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I was talking to a friend about how to add a directory to your PATH today. It’s something that feels “obvious” to me since I’ve been using the terminal for a long time, but when I searched for instructions for how to do it, I actually couldn’t find something that explained all of the steps – a lot of them just said “add this to ~/.bashrc”, but what if you’re not using bash? What if your bash config is actually in a different file? And how are you supposed to figure out which directory to add anyway? So I wanted to try to write down some more complete directions and mention some of the gotchas I’ve run into over the years. Here’s a table of contents: step 1: what shell are you using? step 2: find your shell’s config file a note on bash’s config file step 3: figure out which directory to add step 3.1: double check it’s the right directory step 4: edit your shell config step 5: restart your shell problems: problem 1: it ran the wrong program problem 2: the program isn’t being run from...
6 days ago

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Some terminal frustrations

A few weeks ago I ran a terminal survey (you can read the results here) and at the end I asked: What’s the most frustrating thing about using the terminal for you? 1600 people answered, and I decided to spend a few days categorizing all the responses. Along the way I learned that classifying qualitative data is not easy but I gave it my best shot. I ended up building a custom tool to make it faster to categorize everything. As with all of my surveys the methodology isn’t particularly scientific. I just posted the survey to Mastodon and Twitter, ran it for a couple of days, and got answers from whoever happened to see it and felt like responding. Here are the top categories of frustrations! I think it’s worth keeping in mind while reading these comments that 40% of people answering this survey have been using the terminal for 21+ years 95% of people answering the survey have been using the terminal for at least 4 years These comments aren’t coming from total beginners. Here are the categories of frustrations! The number in brackets is the number of people with that frustration. Honestly I don’t how how interesting this is to other people – I’m just writing this up for myself because I’m trying to write a zine about the terminal and I wanted to get a sense for what people are having trouble with. remembering syntax (115) People talked about struggles remembering: the syntax for CLI tools like awk, jq, sed, etc the syntax for redirects keyboard shortcuts for tmux, text editing, etc One example comment: There are just so many little “trivia” details to remember for full functionality. Even after all these years I’ll sometimes forget where it’s 2 or 1 for stderr, or forget which is which for > and >>. switching terminals is hard (91) People talked about struggling with switching systems (for example home/work computer or when SSHing) and running into: OS differences in keyboard shortcuts (like Linux vs Mac) systems which don’t have their preferred text editor (“no vim” or “only vim”) different versions of the same command (like Mac OS grep vs GNU grep) no tab completion a shell they aren’t used to (“the subtle differences between zsh and bash”) as well as differences inside the same system like pagers being not consistent with each other (git diff pagers, other pagers). One example comment: I got used to fish and vi mode which are not available when I ssh into servers, containers. color (85) Lots of problems with color, like: programs setting colors that are unreadable with a light background color finding a colorscheme they like (and getting it to work consistently across different apps) color not working inside several layers of SSH/tmux/etc not liking the defaults not wanting color at all and struggling to turn it off This comment felt relatable to me: Getting my terminal theme configured in a reasonable way between the terminal emulator and fish (I did this years ago and remember it being tedious and fiddly and now feel like I’m locked into my current theme because it works and I dread touching any of that configuration ever again). keyboard shortcuts (84) Half of the comments on keyboard shortcuts were about how on Linux/Windows, the keyboard shortcut to copy/paste in the terminal is different from in the rest of the OS. Some other issues with keyboard shortcuts other than copy/paste: using Ctrl-W in a browser-based terminal and closing the window the terminal only supports a limited set of keyboard shortcuts (no Ctrl-Shift-, no Super, no Hyper, lots of ctrl- shortcuts aren’t possible like Ctrl-,) the OS stopping you from using a terminal keyboard shortcut (like by default Mac OS uses Ctrl+left arrow for something else) issues using emacs in the terminal backspace not working (2) other copy and paste issues (75) Aside from “the keyboard shortcut for copy and paste is different”, there were a lot of OTHER issues with copy and paste, like: copying over SSH how tmux and the terminal emulator both do copy/paste in different ways dealing with many different clipboards (system clipboard, vim clipboard, the “middle click” keyboard on Linux, tmux’s clipboard, etc) and potentially synchronizing them random spaces added when copying from the terminal pasting multiline commands which automatically get run in a terrifying way wanting a way to copy text without using the mouse discoverability (55) There were lots of comments about this, which all came down to the same basic complaint – it’s hard to discover useful tools or features! This comment kind of summed it all up: How difficult it is to learn independently. Most of what I know is an assorted collection of stuff I’ve been told by random people over the years. steep learning curve (44) A lot of comments about it generally having a steep learning curve. A couple of example comments: After 15 years of using it, I’m not much faster than using it than I was 5 or maybe even 10 years ago. and That I know I could make my life easier by learning more about the shortcuts and commands and configuring the terminal but I don’t spend the time because it feels overwhelming. history (42) Some issues with shell history: history not being shared between terminal tabs (16) limits that are too short (4) history not being restored when terminal tabs are restored losing history because the terminal crashed not knowing how to search history One example comment: It wasted a lot of time until I figured it out and still annoys me that “history” on zsh has such a small buffer; I have to type “history 0” to get any useful length of history. bad documentation (37) People talked about: documentation being generally opaque lack of examples in man pages programs which don’t have man pages Here’s a representative comment: Finding good examples and docs. Man pages often not enough, have to wade through stack overflow scrollback (36) A few issues with scrollback: programs printing out too much data making you lose scrollback history resizing the terminal messes up the scrollback lack of timestamps GUI programs that you start in the background printing stuff out that gets in the way of other programs’ outputs One example comment: When resizing the terminal (in particular: making it narrower) leads to broken rewrapping of the scrollback content because the commands formatted their output based on the terminal window width. “it feels outdated” (33) Lots of comments about how the terminal feels hampered by legacy decisions and how users often end up needing to learn implementation details that feel very esoteric. One example comment: Most of the legacy cruft, it would be great to have a green field implementation of the CLI interface. shell scripting (32) Lots of complaints about POSIX shell scripting. There’s a general feeling that shell scripting is difficult but also that switching to a different less standard scripting language (fish, nushell, etc) brings its own problems. Shell scripting. My tolerance to ditch a shell script and go to a scripting language is pretty low. It’s just too messy and powerful. Screwing up can be costly so I don’t even bother. more issues Some more issues that were mentioned at least 10 times: (31) inconsistent command line arguments: is it -h or help or –help? (24) keeping dotfiles in sync across different systems (23) performance (e.g. “my shell takes too long to start”) (20) window management (potentially with some combination of tmux tabs, terminal tabs, and multiple terminal windows. Where did that shell session go?) (17) generally feeling scared/uneasy (“The debilitating fear that I’m going to do some mysterious Bad Thing with a command and I will have absolutely no idea how to fix or undo it or even really figure out what happened”) (16) terminfo issues (“Having to learn about terminfo if/when I try a new terminal emulator and ssh elsewhere.”) (16) lack of image support (sixel etc) (15) SSH issues (like having to start over when you lose the SSH connection) (15) various tmux/screen issues (for example lack of integration between tmux and the terminal emulator) (15) typos & slow typing (13) the terminal getting messed up for various reasons (pressing Ctrl-S, cating a binary, etc) that’s all! I’m not going to make a lot of commentary on these results, but here are a couple of categories that feel related to me: remembering syntax & history (often the thing you need to remember is something you’ve run before!) discoverability & the learning curve (the lack of discoverability is definitely a big part of what makes it hard to learn)

a week ago 10 votes
What's involved in getting a "modern" terminal setup?

Hello! Recently I ran a terminal survey and I asked people what frustrated them. One person commented: There are so many pieces to having a modern terminal experience. I wish it all came out of the box. My immediate reaction was “oh, getting a modern terminal experience isn’t that hard, you just need to….”, but the more I thought about it, the longer the “you just need to…” list got, and I kept thinking about more and more caveats. So I thought I would write down some notes about what it means to me personally to have a “modern” terminal experience and what I think can make it hard for people to get there. what is a “modern terminal experience”? Here are a few things that are important to me, with which part of the system is responsible for them: multiline support for copy and paste: if you paste 3 commands in your shell, it should not immediatly run them all! That’s scary! (shell, terminal emulator) infinite shell history: if I run a command in my shell, it should be saved forever, not deleted after 500 history entries or whatever. Also I want commands to be saved to the history immediately when I run them, not only when I exit the shell session (shell) a useful prompt: I can’t live without having my current directory and current git branch in my prompt (shell) 24-bit colour: this is important to me because I find it MUCH easier to theme neovim with 24-bit colour support than in a terminal with only 256 colours (terminal emulator) clipboard integration between vim and my operating system so that when I copy in Firefox, I can just press p in vim to paste (text editor, maybe the OS/terminal emulator too) good autocomplete: for example commands like git should have command-specific autocomplete (shell) having colours in ls (shell config) a terminal theme I like: I spend a lot of time in my terminal, I want it to look nice and I want its theme to match my terminal editor’s theme. (terminal emulator, text editor) automatic terminal fixing: If a programs prints out some weird escape codes that mess up my terminal, I want that to automatically get reset so that my terminal doesn’t get messed up (shell) keybindings: I want Ctrl+left arrow to work (shell or application) being able to use the scroll wheel in programs like less: (terminal emulator and applications) There are a million other terminal conveniences out there and different people value different things, but those are the ones that I would be really unhappy without. how I achieve a “modern experience” My basic approach is: use the fish shell. Mostly don’t configure it, except to: set the EDITOR environment variable to my favourite terminal editor alias ls to ls --color=auto use any terminal emulator with 24-bit colour support. In the past I’ve used GNOME Terminal, Terminator, and iTerm, but I’m not picky about this. I don’t really configure it other than to choose a font. use neovim, with a configuration that I’ve been very slowly building over the last 9 years or so (the last time I deleted my vim config and started from scratch was 9 years ago) use the base16 framework to theme everything some “out of the box” options for a “modern” experience What if you want a nice experience, but don’t want to spend a lot of time on configuration? Figuring out how to configure vim in a way that I was satisfied with really did take me like ten years, which is a long time! My best ideas for how to get a reasonable terminal experience with minimal config are: shell: either fish or zsh with oh-my-zsh terminal emulator: almost anything with 24-bit colour support, for example all of these are popular: linux: GNOME Terminal, Konsole, Terminator, xfce4-terminal mac: iTerm (Terminal.app doesn’t have 256-colour support) cross-platform: kitty, alacritty, wezterm, or ghostty shell config: set the EDITOR environment variable to your favourite terminal text editor maybe alias ls to ls --color=auto text editor: this is a tough one, maybe micro or helix? I haven’t used either of them seriously but they both seem like very cool projects and I think it’s amazing that you can just use all the usual GUI editor commands (Ctrl-C to copy, Ctrl-V to paste, Ctrl-A to select all) in micro and they do what you’d expect. I would probably try switching to helix except that retraining my vim muscle memory seems way too hard and I have a working vim config already. Personally I wouldn’t use xterm, rxvt, or Terminal.app as a terminal emulator, because I’ve found in the past that they’re missing core features (like 24-bit colour in Terminal.app’s case) that make the terminal harder to use for me. I don’t want to pretend that getting a “modern” terminal experience is easier than it is though – I think there are two issues that make it hard. Let’s talk about them! issue 1 with getting to a “modern” experience: the shell bash and zsh are by far the two most popular shells, and neither of them provide a default experience that I would be happy using out of the box, for example: you need to customize your prompt they don’t come with git completions by default, you have to set them up by default, bash only stores 500 (!) lines of history and (at least on Mac OS) zsh is only configured to store 2000 lines, which is still not a lot I find bash’s tab completion very frustrating, if there’s more than one match then you can’t tab through them And even though I love fish, the fact that it isn’t POSIX does make it hard for a lot of folks to make the switch. Of course it’s totally possible to learn how to customize your prompt in bash or whatever, and it doesn’t even need to be that complicated (in bash I’d probably start with something like export PS1='[\u@\h \W$(__git_ps1 " (%s)")]\$ ', or maybe use starship). But each of these “not complicated” things really does add up and it’s especially tough if you need to keep your config in sync across several systems. An extremely popular solution to getting a “modern” shell experience is oh-my-zsh. It seems like a great project and I know a lot of people use it very happily, but I’ve struggled with configuration systems like that in the past – it looks like right now the base oh-my-zsh adds about 3000 lines of config, and often I find that having an extra configuration system makes it harder to debug what’s happening when things go wrong. I personally have a tendency to use the system to add a lot of extra plugins, make my system slow, get frustrated that it’s slow, and then delete it completely and write a new config from scratch. issue 2 with getting to a “modern” experience: the text editor In the terminal survey I ran recently, the most popular terminal text editors by far were vim, emacs, and nano. I think the main options for terminal text editors are: use vim or emacs and configure it to your liking, you can probably have any feature you want if you put in the work use nano and accept that you’re going to have a pretty limited experience (for example as far as I can tell if you want to copy some text from nano and put it in your system clipboard you just… can’t?) use micro or helix which seem to offer a pretty good out-of-the-box experience, potentially occasionally run into issues with using a less mainstream text editor just avoid using a terminal text editor as much as possible, maybe use VSCode, use VSCode’s terminal for all your terminal needs, and mostly never edit files in the terminal issue 3: individual applications The last issue is that sometimes individual programs that I use are kind of annoying. For example on my Mac OS machine, /usr/bin/sqlite3 doesn’t support the Ctrl+Left Arrow keyboard shortcut. Fixing this to get a reasonable terminal experience in SQLite was a little complicated, I had to: realize why this is happening (Mac OS won’t ship GNU tools, and “Ctrl-Left arrow” support comes from GNU readline) find a workaround (install sqlite from homebrew, which does have readline support) adjust my environment (put Homebrew’s sqlite3 in my PATH) I find that debugging application-specific issues like this is really not easy and often it doesn’t feel “worth it” – often I’ll end up just dealing with various minor inconveniences because I don’t want to spend hours investigating them. The only reason I was even able to figure this one out at all is that I’ve been spending a huge amount of time thinking about the terminal recently. A big part of having a “modern” experience using terminal programs is just using newer terminal programs, for example I can’t be bothered to learn a keyboard shortcut to sort the columns in top, but in htop I can just click on a column heading with my mouse to sort it. So I use htop instead! But discovering new more “modern” command line tools isn’t easy (though I made a list here), finding ones that I actually like using in practice takes time, and if you’re SSHed into another machine, they won’t always be there. everything affects everything else Something I find tricky about configuring my terminal to make everything “nice” is that changing one seemingly small thing about my workflow can really affect everything else. For example right now I don’t use tmux. But if I needed to use tmux again (for example because I was doing a lot of work SSHed into another machine), I’d need to think about a few things, like: if I wanted tmux’s copy to synchronize with my system clipboard over SSH, I’d need to make sure that my terminal emulator has OSC 52 support if I wanted to use iTerm’s tmux integration (which makes tmux tabs into iTerm tabs), I’d need to change how I configure colours – right now I set them with a shell script that I run when my shell starts, but that means the colours get lost when restoring a tmux session. and probably more things I haven’t thought of. “Using tmux means that I have to change how I manage my colours” sounds unlikely, but that really did happen to me and I decided “well, I don’t want to change how I manage colours right now, so I guess I’m not using that feature!”. It’s also hard to remember which features I’m relying on – for example maybe my current terminal does have OSC 52 support and because copying from tmux over SSH has always Just Worked I don’t even realize that that’s something I need, and then it mysteriously stops working when I switch terminals. change things slowly Personally even though I think my setup is not that complicated, it’s taken me 20 years to get to this point! Because terminal config changes are so likely to have unexpected and hard-to-understand consequences, I’ve found that if I change a lot of terminal configuration all at once it makes it much harder to understand what went wrong if there’s a problem, which can be really disorienting. So I prefer to make pretty small changes, and accept that changes can might take me a REALLY long time to get used to. For example I switched from using ls to eza a year or two ago and while I think I like it I’m still not quite sure about it. getting a “modern” terminal is not that easy Trying to explain how “easy” it is to configure your terminal really just made me think that it’s kind of hard and that I still sometimes get confused. I’ve found that there’s never one perfect way to configure things in the terminal that will be compatible with every single other thing. I just need to try stuff, figure out some kind of locally stable state that works for me, and accept that if I start using a new tool it might disrupt the system and I might need to rethink things.

a month ago 41 votes
"Rules" that terminal programs follow

Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination of: Your operating system’s job Your shell’s job Your terminal emulator’s job The job of whatever program you happen to be running (like top or vim or cat) The first three (your operating system, shell, and terminal emulator) are all kind of known quantities – if you’re using bash in GNOME Terminal on Linux, you can more or less reason about how how all of those things interact, and some of their behaviour is standardized by POSIX. But the fourth one (“whatever program you happen to be running”) feels like it could do ANYTHING. How are you supposed to know how a program is going to behave? This post is kind of long so here’s a quick table of contents: programs behave surprisingly consistently these are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive it’s not always obvious which “rules” are the program’s responsibility to implement rule 1: noninteractive programs should quit when you press Ctrl-C rule 2: TUIs should quit when you press q rule 3: REPLs should quit when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line rule 4: don’t use more than 16 colours rule 5: vaguely support readline keybindings rule 5.1: Ctrl-W should delete the last word rule 6: disable colours when writing to a pipe rule 7: - means stdin/stdout these “rules” take a long time to learn programs behave surprisingly consistently As far as I know, there are no real standards for how programs in the terminal should behave – the closest things I know of are: POSIX, which mostly dictates how your terminal emulator / OS / shell should work together. It does specify a few things about how core utilities like cp should work but AFAIK it doesn’t have anything to say about how for example htop should behave. these command line interface guidelines But even though there are no standards, in my experience programs in the terminal behave in a pretty consistent way. So I wanted to write down a list of “rules” that in my experience programs mostly follow. these are meant to be descriptive, not prescriptive My goal here isn’t to convince authors of terminal programs that they should follow any of these rules. There are lots of exceptions to these and often there’s a good reason for those exceptions. But it’s very useful for me to know what behaviour to expect from a random new terminal program that I’m using. Instead of “uh, programs could do literally anything”, it’s “ok, here are the basic rules I expect, and then I can keep a short mental list of exceptions”. So I’m just writing down what I’ve observed about how programs behave in my 20 years of using the terminal, why I think they behave that way, and some examples of cases where that rule is “broken”. it’s not always obvious which “rules” are the program’s responsibility to implement There are a bunch of common conventions that I think are pretty clearly the program’s responsibility to implement, like: config files should go in ~/.BLAHrc or ~/.config/BLAH/FILE or /etc/BLAH/ or something --help should print help text programs should print “regular” output to stdout and errors to stderr But in this post I’m going to focus on things that it’s not 100% obvious are the program’s responsibility. For example it feels to me like a “law of nature” that pressing Ctrl-D should quit a REPL (“rule 3” below), but there’s no reason that that has to be always be true. The reason that Ctrl-D almost always works is that interactive REPLs almost all implement that keyboard shortcut. rule 1: noninteractive programs should quit when you press Ctrl-C The main reason for this rule is that noninteractive programs will quit by default on Ctrl-C if they don’t set up a SIGINT signal handler, so this is kind of a “you should act like the default” rule. Something that trips a lot of people up is that this doesn’t apply to interactive programs like python3 or bc or less. This is because in an interactive program, Ctrl-C has a different job – if the program is running an operation (like for example a search in less or some Python code in python3), then Ctrl-C will interrupt that operation but not stop the program. As an example of how this works in an interactive program: here’s the code in prompt-toolkit (the library that iPython uses for handling input) that aborts a search when you press Ctrl-C. rule 2: TUIs should quit when you press q TUI programs (like less or htop) will usually quit when you press q. This rule doesn’t apply to any program where pressing q to quit wouldn’t make sense, like tmux or text editors. rule 3: REPLs should quit when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line REPLs (like python3 or ed) will usually quit when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line. This rule is similar to the Ctrl-C rule – the reason for this is that by default if you’re running a program (like cat) in “cooked mode”, then the operating system will return an EOF when you press Ctrl-D on an empty line. Most of the REPLs I use (sqlite3, python3, fish, bash, etc) don’t actually use cooked mode, but they all implement this keyboard shortcut anyway to mimic the default behaviour. For example, here’s the code in prompt-toolkit that quits when you press Ctrl-D, and here’s the same code in readline. I actually thought that this one was a “Law of Terminal Physics” until very recently because I’ve basically never seen it broken, but you can see that it’s just something that each individual input library has to implement in the links above. Someone pointed out that the Erlang REPL does not quit when you press Ctrl-D, so I guess not every REPL follows this “rule”. rule 4: don’t use more than 16 colours Terminal programs rarely use colours other than the base 16 ANSI colours. This is because if you specify colours with a hex code, it’s very likely to clash with some users’ background colour. For example if I print out some text as #EEEEEE, it would be almost invisible on a white background, though it would look fine on a dark background. But if you stick to the default 16 base colours, you have a much better chance that the user has configured those colours in their terminal emulator so that they work reasonably well with their background color. Another reason to stick to the default base 16 colours is that it makes less assumptions about what colours the terminal emulator supports. The only programs I usually see breaking this “rule” are text editors, for example Helix by default will use a custom colorscheme with this very nice purple background which is not a default ANSI colour. It seems fine for Helix to break this rule since Helix isn’t a “core” program and I assume any Helix user who doesn’t like that colorscheme will just change the theme. rule 5: vaguely support readline keybindings Almost every program I use supports readline keybindings if it would make sense to do so. For example, here are a bunch of different programs and a link to where they define Ctrl-E to go to the end of the line: ipython (Ctrl-E defined here) atuin (Ctrl-E defined here) fzf (Ctrl-E defined here) zsh (Ctrl-E defined here) fish (Ctrl-E defined here) tmux’s command prompt (Ctrl-E defined here) None of those programs actually uses readline directly, they just sort of mimic emacs/readline keybindings. They don’t always mimic them exactly: for example atuin seems to use Ctrl-A as a prefix, so Ctrl-A doesn’t go to the beginning of the line. The exceptions to this are: some programs (like git, cat, and nc) don’t have any line editing support at all (except for backspace, Ctrl-W, and Ctrl-U) as usual text editors are an exception, every text editor has its own approach to editing text I wrote more about this “what keybindings does a program support?” question in entering text in the terminal is complicated. rule 5.1: Ctrl-W should delete the last word I’ve never seen a program (other than a text editor) where Ctrl-W doesn’t delete the last word. This is similar to the Ctrl-C rule – by default if a program is in “cooked mode”, the OS will delete the last word if you press Ctrl-W, and delete the whole line if you press Ctrl-U. So usually programs will imitate that behaviour. I can’t think of any exceptions to this other than text editors but if there are I’d love to hear about them! rule 6: disable colours when writing to a pipe Most programs will disable colours when writing to a pipe. For example: rg blah will highlight all occurrences of blah in the output, but if the output is to a pipe or a file, it’ll turn off the highlighting. ls --color=auto will use colour when writing to a terminal, but not when writing to a pipe Both of those programs will also format their output differently when writing to the terminal: ls will organize files into columns, and ripgrep will group matches with headings. If you want to force the program to use colour (for example because you want to look at the colour), you can use unbuffer to force the program’s output to be a tty like this: unbuffer rg blah | less -R I’m sure that there are some programs that “break” this rule but I can’t think of any examples right now. Some programs have an --color flag that you can use to force colour to be on. rule 7: - means stdin/stdout Usually if you pass - to a program instead of a filename, it’ll read from stdin or write to stdout (whichever is appropriate). For example, if you want to format the Python code that’s on your clipboard with black and then copy it, you could run: pbpaste | black - | pbcopy (pbpaste is a Mac program, you can do something similar on Linux with xclip) My impression is that most programs implement this if it would make sense and I can’t think of any exceptions right now, but I’m sure there are many exceptions. these “rules” take a long time to learn These rules took me a long time for me to learn because I had to: learn that the rule applied anywhere at all ("Ctrl-C will exit programs") notice some exceptions (“okay, Ctrl-C will exit find but not less”) subconsciously figure out what the pattern is ("Ctrl-C will generally quit noninteractive programs, but in interactive programs it might interrupt the current operation instead of quitting the program") eventually maybe formulate it into an explicit rule that I know A lot of my understanding of the terminal is honestly still in the “subconscious pattern recognition” stage. The only reason I’ve been taking the time to make things explicit at all is because I’ve been trying to explain how it works to others. Hopefully writing down these “rules” explicitly will make learning some of this stuff a little bit faster for others.

2 months ago 59 votes
Why pipes sometimes get "stuck": buffering

Here’s a niche terminal problem that has bothered me for years but that I never really understood until a few weeks ago. Let’s say you’re running this command to watch for some specific output in a log file: tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2 If log lines are being added to the file relatively slowly, the result I’d see is… nothing! It doesn’t matter if there were matches in the log file or not, there just wouldn’t be any output. I internalized this as “uh, I guess pipes just get stuck sometimes and don’t show me the output, that’s weird”, and I’d handle it by just running grep thing1 /some/log/file | grep thing2 instead, which would work. So as I’ve been doing a terminal deep dive over the last few months I was really excited to finally learn exactly why this happens. why this happens: buffering The reason why “pipes get stuck” sometimes is that it’s VERY common for programs to buffer their output before writing it to a pipe or file. So the pipe is working fine, the problem is that the program never even wrote the data to the pipe! This is for performance reasons: writing all output immediately as soon as you can uses more system calls, so it’s more efficient to save up data until you have 8KB or so of data to write (or until the program exits) and THEN write it to the pipe. In this example: tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2 the problem is that grep thing1 is saving up all of its matches until it has 8KB of data to write, which might literally never happen. programs don’t buffer when writing to a terminal Part of why I found this so disorienting is that tail -f file | grep thing will work totally fine, but then when you add the second grep, it stops working!! The reason for this is that the way grep handles buffering depends on whether it’s writing to a terminal or not. Here’s how grep (and many other programs) decides to buffer its output: Check if stdout is a terminal or not using the isatty function If it’s a terminal, use line buffering (print every line immediately as soon as you have it) Otherwise, use “block buffering” – only print data if you have at least 8KB or so of data to print So if grep is writing directly to your terminal then you’ll see the line as soon as it’s printed, but if it’s writing to a pipe, you won’t. Of course the buffer size isn’t always 8KB for every program, it depends on the implementation. For grep the buffering is handled by libc, and libc’s buffer size is defined in the BUFSIZ variable. Here’s where that’s defined in glibc. (as an aside: “programs do not use 8KB output buffers when writing to a terminal” isn’t, like, a law of terminal physics, a program COULD use an 8KB buffer when writing output to a terminal if it wanted, it would just be extremely weird if it did that, I can’t think of any program that behaves that way) commands that buffer & commands that don’t One annoying thing about this buffering behaviour is that you kind of need to remember which commands buffer their output when writing to a pipe. Some commands that don’t buffer their output: tail cat tee I think almost everything else will buffer output, especially if it’s a command where you’re likely to be using it for batch processing. Here’s a list of some common commands that buffer their output when writing to a pipe, along with the flag that disables block buffering. grep (--line-buffered) sed (-u) awk (there’s a fflush() function) tcpdump (-l) jq (-u) tr (-u) cut (can’t disable buffering) Those are all the ones I can think of, lots of unix commands (like sort) may or may not buffer their output but it doesn’t matter because sort can’t do anything until it finishes receiving input anyway. programming languages where the default “print” statement buffers Also, here are a few programming language where the default print statement will buffer output when writing to a pipe, and some ways to disable buffering if you want: C (disable with setvbuf) Python (disable with python -u, or PYTHON_UNBUFFERED=1, or sys.stdout.reconfigure(line_buffering=False), or print(x, flush=True)) Ruby (disable with STDOUT.sync = true) Perl (disable with $| = 1) I assume that these languages are designed this way so that the default print function will be fast when you’re doing batch processing. Also whether output is buffered or not might depend on what print function you use, for example in Rust print! buffers when writing to a pipe but println! will flush its output. when you press Ctrl-C on a pipe, the contents of the buffer are lost Let’s say you’re running this command as a hacky way to watch for DNS requests to example.com, and you forgot to pass -l to tcpdump: sudo tcpdump -ni any port 53 | grep example.com When you press Ctrl-C, what happens? In a magical perfect world, what I would want to happen is for tcpdump to flush its buffer, grep would search for example.com, and I would see all the output I missed. But in the real world, what happens is that all the programs get killed and the output in tcpdump’s buffer is lost. I think this problem is probably unavoidable – I spent a little time with strace to see how this works and grep receives the SIGINT before tcpdump anyway so even if tcpdump tried to flush its buffer grep would already be dead. redirecting to a file also buffers It’s not just pipes, this will also buffer: sudo tcpdump -ni any port 53 > output.txt Redirecting to a file doesn’t have the same “Ctrl-C will totally destroy the contents of the buffer” problem though – in my experience it usually behaves more like you’d want, where the contents of the buffer get written to the file before the program exits. I’m not 100% sure whether this is something you can always rely on or not. a bunch of potential ways to avoid buffering Okay, let’s talk solutions. Let’s say you’ve run this command or s tail -f /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2 I asked people on Mastodon how they would solve this in practice and there were 5 basic approaches. Here they are: solution 1: run a program that finishes quickly Historically my solution to this has been to just avoid the “command writing to pipe slowly” situation completely and instead run a program that will finish quickly like this: cat /some/log/file | grep thing1 | grep thing2 | tail This doesn’t do the same thing as the original command but it does mean that you get to avoid thinking about these weird buffering issues. (you could also do grep thing1 /some/log/file but I often prefer to use an “unnecessary” cat) solution 2: remember the “line buffer” flag to grep You could remember that grep has a flag to avoid buffering and pass it like this: tail -f /some/log/file | grep --line-buffered thing1 | grep thing2 solution 3: use awk Some people said that if they’re specifically dealing with a multiple greps situation, they’ll rewrite it to use a single awk instead, like this: tail -f /some/log/file | awk '/thing1/ && /thing2/' Or you would write a more complicated grep, like this: tail -f /some/log/file | grep -E 'thing1.*thing2' (awk also buffers, so for this to work you’ll want awk to be the last command in the pipeline) solution 4: use stdbuf stdbuf uses LD_PRELOAD to turn off libc’s buffering, and you can use it to turn off output buffering like this: tail -f /some/log/file | stdbuf -o0 grep thing1 | grep thing2 Like any LD_PRELOAD solution it’s a bit unreliable – it doesn’t work on static binaries, I think won’t work if the program isn’t using libc’s buffering, and doesn’t always work on Mac OS. Harry Marr has a really nice How stdbuf works post. solution 5: use unbuffer unbuffer program will force the program’s output to be a TTY, which means that it’ll behave the way it normally would on a TTY (less buffering, colour output, etc). You could use it in this example like this: tail -f /some/log/file | unbuffer grep thing1 | grep thing2 Unlike stdbuf it will always work, though it might have unwanted side effects, for example grep thing1’s will also colour matches. If you want to install unbuffer, it’s in the expect package. that’s all the solutions I know about! It’s a bit hard for me to say which one is “best”, I think personally I’m mostly likely to use unbuffer because I know it’s always going to work. If I learn about more solutions I’ll try to add them to this post. I’m not really sure how often this comes up I think it’s not very common for me to have a program that slowly trickles data into a pipe like this, normally if I’m using a pipe a bunch of data gets written very quickly, processed by everything in the pipeline, and then everything exits. The only examples I can come up with right now are: tcpdump tail -f watching log files in a different way like with kubectl logs the output of a slow computation what if there were an environment variable to disable buffering? I think it would be cool if there were a standard environment variable to turn off buffering, like PYTHON_UNBUFFERED in Python. I got this idea from a couple of blog posts by Mark Dominus in 2018. Maybe NO_BUFFER like NO_COLOR? The design seems tricky to get right; Mark points out that NETBSD has environment variables called STDBUF, STDBUF1, etc which gives you a ton of control over buffering but I imagine most developers don’t want to implement many different environment variables to handle a relatively minor edge case. stuff I left out Some things I didn’t talk about in this post since these posts have been getting pretty long recently and seriously does anyone REALLY want to read 3000 words about buffering? the difference between line buffering and having totally unbuffered output how buffering to stderr is different from buffering to stdout this post is only about buffering that happens inside the program, your operating system’s TTY driver also does a little bit of buffering sometimes other reasons you might need to flush your output other than “you’re writing to a pipe”

2 months ago 51 votes

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11 hours ago 4 votes
Europe's impotent rage

Europe has become a third-rate power economically, politically, and militarily, and the price for this slowly building predicament is now due all at once. First, America is seeking to negotiate peace in Ukraine directly with Russia, without even inviting Europe to the table. Decades of underfunding the European military has lead us here. The never-ending ridicule of America, for spending the supposedly "absurd sum" of 3.4% of its GDP to maintain its might, coming home to roost. Second, mass immigration in Europe has become the central political theme driving the surge of right-wing parties in countries across the continent. Decades of blind adherence to a naive multi-cultural ideology has produced an abject failure to assimilate culturally-incompatible migrants. Rather than respond to this growing public discontent, mainstream parties all over Europe run the same playbook of calling anyone with legitimate concerns "racist", and attempting to disparage or even ban political parties advancing these topics. Third, the decline of entrepreneurship in Europe has lead to a death of new major companies, and an accelerated brain drain to America. The European economy lost parity with the American after 2008, and now the net-zero nonsense has lead Europe's old manufacturing powerhouse, Germany, to commit financial harakiri. Shutting its nuclear power plants, over-investing in solar and wind, and rendering its prized car industry noncompetitive on the global market. The latter leading European bureaucrats in the unenviable position of having to both denounce Trump on his proposed tariffs while imposing their own on the Chinese. A single failure in any of these three crucial realms would have been painful to deal with. But failure in all three at the same time is a disaster, and it's one of Europe's own making. Worse still is that Europeans at large still appear to be stuck in the early stages of grief. Somewhere between "anger" and "bargaining". Leaving us with "depression" before we arrive at "acceptance". Except this isn't destiny. Europe is not doomed to impotent outrage or repressive anger. Europe has the people, the talent, and the capital to choose a different path. What it currently lacks is the will. I'm a Dane. Therefore, I'm a European. I don't summarize the sad state of Europe out of spite or ill will or from a lack of standing. I don't want Europe to become American. But I want Europe to be strong, confident, and successful. Right now it's anything but. The best time for Europe to make a change was twenty years ago. The next best time is right now. Forza Europe! Viva Europe!

2 days ago 4 votes
The Challenges Faced by Multinational Teams and Japanese Companies

It’s a fact that Japan needs more international developers. That doesn’t mean integrating those developers into Japanese companies, as well as Japanese society, is a simple process. But what are the most common challenges encountered by these companies with multinational teams? To find out, TokyoDev interviewed a number of Japanese companies with international employees. In addition to discussing the benefits of hiring overseas, we also wanted to learn more about what challenges they had faced, and how they had overcome them. The companies interviewed included: Autify, which provides an AI-based software test automation platform Beatrust, which has created a search platform that automatically structures profile information Cybozu, Japan’s leading groupware provider DeepX, which automates heavy equipment machinery Givery, which scouts, hires, and trains world-class engineers Shippio, which digitalizes international trading and is Japan’s first digital forwarding company Yaraku, which offers web-based translation management According to those companies, the issues they experienced fell into two categories: addressing the language barrier, and helping new hires come to Japan. The language barrier Language issues are by far the most universal problem faced by Japanese companies with multinational teams. As a result, all of the companies we spoke to have evolved their own unique solutions. AI translation To help improve English-Japanese communication, Yaraku has turned to AI and its own translation tool, YarakuZen. With these they’ve reduced comprehension issues down to verbal communication alone. Since their engineering teams primarily communicate via text anyway, this has solved the majority of their language barrier issue, and engineers feel that they can now work smoothly together. Calling on bilinguals While DeepX employs engineers from over 20 countries, English is the common language between them. Documentation is written in English, and even Japanese departments still write minutes in English so colleagues can check them later. Likewise, explanations of company-wide meetings are delivered in both Japanese and English. Still, a communication gap exists. To overcome it, DeepX assigns Japanese project managers who can also speak English well. English skills weren’t previously a requirement, but once English became the official language of the engineering team, bilingualism was an essential part of the role. These project managers are responsible for taking requests from clients and communicating them accurately to the English-only engineers. In addition, DeepX is producing more bilingual employees by offering online training in both Japanese and English. The online lessons have proven particularly popular with international employees who have just arrived in Japan. Beatrust has pursued a similar policy of encouraging employees to learn and speak both languages. Dr. Andreas Dippon, the Vice President of Engineering at Beatrust, feels that bilingual colleagues are absolutely necessary to business. I think the biggest mistake you can make is just hiring foreigners who speak only English and assuming all the communication inside engineering is just English and that’s fine. You need to understand that business communication with [those] engineers will be immensely difficult . . . You need some almost bilingual people in between the business side and the engineering side to make it work. Similar to DeepX, Beatrust offers its employees a stipend for language learning. “So nowadays, it’s almost like 80 percent of both sides can speak English and Japanese to some extent, and then there are like two or three people on each side who cannot speak the other language,” Dippon said. “So we have like two or three engineers who cannot speak Japanese at all, and we have two or three business members who cannot speak English at all.” But in the engineering team itself “is 100 percent English. And the business team is almost 100 percent Japanese.” “ Of course the leaders try to bridge the gap,” Dippon explained. “So I’m now joining the business meetings that are in Japanese and trying to follow up on that and then share the information with the engineering team, and [it’s] also the same for the business lead, who is joining some engineering meetings and trying to update the business team on what’s happening inside engineering.” “Mixed language” Shippio, on the other hand, encountered negative results when they leaned too hard on their bilingual employees. Initially they asked bilinguals to provide simultaneous interpretation at meetings, but quickly decided that the burden on them was too great and not sustainable in the long term. Instead, Shippio has adopted a policy of “mixed language,” or combining Japanese and English together. The goal of mixed language is simple: to “understand each other.” Many employees who speak one language also know a bit of the other, and Shippio has found that by fostering a culture of flexible communication, employees can overcome the language barrier themselves. For example, a Japanese engineer might forget an English word, in which case he’ll do his best to explain the meaning in Japanese. If the international engineer can understand a bit of Japanese, he’ll be able to figure out what his coworker intended to say, at which point they will switch back to English. This method, while idiosyncratic to every conversation, strikes a balance between the stress of speaking another language and consideration for the other person. The most important thing, according to Shippio, is that the message is conveyed in any language. Meeting more often Another method these companies use is creating structured meeting schedules designed to improve cross-team communication. Givery teams hold what they call “win sessions” and “sync-up meetings” once or twice a month, to ensure thorough information-sharing within and between departments. These two types of meetings have different goals: A “win session” reviews business or project successes, with the aim of analyzing and then repeating that success in future. A “sync-up meeting” helps teams coordinate project deadlines. They report on their progress, discuss any obstacles that have arisen, and plan future tasks. In these meetings employees often speak Japanese, but the meetings are translated into English, and sometimes supplemented with additional English messages and explanations. By building these sort of regular, focused meetings into the company’s schedule, Givery aims to overcome language difficulties with extra personal contact. Beatrust takes a similarly structured, if somewhat more casual, approach. They tend to schedule most meetings on Friday, when engineers are likely to come to the office. However, in addition to the regular meetings, they also hold the “no meeting hour” for everyone, including the business team. “One of the reasons is to just let people talk to each other,” Dippon explained. “Let the engineers talk to business people and to each other.” This kind of interaction, we don’t really care if it’s personal stuff or work stuff that they talk about. Just to be there, talking to each other, and getting this feeling of a team [is what’s important]. . . . This is hugely beneficial, I think. Building Bonds Beatrust also believes in building team relationships through regular off-site events. “Last time we went to Takaosan, the mountain area,” said Dippon. “It was nice, we did udon-making. . . . This was kind of a workshop for QRs, and this was really fun, because even the Japanese people had never done it before by themselves. So it was a really great experience. After we did that, we had a half-day workshop about team culture, company culture, our next goals, and so on.” Dippon in particular appreciates any chance to learn more about his fellow employees. Like, ‘Why did you leave your country? Why did you come to Japan? What are the problems in your country? What’s good in your country?’ You hear a lot of very different stories. DeepX also hopes to deepen the bonds between employees with different cultures and backgrounds via family parties, barbecues, and other fun, relaxing events. This policy intensified after the COVID-19 pandemic, during which Japan’s borders were closed and international engineers weren’t able to immigrate. When the borders opened and those engineers finally did arrive, DeepX organized in-house get-togethers every two weeks, to fortify the newcomers’ relationships with other members of the company. Sponsoring visas Not every company that hires international developers actually brings them to Japan—-quite a few prefer to hire foreign employees who are already in-country. However, for those willing to sponsor new work visas, there is universal consensus on how best to do it: hire a professional. Cybozu has gone to the extent of bringing those professionals in-house. The first international member they hired was an engineer living in the United States. Though he wanted to work in Japan, at that time they didn’t have any experience in acquiring a work visa or relocating an employee, so they asked him to work for their US subsidiary instead. But as they continued hiring internationally, Cybozu realized that quite a few engineers were interested in physically relocating to Japan. To facilitate this, the company set up a new support system for their multinational team, for the purpose of providing their employees with work visas. Other companies prefer to outsource the visa process. DeepX, for example, has hired a certified administrative scrivener corporation to handle visa applications on behalf of the company. Autify also goes to a “dedicated, specialized” lawyer for immigration procedures. Thomas Santonja, VP of Engineering at Autify, feels that sponsoring visas is a necessary cost of business and that the advantages far outweigh the price. We used to have fully remote, long-term employees outside of Japan, but we stopped after we noticed that there is a lot of value in being able to meet in person and join in increased collaboration, especially with Japanese-speaking employees that are less inclined to make an effort when they don’t know the people individually. “It’s kind of become a requirement, in the last two years,” he concluded, “to at least be capable of being physically here.” However, Autify does prevent unnecessary expenses by having a new employee work remotely from their home country for a one month trial period before starting the visa process in earnest. So far, the only serious issues they encountered were with an employee based in Egypt; the visa process became so complicated, Autify eventually had to give up. But Autify also employs engineers from France, the Philippines, and Canada, among other countries, and has successfully brought their workers over many times. Helping employees adjust Sponsoring a visa is only the beginning of bringing an employee to Japan. The next step is providing special support for international employees, although this can look quite different from company to company. DeepX points out that just working at a new company is difficult enough; also beginning a new life in a new country, particularly when one doesn’t speak the language, can be incredibly challenging. That’s why DeepX not only covers the cost of international flights, but also implemented other support systems for new arrivals. To help them get started in Japan, DeepX provides a hired car to transport them from the airport, and a furnished monthly apartment for one month. Then they offer four days of special paid leave to complete necessary procedures: opening a bank account, signing a mobile phone contract, finding housing, etc. The company also introduces real estate companies that specialize in helping foreigners find housing, since that can sometimes be a difficult process on its own. Dippon at Beatrust believes that international employees need ongoing support, not just at the point of entry, and that it’s best to have at least one person in-house who is prepared to assist them. I think that one trap many companies run into is that they know all about Japanese laws and taxes and so on, and everybody grew up with that, so they are all familiar. But suddenly you have foreigners who have basically no idea about the systems, and they need a lot of support, because it can be quite different. Santonja at Autify, by contrast, has had a different experience helping employees get settled. “I am extremely tempted to say that I don’t have any challenges. I would be extremely hard pressed to tell you anything that could be remotely considered difficult or, you know, require some organization or even extra work or thinking.” Most people we hire look for us, right? So they are looking for an opportunity to move to Japan and be supported with a visa, which is again a very rare occurrence. They tend to be extremely motivated to live and make it work here. So I don’t think that integration in Japan is such a challenge. Conclusion To companies unfamiliar with the process, the barriers to hiring internationally may seem high. However, there are typically only two major challenges when integrating developers from other countries. The first, language issues, has a variety of solutions ranging from the technical to the cultural. The second, attaining the correct work visa, is best handled by trained professionals, whether in-house or through contractors. Neither of these difficulties is insurmountable, particularly with expert assistance. In addition, Givery in particular has stressed that it’s not necessary to figure out all the details in advance of hiring: in fact, it can benefit a company to introduce international workers early on, before its own internal policies are overly fixed. This information should also benefit international developers hoping to work in Japan. Since this article reflects the top concerns of Japanese companies, developers can work to proactively relieve those worries. Learning even basic Japanese helps reduce the language barrier, while becoming preemptively familiar with Japanese society reassures employers that you’re capable of taking care of yourself here. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits these companies enjoy from hiring international developers, see part one of this article series here. Want to find a job in Japan? Check out the TokyoDev job board. If you want to know more about multinational teams, moving to Japan, or Japanese work life in general, see our extensive library of articles. If you’d like to continue the conversation, please join the TokyoDev Discord.

2 days ago 4 votes
Can I ethically use LLMs?

The title is not a rhetorical question, and I'm not going to bury an answer. I don't have an answer. This post is my exploration of the question, and why I think it is a question1. Important things up front: what's my relationship with LLMs today? I don't use any LLMs regularly. I do have access to GitHub Copilot through my employer. I have it available on a hotkey, I think, and I cannot remember how to trigger it since I do not use it. I've explored using LLMs in the past. I used to be a regular Copilot user, and I explored ChatGPT, Claude, etc. to see what their capabilities were. I have done trainings for my coworkers on how to use them effectively, though I would not feel comfortable doing so now. My employer's product uses LLMs. I don't want to link to my employer, but yeah, I guess my paycheck depends on being okay with integrating them in? It's complicated (a refrain). (This post is, obviously, my opinions and does not reflect my employer.) I don't think using or not using them is a moral failing. There is a lot of moralizing around LLM usage. I'm not doing any of that here. I have my own beliefs (or my own questions), but I don't think people using LLMs are immoral (or vice versa). So, you can see I have used them and I'm not absolutist, but I don't use them today. Why not? Why did I stop using them in spite of the advances, where they're more capable than ever? It's because of these questions and issues. Where I have undecided ethical questions, I lean toward the more conservative2 choice of not using them until I have clarity on the ethics. (Note: I am not inviting folks to email me with answers to this question.) Energy usage Another technology that uses a lot of energy is blockchains. I think using public blockchains is almost universally unethical since there are other, better, less harmful options. Part of the harm from blockchains is an absurd amount of energy usage. LLMs also use a lot of energy. This can be split into training and inference energy usage. These vary based on the model. Some models can run locally on Apple silicon, and those are lower energy usage—their upper bound is running your computer full tilt, and an M4 Mac mini's max power consumption is 65 watts. This is roughly equivalent to one incandescent light bulb, or 8 LED light bulbs. It's good to turn off unnecessary lights, but doing so isn't going to solve the climate crisis; we need bigger, more sweeping reforms. I don't think that local models are going to significantly alter the climate crisis in either direction. Other models are massive and run in data centers on lots of power-hungry GPUs3. These data centers also require construction, and that comes with its own environmental impact. An article from Tom's Guide last year showed that "a single query on ChatGPT-4 can use up to 3 bottles of water, that a year of queries uses enough electricity to power over nine houses". A lot of the cost comes from new data centers being built. The demand for LLMs has led to more demand for power generation and more demand for data centers. And this new power generation is coming from gas-fired plants instead of sustainable, clean energy sources, because that's all we can build fast enough. A lot of attention is given to the training side. The numbers for training are large and shocking: Llama 3 used 500 mWh and GPT-3 training used 1,287 mWh—even more if you include the cost of training failed models which preceded these, the experiments that made the models possible. The listed figures are high, and 500 mWh is about the cost of a large jet flying for 7 hours. But we do it once per foundational model, and then the cost is spread across all the remaining usage. I don't think that the training side is significantly shifting the equation on climate change. We'd have a much larger impact on improving the climate crisis by advocating for remote work—reducing vehicles on the road, making many flights unnecessary—than by not training models. Overall it feels to me like local models have a clearly acceptable impact, and data center models have higher energy usage but still probably do not change the situation very much. Training data The training data for LLMs has largely been lifted without the consent of the people who generated that data. This is a lot of writing, music, videos, visual art, all of it. There are some attempts at there at using licensed data only, but the majority of models, and the most popular ones, are unlicensed data. Now the question is: is this an ethical problem? I know there are opinions on both sides of this. Some say that this data is publicly visible on the internet (though some of the data was not on the internet), and so it's fair game. Others say that this use isn't one that people consented to, and it should require that consent. My thought experiment is this: If we made search engines today, would people have this same objection to a search engine using their data without their express consent? I think most people would ultimately support search engines. They are different than LLMs, because they (mostly) serve results that point you to the original source, rather than create new content for you to replace the original sources with. But maybe people would reject search engines. And maybe consistency between these two isn't necessary, or maybe it's a false consistency—there could be other differentiating details that lead to different answers. Where I come down is that I think we need a robust mechanism to opt out of use of data for training, but that it's probably fine to train with publicly available data on the internet. What you do with the trained model is another question entirely. When you try to replace people making original works instead of creating an entirely new function, that's where you get questions. "Replacing" people There's a lot of LLM usage that is just trying to replace people in entire jobs. I mean, it feels like all of it. We see LLMs that are meant to replace writers and editors, artists and illustrators, musicians and songwriters. It doesn't say that directly—it says you're empowered to create things yourself. But what it means is that people should be able to press a few buttons and, with no artist involved, get out a beautiful artwork. Sounds like replacing to me. This is something we've long done with technology. We make technology that puts people out of jobs, and that was the whole industrial revolution. That's what happened with shipping from the containerization of ports, putting many dockworkers out of jobs. Replacing people in the abstract is not unethical. The problem is if we fail to deal with the harm created from replacing people. And people will be harmed, because losing your job or the value of it going down has a serious impact on quality of life. When we put people out of work, we—both society and technologists—have an ethical responsibility to ensure there's a plan to mitigate the harm from that. Maybe that means grants for living expenses while people switch fields, if put out of work in an LLM-heavy industry. Maybe that means a universal basic income. But it certainly doesn't mean doing nothing. Incorrect information and bias One of the major well-known problems of LLMs is a tendency to "hallucinate," or to confidently state facts that are made up from whole cloth. They also have an unknown amount of bias, with unknown mitigations in place, due to being closed systems. This is a big problem! We're not good at seeing what information is incorrect in something that's generated to look like it's the most likely string of tokens. If there is incorrect information in there, we'll just miss it. This means that people can make poor decisions on the basis of what an LLM tells them. They can have lost income due to its mistakes. And the bias? That's a huge problem, because it means that we don't know if this system will reinforce existing problematic norms4. We don't know what it will reinforce, because the training data is closed and there's not a lot of public evaluation on bias. So ultimately, we're left with an unknown harm of unknown magnitude to an unknown population5. Concentrating power (with the wealthy elite) A big ethical concern for me is also what this will do to our entire society. Many technologies are heralded as "democratizing" things. Spotify "democratized" music by making it so that anyone can get listens—but, y'all, it ended up flattening the tail and making the popular artists more money while making small artists less money. Will LLMs do the same? We know that the big models need large data centers to run their training and inference. And even small models need beefy hardware to run inference, let alone training! We have some access to models which can run locally, which is a good step. But the problem is that we can only run other people's models. They'll have those people's decisions baked in, decisions on which data to include or to exclude, decisions on how to approach questions of bias and abuse. And when the hardware to run the biggest models is only accessible to a few companies, that means that those companies really get a lot more powerful. OpenAI and Anthropic and Google and Meta all have the ability to run really large models. I certainly don't, though. This means that a technology that many are heralding as making things more accessible to everyone is controlled by a small handful of people. A small handful of people can decide how the models are trained, and set policies on how they're used. In a time when the US government is trying to get any paper retracted that mentioned queer people, and erasing trans people from the Stonewall monument, it feels self-evident that letting a small group of people control this technology imperils the future of many people. * * * Ultimately, I want robots to do the things I don't want to do. I want them to do my dishes and my laundry. I don't want them to play music instead of me, write code instead of me, write words instead of me. I am not sure whether or not using LLMs is unethical. There are certainly ways of using them which are unquestionably unethical—as is true with every technology. And there are ways of developing LLMs which are unethical—as is true with every technology. But the problems with them are large. I think it is unethical to use them without addressing the ethical questions above. If you're not working on mitigating the harms from LLMs (which do exist), then you might be doing something unethical. 1 I've been in the interesting situation of having anti-LLM people think I'm pro-LLM and vice versa. It's a very weird feeling, and makes me a little nervous of posting this! But this is an important question and an important conversation. 2 Footnoting out of an abundance of caution: I don't meant conservative-like-Republicans, because, no, I'd like to keep my rights thank you very much. I just mean in terms of minimizing risk. Let's please stop attacking trans rights, immigrants, Palestinians, and you know, everyone else that I've forgotten because the whole world seems to be on fire. 3 If we ever achieve artificial sentience, this sentence may acquire a second, more sinister, meaning. 4 It will. 5 My guess is a large harm to all underrepresented groups, but who asked the trans woman?

2 days ago 5 votes
ONNX introduction
2 days ago 5 votes