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by Jens Oliver Meiert Consider the following HTML document: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 1996-01//EN"> <html> <head> <title></title> </head> <body> <p class="Author"> <h1></h1> <P> <P> <H2></H2> <P> <UL> <LI> <LI> <LI> </UL> <P> <!-- … --> </body> </html> You will notice a few things: The unusual doctype The inconsistencies in element case (most notably, <p> vs. <P>) The inconsistencies in omitting optional tags (like dropping </p> and </li> end tags, but keeping </body> and </html>) Yet in some respects, this document structure is better than the code we find on many modern websites (and that is sites, not even apps). Why? What’s to like about this kind of code? It’s valid. If you run this and the respective original page’s code through an HTML conformance checker like the W3C markup validator, the code will validate. This is basic professional work that we don’t see often anymore. It’s focused. There’s...
2 months ago

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datalists are more powerful than you think

by Alexis Degryse I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a list of <option> elements, offering suggested choices for its associated input field. It’s not an alternative for the <select> element. A field associated to a <datalist> can still allow any value that is not listed in the <option> elements. Here is a basic example: Pretty cool, isn't it? But what happens if we combine <datalist> with less common field types, like color and date: <label for="favorite-color">What is your favorite color?</label> <input type="color" list="colors-list" id="favorite-color"> <datalist id="colors-list"> <option>#FF0000</option> <option>#FFA500</option> <option>#FFFF00</option> <option>#008000</option> <option>#0000FF</option> <option>#800080</option> <option>#FFC0CB</option> <option>#FFFFFF</option> <option>#000000</option> </datalist> Colors listed in <datalist> are pre-selectable but the color picker is still usable by users if they need to choose a more specific one. <label for="event-choice" class="form-label col-form-label-lg">Choose a historical date</label> <input type="date" list="events" id="event-choice"> <datalist id="events"> <option label="Fall of the Berlin wall">1989-11-09</option> <option label="Maastricht Treaty">1992-02-07</option> <option label="Brexit Referendum">2016-06-23</option> </datalist> Same here: some dates are pre-selectable and the datepicker is still available. Depending on the context, having pre-defined values can possibly speed up the form filling by users. Please, note that <datalist> should be seen as a progressive enhancement because of some points: For Firefox (tested on 133), the <datalist> element is compatible only with textual field types (think about text, url, tel, email, number). There is no support for color, date and time. For Safari (tested on 15.6), it has support for color, but not for date and time. With some screen reader/browser combinations there are issues. For example, suggestions are not announced in Safari and it's not possible to navigate to the datalist with the down arrow key (until you type something matched with suggestions). Refer to a11ysupport.io for more. Find out more datalist experiment by Eiji Kitamura Documentation on MDN

a month ago 47 votes
Boost website speed with prefetching and the Speculation Rules API

by Schepp Everybody loves fast websites, and everyone despises slow ones even more. Site speed significantly contributes to the overall user experience (UX), determining whether it feels positive or negative. To ensure the fastest possible page load times, it’s crucial to design with performance in mind. However, performance optimization is an art form in itself. While implementing straightforward techniques like file compression or proper cache headers is relatively easy, achieving deeper optimizations can quickly become complex. But what if, instead of solely trying to accelerate the loading process, we triggered it earlier—without the user noticing? One way to achieve this is by prefetching pages the user might navigate to next using <link rel="prefetch"> tags. These tags are typically embedded in your HTML, but they can also be generated dynamically via JavaScript, based on a heuristic of your choice. Alternatively, you can send them as an HTML Link header if you lack access to the HTML code but can modify the server configuration. Browsers will take note of the prefetch directives and fetch the referenced pages as needed. ⚠︎ Caveat: To benefit from this prefetching technique, you must allow the browser to cache pages temporarily using the Cache-Control HTTP header. For example, Cache-Control: max-age=300 would tell the browser to cache a page for five minutes. Without such a header, the browser will discard the pre-fetched resource and fetch it again upon navigation, rendering the prefetch ineffective. In addition to <link rel="prefetch">, Chromium-based browsers support <link rel="prerender">. This tag is essentially a supercharged version of <link rel="prefetch">. Known as "NoState Prefetch," it not only prefetches an HTML page but also scans it for subresources—stylesheets, JavaScript files, images, and fonts referenced via a <link rel="preload" as="font" crossorigin> — loading them as well. The Speculation Rules API A relatively new addition to Chromium browsers is the Speculation Rules API, which offers enhanced prefetching and enables actual prerendering of webpages. It introduces a JSON-based syntax for precisely defining the conditions under which preprocessing should occur. Here’s a simple example of how to use it: <script type="speculationrules"> { "prerender": [{ "urls": ["next.html", "next2.html"] }] } </script> Alternatively, you can place the JSON file on your server and reference it using an HTTP header: Speculation-Rules: "/speculationrules.json". The above list-rule specifies that the browser should prerender the URLs next.html and next2.html so they are ready for instant navigation. The keyword prerender means more than fetching the HTML and subresources—it instructs the browser to fully render the pages in hidden tabs, ready to replace the current page instantly when needed. This makes navigation to these pages feel seamless. Prerendered pages also typically score excellent Core Web Vital metrics. Layout shifts and image loading occur during the hidden prerendering phase, and JavaScript execution happens upfront, ensuring a smooth experience when the user first sees the page. Instead of listing specific URLs, the API also allows for pattern matching using where and href_matches keys: <script type="speculationrules"> { "prerender": [{ "where": { "href_matches": "/*" } }] } </script> For more precise targeting, CSS selectors can be used with the selector_matches key: <script type="speculationrules"> { "prerender": [{ "where": { "selector_matches": ".navigation__link" } }] } </script> These rules, called document-rules, act on link elements as soon as the user triggers a pointerdown or touchstart event, giving the referenced pages a few milliseconds' head start before the actual navigation. If you want the preprocessing to begin even earlier, you can adjust the eagerness setting: <script type="speculationrules"> { "prerender": [{ "where": { "href_matches": "/*" }, "eagerness": "moderate" }] } </script> Eagerness values: immediate: Executes immediately. eager: Currently behaves like immediate but may be refined to sit between immediate and moderate. moderate: Executes after a 200ms hover or on pointerdown for mobile devices. conservative (default): Speculates based on pointer or touch interaction. For even greater flexibility, you can combine prerender and prefetch rules with different eagerness settings: <script type="speculationrules"> { "prerender": [{ "where": { "href_matches": "/*" }, "eagerness": "conservative" }], "prefetch": [{ "where": { "href_matches": "/*" }, "eagerness": "moderate" }] } </script> Limitations and Challenges While the Speculation Rules API is powerful, it comes with some limitations: Browser support: Only Chromium-based browsers support it. Other browsers lack this capability, so treat it as a progressive enhancement. Bandwidth concerns: Over-aggressive settings could waste user bandwidth. Chromium imposes limits to mitigate this: a maximum of 10 prerendered and 50 prefetched pages with immediate or eager eagerness. Server strain: Poorly optimized servers (e.g., no caching, heavy database dependencies) may experience significant load increases due to excessive speculative requests. Compatibility: Prefetching won’t work if a Service Worker is active, though prerendering remains unaffected. Cross-origin prerendering requires explicit opt-in by the target page. Despite these caveats, the Speculation Rules API offers a powerful toolset to significantly enhance perceived performance and improve UX. So go ahead and try them out! I would like to express a big thank you to the Webperf community for always being ready to help with great tips and expertise. For this article, I would like to thank Barry Pollard, Andy Davies, and Noam Rosenthal in particular for providing very valuable background information. ❤️

a month ago 51 votes
Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers

by Alexander Muzenhardt Introduction Imagine you’re tasked with building a cool new feature for a product. You dive into the work with full energy, and just before the deadline, you manage to finish it. Everyone loves your work, and the feature is set to go live the next day. <button> <i class="icon">📆</i> </button> The Problem You find some good resources explaining that there are people with disabilities who need to be considered in these cases. This is known as accessibility. For example, some individuals have motor impairments and cannot use a mouse. In this particular case, the user is visually impaired and relies on assistive technology like a screen reader, which reads aloud the content of the website or software. The button you implemented doesn’t have any descriptive text, so only the icon is read aloud. In your case, the screen reader says, “Tear-Off Calendar button”. While it describes the appearance of the icon, it doesn’t convey the purpose of the button. This information is meaningless to the user. A button should always describe what action it will trigger when activated. That’s why we need additional descriptive text. The Challenge Okay, you understand the problem now and agree that it should be fixed. However, you don’t want to add visible text to the button. For design and aesthetic reasons, sighted users should only see the icon. Is there a way to keep the button “icon-only” while still providing a meaningful, descriptive text for users who rely on assistive technologies like screen readers? The Solution First, you need to give the button a descriptive name so that a screen reader can announce it. <button> <span>Open Calendar</span> <i class="icon">📆</i> </button> The problem now is that the button’s name becomes visible, which goes against your design guidelines. To prevent this, additional CSS is required. .sr-only { position: absolute; width: 1px; height: 1px; padding: 0; margin: -1px; overflow: hidden; clip: rect(0, 0, 0, 0); white-space: nowrap; border-width: 0; } <button> <span class="sr-only">Open Calendar</span> <i class="icon">📆</i> </button> The CSS ensures that the text inside the span-element is hidden from sighted users but remains readable for screen readers. This approach is so common that well-known CSS libraries like TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, and Material-UI include such a class by default. Although the text of the buttons is not visible anymore, the entire content of the button will be read aloud, including the icon — something you want to avoid. In HTML you are allowed to use specific attributes for accessibility, and in this case, the attribute aria-hidden is what you need. ARIA stands for “Accessible Rich Internet Applications” and is an initiative to make websites and software more accessible to people with disabilities. The attribute aria-hidden hides elements from screen readers so that their content isn’t read. All you need to do is add the attribute aria-hidden with the value “true” to the icon element, which in this case is the “i”-element. <button> <span class="sr-only">Open Calendar</span> <i class="icon" aria-hidden="true">📆</i> </button> Alternative An alternative is the attribute aria-label, which you can assign a descriptive, accessible text to a button without it being visible to sighted users. The purpose of aria-label is to provide a description for interactive elements that lack a visible label or descriptive text. All you need to do is add the attribute aria-label to the button. The attribute aria-hidden and the span-Element can be deleted. <button aria-label="Open Calendar"> <i class="icon">📆</i> </button> With this adjustment, the screen reader will now announce “Open calendar,” completely ignoring the icon. This clearly communicates to the user what the button will do when clicked. Which Option Should You Use? At first glance, the aria-label approach might seem like the smarter choice. It requires less code, reducing the likelihood of errors, and looks cleaner overall, potentially improving code readability. However, the first option is actually the better choice. There are several reasons for this that may not be immediately obvious: Some browsers do not translate aria-label It is difficult to copy aria-label content or otherwise manipulated it as text aria-label content will not show up if styles fail to load These are just a few of the many reasons why you should be cautious when using the aria-label attribute. These points, along with others, are discussed in detail in the excellent article "aria-label is a Code Smell" by Eric Bailey. The First Rule of ARIA Use The “First Rule of ARIA Use” states: If you can use a native HTML element or attribute with the semantics and behavior you require already built in, instead of re-purposing an element and adding an ARIA role, state or property to make it accessible, then do so. Even though the first approach also uses an ARIA attribute, it is more acceptable because aria-hidden only hides an element from screen readers. In contrast, aria-label overrides the standard HTML behavior for handling descriptive names. For this reason, following this principle, aria-hidden is preferable to aria-label in this case. Browser compatibility Both aria-label and aria-hidden are supported by all modern browsers and can be used without concern. Conclusion Ensuring accessibility in web design is more than just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. By implementing simple solutions like combining CSS with aria-hidden, you can create a user experience that is both aesthetically pleasing and accessible for everyone, including those who rely on screen readers. While there may be different approaches to solving accessibility challenges, the key is to be mindful of all users' needs. A few small adjustments can make a world of difference, ensuring that your features are truly usable by everyone. Cheers Resources / Links Unicode Character “Tear-Off Calendar” comport Unicode Website mdn web docs aria-label mdn web docs aria-hidden WAI-ARIA Standard Guidlines Tailwind CSS Screen Readers (sr-only) aria-label is a Code Smell First Rule of ARIA Use

a month ago 40 votes
The underrated &lt;dl&gt; element

by David Luhr The Description List (<dl>) element is useful for many common visual design patterns, but is unfortunately underutilized. It was originally intended to group terms with their definitions, but it's also a great fit for other content that has a key/value structure, such as product attributes or cards that have several supporting details. Developers often mark up these patterns with overused heading or table semantics, or neglect semantics entirely. With the Description List (<dl>) element and its dedicated Description Term (<dt>) and Description Definition (<dd>) elements, we can improve the semantics and accessibility of these design patterns. The <dl> has a unique content model: A parent <dl> containing one or more groups of <dt> and <dd> elements Each term/definition group can have multiple <dt> (Description Term) elements per <dd> (Description Definition) element, or multiple definitions per term The <dl> can optionally accept a single layer of <div> to wrap the <dt> and <dd> elements, which can be useful for styling Examples An initial example would be a simple list of terms and definitions: <dl> <dt>Compression damping</dt> <dd>Controls the rate a spring compresses when it experiences a force</dd> <dt>Rebound damping</dt> <dd>Controls the rate a spring returns to it's extended length after compressing</dd> </dl> A common design pattern is "stat callouts", which feature mini cards of small label text above large numeric values. The <dl> is a great fit for this content: <dl> <div> <dt>Founded</dt> <dd>1988</dd> </div> <div> <dt>Frames built</dt> <dd>8,678</dd> </div> <div> <dt>Race podiums</dt> <dd>212</dd> </div> </dl> And, a final example of a product listing, which has a list of technical specs: <h2>Downhill MTB</h2> <dl> <div> <dt>Front travel:</dt> <dd>160mm</dd> </div> <div> <dt>Wheel size:</dt> <dd>27.5"</dd> </div> <div> <dt>Weight:</dt> <dd>15.2 kg</dd> </div> </dl> Accessibility With this markup in place, common screen readers will convey important semantic and navigational information. In my testing, NVDA on Windows and VoiceOver on MacOS conveyed a list role, the count of list items, your position in the list, and the boundaries of the list. TalkBack on Android only conveyed the term and definition roles of the <dt> and <dd> elements, respectively. If the design doesn't include visible labels, you can at least include them as visually hidden text for assistive technology users. But, I always advocate to visually display them if possible. Wrapping up The <dl> is a versatile element that unfortunately doesn't get much use. In over a decade of coding, I've almost never encountered it in existing codebases. It also doesn't appear anywhere in the top HTML elements lists in the Web Almanac 2024 or an Advanced Web Ranking study of over 11.3 million pages. The next time you're building out a design, look for opportunities where the underrated Description List is a good fit. To go deeper, be sure to check out this article by Ben Myers on the <dl> element.

a month ago 43 votes
Preloading fonts for web performance with link rel=”preload”

by Alistair Shepherd Web performance is incredibly important. If you were here for the advent calendar last year you may have already read many of my thoughts on the subject. If not, read Getting started with Web Performance when you’re done here! This year I’m back for more web performance, this time focusing on my favourite HTML snippet for improving the loading performance of web fonts using preloads. This short HTML snippet added to the head of your page, can make a substantial improvement to both perceived and measured performance. <link rel="preload" href="/nova-sans.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous" > Above we have a link element that instructs the browser to preload the /nova-sans.woff2 font. By preloading your critical above-the-fold font we can make a huge impact by reducing potential flashes of unstyled or invisible text and layout shifts caused by font loading, like here in the following video: Recording of a page load illustrating how a font loading late can result in a jarring layout shift How web fonts are loaded To explain how preloading fonts can make such an impact, let’s go through the process of how web fonts are loaded. Font files are downloaded later than you may think, due to a combination of network requests and conservative browser behaviour. In a standard web page, there will be the main HTML document which will include a CSS file using a link element in the head. If you’re using self-hosted custom fonts you’ll have a @font-face rule within your CSS that specifies the font name, the src, and possibly some other font-related properties. In other CSS rules you specify a font-family so elements use your custom font. Once our browser encounters our page it: Starts streaming the HTML document, parsing it as it goes Encounters the link element pointing to our CSS file Starts downloading that CSS file, blocking the render of the page until it’s complete Parses and applies the contents of that file Finds the @font-face rule with our font URL Okay let’s pause here for a moment — It may make sense for step 6 to be “Starts downloading our font file”, however that’s not the case. You see, if a browser downloaded every font within a CSS file when it first encountered them, we could end up loading much more than is needed. We could be specifying fonts for multiple different weights, italics, other character sets/languages, or even multiple different fonts. If we don’t need all these fonts immediately it would be wasteful to download them all, and doing so may slow down higher priority CSS or JS. Instead, the browser is more conservative and simply takes note of the font declaration until it’s explicitly needed. The browser next: Takes a note of our @font-face declarations and their URLs for later Finishes processing CSS and starts rendering the page Discovers a piece of text on the page that needs our font Finally starts downloading our font now it knows it’s needed! So as we can see there’s actually a lot that happens between our HTML file arriving in the browser and our font file being downloaded. This is ideal for lower priority fonts, but for the main or headline font this process can make our custom font appear surprisingly late in the page load. This is what causes the behaviour we saw in the video above, where the page starts rendering but it takes some time before our custom font appears. A waterfall graph showing how our custom ‘lobster.woff2’ font doesn’t start being downloaded until 2 seconds into the page load and isn’t available until after 3 seconds This is an intentional decision by browser makers and spec writers to ensure that pages with lots of fonts aren’t badly impacted by having to load many font files ahead of time. But that doesn’t mean it can’t be optimised! Preloading our font with a link <link rel="preload" href="/nova-sans.woff2" as="font" type="font/woff2" crossorigin="anonymous" > The purpose of my favourite HTML snippet is to inform the browser that this font file will be needed with high priority, before it even has knowledge of it. We’re building our page and know more about how our fonts are used — so we can provide hints to be less conservative! If we start downloading the font as soon as possible then it can be ready ahead of when the browser ‘realises’ it’s needed. Looking back at our list above, by adding a preload we move the start of the font download from step 9 to step 2! Starts streaming the HTML document, parsing it as it goes Encounters our preload and starts downloading our font file in the background Encounters the link element pointing to our CSS file Continues as above Taking a closer look at the snippet, we’re using a link element and rel="preload" to ask the browser to preload a file with the intention of using it early in the page load. Like a CSS file, we provide the URL with the href attribute. We use as="font" and type="font/woff2" to indicate this is a font file in woff2. For modern browsers woff2 is the only format you need as it’s universally supported. Finally there’s crossorigin="anonymous". This comes from the wonderfully transparent and clear world of Cross Origin Resource Sharing. I jest of course, CORS is anything but transparent and clear! For fonts you almost always want crossorigin="anonymous" on your link element, even when the request isn’t cross-origin. Omitting this attribute would mean our preload wouldn’t be used and the file would be requested again. But why? Browser requests can be sent either with or without credentials (cookies, etc), and requests to the same URL with and without credentials are fundamentally different. For a preload to be used by the browser, it needs to match the type of request that the browser would have made normally. By default fonts are always requested without credentials, so we need to add crossorigin="anonymous" to ensure our preload matches a normal font request. By omitting this attribute our preload would not be used and the browser would request the font again. If you’re ever unsure of how your preloads are working, check your browsers’ devtools. In Chrome the Network pane will show a duplicate request, and the Console will log a warning telling you a preload wasn’t used. Screenshot showing the Chrome devtools Console pane, with warnings for an incorrect font preload Result and conclusion By preloading our critical fonts we ensure our browser has the most important fonts available earlier in the page loading process. We can see this by comparing our recording and waterfall charts from earlier: Side-by-side recording of the same page loading in different ways. ‘no-preload’ shows a large layout shift caused by the font switching and finishes loading at 4.4s. ‘preload’ doesn’t have a shift and finishes loading at 3.1s. Side-by-side comparison of two waterfall charts of the same site with font file `lobster.woff2`. For the ‘no-preload’ document the font loads after all other assets and finishes at 3s. The ‘preload’ document shows the font loading much earlier, in parallel with other files and finishing at 2s. As I mentioned in Getting started with Web Performance, it’s best to use preloads sparingly so limit this to your most important font or two. Remember that it’s a balance. By preloading too many resources you run the risk of other high-priority resources such as CSS being slowed down and arriving late. I would recommend preloading just the heading font to start with. With some testing you can see if preloading your main body font is worth it also! With care, font preloads can be a simple and impactful optimisation opportunity and this is why it’s my favourite HTML snippet! This is a great step to improving font loading, and there are plenty of other web font optimisations to try also!

a month ago 36 votes

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It’s cool to care

I’m sitting in a small coffee shop in Brooklyn. I have a warm drink, and it’s just started to snow outside. I’m visiting New York to see Operation Mincemeat on Broadway – I was at the dress rehearsal yesterday, and I’ll be at the opening preview tonight. I’ve seen this show more times than I care to count, and I hope US theater-goers love it as much as Brits. The people who make the show will tell you that it’s about a bunch of misfits who thought they could do something ridiculous, who had the audacity to believe in something unlikely. That’s certainly one way to see it. The musical tells the true story of a group of British spies who tried to fool Hitler with a dead body, fake papers, and an outrageous plan that could easily have failed. Decades later, the show’s creators would mirror that same spirit of unlikely ambition. Four friends, armed with their creativity, determination, and a wardrobe full of hats, created a new musical in a small London theatre. And after a series of transfers, they’re about to open the show under the bright lights of Broadway. But when I watch the show, I see a story about friendship. It’s about how we need our friends to help us, to inspire us, to push us to be the best versions of ourselves. I see the swaggering leader who needs a team to help him truly achieve. The nervous scientist who stands up for himself with the support of his friends. The enthusiastic secretary who learns wisdom and resilience from her elder. And so, I suppose, it’s fitting that I’m not in New York on my own. I’m here with friends – dozens of wonderful people who I met through this ridiculous show. At first, I was just an audience member. I sat in my seat, I watched the show, and I laughed and cried with equal measure. After the show, I waited at stage door to thank the cast. Then I came to see the show a second time. And a third. And a fourth. After a few trips, I started to see familiar faces waiting with me at stage door. So before the cast came out, we started chatting. Those conversations became a Twitter community, then a Discord, then a WhatsApp. We swapped fan art, merch, and stories of our favourite moments. We went to other shows together, and we hung out outside the theatre. I spent New Year’s Eve with a few of these friends, sitting on somebody’s floor and laughing about a bowl of limes like it was the funniest thing in the world. And now we’re together in New York. Meeting this kind, funny, and creative group of people might seem as unlikely as the premise of Mincemeat itself. But I believed it was possible, and here we are. I feel so lucky to have met these people, to take this ridiculous trip, to share these precious days with them. I know what a privilege this is – the time, the money, the ability to say let’s do this and make it happen. How many people can gather a dozen friends for even a single evening, let alone a trip halfway round the world? You might think it’s silly to travel this far for a theatre show, especially one we’ve seen plenty of times in London. Some people would never see the same show twice, and most of us are comfortably into double or triple-figures. Whenever somebody asks why, I don’t have a good answer. Because it’s fun? Because it’s moving? Because I enjoy it? I feel the need to justify it, as if there’s some logical reason that will make all of this okay. But maybe I don’t have to. Maybe joy doesn’t need justification. A theatre show doesn’t happen without people who care. Neither does a friendship. So much of our culture tells us that it’s not cool to care. It’s better to be detached, dismissive, disinterested. Enthusiasm is cringe. Sincerity is weakness. I’ve certainly felt that pressure – the urge to play it cool, to pretend I’m above it all. To act as if I only enjoy something a “normal” amount. Well, fuck that. I don’t know where the drive to be detached comes from. Maybe it’s to protect ourselves, a way to guard against disappointment. Maybe it’s to seem sophisticated, as if having passions makes us childish or less mature. Or perhaps it’s about control – if we stay detached, we never have to depend on others, we never have to trust in something bigger than ourselves. Being detached means you can’t get hurt – but you’ll also miss out on so much joy. I’m a big fan of being a big fan of things. So many of the best things in my life have come from caring, from letting myself be involved, from finding people who are a big fan of the same things as me. If I pretended not to care, I wouldn’t have any of that. Caring – deeply, foolishly, vulnerably – is how I connect with people. My friends and I care about this show, we care about each other, and we care about our joy. That care and love for each other is what brought us together, and without it we wouldn’t be here in this city. I know this is a once-in-a-lifetime trip. So many stars had to align – for us to meet, for the show we love to be successful, for us to be able to travel together. But if we didn’t care, none of those stars would have aligned. I know so many other friends who would have loved to be here but can’t be, for all kinds of reasons. Their absence isn’t for lack of caring, and they want the show to do well whether or not they’re here. I know they care, and that’s the important thing. To butcher Tennyson: I think it’s better to care about something you cannot affect, than to care about nothing at all. In a world that’s full of cynicism and spite and hatred, I feel that now more than ever. I’d recommend you go to the show if you haven’t already, but that’s not really the point of this post. Maybe you’ve already seen Operation Mincemeat, and it wasn’t for you. Maybe you’re not a theatre kid. Maybe you aren’t into musicals, or history, or war stories. That’s okay. I don’t mind if you care about different things to me. (Imagine how boring the world would be if we all cared about the same things!) But I want you to care about something. I want you to find it, find people who care about it too, and hold on to them. Because right now, in this city, with these people, at this show? I’m so glad I did. And I hope you find that sort of happiness too. Some of the people who made this trip special. Photo by Chloe, and taken from her Twitter. Timing note: I wrote this on February 15th, but I delayed posting it because I didn’t want to highlight the fact I was away from home. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

yesterday 3 votes
Stick with the customer

One of the biggest mistakes that new startup founders make is trying to get away from the customer-facing roles too early. Whether it's customer support or it's sales, it's an incredible advantage to have the founders doing that work directly, and for much longer than they find comfortable. The absolute worst thing you can do is hire a sales person or a customer service agent too early. You'll miss all the golden nuggets that customers throw at you for free when they're rejecting your pitch or complaining about the product. Seeing these reasons paraphrased or summarized destroy all the nutrients in their insights. You want that whole-grain feedback straight from the customers' mouth!  When we launched Basecamp in 2004, Jason was doing all the customer service himself. And he kept doing it like that for three years!! By the time we hired our first customer service agent, Jason was doing 150 emails/day. The business was doing millions of dollars in ARR. And Basecamp got infinitely, better both as a market proposition and as a product, because Jason could funnel all that feedback into decisions and positioning. For a long time after that, we did "Everyone on Support". Frequently rotating programmers, designers, and founders through a day of answering emails directly to customers. The dividends of doing this were almost as high as having Jason run it all in the early years. We fixed an incredible number of minor niggles and annoying bugs because programmers found it easier to solve the problem than to apologize for why it was there. It's not easy doing this! Customers often offer their valuable insights wrapped in rude language, unreasonable demands, and bad suggestions. That's why many founders quit the business of dealing with them at the first opportunity. That's why few companies ever do "Everyone On Support". That's why there's such eagerness to reduce support to an AI-only interaction. But quitting dealing with customers early, not just in support but also in sales, is an incredible handicap for any startup. You don't have to do everything that every customer demands of you, but you should certainly listen to them. And you can't listen well if the sound is being muffled by early layers of indirection.

yesterday 4 votes
Cosmetic updates to this site

As well as changing the way I organise my writing, last year I made some cosmetic improvements to this site. I design everything on this site myself, and I write the CSS by hand – I don’t use any third-party styles or frameworks. I don’t have any design training, and I don’t do design professionally, so I use this site as a place to learn and practice my design skills. It’s a continual work-in-progress, but I’d like to think it’s getting better over time. I design this site for readers. I write long, text-heavy posts with the occasional illustration or diagram, so I want something that will be comfortable to read and look good on a wide variety of browsers and devices. I get a lot of that “for free” by using semantic HTML and the default styles – most of my CSS is just cosmetic. Let’s go through some of the changes. Cleaning up the link styles This is what links used to look like: Every page has a tint colour, and then I was deriving different shades to style different links – a darker shade for visited links, a lighter shade for visited links in dark mode, and a background that appears on hover. I’m generating these new colours programatically, and I was so proud of getting that code working that I didn’t stop to think whether it was a good idea. In hindsight, I see several issues. The tint colour is meant to give the page a consistent visual appearance, but the different shades diluted that effect. I don’t think their meaning was especially obvious. How many readers ever worked it out? And the hover styles are actively unhelpful – just as you hover over a link you’re interested in, I’m making it harder to read! (At least in light mode – in dark mode, the hover style is barely legible.) One thing I noticed is that for certain tint colours, the “visited” colour I generated was barely distinguishable from the text colour. So I decided to lean into that in the new link styles: visited links are now the same colour as regular text. This new set of styles feels more coherent. I’m only using one shade of the tint colour, and I think the meaning is a bit clearer – only new-to-you links will get the pop of colour to stand out from the rest of the text. I’m happy to rely on underlines for the links you’ve already visited. And when you hover, the thick underline means you can see where you are, but the link text remains readable. Swapping out the font I swapped out the font, replacing Georgia with Charter. The difference is subtle, so I’d be surprised if anyone noticed: I’ve always used web safe fonts for this site – the fonts that are built into web browsers, and don’t need to be downloaded first. I’ve played with custom fonts from time to time, but there’s no font I like more enough to justify the hassle of loading a custom font. I still like Georgia, but I felt it was showing its age – it was designed in 1993 to look good on low-resolution screens, but looks a little chunky on modern displays. I think Charter looks nicer on high-resolution screens, but if you don’t have it installed then I fall back to Georgia. Making all the roundrects consistent I use a lot of rounded rectangles for components on this site, including article cards, blockquotes, and code blocks. For a long time they had similar but not identical styles, because I designed them all at different times. There were weird inconsistencies. For example, why does one roundrect have a 2px border, but another one is 3px? These are small details that nobody will ever notice directly, but undermine the sense of visual together-ness. I’ve done a complete overhaul of these styles, to make everything look more consistent. I’m leaning heavily on CSS variables, a relatively new CSS feature that I’ve really come to like. Variables make it much easier to use consistent values in different rules. I also tweaked the appearance: I’ve removed another two shades of the tint colour. (Yes, those shades were different from the ones used in links.) Colour draws your attention, so I’m trying to use it more carefully. A link says “click here”. A heading says “start here”. What does a blockquote or code snippet say? It’s just part of the text, so it shouldn’t be grabbing your attention. I think the neutral background also makes the syntax highlighting easier to read, because the tint colour isn’t clashing with the code colours. I could probably consolidate the shades of grey I’m using, but that’s a task for another day. I also removed the left indent on blockquotes and code blocks – I think it looks nicer to have a flush left edge for everything, and it means you can read more text on mobile screens. (That’s where I really felt the issues with the old design.) What’s next? By tidying up the design and reducing the number of unique elements, I’ve got a bit of room to add something new. For a while now I’ve wanted a place at the bottom of posts for common actions, or links to related and follow-up posts. As I do more and more long-form, reflective writing, I want to be able to say “if you liked this, you should read this too”. I want something that catches your eye, but doesn’t distract from the article you’re already reading. Louie Mantia has a version of this that I quite like: I’ve held off designing this because the existing pages felt too busy, but now I feel like I have space to add this – there aren’t as many clashing colours and components to compete for your attention. I’m still sketching out designs – my current idea is my rounded rectangle blocks, but with a coloured border instead of a subtle grey, but when I did a prototype, I feel like it’s missing something. I need to try a few more ideas. Watch this space! [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

2 days ago 4 votes
Humanity's Last Exam

Humanity's Last Exam by Center for AI Safety (CAIS) and Scale AI

2 days ago 6 votes
When to give up

Most of our cultural virtues, celebrated heroes, and catchy slogans align with the idea of "never give up". That's a good default! Most people are inclined to give up too easily, as soon as the going gets hard. But it's also worth remembering that sometimes you really should fold, admit defeat, and accept that your plan didn't work out. But how to distinguish between a bad plan and insufficient effort? It's not easy. Plenty of plans look foolish at first glance, especially to people without skin in the game. That's the essence of a disruptive startup: The idea ought to look a bit daft at first glance or it probably doesn't carry the counter-intuitive kernel needed to really pop. Yet it's also obviously true that not every daft idea holds the potential to be a disruptive startup. That's why even the best venture capital investors in the world are wrong far more than they're right. Not because they aren't smart, but because nobody is smart enough to predict (the disruption of) the future consistently. The best they can do is make long bets, and then hope enough of them pay off to fund the ones that don't. So far, so logical, so conventional. A million words have been written by a million VCs about how their shrewd eyes let them see those hidden disruptive kernels before anyone else could. Good for them. What I'm more interested in knowing more about is how and when you pivot from a promising bet to folding your hand. When do you accept that no amount of additional effort is going to get that turkey to soar? I'm asking because I don't have any great heuristics here, and I'd really like to know! Because the ability to fold your hand, and live to play your remaining chips another day, isn't just about startups. It's also about individual projects. It's about work methods. Hell, it's even about politics and societies at large. I'll give you just one small example. In 2017, Rails 5.1 shipped with new tooling for doing end-to-end system tests, using a headless browser to validate the functionality, as a user would in their own browser. Since then, we've spent an enormous amount of time and effort trying to make this approach work. Far too much time, if you ask me now. This year, we finished our decision to fold, and to give up on using these types of system tests on the scale we had previously thought made sense. In fact, just last week, we deleted 5,000 lines of code from the Basecamp code base by dropping literally all the system tests that we had carried so diligently for all these years. I really like this example, because it draws parallels to investing and entrepreneurship so well. The problem with our approach to system tests wasn't that it didn't work at all. If that had been the case, bailing on the approach would have been a no brainer long ago. The trouble was that it sorta-kinda did work! Some of the time. With great effort. But ultimately wasn't worth the squeeze. I've seen this trap snap on startups time and again. The idea finds some traction. Enough for the founders to muddle through for years and years. Stuck with an idea that sorta-kinda does work, but not well enough to be worth a decade of their life. That's a tragic trap. The only antidote I've found to this on the development side is time boxing. Programmers are just as liable as anyone to believe a flawed design can work if given just a bit more time. And then a bit more. And then just double of what we've already spent. The time box provides a hard stop. In Shape Up, it's six weeks. Do or die. Ship or don't. That works. But what's the right amount of time to give a startup or a methodology or a societal policy? There's obviously no universal answer, but I'd argue that whatever the answer, it's "less than you think, less than you want". Having the grit to stick with the effort when the going gets hard is a key trait of successful people. But having the humility to give up on good bets turned bad might be just as important.

2 days ago 4 votes