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Today I’m excited to announce that a16z is leading a $10.8M Series A financing of Keybase, a company that is trying to make the internet…
over a year ago

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I wrote a book: Read Write Own

I wrote a book: Read Write Own I believe blockchains and the software movement around them – typically called crypto or web3 – provide the…

a year ago 74 votes
NFTs and A Thousand True Fans

In his classic 2008 essay “1000 True Fans,” Kevin Kelly predicted that the internet would transform the economics of creative activities: To…

over a year ago 25 votes
Doing old things better vs doing brand new things

New technologies enable activities that fall into one of two categories: 1) doing things you could already do but can now do better because…

over a year ago 20 votes
Computers that can make commitments

Blockchains are computers that can make commitments. Traditional computers are ultimately controlled by people, either directly in the case…

over a year ago 28 votes
Inside-out vs. outside-in: the adoption of new technologies

There are broadly two adoption paths for new computing technologies: inside-out and outside-in. Inside-out technologies are pioneered by…

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How BYD undercuts Tesla around the world, by the numbers

BYD is more affordable than Tesla in at least 10 places outside the West.

21 hours ago 2 votes
Why America betrayed Europe

There are lots of reasons, actually.

23 hours ago 2 votes
Starlink is coming to India. Here’s what to know

An alliance with Airtel, one of India’s largest telcos, opens the door for Elon Musk’s satellite giant to access the world’s second-largest internet user base.

2 days ago 3 votes
There is no utopia waiting on the other side of Trump's economy

It's just pain now in exchange for more pain later.

2 days ago 3 votes
Chinese food delivery giant dishes out deep discounts to win Saudi customers

Can Keeta, Meituan’s global brand, sustain its low-cost strategy in the Middle East’s highly competitive market?

3 days ago 3 votes