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Suppose you have an array of floating-point numbers, and wish to sum them. You might naively think you can simply add them, e.g. in Rust: fn naive_sum(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { let mut out = 0.0; for x in arr { out += *x; } out } This however can easily result in an arbitrarily large accumulated error. Let’s try it out: naive_sum(&vec![1.0; 1_000_000]) = 1000000.0 naive_sum(&vec![1.0; 10_000_000]) = 10000000.0 naive_sum(&vec![1.0; 100_000_000]) = 16777216.0 naive_sum(&vec![1.0; 1_000_000_000]) = 16777216.0 Uh-oh… What happened? When you compute $a + b$ the result must be rounded to the nearest representable floating-point number, breaking ties towards the number with an even mantissa. The problem is that the next 32-bit floating-point number after 16777216 is 16777218. In this case that means 16777216 + 1 rounds back to 16777216 again. We’re stuck. Luckily, there are better ways to sum an array. Pairwise summation A method that’s a bit more clever is to use pairwise summation. Instead of a completely linear sum with a single accumulator it recursively sums an array by splitting the array in half, summing the halves, and then adding the sums. fn pairwise_sum(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { if arr.len() == 0 { return 0.0; } if arr.len() == 1 { return arr[0]; } let (first, second) = arr.split_at(arr.len() / 2); pairwise_sum(first) + pairwise_sum(second) } This is more accurate: pairwise_sum(&vec![1.0; 1_000_000]) = 1000000.0 pairwise_sum(&vec![1.0; 10_000_000]) = 10000000.0 pairwise_sum(&vec![1.0; 100_000_000]) = 100000000.0 pairwise_sum(&vec![1.0; 1_000_000_000]) = 1000000000.0 However, this is rather slow. To get a summation routine that goes as fast as possible while still being reasonably accurate we should not recurse down all the way to length-1 arrays, as this gives too much call overhead. We can still use our naive sum for small sizes, and only recurse on large sizes. This does make our worst-case error worse by a constant factor, but in turn makes the pairwise sum almost as fast as a naive sum. By choosing the splitpoint as a multiple of 256 we ensure that the base case in the recursion always has exactly 256 elements except on the very last block. This makes sure we use the most optimal reduction and always correctly predict the loop condition. This small detail ended up improving the throughput by 40% for large arrays! fn block_pairwise_sum(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { if arr.len() > 256 { let split = (arr.len() / 2).next_multiple_of(256); let (first, second) = arr.split_at(split); block_pairwise_sum(first) + block_pairwise_sum(second) } else { naive_sum(arr) } } Kahan summation The worst-case round-off error of naive summation scales with $O(n \epsilon)$ when summing $n$ elements, where $\epsilon$ is the machine epsilon of your floating-point type (here $2^{-24}$). Pairwise summation improves this to $O((\log n) \epsilon + n\epsilon^2)$. However, Kahan summation improves this further to $O(n\epsilon^2)$, eliminating the $\epsilon$ term entirely, leaving only the $\epsilon^2$ term which is negligible unless you sum a very large amount of numbers. All of these bounds scale with $\sum_i |x_i|$, so the worst-case absolute error bound is still quadratic in terms of $n$ even for Kahan summation. In practice all summation algorithms do significantly better than their worst-case bounds, as in most scenarios the errors do not exclusively round up or down, but cancel each other out on average. pub fn kahan_sum(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { let mut sum = 0.0; let mut c = 0.0; for x in arr { let y = *x - c; let t = sum + y; c = (t - sum) - y; sum = t; } sum } The Kahan summation works by maintaining the sum in two registers, the actual bulk sum and a small error correcting term $c$. If you were using infinitely precise arithmetic $c$ would always be zero, but with floating-point it might not be. The downside is that each number now takes four operations to add to the sum instead of just one. To mitigate this we can do something similar to what we did with the pairwise summation. We can first accumulate blocks into sums naively before combining the block sums with Kaham summation to reduce overhead at the cost of accuracy: pub fn block_kahan_sum(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { let mut sum = 0.0; let mut c = 0.0; for chunk in arr.chunks(256) { let x = naive_sum(chunk); let y = x - c; let t = sum + y; c = (t - sum) - y; sum = t; } sum } Exact summation I know of at least two general methods to produce the correctly-rounded sum of a sequence of floating-point numbers. That is, it logically computes the sum with infinite precision before rounding it back to a floating-point value at the end. The first method is based on the 2Sum primitive which is an error-free transform from two numbers $x, y$ to $s, t$ such that $x + y = s + t$, where $t$ is a small error. By applying this repeatedly until the errors vanish you can get a correctly-rounded sum. Keeping track of what to add in what order can be tricky, and the worst-case requires $O(n^2)$ additions to make all the terms vanish. This is what’s implemented in Python’s math.fsum and in the Rust crate fsum which use extra memory to keep the partial sums around. The accurate crate also implements this using in-place mutation in i_fast_sum_in_place. Another method is to keep a large buffer of integers around, one per exponent. Then when adding a floating-point number you decompose it into a an exponent and mantissa, and add the mantissa to the corresponding integer in the buffer. If the integer buf[i] overflows you increment the integer in buf[i + w], where w is the width of your integer. This can actually compute a completely exact sum, without any rounding at all, and is effectively just an overly permissive representation of a fixed-point number optimized for accumulating floats. This latter method is $O(n)$ time, but uses a large but constant amount of memory ($\approx$ 1 KB for f32, $\approx$ 16 KB for f64). An advantage of this method is that it’s also an online algorithm - both adding a number to the sum and getting the current total are amortized $O(1)$. A variant of this method is implemented in the accurate crate as OnlineExactSum crate which uses floats instead of integers for the buffer. Unleashing the compiler Besides accuracy, there is another problem with naive_sum. The Rust compiler is not allowed to reorder floating-point additions, because floating-point addition is not associative. So it cannot autovectorize the naive_sum to use SIMD instructions to compute the sum, nor use instruction-level parallelism. To solve this there are compiler intrinsics in Rust that do float sums while allowing associativity, such as std::intrinsics::fadd_fast. However, these instructions are incredibly dangerous, as they assume that both the input and output are finite numbers (no infinities, no NaNs), or otherwise they are undefined behavior. This functionally makes them unusable, as only in the most restricted scenarios when computing a sum do you know that all inputs are finite numbers, and that their sum cannot overflow. I recently uttered my annoyance with these operators to Ben Kimock, and together we proposed (and he implemented) a new set of operators: std::intrinsics::fadd_algebraic and friends. I proposed we call the operators algebraic, as they allow (in theory) any transformation that is justified by real algebra. For example, substituting ${x - x \to 0}$, ${cx + cy \to c(x + y)}$, or ${x^6 \to (x^2)^3.}$ In general these operators are treated as-if they are done using real numbers, and can map to any set of floating-point instructions that would be equivalent to the original expression, assuming the floating-point instructions would be exact. Note that the real numbers do not contain NaNs or infinities, so these operators assume those do not exist for the validity of transformations, however it is not undefined behavior when you do encounter those values. They also allow fused multiply-add instructions to be generated, as under real arithmetic $\operatorname{fma}(a, b, c) = ab + c.$ Using those new instructions it is trivial to generate an autovectorized sum: #![allow(internal_features)] #![feature(core_intrinsics)] use std::intrinsics::fadd_algebraic; fn naive_sum_autovec(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { let mut out = 0.0; for x in arr { out = fadd_algebraic(out, *x); } out } If we compile with -C target-cpu=broadwell we see that the compiler automatically generated the following tight loop for us, using 4 accumulators and AVX2 instructions: .LBB0_5: vaddps ymm0, ymm0, ymmword ptr [rdi + 4*r8] vaddps ymm1, ymm1, ymmword ptr [rdi + 4*r8 + 32] vaddps ymm2, ymm2, ymmword ptr [rdi + 4*r8 + 64] vaddps ymm3, ymm3, ymmword ptr [rdi + 4*r8 + 96] add r8, 32 cmp rdx, r8 jne .LBB0_5 This will process 128 bytes of floating-point data (so 32 elements) in 7 instructions. Additionally, all the vaddps instructions are independent of each other as they accumulate to different registers. If we analyze this with uiCA we see that it estimates the above loop to take 4 cycles to complete, processing 32 bytes / cycle. At 4GHz that’s up to 128GB/s! Note that that’s way above what my machine’s RAM bandwidth is, so you will only achieve that speed when summing data that is already in cache. With this in mind we can also easily define block_pairwise_sum_autovec and block_kahan_sum_autovec by replacing their calls to naive_sum with naive_sum_autovec. Accuracy and speed Let’s take a look at how the different summation methods compare. As a relatively arbitrary benchmark, let’s sum 100,000 random floats ranging from -100,000 to +100,000. This is 400 KB worth of data, so it still fits in cache on my AMD Threadripper 2950x. All the code is available on Github. Compiled with RUSTFLAGS=-C target-cpu=native and --release I get the following results: AlgorithmThroughputMean absolute error naive5.5 GB/s71.796 pairwise0.9 GB/s1.5528 kahan1.4 GB/s0.2229 block_pairwise5.8 GB/s3.8597 block_kahan5.9 GB/s4.2184 naive_autovec118.6 GB/s14.538 block_pairwise_autovec71.7 GB/s1.6132 block_kahan_autovec98.0 GB/s1.2306 crate_accurate_buffer1.1 GB/s0.0015 crate_accurate_inplace1.9 GB/s0.0015 crate_fsum1.2 GB/s0.0000 The reason the accurate crate has a non-zero absolute error is because it currently does not implement rounding to nearest correctly, so it can be off by one unit in the last place for the final result. First I’d like to note that there’s more than a 100x performance difference between the fastest and slowest method. For summing an array! Now this might not be entirely fair as the slowest methods are computing something significantly harder, but there’s still a 20x performance difference between a seemingly reasonable naive implementation and the fastest one. We find that in general the _autovec methods that use fadd_algebraic are faster and more accurate than the ones using regular floating-point addition. The reason they’re more accurate as well is the same reason a pairwise sum is more accurate: any reordering of the additions is better as the default long-chain-of-additions is already the worst case for accuracy in a sum. Limiting ourselves to Pareto-optimal choices we get the following four implementations: AlgorithmThroughputMean absolute error naive_autovec118.6 GB/s14.538 block_kahan_autovec98.0 GB/s1.2306 crate_accurate_inplace1.9 GB/s0.0015 crate_fsum1.2 GB/s0.0000 Note that implementation differences can be quite impactful, and there are likely dozens more methods of compensated summing I did not compare here. For most cases I think block_kahan_autovec wins here, having good accuracy (that doesn’t degenerate with larger inputs) at nearly the maximum speed. For most applications the extra accuracy from the correctly-rounded sums is unnecessary, and they are 50-100x slower. By splitting the loop up into an explicit remainder plus a tight loop of 256-element sums we can squeeze out a bit more performance, and avoid a couple floating-point ops for the last chunk: #![allow(internal_features)] #![feature(core_intrinsics)] use std::intrinsics::fadd_algebraic; fn sum_block(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { arr.iter().fold(0.0, |x, y| fadd_algebraic(x, *y)) } pub fn sum_orlp(arr: &[f32]) -> f32 { let mut chunks = arr.chunks_exact(256); let mut sum = 0.0; let mut c = 0.0; for chunk in &mut chunks { let y = sum_block(chunk) - c; let t = sum + y; c = (t - sum) - y; sum = t; } sum + (sum_block(chunks.remainder()) - c) } AlgorithmThroughputMean absolute error sum_orlp112.2 GB/s1.2306 You can of course tweak the number 256, I found that using 128 was $\approx$ 20% slower, and that 512 didn’t really improve performance but did cost accuracy. Conclusion I think the fadd_algebraic and similar algebraic intrinsics are very useful for achieving high-speed floating-point routines, and that other languages should add them as well. A global -ffast-math is not good enough, as we’ve seen above the best implementation was a hybrid between automatically optimized math for speed, and manually implemented non-associative compensated operations. Finally, if you are using LLVM, beware of -ffast-math. It is undefined behavior to produce a NaN or infinity while that flag is set in LLVM. I have no idea why they chose this hardcore stance which makes virtually every program that uses it unsound. If you are targetting LLVM with your language, avoid the nnan and ninf fast-math flags.
Suppose you have a 64-bit word and wish to extract a couple bits from it. For example you just performed a SWAR algorithm and wish to extract the least significant bit of each byte in the u64. This is simple enough, you simply perform a binary AND with a mask of the bits you wish to keep: let out = word & 0x0101010101010101; However, this still leaves the bits of interest spread throughout the 64-bit word. What if we also want to compress the 8 bits we wish to extract into a single byte? Or what if we want the inverse, spreading the 8 bits of a byte among the least significant bits of each byte in a 64-bit word? PEXT and PDEP If you are using a modern x86-64 CPU, you are in luck. In the much underrated BMI instruction set there are two very powerful instructions: PDEP and PEXT. They are inverses of each other, PEXT extracts bits, PDEP deposits bits. PEXT takes in a word and a mask, takes just those bits from the word where the mask has a 1 bit, and compresses all selected bits to a contiguous output word. Simulated in Rust this would be: fn pext64(word: u64, mask: u64) -> u64 { let mut out = 0; let mut out_idx = 0; for i in 0..64 { let ith_mask_bit = (mask >> i) & 1; let ith_word_bit = (word >> i) & 1; if ith_mask_bit == 1 { out |= ith_word_bit << out_idx; out_idx += 1; } } out } For example if you had the bitstring abcdefgh and mask 10110001 you would get output bitstring 0000acdh. PDEP is exactly its inverse, it takes contiguous data bits as a word, and a mask, and deposits the data bits one-by-one (starting at the least significant bits) into those bits where the mask has a 1 bit, leaving the rest as zeros: fn pdep64(word: u64, mask: u64) -> u64 { let mut out = 0; let mut input_idx = 0; for i in 0..64 { let ith_mask_bit = (mask >> i) & 1; if ith_mask_bit == 1 { let next_word_bit = (word >> input_idx) & 1; out |= next_word_bit << i; input_idx += 1; } } out } So if you had the bitstring abcdefgh and mask 10100110 you would get output e0f00gh0 (recall that we traditionally write bitstrings with the least significant bit on the right). These instructions are incredibly powerful and flexible, and the amazing thing is that these instructions only take a single cycle on modern Intel and AMD CPUs! However, they are not available in other instruction sets, so whenever you use them you will also likely need to write a cross-platform alternative. Unfortunately, both PDEP and PEXT are very slow on AMD Zen and Zen2. They are implemented in microcode, which is really unfortunate. The platform advertises through CPUID that the instructions are supported, but they’re almost unusably slow. Use with caution. Extracting bits with multiplication While the following technique can’t replace all PEXT cases, it can be quite general. It is applicable when: The bit pattern you want to extract is static and known in advance. If you want to extract $k$ bits, there must at least be a $k-1$ gap between two bits of interest. We compute the bit extraction by adding together many left-shifted copies of our input word, such that we construct our desired bit pattern in the uppermost bits. The trick is to then realize that w << i is equivalent to w * (1 << i) and thus the sum of many left-shifted copies is equivalent to a single multiplication by (1 << i) + (1 << j) + ... I think the technique is best understood by visual example. Let’s use our example from earlier, extracting the least significant bit of each byte in a 64-bit word. We start off by masking off just those bits. After that we shift the most significant bit of interest to the topmost bit of the word to get our first shifted copy. We then repeat this, shifting the second most significant bit of interest to the second topmost bit, etc. We sum all these shifted copies. This results in the following (using underscores instead of zeros for clarity): mask = _______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1 t = w & mask t = _______a_______b_______c_______d_______e_______f_______g_______h t << 7 = a_______b_______c_______d_______e_______f_______g_______h_______ t << 14 = _b_______c_______d_______e_______f_______g_______h______________ t << 21 = __c_______d_______e_______f_______g_______h_____________________ t << 28 = ___d_______e_______f_______g_______h____________________________ t << 35 = ____e_______f_______g_______h___________________________________ t << 42 = _____f_______g_______h__________________________________________ t << 49 = ______g_______h_________________________________________________ t << 56 = _______h________________________________________________________ sum = abcdefghbcdefgh_cdefh___defgh___efgh____fgh_____gh______h_______ Note how we constructed abcdefgh in the topmost 8 bits, which we can then extract using a single right-shift by $64 - 8 = 56$ bits. Since (1 << 7) + (1 << 14) + ... + (1 << 56) = 0x102040810204080 we get the following implementation: fn extract_lsb_bit_per_byte(w: u64) -> u8 { let mask = 0x0101010101010101; let sum_of_shifts = 0x102040810204080; ((w & mask).wrapping_mul(sum_of_shifts) >> 56) as u8 } Not as good as PEXT, but three arithmetic instructions is not bad at all. Depositing bits with multiplication Unfortunately the following technique is significantly less general than the previous one. While you can take inspiration from it to implement similar algorithms, as-is it is limited to just spreading the bits of one byte to the least significant bit of each byte in a 64-bit word. The trick is similar to the one above. We add 8 shifted copies of our byte which once again translates to a multiplication. By choosing a shift that increases in multiples if 9 instead of 8 we ensure that the bit pattern shifts over by one position in each byte. We then mask out our bits of interest, and finish off with a shift and byteswap (which compiles to a single instruction bswap on Intel or rev on ARM) to put our output bits on the least significant bits and reverse the order. This technique visualized: b = ________________________________________________________abcdefgh b << 9 = _______________________________________________abcdefgh_________ b << 18 = ______________________________________abcdefgh__________________ b << 27 = _____________________________abcdefgh___________________________ b << 36 = ____________________abcdefgh____________________________________ b << 45 = ___________abcdefgh_____________________________________________ b << 54 = __abcdefgh______________________________________________________ b << 63 = h_______________________________________________________________ sum = h_abcdefgh_abcdefgh_abcdefgh_abcdefgh_abcdefgh_abcdefgh_abcdefgh mask = 1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______1_______ s & msk = h_______g_______f_______e_______d_______c_______b_______a_______ We once again note that the sum of shifts can be precomputed as 1 + (1 << 9) + ... + (1 << 63) = 0x8040201008040201, allowing the following implementation: fn deposit_lsb_bit_per_byte(b: u8) -> u64 { let sum_of_shifts = 0x8040201008040201; let mask = 0x8080808080808080; let spread = (b as u64).wrapping_mul(sum_of_shifts) & mask; u64::swap_bytes(spread >> 7) } This time it required 4 arithmetic instructions, not quite as good as PDEP, but again not bad compared to a naive implementation, and this is cross-platform.
This post is an anecdote from over a decade ago, of which I lost the actual code. So please forgive me if I do not accurately remember all the details. Some details are also simplified so that anyone that likes computer security can enjoy this article, not just those who have played World of Warcraft (although the Venn diagram of those two groups likely has a solid overlap). When I was around 14 years old I discovered World of Warcraft developed by Blizzard Games and was immediately hooked. Not long after I discovered add-ons which allow you to modify how your game’s user interface looks and works. However, not all add-ons I downloaded did exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted more. So I went to find out how they were made. In a weird twist of fate, I blame World of Warcraft for me seriously picking up programming. It turned out that they were made in the Lua programming language. Add-ons were nothing more than a couple .lua source files in a folder directly loaded into the game. The barrier of entry was incredibly low: just edit a file, press save and reload the interface. The fact that the game loaded your source code and you could see it running was magical! I enjoyed it immensely and in no time I was only writing add-ons and was barely playing the game itself anymore. I published quite a few add-ons in the next two years, which mostly involved copying other people’s code with some refactoring / recombining / tweaking to my wishes. Add-on security A thought you might have is that it’s a really bad idea to let users have fully programmable add-ons in your game, lest you get bots. However, the system Blizzard made to prevent arbitrary programmable actions was quite clever. Naturally, it did nothing to prevent actual botting, but at least regular rule-abiding players were fundamentally restricted to the automation Blizzard allowed. Most UI elements that you could create were strictly decorative or informational. These were completely unrestricted, as were most APIs that strictly gather information. For example you can make a health bar display using two frames, a background and a foreground, sizing the foreground frame using an API call to get the health of your character. Not all API calls were available to you however. Some were protected so they could only be called from official Blizzard code. These typically involved the API calls that would move your character, cast spells, use items, etc. Generally speaking anything that actually makes you perform an in-game action was protected. The API for getting your exact world location and camera orientation also became protected at some point. This was a reaction by Blizzard to new add-ons that were actively drawing 3D elements on top of the game world to make boss fights easier. However, some UI elements needed to actually interact with the game itself, e.g. if I want to make a button that casts a certain spell. For this you could construct a special kind of button that executes code in a secure environment when clicked. You were only allowed to create/destroy/move such buttons when not in combat, so you couldn’t simply conditionally place such buttons underneath your cursor to automate actions during combat. The catch was that this secure environment did allow you to programmatically set which spell to cast, but doesn’t let you gather the information you would need to do arbitrary automation. All access to state from outside the secure environment was blocked. There were some information gathering API calls available to match the more accessible in-game macro system, but nothing as fancy as getting skill cooldowns or unit health which would enable automatic optimal spellcasting. So there were two environments: an insecure one where you can get all information but can’t act on it, and a secure one where you can act but can’t get the information needed for automation. A backdoor channel Fast forward a couple years and I had mostly stopped playing. My interests had mainly moved on to more “serious” programming, and I was only occasionally playing, mostly messing around with add-on ideas. But this secure environment kept on nagging in my brain; I wanted to break it. Of course there was third-party software that completely disables the security restrictions from Blizzard, but what’s the fun in that? I wanted to do it “legitimately”, using the technically allowed tools, as a challenge. Obviously using clever code to bypass security restrictions is no better than using third-party software, and both would likely get you banned. I never actually wanted to use the code, just to see if I could make it work. So I scanned the secure environment allowed function list to see if I could smuggle any information from the outside into the secure environment. It all seemed pretty hopeless until I saw one tiny, innocent little function: random. An evil idea came in my head: random number generators (RNGs) used in computers are almost always pseudorandom number generators with (hidden) internal state. If I can manipulate this state, perhaps I can use that to pass information into the secure environment. Random number generator woes It turned out that random was just a small shim around C’s rand. I was excited! This meant that there was a single global random state that was shared in the process. It also helps that rand implementations tended to be on the weak side. Since World of Warcraft was compiled with MSVC, the actual implementation of rand was as follows: uint32_t state; int rand() { state = state * 214013 + 2531011; return (state >> 16) & 0x7fff; } This RNG is, for the lack of a better word, shite. It is a naked linear congruential generator, and a weak one at that. Which in my case, was a good thing. I can understand MSVC keeps rand the same for backwards compatibility, and at least all documentation I could find for rand recommends you not to use rand for cryptographic purposes. But was there ever a time where such a bad PRNG implementation was fit for any purpose? So let’s get to breaking this thing. Since the state is so laughably small and you can see 15 bits of the state directly you can keep a full list of all possible states consistent with a single output of the RNG and use further calls to the RNG to eliminate possibilities until a single one remains. But we can be significantly more clever. First we note that the top bit of state never affects anything in this RNG. (state >> 16) & 0x7fff masks out 15 bits, after shifting away the bottom 16 bits, and thus effectively works mod $2^{31}$. Since on any update the new state is a linear function of the previous state, we can propagate this modular form all the way down to the initial state as $$f(x) \equiv f(x \bmod m) \mod m$$ for any linear $f$. Let $a = 214013$ and $b = 2531011$. We observe the 15-bit output $r_0, r_1$ of two RNG calls. We’ll call the 16-bit portion of the RNG state that is hidden by the shift $h_0, h_1$ respectively, for the states after the first and second call. This means the state of the RNG after the first call is $2^{16} r_0 + h_0$ and similarly for $2^{16} r_1 + h_1$ after the second call. Then we have the following identity: $$a\cdot (2^{16}r_0 + h_0) + b \equiv 2^{16}r_1 + h_1 \mod 2^{31},$$ $$ah_0 \equiv h_1 + 2^{16}(r_1 - ar_0) - b \mod 2^{31}.$$ Now let $c \geq 0$ be the known constant $(2^{16}(r_1 - ar_0) - b) \bmod 2^{31}$, then for some integer $k$ we have $$ah_0 = h_1 + c + 2^{31} k.$$ Note that the left hand side ranges from $0$ to $a (2^{16} - 1) \approx 2^{33.71}$. Thus we must have $-1 \leq k \leq 2^{2.71} < 7$. Reordering we get the following expression for $h_0$: $$h_0 = \frac{c + 2^{31} k}{a} + h_1/a.$$ Since $a > 2^{16}$ while $0 \leq h_1 < 2^{16}$ we note that the term $0 \leq h_1/a < 1$. Thus, assuming a solution exists, we must have $$h_0 = \left\lceil\frac{c + 2^{31} k}{a}\right\rceil.$$ So for $-1 \leq k < 7$ we compute the above guess for the hidden portion of the RNG state after the first call. This gives us 8 guesses, after which we can reject bad guesses using follow-up calls to the RNG until a single unique answer remains. While I was able to re-derive the above with little difficulty now, 18 year old me wasn’t as experienced in discrete math. So I asked on crypto.SE, with the excuse that I wanted to ‘show my colleagues how weak this RNG is’. It worked, which sparks all kinds of interesting ethics questions. An example implementation of this process in Python: import random A = 214013 B = 2531011 class MsvcRng: def __init__(self, state): self.state = state def __call__(self): self.state = (self.state * A + B) % 2**32 return (self.state >> 16) & 0x7fff # Create a random RNG state we'll reverse engineer. hidden_rng = MsvcRng(random.randint(0, 2**32)) # Compute guesses for hidden state from 2 observations. r0 = hidden_rng() r1 = hidden_rng() c = (2**16 * (r1 - A * r0) - B) % 2**31 ceil_div = lambda a, b: (a + b - 1) // b h_guesses = [ceil_div(c + 2**31 * k, A) for k in range(-1, 7)] # Validate guesses until a single guess remains. guess_rngs = [MsvcRng(2**16 * r0 + h0) for h0 in h_guesses] guess_rngs = [g for g in guess_rngs if g() == r1] while len(guess_rngs) > 1: r = hidden_rng() guess_rngs = [g for g in guess_rngs if g() == r] # The top bit can not be recovered as it never affects the output, # but we should have recovered the effective hidden state. assert guess_rngs[0].state % 2**31 == hidden_rng.state % 2**31 While I did write the above process with a while loop, it appears to only ever need a third output at most to narrow it down to a single guess. Putting it together Once we could reverse-engineer the internal state of the random number generator we could make arbitrary automated decisions in the supposedly secure environment. How it worked was as follows: An insecure hook was registered that would execute right before the secure environment code would run. In this hook we have full access to information, and make a decision as to which action should be taken (e.g. casting a particular spell). This action is looked up in a hardcoded list to get an index. The current state of the RNG is reverse-engineered using the above process. We predict the outcome of the next RNG call. If this (modulo the length of our action list) does not give our desired outcome, we advance the RNG and try again. This repeats until the next random number would correspond to our desired action. The hook returns, and the secure environment starts. It generates a “random” number, indexes our hardcoded list of actions, and performs the “random” action. That’s all! By being able to simulate the RNG and looking one step ahead we could use it as our information channel by choosing exactly the right moment to call random in the secure environment. Now if you wanted to support a list of $n$ actions it would on average take $n$ steps of the RNG before the correct number came up to pass along, but that wasn’t a problem in practice. Conclusion I don’t know when Blizzard fixed the issue where the RNG state is so weak and shared, or whether they were aware of it being an issue at all. A few years after I had written the code I tried it again out of curiosity, and it had stopped working. Maybe they switched to a different algorithm, or had a properly separated RNG state for the secure environment. All-in-all it was a lot of effort for a niche exploit in a video game that I didn’t even want to use. But there certainly was a magic to manipulating something supposedly random into doing exactly what you want, like a magician pulling four aces from a shuffled deck.
A partition function accepts as input an array of elements, and a function returning a bool (a predicate) which indicates if an element should be in the first, or second partition. Then it returns two arrays, the two partitions: def partition(v, pred): first = [x for x in v if pred(x)] second = [x for x in v if not pred(x)] return first, second This can actually be done without needing any extra memory beyond the original array. An in-place partition algorithm reorders the array such that all the elements for which pred(x) is true come before the elements for which pred(x) is false (or vice versa - it doesn’t really matter). Finally by returning how many elements satisfied pred(x) to the caller they can then logically split the array in two slices. This scheme is used in C++’s std::partition for example. Usually partitioning is discussed in the context of sorting, most notably quicksort. There it is typically used with a pivot $p$, and you partition the data into ${x < p}$ and ${x \geq p}$ before recursing on both partitions. However, it is more generally applicable than that. In-place partition algorithms There are many possible variations / implementations of in-place partition algorithms, but they usually follow one of two schools: Hoare or Lomuto, named after their original inventors Tony Hoare (the inventor of quicksort), and Nico Lomuto. Hoare In Hoare-style partition algorithms you have two iterators scanning the array, one left-to-right ($i$) and one right-to-left ($j$). The former tries to find elements that belong on the right, and the latter tries to find elements that belong on the left. When both iterators have found an element, you swap them, and continue. When the iterators cross each other you are done. def hoare_partition(v, pred): i = 0 # Loop invariant: all(pred(x) for x in v[:i]) j = len(v) # Loop invariant: all(not pred(x) for x in v[j:]) while True: while i < j and pred(v[i]): i += 1 j -= 1 while i < j and not pred(v[j]): j -= 1 if i >= j: return i v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] i += 1 The loop invariant can visually be seen as such (using the symbols $<$ and $\geq$ for the predicate outcomes, as is usual in sorting): Doing this efficiently is perhaps an article for another day, if you are curious you can check out the paper BlockQuicksort: How Branch Mispredictions don’t affect Quicksort by Stefan Edelkamp and Armin Weiß, which is the technique I implemented in pdqsort. Another take on the same idea is found in bitsetsort. Key here is that it can be done branchlessly. A branch is a point at which the CPU has to make a choice of which code to run. The most recognizable form of a branch is the if statement, but there are others (e.g. while conditions, calling a function from a lookup table, short-circuiting logical operators). To cut a long story short, CPUs try to predict which piece of code it should run next and already starts doing it even before it knows if the code it is sending down the pipeline is the right choice. This is great in most cases as most branches are easy to predict, but it does incur a penalty when the prediction was wrong, as the CPU needs to stop, go back and restart from the right point once it realizes it was wrong (which can take a while). Especially in sorting when the outcomes of comparisons are ideally unpredictable (the more unpredictable the outcome of a comparison, the more informative getting the answer is), it can thus be advisable to avoid branching on comparisons altogether. Another branchless partition algorithm that is similar to Hoare but which makes a temporary gap in the array so it can use moves rather than swaps is the fulcrum partition found in crumsort by Igor van den Hoven. Lomuto In Lomuto-style partition algorithms the following invariant is followed: That is, there is a single iterator scanning the array from left-to-right ($j$). If the element is found to belong in the left partition, it is swapped with the first element of the right partition (tracked by $i$), otherwise it is left where it is. def lomuto_partition(v, pred): i = 0 # Loop invariant: all(pred(x) for x in v[:i]) j = 0 # Loop invariant: all(not pred(x) for x in v[i:j]) while j < len(v): if pred(v[j]): v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] i += 1 j += 1 return i This article is focused on optimizing this style of partition. Branchless Lomuto A few years ago I read a post by Andrei Alexandrescu which discusses a branchless variant of the Lomuto partition. Its inner loop (in C++) looks like this: for (; read < last; ++read) { auto x = *read; auto smaller = -int(x < pivot); auto delta = smaller & (read - first); first[delta] = *first; read[-delta] = x; first -= smaller; } At the time I was not overly impressed, as it does a lot of arithmetic to make the loop branchless, so I disregarded it. A while back my friend Lukas Bergdoll approached me with a new partition algorithm which was doing quite well in his benchmarks, which I recognized as being a variant of Lomuto. I then found a way the algorithm could be restructured without using conditional move instructions, which made it perform better still. I will present this algorithm now. Simple version First, a simplified variant which will make the more optimized variant much more readily understood: def branchless_lomuto_partition_simplified(v, pred): i = 0 # Loop invariant: all(pred(x) for x in v[:i]) j = 0 # Loop invariant: all(not pred(x) for x in v[i:j]) while j < len(v): v[i], v[j] = v[j], v[i] i += int(pred(v[i])) j += 1 return i This is actually quite similar to the original lomuto_partition, except we now always unconditionally swap, and replace the conditional increment of $i$ with an if statement by simply converting the boolean condition to an integer and adding it to $i$. To visualize this, the state of the array looks like this after the unconditional swap: From this it should be pretty clear that incrementing $i$ if the predicate is true (corresponding to $v[i] < p$ for sorting) and unconditionally incrementing $j$ restores our Lomuto loop invariant. The only corner case is when ${i = j},$ but then the swap is a no-op and the algorithm remains correct. While researching prior art for this article I came across nanosort by Arseny Kapoulkine which implements this simplified variant and thanks Andrei Alexandrescu for his branchless Lomuto partition. But I actually believe it’s fundamentally different to Andrei’s version. Eliminating swaps Swaps are equivalent to three moves, but by restructuring the algorithm we can get away with two moves per iteration. The trick is to introduce a gap in the array by temporarily moving one of the elements out of the array. def branchless_lomuto_partition(v, pred): if len(v) == 0: return 0 tmp = v[0] i = 0 # Loop invariant: all(pred(x) for x in v[:i]) j = 0 # Loop invariant: all(not pred(x) for x in v[i:j]) while j < len(v) - 1: v[j] = v[i] j += 1 v[i] = v[j] i += pred(v[i]) v[j] = v[i] v[i] = tmp i += pred(v[i]) return i This is our new branchless Lomuto partition algorithm. Its inner loop is incredibly tight, involving only two moves, one predicate evaluation and two additions. A full visualization of one iteration of the algorithm (the striped red area indicates the gap in the array): We can now compare the assembly of the tight inner loops of Andrei Alexandrescu’s branchless Lomuto partition and ours: .alexandrescu: mov edi, DWORD PTR [rdx] mov rsi, rdx mov ebp, DWORD PTR [rax] cmp edi, r8d setb cl sub rsi, rax sar rsi, 2 test cl, cl cmove rsi, rbx sal rcx, 63 sar rcx, 61 mov DWORD PTR [rax+rsi*4], ebp lea r11, [0+rsi*4] mov rsi, rdx add rdx, 4 sub rsi, r11 sub rax, rcx mov DWORD PTR [rsi], edi cmp rdx, r10 jb .alexandrescu .orlp: lea rdi, [r8+rax*4] mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rdi] mov DWORD PTR [rdx], ecx mov ecx, DWORD PTR [rdx+4] cmp ecx, r9d mov DWORD PTR [rdi], ecx adc rax, 0 add rdx, 4 cmp rdx, r10 jne .orlp Half the instruction count! A neat trick the compiler did is translate the addition of the boolean result of the predicate (which is just a comparison here) to adc rax, 0. It avoids needing to create a boolean 0/1 value in a register by setting the carry flag using cmp and adding zero with carry. Conclusion Is the new branchless Lomuto implementation worth it? For that I’ll hand you over to my friend Lukas Bergdoll who has done an extensive write-up on the performance of an optimized implementation of this partition with a variety of real-world benchmarks and metrics. From an algorithmic standpoint the branchless Lomuto- and Hoare-style algorithms do have a key difference: they differ in the amount of writes they must perform. Branchless Lomuto-style algorithms always do at least two moves for each element, whereas Hoare-style algorithms can get away with doing a single move for each element (crumsort), or even better, half a move per element on average for random data (BlockQuicksort, pdqsort and bitsetsort, although they spend more time figuring out what to move than crumsort does - one of many trade-offs). So a key component of choosing an algorithm is the question “How expensive are my moves?” which can vary from very cheap (small integers in cache) to very expensive (large structs not in cache). Finally, the Lomuto-style algorithms tend to be significantly smaller in both source code and generated machine code, which can be a factor for some. They are also arguably easier to understand and prove correct, Hoare-style partition algorithms are especially prone to off-by-one errors.
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I was chatting with a friend recently, and she mentioned an annoyance when reading fanfiction on her iPad. She downloads fic from AO3 as EPUB files, and reads it in the Kindle app – but the files don’t have a cover image, and so the preview thumbnails aren’t very readable: She’s downloaded several hundred stories, and these thumbnails make it difficult to find things in the app’s “collections” view. This felt like a solvable problem. There are tools to add cover images to EPUB files, if you already have the image. The EPUB file embeds some key metadata, like the title and author. What if you had a tool that could extract that metadata, auto-generate an image, and use it as the cover? So I built that. It’s a small site where you upload EPUB files you’ve downloaded from AO3, the site generates a cover image based on the metadata, and it gives you an updated EPUB to download. The new covers show the title and author in large text on a coloured background, so they’re much easier to browse in the Kindle app: If you’d find this helpful, you can use it at Otherwise, I’m going to explain how it works, and what I learnt from building it. There are three steps to this process: Open the existing EPUB to get the title and author Generate an image based on that metadata Modify the EPUB to insert the new cover image Let’s go through them in turn. Open the existing EPUB I’ve not worked with EPUB before, and I don’t know much about it. My first instinct was to look for Python EPUB libraries on PyPI, but there was nothing appealing. The results were either very specific tools (convert EPUB to/from format X) or very unmaintained (the top result was last updated in April 2014). I decied to try writing my own code to manipulate EPUBs, rather than using somebody else’s library. I had a vague memory that EPUB files are zips, so I changed the extension from .epub to .zip and tried unzipping one – and it turns out that yes, it is a zip file, and the internal structure is fairly simple. I found a file called content.opf which contains metadata as XML, including the title and author I’m looking for: <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?> <package xmlns="" version="2.0" unique-identifier="uuid_id"> <metadata xmlns:opf="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:dcterms="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:calibre=""> <dc:title>Operation Cameo</dc:title> <meta name="calibre:timestamp" content="2025-01-25T18:01:43.253715+00:00"/> <dc:language>en</dc:language> <dc:creator opf:file-as="alexwlchan" opf:role="aut">alexwlchan</dc:creator> <dc:identifier id="uuid_id" opf:scheme="uuid">13385d97-35a1-4e72-830b-9757916d38a7</dc:identifier> <meta name="calibre:title_sort" content="operation cameo"/> <dc:description><p>Some unusual orders arrive at Operation Mincemeat HQ.</p></dc:description> <dc:publisher>Archive of Our Own</dc:publisher> <dc:subject>Fanworks</dc:subject> <dc:subject>General Audiences</dc:subject> <dc:subject>Operation Mincemeat: A New Musical - SpitLip</dc:subject> <dc:subject>No Archive Warnings Apply</dc:subject> <dc:date>2023-12-14T00:00:00+00:00</dc:date> </metadata> … That dc: prefix was instantly familiar from my time working at Wellcome Collection – this is Dublin Core, a standard set of metadata fields used to describe books and other objects. I’m unsurprised to see it in an EPUB; this is exactly how I’d expect it to be used. I found an article that explains the structure of an EPUB file, which told me that I can find the content.opf file by looking at the root-path element inside the mandatory META-INF/container.xml file which is every EPUB. I wrote some code to find the content.opf file, then a few XPath expressions to extract the key fields, and I had the metadata I needed. Generate a cover image I sketched a simple cover design which shows the title and author. I wrote the first version of the drawing code in Pillow, because that’s what I’m familiar with. It was fine, but the code was quite flimsy – it didn’t wrap properly for long titles, and I couldn’t get custom fonts to work. Later I rewrote the app in JavaScript, so I had access to the HTML canvas element. This is another tool that I haven’t worked with before, so a fun chance to learn something new. The API felt fairly familiar, similar to other APIs I’ve used to build HTML elements. This time I did implement some line wrapping – there’s a measureText() API for canvas, so you can see how much space text will take up before you draw it. I break the text into words, and keeping adding words to a line until measureText tells me the line is going to overflow the page. I have lots of ideas for how I could improve the line wrapping, but it’s good enough for now. I was also able to get fonts working, so I picked Georgia to match the font used for titles on AO3. Here are some examples: I had several ideas for choosing the background colour. I’m trying to help my friend browse her collection of fic, and colour would be a useful way to distinguish things – so how do I use it? I realised I could get the fandom from the EPUB file, so I decided to use that. I use the fandom name as a seed to a random number generator, then I pick a random colour. This means that all the fics in the same fandom will get the same colour – for example, all the Star Wars stories are a shade of red, while Star Trek are a bluey-green. This was a bit harder than I expected, because it turns out that JavaScript doesn’t have a built-in seeded random number generator – I ended up using some snippets from a Stack Overflow answer, where bryc has written several pseudorandom number generators in plain JavaScript. I didn’t realise until later, but I designed something similar to the placeholder book covers in the Apple Books app. I don’t use Apple Books that often so it wasn’t a deliberate choice to mimic this style, but clearly it was somewhere in my subconscious. One difference is that Apple’s app seems to be picking from a small selection of background colours, whereas my code can pick a much nicer variety of colours. Apple’s choices will have been pre-approved by a designer to look good, but I think mine is more fun. Add the cover image to the EPUB My first attempt to add a cover image used pandoc: pandoc input.epub --output output.epub --epub-cover-image cover.jpeg This approach was no good: although it added the cover image, it destroyed the formatting in the rest of the EPUB. This made it easier to find the fic, but harder to read once you’d found it. An EPUB file I downloaded from AO3, before/after it was processed by pandoc. So I tried to do it myself, and it turned out to be quite easy! I unzipped another EPUB which already had a cover image. I found the cover image in OPS/images/cover.jpg, and then I looked for references to it in content.opf. I found two elements that referred to cover images: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <package xmlns="" version="3.0" unique-identifier="PrimaryID"> <metadata xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf=""> <meta name="cover" content="cover-image"/> … </metadata> <manifest> <item id="cover-image" href="images/cover.jpg" media-type="image/jpeg" properties="cover-image"/> … </manifest> </package> This gave me the steps for adding a cover image to an EPUB file: add the image file to the zipped bundle, then add these two elements to the content.opf. Where am I going to deploy this? I wrote the initial prototype of this in Python, because that’s the language I’m most familiar with. Python has all the libraries I need: The zipfile module can unpack and modify the EPUB/ZIP The xml.etree or lxml modules can manipulate XML The Pillow library can generate images I built a small Flask web app: you upload the EPUB to my server, my server does some processing, and sends the EPUB back to you. But for such a simple app, do I need a server? I tried rebuilding it as a static web page, doing all the processing in client-side JavaScript. That’s simpler for me to host, and it doesn’t involve a round-trip to my server. That has lots of other benefits – it’s faster, less of a privacy risk, and doesn’t require a persistent connection. I love static websites, so can they do this? Yes! I just had to find a different set of libraries: The JSZip library can unpack and modify the EPUB/ZIP, and is the only third-party code I’m using in the tool Browsers include DOMParser for manipulating XML I’ve already mentioned the HTML <canvas> element for rendering the image This took a bit longer because I’m not as familiar with JavaScript, but I got it working. As a bonus, this makes the tool very portable. Everything is bundled into a single HTML file, so if you download that file, you have the whole tool. If my friend finds this tool useful, she can save the file and keep a local copy of it – she doesn’t have to rely on my website to keep using it. What should it look like? My first design was very “engineer brain” – I just put the basic controls on the page. It was fine, but it wasn’t good. That might be okay, because the only person I need to be able to use this app is my friend – but wouldn’t it be nice if other people were able to use it? If they’re going to do that, they need to know what it is – most people aren’t going to read a 2,500 word blog post to understand a tool they’ve never heard of. (Although if you have read this far, I appreciate you!) I started designing a proper page, including some explanations and descriptions of what the tool is doing. I got something that felt pretty good, including FAQs and acknowledgements, and I added a grey area for the part where you actually upload and download your EPUBs, to draw the user’s eye and make it clear this is the important stuff. But even with that design, something was missing. I realised I was telling you I’d create covers, but not showing you what they’d look like. Aha! I sat down and made up a bunch of amusing titles for fanfic and fanfic authors, so now you see a sample of the covers before you upload your first EPUB: This makes it clearer what the app will do, and was a fun way to wrap up the project. What did I learn from this project? Don’t be scared of new file formats My first instinct was to look for a third-party library that could handle the “complexity” of EPUB files. In hindsight, I’m glad I didn’t find one – it forced me to learn more about how EPUBs work, and I realised I could write my own code using built-in libraries. EPUB files are essentially ZIP files, and I only had basic needs. I was able to write my own code. Because I didn’t rely on a library, now I know more about EPUBs, I have code that’s simpler and easier for me to understand, and I don’t have a dependency that may cause problems later. There are definitely some file formats where I need existing libraries (I’m not going to write my own JPEG parser, for example) – but I should be more open to writing my own code, and not jumping to add a dependency. Static websites can handle complex file manipulations I love static websites and I’ve used them for a lot of tasks, but mostly read-only display of information – not anything more complex or interactive. But modern JavaScript is very capable, and you can do a lot of things with it. Static pages aren’t just for static data. One of the first things I made that got popular was find untagged Tumblr posts, which was built as a static website because that’s all I knew how to build at the time. Somewhere in the intervening years, I forgot just how powerful static sites can be. I want to build more tools this way. Async JavaScript calls require careful handling The JSZip library I’m using has a lot of async functions, and this is my first time using async JavaScript. I got caught out several times, because I forgot to wait for async calls to finish properly. For example, I’m using canvas.toBlob to render the image, which is an async function. I wasn’t waiting for it to finish, and so the zip would be repackaged before the cover image was ready to add, and I got an EPUB with a missing image. Oops. I think I’ll always prefer the simplicity of synchronous code, but I’m sure I’ll get better at async JavaScript with practice. Final thoughts I know my friend will find this helpful, and that feels great. Writing software that’s designed for one person is my favourite software to write. It’s not hyper-scale, it won’t launch the next big startup, and it’s usually not breaking new technical ground – but it is useful. I can see how I’m making somebody’s life better, and isn’t that what computers are for? If other people like it, that’s a nice bonus, but I’m really thinking about that one person. Normally the one person I’m writing software for is me, so it’s extra nice when I can do it for somebody else. If you want to try this tool yourself, go to If you want to read the code, it’s all on GitHub. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]
I’ve been doing Dry January this year. One thing I missed was something for apéro hour, a beverage to mark the start of the evening. Something complex and maybe bitter, not like a drink you’d have with lunch. I found some good options. Ghia sodas are my favorite. Ghia is an NA apéritif based on grape juice but with enough bitterness (gentian) and sourness (yuzu) to be interesting. You can buy a bottle and mix it with soda yourself but I like the little cans with extra flavoring. The Ginger and the Sumac & Chili are both great. Another thing I like are low-sugar fancy soda pops. Not diet drinks, they still have a little sugar, but typically 50 calories a can. De La Calle Tepache is my favorite. Fermented pineapple is delicious and they have some fun flavors. Culture Pop is also good. A friend gave me the Zero book, a drinks cookbook from the fancy restaurant Alinea. This book is a little aspirational but the recipes are doable, it’s just a lot of labor. Very fancy high end drink mixing, really beautiful flavor ideas. The only thing I made was their gin substitute (mostly junipers extracted in glycerin) and it was too sweet for me. Need to find the right use for it, a martini definitely ain’t it. An easier homemade drink is this Nonalcoholic Dirty Lemon Tonic. It’s basically a lemonade heavily flavored with salted preserved lemons, then mixed with tonic. I love the complexity and freshness of this drink and enjoy it on its own merits. Finally, non-alcoholic beer has gotten a lot better in the last few years thanks to manufacturing innovations. I’ve been enjoying NA Black Butte Porter, Stella Artois 0.0, Heineken 0.0. They basically all taste just like their alcoholic uncles, no compromise. One thing to note about non-alcoholic substitutes is they are not cheap. They’ve become a big high end business. Expect to pay the same for an NA drink as one with alcohol even though they aren’t taxed nearly as much.
The first time we had to evacuate Malibu this season was during the Franklin fire in early December. We went to bed with our bags packed, thinking they'd probably get it under control. But by 2am, the roaring blades of fire choppers shaking the house got us up. As we sped down the canyon towards Pacific Coast Highway (PCH), the fire had reached the ridge across from ours, and flames were blazing large out the car windows. It felt like we had left the evacuation a little too late, but they eventually did get Franklin under control before it reached us. Humans have a strange relationship with risk and disasters. We're so prone to wishful thinking and bad pattern matching. I remember people being shocked when the flames jumped the PCH during the Woolsey fire in 2017. IT HAD NEVER DONE THAT! So several friends of ours had to suddenly escape a nightmare scenario, driving through burning streets, in heavy smoke, with literally their lives on the line. Because the past had failed to predict the future. I feel into that same trap for a moment with the dramatic proclamations of wind and fire weather in the days leading up to January 7. Warning after warning of "extremely dangerous, life-threatening wind" coming from the City of Malibu, and that overly-bureaucratic-but-still-ominous "Particularly Dangerous Situation" designation. Because, really, how much worse could it be? Turns out, a lot. It was a little before noon on the 7th when we first saw the big plumes of smoke rise from the Palisades fire. And immediately the pattern matching ran astray. Oh, it's probably just like Franklin. It's not big yet, they'll get it out. They usually do. Well, they didn't. By the late afternoon, we had once more packed our bags, and by then it was also clear that things actually were different this time. Different worse. Different enough that even Santa Monica didn't feel like it was assured to be safe. So we headed far North, to be sure that we wouldn't have to evacuate again. Turned out to be a good move. Because by now, into the evening, few people in the connected world hadn't started to see the catastrophic images emerging from the Palisades and Eaton fires. Well over 10,000 houses would ultimately burn. Entire neighborhoods leveled. Pictures that could be mistaken for World War II. Utter and complete destruction. By the night of the 7th, the fire reached our canyon, and it tore through the chaparral and brush that'd been building since the last big fire that area saw in 1993. Out of some 150 houses in our immediate vicinity, nearly a hundred burned to the ground. Including the first house we moved to in Malibu back in 2009. But thankfully not ours. That's of course a huge relief. This was and is our Malibu Dream House. The site of that gorgeous home office I'm so fond to share views from. Our home. But a house left standing in a disaster zone is still a disaster. The flames reached all the way up to the base of our construction, incinerated much of our landscaping, and devoured the power poles around it to dysfunction. We have burnt-out buildings every which way the eye looks. The national guard is still stationed at road blocks on the access roads. Utility workers are tearing down the entire power grid to rebuild it from scratch. It's going to be a long time before this is comfortably habitable again. So we left. That in itself feels like defeat. There's an urge to stay put, and to help, in whatever helpless ways you can. But with three school-age children who've already missed over a months worth of learning from power outages, fire threats, actual fires, and now mudslide dangers, it was time to go. None of this came as a surprise, mind you. After Woolsey in 2017, Malibu life always felt like living on borrowed time to us. We knew it, even accepted it. Beautiful enough to be worth the risk, we said. But even if it wasn't a surprise, it's still a shock. The sheer devastation, especially in the Palisades, went far beyond our normal range of comprehension. Bounded, as it always is, by past experiences. Thus, we find ourselves back in Copenhagen. A safe haven for calamities of all sorts. We lived here for three years during the pandemic, so it just made sense to use it for refuge once more. The kids' old international school accepted them right back in, and past friendships were quickly rebooted. I don't know how long it's going to be this time. And that's an odd feeling to have, just as America has been turning a corner, and just as the optimism is back in so many areas. Of the twenty years I've spent in America, this feels like the most exciting time to be part of the exceptionalism that the US of A offers. And of course we still are. I'll still be in the US all the time on both business, racing, and family trips. But it won't be exclusively so for a while, and it won't be from our Malibu Dream House. And that burns.
Thou shalt not suffer a flaky test to live, because it’s annoying, counterproductive, and dangerous: one day it might fail for real, and you won’t notice. Here’s what to do.
The ware for January 2025 is shown below. Thanks to brimdavis for contributing this ware! …back in the day when you would get wares that had “blue wires” in them… One thing I wonder about this ware is…where are the ROMs? Perhaps I’ll find out soon! Happy year of the snake!