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I wrote a book: Read Write Own I believe blockchains and the software movement around them – typically called crypto or web3 – provide the…
In his classic 2008 essay “1000 True Fans,” Kevin Kelly predicted that the internet would transform the economics of creative activities: To…
New technologies enable activities that fall into one of two categories: 1) doing things you could already do but can now do better because…
There are broadly two adoption paths for new computing technologies: inside-out and outside-in. Inside-out technologies are pioneered by…
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An analysis of more than 8,000 messages by Digital Witness Lab at Princeton University finds the Meta-owned platform is a thriving illegal firearms marketplace.
More thoughts on a great civilization at its peak.
A week ago, analyst TD Cowen revealed that Microsoft had canceled leases "totalling a couple hundred MWs," with "at least two private data center operators across multiple US markets." The report also details how Microsoft "pulled back on converting negotiated and signed Statement[s] of
The government hopes the 19% tax will push Asian e-commerce giants to grow their operations in Mexico, and make up for 79,000 textile jobs lost to fast fashion.
Man's pursuit of greatness is the pursuit of a great film.