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I've been participating in the Lisp Game Jam for several years now, and the next one is starting on 10/28, and with each attempt I've been accumulating code that forms something resembling a game engine. I'm now attempting to solidify some of the concepts I've been exploring in order to make a game engine worthy of releasing in case someone else wanted to use it, too. I've named this engine Catbird, continuing the bird theme established by my game programming library, Chickadee, which the engine is built on. Game engines are opinionated machines, and no single engine is suitable for all types of game or developer. So, the first step for designing an engine is to determine what kind of games to target and who might want to use it. I have decided to target small-scale 2D games (though I've left the door open for adding 3D support later) made by developers who love Emacs, love Scheme, and for whom having a pleasant, REPL-driven workflow is more important than raw performance. In other...
over a year ago

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Guile-websocket 0.2.0 released

I'm happy to announce that guile-websocket 0.2.0 has been released! Guile-websocket is an implementation of the WebSocket protocol, both the client and server sides, for Guile Scheme. This release introduces breaking changes that overhaul the client and server implementations in order to support non-blocking I/O and TLS encrypted connections. source tarball: https://files.dthompson.us/guile-websocket/guile-websocket-0.2.0.tar.gz signature: https://files.dthompson.us/guile-websocket/guile-websocket-0.2.0.tar.gz.asc See the guile-websocket project page for more information. Bug reports, bug fixes, feature requests, and patches are welcomed.

a month ago 50 votes
Wasm GC isn’t ready for realtime graphics

Wasm GC is a wonderful thing that is now available in all major web browsers since slowpoke Safari/WebKit finally shipped it in December. It provides a hierarchy of heap allocated reference types and a set of instructions to operate on them. Wasm GC enables managed memory languages to take advantage of the advanced garbage collectors inside web browser engines. It’s now possible to implement a managed memory language without having to ship a GC inside the binary. The result is smaller binaries, better performance, and better integration with the host runtime. However, Wasm GC has some serious drawbacks when compared to linear memory. I enjoy playing around with realtime graphics programming in my free time, but I was disappointed to discover that Wasm GC just isn’t a good fit for that right now. I decided to write this post because I’d like to see Wasm GC on more or less equal footing with linear memory when it comes to binary data manipulation. Hello triangle For starters, let's take a look at what a “hello triangle” WebGL demo looks like with Wasm GC. I’ll use Hoot, the Scheme to Wasm compiler that I work on, to build it. Below is a Scheme program that declares imports for the subset of the WebGL, HTML5 Canvas, etc. APIs that are necessary and then renders a single triangle: (use-modules (hoot ffi)) ;; Document (define-foreign get-element-by-id "document" "getElementById" (ref string) -> (ref null extern)) ;; Element (define-foreign element-width "element" "width" (ref extern) -> i32) (define-foreign element-height "element" "height" (ref extern) -> i32) ;; Canvas (define-foreign get-canvas-context "canvas" "getContext" (ref extern) (ref string) -> (ref null extern)) ;; WebGL (define GL_VERTEX_SHADER 35633) (define GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER 35632) (define GL_COMPILE_STATUS 35713) (define GL_LINK_STATUS 35714) (define GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 34962) (define GL_STATIC_DRAW 35044) (define GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT 16384) (define GL_TRIANGLES 4) (define GL_FLOAT 5126) (define-foreign gl-create-shader "gl" "createShader" (ref extern) i32 -> (ref extern)) (define-foreign gl-delete-shader "gl" "deleteShader" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-shader-source "gl" "shaderSource" (ref extern) (ref extern) (ref string) -> none) (define-foreign gl-compile-shader "gl" "compileShader" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-get-shader-parameter "gl" "getShaderParameter" (ref extern) (ref extern) i32 -> i32) (define-foreign gl-get-shader-info-log "gl" "getShaderInfoLog" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> (ref string)) (define-foreign gl-create-program "gl" "createProgram" (ref extern) -> (ref extern)) (define-foreign gl-delete-program "gl" "deleteProgram" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-attach-shader "gl" "attachShader" (ref extern) (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-link-program "gl" "linkProgram" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-use-program "gl" "useProgram" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-get-program-parameter "gl" "getProgramParameter" (ref extern) (ref extern) i32 -> i32) (define-foreign gl-get-program-info-log "gl" "getProgramInfoLog" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> (ref string)) (define-foreign gl-create-buffer "gl" "createBuffer" (ref extern) -> (ref extern)) (define-foreign gl-delete-buffer "gl" "deleteBuffer" (ref extern) (ref extern) -> (ref extern)) (define-foreign gl-bind-buffer "gl" "bindBuffer" (ref extern) i32 (ref extern) -> none) (define-foreign gl-buffer-data "gl" "bufferData" (ref extern) i32 (ref eq) i32 -> none) (define-foreign gl-enable-vertex-attrib-array "gl" "enableVertexAttribArray" (ref extern) i32 -> none) (define-foreign gl-vertex-attrib-pointer "gl" "vertexAttribPointer" (ref extern) i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 i32 -> none) (define-foreign gl-draw-arrays "gl" "drawArrays" (ref extern) i32 i32 i32 -> none) (define-foreign gl-viewport "gl" "viewport" (ref extern) i32 i32 i32 i32 -> none) (define-foreign gl-clear-color "gl" "clearColor" (ref extern) f64 f64 f64 f64 -> none) (define-foreign gl-clear "gl" "clear" (ref extern) i32 -> none) (define (compile-shader gl type source) (let ((shader (gl-create-shader gl type))) (gl-shader-source gl shader source) (gl-compile-shader gl shader) (unless (= (gl-get-shader-parameter gl shader GL_COMPILE_STATUS) 1) (let ((info (gl-get-shader-info-log gl shader))) (gl-delete-shader gl shader) (error "shader compilation failed" info))) shader)) (define (link-shader gl vertex-shader fragment-shader) (let ((program (gl-create-program gl))) (gl-attach-shader gl program vertex-shader) (gl-attach-shader gl program fragment-shader) (gl-link-program gl program) (unless (= (gl-get-program-parameter gl program GL_LINK_STATUS) 1) (let ((info (gl-get-program-info-log gl program))) (gl-delete-program gl program) (error "program linking failed" info))) program)) ;; Setup GL context (define canvas (get-element-by-id "canvas")) (define gl (get-canvas-context canvas "webgl")) (when (external-null? gl) (error "unable to create WebGL context")) ;; Compile shader (define vertex-shader-source "attribute vec2 position; attribute vec3 color; varying vec3 fragColor; void main() { gl_Position = vec4(position, 0.0, 1.0); fragColor = color; }") (define fragment-shader-source "precision mediump float; varying vec3 fragColor; void main() { gl_FragColor = vec4(fragColor, 1); }") (define vertex-shader (compile-shader gl GL_VERTEX_SHADER vertex-shader-source)) (define fragment-shader (compile-shader gl GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER fragment-shader-source)) (define shader (link-shader gl vertex-shader fragment-shader)) ;; Create vertex buffer (define stride (* 4 5)) (define buffer (gl-create-buffer gl)) (gl-bind-buffer gl GL_ARRAY_BUFFER buffer) (gl-buffer-data gl GL_ARRAY_BUFFER #f32(-1.0 -1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 -1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0) GL_STATIC_DRAW) ;; Draw (gl-viewport gl 0 0 (element-width canvas) (element-height canvas)) (gl-clear gl GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) (gl-use-program gl shader) (gl-enable-vertex-attrib-array gl 0) (gl-vertex-attrib-pointer gl 0 2 GL_FLOAT 0 stride 0) (gl-enable-vertex-attrib-array gl 1) (gl-vertex-attrib-pointer gl 1 3 GL_FLOAT 0 stride 8) (gl-draw-arrays gl GL_TRIANGLES 0 3) Note that in Scheme, the equivalent of a Uint8Array is a bytevector. Hoot uses a packed array, an (array i8) specifically, for the contents of a bytevector. And here is the JavaScript code necessary to boot the resulting Wasm binary: window.addEventListener("load", async () => { function bytevectorToUint8Array(bv) { let len = reflect.bytevector_length(bv); let array = new Uint8Array(len); for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { array[i] = reflect.bytevector_ref(bv, i); } return array; } let mod = await SchemeModule.fetch_and_instantiate("triangle.wasm", { reflect_wasm_dir: 'reflect-wasm', user_imports: { document: { getElementById: (id) => document.getElementById(id) }, element: { width: (elem) => elem.width, height: (elem) => elem.height }, canvas: { getContext: (elem, type) => elem.getContext(type) }, gl: { createShader: (gl, type) => gl.createShader(type), deleteShader: (gl, shader) => gl.deleteShader(shader), shaderSource: (gl, shader, source) => gl.shaderSource(shader, source), compileShader: (gl, shader) => gl.compileShader(shader), getShaderParameter: (gl, shader, param) => gl.getShaderParameter(shader, param), getShaderInfoLog: (gl, shader) => gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader), createProgram: (gl, type) => gl.createProgram(type), deleteProgram: (gl, program) => gl.deleteProgram(program), attachShader: (gl, program, shader) => gl.attachShader(program, shader), linkProgram: (gl, program) => gl.linkProgram(program), useProgram: (gl, program) => gl.useProgram(program), getProgramParameter: (gl, program, param) => gl.getProgramParameter(program, param), getProgramInfoLog: (gl, program) => gl.getProgramInfoLog(program), createBuffer: (gl) => gl.createBuffer(), deleteBuffer: (gl, buffer) => gl.deleteBuffer(buffer), bindBuffer: (gl, target, buffer) => gl.bindBuffer(target, buffer), bufferData: (gl, buffer, data, usage) => { let bv = new Bytevector(reflect, data); gl.bufferData(buffer, bytevectorToUint8Array(bv), usage); }, enableVertexAttribArray: (gl, index) => gl.enableVertexAttribArray(index), vertexAttribPointer: (gl, index, size, type, normalized, stride, offset) => { gl.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, type, normalized, stride, offset); }, drawArrays: (gl, mode, first, count) => gl.drawArrays(mode, first, count), viewport: (gl, x, y, w, h) => gl.viewport(x, y, w, h), clearColor: (gl, r, g, b, a) => gl.clearColor(r, g, b, a), clear: (gl, mask) => gl.clear(mask) } } }); let reflect = await mod.reflect({ reflect_wasm_dir: 'reflect-wasm' }); let proc = new Procedure(reflect, mod.get_export("$load").value); proc.call(); }); Hello problems There are two major performance issues with this program. One is visible in the source above, the other is hidden in the language implementation. Heap objects are opaque on the other side Wasm GC heap objects are opaque to the host. Likewise, heap objects from the host are opaque to the Wasm guest. Thus the contents of an (array i8) object are not visible from JavaScript and the contents of a Uint8Array are not visible from Wasm. This is a good security property in the general case, but it’s a hinderance in this specific case. Let’s say we have an (array i8) full of vertex data we want to put into a WebGL buffer. To do this, we must make one JS->Wasm call for each byte in the array and store it into a Uint8Array. This is what the bytevectorToUint8Array function above is doing. Copying any significant amount of data per frame is going to tank performance. Hope you aren’t trying to stream vertex data! Contrast the previous paragraph with Wasm linear memory. A WebAssembly.Memory object can be easily accessed from JavaScript as an ArrayBuffer. To get a blob of vertex data out of a memory object, you just need to know the byte offset and length and you’re good to go. There are many Wasm linear memory applications using WebGL successfully. Manipulating multi-byte binary data is inefficient To read a multi-byte number such as an unsigned 32-bit integer from an (array i8), you have to fetch each individual byte and combine them together. Here’s a self-contained example that uses Guile-flavored WAT format: (module (type $bytevector (array i8)) (data $init #u32(123456789)) (func (export "main") (result i32) (local $a (ref $bytevector)) (local.set $a (array.new_data $bytevector $init (i32.const 0) (i32.const 4))) (array.get_u $bytevector (local.get $a) (i32.const 0)) (i32.shl (array.get_u $bytevector (local.get $a) (i32.const 1)) (i32.const 8)) (i32.or) (i32.shl (array.get_u $bytevector (local.get $a) (i32.const 2)) (i32.const 16)) (i32.or) (i32.shl (array.get_u $bytevector (local.get $a) (i32.const 3)) (i32.const 24)) (i32.or))) By contrast, Wasm linear memory needs but a single i32.load instruction: (module (memory 1) (func (export "main") (result i32) (i32.store (i32.const 0) (i32.const 123456789)) (i32.load (i32.const 0)))) Easy peasy. Not only is it less code, it's a lot more efficient. Unsatisfying workarounds There’s no way around the multi-byte problem at the moment, but for byte access from JavaScript there are some things we could try to work with what we have been given. Spoiler alert: None of them are pleasant. Use Uint8Array from the host This approach makes all binary operations from within the Wasm binary slow since we’d have to cross the Wasm->JS bridge for each read/write. Since most of the binary data manipulation is happening in the Wasm module, this approach will just make things slower overall. Use linear memory for bytevectors This would require a little malloc/free implementation and a way to reclaim memory for GC'd bytevectors. You could register every bytevector in a FinalizationRegistry in order to be notified upon GC and free the memory. Now you have to deal with memory fragmentation. This is Wasm GC, we shouldn’t have to do any of this! Use linear memory as a scratch space This avoids crossing the Wasm/JS boundary for each byte, but still involves a byte-by-byte copy from (array i8) to linear memory within the Wasm module. So far this feels like the least worst option, but the extra copy is still going to greatly reduce throughput. Wasm GC needs some fixin' I’ve used realtime graphics as an example because it’s a use case that is very sensitive to performance issues, but this unfortunate need to copy binary data byte-by-byte is also the reason why strings are trash on Wasm GC right now. Stringref is a good proposal and the Wasm community group made a mistake by rejecting it. Anyway, there has been some discussion about both multi-byte and ArrayBuffer access on GitHub, but as far as I can tell neither issue is anywhere close to a resolution. Can these things be implemented efficiently? How can the need for direct access to packed arrays from JS be reconciled with Wasm heap object opaqueness? I hope the Wasm community group can arrive at solutions sooner than later because it will take a long time to get the proposal(s) to phase 4 and shipped in all browsers, perhaps years. It would be a shame to be effectively shut out from using WebGPU when it finally reaches stable browser releases.

a month ago 41 votes
Guile-Bstructs 0.1.0 released

I'm pleased to announce that the very first release of guile-bstructs, version 0.1.0, has been released! This is a library I've been working on for quite some time and after more than one rewrite and many smaller refactors I think it's finally ready to release publicly. Let's hope I'm not wrong about that! About guile-bstructs Guile-bstructs is a library that provides structured read/write access to binary data for Guile. A bstruct (short for “binary structure”) is a data type that encapsulates a bytevector and a byte offset which interprets that bytevector based on a specified layout. Some use cases for bstructs are: manipulating C structs when using the foreign function interface packing GPU vertex buffers when using graphics APIs such as OpenGL implementing data types that benefit from Guile's unboxed math optimizations such as vectors and matrices This library was initially inspired by guile-opengl's define-packed-struct syntax but is heavily based on "Ftypes: Structured foreign types" by Andy Keep and R. Kent Dybvig. The resulting interface is quite similar but the implementation is completely original. This library provides a syntax-heavy interface; nearly all of the public API is syntax. This is done to ensure that bstruct types are static and well-known at compile time resulting in efficient bytecode and minimal runtime overhead. A subset of the interface deals in raw bytevector access for accessing structured data in bytevectors directly without going through an intermediary bstruct wrapper. This low-level interface is useful for certain batch processing situations where the overhead of creating wrapper bstructs would hinder throughput. Example Here are some example type definitions to give you an idea of what it’s like to use guile-bstructs: ;; Struct (define-bstruct <vec2> (padded (struct (x float) (y float)))) ;; Type group with a union (define-bstruct (<mouse-move-event> (struct (type uint8) (x int32) (y int32))) (<mouse-button-event> (struct (type uint8) (button uint8) (state uint8) (x int32) (y int32))) (<event> (union (type uint8) (mouse-move <mouse-move-event>) (mouse-button <mouse-button-event>)))) ;; Array (define-bstruct <matrix4> (array 16 float)) ;; Bit fields (define-bstruct <date> (bits (year 32 s) (month 4 u) (day 5 u))) ;; Pointer (define-bstruct (<item> (struct (type int))) (<chest> (struct (opened? uint8) (item (* <item>))))) ;; Packed struct modifier (define-bstruct <enemy> (packed (struct (type uint8) (health uint32)))) ;; Endianness modifier (define-bstruct <big-float> (endian big float)) ;; Recursive type (define-bstruct <node> (struct (item int) (next (* <node>)))) ;; Mutually recursive type group (define-bstruct (<forest> (struct (children (* <tree>)))) (<tree> (struct (value int) (forest (* <forest>)) (next (* <tree>))))) ;; Opaque type (define-bstruct SDL_GPUTexture) Download Source tarball: guile-bstructs-0.1.0.tar.gz GPG signature: guile-bstructs-0.1.0.tar.gz.asc This release was signed with this GPG key. See the guile-bstructs project page for more information.

2 months ago 60 votes
Functional reactive user interfaces with propagators

I’ve been interested in functional reactive programming (FRP) for about a decade now. I even wrote a couple of blog posts back in 2014 describing my experiments. My initial source of inspiration was Elm, the Haskell-like language for the web that once had FRP as a core part of the language. Evan Czaplicki’s Strange Loop 2013 talk really impressed me, especially that Mario demo. From there, I explored the academic literature on the subject. Ultimately, I created and then abandoned a library that focused on FRP for games. It was a neat idea, but the performance was terrible. The overhead of my kinda-sorta FRP system was part of the problem, but mostly it was my own inexperience. I didn’t know how to optimize effectively and my implementation language, Guile, did not have as many optimization passes as it does now. Also, realtime simulations like games require much more careful use of heap allocation. I found that, overhead aside, FRP is a bad fit for things like scripting sequences of actions in a game. I don’t want to give up things like coroutines that make it easy. I’ve learned how different layers of a program may call for different programming paradigms. Functional layers rest upon imperative foundations. Events are built on top of polling. Languages with expression trees run on machines that only understand linear sequences. You get the idea. A good general-purpose language will allow you to compose many paradigms in the same program. I’m still a big fan of functional programming, but single paradigm languages do not appeal to me. Fast forward 10 years, I find myself thinking about FRP again in a new context. I now work for the Spritely Institute where we’re researching and building the next generation of secure, distributed application infrastructure. We want to demo our tech through easy-to-use web applications, which means we need to do some UI programming. So, the back burner of my brain has been mulling over the possibilities. What’s the least painful way to build web UIs? Is this FRP thing worth revisiting? The reason why FRP is so appealing to me (on paper, at least) is that it allows for writing interactive programs declaratively. With FRP, I can simply describe the relationships between the various time-varying components, and the system wires it all together for me. I’m spared from callback hell, one of the more frightening layers of hell that forces programs to be written in a kind of continuation-passing style where timing and state bugs consume more development time as the project grows. What about React? In the time during and since I last experimented with FRP, a different approach to declarative UI programming has swept the web development world: React. From React, many other similar libraries emerged. On the minimalist side there are things like Mithril (a favorite of mine), and then there are bigger players like Vue. The term “reactive” has become overloaded, but in the mainstream software world it is associated with React and friends. FRP is quite different, despite sharing the declarative and reactive traits. Both help free programmers from callback hell, but they achieve their results differently. The React model describes an application as a tree of “components”. Each component represents a subset of the complete UI element tree. For each component, there is a template function that takes some inputs and returns the new desired state of the UI. This function is called whenever an event occurs that might change the state of the UI. The template produces a data structure known as a “virtual DOM”. To realize this new state in the actual DOM, React diffs the previous tree with the new one and updates, creates, and deletes elements as necessary. With FRP, you describe your program as an acyclic graph of nodes that contain time-varying values. The actual value of any given node is determined by a function that maps the current values of some input nodes into an output value. The system is bootstrapped by handling a UI event and updating the appropriate root node, which kicks off a cascade of updates throughout the graph. At the leaf nodes, side-effects occur that realize the desired state of the application. Racket’s FrTime is one example of such a system, which is based on Greg Cooper’s 2008 PhD dissertation “Integrating Dataflow Evaluation into a Practical Higher-Order Call-by-Value Language”. In FrTime, time-varying values are called “signals”. Elm borrowed this language, too, and there’s currently a proposal to add signals to JavaScript. Research into FRP goes back quite a bit further. Notably, Conal Elliot and Paul Hudak wrote “Functional Reactive Animation” in 1997. On jank The scope of potential change for any given event is larger in React than FRP. An FRP system flows data through an acyclic graph, updating only the nodes affected by the event. React requires re-evaluating the template for each component that needs refreshing and applying a diff algorithm to determine what needs changing in the currently rendered UI. The virtual DOM diffing process can be quite wasteful in terms of both memory usage and processing time, leading to jank on systems with limited resources like phones. Andy Wingo has done some interesting analyses of things like React Native and Flutter and covers the subject of jank well. So, while I appreciate the greatly improved developer experience of React-likes (I wrote my fair share of frontend code in the jQuery days), I’m less pleased by the overhead that it pushes onto each user’s computer. React feels like an important step forward on the declarative UI trail, but it’s not the destination. FRP has the potential for less jank because side-effects (the UI widget state updates) can be more precise. For example, if a web page has a text node that displays the number of times the user has clicked a mouse button, an FRP system could produce a program that would do the natural thing: Register a click event handler that replaces the text node with a new one containing the updated count. We don’t need to diff the whole page, nor do we need to create a wrapper component to update a subset of the page. The scope is narrow, so we can apply smaller updates. No virtual DOM necessary. There is, of course, overhead to maintaining the graph of time-varying values. The underlying runtime is free to use mutable state, but the user layer must take care to use pure functions and persistent, immutable data structures. This has a cost, but the per-event cost to refresh the UI feels much more reasonable when compared to React. From here on, I will stop talking about React and start exploring if FRP might really offer a more expressive way to do declarative UI without too much overhead. But first, we need to talk about a serious problem. FRP is acyclic FRP is no silver bullet. As mentioned earlier, FRP graphs are typically of the acyclic flavor. This limits the set of UIs that are possible to create with FRP. Is this the cost of declarativeness? To demonstrate the problem, consider a color picker tool that has sliders for both the red-green-blue and hue-saturation-value representations of color: In this program, updating the sliders on the RGB side should change the values of the sliders on the HSV side, and vice versa. This forms a cycle between the two sets of sliders. It’s possible to express cycles like this with event callbacks, though it’s messy and error-prone to do manually. We’d like a system built on top of event callbacks that can do the right thing without strange glitches or worse, unbounded loops. Propagators to the rescue Fortunately, I didn’t create that diagram above. It’s from Alexey Radul’s 2009 PhD dissertation: “Propagation Networks: A Flexible and Expressive Substrate for Computation”. This paper dedicates a section to explaining how FRP can be built on top a more general paradigm called propagation networks, or just propagators for short. The paper is lengthy, naturally, but it is written in an approachable style. There isn’t any terse math notation and there are plenty of code examples. As far as PhD dissertations go, this one is a real page turner! Here is a quote from section 5.5 about FrTime (with emphasis added by me): FrTime is built around a custom propagation infrastructure; it nicely achieves both non-recomputation and glitch avoidance, but unfortunately, the propagation system is nontrivially complicated, and specialized for the purpose of supporting functional reactivity. In particular, the FrTime system imposes the invariant that the propagation graph be acyclic, and guarantees that it will execute the propagators in topological-sort order. This simplifies the propagators themselves, but greatly complicates the runtime system, especially because it has to dynamically recompute the sort order when the structure of some portion of the graph changes (as when the predicate of a conditional changes from true to false, and the other branch must now be computed). That complexity, in turn, makes that runtime system unsuitable for other kinds of propagation, and even makes it difficult for other kinds of propagation to interoperate with it. So, the claim is that FRP-on-propagators can remove the acyclic restriction, reduce complexity, and improve interoperability. But what are propagators? I like how the book “Software Design for Flexibility” (2021) defines them (again, with emphasis added by me): “The propagator model is built on the idea that the basic computational elements are propagators, autonomous independent machines interconnected by shared cells through which they communicate. Each propagator machine continuously examines the cells it is connected to, and adds information to some cells based on computations it can make from information it can get from others. Cells accumulate information and propagators produce information.” Research on propagators goes back a long way (you’ll even find a form of propagators in the all-time classic “Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs”), but it was Alexey Radul that discovered how to unify many different types of special-purpose propagation systems so that they could share a generic substrate and interoperate. Perhaps the most exciting application of the propagator model is AI, where it can be used to create “explainable AI” that keeps track of how a particular output was computed. This type of AI stands in stark contrast to the much hyped mainstream machine learning models that hoover up our planet’s precious natural resources to produce black boxes that generate impressive bullshit. But anyway! The diagram above can also be found in section 5.5 of the dissertation. Here’s the description: “A network for a widget for RGB and HSV color selection. Traditional functional reactive systems have qualms about the circularity, but general-purpose propagation handles it automatically.” This color picker felt like a good, achievable target for a prototype. The propagator network is small and there are only a handful of UI elements, yet it will test if the FRP system is working correctly. The prototype I read Alexey Radul’s dissertation, and then read chapter 7 of Software Design for Flexibility, which is all about propagators. Both use Scheme as the implementation language. The latter makes no mention of FRP, and while the former explains how FRP can be implemented in terms of propagators, there is (understandably) no code included. So, I had to implement it for myself to test my understanding. Unsurprisingly, I had misunderstood many things along the way and my iterations of broken code let me know that. Implementation is the best teacher. After much code fiddling, I was able to create a working prototype of the color picker. Here it is below: This prototype is written in Scheme and uses Hoot to compile it to WebAssembly so I can embed it right here in my blog. Sure beats a screenshot or video! This prototype contains a minimal propagator implementation that is sufficient to bootstrap a similarly minimal FRP implementation. Propagator implementation Let’s take a look at the code and see how it all works, starting with propagation. There are two essential data types: Cells and propagators. Cells accumulate information about a value, ranging from nothing, some form of partial information, or a complete value. The concept of partial information is Alexey Radul’s major contribution to the propagator model. It is through partial information structures that general-purpose propagators can be used to implement logic programming, probabilistic programming, type inference, and FRP, among others. I’m going to keep things as simple as possible in this post (it’s a big enough infodump already), but do read the propagator literature if phrases like “dependency directed backtracking” and “truth maintenance system” sound like a good time to you. Cells start out knowing nothing, so we need a special, unique value to represent nothing: (define-record-type <nothing> (make-nothing) %nothing?) (define nothing (make-nothing)) (define (nothing? x) (eq? x nothing)) Any unique (as in eq?) object would do, such as (list ’nothing), but I chose to use a record type because I like the way it prints. In addition to nothing, the propagator model also has a notion of contradictions. If one source of information says there are four lights, but another says there are five, then we have a contradiction. Propagation networks do not fall apart in the presence of contradictory information. There’s a data type that captures information about them and they can be resolved in a context-specific manner. I mention contradictions only for the sake of completeness, as a general-purpose propagator system needs to handle them. This prototype does not create any contradictions, so I won’t mention them again. Now we can define a cell type: (define-record-type <cell> (%make-cell relations neighbors content strongest equivalent? merge find-strongest handle-contradiction) cell? (relations cell-relations) (neighbors cell-neighbors set-cell-neighbors!) (content cell-content set-cell-content!) (strongest cell-strongest set-cell-strongest!) ;; Dispatch table: (equivalent? cell-equivalent?) (merge cell-merge) (find-strongest cell-find-strongest) (handle-contradiction cell-handle-contradiction)) The details of how a cell does things like merge old information with new information is left intentionally unanswered at this level of abstraction. Different systems built on propagators will want to handle things in different ways. In the propagator literature, you’ll see generic procedures used extensively for this purpose. For the sake of simplicity, I use a dispatch table instead. It would be easy to layer generic merge on top later, if we wanted. The constructor for cells sets the default contents to nothing: (define default-equivalent? equal?) ;; But what about partial information??? (define (default-merge old new) new) (define (default-find-strongest content) content) (define (default-handle-contradiction cell) (values)) (define* (make-cell name #:key (equivalent? default-equivalent?) (merge default-merge) (find-strongest default-find-strongest) (handle-contradiction default-handle-contradiction)) (let ((cell (%make-cell (make-relations name) '() nothing nothing equivalent? merge find-strongest handle-contradiction))) (add-child! (current-parent) cell) cell)) The default procedures used for the dispatch table are either no-ops or trivial. The default merge doesn’t merge at all, it just clobbers the old with the new. It’s up to the layers on top to provide more useful implementations. Cells can have neighbors (which will be propagators): (define (add-cell-neighbor! cell neighbor) (set-cell-neighbors! cell (lset-adjoin eq? (cell-neighbors cell) neighbor))) Since cells accumulate information, there are procedures for adding new content and finding the current strongest value contained within: (define (add-cell-content! cell new) (match cell (($ <cell> _ neighbors content strongest equivalent? merge find-strongest handle-contradiction) (let ((content* (merge content new))) (set-cell-content! cell content*) (let ((strongest* (find-strongest content*))) (cond ;; New strongest value is equivalent to the old one. No need ;; to alert propagators. ((equivalent? strongest strongest*) (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*)) ;; Uh oh, a contradiction! Call handler. ((contradiction? strongest*) (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*) (handle-contradiction cell)) ;; Strongest value has changed. Alert the propagators! (else (set-cell-strongest! cell strongest*) (for-each alert-propagator! neighbors)))))))) Next up is the propagator type. Propagators can be activated to create information using content stored in cells and store their results in some other cells, forming a graph. Data flow is not forced to be directional. Cycles are not only permitted, but very common in practice. So, propagators keep track of both their input and output cells: (define-record-type <propagator> (%make-propagator relations inputs outputs activate) propagator? (relations propagator-relations) (inputs propagator-inputs) (outputs propagator-outputs) (activate propagator-activate)) Propagators can be alerted to schedule themselves to be re-evaluted: (define (alert-propagator! propagator) (queue-task! (propagator-activate propagator))) The constructor for propagators adds the new propagator as a neighbor to all input cells and then calls alert-propagator! to bootstrap it: (define (make-propagator name inputs outputs activate) (let ((propagator (%make-propagator (make-relations name) inputs outputs activate))) (add-child! (current-parent) propagator) (for-each (lambda (cell) (add-cell-neighbor! cell propagator)) inputs) (alert-propagator! propagator) propagator)) There are two main classes of propagators that will be used: primitive propagators and constraint propagators. Primitive propagators are directional; they apply a function to the values of some input cells and write the result to an output cell: (define (unusable-value? x) (or (nothing? x) (contradiction? x))) (define (primitive-propagator name f) (match-lambda* ((inputs ... output) (define (activate) (let ((args (map cell-strongest inputs))) (unless (any unusable-value? args) (add-cell-content! output (apply f args))))) (make-propagator name inputs (list output) activate)))) We can use primitive-propagator to lift standard Scheme procedures into the realm of propagators. Here’s how we’d make and use an addition propagator: (define p:+ (primitive-propagator +)) (define a (make-cell)) (define b (make-cell)) (define c (make-cell)) (p:+ a b c) (add-cell-content! a 1) (add-cell-content! b 3) ;; After the scheduler runs… (cell-strongest c) ;; => 4 It is from these primitive propagators that we can build more complicated, compound propagators. Compound propagators compose primitive propagators (or other compound propagators) and lazily construct their section of the network upon first activation: (define (compound-propagator name inputs outputs build) (let ((built? #f)) (define (maybe-build) (unless (or built? (and (not (null? inputs)) (every unusable-value? (map cell-strongest inputs)))) (parameterize ((current-parent (propagator-relations propagator))) (build) (set! built? #t)))) (define propagator (make-propagator name inputs outputs maybe-build)) propagator)) By this point you may be wondering what all the references to current-parent are about. It is for tracking the parent/child relationships of the cells and propagators in the network. This could be helpful for things like visualizing the network, but we aren’t going to do anything with it today. I’ve omitted all of the other relation code for this reason. Constraint propagators are compound propagators whose inputs and outputs are the same, which results in bidirectional propagation: (define (constraint-propagator name cells build) (compound-propagator name cells cells build)) Using primitive propagators for addition and subtraction, we can build a constraint propagator for the equation a + b = c: (define p:+ (primitive-propagator +)) (define p:- (primitive-propagator -)) (define (c:sum a b c) (define (build) (p:+ a b c) (p:- c a b) (p:- c b a)) (constraint-propagator 'sum (list a b c) build)) (define a (make-cell)) (define b (make-cell)) (define c (make-cell)) (c:sum a b c) (add-cell-content! a 1) (add-cell-content! c 4) ;; After the scheduler runs… (cell-strongest b) ;; => 3 With a constraint, we can populate any two cells and the propagation system will figure out the value of the third. Pretty cool! This is a good enough propagation system for the FRP prototype. FRP implementation If you’re familiar with terminology from other FRP systems like “signals” and “behaviors” then set that knowledge aside for now. We need some new nouns. But first, a bit about the problems that need solving in order to implement FRP on top of general-purpose propagators: The propagator model does not enforce any ordering of when propagators will be re-activated in relation to each other. If we’re not careful, something in the network could compute a value using a mix of fresh and stale data, resulting in a momentary “glitch” that could be noticeable in the UI. The presence of cycles introduce a crisis of identity. It’s not sufficient for every time-varying value to be treated as its own self. In the color picker, the RGB values and the HSV values are two representations of the same thing. We need a new notion of identity to capture this and prevent unnecessary churn and glitches in the network. For starters, we will create a “reactive identifier” (needs a better name) data type that serves two purposes: To create shared identity between different information sources that are logically part of the same thing To create localized timestamps for values associated with this identity (define-record-type <reactive-id> (%make-reactive-id name clock) reactive-id? (name reactive-id-name) (clock reactive-id-clock set-reactive-id-clock!)) (define (make-reactive-id name) (%make-reactive-id name 0)) (define (reactive-id-tick! id) (let ((t (1+ (reactive-id-clock id)))) (set-reactive-id-clock! id t) `((,id . ,t)))) Giving each logical identity in the FRP system its own clock eliminates the need for a global clock, avoiding a potentially troublesome source of centralization. This is kind of like how Lamport timestamps are used in distributed systems. We also need a data type that captures the value of something at a particular point in time. Since the cruel march of time is unceasing, these are ephemeral values: (define-record-type <ephemeral> (make-ephemeral value timestamps) ephemeral? (value ephemeral-value) ;; Association list mapping identity -> time (timestamps ephemeral-timestamps)) Ephemerals are boxes that contain some arbitrary data with a bunch of shipping labels slapped onto the outside explaining from whence they came. This is the partial information structure that our propagators will manipulate and add to cells. Here’s how to say “the mouse position was (1, 2) at time 3” in code: (define mouse-position (make-reactive-id ’mouse-position)) (make-ephemeral #(1 2) `((,mouse-position . 3))) We need to perform a few operations with ephemerals: Test if one ephemeral is fresher (more recent) than another Merge two ephemerals when cell content is added Compose the timestamps from several inputs to form an aggregate timestamp for an output, but only if all timestamps for each distinct identifier match (no mixing of fresh and stale values) (define (ephemeral-fresher? a b) (let ((b-inputs (ephemeral-timestamps b))) (let lp ((a-inputs (ephemeral-timestamps a))) (match a-inputs (() #t) (((key . a-time) . rest) (match (assq-ref b-inputs key) (#f (lp rest)) (b-time (and (> a-time b-time) (lp rest))))))))) (define (merge-ephemerals old new) (cond ((nothing? old) new) ((nothing? new) old) ((ephemeral-fresher? new old) new) (else old))) (define (merge-ephemeral-timestamps ephemerals) (define (adjoin-keys alist keys) (fold (lambda (key+value keys) (match key+value ((key . _) (lset-adjoin eq? keys key)))) keys alist)) (define (check-timestamps id) (let lp ((ephemerals ephemerals) (t #f)) (match ephemerals (() t) ((($ <ephemeral> _ timestamps) . rest) (match (assq-ref timestamps id) ;; No timestamp for this id in this ephemeral. Continue. (#f (lp rest t)) (t* (if t ;; If timestamps don't match then we have a mix of ;; fresh and stale values, so return #f. Otherwise, ;; continue. (and (= t t*) (lp rest t)) ;; Initialize timestamp and continue. (lp rest t*)))))))) ;; Build a set of all reactive identifiers across all ephemerals. (let ((ids (fold (lambda (ephemeral ids) (adjoin-keys (ephemeral-timestamps ephemeral) ids)) '() ephemerals))) (let lp ((ids ids) (timestamps '())) (match ids (() timestamps) ((id . rest) ;; Check for consistent timestamps. If they are consistent ;; then add it to the alist and continue. Otherwise, return ;; #f. (let ((t (check-timestamps id))) (and t (lp rest (cons (cons id t) timestamps))))))))) Example usage: (define e1 (make-ephemeral #(3 4) `((,mouse-position . 4)))) (define e2 (make-ephemeral #(1 2) `((,mouse-position . 3)))) (ephemeral-fresher? e1 e2) ;; => #t (merge-ephemerals e1 e2) ;; => e1 (merge-ephemeral-timestamps (list e1 e2)) ;; => #f (define (mouse-max-coordinate e) (match e (($ <ephemeral> #(x y) timestamps) (make-ephemeral (max x y) timestamps)))) (define e3 (mouse-max-coordinate e1)) (merge-ephemeral-timestamps (list e1 e3)) ;; => ((mouse-position . 4)) Now we can build a primitive propagator constructor that lifts ordinary Scheme procedures so that they work with ephemerals: (define (ephemeral-wrap proc) (match-lambda* ((and ephemerals (($ <ephemeral> args) ...)) (match (merge-ephemeral-timestamps ephemerals) (#f nothing) (timestamps (make-ephemeral (apply proc args) timestamps)))))) (define* (primitive-reactive-propagator name proc) (primitive-propagator name (ephemeral-wrap proc))) Reactive UI implementation Now we need some propagators that live at the edges of our network that know how to interact with the DOM and can do the following: Sync a DOM element attribute with the value of a cell Create a two-way data binding between an element’s value attribute and a cell Render the markup in a cell and place it into the DOM tree in the right location Syncing an element attribute is a directional operation and the easiest to implement: (define (r:attribute input elem attr) (let ((attr (symbol->string attr))) (define (activate) (match (cell-strongest input) (($ <ephemeral> val) (attribute-set! elem attr (obj->string val))) ;; Ignore unusable values. (_ (values)))) (make-propagator 'r:attribute (list input) '() activate))) Two-way data binding is more involved. First, a new data type is used to capture the necessary information: (define-record-type <binding> (make-binding id cell default group) binding? (id binding-id) (cell binding-cell) (default binding-default) (group binding-group)) (define* (binding id cell #:key (default nothing) (group '())) (make-binding id cell default group)) And then a reactive propagator applies that binding to a specific DOM element: (define* (r:binding binding elem) (match binding (($ <binding> id cell default group) (define (update new) (unless (nothing? new) (let ((timestamp (reactive-id-tick! id))) (add-cell-content! cell (make-ephemeral new timestamp)) ;; Freshen timestamps for all cells in the same group. (for-each (lambda (other) (unless (eq? other cell) (match (cell-strongest other) (($ <ephemeral> val) (add-cell-content! other (make-ephemeral val timestamp))) (_ #f)))) group)))) ;; Sync the element's value with the cell's value. (define (activate) (match (cell-strongest cell) (($ <ephemeral> val) (set-value! elem (obj->string val))) (_ (values)))) ;; Initialize element value with the default value. (update default) ;; Sync the cell's value with the element's value. (add-event-listener! elem "input" (procedure->external (lambda (event) (update (string->obj (value elem)))))) (make-propagator 'r:binding (list cell) '() activate)))) A simple method for rendering to the DOM is to replace some element with a newly created element based on the current ephemeral value of a cell: (define (r:dom input elem) (define (activate) (match (cell-strongest input) (($ <ephemeral> exp) (let ((new (sxml->dom exp))) (replace-with! elem new) (set! elem new))) (_ (values)))) (make-propagator 'dom (list input) '() activate)) The sxml->dom procedure deserves some further explanation. To create a subtree of new elements, we have two options: Use something like the innerHTML element property to insert arbitrary HTML as a string and let the browser parse and build the elements. Use a Scheme data structure that we can iterate over and make the relevant document.createTextNode, document.createElement, etc. calls. Option 1 might be a shortcut and would be fine for a quick prototype, but it would mean that to generate the HTML we’d be stuck using raw strings. While string-based templating is commonplace, we can certainly do better in Scheme. Option 2 is actually not too much work and we get to use Lisp’s universal templating system, quasiquote, to write our markup. Thankfully, SXML already exists for this purpose. SXML is an alternative XML syntax that uses s-expressions. Since Scheme uses s-expression syntax, it’s a natural fit. Example: '(article (h1 "SXML is neat") (img (@ (src "cool.jpg") (alt "cool image"))) (p "Yeah, SXML is " (em "pretty neato!"))) Instead of using it to generate HTML text, we’ll instead generate a tree of DOM elements. Furthermore, because we’re now in full control of how the element tree is built, we can build in support for reactive propagators! Check it out: (define (sxml->dom exp) (match exp ;; The simple case: a string representing a text node. ((? string? str) (make-text-node str)) ((? number? num) (make-text-node (number->string num))) ;; A cell containing SXML (or nothing) ((? cell? cell) (let ((elem (cell->elem cell))) (r:dom cell elem) elem)) ;; An element tree. The first item is the HTML tag. (((? symbol? tag) . body) ;; Create a new element with the given tag. (let ((elem (make-element (symbol->string tag)))) (define (add-children children) ;; Recursively call sxml->dom for each child node and ;; append it to elem. (for-each (lambda (child) (append-child! elem (sxml->dom child))) children)) (match body ((('@ . attrs) . children) (for-each (lambda (attr) (match attr (((? symbol? name) (? string? val)) (attribute-set! elem (symbol->string name) val)) (((? symbol? name) (? number? val)) (attribute-set! elem (symbol->string name) (number->string val))) (((? symbol? name) (? cell? cell)) (r:attribute cell elem name)) ;; The value attribute is special and can be ;; used to setup a 2-way data binding. (('value (? binding? binding)) (r:binding binding elem)))) attrs) (add-children children)) (children (add-children children))) elem)))) Notice the calls to r:dom, r:attribute, and r:binding. A cell can be used in either the context of an element (r:dom) or an attribute (r:attribute). The value attribute gets the additional superpower of r:binding. We will make use of this when it is time to render the color picker UI! Color picker implementation Alright, I’ve spent a lot of time explaining how I built a minimal propagator and FRP system from first principles on top of Hoot-flavored Scheme. Let’s finally write the dang color picker! First we need some data types to represent RGB and HSV colors: (define-record-type <rgb-color> (rgb-color r g b) rgb-color? (r rgb-color-r) (g rgb-color-g) (b rgb-color-b)) (define-record-type <hsv-color> (hsv-color h s v) hsv-color? (h hsv-color-h) (s hsv-color-s) (v hsv-color-v)) And procedures to convert RGB to HSV and vice versa: (define (rgb->hsv rgb) (match rgb (($ <rgb-color> r g b) (let* ((cmax (max r g b)) (cmin (min r g b)) (delta (- cmax cmin))) (hsv-color (cond ((= delta 0.0) 0.0) ((= cmax r) (let ((h (* 60.0 (fmod (/ (- g b) delta) 6.0)))) (if (< h 0.0) (+ h 360.0) h))) ((= cmax g) (* 60.0 (+ (/ (- b r) delta) 2.0))) ((= cmax b) (* 60.0 (+ (/ (- r g) delta) 4.0)))) (if (= cmax 0.0) 0.0 (/ delta cmax)) cmax))))) (define (hsv->rgb hsv) (match hsv (($ <hsv-color> h s v) (let* ((h' (/ h 60.0)) (c (* v s)) (x (* c (- 1.0 (abs (- (fmod h' 2.0) 1.0))))) (m (- v c))) (define-values (r' g' b') (cond ((<= 0.0 h 60.0) (values c x 0.0)) ((<= h 120.0) (values x c 0.0)) ((<= h 180.0) (values 0.0 c x)) ((<= h 240.0) (values 0.0 x c)) ((<= h 300.0) (values x 0.0 c)) ((<= h 360.0) (values c 0.0 x)))) (rgb-color (+ r' m) (+ g' m) (+ b' m)))))) We also need some procedures to convert colors into the hexadecimal representations we’re used to seeing: (define (uniform->byte x) (inexact->exact (round (* x 255.0)))) (define (rgb->int rgb) (match rgb (($ <rgb-color> r g b) (+ (* (uniform->byte r) (ash 1 16)) (* (uniform->byte g) (ash 1 8)) (uniform->byte b))))) (define (rgb->hex-string rgb) (list->string (cons #\# (let lp ((i 0) (n (rgb->int rgb)) (out '())) (if (= i 6) out (lp (1+ i) (ash n -4) (cons (integer->char (let ((digit (logand n 15))) (+ (if (< digit 10) (char->integer #\0) (- (char->integer #\a) 10)) digit))) out))))))) (define (rgb-hex->style hex) (string-append "background-color: " hex ";")) Now we can lift the color API into primitive reactive propagator constructors: (define-syntax-rule (define-primitive-reactive-propagator name proc) (define name (primitive-reactive-propagator 'name proc))) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color rgb-color) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-r rgb-color-r) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-g rgb-color-g) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-color-b rgb-color-b) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color hsv-color) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-h hsv-color-h) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-s hsv-color-s) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv-color-v hsv-color-v) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb->hsv rgb->hsv) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:hsv->rgb hsv->rgb) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb->hex-string rgb->hex-string) (define-primitive-reactive-propagator r:rgb-hex->style rgb-hex->style) From those primitive propagators, we can build the necessary constraint propagators: (define (r:components<->rgb r g b rgb) (define (build) (r:rgb-color r g b rgb) (r:rgb-color-r rgb r) (r:rgb-color-g rgb g) (r:rgb-color-b rgb b)) (constraint-propagator 'r:components<->rgb (list r g b rgb) build)) (define (r:components<->hsv h s v hsv) (define (build) (r:hsv-color h s v hsv) (r:hsv-color-h hsv h) (r:hsv-color-s hsv s) (r:hsv-color-v hsv v)) (constraint-propagator 'r:components<->hsv (list h s v hsv) build)) (define (r:rgb<->hsv rgb hsv) (define (build) (r:rgb->hsv rgb hsv) (r:hsv->rgb hsv rgb)) (constraint-propagator 'r:rgb<->hsv (list rgb hsv) build)) At long last, we are ready to define the UI! Here it is: (define (render exp) (append-child! (document-body) (sxml->dom exp))) (define* (slider id name min max default #:optional (step "any")) `(div (@ (class "slider")) (label (@ (for ,id)) ,name) (input (@ (id ,id) (type "range") (min ,min) (max ,max) (step ,step) (value ,default))))) (define (uslider id name default) ; [0,1] slider (slider id name 0 1 default)) (define-syntax-rule (with-cells (name ...) body . body*) (let ((name (make-cell 'name #:merge merge-ephemerals)) ...) body . body*)) (with-cells (r g b rgb h s v hsv hex style) (define color (make-reactive-id 'color)) (define rgb-group (list r g b)) (define hsv-group (list h s v)) (r:components<->rgb r g b rgb) (r:components<->hsv h s v hsv) (r:rgb<->hsv rgb hsv) (r:rgb->hex-string rgb hex) (r:rgb-hex->style hex style) (render `(div (h1 "Color Picker") (div (@ (class "preview")) (div (@ (class "color-block") (style ,style))) (div (@ (class "hex")) ,hex)) (fieldset (legend "RGB") ,(uslider "red" "Red" (binding color r #:default 1.0 #:group rgb-group)) ,(uslider "green" "Green" (binding color g #:default 0.0 #:group rgb-group)) ,(uslider "blue" "Blue" (binding color b #:default 1.0 #:group rgb-group))) (fieldset (legend "HSV") ,(slider "hue" "Hue" 0 360 (binding color h #:group hsv-group)) ,(uslider "saturation" "Saturation" (binding color s #:group hsv-group)) ,(uslider "value" "Value" (binding color v #:group hsv-group)))))) Each color channel (R, G, B, H, S, and V) has a cell which is bound to a slider (<input type="range">). All six sliders are identified as color, so adjusting any of them increments color’s timestamp. The R, G, and B sliders form one input group, and the H, S, and V sliders form another. By grouping the related sliders together, whenever one of the sliders is moved, all members of the group will have their ephemeral value refreshed with the latest timestamp. This behavior is crucial because otherwise the r:components<->rgb and r:components<->hsv propagators would see that one color channel has a fresher value than the other two and do nothing. Since the underlying propagator infrastructure does not enforce activation order, reactive propagators must wait until their inputs reach a consistent state where the timestamps for a given reactive identifier are all the same. With this setup, changing a slider on the RGB side will cause a new color value to propagate over to the HSV side. Because the relationship is cyclical, the HSV side will then attempt to propagate an equivalent color value back to the RGB side! This could be bad news, but since the current RGB value is equally fresh (same timestamp), the propagation stops right there. Redundant work is minimized and an unbounded loop is avoided. And that’s it! Phew! Complete source code can be found here. Reflections I think the results of this prototype are promising. I’d like to try building some larger demos to see what new problems arise. Since propagation networks include cycles, they cannot be garbage collected until there are no references to any part of the network from the outside. Is this acceptable? I didn’t optimize, either. A more serious implementation would want to do things like use case-lambda for all n-ary procedures to avoid consing an argument list in the common cases of 1, 2, 3, etc. arguments. There is also a need for a more pleasing domain-specific language, using Scheme’s macro system, for describing FRP graphs. Alexey Radul’s dissertation was published in 2009. Has anyone made a FRP system based on propagators since then that’s used in real software? I don’t know of anything but it’s a big information superhighway out there. Update: Since publishing, I have learned about the following: Holograph: A visual editor for propagator networks! Amazing! Scoped Propagators: A WIP propagator system with some notable differences from “traditional” propagators. I wish I had read Alexey Radul's disseration 10 years ago when I was first exploring FRP. It would have saved me a lot of time spent running into problems that have already been solved that I was not equipped to solve on my own. I have even talked to Gerald Sussman (a key figure in propagator research) in person about the propagator model. That conversation was focused on AI, though, and I didn’t realize that propagators could also be used for FRP. It wasn’t until more recently that friend and colleague Christine Lemmer-Webber, who was present for the aforementioned conversation with Sussman, told me about it. Christine has her own research project for propagators. There are so many interesting things to learn out there, but I am also so tired. Better late than never, I guess! Anyway, if you made it this far then I hope you have enjoyed reading about propagators and FRP. ’Til next time!

8 months ago 126 votes
Lisp: Icing or Cake?

The Spring Lisp Game Jam 2024 ended one week ago. 48 games were submitted, a new record for the jam! This past week has been a time for participants to play and rate each other’s games. As I explored the entries, I noticed two distinct meta-patterns in how people approached building games with Lisp. I think these patterns apply more broadly to all applications of Lisp. Let’s talk about these patterns in some detail, with examples. But first! Here’s the breakdown of the jam submissions by language: lang entries % (rounded) ---- ------- ----------- guile 15 31 fennel 10 21 clojure 5 10 cl 5 10 racket 4 8 elisp 4 8 s7 3 6 kawa 1 2 owl 1 2 I haven’t rolled up the various Schemes (Guile, Racket, S7, Kawa) into a general scheme category because Scheme is so minimally specified and they are all very distinct implementations for different purposes, not to mention that Racket has a lot more going on than just Scheme. For the first time ever, Guile came out on top with the most submissions! There’s a very specific reason for this outcome. 11 out of the 15 Guile games were built for the web with Hoot, a Scheme-to-WebAssembly compiler that I work on at the Spritely Institute. 2 of those 11 were official Spritely projects. We put out a call for people to try making games with Hoot before the jam started, and a lot of people took us up on it! Very cool! The next most popular language, which is typically the most popular language in these jams, is Fennel. Fennel is a Lisp that compiles to Lua. It’s very cool, too! Also of note, at least to me as a Schemer, is that three games used S7. Hmm, there might be something relevant to this post going on there. The patterns I’m about to talk about could sort of be framed as “The Guile Way vs. The Fennel Way”, but I don’t want to do that. It's not an “us vs. them” thing. It’s wonderful that there are so many flavors of Lisp these days that anyone can find a great implementation that suits their preferences. Not only that, but many of these implementations can be used to make games that anyone can easily play in their web browser! That was not the case several years ago. Incredible! I want to preface the rest of this post by saying that both patterns are valid, and while I prefer one over the other, that is not to say that the other is inferior. I'll also show how these patterns can be thought of as two ends of a spectrum and how, in the end, compromises must be made. Okay, let’s get into it! Lisp as icing The icing pattern is using Lisp as a “scripting” language on top of a cake that is made from C, Rust, and other static languages. The typical way to do this is by embedding a Lisp interpreter into the larger program. If you’re most interested in writing the high-level parts of an application in Lisp then this pattern is the fastest way to get there. All you need is a suitable interpreter/compiler and a way to add the necessary hooks into your application. Since the program is mainly C/Rust/whatever, you can then use emscripten to compile it to WebAssembly and deploy to the web. Instant gratification, but strongly tied to static languages and their toolchains. S7 is an example of an embeddable Scheme. Guile is also used for extending C programs, though typically that involves dynamically linking to libguile rather than embedding the interpreter into the program’s executable. Fennel takes a different approach, recognizing that there are many existing applications that are already extensible through Lua, and provides a lispy language that compiles to Lua. Lisp as cake The cake pattern is using Lisp to implement as much of the software stack as possible. It’s Lisp all the way down... sorta. Rather than embedding Lisp into a non-Lisp program, the cake pattern does the inverse: the majority of the program is written in Lisp. When necessary, shared libraries can be called via a foreign function interface, but this should be kept to a minimum. This approach takes longer to yield results. Time is spent implementing missing libraries for your Lisp of choice and writing wrappers around the C shared libraries you can’t avoid using. Web deployment gets trickier, too, since the project is not so easily emscriptenable. (You may recognize this as the classic embed vs. extend debate. You’re correct! I'm just adding my own thoughts and applying it specifically to some real-world Lisp projects.) I mentioned Guile as an option for icing, but Guile really shines best as cake. The initial vision for Guile was to Emacsify other programs by adding a Scheme interpreter to them. These days, the best practice is to write your program in Scheme to begin with. Common Lisp is probably the best example, though. Implementations like SBCL have good C FFIs and can compile efficient native executables, minimizing the desire to use some C for performance reasons. Case studies Let’s take a look at some of the languages and libraries used for the Lisp Game Jam and evaluate their icing/cake-ness. Fennel + love2d love2d has been a popular choice for solo or small team game development for many years. It is a C++ program that embeds a Lua interpreter, which means it’s a perfect target for Fennel. Most Linux distributions package love2d, so it’s easy to run .love files natively. Additionally, thanks to emscripten, love2d games can be deployed to the web. Thus most Fennel games use love2d. ./soko.bin and Gnomic Vengeance are two games that use this stack. Fennel + love2d is a perfect example of Lisp as icing. Fennel sits at the very top of the stack, but there’s not really a path to spread Lisp into the layers below. It is also the most successful Lisp game development stack to date. S7 + raylib This stack is new to me, but two games used it this time around: GhostHop and Life Predictor. (You really gotta play GhostHop, btw. It’s a great little puzzle game and it is playable on mobile devices.) Raylib is a C library with bindings for many higher-level languages that has become quite popular in recent years. S7 is also implemented in C and is easily embeddable. This makes the combination easy to deploy on the web with emscripten. S7 + raylib is another example of Lisp as icing. I’m curious to see if this stack becomes more popular in future jams. Guile + Chickadee This is the stack that I helped build. Chickadee is a game library for Guile that implements almost all of the interesting parts in Scheme, including rendering. Two games were built with Chickadee in the most recent jam: Turbo Racer 3000 and Bloatrunner. Guile + Chickadee is an example of Lisp as cake. Chickadee wraps some C libraries for low-level tasks such as loading images, audio, and fonts, but it is written in pure Scheme. All the matrix and vector math is in Scheme. Chickadee comes with a set of rendering primitives comparable to love2d and raylib but they’re all implemented in Scheme. I’ve even made progress on rendering vector graphics with Scheme, whereas most other Lisp game libraries use a C library such as nanosvg. Chickadee has pushed the limits of Guile’s compiler and virtual machine, and Guile has been improved as a result. But it’s the long road. Chickadee is mostly developed by me, alone, in my very limited spare time. It is taking a long time to reach feature parity with more popular game development libraries, but it works quite well for what it is. Hoot + HTML5 canvas I also helped build this one. Hoot is a Scheme-to-WebAssembly compiler. Rather than compile the Guile VM (written in C) to Wasm using emscripten, Hoot implements a complete Wasm toolchain and a new backend for Guile’s compiler that emits Wasm directly. Hoot is written entirely in Scheme. Unlike C programs compiled with emscripten that target Wasm 1.0 with linear memory, Hoot targets Wasm 2.0 with GC managed heap types. This gives Hoot a significant advantage: Hoot binaries do not ship a garbage collector and thus are much smaller than Lisp runtimes compiled via emscripten. The Wasm binary for my game weighs in at < 2MiB whereas the love2d game I checked had a nearly 6MiB love.wasm. Hoot programs can also easily interoperate with JavaScript. Scheme objects can easily be passed to JavaScript, and vice versa, as they are managed in the same heap. With all of the browser APIs just a Wasm import away, an obvious choice for games was the built-in HTML5 canvas API for easy 2D rendering. 11 games used Hoot in the jam, including (shameless plug) Cirkoban and Lambda Dungeon. Hoot + HTML5 canvas is mostly dense cake with a bit of icing. On one hand, it took a year and significant funding to boot Hoot. We said “no” to emscripten, built our own toolchain, and extended Guile’s compiler. It's Lisp all the way until you hit the browser runtime! We even have a Wasm interpreter that runs on the Guile VM! Hoot rules! It was a risk but it paid off. On the other hand, the canvas API is very high-level. The more cake thing to do would be to use Hoot’s JS FFI to call WebGL and/or WebGPU. Indeed, this is the plan for the future! Wasm GC needs some improvements to make this feasible, but my personal goal is to get Chickadee ported to Hoot. I want Chickadee games to be easy to play natively and in browsers, just like love2d games. The cake/icing spectrum I must acknowledge the limitations of the cake approach. We’re not living in a world of Lisp machines, but a world of glorified PDP-11s. Even the tallest of Lisp cakes sits atop an even larger cake made mostly of C. All modern Lisp systems bottom out at some point. Emacs rests on a C core. Guile’s VM is written in C. Hoot runs on mammoth JavaScript engines written in C++ like V8. Games on Hoot currently render with HTML5 canvas rather than WebGL/WebGPU. Good luck using OpenGL without libGL; Chickadee uses guile-opengl which uses the C FFI to call into libGL. Then there’s libpng, FreeType, and more. Who the heck wants to rewrite all this in Lisp? Who even has the resources? Does spending all this time taking the scenic route matter at all, or are we just deluding ourselves because we have fun writing Lisp code? I think it does matter. Every piece of the stack that can be reclaimed from the likes of C is a small victory. The parts written in Lisp are much easier to hack on, and some of those things become live hackable while our programs are running. They are also memory safe, typically, thanks to GC managed runtimes. Less FFI calls means less overhead from traversing the Lisp/C boundary and more safety. As more of the stack becomes Lisp, it starts looking less like icing and more like cake. Moving beyond games, we can look to the Guix project as a great example of just how tasty the cake can get. Guix took the functional packaging model from the Nix project and made a fresh implementation, replacing the Nix language with Guile. Why? For code staging, code sharing, and improved hackability. Guix also uses an init system written in Guile rather than systemd. Why? For code staging, code sharing, and improved hackability. These are real advantages that make the trade-off of not using the industry-standard thing worth it. I’ve been using Guix since the early days, and back then it was easy to make the argument that Guix was just reinventing wheels for no reason. But now, over 10 years later, the insistence on maximizing the usage of Lisp has been key to the success of the project. As a user, once you learn the Guix idioms and a bit of Guile, you unlock extraordinary power to craft your OS to your liking. It’s the closest thing you can get to a Lisp machine on modern hardware. The cake approach paid off for Guix, and it could pay off for other projects, too. If Common Lisp is more your thing, and even if it isn’t, you’ll be amazed by the Trial game engine and how much of it is implemented in Common Lisp rather than wrapping C libraries. There’s also projects like Pre-Scheme that give me hope that one day the layers below the managed GC runtime can be implemented in Lisp. Pre-Scheme was developed and successfully used for Scheme 48 and I am looking forward to a modern revival of it thanks to an NLnet grant. I'm a cake boy That’s right, I said it: I’m a cake boy. I want to see projects continue to push the boundaries of what Lisp can do. When it comes to the Lisp Game Jam, what excites me most are not the games themselves, but the small advances made to reclaim another little slice of the cake from stale, dry C. I intend to keep pushing the limits for Guile game development with my Chickadee project. It’s not a piece of cake to bake a lispy cake, and the way is often hazy, but I know we can’t be lazy and just do the cooking by the book. Rewrite it in Rust? No way! Rewrite it in Lisp!

9 months ago 124 votes

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ChatGPT Would be a Decent Policy Advisor

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12 hours ago 3 votes
Setting policy for strategy.

This book’s introduction started by defining strategy as “making decisions.” Then we dug into exploration, diagnosis, and refinement: three chapters where you could argue that we didn’t decide anything at all. Clarifying the problem to be solved is the prerequisite of effective decision making, but eventually decisions do have to be made. Here in this chapter on policy, and the following chapter on operations, we finally start to actually make some decisions. In this chapter, we’ll dig into: How we define policy, and how setting policy differs from operating policy as discussed in the next chapter The structured steps for setting policy How many policies should you set? Is it preferable to have one policy, many policies, or does it not matter much either way? Recurring kinds of policies that appear frequently in strategies Why it’s valuable to be intentional about your strategy’s altitude, and how engineers and executives generally maintain different altitudes in their strategies Criteria to use for evaluating whether your policies are likely to be impactful How to develop novel policies, and why it’s rare Why having multiple bundles of alternative policies is generally a phase in strategy development that indicates a gap in your diagnosis How policies that ignore constraints sound inspirational, but accomplish little Dealing with ambiguity and uncertainty created by missing strategies from cross-functional stakeholders By the end, you’ll be ready to evaluate why an existing strategy’s policies are struggling to make an impact, and to start iterating on policies for strategy of your own. This is an exploratory, draft chapter for a book on engineering strategy that I’m brainstorming in #eng-strategy-book. As such, some of the links go to other draft chapters, both published drafts and very early, unpublished drafts. What is policy? Policy is interpreting your diagnosis into a concrete plan. That plan will be a collection of decisions, tradeoffs, and approaches. They’ll range from coding practices, to hiring mandates, to architectural decisions, to guidance about how choices are made within your organization. An effective policy solves the entirety of the strategy’s diagnosis, although the diagnosis itself is encouraged to specify which aspects can be ignored. For example, the strategy for working with private equity ownership acknowledges in its diagnosis that they don’t have clear guidance on what kind of reduction to expect: Based on general practice, it seems likely that our new Private Equity ownership will expect us to reduce R&D headcount costs through a reduction. However, we don’t have any concrete details to make a structured decision on this, and our approach would vary significantly depending on the size of the reduction. Faced with that uncertainty, the policy simply acknowledges the ambiguity and commits to reconsider when more information becomes available: We believe our new ownership will provide a specific target for Research and Development (R&D) operating expenses during the upcoming financial year planning. We will revise these policies again once we have explicit targets, and will delay planning around reductions until we have those numbers to avoid running two overlapping processes. There are two frequent points of confusion when creating policies that are worth addressing directly: Policy is a subset of strategy, rather than the entirety of strategy, because policy is only meaningful in the context of the strategy’s diagnosis. For example, the “N-1 backfill policy” makes sense in the context of new, private equity ownership. The policy wouldn’t work well in a rapidly expanding organization. Any strategy without a policy is useless, but you’ll also find policies without context aren’t worth much either. This is particularly unfortunate, because so often strategies are communicated without those critical sections. Policy describes how tradeoffs should be made, but it doesn’t verify how the tradeoffs are actually being made in practice. The next chapter on operations covers how to inspect an organization’s behavior to ensure policies are followed. When reworking a strategy to be more readable, it often makes sense to merge policy and operation sections together. However, when drafting strategy it’s valuable to keep them separate. Yes, you might use a weekly meeting to review whether the policy is being followed, but whether it’s an effective policy is independent of having such a meeting, and what operational mechanisms you use will vary depending on the number of policies you intend to implement. With this definition in mind, now we can move onto the more interesting discussion of how to set policy. How to set policy Every part of writing a strategy feels hard when you’re doing it, but I personally find that writing policy either feels uncomfortably easy or painfully challenging. It’s never a happy medium. Fortunately, the exploration and diagnosis usually come together to make writing your policy simple: although sometimes that simple conclusion may be a difficult one to swallow. The steps I follow to write a strategy’s policy are: Review diagnosis to ensure it captures the most important themes. It doesn’t need to be perfect, but it shouldn’t have omissions so obvious that you can immediately identify them. Select policies that address the diagnosis. Explicitly match each policy to one or more diagnoses that it addresses. Continue adding policies until every diagnosis is covered. This is a broad instruction, but it’s simpler than it sounds because you’ll typically select from policies identified during your exploration phase. However, there certainly is space to tweak those policies, and to reapply familiar policies to new circumstances. If you do find yourself developing a novel policy, there’s a later section in this chapter, Developing novel policies, that addresses that topic in more detail. Consolidate policies in cases where they overlap or adjoin. For example, two policies about specific teams might be generalized into a policy about all teams in the engineering organization. Backtest policy against recent decisions you’ve made. This is particularly effective if you maintain a decision log in your organization. Mine for conflict once again, much as you did in developing your diagnosis. Emphasize feedback from teams and individuals with a different perspective than your own, but don’t wholly eliminate those that you agree with. Just as it’s easy to crowd out opposing views in diagnosis if you don’t solicit their input, it’s possible to accidentally crowd out your own perspective if you anchor too much on others’ perspectives. Consider refinement if you finish writing, and you just aren’t sure your approach works – that’s fine! Return to the refinement phase by deploying one of the refinement techniques to increase your conviction. Remember that we talk about strategy like it’s done in one pass, but almost all real strategy takes many refinement passes. The steps of writing policy are relatively pedestrian, largely because you’ve done so much of the work already in the exploration, diagnosis, and refinement steps. If you skip those phases, you’d likely follow the above steps for writing policy, but the expected quality of the policy itself would be far lower. How many policies? Addressing the entirety of the diagnosis is often complex, which is why most strategies feature a set of policies rather than just one. The strategy for decomposing a monolithic application is not one policy deciding not to decompose, but a series of four policies: Business units should always operate in their own code repository and monolith. New integrations across business unit monoliths should be done using gRPC. Except for new business unit monoliths, we don’t allow new services. Merge existing services into business-unit monoliths where you can. Four isn’t universally the right number either. It’s simply the number that was required to solve that strategy’s diagnosis. With an excellent diagnosis, your policies will often feel inevitable, and perhaps even boring. That’s great: what makes a policy good is that it’s effective, not that it’s novel or inspiring. Kinds of policies While there are so many policies you can write, I’ve found they generally fall into one of four major categories: approvals, allocations, direction, and guidance. This section introduces those categories. Approvals define the process for making a recurring decision. This might require invoking an architecture advice process, or it might require involving an authority figure like an executive. In the Index post-acquisition integration strategy, there were a number of complex decisions to be made, and the approval mechanism was: Escalations come to paired leads: given our limited shared context across teams, all escalations must come to both Stripe’s Head of Traffic Engineering and Index’s Head of Engineering. This allowed the acquired and acquiring teams to start building trust between each other by ensuring both were consulted before any decision was finalized. On the other hand, the user data access strategy’s approval strategy was more focused on managing corporate risk: Exceptions must be granted in writing by CISO. While our overarching Engineering Strategy states that we follow an advisory architecture process as described in Facilitating Software Architecture, the customer data access policy is an exception and must be explicitly approved, with documentation, by the CISO. Start that process in the #ciso channel. These two different approval processes had different goals, so they made tradeoffs differently. There are so many ways to tweak approval, allowing for many different tradeoffs between safety, productivity, and trust. Allocations describe how resources are split across multiple potential investments. Allocations are the most concrete statement of organizational priority, and also articulate the organization’s belief about how productivity happens in teams. Some companies believe you go fast by swarming more people onto critical problems. Other companies believe you go fast by forcing teams to solve problems without additional headcount. Both can work, and teach you something important about the company’s beliefs. The strategy on Uber’s service migration has two concrete examples of allocation policies. The first describes the Infrastructure engineering team’s allocation between manual provision tasks and investing into creating a self-service provisioning platform: Constrain manual provisioning allocation to maximize investment in self-service provisioning. The service provisioning team will maintain a fixed allocation of one full time engineer on manual service provisioning tasks. We will move the remaining engineers to work on automation to speed up future service provisioning. This will degrade manual provisioning in the short term, but the alternative is permanently degrading provisioning by the influx of new service requests from newly hired product engineers. The second allocation policy is implicitly noted in this strategy’s diagnosis, where it describes the allocation policy in the Engineering organization’s higher altitude strategy: Within infrastructure engineering, there is a team of four engineers responsible for service provisioning today. While our organization is growing at a similar rate as product engineering, none of that additional headcount is being allocated directly to the team working on service provisioning. We do not anticipate this changing. Allocation policies often create a surprising amount of clarity for the team, and I include them in almost every policy I write either explicitly, or implicitly in a higher altitude strategy. Direction provides explicit instruction on how a decision must be made. This is the right tool when you know where you want to go, and exactly the way that you want to get there. Direction is appropriate for problems you understand clearly, and you value consistency more than empowering individual judgment. Direction works well when you need an unambiguous policy that doesn’t leave room for interpretation. For example, Calm’s policy for working in the monolith: We write all code in the monolith. It has been ambiguous if new code (especially new application code) should be written in our JavaScript monolith, or if all new code must be written in a new service outside of the monolith. This is no longer ambiguous: all new code must be written in the monolith. In the rare case that there is a functional requirement that makes writing in the monolith implausible, then you should seek an exception as described below. In that case, the team couldn’t agree on what should go into the monolith. Individuals would often make incompatible decisions, so creating consistency required removing personal judgment from the equation. Sometimes judgment is the issue, and sometimes consistency is difficult due to misaligned incentives. A good example of this comes in strategy on working with new Private Equity ownership: We will move to an “N-1” backfill policy, where departures are backfilled with a less senior level. We will also institute a strict maximum of one Principal Engineer per business unit. It’s likely that hiring managers would simply ignore this backfill policy if it was stated more softly, although sometimes less forceful policies are useful. Guidance provides a recommendation about how a decision should be made. Guidance is useful when there’s enough nuance, ambiguity, or complexity that you can explain the desired destination, but you can’t mandate the path to reaching it. One example of guidance comes from the Index acquisition integration strategy: Minimize changes to tokenization environment: because point-of-sale devices directly work with customer payment details, the API that directly supports the point-of-sale device must live within our secured environment where payment details are stored. However, any other functionality must not be added to our tokenization environment. This might read like direction, but it’s clarifying the desired outcome of avoiding unnecessary complexity in the tokenization environment. However, it’s not able to articulate what complexity is necessary, so ultimately it’s guidance because it requires significant judgment to interpret. A second example of guidance comes in the strategy on decomposing a monolithic codebase: Merge existing services into business-unit monoliths where you can. We believe that each choice to move existing services back into a monolith should be made “in the details” rather than from a top-down strategy perspective. Consequently, we generally encourage teams to wind down their existing services outside of their business unit’s monolith, but defer to teams to make the right decision for their local context. This is another case of knowing the desired outcome, but encountering too much uncertainty to direct the team on how to get there. If you ask five engineers about whether it’s possible to merge a given service back into a monolithic codebase, they’ll probably disagree. That’s fine, and highlights the value of guidance: it makes it possible to make incremental progress in areas where more concrete direction would cause confusion. When you’re working on a strategy’s policy section, it’s important to consider all of these categories. Which feel most natural to use will vary depending on your team and role, but they’re all usable: If you’re a developer productivity team, you might have to lean heavily on guidance in your policies and increased support for that guidance within the details of your platform. If you’re an executive, you might lean heavily on direction. Indeed, you might lean too heavily on direction, where guidance often works better for areas where you understand the direction but not the path. If you’re a product engineering organization, you might have to narrow the scope of your direction to the engineers within that organization to deal with the realities of complex cross-organization dynamics. Finally, if you have a clear approach you want to take that doesn’t fit cleanly into any of these categories, then don’t let this framework dissuade you. Give it a try, and adapt if it doesn’t initially work out. Maintaining strategy altitude The chapter on when to write engineering strategy introduced the concept of strategy altitude, which is being deliberate about where certain kinds of policies are created within your organization. Without repeating that section in its entirety, it’s particularly relevant when you set policy to consider how your new policies eliminate flexibility within your organization. Consider these two somewhat opposing strategies: Stripe’s Sorbet strategy only worked in an organization that enforced the use of a single programming language across (essentially) all teams Uber’s service migration strategy worked well in an organization that was unwilling to enforce consistent programming language adoption across teams Stripe’s organization-altitude policy took away the freedom of individual teams to select their preferred technology stack. In return, they unlocked the ability to centralize investment in a powerful way. Uber went the opposite way, unlocking the ability of teams to pick their preferred technology stack, while significantly reducing their centralized teams’ leverage. Both altitudes make sense. Both have consequences. Criteria for effective policies In The Engineering Executive’s Primer’s chapter on engineering strategy, I introduced three criteria for evaluating policies. They ought to be applicable, enforced, and create leverage. Defining those a bit: Applicable: it can be used to navigate complex, real scenarios, particularly when making tradeoffs. Enforced: teams will be held accountable for following the guiding policy. Create Leverage: create compounding or multiplicative impact. The last of these three, create leverage, made sense in the context of a book about engineering executives, but probably doesn’t make as much sense here. Some policies certainly should create leverage (e.g. empower developer experience team by restricting new services), but others might not (e.g. moving to an N-1 backfill policy). Outside the executive context, what’s important isn’t necessarily creating leverage, but that a policy solves for part of the diagnosis. That leaves the other two–being applicable and enforced–both of which are necessary for a policy to actually address the diagnosis. Any policy which you can’t determine how to apply, or aren’t willing to enforce, simply won’t be useful. Let’s apply these criteria to a handful of potential policies. First let’s think about policies we might write to improve the talent density of our engineering team: “We only hire world-class engineers.” This isn’t applicable, because it’s unclear what a world-class engineer means. Because there’s no mutually agreeable definition in this policy, it’s also not consistently enforceable. “We only hire engineers that get at least one ‘strong yes’ in scorecards.” This is applicable, because there’s a clear definition. This is enforceable, depending on the willingness of the organization to reject seemingly good candidates who don’t happen to get a strong yes. Next, let’s think about a policy regarding code reuse within a codebase: “We follow a strict Don’t Repeat Yourself policy in our codebase.” There’s room for debate within a team about whether two pieces of code are truly duplicative, but this is generally applicable. Because there’s room for debate, it’s a very context specific determination to decide how to enforce a decision. “Code authors are responsible for determining if their contributions violate Don’t Repeat Yourself, and rewriting them if they do.” This is much more applicable, because now there’s only a single person’s judgment to assess the potential repetition. In some ways, this policy is also more enforceable, because there’s no longer any ambiguity around who is deciding whether a piece of code is a repetition. The challenge is that enforceability now depends on one individual, and making this policy effective will require holding individuals accountable for the quality of their judgement. An organization that’s unwilling to distinguish between good and bad judgment won’t get any value out of the policy. This is a good example of how a good policy in one organization might become a poor policy in another. If you ever find yourself wanting to include a policy that for some reason either can’t be applied or can’t be enforced, stop to ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish and ponder if there’s a different policy that might be better suited to that goal. Developing novel policies My experience is that there are vanishingly few truly novel policies to write. There’s almost always someone else has already done something similar to your intended approach. Calm’s engineering strategy is such a case: the details are particular to the company, but the general approach is common across the industry. The most likely place to find truly novel policies is during the adoption phase of a new widespread technology, such as the rise of ubiquitous mobile phones, cloud computing, or large language models. Even then, as explored in the strategy for adopting large-language models, the new technology can be engaged with as a generic technology: Develop an LLM-backed process for reactivating departed and suspended drivers in mature markets. Through modeling our driver lifecycle, we determined that improving onboarding time will have little impact on the total number of active drivers. Instead, we are focusing on mechanisms to reactivate departed and suspended drivers, which is the only opportunity to meaningfully impact active drivers. You could simply replace “LLM” with “data-driven” and it would be equally readable. In this way, policy can generally sidestep areas of uncertainty by being a bit abstract. This avoids being overly specific about topics you simply don’t know much about. However, even if your policy isn’t novel to the industry, it might still be novel to you or your organization. The steps that I’ve found useful to debug novel policies are the same steps as running a condensed version of the strategy process, with a focus on exploration and refinement: Collect a number of similar policies, with a focus on how those policies differ from the policy you are creating Create a systems model to articulate how this policy will work, and also how it will differ from the similar policies you’re considering Run a strategy testing cycle for your proto-policy to discover any unknown-unknowns about how it works in practice Whether you run into this scenario is largely a function of the extent of your, and your organization’s, experience. Early in my career, I found myself doing novel (for me) strategy work very frequently, and these days I rarely find myself doing novel work, instead focusing on adaptation of well-known policies to new circumstances. Are competing policy proposals an anti-pattern? When creating policy, you’ll often have to engage with the question of whether you should develop one preferred policy or a series of potential strategies to pick from. Developing these is a useful stage of setting policy, but rather than helping you refine your policy, I’d encourage you to think of this as exposing gaps in your diagnosis. For example, when Stripe developed the Sorbet ruby-typing tooling, there was debate between two policies: Should we build a ruby-typing tool to allow a centralized team to gradually migrate the company to a typed codebase? Should we migrate the codebase to a preexisting strongly typed language like Golang or Java? These were, initially, equally valid hypotheses. It was only by clarifying our diagnosis around resourcing that it became clear that incurring the bulk of costs in a centralized team was clearly preferable to spreading the costs across many teams. Specifically, recognizing that we wanted to prioritize short-term product engineering velocity, even if it led to a longer migration overall. If you do develop multiple policy options, I encourage you to move the alternatives into an appendix rather than including them in the core of your strategy document. This will make it easier for readers of your final version to understand how to follow your policies, and they are the most important long-term user of your written strategy. Recognizing constraints A similar problem to competing solutions is developing a policy that you cannot possibly fund. It’s easy to get enamored with policies that you can’t meaningfully enforce, but that’s bad policy, even if it would work in an alternate universe where it was possible to enforce or resource it. To consider a few examples: The strategy for controlling access to user data might have proposed requiring manual approval by a second party of every access to customer data. However, that would have gone nowhere. Our approach to Uber’s service migration might have required more staffing for the infrastructure engineering team, but we knew that wasn’t going to happen, so it was a meaningless policy proposal to make. The strategy for navigating private equity ownership might have argued that new ownership should not hold engineering accountable to a new standard on spending. But they would have just invalidated that strategy in the next financial planning period. If you find a policy that contemplates an impractical approach, it doesn’t only indicate that the policy is a poor one, it also suggests your policy is missing an important pillar. Rather than debating the policy options, the fastest path to resolution is to align on the diagnosis that would invalidate potential paths forward. In cases where aligning on the diagnosis isn’t possible, for example because you simply don’t understand the possibilities of a new technology as encountered in the strategy for adopting LLMs, then you’ve typically found a valuable opportunity to use strategy refinement to build alignment. Dealing with missing strategies At a recent company offsite, we were debating which policies we might adopt to deal with annual plans that kept getting derailed after less than a month. Someone remarked that this would be much easier if we could get the executive team to commit to a clearer, written strategy about which business units we were prioritizing. They were, of course, right. It would be much easier. Unfortunately, it goes back to the problem we discussed in the diagnosis chapter about reframing blockers into diagnosis. If a strategy from the company or a peer function is missing, the empowering thing to do is to include the absence in your diagnosis and move forward. Sometimes, even when you do this, it’s easy to fall back into the belief that you cannot set a policy because a peer function might set a conflicting policy in the future. Whether you’re an executive or an engineer, you’ll never have the details you want to make the ideal policy. Meaningful leadership requires taking meaningful risks, which is never something that gets comfortable. Summary After working through this chapter, you know how to develop policy, how to assemble policies to solve your diagnosis, and how to avoid a number of the frequent challenges that policy writers encounter. At this point, there’s only one phase of strategy left to dig into, operating the policies you’ve created.

17 hours ago 3 votes
Fast and random sampling in SQLite

I was building a small feature for the Flickr Commons Explorer today: show a random selection of photos from the entire collection. I wanted a fast and varied set of photos. This meant getting a random sample of rows from a SQLite table (because the Explorer stores all its data in SQLite). I’m happy with the code I settled on, but it took several attempts to get right. Approach #1: ORDER BY RANDOM() My first attempt was pretty naïve – I used an ORDER BY RANDOM() clause to sort the table, then limit the results: SELECT * FROM photos ORDER BY random() LIMIT 10 This query works, but it was slow – about half a second to sample a table with 2 million photos (which is very small by SQLite standards). This query would run on every request for the homepage, so that latency is unacceptable. It’s slow because it forces SQLite to generate a value for every row, then sort all the rows, and only then does it apply the limit. SQLite is fast, but there’s only so fast you can sort millions of values. I found a suggestion from Stack Overflow user Ali to do a random sort on the id column first, pick my IDs from that, and only fetch the whole row for the photos I’m selecting: SELECT * FROM photos WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM photos ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 10 ) This means SQLite only has to load the rows it’s returning, not every row in the database. This query was over three times faster – about 0.15s – but that’s still slower than I wanted. Approach #2: WHERE rowid > (…) Scrolling down the Stack Overflow page, I found an answer by Max Shenfield with a different approach: SELECT * FROM photos WHERE rowid > ( ABS(RANDOM()) % (SELECT max(rowid) FROM photos) ) LIMIT 10 The rowid is a unique identifier that’s used as a primary key in most SQLite tables, and it can be looked up very quickly. SQLite automatically assigns a unique rowid unless you explicitly tell it not to, or create your own integer primary key. This query works by picking a point between the biggest and smallest rowid values used in the table, then getting the rows with rowids which are higher than that point. If you want to know more, Max’s answer has a more detailed explanation. This query is much faster – around 0.0008s – but I didn’t go this route. The result is more like a random slice than a random sample. In my testing, it always returned contiguous rows – 101, 102, 103, … – which isn’t what I want. The photos in the Commons Explorer database were inserted in upload order, so photos with adjacent row IDs were uploaded at around the same time and are probably quite similar. I’d get one photo of an old plane, then nine more photos of other planes. I want more variety! (This behaviour isn’t guaranteed – if you don’t add an ORDER BY clause to a SELECT query, then the order of results is undefined. SQLite is returning rows in rowid order in my table, and a quick Google suggests that’s pretty common, but that may not be true in all cases. It doesn’t affect whether I want to use this approach, but I mention it here because I was confused about the ordering when I read this code.) Approach #3: Select random rowid values outside SQLite Max’s answer was the first time I’d heard of rowid, and it gave me an idea – what if I chose random rowid values outside SQLite? This is a less “pure” approach because I’m not doing everything in the database, but I’m happy with that if it gets the result I want. Here’s the procedure I came up with: Create an empty list to store our sample. Find the highest rowid that’s currently in use: sqlite> SELECT MAX(rowid) FROM photos; 1913389 Use a random number generator to pick a rowid between 1 and the highest rowid: >>> import random >>> random.randint(1, max_rowid) 196476 If we’ve already got this rowid, discard it and generate a new one. (The rowid is a signed, 64-bit integer, so the minimum possible value is always 1.) Look for a row with that rowid: SELECT * FROM photos WHERE rowid = 196476 If such a row exists, add it to our sample. If we have enough items in our sample, we’re done. Otherwise, return to step 3 and generate another rowid. If such a row doesn’t exist, return to step 3 and generate another rowid. This requires a bit more code, but it returns a diverse sample of photos, which is what I really care about. It’s a bit slower, but still plenty fast enough (about 0.001s). This approach is best for tables where the rowid values are mostly contiguous – it would be slower if there are lots of rowids between 1 and the max that don’t exist. If there are large gaps in rowid values, you might try multiple missing entries before finding a valid row, slowing down the query. You might want to try something different, like tracking valid rowid values separately. This is a good fit for my use case, because photos don’t get removed from Flickr Commons very often. Once a row is written, it sticks around, and over 97% of the possible rowid values do exist. Summary Here are the four approaches I tried: Approach Performance (for 2M rows) Notes ORDER BY RANDOM() ~0.5s Slowest, easiest to read WHERE id IN (SELECT id …) ~0.15s Faster, still fairly easy to understand WHERE rowid > ... ~0.0008s Returns clustered results Random rowid in Python ~0.001s Fast and returns varied results, requires code outside SQL I’m using the random rowid in Python in the Commons Explorer, trading code complexity for speed. I’m using this random sample to render a web page, so it’s important that it returns quickly – when I was testing ORDER BY RANDOM(), I could feel myself waiting for the page to load. But I’ve used ORDER BY RANDOM() in the past, especially for asynchronous data pipelines where I don’t care about absolute performance. It’s simpler to read and easier to see what’s going on. Now it’s your turn – visit the Commons Explorer and see what random gems you can find. Let me know if you spot anything cool! [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

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