd like to introduce the utility 'dstat'. Dstat provides detailed statistics about what is currently happening on your Linux box. Dstat allows you to monitor the system load, disk troughput, disk io, network bandwith, and many more items. Dstat is so valuable because it...
Jonas Hietala
What's up It’s been a while again since the last time we met mr. Blog. I’ve been busy with school and other...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been a while again since the last time we met mr. Blog. I’ve been busy with school and other stuff. I’ve thought about you but I just never really picked up emacs to write to you. I know it’s my fault but I beg of your mercy mr. Blog. You know that I had laid off school for...
How to make digital copies of your old video tapes Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This is a short overview of one way to take your old video tapes and make digital copies of their contents. To get started, you will need the following: old video tapes that you want to make copies of (VHS and its variants) a device that can read analog AV signals...
Applied Cartography
11ty .njk as the default templating language is an odd choice, and I find myself stubbing my toe on it a...
a year ago
a year ago
.njk as the default templating language is an odd choice, and I find myself stubbing my toe on it a good amount. Maybe that's a me thing! It is extremely fast. This site has around 2300 pages; Eleventy is compiling it in around two seconds. The extensibility ergonomics are...
watchTowr Labs
The Best Security Is When We All Agree To Keep Everything Secret (Except The Secrets) - NAKIVO... As an industry, we believe that we’ve come to a common consensus after 25 years of circular debates...
a week ago
a week ago
As an industry, we believe that we’ve come to a common consensus after 25 years of circular debates - disclosure is terrible, information is actually dangerous, it’s best that it’s not shared, and the only way to really to ensure that no one ever
Willem's Blog
Cash is king, or is it? Is the time right to ditch the wallet?
over a year ago
When friends act like enemies Bert Hubert writing on his blog (normally in Dutch, but this one’s in English): It Is No Longer Safe...
a week ago
a week ago
Bert Hubert writing on his blog (normally in Dutch, but this one’s in English): It Is No Longer Safe to Move Our Governments and Societies to US Clouds Written down like this, it seems pretty bizarre, and that’s because it is. It’s also not
How I treat my urge to hoard data The tagline for /r/datahoarder reads: “It’s A Digital Disease!”. I agree. At some point I realized...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The tagline for /r/datahoarder reads: “It’s A Digital Disease!”. I agree. At some point I realized that the pursuit to hoard all the things will just keep on consuming more and more of my time and money. Storage is cheap up until to a point, once you find yourself tracking hard...
Bose SoundLink on-ear headphones battery replacement Skip to the bottom two paragraph for instructions on how to replace the battery. I bought my Bose...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Skip to the bottom two paragraph for instructions on how to replace the battery. I bought my Bose SoundLink on-ear Bluetooth headphones for 250 Euros around 2017 and I really like them. They are small, light, comfortable and can easily fit in a coat pocket when folded. Up until...
Neato XV-15 / XV-11 Robotic Vacuum cleaner review Update 18 February 2012 There is one problem. When the robot is not connected to the charger, the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 18 February 2012 There is one problem. When the robot is not connected to the charger, the batteries are depleted very fast. Even if the batteries are not entirely depleted and the robot can still display the menu, the clock loses it's time. Every time the robot gets a too...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Glue and coprocessor architectures
6 months ago
Abort Retry Fail
The History of the IBM 5100 IBM's First Personal Computer
a year ago
Neil Madden
I still don’t really get “hash shucking” If you want to learn how to store passwords securely, you could do a lot worse than looking at the...
a year ago
a year ago
If you want to learn how to store passwords securely, you could do a lot worse than looking at the OWASP Password Storage Cheat Sheet. These cheat sheets are generally pretty good, and the password storage one is particularly good. The editors do a great job of keeping it up to...
Notes on software...
Intercepting and modifying Linux system calls with ptrace How software fails is interesting. But real-world errors can be infrequent to manifest....
a year ago
a year ago
How software fails is interesting. But real-world errors can be infrequent to manifest. Fault injection is a formal-sounding term that just means: trying to explicitly trigger errors in the hopes of discovering bad logic, typically during automated tests. Jepsen and ChaosMonkey...
How to escape file names in bash shell scripts After fighting with Bash for quite some time, I found out that the following code provides a nice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After fighting with Bash for quite some time, I found out that the following code provides a nice basis for escaping special characters. Ofcource it is not complete, but the most important characters are filtered. If anybody has a better solution, please let me know. It works and...
Applied Cartography
Tailwind black magic: styling paragraphs within tables The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's typography plugin — which makes it really easy to author beautiful docs in plaintext. We ran into one small issue, which is that the Markdoc renderer likes to place paragraph tags in table...
I finally found an use case for my Raspberry Pi Model B+ You have probably heard about the Raspberry Pi. It’s a nice little affordable single-board computer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You have probably heard about the Raspberry Pi. It’s a nice little affordable single-board computer with a huge community using it for all sorts of projects. I got my first Raspberry Pi, the Model B+, during my first year at university, which was around the winter of...
The trouble with openness Back in the early 2000s, there was this nebulous idea called the semantic web. It never really went...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Back in the early 2000s, there was this nebulous idea called the semantic web. It never really went anywhere, but I found it exciting at the time. One piece that particularly spoke to me was the notion of including data in websites so that web scrapers could easily get at it....
lcamtuf’s thing
Choosing an op-amp for your project Just say no to LM741.
2 months ago
Sequoia’s “Macintosh” screen saver and old Control Panels I was recently on-site with a client and noticed that one person was using the new “Macintosh”...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I was recently on-site with a client and noticed that one person was using the new “Macintosh” screen saver that was added in macOS Sequoia. If you haven’t seen it, here’s a video of it in action. I knew that the screen saver had released, but I was very happy with Relay’s St....
Posts on Made of...
Configuring dnsmasq with VMware Workstation I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love VMware workstation. I keep VMs around for basically every version of every major Linux distribution, and use them heavily for all kinds of kernel testing and development. This post is a quick writeup of my networking setup with VMware Workstation, using dnsmasq to assign...
Applied Cartography
Au revoir, Invoke It's not quite interesting or noteworthy enough to warrant a full-on essay, but yesterday we...
9 months ago
9 months ago
It's not quite interesting or noteworthy enough to warrant a full-on essay, but yesterday we unshipped the last remaining Invoke commands and ported them over to just. I think Invoke is a good, cool project, and I wish it well. If you're at the precise intersection of "you have...
Jonas Hietala
Tufte style sidenotes and marginnotes in Pollen When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved it for Pollen but felt it deserved it’s own post. A caveat: I generated Tufte CSS style sidenotes and marginnotes which made it more complex than if I had simply generated...
Computer Ads from...
Bomb Squad Peripherals' BLOWGUN It Could Have Been a Lot Worse - His Data is BLOWGUN Protected!
8 months ago
Jonas Hietala
The End of the Tunnel Lately I’ve been feeling like there’s been a shit-ton of stuff going on, quite a turn-around from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Lately I’ve been feeling like there’s been a shit-ton of stuff going on, quite a turn-around from the last time. One course about data structure and algorithms (super fun to be honest) has wrapped up. We thought we were ahead with the assignments but in the end it got very...
Posts on Made of...
Conkeror I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve recently switched to Conkeror as my primary browser. It started life as a Firefox extension, but nowadays it’s a standalone app built on top of Mozilla’s xulrunner, so it uses the Gecko rendering engine. What it is, is an emacs implemented in Javascript, for the web. This...
lcamtuf’s thing
UI is hell: four-function calculators One of the simplest and best-known computing devices on the planet is a fascinating study in...
a month ago
'Tool of the month: iftop - advanced bandwidth monitoring' The utility iftop allows you to monitor bandwidth usage. It is in some sense similar to tools like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The utility iftop allows you to monitor bandwidth usage. It is in some sense similar to tools like iptraf, dstat and bwm-ng. Iftop is more special than those. Because iftop lets you monitor the speed of individual TCP / UDP connections. Basically, you will be able to determine...
Jonas Hietala
Bitcoin's security isn't binary I’d like to address a misconception that’s at the core in many Bitcoin discussions lately: Bitcoin’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’d like to address a misconception that’s at the core in many Bitcoin discussions lately: Bitcoin’s security isn’t binary. In fact security in general isn’t black and white. It’s a trade-off being secure enough for your threat model vs the cost and feasibility of your...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Encapsulated vs systemic complexity in protocol design
over a year ago
Toni Lijic's Blog
2024 Year in Review Everything that happened to me this year
2 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates April 19
10 months ago
Notes on software...
A minimal distributed key-value database with Hashicorp's Raft library When I wrote the "build a distributed PostgreSQL proof of concept" post I first had to figure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I wrote the "build a distributed PostgreSQL proof of concept" post I first had to figure out how to use Hashicorp's Raft implementation. There weren't any examples I could find in the Hashicorp repo itself. And the only example I could find was Philip O'Toole's hraftd. It's...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Antenna diodes in the Pentium processor I was studying the silicon die of the Pentium processor and noticed some puzzling structures...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I was studying the silicon die of the Pentium processor and noticed some puzzling structures where signal lines were connected to the silicon substrate for no apparent reason. Two examples are in the photo below, where the metal wiring (orange) connects to small square regions of...
Home on Erik...
Implicit data and collaborative filtering A lot of people these days know about collaborative filtering. It's that Netflix Prize thing, right?...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot of people these days know about collaborative filtering. It's that Netflix Prize thing, right? People rate things 1-5 stars and then you have to predict missing ratings. While there's no doubt that the Netflix Prize was successful, I think it created an illusion that all...
Arduino Blog
DIY submersible pump controller helps retrieve well water It might surprise our urban-dwelling readers, but wells are still very common in rural areas where...
9 months ago
9 months ago
It might surprise our urban-dwelling readers, but wells are still very common in rural areas where it is difficult or prohibitively expensive to run utilities. The CDC reports that more than 15 million households rely on groundwater and wells — and that’s just in the United...
I held a talk about my self-hosting adventure! There are two reasons why I haven’t written much lately, and one of them is that I was cooking up...
a year ago
a year ago
There are two reasons why I haven’t written much lately, and one of them is that I was cooking up a talk about self-hosting, more specifically my own self-hosting adventure (the other one is the Steam Deck, more about that in the future). The talk took place on May 25th 2023 at...
Two flavours of open social media Yesterday, the Mastodon team announced it would be handing over control of its project to a new...
a month ago
a month ago
Yesterday, the Mastodon team announced it would be handing over control of its project to a new non-profit organization. The timing of this announcement is perfect given everything that’s happening with WordPress, Meta, and… well, everything else. To date, I think Eugen Rochko...
Jonas Hietala
The Little Things in Life It’s the little things in life that makes it extra special. Sometimes it’s the luxury of coffee...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s the little things in life that makes it extra special. Sometimes it’s the luxury of coffee together with the morning paper and other times it’s just a small simple smile from a random stranger, kid or dog. Today when I got this bad headache I got saved by a two hour nap and...
Apple’s 2024 report card: iPad This is the second in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the second in a series of posts reviewing Apple’s 2024 across their major product lines. I did this last year and you can read last year’s iPad report card here. iPad Pro I'm so happy I get to say it was a
Vitalik Buterin's...
On Path Independence
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
A Week of Headache This was supposed to be a productive week with lots and lots of Perl and Ada but instead I’ve had...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This was supposed to be a productive week with lots and lots of Perl and Ada but instead I’ve had this big headache all week, and some the week before and it’s gotten pretty bad so I can’t really concentrate on anything really. The electronics assignment was a bitch and it took a...
Home on Erik...
Luigi conquering the world I keep forgetting to buy a costume for Halloween every year, so this year I prepared and got myself...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I keep forgetting to buy a costume for Halloween every year, so this year I prepared and got myself a Luigi costume a month in advance. Only to realize I was going to be out of town the whole weekend.
Notes on software...
Interview With Phil of DataStation This is an external interview. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
lcamtuf’s thing
The 101 of analog signal filtering Some intuition about this topic can be developed without summoning the ghost of Pierre-Simon...
8 months ago
FFmpeg performance on a Core i7 920 @ 3.6 Ghz The system i'm running is a Core i7 920 @ 3.6 Ghz. I am transcoding a DVD (Grave Of The Fire Flies)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The system i'm running is a Core i7 920 @ 3.6 Ghz. I am transcoding a DVD (Grave Of The Fire Flies) to iPod format (640x480 x264). Thread support is enabled, to FFmpeg uses about 250% CPU. That's 2.5 of the 4 cores available. If possible, I would have liked to see it use all four...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON: Noise The build is going well and the printer is printing tons of random stuff and I’m generally in awe of...
a year ago
a year ago
The build is going well and the printer is printing tons of random stuff and I’m generally in awe of how cool the printer is. But there’s one thing that sucks: it’s damn loud. I knew that it wouldn’t be silent, but I wasn’t prepared for this kind of noise. Silent controller...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's decision to use the 8088 processor in the IBM PC (1981) was a critical point in computer history, leading to the success of the x86 architecture. The designers of the IBM PC selected...
'Linux RAID level and chunk size: the benchmarks' Introduction When configuring a Linux RAID array, the chunk size needs to get chosen. But what is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction When configuring a Linux RAID array, the chunk size needs to get chosen. But what is the chunk size? When you write data to a RAID array that implements striping (level 0, 5, 6, 10 and so on), the chunk of data sent to the array is broken down in to pieces, each part...
Home on Erik...
Luigi: complex pipelines of tasks in Python I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm shamelessly promoting my first major open source project. Luigi is a Python module that helps you build complex pipelines of batch jobs, handle dependency resolution, and create visualizations to help manage multiple workflows. It also comes with Hadoop support built in...
Odds and Ends of...
Four big US election takes: Yes, it was the woke stuff. Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Plus how to know when the Democrats are taking their problems seriously, the one good thing Trump might do, and why the polls were right
Vitalik Buterin's...
Having a safe CEX: proof of solvency and beyond
over a year ago
Electronics etc…
Zephyr Ravenna Control Board Replacement Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Blog post that probably has an audience of one, myself. Introduction Zephyr Ravenna - Confusing Information Two PCBs - Control Board & Switch Assembly Switch of the Breaker!!! Glass Canopy Removal Duct Cover Removal Swapping the Control...
Arduino Blog
On-body LEDs help this guitar rock harder You don’t go to watch a band play live for the audio quality — most venues are atrocious in that...
9 months ago
9 months ago
You don’t go to watch a band play live for the audio quality — most venues are atrocious in that regard. No, you go to enjoy the show as a whole and that includes the visuals. The more a band can do to make the performance look exciting, the more you’re going to enjoy it. […] The...
Jonas Hietala
ghc 8.8.3 cannot find cabal packages I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been using cabal to manage my Haskell dependencies for years, but when I last updated my system it suddenly stopped working. I installed my dependencies with cabal install xmonad, and checked that it’s installed under ~/.cabal: $ ls .cabal/bin/ xmonad@ But still when I...
Notes on software...
Enumerating and analyzing 40+ non-V8 JavaScript implementations V8 is, I'm sure, the most used implementation of JavaScript today. Used in Chrome, (and by...
over a year ago
over a year ago
V8 is, I'm sure, the most used implementation of JavaScript today. Used in Chrome, (and by extension) Microsoft Edge, Node.js, etc. Safari's JavaScriptCore and Firefox's SpiderMonkey are also contenders for extremely mainstream implementations. But what else is out there? What if...
Abishek Muthian
Time-constrained person Time is a human constructfor now, integral to both personal life and the well being of the society...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Time is a human constructfor now, integral to both personal life and the well being of the society at large. From waking up to the alarm in the morning to going to sleep on time so we could wake up to that alarm, We've come with average amount of time to do all tasks. If suddenly...
Abishek Muthian
The common theme is focus Meditation, Mindfulness, Flow etc. The common theme seems to be 'Focus'. Focus is a key component...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Meditation, Mindfulness, Flow etc. The common theme seems to be 'Focus'. Focus is a key component for mental health, Yet it has been made very expensive thanks to constant assault on our senses by the corporations who would then sell their 'Mindfulness' app back to us. Chat apps...
Home on Erik...
Top posts These are some blog posts which have gotten a disproportionate amount of traffic (10,000+ page...
over a year ago
over a year ago
These are some blog posts which have gotten a disproportionate amount of traffic (10,000+ page views): 2024 It's hard to write code for computers, but it's even harder to write code for humans 2023 Simple sabotage for software 2022 We are still early with the cloud: why...
Applied Cartography
Becoming Trader Joe (Shout out to Red Queen Podcast for introducing me to this book.) Becoming Trader Joe is, more than...
a month ago
a month ago
(Shout out to Red Queen Podcast for introducing me to this book.) Becoming Trader Joe is, more than any other business book (certainly any other business memoir), a turpentine book. There is interesting philosophy and retrospective here — and Coloumbe, whether through earnestness...
Posts on Made of...
Indices point between elements If you’re familiar with nearly any mainstream programming language, and I asked you to draw a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’re familiar with nearly any mainstream programming language, and I asked you to draw a diagram of an array, the array indices, and the array elements, odds are good you’d produce a diagram something like this: In this post, I want to persuade you to replace that image, or,...
Posts on Made of...
Tracking down a memory leak in Ruby's EventMachine At Stripe, we rely heavily on ruby and EventMachine to power various internal and external services....
over a year ago
over a year ago
At Stripe, we rely heavily on ruby and EventMachine to power various internal and external services. Over the last several months, we’ve known that one such service suffered from a gradual memory leak, that would cause its memory usage to gradually balloon from a normal ~50MB to...
Avestura's Blog
Problems of C, and how Zig addresses them What are the problems of C, and how Zig addresses them?
a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Focusing Attention: Drawing In my last post I wrote about some ideas and projects I have and how it’s a little bit too much at a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my last post I wrote about some ideas and projects I have and how it’s a little bit too much at a time, so now I’m going to try something new here. In the beginning of every week I’ll declare something I’ll be focusing on and then that’s the only thing I should focus on on my...
'Tip of the day for every Linux or Unix user: brace expantion' Searching the web I discovered some really nice feature of the unix shell, which I didn't know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Searching the web I discovered some really nice feature of the unix shell, which I didn't know about. Try this: touch foobar.conf Now try this: cp foobar.conf{,.bak} It is equivalent to: cp foobar.conf foobar.conf.bak This is also the easiest way to create sequences. Do not use...
Jonas Hietala
Ludum Dare 22 Here I Come The time has finally come. After more than three hours of exam writing, and almost double spent on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The time has finally come. After more than three hours of exam writing, and almost double spent on studying for it, I am now ready to declare my entry into Ludum Dare 22! I’ve been away far too long, with my entries for the 17th and the 20th dare being almost a century away, the...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing ElevationDock 4! Well we started from scratch this time... :) ElevationDock 4 is the result of designing every...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Well we started from scratch this time... :) ElevationDock 4 is the result of designing every feature that we & our customers wanted into the dock. We made the adjustment not only more precise than any other dock, but easier too. It works out of the box, no cord mounting...
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Revenue-Evil Curve: a different way to think about prioritizing public goods funding
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Changes A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but there are things I’d like to change after the exam period this week. Program more! nothing since christmas or someting. I need to finish: Ada project for school. Can’t believe I...
Lighthouse Blog
Overview of content
9 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Evolution of RTS games Introduction This is an essay for the course Game Design and I’m going to give you a ride through...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This is an essay for the course Game Design and I’m going to give you a ride through the evolution of RTS game genre. I like RTS games and I’ve played them for as long as I can remember, from the classic Red Alert and Age of Empires to the newer Supreme Commander and...
Home on Erik...
In defense of false positives (why you can't fail with A/B tests) Many years ago, I used to think that A/B tests were foolproof and all you need to do is compare the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many years ago, I used to think that A/B tests were foolproof and all you need to do is compare the metrics for the two groups. The group with the highest conversion rate wins, right?
Arduino Blog
This belt grinder uses an Arduino Opta micro PLC A mainstay in most machine shops, the belt grinder assists in greatly increasing the speed at which...
5 months ago
5 months ago
A mainstay in most machine shops, the belt grinder assists in greatly increasing the speed at which parts can be ground down in a safer, more controlled manner compared to an angle grinder. As an effort to build a tool like this one for the first time, Julien Alexandre chose to...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Amazon is complicit with counterfeiting (updated) When someone goes to the lengths of making counterfeits of your products, it's at least a sign...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When someone goes to the lengths of making counterfeits of your products, it's at least a sign you're doing something right. And it deserves a minute of flattery. But when Chinese counterfeiters tool up and make copies of your product, send that inventory to Amazon, then overtake...
This blog is now running on solar power Introduction This blog is now running on solar power. I've put a solar panel on my balcony, which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This blog is now running on solar power. I've put a solar panel on my balcony, which is connected to a solar charge controller. This device charges an old worn-out car battery and provides power to a Raspberry Pi ~~3b+~~ 4B, which in turn powers this (static)...
Home on Erik...
What's up with music recommendations? I just answered a Quora question about what, if any, are the differences in the algorithms that are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just answered a Quora question about what, if any, are the differences in the algorithms that are behind recommendations for music and movies. Of course, every media type is different. For instance, there's fundamental reasons why latent factor models works really well for...
Simply Explained
Home Energy Monitor: V2 My DIY home energy monitor has been running for almost a year now. It's been recording my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My DIY home energy monitor has been running for almost a year now. It's been recording my electricity consumption every second and everything is neatly archived in my AWS account.Still, though, there is room for improvement. It's time to look back, evaluate & improve the design....
Anzu Castle Gracula Turns out you can release a QBasic game on Steam if it’s packaged correctly. Beside being a nerdy...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Turns out you can release a QBasic game on Steam if it’s packaged correctly. Beside being a nerdy oddity, this game is extremely well made and quite fun! Lots of Castlevania II vibes going on here. Check out Anzu Castle Gracula on Steam, or give it a shot on Itch.io.
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Note On Charity Through Marginal Price Discrimination
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
This perplexing robotic performer operates under the control of three different Arduino boards Every decade or two, humanity seems to develop a renewed interest in humanoid robots and their...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Every decade or two, humanity seems to develop a renewed interest in humanoid robots and their potential within our world. Because the practical applications are actually pretty limited (given the high cost), we inevitably begin to consider how those robots might function as...
Notes on software...
Writing an x86 emulator from scratch in JavaScript: 1. a stack and register machine Better yet, take a look at this post walking through emulating x86 ELF binaries in Go: Emulating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Better yet, take a look at this post walking through emulating x86 ELF binaries in Go: Emulating linux/AMD64 userland: interpreting an ELF binary 2. system calls In this post we'll create a small virtual machine in JavaScript and use it to run a simple C program compiled...
Notes on software...
HTML event handler attributes: down the rabbit hole This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
Interesting BiCMOS circuits in the Pentium, reverse-engineered Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, establishing a long-running brand of...
a month ago
a month ago
Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, establishing a long-running brand of processors. Earlier, I wrote about the ROM in the Pentium's floating point unit that holds constants such as π. In this post, I'll look at some interesting circuits associated with this...
Posts on Made of...
Three kinds of memory leaks So, you’ve got a program that’s using more and more over time as it runs. Probably you can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So, you’ve got a program that’s using more and more over time as it runs. Probably you can immediately identify this as a likely symptom of a memory leak. But when we say “memory leak”, what do we actually mean? In my experience, apparent memory leaks divide into three broad...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Joining Spotify in Sweden Image source Life in Japan All the things that I knew about Japan turned out to be true, as soon as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Image source Life in Japan All the things that I knew about Japan turned out to be true, as soon as I arrived here 8 months ago. Japan is a…
Willem's Blog
Hospitalised with MCADD This week our son was hospitalised because a regular illness caused him to keep vomiting, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week our son was hospitalised because a regular illness caused him to keep vomiting, a dangerous situation if you're diagnosed with MCADD.
Compiling Multicore PAR2 on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Precise Pangolin If you want to compile PAR2 with multicore support on Linux, it may not work right away from source....
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you want to compile PAR2 with multicore support on Linux, it may not work right away from source. I used this version of PAR2 with multicore support. Update 2015: the original link is dead, I foud a copy of the source and put it on my own site here for you to download. First,...
Arduino Blog
Meet Real Robot One V2: A mini DIY industrial robot arm Started in 2022 as an exploration of what’s possible in the field of DIY robotics, Pavel Surynek’s...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Started in 2022 as an exploration of what’s possible in the field of DIY robotics, Pavel Surynek’s Real Robot One (RR1) project is a fully-featured 6+1-axis robot arm based on 3D-printed parts and widely available electronics. The initial release was constructed with PETG...
Applied Cartography
Use Rails I have a good number of people ask me what software stack they should use. I always have a two-part...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I have a good number of people ask me what software stack they should use. I always have a two-part answer: Use what you're familiar with. If there's something that you've spent a good amount of time using, stick with that one. Rails. People are usually surprised when I say this...
The absolute state of Bluetooth audio in 2022 I have the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. They’re good for consuming content. Audio calls with your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have the Sony WH-1000XM3 headphones. They’re good for consuming content. Audio calls with your colleagues? Forget about it. This is the setup I have to go with, and it has all to do with how Bluetooth works. Your options with Bluetooth headsets are the following: high quality...
Cool links This is an unsorted list of links that I find to be cool. slow roads sit back, relax and let the AI...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is an unsorted list of links that I find to be cool. slow roads sit back, relax and let the AI do all the driving or don’t, I’m not your dad
Posts on Made of...
Finding near-duplicates with Jaccard similarity and MinHash Suppose we have a large collection of documents, and we wish you identify which documents are...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Suppose we have a large collection of documents, and we wish you identify which documents are approximately the same as each other. For instance, we may have crawled the web over some period of time, and expect to have fetched the “same page” several times, but to see slight...
Willem's Blog
Moving to the countryside Join me on a journey from the bustle of Amsterdam to the tranquility of Noord-Limburg's countryside.
over a year ago
over a year ago
Join me on a journey from the bustle of Amsterdam to the tranquility of Noord-Limburg's countryside.
Home on Erik...
What I have been working on: Modal Long story short: I'm working on a super cool tool called Modal. Please check it out — it lets you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Long story short: I'm working on a super cool tool called Modal. Please check it out — it lets you run things in the cloud without having to think about infrastructure. Scaling out, scheduling, containerization, using GPUs, setting up webhooks, and all kinds of other stuff.
Jonas Hietala
2013 in Review The year is almost over and I think I accomplished a lot this year. You can read my reviews of 2010,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The year is almost over and I think I accomplished a lot this year. You can read my reviews of 2010, 2011 and 2012. 2013 Geek Achievements Solved 213 UVa problems. Got 43rd at NWERC 2013. Placed high in IMPA, with one turn won. Completed the online course Programming Languages in...
Jonas Hietala
October theme says: Numbers New month and a new theme. As with the two previous games I’m following The Experimental Gameplay...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New month and a new theme. As with the two previous games I’m following The Experimental Gameplay Project theme which this month is numbers. What’s it gonna be? A sudoku game or something more… thrilling? I’ll see what I can do :)
Home on Erik...
Simple sabotage for software CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out...
a year ago
a year ago
CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out various ways for infiltrators to ruin productivity of a company. Some of the advice is timeless, for instance the section about “General interference with Organizations and...
20 disk 18 TB RAID 6 storage based on Debian Linux This system is no longer operational and has been decomissioned (2017) This is my NAS storage server...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This system is no longer operational and has been decomissioned (2017) This is my NAS storage server based on Debian Linux. It uses software RAID and 20 one terrabyte hard drives. It provides a total usable storage capacity of 18 terrabytes in a single RAID 6 array. One of the...
Matt Mullenweg
Hash tables “You didn’t just come up with a cool hash table,” he remembers telling Krapivin. “You’ve actually...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
“You didn’t just come up with a cool hash table,” he remembers telling Krapivin. “You’ve actually completely wiped out a 40-year-old conjecture!” There’s a delightful article on an undergraduate discovering an optimization in a very basic computer science principle.
Buck on Software
Thinking incrementally about SaaS An overview of the key output of the growth software machine
over a year ago
computers are bad
2023-06-07 something up there - nasa and uaps A brief note on Grusch First, a disclaimer of sorts: I am posting another article on UAPs, yet I...
a year ago
a year ago
A brief note on Grusch First, a disclaimer of sorts: I am posting another article on UAPs, yet I am not addressing the recent claims by David Grusch. This is for a couple of reasons. First, I am skeptical of Grusch. He is not the first seemingly well-positioned former...
Axio.ms site refresh This is the obligatory “first post on new platform” post, coupled with a bit of “first post in 4...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the obligatory “first post on new platform” post, coupled with a bit of “first post in 4 years, I’m still alive”. The original axio.ms site was a very HTML1.0 affair and while this was kind of intentional-tongue-in-cheek-chic, it was also a PITA to update. It wasn’t...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 22
11 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Quick Gasprice Market Analysis
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
3D in D3 I have spent some time lately with D3. It's a lot of fun to build interactive graphs. See for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have spent some time lately with D3. It's a lot of fun to build interactive graphs. See for instance this demo (will provide a longer writeup soon). D3 doesn't have support for 3D but you can do projections into 2D pretty easily.
computers are bad
2024-10-26 buy payphones and retire PAYPHONES at High Volume Existing sites! Earn BIG $$. Money Back Guarantee! Dropshipping AliExpress...
4 months ago
4 months ago
PAYPHONES at High Volume Existing sites! Earn BIG $$. Money Back Guarantee! Dropshipping AliExpress watches, AI-generated SEO spam websites... marginally legal and ethical passive income schemes, that serve to generate that income mostly for their promoters, can feel like a...
Willem's Blog
Different ways to visualise health To better understand how to visualise health I looked at different health/fitness apps and games.
over a year ago
Using ncat to provide SSL-support to non-ssl capable software Sometimes, people are using software that does not support encrypted connections using SSL. To...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes, people are using software that does not support encrypted connections using SSL. To provide SSL-support to such a client, ncat can be used. Ncat is part of nmap, the famous port-scanner. The main principle is that the non-ssl capable software does not connect to the...
Notes on software...
Starting a minimal Common Lisp project If you've only vaguely heard of Lisp before or studied Scheme in school, Common Lisp is nothing like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you've only vaguely heard of Lisp before or studied Scheme in school, Common Lisp is nothing like what you'd expect. While functional programming is all the rage in Scheme, Common Lisp was "expressly designed to be a real-world engineering language rather than a theoretically...
Quest towards energy efficiency part 1: the water heater While listening to the SelfHosted podcast, one of the hosts brought up their peculiar...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While listening to the SelfHosted podcast, one of the hosts brought up their peculiar living arrangement multiple times. Essentially, he and his family are living in an RV that runs off of batteries, has solar panels, utilizes Home Assistant for automation, supports multiple...
Jonas Hietala
IDA Summer of Code 2014 IDA Summer of Code is Linköping University’s response to Google Summer of Code. Students can send in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
IDA Summer of Code is Linköping University’s response to Google Summer of Code. Students can send in a project of their choice and if selected they get paid to work on it for 4 weeks during the summer. In return the university get to show off the students and their projects in...
Rebooting results in degraded RAID array using Debian Lenny As described earlier, I setup a RAID 6 array consisting of physical 1 TB disk and 'virtual' 1 TB...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As described earlier, I setup a RAID 6 array consisting of physical 1 TB disk and 'virtual' 1 TB disks that are in fact two 0.5 TB disks in RAID 0.  I wanted to upgrade to Lenny because the new kernel that ships with Lenny supports growing a RAID 6 array. After installing Lenny...
Odds and Ends of...
The social justice case for self-driving cars Abundant mobility should be a moral crusade
2 months ago
Willem's Blog
Developing a native iOS app How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with...
10 months ago
10 months ago
How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with some help from AI? Read along to find out!
Lighthouse Blog
Lighthouse now integrates with mobile reader apps
8 months ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Base Layers And Functionality Escape Velocity
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
HandCash handles require trust and are insecure The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The HandCash wallet has recently become a popular Bitcoin Cash wallet in large part thanks to their $handle concept. It’s basically a username you use instead of the normal Bitcoin Cash address, similar to how domain names abstract away IP addresses. For example instead of...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 1.0 Vaporware
a year ago
Electronics etc…
An In-Depth Look at the ICE-V Wireless FPGA Development Board Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The ICE-V Wireless FPGA Board Preloading the PSRAM with User Data The Overall Boot Process UART Console Getting Started with the ICE-V Wireless Board for Real Reinstalling or Modifying the ESP32C3 Firmware The RISC-V Example FPGA Design Compiling the RISC-V Example...
Applied Cartography
44% If you spend enough time digesting hackneyed business or self-improvement advice, you've probably...
10 months ago
10 months ago
If you spend enough time digesting hackneyed business or self-improvement advice, you've probably seen someone wax poetic about the following image: This is meant to be an illustration of the power of incrementalism (often referred to as kaizen when the writer is trying to be...
An affordable server platform based on server-grade hardware Updated post (June 2014) found HERE There are some reasons why you should consider buying true...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Updated post (June 2014) found HERE There are some reasons why you should consider buying true server-grade harware when building a server, wether it's for home or business use. This is why I want to introduce you to the Supermicro X9SCM-F motherboard. This motherboard costs...
Applied Cartography
You gotta be able to taste the kool-aid Cognition, a six-month-old startup in the AI coding space just raised $175m at a $2b...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Cognition, a six-month-old startup in the AI coding space just raised $175m at a $2b valuation: Despite the skepticism surrounding Devin’s launch, the AI coding assistant has shown promising results. According to the SWE-Bench benchmark, which evaluates AI models on software...
Jorge Arango
Prescriptive and Descriptive Information Architectures There are two stances you can take toward language in your website or app: prescriptive or...
2 months ago
2 months ago
There are two stances you can take toward language in your website or app: prescriptive or descriptive. Which you choose influences the system’s understandability and findability. The terms come from linguistics. I heard about them in a radio show (or was it a podcast?) many...
Jonas Hietala
Beginning Programming I read a wonderful post, 3 Things I hate about “beginner” programming books, which I couldn’t agree...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I read a wonderful post, 3 Things I hate about “beginner” programming books, which I couldn’t agree more with. Basically he has these points: Too long Too many examples like “Hello World!” No answers to exercises. Nr 1 is a pretty curious one. Even though I think a book is good,...
csvbase blog
I didn't write any Javascript, and other shortcuts Getting it done by not doing a lot of it
a year ago
TikTok is gone for at least a couple days, so here's some YouTube videos to stave off the boredom I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on...
a month ago
a month ago
I don't use TikTok so I have no idea, but presumably some people are like "what do I even watch on my phone now?" LegalEagle with a good explainer over what's happening. For the record, I think this sucks and isn't how
Arduino Blog
Making a car more secure with the Arduino Nicla Vision Shortly after attending a recent tinyML workshop in Sao Paolo, Brazil, Joao Vitor Freitas da Costa...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Shortly after attending a recent tinyML workshop in Sao Paolo, Brazil, Joao Vitor Freitas da Costa was looking for a way to incorporate some of the technologies and techniques he learned into a useful project. Given that he lives in an area which experiences elevated levels of...
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course Week 8: Ancient Egypt Week 8 of my humanities crash course focused on ancient Egypt with musical excursions to modern...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Week 8 of my humanities crash course focused on ancient Egypt with musical excursions to modern North Africa. I also finally saw an astonishing opera I’d heard countless times but had never seen. The internet delivers! Readings Rather than a specific text, like the Odyssey or the...
Never Met a Science
There's Gold in Them Thar Reels Selling Gold Rushes
4 months ago
Construction Physics
Do U.S. Ports Need More Automation? On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily...
5 months ago
5 months ago
On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily dockworkers on East and Gulf Coast ports, went on strike after failing to agree contract terms with USMX, an alliance of port operators and employers.
Jonas Hietala
An Epic Start Oh what a mistake. I woke up at 05.00 when my girlfriend woke up, she’s working early today, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Oh what a mistake. I woke up at 05.00 when my girlfriend woke up, she’s working early today, and went to the bathroom. After I was done, still pretty tired, I made a big mistake. I checked the current theme for Ludum Dare 29: Beneath the Surface and guess what? Now I wasn’t tired...
Arduino Blog
Shop vac becomes a Roomba on steroids A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A robotic vacuum, such as a Roomba, offers a lot of convenience. Instead of having to vacuum and sweep your own floors, you have a little maid robot to do the job for you. But these devices have very little power and capacity, which makes them useless for anything other than...
Abishek Muthian
Could we be living in the virtual reality as a punishment ? Well, come-on you should know upfront that I’m not going to be writing about some ground breaking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Well, come-on you should know upfront that I’m not going to be writing about some ground breaking research I conduct at my basement laboratory resulting in conclusive proof of Brain in a vat , if so I would rather be writing a Nobel prize acceptance speech. Now you could ask me,...
Notes on software...
A write-ahead log is not a universal part of durability A database does not need a write-ahead log (WAL) to achieve durability. A database can write its...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A database does not need a write-ahead log (WAL) to achieve durability. A database can write its long-term data structure durably to disk before returning to a client. Granted, this is a bad idea! And granted, a WAL is critical for durability by design in most databases. But I...
Notes on software...
Writing to be read There is a common struggle in the writing and maintenance of documentation, checklists, emails,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a common struggle in the writing and maintenance of documentation, checklists, emails, guides, etc. Each provides immense value; a document may be the key to an important process. The goal is to remove barriers -- to encourage understanding and correct application of...
Engineers Need Art
Op-Amp Helper PCB A PCB for breadboards to make working with op-amps easier.
a year ago
Notes on software...
Generating a REST API from a database I recently published an alpha version of a code generation tool, DBCore, that reads a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently published an alpha version of a code generation tool, DBCore, that reads a database schema from PostgreSQL or MySQL and generates an entire Go API with CRUD operations, pagination, filtering, and authentication. But more than just generating code like xo/xo or...
Engineers Need Art
VPX Scripting - Part 5 (DOF) Some light Visual Pinball debugging and the world of DOF. New to DOF? Read on.
10 months ago
Abishek Muthian
False Accusation False accusation for children especially if the accusation goes totally against their values can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
False accusation for children especially if the accusation goes totally against their values can have profound negative consequences. When I was in grade school(early 2000, India), I went out to take a photo-copy(xerox) of a study material in a shop nearby school. After I...
Home on Erik...
Predicting solar eclipses with Python As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute...
11 months ago
11 months ago
As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I was able to get something half-decent working in a couple of hours.
El Salvador gives up on Bitcoin The Tico Times: El Salvador Abandons Bitcoin as Legal Tender After Failed Experiment Bitcoin was...
a month ago
a month ago
The Tico Times: El Salvador Abandons Bitcoin as Legal Tender After Failed Experiment Bitcoin was never used by most Salvadorans, its modern city was never built, and now it will cease to be legal tender in El Salvador, the first country in the world to adopt it in 2021: a
Odds and Ends of...
Just Stop Oil is doing more harm for the cause than good Mitigating climate change requires more than poems and protest
2 weeks ago
Home on Erik...
We are still early with the cloud: why software development is overdue for a change This is is in many respects a successor to a blog post I wrote last year about what I want from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is is in many respects a successor to a blog post I wrote last year about what I want from software infrastructure, but the ideas morphed in my head into something sort of wider.
Neil Madden
Parse, don’t type-check There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There’s a fantastic article from last year titled Parse, don’t validate. I’d highly recommend it to any programmer (along with the more recent follow up Names are not type safety). The basic idea is that there are two ways to check that some input to a function is valid: A...
The Fedora Linux starter pack: everything you need for a smooth experience I like Fedora Linux. It’s the Linux distro that stopped my habit of distro-hopping. Big deal? Ooh,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I like Fedora Linux. It’s the Linux distro that stopped my habit of distro-hopping. Big deal? Ooh, big deal! It’s stable in day-to-day use, ships with up-to-date software, and the software selection is adequate out of the box. It also ships with a fresh Linux kernel version1,...
Jonas Hietala
Resurrection Aah what a nice summer! It was nice to be back in Övertorneå, doing nothing in particular. Just not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Aah what a nice summer! It was nice to be back in Övertorneå, doing nothing in particular. Just not having to make lunch and dinner every day is such a relief, and if you do slip up food with grandma or Veronica’s parents is only a phone call away. I watched TV, played...
The little Wi-Fi AP that could I have a bad habit of testing things whenever a “good” idea pops into my head. This is a short...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a bad habit of testing things whenever a “good” idea pops into my head. This is a short overview of one of them. The Orange Pi Zero is a SBC (single board computer) that has a slow 32-bit ARM 4 core CPU, 512MB of RAM and no display output. It’s actually quite OK for many...
Notes on software...
On NYC, Tokyo and Seoul I’ve lived in NYC for the past year — moved here after years in Philly and after growing up in a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve lived in NYC for the past year — moved here after years in Philly and after growing up in a rural community a few hours west of there. My wife is South Korean and last week concluded my second trip to the suburbs of Seoul to visit her family. We finished up that trip with a...
Superhuman’s next big update looks very compelling On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
On the Superhuman blog: The Next Evolution of Superhuman AI 💖 Custom Auto Labels. Our built-in Auto Labels are great, but what's even better is making your own. Just write a prompt, like “job applications” or “requests for me to review work”. You can
Arduino Blog
Turn your old Android smartphone into an Arduino screen with the RemoteXY app Each component you add to your Arduino project increases its complexity and the opportunity for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Each component you add to your Arduino project increases its complexity and the opportunity for mistakes. But most projects require some “auxiliary” hardware — components that you use to interact with the Arduino or to help it do the job you’re asking of it. Buttons and displays...
Willem's Blog
Workout data in 3D I had this idea to use ThreeJS to visualise workout data from a recent run, read along to see what...
2 days ago
2 days ago
I had this idea to use ThreeJS to visualise workout data from a recent run, read along to see what I've created.
Abishek Muthian
On Apple slowing down its phones Build world’s best smartphone CPU & release a CPU governor to slow it down via software update...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Build world’s best smartphone CPU & release a CPU governor to slow it down via software update 😑 This isn’t an isolated incident, Li-ion batteries have been plaguing the tech industry. While other parts of the smartphone like displays, compute power, data transfer, storage...
computers are bad
2024-06-02 consumer electronics control In a previous episode, I discussed audio transports and mention that they have become a much less...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In a previous episode, I discussed audio transports and mention that they have become a much less important part of the modern home theater landscape. One reason is the broad decline of the component system: most consumers aren't buying a television, home theater receiver,...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #51: Transport for London made a terrible decision and I hope they reverse it Plus Britain's broken car market, what the LibDems should do next and how some lefty institutions...
2 months ago
Greater Still by...
In Defense of the New The future is being crafted out on the edge. Are you paying attention?
9 months ago
Applied Cartography
Bozos Kevin Twohy has a list of heuristics for new projects/clients, and my favorite is simple: No Bozos....
4 months ago
4 months ago
Kevin Twohy has a list of heuristics for new projects/clients, and my favorite is simple: No Bozos. Simple policy. No exceptions. You know it when you see it. Every founder has a story about the time that they ignored the red flags and bent over backwards for a particularly...
Simply Explained
Retrospective: My Fifth Year on YouTube For the past 4 years, I have made a habit of reflecting on the previous year and set goals for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past 4 years, I have made a habit of reflecting on the previous year and set goals for the new year. This year is no exception, but now I try to set better goals while reflecting on some personal things in life.
Jonas Hietala
Installing Krita on Slackware 14.1 This is a guide on how to build Krita on Slackware 14.1. This is based on this guide for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a guide on how to build Krita on Slackware 14.1. This is based on this guide for linux. removepkg calligra Install some dependencies from Slackbuilds. gsl libgexiv2 libpqxx pstoedit Get Krita. The original guide recommends building in ~/kde4 but I moved i to...
Notes on software...
Analyzing large JSON files via partial JSON parsing This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Maze Mice I was late to the party, but I played Luck Be a Landlord last year and really enjoyed it. It’s a...
a week ago
a week ago
I was late to the party, but I played Luck Be a Landlord last year and really enjoyed it. It’s a deckbuilder where you build combos by manipulating the icons in your custom slot machine. I linked above to the Steam page, but it’s on just about every platform — I played through it...
Lighthouse Blog
Updates March 15
12 months ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates April 05
11 months ago
How to determine which process causes IO ? There is a nifty little program called 'iotop'. Iotop is part of Debian or Ubuntu and can be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a nifty little program called 'iotop'. Iotop is part of Debian or Ubuntu and can be installed with a simple apt-get. Once you have determined with 'top' that the system is waiting on IO-access, It is nice to know which process is responsibe for this IO. Therefore, you...
Home on Erik...
Annoying blog post I spent a couple of hours this weekend going through some pull requests and issues to Annoy, which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spent a couple of hours this weekend going through some pull requests and issues to Annoy, which is an open source C++/Python library for Approximate Nearest Neighbor search. I set up Travis-CI integration and spent some time on one of the issues that multiple people had...
Construction Physics
Why Skyscrapers Became Glass Boxes Everything put into the building that is unnecessary, every cubic foot that is used for purely...
a month ago
a month ago
Everything put into the building that is unnecessary, every cubic foot that is used for purely ornamental purposes beyond that needed to express its use and to make it harmonize with others of its class, is a waste — is, to put it in plain English, perverting someone’s money —...
Notes on software...
Make small changes and solve the problems you have Two frustrating things that can happen in an organization are 1) big changes and 2) changes that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Two frustrating things that can happen in an organization are 1) big changes and 2) changes that aren’t clearly associated with a known problem. It’s even worse in that order. These situations tend to happen when a problem remain unaddressed for too long. These situations tend to...
Arduino Blog
“Catch me if you can!” — How Alvik learns to dodge trouble with AI, featuring Roni Bandini Have you ever discovered a cool piece of tech buried in your drawer and thought, “This could make...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Have you ever discovered a cool piece of tech buried in your drawer and thought, “This could make for an awesome project”? That’s exactly what happened to Roni Bandini, maker, writer, electronics artist – and Arduino Alvik Star!  Bandini began coding at 10 years old, and has...
Lion's Disk Utility not compatible with CoreStorage and Filevault My 1 TB hard drive of my 2011 27" iMac was partitioned with: A bootable partition with Mac OS X...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My 1 TB hard drive of my 2011 27" iMac was partitioned with: A bootable partition with Mac OS X Lion Time machine partition (I use an external SSD as my main OS) Bootcamp partition with windows A data partition containg... data. The problem is that CoreStorage is too new. Disk...
Is there an easy and secure way to transfer files? Many organisations just assume that the local physical network is trusted. That their network...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many organisations just assume that the local physical network is trusted. That their network equipment is physically secure and that it is impossible for an attacker to get on the wire and start eavesdropping on network traffic. Many organisations do not seem too concerned about...
Abishek Muthian
Powering Xbox OneX using ATX power supply My post-warranty Xbox One X power supply went kaput, Microsoft wanted me to visit a walk-in center...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My post-warranty Xbox One X power supply went kaput, Microsoft wanted me to visit a walk-in center 500 Km (~ 300 Mi) away and exchange it for a new one for ~ 250 USD. I couldn't find replacement power supply online where I live and shipping it from abroad was risky on several...
Jonas Hietala
Coconut Cauliflower Curry Mash It’s time for lesson 3. I made the mistake of not planning for something to augment the mash with,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s time for lesson 3. I made the mistake of not planning for something to augment the mash with, but a simple salad had to do: It was okay. Girlfriend gave it 5/10 and I gave it a 6/10, a higher rating would be possible if there was something else to eat it with.
Computer Ads from...
Ampere WS-1 A cool Japanese clamtop
11 months ago
Home on Erik...
Scala Data Pipelines for Music Recommendations Chris Johnson‘s presentation from Data Day Texas:
over a year ago
Matt Mullenweg
Scale In high school when 5% of your class doesn’t like you it’s like 3-5 people. Running a company of...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
In high school when 5% of your class doesn’t like you it’s like 3-5 people. Running a company of 1,700+ when 5% doesn’t like you, that’s 85 people! That fills a room. 150k followers and 5% don’t like you now you have a small stadium of 7,500 people. It’s still 5%.
Posts on Made of...
Confessions of a programmer: I hate code review Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of the projects I've been working on today have fairly strict code review policies. My work requires code review on most of our code, and as we bring on an army of interns for the summer, I've been responsible for reviewing lots of code. Additionally, about five months ago...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 2.0 Success and Litigation
a year ago
Willem's Blog
Being a volunteer in Amsterdam-Zuidoost About my work as volunteer in the local community center in Amsterdam Zuidoost
over a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Design for Testability When designing a new software project, one is often faced with a glut of choices about how to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When designing a new software project, one is often faced with a glut of choices about how to structure it. What should the core abstractions be? How should they interact with each other? In this post, I want to argue for a design heuristic that I’ve found to be a useful guide to...
MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5 A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A microcontroller Macintosh This all started from a conversation about the RP2040 MCU, and building a simple desktop/GUI for it. I’d made a comment along the lines of “or, just run some old OS”, and it got me thinking about the original Macintosh. The original Macintosh was...
Home on Erik...
σ-driven project management: when is the optimal time to give up? Hi! It's your friendly project management theorician. You might remember me from blog posts such as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hi! It's your friendly project management theorician. You might remember me from blog posts such as Why software projects take longer than you think, which is a blog post I wrote a long time ago positing that software projects completion time follow a log-normal distribution.
The Pragmatic...
Are LLMs making StackOverflow irrelevant? Fresh data shows that the number of questions asked on StackOverflow are as low as they were back in...
a month ago
a month ago
Fresh data shows that the number of questions asked on StackOverflow are as low as they were back in 2009 – which was when StackOverflow was one years old. The drop suggests that ChatGPT – and LLMs – managed to make StackOverflow’s business model irrelevant in about two years’...
Arduino Blog
Making a photo enlarger more efficient with precisely controlled LEDs In photography, an enlarger is a piece of equipment that projects a smaller image onto a...
a week ago
a week ago
In photography, an enlarger is a piece of equipment that projects a smaller image onto a photosensitive material below using a strong light source and a negative to produce a much larger print. And while these have historically relied on single-color incandescent bulbs, such as...
Vitalik Buterin's...
What kind of layer 3s make sense?
over a year ago
Create a Markdown Portfolio with Next.js So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from platforms like Godly and Minimal Gallery, draw some rectangles in Figma, and open your text editor. You pause. There's thousands of ways to build your website, how do you decide which...
Notes on software...
Obsession In your professional and personal life, I don't believe there is a stronger motivation than having...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In your professional and personal life, I don't believe there is a stronger motivation than having something in mind and the desire to do it. Yet the natural way to deal with a desire to do something is to justify why it's not possible. "I want to read more books but nobody reads...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Multidimensional gas pricing
10 months ago
Jonas Hietala
A friendly game of Twilight Imperium A few weeks ago I played my first game of Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition). It was fantastic. We...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few weeks ago I played my first game of Twilight Imperium (Fourth Edition). It was fantastic. We were six players, most had played the third edition before. As I was quite hyped before the game, I had read up on the rules, watched a let’s play or two and listened to a podcast...
Jonas Hietala
The current T-34 keyboard layout I’ve been documenting my own keyboard layout in a series for a while now. But as the layout is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been documenting my own keyboard layout in a series for a while now. But as the layout is constantly changing it’s been difficult to piece together how the layout currently looks like, so this post tries to show how the layout looks right now in it’s entirety. If you want to...
Never Met a Science
How to Research New Media Effects As I approach my second decade studying digital media, there’s one thing I keep noticing:
9 months ago
Arduino Blog
Get notified of impending floods with this Arduino Nano 33 IoT-based display As climate change continues to worsen, events such as heavy rains, hurricanes, and atmospheric...
4 months ago
4 months ago
As climate change continues to worsen, events such as heavy rains, hurricanes, and atmospheric rivers have only intensified, and with them, large amounts of flooding that pose serious risks to life and property. Jude Pullen and Pete Milne, therefore, have responded by creating a...
Posts on Made of...
Property-Based Testing Is Fuzzing “Property-based testing” refers to the idea of writing statements that should be true of your code...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Property-based testing” refers to the idea of writing statements that should be true of your code (“properties”), and then using automated tooling to generate test inputs (typically, randomly-generated inputs of an appropriate type), and observe whether the properties hold for...
Computer Ads from...
ViaGrafix Computer Training Videos Learn...by Simply Watching TV
4 months ago
Himanshu Mishra |...
Aldous Huxley's world of perceptions You may already know of this novel called 1984, and its author George Orwell. Aldous Huxley wrote a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You may already know of this novel called 1984, and its author George Orwell. Aldous Huxley wrote a dystopian classic called Brave New World…
Lars Lofgren
The Stupidity of Google’s Site Reputation Abuse Policy Site reputation abuse is when a third-party abuses the reputation of a domain to rank a bunch of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Site reputation abuse is when a third-party abuses the reputation of a domain to rank a bunch of pages in Google. The SEO community refers to this type of thing as parasite SEO. Google has gone so far as to publish an official policy (documented here) on how this isn’t allowed:...
lcamtuf’s thing
Deep dive: the (in)stability of op-amps A closer look at op-amp feedback loops and the stability criteria for circuits that use them.
4 months ago
JSON and PowerShell Working with Object-based arrays in PowerShell can be a challenge; but here's a trick that will...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Working with Object-based arrays in PowerShell can be a challenge; but here's a trick that will allow you to manipulate these objects efficiently.
Jonas Hietala
Sat-E So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I entered Ludum Dare 22 this weekend as a preamble for tomorrow’s linear algebra exam. The theme this time around was Alone and the game I came up with is about a lonely satellite in space, kinda like Wall-E. Sat-E Instructions Collect junk and other items for you to buy...
Computer Ads from...
Two Interviews with Ken Kaplan, One of the Creators of OS-9 Two interview from two different time periods
6 months ago
Notes on software...
Is it worth writing about? You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You acquire a skill or experience through time and effort, then downplay the impact of writing and sharing the learning process. Professionals seem naturally to imagine a high bar for what is worth writing about. I think that's misguided. This article is not criticism of folks...
The battle of the budget phones Just days after I got my iPhone 16e, Apple’s (less) budget (than ever before) iPhone, Nothing is out...
a week ago
a week ago
Just days after I got my iPhone 16e, Apple’s (less) budget (than ever before) iPhone, Nothing is out here with new their new budget phones, the Phone (3a) and (3a) Pro. These models start at $379 and $459 respectively, so they certainly undercut the new iPhone, so let&
Home on Erik...
Being data driven I picked up an issue of Foreign Affairs while flying back to NYC from SFO. It features this long...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I picked up an issue of Foreign Affairs while flying back to NYC from SFO. It features this long interview with U.S. General Stanley McChrystal and I thought it was pretty interesting how striking some of the similarities are between fighting in a war and developing software.
Elevation Lab - Blog
A newer, better, ElevationDock Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today we launched an update to our iPhone dock. It's wider to fit a bigger generation of phones, ships with an Apple-certified Lightning connector (that you can assemble in seconds with the new tool-free back plate), and we've added some new lateral supports for added...
Lighthouse Blog
How to combine multiple RSS feeds in one view
9 months ago
Neil Madden
API Security in Action handed over to production After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has now been handed over to Manning’s production team. That means a few weeks of copy editing and graphics polish, then indexing and typesetting to produce the final version around...
Posts on Made of...
Towards solving Ultimate Tic Tac Toe Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Summary: Read about my efforts to solve the game of Ultimate Tic Tac Toe. It’s been a fun journey into interesting algorithms and high-performance parallel programming in Rust. Backstory Starting around the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown, I’ve gotten myself deeply nerdsniped...
Jonas Hietala
Doing Stuff The school and my life is trotting along. I’m handling the extra course fine, but instead I’ve left...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The school and my life is trotting along. I’m handling the extra course fine, but instead I’ve left the standard math course behind a bit. Actually more than a bit but hopefully I’ll correct things later. No my life is going along just fine, it almost feels like my life is runing...
computers are bad
2025-02-02 residential networking over telephone Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed...
a month ago
a month ago
Recently, I covered some of the history of Ethernet's tenuous relationship with installed telephone cabling. That article focused on the earlier and more business-oriented products, but many of you probably know that there have been a number of efforts to install IP...
Gwern.net Newsletter
October 2020 news October 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI scaling, Euclid; further site reorganization &...
over a year ago
over a year ago
October 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on AI scaling, Euclid; further site reorganization & improvement.
Notes on software...
Effective unemployment and social media Being unemployed can be incredibly depressing. So much rejection. Everything seems to be out of your...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Being unemployed can be incredibly depressing. So much rejection. Everything seems to be out of your control. Everything except for one thing: what you produce. You might know that repeatedly posting on social media that you are looking for work is ineffective. That it looks (or...
Willem's Blog
The birth of a child Witnessing the birth of a child changes a man, for science and curiosity I wore a biometric sensor...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Witnessing the birth of a child changes a man, for science and curiosity I wore a biometric sensor capturing the impact of birth on yours truly.
Vitalik Buterin's...
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
A beautiful custom calculator built with IV-12 VFD tubes Nixie tubes have been the go-to option for makers looking for retro display aesthetics for many...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Nixie tubes have been the go-to option for makers looking for retro display aesthetics for many years, because their distinct orange glow carries a lot of vintage appeal. But VFD (vacuum fluorescent display) tubes have been gaining in popularity recently and have different —...
Willem's Blog
Lunch by plane This week I went out for lunch by plane from Hilversum to Texel with a good buddy of mine.
over a year ago
Why you might not want to publicly self-host a Wikipedia clone A while ago I wrote about how easy it is to download an archive of Wikipedia and host it...
a year ago
a year ago
A while ago I wrote about how easy it is to download an archive of Wikipedia and host it anywhere you want using Kiwix. I’m still hosting Kiwix sites publicly, but here are a few things you might want to consider before doing so yourself. The spam I have a specific e-mail address...
Jonas Hietala
Giving the blog a facelift When I rewrote the blog in Rust I tried not to touch any of the styling, but some things annoyed...
a year ago
a year ago
When I rewrote the blog in Rust I tried not to touch any of the styling, but some things annoyed me: It wasn’t pretty (even ugly in some parts). No dark mode support. Some elements were broken, for instance images or code blocks overlapping the header when it was floating to the...
Home on Erik...
Running Theano on EC2 Inspired by Sander Dieleman's internship at Spotify, I've been playing around with deep learning...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Inspired by Sander Dieleman's internship at Spotify, I've been playing around with deep learning using Theano. Theano is this Python package that lets you define symbolic expressions (cool), does automatic differentiation (really cool), and compiles it down into bytecode to run...
My solar-powered blog is now on Lithium Iron Phosphate In my last blog post I discussed how a small solar project - to power this blog on a Raspberry Pi -...
a year ago
a year ago
In my last blog post I discussed how a small solar project - to power this blog on a Raspberry Pi - escalated into a full-blown off-grid solar setup, large enough to power the computer I use at the moment to write this update1. In this update, I want to discuss my battery...
Castro is back, baby Dustin Bluck writing for the Castro blog: State of the App: Year 1 Private and popular feeds update...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Dustin Bluck writing for the Castro blog: State of the App: Year 1 Private and popular feeds update have seen marked improvements, but unpopular feeds were the real issue before and that issue is entirely gone. I emailed Castro support back in 2021 to ask them for help with my
Home on Erik...
What can startups learn from Koch Industries? I recently finished the excellent book Kochland. This isn't my first interest in Koch—I read The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently finished the excellent book Kochland. This isn't my first interest in Koch—I read The Science of Success by Charles Koch himself a couple of years ago. Charles Koch inherited a tiny company in 1967 and turned it into one of the world's largest ones.
Home on Erik...
statself.com Btw I just put something up online that I spent a couple of evenings in my couch putting together:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Btw I just put something up online that I spent a couple of evenings in my couch putting together: it's a website where you can track any numerical data on the web. Want to know how many Twitter followers you have?
Home on Erik...
Annoy Annoy is a simple package to find approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) that I just put on Github. I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Annoy is a simple package to find approximate nearest neighbors (ANN) that I just put on Github. I'm not trying to compete with existing packages, but Annoy has a couple of features that makes it pretty useful.
Home on Erik...
State drift I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I generally haven't written much about software architecture. People make heuristics into religion. But here is something I thought about: how to build in self-correction into systems. This has been something just vaguely sitting in my head lacking a clear conceptual definition...
Posts on Made of...
Computers can be understood Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction This post attempts to describe a mindset I’ve come to realize I bring to essentially all of my work with software. I attempt to articulate this mindset, some of its implications and strengths, and some of the ways in which it’s lead me astray. Software can be...