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Nate Kadlac runs Approachable Design an online course to teach the basics of visual aesthetic and design.
over a year ago

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More from tomcritchlow.com

3,573 Days On The Road

Every year on the 24th October I've written a reflection on the last year of my independent consulting. This would have been my 10th issue, but is instead a special issue, for reasons that will become apparent.

6 months ago 63 votes
Working With Founders Who Have Conviction and Taste

Consulting can be easy money. Fleecing clients for cheap tricks. Clients have problems, you have powerpoints. It’s easy to flip a few quick slides into a chunk of cash and cackle off into the mountains.

10 months ago 97 votes
LinkedIn is not a social or professional network, it's a learning network

The world of work is changing.

11 months ago 95 votes
A Lil' Website Refresh

Welcome to tomcritchlow.com version…. 19? 25? Honestly there have been so many iterations over the years who even knows. The point is there’s a new coat of paint.

11 months ago 86 votes
Work is a Place

My buddy Luke recently started a band called Tattoo Mustache. While we were chatting, his eyes lit up talking about jamming in the studio with his bandmates - his arms were flailing and you could feel the energy coming off him like steam from a hot pan. These weekly jam sessions are something magical - “You can just rent a studio for 3 hours” he said “it’s like $150 and they have a drum kit and keyboard and everything!”.

a year ago 55 votes

More in startups

An Ode to Skype

PLUS: Erewhon's $19 Strawberry, Citi's UX Problem.

20 hours ago 3 votes
Bill Gates on the iPod

This whole Apple music experience is one that is interesting to me and makes me wonder where the scenario thinking is in Windows.

49 minutes ago 1 votes
At least five interesting things: Bananas republic edition (#60)

Trump's chaos; GDP and government spending; DOGE; AI and growth; The baby bust

12 hours ago 1 votes
Why most countries are struggling to shut down 2G

Global leap to 4G and 5G would cut off phone access for millions of vulnerable people.

yesterday 2 votes
Take Trump Seriously

In his first presidency he was verbal shit-posting and looking what sticked and rotated people around him until something fitted. This time he comes prepared and is very intentional about what he says and does.

yesterday 4 votes