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I occasionally receive emails asking me to look at the writer's new language/library/tool. Sometimes it's in an area I know well, like formal methods. Other times, I'm a complete stranger to the field. Regardless, I'm generally happy to check it out. When starting out, this is the biggest question I'm looking to answer: What does this technology make easy that's normally hard? What justifies me learning and migrating to a new thing as opposed to fighting through my problems with the tools I already know? The new thing has to have some sort of value proposition, which could be something like "better performance" or "more secure". The most universal value and the most direct to show is "takes less time and mental effort to do something". I can't accurately judge two benchmarks, but I can see two demos or code samples and compare which one feels easier to me. Examples Functional programming What drew me originally to functional programming was higher order functions. # Without HOFs out = [] for x in input { if test(x) { out.append(x) } } # With HOFs filter(test, input) We can also compare the easiness of various tasks between examples within the same paradigm. If I know FP via Clojure, what could be appealing about Haskell or F#? For one, null safety is a lot easier when I've got option types. Array Programming Array programming languages like APL or J make certain classes of computation easier. For example, finding all of the indices where two arrays differ. Here it is in Python: x = [1, 4, 2, 3, 4, 1, 0, 0, 0, 4] y = [2, 3, 1, 1, 2, 3, 2, 0, 2, 4] >>> [i for i, (a, b) in enumerate(zip(x, y)) if a == b] [7, 9] And here it is in J: x =: 1 4 2 3 4 1 0 0 0 4 y =: 2 3 1 1 2 3 2 0 2 4 I. x = y 7 9 Not every tool is meant for every programmer, because you might not have any of the problems a tool makes easier. What comes up more often for you: filtering a list or finding all the indices where two lists differ? Statistically speaking, functional programming is more useful to you than array programming. But I have this problem enough to justify learning array programming. LLMs I think a lot of the appeal of LLMs is they make a lot of specialist tasks easy for nonspecialists. One thing I recently did was convert some rst list tables to csv tables. Normally I'd have to do write some tricky parsing and serialization code to automatically convert between the two. With LLMs, it's just Convert the following rst list-table into a csv-table: [table] "Easy" can trump "correct" as a value. The LLM might get some translations wrong, but it's so convenient I'd rather manually review all the translations for errors than write specialized script that is correct 100% of the time. Let's not take this too far A college friend once claimed that he cracked the secret of human behavior: humans do whatever makes them happiest. "What about the martyr who dies for their beliefs?" "Well, in their last second of life they get REALLY happy." We can do the same here, fitting every value proposition into the frame of "easy". CUDA makes it easier to do matrix multiplication. Rust makes it easier to write low-level code without memory bugs. TLA+ makes it easier to find errors in your design. Monads make it easier to sequence computations in a lazy environment. Making everything about "easy" obscures other reason for adopting new things. That whole "simple vs easy" thing Sometimes people think that "simple" is better than "easy", because "simple" is objective and "easy" is subjective. This comes from the famous talk Simple Made Easy. I'm not sure I agree that simple is better or more objective: the speaker claims that polymorphism and typeclasses are "simpler" than conditionals, and I doubt everybody would agree with that. The problem is that "simple" is used to mean both "not complicated" and "not complex". And everybody agrees that "complicated" and "complex" are different, even if they can't agree what the difference is. This idea should probably expanded be expanded into its own newsletter. It's also a lot harder to pitch a technology on being "simpler". Simplicity by itself doesn't make a tool better equipped to solve problems. Simplicity can unlock other benefits, like compositionality or tractability, that provide the actual value. And often that value is in the form of "makes some tasks easier".
I'm making a more focused effort to juggle this year. Mostly boxes, but also classic balls too.1 I've gotten to the point where I can almost consistently do a five-ball cascade, which I thought was the cutoff to being a "good juggler". "Thought" because I now know a "good juggler" is one who can do the five-ball cascade with outside throws. I know this because I can't do the outside five-ball cascade... yet. But it's something I can see myself eventually mastering, unlike the slightly more difficult trick of the five-ball mess, which is impossible for mere mortals like me. In theory there is a spectrum of trick difficulties and skill levels. I could place myself on the axis like this: In practice, there are three tiers: Toddlers Good jugglers who practice hard Genetic freaks and actual wizards And the graph always, always looks like this: This is the jugglers curse, and it's a three-parter: The threshold between you and "good" is the next trick you cannot do. Everything below that level is trivial. Once you've gotten a trick down, you can never go back to not knowing it, to appreciating how difficult it was to learn in the first place.2 Everything above that level is just "impossible". You don't have the knowledge needed to recognize the different tiers.3 So as you get better, the stuff that was impossible becomes differentiable, and you can see that some of it is possible. And everything you learned becomes trivial. So you're never a good juggler until you learn "just one more hard trick". The more you know, the more you know you don't know and the less you know you know. This is supposed to be a software newsletter A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem? (src) I think this applies to any difficult topic? Most fields don't have the same stark spectral lines as juggling, but there's still tiers of difficulty to techniques, which get compressed the further in either direction they are from your current level. Like, I'm not good at formal methods. I've written two books on it but I've never mastered a dependently-typed language or a theorem prover. Those are equally hard. And I'm not good at modeling concurrent systems because I don't understand the formal definition of bisimulation and haven't implemented a Raft. Those are also equally hard, in fact exactly as hard as mastering a theorem prover. At the same time, the skills I've already developed are easy: properly using refinement is exactly as easy as writing a wrapped counter. Then I get surprised when I try to explain strong fairness to someone and they just don't get how □◇(ENABLED〈A〉ᵥ) is obviously different from ◇□(ENABLED 〈A〉ᵥ). Juggler's curse! Now I don't actually know if this is actually how everybody experiences expertise or if it's just my particular personality— I was a juggler long before I was a software developer. Then again, I'd argue that lots of people talk about one consequence of the juggler's curse: imposter syndrome. If you constantly think what you know is "trivial" and what you don't know is "impossible", then yeah, you'd start feeling like an imposter at work real quick. I wonder if part of the cause is that a lot of skills you have to learn are invisible. One of my favorite blog posts ever is In Defense of Blub Studies, which argues that software expertise comes through understanding "boring" topics like "what all of the error messages mean" and "how to use a debugger well". Blub is a critical part of expertise and takes a lot of hard work to learn, but it feels like trivia. So looking back on a skill I mastered, I might think it was "easy" because I'm not including all of the blub that I had to learn, too. The takeaway, of course, is that the outside five-ball cascade is objectively the cutoff between good jugglers and toddlers. Rant time: I love cigar box juggling. It's fun, it's creative, it's totally unlike any other kind of juggling. And it's so niche I straight up cannot find anybody in Chicago to practice with. I once went to a juggling convention and was the only person with a cigar box set there. ↩ This particular part of the juggler's curse is also called the curse of knowledge or "expert blindness". ↩ This isn't Dunning-Kruger, because DK says that people think they are better than they actually are, and also may not actually be real. ↩
First of all, I just released version 0.6 of Logic for Programmers! You can get it here. Release notes in the footnote.1 I've been thinking about my next project after the book's done. One idea is to do a survey of new formal specification languages. There's been a lot of new ones in the past few years (P, Quint, etc), plus some old ones I haven't critically examined (SPIN, mcrl2). I'm thinking of a brief overview of each, what's interesting about it, and some examples of the corresponding models. For this I'd want a set of "Rosetta" examples. Rosetta Code is a collection of programming tasks done in different languages. For example, "99 bottles of beer on the wall" in over 300 languages. If I wanted to make a Rosetta Code for specifications of concurrent systems, what examples would I use? What makes a good Rosetta examples? A good Rosetta example would be simple enough to understand and implement but also showcase the differences between the languages. A good example of a Rosetta example is leftpad for code verification. Proving leftpad correct is short in whatever verification language you use. But the proofs themselves are different enough that you can compare what it's like to use code contracts vs with dependent types, etc. A bad Rosetta example is "hello world". While it's good for showing how to run a language, it doesn't clearly differentiate languages. Haskell's "hello world" is almost identical to BASIC's "hello world". Rosetta examples don't have to be flashy, but I want mine to be flashy. Formal specification is niche enough that regardless of my medium, most of my audience hasn't use it and may be skeptical. I always have to be selling. This biases me away from using things like dining philosophers or two-phase commit. So with that in mind, three ideas: 1. Wrapped Counter A counter that starts at 1 and counts to N, after which it wraps around to 1 again. Why it's good This is a good introductory formal specification: it's a minimal possible stateful system without concurrency or nondeterminism. You can use it to talk about the basic structure of a spec, how a verifier works, etc. It also a good way of introducing "boring" semantics, like conditionals and arithmetic, and checking if the language does anything unusual with them. Alloy, for example, defaults to 4-bit signed integers, so you run into problems if you set N too high.2 At the same time, wrapped counters are a common building block of complex systems. Lots of things can be represented this way: N=1 is a flag or blinker, N=3 is a traffic light, N=24 is a clock, etc. The next example is better for showing basic safety and liveness properties, but this will do in a pinch. 2. Threads A counter starts at 0. N threads each, simultaneously try to update the counter. They do this nonatomically: first they read the value of the counter and store that in a thread-local tmp, then they increment tmp, then they set the counter to tmp. The expected behavior is that the final value of the counter will be N. Why it's good The system as described is bugged. If two threads interleave the setlocal commands, one thread update can "clobber" the other and the counter can go backwards. To my surprise, most people do not see this error. So it's a good showcase of how the language actually finds real bugs, and how it can verify fixes. As to actual language topics: the spec covers concurrency and track process-local state. A good spec language should make it possible to adjust N without having to add any new variables. And it "naturally" introduces safety, liveness, and action properties. Finally, the thread spec is endlessly adaptable. I've used variations of it to teach refinement, resource starvation, fairness, livelocks, and hyperproperties. Tweak it a bit and you get dining philosophers. 3. Bounded buffer We have a bounded buffer with maximum length X. We have R reader and W writer processes. Before writing, writers first check if the buffer is full. If full, the writer goes to sleep. Otherwise, the writer wakes up a random sleeping process, then pushes an arbitrary value. Readers work the same way, except they pop from the buffer (and go to sleep if the buffer is empty). The only way for a sleeping process to wake up is if another process successfully performs a read or write. Why it's good This shows process-local nondeterminism (in choosing which sleeping process to wake up), different behavior for different types of processes, and deadlocks: it's possible for every reader and writer to be asleep at the same time. The beautiful thing about this example: the spec can only deadlock if X . This is the kind of bug you'd struggle to debug in real code. An in fact, people did struggle: even when presented with a minimal code sample and told there was a bug, many testing experts couldn't find it. Whereas a formal model of the same code finds the bug in seconds. If a spec language can model the bounded buffer, then it's good enough for production systems. On top of that, the bug happens regardless of what writers actually put in the buffer, so you can abstract that all away. This example can demonstrate that you can leave implementation details out of a spec and still find critical errors. Caveat This is all with a heavy TLA+ bias. I've modeled all of these systems in TLA+ and it works pretty well for them. That is to say, none of these do things TLA+ is bad at: reachability, subtyping, transitive closures, unbound spaces, etc. I imagine that as I cover more specification languages I'll find new Rosettas. Exercises are more compact, answers now show name of exercise in title "Conditionals" chapter has new section on nested conditionals "Crash course" chapter significantly rewritten Starting migrating to use consistently use == for equality and = for definition. Not everything is migrated yet "Beyond Logic" appendix does a slightly better job of covering HOL and constructive logic Addressed various reader feedback Two new exercises ↩ You can change the int size in a model run, so this is more "surprising footgun and inconvenience" than "fundamental limit of the specification language." Something still good to know! ↩
Happy new year everyone! I released the first Logic for Programmers alpha six months ago. There's since been four new versions since then, with the November release putting us in beta. Between work and holidays I didn't make much progress in December, but there will be a 0.6 release in the next week or two. People have asked me if the book will ever be available in print, and my answer to that is "when it's done". To keep "when it's done" from being "never", I'm committing myself to have the book finished by July. That means roughly six more releases between now and the official First Edition. Then I will start looking for a way to get it printed. The Current State and What Needs to be Done Right now the book is 26,000 words. For the most part, the structure is set— I don't plan to reorganize the chapters much. But I still need to fix shortcomings identified by the reader feedback. In particular, a few topics need more on real world applications, and the Alloy chapter is pretty weak. There's also a bunch of notes and todos and "fix this"s I need to go over. I also need to rewrite the introduction and predicate logic chapters. Those haven't changed much since 0.1 and I need to go over them very carefully. After that comes copyediting. Ugh, Copyediting Copyediting means going through the entire book to make word and sentence sentence level changes to the flow. An example would be changing From To I said predicates are just “boolean functions”. That isn’t quite true. It's easy to think of predicates as just "boolean" functions, but there is a subtle and important difference. It's a tiny difference but it reads slightly better to me and makes the book slghtly better. Now repeat that for all 3000-odd sentences in the book and I'm done with copyediting! For the first pass, anyway. Copyediting is miserable. Some of the changes I need to make come from reader feedback, but most will come from going through it line-by-line with a copyeditor. Someone's kindly offered to do some of this for free, but I want to find a professional too. If you know anybody, let me know. Formatting The book, if I'm being honest, looks ugly. I'm using the default sphinx/latex combination for layout and typesetting. My thinking is it's not worth making the book pretty until it's worth reading. But I also want the book, when it's eventually printed, to look nice. At the very least it shouldn't have "self-published" vibes. I've found someone who's been giving me excellent advice on layout and I'm slowly mastering the LaTeX formatting arcana. It's gonna take a few iterations to get things right. Front cover Currently the front cover is this: It works but gives "programmer spent ten minutes in Inkscape" vibes. I have a vision in my head for what would be nicer. A few people have recommended using Fiverr. So far the results haven't been that good, Fixing Epub Ugh I thought making an epub version would be kinder for phone reading, but it's such a painful format to develop for. Did you know that epub backlinks work totally different on kindle vs other ereaders? Did you know the only way to test if you got em working right is to load them up in a virtual kindle? The feedback loops are miserable. So I've been treating epub as a second-class citizen for now and only fixing the worst errors (like math not rendering properly), but that'll have to change as the book finalizes. What comes next? After 1.0, I get my book an ISBN and figure out how to make print copies. The margin on print is way lower than ebooks, especially if it's on-demand: the net royalties for Amazon direct publishing would be 7 dollars on a 20-dollar book (as opposed to Leanpub's 16 dollars). Would having a print version double the sales? I hope so! Either way, a lot of people have been asking about print version so I want to make that possible. (I also want to figure out how to give people who already have the ebook a discount on print, but I don't know if that's feasible.) Then, I dunno, maybe make a talk or a workshop I can pitch to conferences. Once I have that I think I can call LfP complete... at least until the second edition. Anyway none of that is actually technical so here's a quick fun thing. I spent a good chunk of my break reading the mCRL2 book. mCRL2 defines an "algebra" for "communicating processes". As a very broad explanation, that's defining what it means to "add" and "multiply" two processes. What's interesting is that according to their definition, the algebra follows the distributive law, but only if you multiply on the right. eg // VALID (a+b)*c = a*c + b*c // INVALID a*(b+c) = a*b + a*c This is the first time I've ever seen this in practice! Juries still out on the rest of the language. Videos and Stuff My DDD Europe talk is now out! What We Know We Don't Know is about empirical software engineering in general, and software engineering research on Domain Driven Design in particular. I was interviewed in the last video on Craft vs Cruft's "Year of Formal Methods". Check it out!
Channukah's next week and that means my favorite pastime, complaining about how Dreidel is a bad game. Last year I formally modeled it in PRISM to prove the game's not fun. But because I limited the model to only a small case, I couldn't prove the game was truly bad. It's time to finish the job. The Story so far You can read the last year's newsletter here but here are the high-level notes. The Game of Dreidel Every player starts with N pieces (usually chocolate coins). This is usually 10-15 pieces per player. At the beginning of the game, and whenever the pot is empty, every play antes one coin into the pot. Turns consist of spinning the dreidel. Outcomes are: נ (Nun): nothing happens. ה (He): player takes half the pot, rounded up. ג (Gimmel): player takes the whole pot, everybody antes. ש (Shin): player adds one of their coins to the pot. If a player ever has zero coins, they are eliminated. Play continues until only one player remains. If you don't have a dreidel, you can instead use a four-sided die, but for the authentic experience you should wait eight seconds before looking at your roll. PRISM PRISM is a probabilistic modeling language, meaning you can encode a system with random chances of doing things and it can answer questions like "on average, how many spins does it take before one player loses" (64, for 4 players/10 coins) and "what's the more likely to knock the first player out, shin or ante" (ante is 2.4x more likely). You can see last year's model here. The problem with PRISM is that it is absurdly inexpressive: it's a thin abstraction for writing giant stochastic matrices and lacks basic affordances like lists or functions. I had to hardcode every possible roll for every player. This meant last year's model had two limits. First, it only handles four players, and I would have to write a new model for three or five players. Second, I made the game end as soon as one player lost: formula done = (p1=0) | (p2=0) | (p3=0) | (p4=0); To fix both of these things, I thought I'd have to treat PRISM as a compilation target, writing a program that took a player count and output the corresponding model. But then December got super busy and I ran out of time to write a program. Instead, I stuck with four hardcoded players and extended the old model to run until victory. The new model These are all changes to last year's model. First, instead of running until one player is out of money, we run until three players are out of money. - formula done = (p1=0) | (p2=0) | (p3=0) | (p4=0); + formula done = + ((p1=0) & (p2=0) & (p3=0)) | + ((p1=0) & (p2=0) & (p4=0)) | + ((p1=0) & (p3=0) & (p4=0)) | + ((p2=0) & (p3=0) & (p4=0)); Next, we change the ante formula. Instead of adding four coins to the pot and subtracting a coin from each player, we add one coin for each player left. min(p1, 1) is 1 if player 1 is still in the game, and 0 otherwise. + formula ante_left = min(p1, 1) + min(p2, 1) + min(p3, 1) + min(p4, 1); We also have to make sure anteing doesn't end a player with negative money. - [ante] (pot = 0) & !done -> (pot'=pot+4) & (p1' = p1-1) & (p2' = p2-1) & (p3' = p3-1) & (p4' = p4-1); + [ante] (pot = 0) & !done -> (pot'=pot+ante_left) & (p1' = max(p1-1, 0)) & (p2' = max(p2-1, 0)) & (p3' = max(p3-1, 0)) & (p4' = max(p4-1, 0)); Finally, we have to add logic for a player being "out". Instead of moving to the next player after each turn, we move to the next player still in the game. Also, if someone starts their turn without any coins (f.ex if they just anted their last coin), we just skip their turn. + formula p1n = (p2 > 0 ? 2 : p3 > 0 ? 3 : 4); + [lost] ((pot != 0) & !done & (turn = 1) & (p1 = 0)) -> (turn' = p1n); - [spin] ((pot != 0) & !done & (turn = 1)) -> + [spin] ((pot != 0) & !done & (turn = 1) & (p1 != 0)) -> 0.25: (p1' = p1-1) & (pot' = min(pot+1, maxval)) - & (turn' = 2) //shin + & (turn' = p1n) //shin We make similar changes for all of the other players. You can see the final model here. Querying the model So now we have a full game of Dreidel that runs until the player ends. And now, finally, we can see the average number of spins a 4 player game will last. ./prism dreidel.prism -const M=10 -pf 'R=? [F done]' In English: each player starts with ten coins. R=? means "expected value of the 'reward'", where 'reward' in this case means number of spins. [F done] weights the reward over all behaviors that reach ("Finally") the done state. Result: 760.5607582661091 Time for model checking: 384.17 seconds. So there's the number: 760 spins.1 At 8 seconds a spin, that's almost two hours for one game. …Jesus, look at that runtime. Six minutes to test one query. PRISM has over a hundred settings that affect model checking, with descriptions like "Pareto curve threshold" and "Use Backwards Pseudo SOR". After looking through them all, I found this perfect combination of configurations that gets the runtime to a more manageable level: ./prism dreidel.prism -const M=10 -pf 'R=? [F done]' + -heuristic speed Result: 760.816255997373 Time for model checking: 13.44 seconds. Yes, that's a literal "make it faster" flag. Anyway, that's only the "average" number of spins, weighted across all games. Dreidel has a very long tail. To find that out, we'll use a variation on our query: const C0; P=? [F P=? is the Probability something happens. F means we Finally reach state done in at most C0 steps. By passing in different values of C0 we can get a sense of how long a game takes. Since "steps" includes passes and antes, this will overestimate the length of the game. But antes take time too and it should only "pass" on a player once per player, so this should still be a good metric for game length. ./prism dreidel.prism -const M=10 -const C0=1000:1000:5000 -pf 'const C0; P=? [F A full 10% of games don't finish in 2000 steps, and 2% pass the 3000 step barrier. At 8 seconds a roll/ante, 3000 steps is over six hours. Dreidel is a bad game. More fun properties As a sanity check, let's confirm last year's result, that it takes an average of 64ish spins before one player is out. In that model, we just needed to get the total reward. Now we instead want to get the reward until the first state where any of the players have zero coins. 2 ./prism dreidel.prism -const M=10 -pf 'R=? [F (p1=0 | p2=0 | p3=0 | p4=0)]' -heuristic speed Result: 63.71310116083396 Time for model checking: 2.017 seconds. Yep, looks good. With our new model we can also get the average point where two players are out and two players are left. PRISM's lack of abstraction makes expressing the condition directly a little painful, but we can cheat and look for the first state where ante_left .3 ./prism dreidel.prism -const M=10 -pf 'R=? [F (ante_left It takes twice as long to eliminate the second player as it takes to eliminate the first, and the remaining two players have to go for another 600 spins. Dreidel is a bad game. The future There's two things I want to do next with this model. The first is script up something that can generate the PRISM model for me, so I can easily adjust the number of players to 3 or 5. The second is that PRISM has a filter-query feature I don't understand but I think it could be used for things like "if a player gets 75% of the pot, what's the probability they lose anyway". Otherwise you have to write wonky queries like (P =? [F p1 = 30 & (F p1 = 0)]) / (P =? [F p1 = 0]).4 But I'm out of time again, so this saga will have to conclude next year. I'm also faced with the terrible revelation that I might be the biggest non-academic user of PRISM. Logic for Programmers Khanukah Sale Still going on! You can get LFP for 40% off here from now until the end of Xannukkah (Jan 2).5 I'm in the Raku Advent Calendar! My piece is called counting up concurrencies. It's about using Raku to do some combinatorics! Read the rest of the blog too, it's great This is different from the original anti-Dreidel article: Ben got 860 spins. That's the average spins if you round down on He, not up. Rounding up on He leads to a shorter game because it means He can empty the pot, which means more antes, and antes are what knocks most players out. ↩ PRISM calls this "co-safe LTL reward" and does not explain what that means, nor do most of the papers I found referencing "co-safe LTL". Eventually I found one that defined it as "any property that only uses X, U, F". ↩ Here's the exact point where I realize I could have defined done as ante_left = 1. Also checking for F (ante_left = 2) gives an expected number of spins as "infinity". I have no idea why. ↩ 10% chances at 4 players / 10 coins. And it takes a minute even with fast mode enabled. ↩ This joke was funnier before I made the whole newsletter about Chanukahh. ↩
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One of my recent home organisation projects has been sorting out my LEGO collection. I have a bunch of sets which are mixed together in one messy box, and I’m trying to separate bricks back into distinct sets. My collection is nowhere near large enough to be worth sorting by individual parts, and I hope that breaking down by set will make it all easier to manage and store. I’ve been creating spreadsheets to track the parts in each set, and count them out as I find them. I briefly hinted at this in my post about looking at images in spreadsheets, where I included a screenshot of one of my inventory spreadsheets: These spreadsheets have been invaluable – I can see exactly what pieces I need, and what pieces I’m missing. Without them, I wouldn’t even attempt this. I’m about to pause this cleanup and work on some other things, but first I wanted to write some notes on how I’m creating these spreadsheets – I’ll probably want them again in the future. Getting a list of parts in a set There are various ways to get a list of parts in a LEGO set: Newer LEGO sets include a list of parts at the back of the printed instructions You can get a list from LEGO-owned website like or BrickLink There are community-maintained databases on sites like Rebrickable I decided to use the community maintained lists from Rebrickable – they seem very accurate in my experience, and you can download daily snapshots of their entire catalog database. The latter is very powerful, because now I can load the database into my tools of choice, and slice and dice the data in fun and interesting ways. Downloading their entire database is less than 15MB – which is to say, two-thirds the size of just opening the homepage. Bargain! Putting Rebrickable data in a SQLite database My tool of choice is SQLite. I slept on this for years, but I’ve come to realise just how powerful and useful it can be. A big part of what made me realise the power of SQLite is seeing Simon Willison’s work with datasette, and some of the cool things he’s built on top of SQLite. Simon also publishes a command-line tool sqlite-utils for manipulating SQLite databases, and that’s what I’ve been using to create my spreadsheets. Here’s my process: Create a Python virtual environment, and install sqlite-utils: python3 -m venv .venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install sqlite-utils At time of writing, the latest version of sqlite-utils is 3.38. Download the Rebrickable database tables I care about, uncompress them, and load them into a SQLite database: curl -O '' curl -O '' curl -O '' curl -O '' gunzip colors.csv.gz gunzip parts.csv.gz gunzip inventories.csv.gz gunzip inventory_parts.csv.gz sqlite-utils insert lego_parts.db colors colors.csv --csv sqlite-utils insert lego_parts.db parts parts.csv --csv sqlite-utils insert lego_parts.db inventories inventories.csv --csv sqlite-utils insert lego_parts.db inventory_parts inventory_parts.csv --csv The inventory_parts table describes how many of each part there are in a set. “Set S contains 10 of part P in colour C.” The parts and colors table contains detailed information about each part and color. The inventories table matches the official LEGO set numbers to the inventory IDs in Rebrickable’s database. “The set sold by LEGO as 6616-1 has ID 4159 in the inventory table.” Run a SQLite query that gets information from the different tables to tell me about all the parts in a particular set: SELECT ip.img_url, ip.quantity, ip.is_spare, as color,, ip.part_num FROM inventory_parts ip JOIN inventories i ON ip.inventory_id = JOIN parts p ON ip.part_num = p.part_num JOIN colors c ON ip.color_id = WHERE i.set_num = '6616-1'; Or use sqlite-utils to export the query results as a spreadsheet: sqlite-utils lego_parts.db " SELECT ip.img_url, ip.quantity, ip.is_spare, as color,, ip.part_num FROM inventory_parts ip JOIN inventories i ON ip.inventory_id = JOIN parts p ON ip.part_num = p.part_num JOIN colors c ON ip.color_id = WHERE i.set_num = '6616-1';" --csv > 6616-1.csv Here are the first few lines of that CSV: img_url,quantity,is_spare,color,name,part_num,1,False,[No Color/Any Color],Sticker Sheet for Set 6616-1,23064,2,False,White,Flag 2 x 2 Square [Thin Clips] with Chequered Print,2335pr0019,2,False,White,Flag 2 x 2 Square [Thin Clips] with Octan Logo Print,2335pr0024,4,False,Green,Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove,2412b,4,False,Orange,Tile Special 1 x 2 Grille with Bottom Groove,2412b Import that spreadsheet into Google Sheets, then add a couple of columns. I add a column image where every cell has the formula =IMAGE(…) that references the image URL. This gives me an inline image, so I know what that brick looks like. I add a new column quantity I have where every cell starts at 0, which is where I’ll count bricks as I find them. I add a new column remaining to find which counts the difference between quantity and quantity I have. Then I can highlight or filter for rows where this is non-zero, so I can see the bricks I still need to find. If you’re interested, here’s an example spreadsheet that has a clean inventory. It took me a while to refine the SQL query, but now I have it, I can create a new spreadsheet in less than a minute. One of the things I’ve realised over the last year or so is how powerful “get the data into SQLite” can be – it opens the door to all sorts of interesting queries and questions, with a relatively small amount of code required. I’m sure I could write a custom script just for this task, but it wouldn’t be as concise or flexible. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]
For some purpose, the DOGE people are burrowing their way into all US Federal Systems. Their complete control over the Treasury Department is entirely insane. Unless you intend to destroy everything, making arbitrary changes to complex computer systems will result in destruction, even if that was not your intention. No
A lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defense Forces prevented the end of human civilization on September 26th, 1983. His name was Stanislav Petrov. Protocol dictated that the Soviet Union would retaliate against any nuclear strikes sent by the United States. This was a policy of mutually assured destruction, a doctrine that compels a horrifying logical conclusion. The second and third stage effects of this type of exchange would be even more catastrophic. Allies for each side would likely be pulled into the conflict. The resulting nuclear winter was projected to lead to 2 billion deaths due to starvation. This is to say nothing about those who would have been unfortunate enough to have survived. Petrov’s job was to monitor Oko, the computerized warning systems built to centralize Soviet satellite communications. Around midnight, he received a report that one of the satellites had detected the infrared signature of a single launch of a United States ICBM. While Petrov was deciding what to do about this report, the system detected four more incoming missile launches. He had minutes to make a choice about what to do. It is impossible to imagine the amount of pressure placed on him at this moment. Source: Stanislav Petrov, Soviet officer credited with averting nuclear war, dies at 77 by Schwartzreport. Petrov lived in a world of deterministic systems. The technologies that powered these warning systems have outputs that are guaranteed, provided the proper inputs are provided. However, deterministic does not mean infallible. The only reason you are alive and reading this is because Petrov understood that the systems he observed were capable of error. He was suspicious of what he was seeing reported, and chose not to escalate a retaliatory strike. There were two factors guiding his decision: A surprise attack would most likely have used hundreds of missiles, and not just five. The allegedly foolproof Oko system was new and prone to errors. An error in a deterministic system can still lead to expected outputs being generated. For the Oko system, infrared reflections of the sun shining off of the tops of clouds created a false positive that was interpreted as detection of a nuclear launch event. Source: US-K History by Kosmonavtika. The concept of erroneous truth is a deep thing to internalize, as computerized systems are presented as omniscient, indefective, and absolute. Petrov’s rewards for this action were reprimands, reassignment, and denial of promotion. This was likely for embarrassing his superiors by the politically inconvenient shedding of light on issues with the Oko system. A coerced early retirement caused a nervous breakdown, likely him having to grapple with the weight of his decision. It was only in the 1990s—after the fall of the Soviet Union—that his actions were discovered internationally and celebrated. Stanislav Petrov was given the recognition that he deserved, including being honored by the United Nations, awarded the Dresden Peace Prize, featured in a documentary, and being able to visit a Minuteman Missile silo in the United States. On January 31st, 2025, OpenAI struck a deal with the United States government to use its AI product for nuclear weapon security. It is unclear how this technology will be used, where, and to what extent. It is also unclear how OpenAI’s systems function, as they are black box technologies. What is known is that LLM-generated responses—the product OpenAI sells—are non-deterministic. Non-deterministic systems don’t have guaranteed outputs from their inputs. In addition, LLM-based technology hallucinates—it invents content with no self-knowledge that it is a falsehood. Non-deterministic systems that are computerized also have the perception as being authoritative, the same as their deterministic peers. It is not a question of how the output is generated, it is one of the output being perceived to come from a machine. These are terrifying things to know. Consider not only the systems this technology is being applied to, but also the thoughtless speed of their integration. Then consider how we’ve historically been conditioned and rewarded to interpret the output of these systems, and then how we perceive and treat skeptics. We don’t live in a purely deterministic world of technology anymore. Stanislav Petrov died on September 18th, 2017, before this change occurred. I would be incredibly curious to know his thoughts about our current reality, as well as the increasing abdication of human monitoring of automated systems in favor of notably biased, supposed “AI solutions.” In acknowledging Petrov’s skepticism in a time of mania and political instability, we acknowledge a quote from former U.S. Secretary of Defense William J. Perry’s memoir about the incident: [Oko’s false positives] illustrates the immense danger of placing our fate in the hands of automated systems that are susceptible to failure and human beings who are fallible.
In our *Ambsheets* project, we are exploring a small extension to the familiar spreadsheet: **what if a single spreadsheet cell could hold multiple values at once**?
I am not going to repeat the news. But man, things are really, really bad and getting worse in America. It’s all so unendingly stupid and evil. The tech industry is being horrible, too. Wishing strength to the people who are much more exposed to the chaos than I am. Reading A Confederacy of Dunces was such a perfect novel. It was pure escapism, over-the-top comedy, and such an unusual artifact, that was sadly only appreciated posthumously. Very earnestly I believe that despite greater access to power and resources, the box labeled “socially acceptable ways to be a man” is much smaller than the box labeled “socially acceptable ways to be a woman.” This article on the distinction between patriarchy and men was an interesting read. With the whole… politics out there, it’s easy to go off the rails with any discussion about men and women and whether either have it easy or hard. The same author wrote this good article about declining male enrollment in college. I think both are worth a read. Whenever I read this kind of article, I’m reminded of how limited and mostly fortunate my own experience is. There’s a big difference, I think, in how vigorously you have to perform your gender in some red state where everyone owns a pickup truck, versus a major city where the roles are a little more fluid. Plus, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have a lot of friends and genuine open conversations about feelings with other men. I wish that was the norm! On Having a Maximum Wealth was right up my alley. I’m reading another one of the new-French-economist books right now, and am still fascinated by the prospect of wealth taxes. My friend David has started a local newsletter for Richmond, Virginia, and written a good piece about public surveillance. Construction Physics is consistently great, and their investigation of why skyscrapers are all glass boxes is no exception. Watching David Lynch was so great. We watched his film Lost Highway a few days after he passed, and it was even better than I had remembered it. Norm Macdonald’s extremely long jokes on late-night talk shows have been getting me through the days. Listening This song by the The Hard Quartet – a supergroup of Emmett Kelly, Stephen Malkmus (Pavement), Matt Sweeney and Jim White. It’s such a loving, tender bit of nonsense, very golden-age Pavement. They also have this nice chill song: I came across this SML album via Hearing Things, which has been highlighting a lot of good music. Small Medium Large by SML It’s a pretty good time for these independent high-quality art websites. Colossal has done the same for the art world and highlights good new art: I really want to make it out to see the Nick Cave (not the musician) art show while it’s in New York.