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Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 2024-06-02 I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my clubs/projects while using my personal laptop (X220 ThinkPad) which is runs OpenBSD. Since I recently upgraded to OpenBSD 7.5 I thought it could be helpful for others if I shared my process of building and using rbenv to install different Ruby versions. Before We Build First, be sure to install the required packages in order to build from source, and then clone the core rbenv repo: pkg_add git gcc gmake libffi libyaml openssl git clone https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv.git ~/.rbenv Building rbenv Add rbenv to your PATH and initialize it (place this inside your .bashrc or .zshrc etc): export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH" export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/shims:$PATH" export RUBY_CONFIGURE_OPTS="--with-openssl-dir=/usr/local" eval "$(rbenv init -)" Then reload your shell (zsh in this example): source ~/.zshrc Next we will need to install ruby-build as a rbenv plugin. Clone the ruby-build repository...
9 months ago

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Installing OpenBSD on Linveo KVM VPS

Installing OpenBSD on Linveo KVM VPS 2024-10-21 I recently came across an amazing deal for a VPS on Linveo. For just $15 a year they provide: AMD KVM 1GB 1024 MB RAM 1 CPU Core 25 GB NVMe SSD 2000 GB Bandwidth It’s a pretty great deal and I suggest you look more into it if you’re interested! But this post is more focused on setting up OpenBSD via the custom ISO option in the KVM dashboard. Linveo already provides several Linux OS options, along with FreeBSD by default (which is great!). Since there is no OpenBSD template we need to do things manually. Getting Started Once you have your initial VPS up and running, login to the main dashboard and navigate to the Media tab. Under CD/DVD-ROM you’ll want to click “Custom CD/DVD” and enter the direct link to the install76.iso: https://cdn.openbsd.org/pub/OpenBSD/7.6/amd64/install76.iso The "Media" tab of the Linveo Dashboard. Use the official ISO link and set the Boot Order to CD/DVD. Select “Insert”, then set your Boot Order to CD/DVD and click “Apply”. Once complete, Restart your server. Installing via VNC With the server rebooting, jump over to Options and click on “Browser VNC” to launch the web-based VNC client. From here we will boot into the OpenBSD installer and get things going! Follow the installer as you normally would when installing OpenBSD (if you’re unsure, I have a step-by-step walkthrough) until you reach the IPv4 selection. At this point you will want to input your servers IPv4 and IPv6 IPs found under your Network section of your dashboard. Next you will want to set the IPv6 route to first default listed option (not “none”). After that is complete, choose cd0 for your install media (don’t worry about http yet). Continue with the rest of the install (make users if desired, etc) until it tells you to reboot the machine. Go back to the Linveo Dashboard, switch your Boot Order back to “Harddrive” and reboot the machine directly. Booting into OpenBSD Load into the VNC client again. If you did everything correctly you should be greeted with the OpenBSD login prompt. There are a few tweaks we still need to make, so login as the root user. Remember how we installed our sets directly from the cd0? We’ll want to change that. Since we are running OpenBSD “virtually” through KVM, our target network interface will be vio0. Edit the /etc/hostname.vio0 file and add the following: dhcp !route add default <your_gateway_ip> The <your_gateway_ip> can be found under the Network tab of your dashboard. The next file we need to tweak is /etc/resolv.conf. Add the following to it: nameserver nameserver These nameservers are based on your selected IPs under the Resolvers section of Network in the Linveo dashboard. Change these as you see fit, so long as they match what you place in the resolve.conf file. Finally, the last file we need to edit is /etc/pf.conf. Like the others, add the following: pass out proto { tcp, udp } from any to any port 53 Final Stretch Now just reboot the server. Log back in as your desired user and everything should be working as expected! You can perform a simple test to check: ping openbsd.org This should work - meaning your network is up and running! Now you’re free to enjoy the beauty that is OpenBSD.

4 months ago 57 votes
Vertical Tabs in Safari

Vertical Tabs in Safari 2024-09-26 I use Firefox as my main browser (specifically the Nightly build) which has vertical tabs built-in. There are instances where I need to use Safari, such as debugging or testing iOS devices, and in those instances I prefer to have a similar experience to that of Firefox. Luckily, Apple has finally made it fairly straight forward to do so. Click the Sidebar icon in the top left of the Safari browser Right click and group your current tab(s) (I normally name mine something uninspired like “My Tabs” or simply “Tabs”) For an extra “clean look”, remove the horizontal tabs by right clicking the top bar, selected Customize Toolbar and dragging the tabs out When everything is set properly, you’ll have something that looks like this: One minor drawback is not having access to a direct URL input, since we have removed the horizontal tab bar altogether. Using a set of curated bookmarks could help avoid the need for direct input, along with setting our new tab page to DuckDuckGo or any other search engine.

5 months ago 59 votes
Build and Deploy Websites Automatically with Git

Build and Deploy Websites Automatically with Git 2024-09-20 I recently began the process of setting up my self-hosted1 cgit server as my main code forge. Updating repos via cgit on NearlyFreeSpeech on its own has been simple enough, but it lacked the “wow-factor” of having some sort of automated build process. I looked into a bunch of different tools that I could add to my workflow and automate deploying changes. The problem was they all seemed to be fairly bloated or overly complex for my needs. Then I realized I could simply use post-receive hooks which were already built-in to git! You can’t get more simple than that… So I thought it would be best to document my full process. These notes are more for my future self when I inevitably forget this, but hopefully others can benefit from it! Before We Begin This “tutorial” assumes that you already have a git server setup. It shouldn’t matter what kind of forge you’re using, so long as you have access to the hooks/ directory and have the ability to write a custom post-receive script. For my purposes I will be running standard git via the web through cgit, hosted on NearlyFreeSpeech (FreeBSD based). Overview Here is a quick rundown of what we plan to do: Write a custom post-receive script in the repo of our choice Build and deploy our project when a remote push to master is made Nothing crazy. Once you get the hang of things it’s really simple. Prepping Our Servers Before we get into the nitty-gritty, there are a few items we need to take care of first: Your main git repo needs ssh access to your web hosting (deploy) server. Make sure to add your public key and run a connection test first (before running the post-receive hook) in order to approve the “fingerprinting”. You will need to git clone your main git repo in a private/admin area of your deploy server. In the examples below, mine is cloned under /home/private/_deploys Once you do both of those tasks, continue with the rest of the article! The post-receive Script I will be using my own personal website as the main project for this example. My site is built with wruby, so the build instructions are specific to that generator. If you use Jekyll or something similar, you will need to tweak those commands for your own purposes. Head into your main git repo (not the cloned one on your deploy server), navigate under the hooks/ directory and create a new file named post-receive containing the following: #!/bin/bash # Get the branch that was pushed while read oldrev newrev ref do branch=$(echo $ref | cut -d/ -f3) if [ "$branch" == "master" ]; then echo "Deploying..." # Build on the remote server ssh user@deployserver.net << EOF set -e # Stop on any error cd /home/private/_deploys/btxx.org git pull origin master gem install 'kramdown:2.4.0' 'rss:0.3.0' make build rsync -a build/* ~/public/btxx.org/ EOF echo "Build synced to the deployment server." echo "Deployment complete." fi done Let’s break everything down. First we check if the branch being pushed to the remote server is master. Only if this is true do we proceed. (Feel free to change this if you prefer something like production or deploy) if [ "$branch" == "master" ]; then Then we ssh into the server (ie. deployserver.net) which will perform the build commands and also host these built files. ssh user@deployserver.net << EOF Setting set -e ensures that the script stops if any errors are triggered. set -e # Stop on any error Next, we navigate into the previously mentioned “private” directory, pull the latest changes from master, and run the required build commands (in this case installing gems and running make build) cd /home/private/_deploys/btxx.org git pull origin master gem install 'kramdown:2.4.0' 'rss:0.3.0' make build Finally, rsync is run to copy just the build directory to our public-facing site directory. rsync -a build/* ~/public/btxx.org/ With that saved and finished, be sure to give this file proper permissions: chmod +x post-receive That’s all there is to it! Time to Test! Now make changes to your main git project and push those up into master. You should see the post-receive commands printing out into your terminal successfully. Now check out your website to see the changes. Good stuff. Still Using sourcehut My go-to code forge was previously handled through sourcehut, which will now be used for mirroring my repos and handling mailing lists (since I don’t feel like hosting something like that myself - yet!). This switch over was nothing against sourcehut itself but more of a “I want to control all aspects of my projects” mentality. I hope this was helpful and please feel free to reach out with suggestions or improvements! By self-hosted I mean a NearlyFreeSpeech instance ↩

5 months ago 68 votes
Burning & Playing PS2 Games without a Modded Console

Burning & Playing PS2 Games without a Modded Console 2024-09-02 Important: I do not support pirating or obtaining illegal copies of video games. This process should only be used to copy your existing PS2 games for backup, in case of accidental damage to the original disc. Requirements Note: This tutorial is tailored towards macOS users, but most things should work similar on Windows or Linux. You will need: An official PS2 game disc (the one you wish to copy) A PS2 Slim console An Apple device with a optical DVD drive (or a portable USB DVD drive) Some time and a coffee! (or tea) Create an ISO Image of Your PS2 Disc: Insert your PS2 disc into your optical drive. Open Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities) In Disk Utility, select your PS2 disc from the sidebar Click on the File menu, then select New Image > Image from [Disc Name] Choose a destination to save the ISO file and select the format as DVD/CD Master Name your file and click Save. Disk Utility will create a .cdr file, which is essentially an ISO file Before we move on, we will need to convert that newly created cdr file into ISO. Navigate to the directory where the .cdr file is located and use the hdiutil command to convert the .cdr file to an ISO file: hdiutil convert yourfile.cdr -format UDTO -o yourfile.iso You’ll end up with a file named yourfile.iso.cdr. Rename it by removing the .cdr extension to make it an .iso file: mv yourfile.iso.cdr yourfile.iso Done and done. Getting Started For Mac and Linux users, you will need to install Wine in order to run the patcher: # macOS brew install wine-stable # Linux (Debian) apt install wine Clone & Run the Patcher Clone the FreeDVDBoot ESR Patcher: git clone https://git.sr.ht/~bt/fdvdb-esr Navigate to the cloned project folder: cd /path/to/fdvdb-esr The run the executable: wine FDVDB_ESR_Patcher.exe Now you need to select your previously cloned ISO file, use the default Payload setting and then click Patch!. After a few seconds your file should be patched. Burning Our ISO to DVD It’s time for the main event! Insert a blank DVD-R into your disc drive and mount it. Then right click on your patched ISO file and run “Burn Disk Image to Disc...". From here, you want to make sure you select the slowest write speed and enable verification. Once the file is written to the disc and verified (verification might fail - it is safe to ignore) you can remove the disc from the drive. Before Playing the Game Make sure you change the PS2 disc speed from Standard to Fast in the main “Browser” setting before you put the game into your console. After that, enjoy playing your cloned PS2 game!

6 months ago 51 votes
"This Key is Useless Now. Discard?"

“This Key is Useless Now. Discard?” 2024-08-28 The title of this article probably triggers nostalgic memories for old school Resident Evil veterans like myself. My personal favourite in the series (not that anyone asked) was the original, 1998 version of Resident Evil 2 (RE2). I believe that game stands the test of time and is very close to a masterpiece. The recent remake lost a lot of the charm and nuance that made the original so great, which is why I consistently fire up the PS1 version on my PS2 Slim. Resident Evil 2 (PS1) running on my PS2, hooked up to my Toshiba CRT TV. But the point of this post isn’t to gush over RE2. Instead I would like to discuss how well RE2 handled its interface and user experience across multiple in-game systems. HUD? What HUD? Just like the first Resident Evil that came before it, RE2 has no in-game HUD (heads-up display) to speak of. It’s just your playable character and the environment. No ammo-counters. No health bars. No “quest” markers. Nothing. This is how the game looks while you play. Zero HUD elements. The game does provide you with an inventory system, which holds your core items, weapons and notes you find along your journey. Opening up this sub-menu allows you to heal, reload weapons, combine objects or puzzle items, or read through previously collected documents. Not only is this more immersive (HUDs don’t exist for us in the real world, we need to look through our packs as well…) it also gets out of the way. The main inventory screen. Shows everything you need to know, only when you need it. (I can hear this screenshot...) I don’t need a visual element in the bottom corner showing me a list of “items” I can cycle through. I don’t want an ammo counter cluttering up my screen with information I only need to see in combat or while manually reloading. If those are pieces of information I need, I’ll explicitly open and look for it. Don’t make assumptions about what is important to me on screen. Capcom took this concept of less visual clutter even further in regards to maps and the character health status. Where We’re Going, We Don’t Need Roads Mini-Maps A great deal of newer games come pre-packaged with a mini-map on the main interface. In certain instances this works just fine, but most are 100% UI clutter. Something to add to the screen. I can only assume some devs believe it is “helpful”. Most times it’s simply a distraction. Thank goodness most games allow you to disable them. As for RE2, you collect maps throughout your adventure and, just like most other systems in the game, you need to consciously open the map menu to view them. You know, just like in real life. This creates a higher tension as well, since you need to constantly reference your map (on initial playthroughs) to figure out where the heck to go. You feel the pressure of someone frantically pulling out a physical map and scanning their surroundings. It also helps the player build a mental model in their head, thus providing even more of that sweet, sweet immersion. The map of the Raccoon City Police Station. No Pain, No Gain The game doesn’t display any health bar or player status information. In order to view your current status (symbolized by “Fine”, “Caution” or “Danger”) you need to open your inventory screen. From here you can heal yourself (if needed) and see the status type change in real-time. The "condition" health status. This is fine. But that isn’t the only way to visually see your current status. Here’s a scenario: you’re traveling down a hallway, turn a corner and run right into the arms of a zombie. She takes a couple good bites out of your neck before you push her aside. You unload some handgun rounds into her and down she goes. As you run over her body she reaches out and chomps on your leg as a final “goodbye”. You break free and move along but notice something different in your character’s movement - they’re holding their stomach and limping. Here we can see the character "Hunk" holding his stomach and limping, indicating an injury without the need for a custom HUD element. If this was your first time playing, most players would instinctively open the inventory menu, where their characters health is displayed, and (in this instance) be greeted with a “Caution” status. This is another example of subtle UX design. I don’t need to know the health status of my character until an action is required (in this example: healing). The health system is out of the way but not hidden. This keeps the focus on immersion, not baby-sitting the game’s interface. A Key to Every Lock Hey! This section is in reference to the title of the article. We made it! …But yes, discarding keys in RE2 is a subtle example of fantastic user experience. As a player, I know for certain this key is no longer needed. I can safely discard it and free up precious space from my inventory. There is also a sense of accomplishment, a feeling of “I’ve completed a task” or an internal checkbox being ticked. Progress has been made! Don’t overlook how powerful of a interaction this little text prompt is. Ask any veteran of the series and they will tell you this prompt is almost euphoric. The game's prompt asking if you'd like to discard a useless key. Perfection. Inspiring Greatness RE2 is certainly not the first or last game to implement these “minimal” game systems. A more “modern” example is Dead Space (DS), along with its very faithful remake. In DS the character’s health is displayed directly on the character model itself, and a similar inventory screen is used to manage items. An ammo-counter is visible but only when the player aims their weapon. Pretty great stuff and another masterpiece of survival horror. In Dead Space, the character's health bar is set as part of their spacesuit. The Point I guess my main takeaway is that designers and developers should try their best to keep user experience intuitive. I know that sounds extremely generic but it is a lot more complex than one might think. Try to be as direct as possible while remaining subtle. It’s a delicate balance but experiences like RE2 show us it is attainable. I’d love to talk more, but I have another play-through of RE2 to complete…

6 months ago 49 votes

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Supa Pecha Kucha

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18 hours ago 3 votes
The Power of Principles in Web Development Decision-Making (article)

Discover how The Epic Programming Principles can transform your web development decision-making, boost your career, and help you build better software.

10 hours ago 2 votes
Closing the borders alone won't fix the problems

Denmark has been reaping lots of delayed accolades from its relatively strict immigration policy lately. The Swedes and the Germans in particular are now eager to take inspiration from The Danish Model, given their predicaments. The very same countries that until recently condemned the lack of open-arms/open-border policies they would champion as Moral Superpowers.  But even in Denmark, thirty years after the public opposition to mass immigration started getting real political representation, the consequences of culturally-incompatible descendants from MENAPT continue to stress the high-trust societal model. Here are just three major cases that's been covered in the Danish media in 2025 alone: Danish public schools are increasingly struggling with violence and threats against students and teachers, primarily from descendants of MENAPT immigrants. In schools with 30% or more immigrants, violence is twice as prevalent. This is causing a flight to private schools from parents who can afford it (including some Syrians!). Some teachers are quitting the profession as a result, saying "the Quran run the class room". Danish women are increasingly feeling unsafe in the nightlife. The mayor of the country's third largest city, Odense, says he knows why: "It's groups of young men with an immigrant background that's causing it. We might as well be honest about that." But unfortunately, the only suggestion he had to deal with the problem was that "when [the women] meet these groups... they should take a big detour around them". A soccer club from the infamous ghetto area of Vollsmose got national attention because every other team in their league refused to play them. Due to the team's long history of violent assaults and death threats against opposing teams and referees. Bizarrely leading to the situation were the team got to the top of its division because they'd "win" every forfeited match. Problems of this sort have existed in Denmark for well over thirty years. So in a way, none of this should be surprising. But it actually is. Because it shows that long-term assimilation just isn't happening at a scale to tackle these problems. In fact, data shows the opposite: Descendants of MENAPT immigrants are more likely to be violent and troublesome than their parents. That's an explosive point because it blows up the thesis that time will solve these problems. Showing instead that it actually just makes it worse. And then what? This is particularly pertinent in the analysis of Sweden. After the "far right" party of the Swedish Democrats got into government, the new immigrant arrivals have plummeted. But unfortunately, the net share of immigrants is still increasing, in part because of family reunifications, and thus the problems continue. Meaning even if European countries "close the borders", they're still condemned to deal with the damning effects of maladjusted MENAPT immigrant descendants for decades to come. If the intervention stops there. There are no easy answers here. Obviously, if you're in a hole, you should stop digging. And Sweden has done just that. But just because you aren't compounding the problem doesn't mean you've found a way out. Denmark proves to be both a positive example of minimizing the digging while also a cautionary tale that the hole is still there.

19 hours ago 2 votes
We all lose when art is anonymised

One rabbit hole I can never resist going down is finding the original creator of a piece of art. This sounds simple, but it’s often quite difficult. The Internet is a maze of social media accounts that only exist to repost other people’s art, usually with minimal or non-existent attribution. A popular image spawns a thousand copies, each a little further from the original. Signatures get cropped, creators’ names vanish, and we’re left with meaningless phrases like “no copyright intended”, as if that magically absolves someone of artistic theft. Why do I do this? I’ve always been a bit obsessive, a bit completionist. I’ve worked in cultural heritage for eight years, which has made me more aware of copyright and more curious about provenance. And it’s satisfying to know I’ve found the original source, that I can’t dig any further. This takes time. It’s digital detective work, using tools like Google Lens and TinEye, and it’s not always easy or possible. Sometimes the original pops straight to the top, but other times it takes a lot of digging to find the source of an image. So many of us have become accustomed to art as an endless, anonymous stream of “content”. A beautiful image appears in our feed, we give it a quick heart, and scroll on, with no thought for the human who sweated blood and tears to create it. That original artist feels distant, disconected. Whatever benefit they might get from the “exposure” of your work going viral, they don’t get any if their name has been removed first. I came across two examples recently that remind me it’s not just artists who miss out – it’s everyone who enjoys art. I saw a photo of some traffic lights on Tumblr. I love their misty, nighttime aesthetic, the way the bright colours of the lights cut through the fog, the totality of the surrounding darkness. But there was no name – somebody had just uploaded the image to their Tumblr page, it was reblogged a bunch of times, and then it appeared on my dashboard. Who took it? I used Google Lens to find the original photographer: Lucas Zimmerman. Then I discovered it was part of a series. And there was a sequel. I found interviews. Context. Related work. I found all this cool stuff, but only because I knew Lucas’s name. Traffic Lights, by Lucas Zimmerman. Published on Behance.net under a CC BY‑NC 4.0 license, and reposted here in accordance with that license. The second example was a silent video of somebody making tiny chess pieces, just captioned “wow”. It was clearly an edit of another video, with fast-paced cuts to make it accommodate a short attention span – and again with no attribution. This was a little harder to find – I had to search several frames in Google Lens before I found a summary on a Russian website, which had a link to a YouTube video by metalworker and woodworker Левша (Levsha). This video is four times longer than the cut-up version I found, in higher resolution, and with commentary from the original creator. I don’t speak Russian, but YouTube has auto-translated subtitles. Now I know how this amazing set was made, and I have a much better understanding of the materials and techniques involved. (This includes the delightful name Wenge wood, which I’d never heard before.) https://youtube.com/watch?v=QoKdDK3y-mQ A piece of art is more than just a single image or video. It’s a process, a human story. When art is detached from its context and creator, we lose something fundamental. Creators lose the chance to benefit from their work, and we lose the opportunity to engage with it in a deeper way. We can’t learn how it was made, find their other work, or discover how to make similar art for ourselves. The Internet has done many wonderful things for art, but it’s also a machine for endless copyright infringement. It’s not just about generative AI and content scraping – those are serious issues, but this problem existed long before any of us had heard of ChatGPT. It’s a thousand tiny paper cuts. How many of us have used an image from the Internet because it showed up in a search, without a second thought for its creator? When Google Images says “images may be subject to copyright”, how many of us have really thought about what that means? Next time you want to use an image from the web, look to see if it’s shared under a license that allows reuse, and make sure you include the appropriate attribution – and if not, look for a different image. Finding the original creator is hard, sometimes impossible. The Internet is full of shadows: copies of things that went offline years ago. But when I succeed, it feels worth the effort – both for the original artist and myself. When I read a book or watch a TV show, the credits guide me to the artists, and I can appreciate both them and the rest of their work. I wish the Internet was more like that. I wish the platforms we rely on put more emphasis on credit and attribution, and the people behind art. The next time an image catches your eye, take a moment. Who made this? What does it mean? What’s their story? [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

yesterday 1 votes
Apple does AI as Microsoft did mobile

When the iPhone first appeared in 2007, Microsoft was sitting pretty with their mobile strategy. They'd been early to the market with Windows CE, they were fast-following the iPod with their Zune. They also had the dominant operating system, the dominant office package, and control of the enterprise. The future on mobile must have looked so bright! But of course now, we know it wasn't. Steve Ballmer infamously dismissed the iPhone with a chuckle, as he believed all of Microsoft's past glory would guarantee them mobile victory. He wasn't worried at all. He clearly should have been! After reliving that Ballmer moment, it's uncanny to watch this CNBC interview from one year ago with Johny Srouji and John Ternus from Apple on their AI strategy. Ternus even repeats the chuckle!! Exuding the same delusional confidence that lost Ballmer's Microsoft any serious part in the mobile game.  But somehow, Apple's problems with AI seem even more dire. Because there's apparently no one steering the ship. Apple has been promising customers a bag of vaporware since last fall, and they're nowhere close to being able to deliver on the shiny concept demos. The ones that were going to make Apple Intelligence worthy of its name, and not just terrible image generation that is years behind the state of the art. Nobody at Apple seems able or courageous enough to face the music: Apple Intelligence sucks. Siri sucks. None of the vaporware is anywhere close to happening. Yet as late as last week, you have Cook promoting the new MacBook Air with "Apple Intelligence". Yikes. This is partly down to the org chart. John Giannandrea is Apple's VP of ML/AI, and he reports directly to Tim Cook. He's been in the seat since 2018. But Cook evidently does not have the product savvy to be able to tell bullshit from benefit, so he keeps giving Giannandrea more rope. Now the fella has hung Apple's reputation on vaporware, promised all iPhone 16 customers something magical that just won't happen, and even spec-bumped all their devices with more RAM for nothing but diminished margins. Ouch. This is what regression to the mean looks like. This is what fiefdom management looks like. This is what having a company run by a logistics guy looks like. Apple needs a leadership reboot, stat. That asterisk is a stain.

2 days ago 3 votes