Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis.
These are speaking notes for my October 4th, QCon talk in San Francisco.
Slides for this talk.
a year ago
These are speaking notes for my October 4th, QCon talk in San Francisco.
Slides for this talk.
Over the course of my career, I’ve frequently heard from colleagues, team members
and random internet strangers with the same frustration: the company doesn’t have
an Engineering...
Patrick Kayongo
Rhythms of Order
Access to the world on one’s phone has provided possibilities and efficiencies that previous...
a year ago
Access to the world on one’s phone has provided possibilities and efficiencies that previous generations could never have dreamed of. Whether it’s bypassing traffic jams on the outskirts of hills of Kampala, or it’s determining your public transport route from your hotel to your...
Liz Denys
A simple summer salad of fennel, edamame, and onion
I went most of my life without having fennel. Then one day I had it roasted, the next raw, and I was...
over a year ago
I went most of my life without having fennel. Then one day I had it roasted, the next raw, and I was in love. Surprising, given that I'm not very partial to anise flavoring.
While fennel is very versatile to cook with - you can boil, braise, fry, grill, roast, sauté, or steam it...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Subtle Nicety of Fault Tolerance in HTML & CSS
HTML and CSS are designed to be fault tolerant.
Rather than failing completely when encountering...
a year ago
HTML and CSS are designed to be fault tolerant.
Rather than failing completely when encountering syntax they don’t understand — looking at you JS/SyntaxError — browsers will continue parsing HTML and CSS as best they can when you introduce incorrect syntax.
For someone who is...
From Paperclip to Active Storage: An incremental, zero-downtime approach
I recently switched [Doorkeeper]( from using...
over a year ago
I recently switched [Doorkeeper]( from using [Paperclip]( to [Active Storage]( for storing and processing uploaded files. The approach we took was a bit...
Epic Web Dev
The True Purpose of Testing (article)
Discover the true essence of automated testing and the difference between an implementation and...
12 months ago
Discover the true essence of automated testing and the difference between an implementation and intention.
Revisiting Fundamentals - Semantic lists for Improved Accessibility
by Winnie Bosibori
Lists are one of the fundamental semantic HTML configurations that, when...
a year ago
by Winnie Bosibori
Lists are one of the fundamental semantic HTML configurations that, when implemented appropriately can enhance accessibility.
HTML Lists Refresher
Whenever I visit any website, I have formed the habit of checking for any accessibility issues and delving deeper...
Upward assignment in Ruby
Ruby has had leftward assignment (x = 4) since its first public release, and a few years ago it...
a year ago
Ruby has had leftward assignment (x = 4) since its first public release, and a few years ago it added rightward assignment (4 => x).
Then at RubyConf 2021, Kevin Kuchta explained how to abuse Ruby features to build a downward assignment operator (yes, this really...
Joel Gascoigne
How coffee shops helped my startup
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Right now I’m...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Right now I’m sat in a great coffee shop in Tel Aviv writing this blog post.
It’s got a casual feel to it which is relaxing, yet there are people here with
laptops hustling away. I come here
37signals Dev
Monitoring 10 Petabytes of data in Pure Storage
As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of...
As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of AWS Simple Storage Service (S3). After exploring different alternatives, we decided to go with Pure Storage FlashBlade solution.
We store different kinds of information on S3,...
Joel Gascoigne
Want to help your hometown? Pack up and leave
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’ve done a lot...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’ve done a lot of traveling
throughout my journey with Buffer. I started in the UK, and since then I’ve
lived in Hong...
Making software...
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
I recently came across Adam Silver's post about...
over a year ago
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
I recently came across Adam Silver's post about the merits and pitfalls of bidirectional scrolling and found myself conflicted with the design arguments put forth in the article. It's a very good article overall, and I suggest...
Amiga Systems Programming in 2023
Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on
If you ever get a chance to look through the...
a year ago
Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on
If you ever get a chance to look through the classic Amiga OS source-code still floating around some murky corners of the internet, it is a thing of beauty and astonishing capabilities. It’s an inspirational piece of computing...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Cities need more trees
A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
6 months ago
A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
Darek Kay
Delaying asset requests in Eleventy
While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading...
a year ago
While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading behavior. One technique is to provide a visual fallback as long as the images are still loading. First, a static background color included in the markup is displayed. As soon as a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Hello, I am making a modern fullstack JS tutorial livestream. What questions do you have for me?
over a year ago
PSA: Stop using the title attribute as tooltip!
by Daniela Kubesch
It's almost 2025, so it's time to stop using the title attribute everywhere....
a week ago
by Daniela Kubesch
It's almost 2025, so it's time to stop using the title attribute everywhere. Images, text, buttons, ... you name it, devs really like to put it on any element in sight. Most of the time, people actually want to create a tooltip. You know, that little bubble of...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Go beyond eslint limits with these 3 tricks
My current obsession with statically checking JS code got me to appreciate eslint even more....
over a year ago
My current obsession with statically checking JS code got me to appreciate eslint even more. Recently, I've shown you how to use no-restricted-syntax to lint almost anything. Still, like any tool, eslint has its limits — often a precise rule bends eslint too much, and is not...
Steve Klabnik
Cards for dad - follow-up
over a year ago
Low Power Mode for Mac laptops: making the case again
In light of today’s rumor that a Pro Mode may be coming that seems to offer benefits in the opposite...
over a year ago
In light of today’s rumor that a Pro Mode may be coming that seems to offer benefits in the opposite direction,1 I wanted to re-make the case for a Low Power Mode on macOS — and explain why now is the time.
Modern hardware constantly pushes thermal and power limits, trying to...
Making software...
CSS: Indenting Text
CSS: Indenting Text
A lot of developers tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to...
over a year ago
CSS: Indenting Text
A lot of developers tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to implementing proper website typography. This isn't an insult - I'm happy that typography is given any thought at all during development, I just believe more can always be done to...
bt RSS Feed
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
It is no secret that OpenBSD has poor...
a year ago
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
It is no secret that OpenBSD has poor battery performance on laptops. Although not as impressive as something like Alpine Linux or FreeBSD, you can tweak OpenBSD just enough to squeeze more life out of your machine’s...
Josh Comeau's blog
My Wonderful HTML Email Workflow
If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know...
over a year ago
If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know it's tricky business! In this blog post, I share the approach I took to build responsive, client-friendly emails without a single
Coworking Spaces and Other Places you can Work Remotely in Tokyo
So you’ve finally made it to Tokyo, and you’re looking for a place to work remotely in peace. Maybe...
a year ago
So you’ve finally made it to Tokyo, and you’re looking for a place to work remotely in peace. Maybe you’re all set with a home office, but maybe you live in a one room studio apartment or you’re stuck in a tiny hotel room.
Whatever your reason, what are your options for places...
What if We Had a Party, but the Entertainment was a Conference: Tokyu RubyKaigi 14 Recap
[Tokyu RubyKaigi]( is a regional ruby conference held in...
a year ago
[Tokyu RubyKaigi]( is a regional ruby conference held in Tokyo. I wasn’t sure what to expect from the event, the last Ruby conference I went to was [RubyKaigi](/articles/rubykaigi-2023-recap), but since this event attracted a similar...
David Heinemeier...
Paranoia and desperation in the AI gold rush
I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI....
7 months ago
I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI. Companies seem less excited about the prospects than they are petrified that its going to kill them. Maybe that fear is justified, maybe it's not, but what's incontestable is the...
Blog - Bitfield...
Test names should be sentences
Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and
even our future selves....
9 months ago
Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and
even our future selves. Well-written tests focus on a single unit of
behaviour that can be described in a brief sentence, and we can use that
sentence as the name of the test.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Grateful: Colors in console.log()
So there I am, having an issue where my UI state isn’t updating correctly. What do I do? What every...
2 months ago
So there I am, having an issue where my UI state isn’t updating correctly. What do I do? What every developer does: turn to console.log() and troubleshoot by logging values.
I have a named color (e.g. blue) and a corresponding HSL color string for that named color (e.g. 100 50%...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Interview on Will Larson's Infrastructure Engineering
a reprint of my interview on Will Larson's InfraEng project.
over a year ago
a reprint of my interview on Will Larson's InfraEng project.
Julia Evans
Lima: a nice way to run Linux VMs on Mac
Hello! Here’s a new entry in the “cool software julia likes” section.
A little while ago I started...
a year ago
Hello! Here’s a new entry in the “cool software julia likes” section.
A little while ago I started using a Mac, and one of my biggest
frustrations with it is that often I need to run Linux-specific software. For
example, the nginx playground I
posted about the other day only...
Liz Denys
Slack doesn't listen to its users.
In a rush of hubris, Slack published a full page ad taunting Microsoft Teams in the New York...
over a year ago
In a rush of hubris, Slack published a full page ad taunting Microsoft Teams in the New York Times:
That feeling when you think "we should buy a full page in the Times and publish an open letter," and then you do. 💫
— Stewart Butterfield (@stewart)...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Upcoming changes to the discovery feed
Bear's discovery feed improvements and a call for feedback
5 months ago
Bear's discovery feed improvements and a call for feedback
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Manifest V3’s foibles
You have probably heard rumblings about Chrome’s Manifest V3. If you haven’t, here’s what you need...
a year ago
You have probably heard rumblings about Chrome’s Manifest V3. If you haven’t, here’s what you need to know: Google has been developing a new…
swyx's site RSS Feed
My Life as a Con Man
Confidence is a dual edged sword. I trafficked in confidence when I was in finance, and now I see it...
over a year ago
Confidence is a dual edged sword. I trafficked in confidence when I was in finance, and now I see it everywhere I look.
bt RSS Feed
Animated Card Tiles
Animated Card Tiles
The design trend of using “cards” or “tiles” to display interactive...
over a year ago
Animated Card Tiles
The design trend of using “cards” or “tiles” to display interactive sections/article headings in an app or website remains a popular choice among designers. So, let’s build a set of animated cards with only HTML & CSS.
What we will be building (live...
Tinloof - Blog
Yeah hooks are good, but have you tried faster React Components?
This article is not meant to perf-shame you. If you’re a beginner in React, don’t focus on...
over a year ago
This article is not meant to perf-shame you. If you’re a beginner in React, don’t focus on performance issues but rather on getting comfortable and productive with it.
The performance of a React application can be defined by how long the user should wait before seeing the UI...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware December 2023
The Ware from December 2023 is a 20-watt laser diode used for engraving. It’s used in products like...
11 months ago
The Ware from December 2023 is a 20-watt laser diode used for engraving. It’s used in products like the ATOMSTACK Laser Engraver (link without affiliate code), and the module itself is produced by Shenzhen Xinghan Laser Technology Co, Ltd.. I don’t have an exact part number for...
Founder's blog
Please stop using Any() for C# Lists and Arrays
I'm here to talk about C# performance optimization (again). And about why you should stop using the...
a year ago
I'm here to talk about C# performance optimization (again). And about why you should stop using the .Any() LINQ method with Lists and Arrays and embrace the old-school .Count and .Length instead. Don't want to point any fingers, but I see people do it all the time, even in...
What to say about this month - well, I’m a few days
late to the Recently, because I’ve been pretty...
a year ago
What to say about this month - well, I’m a few days
late to the Recently, because I’ve been pretty busy! Things
are good. Building products is fun but also a lot of work.
Pretty excited about what I’m working on. Ready for winter to
I enjoyed reading Ross Barkan’s...
Oxide Computer...
Building Big Systems with Remote Hardware Teams
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to
be a centralized,...
a year ago
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to
be a centralized, integrated product because that’s what our customers need.
This requirement and the design choices we’ve made to meet this need
create some daily efficiency challenges for our team....
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Minute Rice, Minute Text, Minute Websites
I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap...
a year ago
I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap between AI enthusiasts and “idea people”:
That algogen fans are predominantly idea people—the lot who think that 99% of the value delivered by any given form of media comes from the...
Making software...
Better Box Shadows
Better Box Shadows
.message {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
over a year ago
Better Box Shadows
.message {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
.box-container-depth {
background: white;
box-shadow: 0 4px 8px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
border: 1px solid #eee;
border-radius: 10px;
margin: 2rem auto;
Tony Finch's blog
Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch build howto
main img {
border: 1px solid var(--fg);
width: 100%;
The Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch is a...
a year ago
main img {
border: 1px solid var(--fg);
width: 100%;
The Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch is a working MX-style
mechanical keyboard switch, but 4x larger in every dimension.
I realised at the weekend that the Big Switch should fit nicely in a
simple Lego enclosure. Because an...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The introduction to TypeScript Generics you've been missing
> Note: this is an unfinished draft, but I'm sharing it anyway as an outline
over a year ago
> Note: this is an unfinished draft, but I'm sharing it anyway as an outline
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Particle/Wave Duality Theory of Knowledge
Learning is *BOTH* a discrete and a continuous process. If the tools we use don't respect this...
over a year ago
Learning is *BOTH* a discrete and a continuous process. If the tools we use don't respect this duality, information is lost — either writing involves too much effort, or reading requires too much context.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Interdisciplinary Website Maker
Paul Ford has a great article at Wired about his own experience as an English major working in tech....
8 months ago
Paul Ford has a great article at Wired about his own experience as an English major working in tech. While I myself am not an English major (more on that below) his desire to be interdisciplinary parallels my own.
I began to realize I was that most horrifying of things:...
Liz Denys
Cocoa brownies
Cocoa brownies are pretty magical, i.e. particularly good at staying soft and gooey, and Alice...
over a year ago
Cocoa brownies are pretty magical, i.e. particularly good at staying soft and gooey, and Alice Medrich's ingredient list is nearly flawless. (Okay, okay, I can never truly stick to a recipe as written. Here, I prefer a little more vanilla extract and like to put a pinch of flaky...
Engineering’s role in Mergers & Acquisitions.
I managed the engineering team at Digg as we ran out of money, and were eventually acquired. It was...
a year ago
I managed the engineering team at Digg as we ran out of money, and were eventually acquired. It was an eye opening experience, and I learned a great deal about the reality and the optics of selling a company, particularly one with no money and a shrinking user base. Humbling was...
Generative AI is not going to build your engineering team for you
Originally posted on the Stack Overflow blog on June 10th, 2024 When I was 19 years old, I dropped...
6 months ago
Originally posted on the Stack Overflow blog on June 10th, 2024 When I was 19 years old, I dropped out of college and moved to San Francisco. I had a job offer in hand to be a Unix sysadmin for Taos Consulting. However, before my first day of work I was lured away to a […]
The Codist
How To Know When It's Time To Go
I retired in 2021 at 63.5 after about four decades as a programmer. What made me do this was not...
5 months ago
I retired in 2021 at 63.5 after about four decades as a programmer. What made me do this was not failing ability in any way, but after a year of consideration, I realized I didn't care to do it anymore.
Everyone will eventually reach a point at
A Smart Bear
When you want to quit because it's just not worth it
Are you crying in the shower because you can't handle it anymore? Beyond Impostor Syndrome: Complete...
a year ago
Are you crying in the shower because you can't handle it anymore? Beyond Impostor Syndrome: Complete melt-down? Well, at least you're in good company.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Nov 2019 Recap
Hello mailing list friends!
over a year ago
Hello mailing list friends!
Vadim Kravcenko
🔥 Do things, tell people
🤖 When I was younger, I liked to build things (still do), and I was very often surprised that...
over a year ago
🤖 When I was younger, I liked to build things (still do), and I was very often surprised that people […]
The post 🔥 Do things, tell people appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Words and Buttons...
Simple image vectorization
Vectorization is when you take some minecraft-style raster image and make a crisp vector picture out...
over a year ago
Vectorization is when you take some minecraft-style raster image and make a crisp vector picture out of it. The algorithm describes shows how bilinear interpolation, polynomial approximation, differential analysis, and iterative algorithms work together to solve a practical...
Performance & Compensation (for Eng Execs).
Uber’s original performance process was called “T3B3” and was remarkably simple: write the...
a year ago
Uber’s original performance process was called “T3B3” and was remarkably simple: write the individuals top 3 strengths, and top 3 weaknesses, and share the feedback with them directly in person. There was a prolonged fight against even documenting the feedback, which was viewed...
Making software...
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Earlier last week the design team at Dropbox unveiled...
over a year ago
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Earlier last week the design team at Dropbox unveiled their new branding / design system for the company as a whole. If you haven't seen the updated design yet, you can do so here: (Take your time, I can wait).
PostHog's RSS Feed
Startups, stop treating engineers like a different species
Today I’d like to rant talk about how non-engineering people at startups – especially execs –...
over a year ago
Today I’d like to rant talk about how non-engineering people at startups – especially execs – treat engineers like a fundamentally different type of…
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Tip for per-test verbose logging in Go
One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf().
over a year ago
One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf().
The problem with this approach is lack of selectivity: imagine you have 100 tests and only 1 test fails. For debugging the issue you only need to see logs when executing that 1 test...
Ink & Switch
Crosscut: Drawing Dynamic Models
Uniting the directness of pen & paper with the dynamism of software.
over a year ago
Uniting the directness of pen & paper with the dynamism of software.
The Downside of Thanking Security Contributors
My startup is an popular event management platform within the Japan tech community. We've...
over a year ago
My startup is an popular event management platform within the Japan tech community. We've occasionally gotten reports about security issues, and although we're a two-person company, we still take security seriously, so we decided to create security and responsible disclosure...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython and ELF Essentials for Building a Basic Remote Profiler
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
7 months ago
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
Liz Denys
Inbox by Gmail's accidentally abusive algorithm
The modern world really loves to use little algorithms here and there to help us speed things up....
over a year ago
The modern world really loves to use little algorithms here and there to help us speed things up. Inbox by Gmail is no exception.
Inbox has a concept of "speed dial" - an algorithmically determined set of "frequent" contacts that appears when hovering over the compose button:
Nelson's Weblog
Restic is good backup software.
It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various
11 months ago
Restic is good backup software.
It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various
local and remote options. It is well
documented, easy to set up, secure, and quite fast. It’s a very
professional product. I am now backing up all my Linux systems with it.
Note it’s a...
Josh Collinsworth
WordPress Child Theme Explanation and Walkthrough
When you’re just starting out with WordPress, it’s easy to think that you can just open up the...
over a year ago
When you’re just starting out with WordPress, it’s easy to think that you can just open up the style.css file included with your theme and begin making alterations. And that will work—at least for a while—but it won’t be a good idea…
Computer Things
Why I prefer rST to markdown
I just published a new version of Logic for Programmers! v0.2 has epub support, content on...
5 months ago
I just published a new version of Logic for Programmers! v0.2 has epub support, content on constraint solving and formal specification, and more! Get it here.
This is my second book written with Sphinx, after the new Learn TLA+. Sphinx uses a peculiar markup called reStructured...
Alex Meub
Indeterminate Checkboxes
While the checked attribute of an HTML checkbox can only have two values, the checkbox itself can...
over a year ago
While the checked attribute of an HTML checkbox can only have two values, the checkbox itself can actually have up to four different visual states: checked, unchecked, disabled and indeterminate. What is indeterminate? It’s defined by the W3C this way:
If the element’s...
bt RSS Feed
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Since my previous post walked through the...
over a year ago
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Since my previous post walked through the process of setting up Fathom PRO on Netlify, I figured it made sense to create a similar tutorial for the “Lite” variation, self-hosted on DigitalOcean.
Please note that while I...
bt RSS Feed
Avoiding Featurism
Avoiding Featurism
I rather enjoy the term “featurism”. I came across this term while...
over a year ago
Avoiding Featurism
I rather enjoy the term “featurism”. I came across this term while reading the wonderful article Why I don’t use Netscape, which the author credits to Bernd Paysan. Although it sums up the current “digital product” industry quite well the more...
Joel Gascoigne
My experience with burnout as a startup founder
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
In mid-2017, I hit burnout in a really big way...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
In mid-2017, I hit burnout in a really big way and wound up taking a 6-week break to recharge.
I want to fully share my story here and include some things I wish I’d done differently in the hope
Heroku + Travis CI: Tokyo Rubyist Meetup Report
While I was initially a bit aprehensive at the classroom like setting for the last [Tokyo Rubyist...
over a year ago
While I was initially a bit aprehensive at the classroom like setting for the last [Tokyo Rubyist Meetup](, thanks to all the great people who attended, we were able to turn it into a lively event. Anchoring the night were presentations about...
Quentin Santos
Merging Responsibly
tl;dr: I do not like merging the main branch into feature branches, and I do not like squashing...
8 months ago
tl;dr: I do not like merging the main branch into feature branches, and I do not like squashing MR/PRs git commit git has emerged as the obvious choice for SCCS (Source Code Control System). The consensus is that it is unambiguously better than the previous standard, SVN. There...
David Heinemeier...
Apple approves the HEY Calendar
I’ll admit it was a bit cheeky to make our new HEY Calendar app “do something” by including Apple’s...
11 months ago
I’ll admit it was a bit cheeky to make our new HEY Calendar app “do something” by including Apple’s own history as a preview for people who don’t have an account. And I didn’t give the gambit better than 30% odds of succeeding, but lo and behold, it did! Apple has approved our...
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Can you tell an assembly language when you see one?
An interactive quiz featuring several obscure high-level languages and assembly variants.
over a year ago
An interactive quiz featuring several obscure high-level languages and assembly variants.
swyx's site RSS Feed
"No Code" vs RPA
RPA seems to be NoCode Enterprise Edition™ and the pricing disparity is wild. But there are real...
over a year ago
RPA seems to be NoCode Enterprise Edition™ and the pricing disparity is wild. But there are real differences and I am trying to note them down here.
Steve Klabnik
Ruby on Rails maintenance policy
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why I Won't Choose To Be A Manager
I recently decided that I will not _choose_ to be a manager. This is how I arrived at that...
over a year ago
I recently decided that I will not _choose_ to be a manager. This is how I arrived at that conclusion.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Wrapping up my RetroChallenge 2024 project
<![CDATA[The end of the work on WebCard marked the completion of my RetroChallenge 2024 project, in...
2 months ago
<![CDATA[The end of the work on WebCard marked the completion of my RetroChallenge 2024 project, in time as hoped.
I accomplished the initial goal of extending NoteCards to visit websites. This is my Linux desktop after traversing a NoteCards link to a Web card which opened the...
Making software...
Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout
Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout
I recently came across the very well written and...
over a year ago
Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout
I recently came across the very well written and interesting article, Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid, while browsing my daily designer feeds. I won't go into the post's specifics here (I recommend you read the article for yourself)...
David Heinemeier...
We’re so back
Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There...
a year ago
Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There was scarcely a programming or product topic that couldn’t be turned into a struggle session on account of some perceived transgression or privilege. It was, to use the trauma...
Dan Slimmon
Podcast: Small Batches with Adam Hawkins
I was recently delighted to be interviewed by Adam Hawkins on his podcast Small Batches. We...
4 months ago
I was recently delighted to be interviewed by Adam Hawkins on his podcast Small Batches. We discussed a huge variety of topics. Here is the full episode, and on that page you’ll find meticulously timestamped links to specific topics. Check out the rest of Adam’s podcast, it’s...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.26.0
PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4 new team members we've onboarded.
Mahmoud Felfel's...
Handling State & User Interactions In UI Applications
An early thinking about handling your app or component state can help you to avoid many bugs even...
over a year ago
An early thinking about handling your app or component state can help you to avoid many bugs even before starting to write code.
Vadim Kravcenko
Why software projects fail
The post Why software projects fail appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
9 months ago
The post Why software projects fail appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bt RSS Feed
Embracing Slow Tech
Embracing Slow Tech
I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux...
over a year ago
Embracing Slow Tech
I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux through Wayland/Sway and it is going well so far. Setting things up was much easier than I initially expected. There were only a few minor tweaks I had to make, such as setting vim...
A Smart Bear
Your customers hate MVPs. Make a SLC instead.
"MVP" is a selfish process, abusing customers so you can "learn." SLC is an alternate philosophy...
a year ago
"MVP" is a selfish process, abusing customers so you can "learn." SLC is an alternate philosophy that results in fast, validated learning, that customers love.
Tinloof - Blog
Explain Like I'm Five: React
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and...
over a year ago
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and terms easy to understand.
In this post, we’ll be answering the question: what is React?
We’ll look into its origins, usage, explain key terminology and also cover how and why...
Darek Kay
Npm vs. Yarn: Dependency resolution
Both npm and Yarn support dependency version ranges (e.g. ^4.1.1). However, there are some...
over a year ago
Both npm and Yarn support dependency version ranges (e.g. ^4.1.1). However, there are some differences in how package managers resolve dependencies, which might lead to inconsistencies between different environments.
In this post I will present the behavior of npm 7.15.1 and Yarn...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Writing my first Security blogpost
Today's fun emergency at work was a first - writing a security postmortem for a breach of an _open...
over a year ago
Today's fun emergency at work was a first - writing a security postmortem for a breach of an _open source user_ (aka not a breach of us, which seems the norm).
A Smart Bear
The Iterative-Hypothesis customer development method
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what...
over a year ago
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what they need, and what they’ll buy. This method has been used both to reject startup ideas and to validate WP Engine before it had any customers (it is now a Unicorn).
the blog
How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document’s keystrokes
If you’ve ever typed anything into a Google Doc, you can now play it back as if it were a movie —...
over a year ago
If you’ve ever typed anything into a Google Doc, you can now play it back as if it were a movie — like traveling through time to look over your own shoulder as you write. This is possible because every document written in Google Docs since about May 2010 has a revision history...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Stripe Goes No-Code — Stripe Payment Links Explained
Stripe has entered the No Code market in a big way! I take a crack at explaining what it's doing and...
over a year ago
Stripe has entered the No Code market in a big way! I take a crack at explaining what it's doing and why.
bt RSS Feed
Keynote Slides with Pure CSS
Keynote Slides with Pure CSS
There are a great deal of options available on the web and...
over a year ago
Keynote Slides with Pure CSS
There are a great deal of options available on the web and built into most operating systems when you need to create presentation / keynote slides. You could use native software like LibremOffice Impress, Powerpoint, Apple’s Keynote, etc....
Steve Klabnik
The profile link relation and you
over a year ago
Computer Things
New blog post: Composing TLA+ Specifications
Post here! It's a really advanced TLA+ technique that I'm sure will alienate 90% of my readers....
6 months ago
Post here! It's a really advanced TLA+ technique that I'm sure will alienate 90% of my readers. Patreon here.
Anyway, I'm off to get a bone graft. Proper newsletter will come later this week when I've got more time to write. blog
In Defense of the Midwest
As an undergraduate, I always imagined that I would someday move to the SF Bay Area to live in the...
over a year ago
As an undergraduate, I always imagined that I would someday move to the SF Bay Area to live in the heart of the software industry. With this in mind, in my final semester at Kent State, I joined a Silicon Valley startup as their third engineer1. The staff at that time was split:...
This was a big month of change for me – I announced
that I was joining
and wrote a big...
a year ago
This was a big month of change for me – I announced
that I was joining
and wrote a big update about Placemark.
Plenty more to write, but at least here I’ll take a little
breather and just do the usual: what’s new!
I only finished one book this month - Meet Us By...
Ralph Ammer
What is a picture?
This article gives a phenomenological definition of what a picture is.
The post What is a picture?...
over a year ago
This article gives a phenomenological definition of what a picture is.
The post What is a picture? appeared first on Ralph Ammer.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Typesafe, Fullstack React & GraphQL with AWS Amplify
This is the blog version of a talk I am giving at React Summit 2020
over a year ago
This is the blog version of a talk I am giving at React Summit 2020
A Smart Bear
Binstack: Making a maximal multi-dimensional decision
Binstack is the best way to select a “single most impactful” solution when there are multiple...
over a year ago
Binstack is the best way to select a “single most impactful” solution when there are multiple dimensions to evaluate, even when those dimensions cannot be compared to each other. People often reach for the “rubric” for such puzzles, but rubrics often do not clearly identify a...
My favourite colour is Chuck Norris red
by Declan Chidlow
Setting the colour of text on a webpage is usually a simple affair involving...
2 weeks ago
by Declan Chidlow
Setting the colour of text on a webpage is usually a simple affair involving whipping it out the good ol' CSS color property. But this is HTMHell, dammit. None of that wishy-washy CSS nonsense here. No siree. We use HTML as the good lord intended and shalln't...
Uploading CSV to DynamoDB with Node JS
So I wanted to upload CSV to DynamoDB.
Easy right?
Not so fast.
It turns out, you have to obey...
over a year ago
So I wanted to upload CSV to DynamoDB.
Easy right?
Not so fast.
It turns out, you have to obey your provisioned write capacity.
Unlike S3, "Simple Storage Service" where you simply upload a file, DynamoDB isn't "Simple". There's no "upload CSV" button. You have to write a...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Stumped with URL validation in WebCard
<![CDATA[I started working on URL validation in WebCard and soon bumped into a bug.
When creating a...
2 months ago
<![CDATA[I started working on URL validation in WebCard and soon bumped into a bug.
When creating a new Web card, WebCard prompts for a URL to store in the card. I wrote the predicate WCD.ValidURLP to do some minimal validation and make sure the input resembles a URL. For...
swyx's site RSS Feed
80/20 is the new Half-Ass
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look...
over a year ago
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything.
The Pragmatic...
Interesting startup idea: benchmarking cloud platform pricing
A team of 3 developers built a neat platform called Spare Cores that makes cloud instance pricing...
2 months ago
A team of 3 developers built a neat platform called Spare Cores that makes cloud instance pricing more transparent. A deepdive on how exactly they did it.
Tinloof - Blog
ReasonML for production React Apps? 🤔 (Part 4)
This is the last article of the series. We've built a few things with ReasonReact and now it's time...
over a year ago
This is the last article of the series. We've built a few things with ReasonReact and now it's time to share my opinion about using Reason to create React applications.
Access Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here.
Though, my opinion shouldn't really matter if you're also...
Miguel Carranza
The first five employees
The main figures of the startup ecosystem are founders and investors. The incentives are not always...
over a year ago
The main figures of the startup ecosystem are founders and investors. The incentives are not always aligned, and sometimes there is a notable lack of gratitude. But, for the most part, it’s a symbiotic relationship. Founders benefit from capital, and VCs need access to the best...
A Proposal for the Translation of RubyKaigi
[RubyKaigi]( and more recently [Sapporo Ruby...
over a year ago
[RubyKaigi]( and more recently [Sapporo Ruby Kaigi]( have been providing realtime translation services. The way this has worked is that volunteers listen to the speakers presentation, and simultaneously translate it to...
All code is technical debt
Technical debt, as originally [coined by Ward...
over a year ago
Technical debt, as originally [coined by Ward Cunningham](, is the idea that you can gain a temporary speed boost by rushing software development, at the cost of slowing down future development.
This acts like a loan. With a loan,...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Why Pictures
For a brief period circa 2016 I wrote and published a weekly webcomic. I wanted to run a successful...
10 months ago
For a brief period circa 2016 I wrote and published a weekly webcomic. I wanted to run a successful webcomic along the lines of Poorly Drawn Lines, Oglaf, or The Oatmeal. I love reading these and am always thrilled when one pops up on my RSS feed.
Prior to this experiment I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Deno De-emphasizes HTTP Imports
I’ve been a long-time fan of Deno and their ethos of following the web platform. But I’m not sure...
4 months ago
I’ve been a long-time fan of Deno and their ethos of following the web platform. But I’m not sure how I feel about their latest admission which makes their dependency story more like npm and less like the web.
Designing Deno’s module system around HTTP imports was ambitious. It...
swyx's site RSS Feed
You May Not Need Controlled Form Components
A common design pattern for forms in React is using Controlled Components - but involves a lot of...
over a year ago
A common design pattern for forms in React is using Controlled Components - but involves a lot of boilerplate code. Here's another way.
Joel Gascoigne
Creating order from chaos in a startup
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’ve been...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’ve been pondering recently about how my latest venture has very much felt like
cycling between creating order from chaos and then ending up with chaos again. I
wanted to share my experiences and...
James Vaughan's blog
Systemd Timers as a Cron Alternative
over a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
Unix version control lore: what, ident
There are a couple of version control commands that deserve wider
appreciation: SCCS what and RCS...
7 months ago
There are a couple of version control commands that deserve wider
appreciation: SCCS what and RCS ident.
They allow you to find out what source a binary was built from,
without having to run it – handy if it is a library!
keyword expansion
SCCS, RCS, cvs, and svn all have a way...
Don't Start With a Prototype for Your MVP
Eric Ries [defines a minimum viable...
over a year ago
Eric Ries [defines a minimum viable product]( as
> that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort
As a...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to promote your SaaS without being an ass?
There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always...
over a year ago
There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always provide value when promoting. […]
The post How to promote your SaaS without being an ass? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Hawbuck wallets
There are a lot of companies pitching new kinds of wallets, with lots of ads - Ridge is one of the...
8 months ago
There are a lot of companies pitching new kinds of wallets, with lots of ads - Ridge is one of the most famous. An option that never seems to come up in internet listicles but I’ve sworn by for years is the Hawbuck wallet.
My personal preferences for this kind of thing...
Drawing repetitive radial artworks
I was waiting for a meeting to start the other day, and I was idly doodling in my notebook.
I’d just...
7 months ago
I was waiting for a meeting to start the other day, and I was idly doodling in my notebook.
I’d just had a text from a friend about an upcoming trip to Ireland, and she’d sent me the four-leafed clover emoji (🍀), so I was sketching some petal-like shapes.
These are a few of my...
Neil Panchal
Isomatic Typeface Rev 6 WIP
This is a ton of work. But not many things in the world could be more satisfying.
Isomatic Type Rev...
over a year ago
This is a ton of work. But not many things in the world could be more satisfying.
Isomatic Type Rev 6 WIP
Also added Western and Central European language support.
Stay tuned. This concept has been brewing for a few years now. I'll post some lower case specimens
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Prototyping Magic Tricks and Software
In Penn & Teller’s Masterclass (no. 12 “Principles of Performing”) they explain how one of their...
2 months ago
In Penn & Teller’s Masterclass (no. 12 “Principles of Performing”) they explain how one of their favorite ways to design a magic trick is to come up with an idea and then act it out as if they already know how to do it. Here’s Penn:
We still start with an idea for a trick, how we...
Engineer’s Codex
How Apple built iCloud to store billions of databases
Apple uses Cassandra and FoundationDB for CloudKit, their cloud backend service. We take a look into...
11 months ago
Apple uses Cassandra and FoundationDB for CloudKit, their cloud backend service. We take a look into how exactly each is used within their cloud and the problems they've solved.
On Versioning Observabilities (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…10.0?!?)
Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker. As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a...
a week ago
Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker. As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a preview draft of her post: “PLEASE don’t post this! I feel like I spend all my time trying to help bring clarity and context to what’s happening in the market, and this is NOT...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What is user segmentation?
User segmentation is a term which is thrown around a lot within product-led teams, but what does it...
over a year ago
User segmentation is a term which is thrown around a lot within product-led teams, but what does it mean? In this article we'll explain what user…
Tinloof - Blog
Managing Tinloof-powered websites
If your website was built by Tinloof, you should be able to self-manage it without any guide.
a year ago
If your website was built by Tinloof, you should be able to self-manage it without any guide.
We wrote this article just to make sure you're not missing out on any feature that helps you manage your website more effectively.
Navigating the CMS
Josh Comeau's blog
An Interactive Guide to Flexbox
When we truly learn the secrets of the Flexbox layout mode, we can build absolutely incredible...
over a year ago
When we truly learn the secrets of the Flexbox layout mode, we can build absolutely incredible things. Fluid layouts that stretch and shrink without arbitrary breakpoints. In this action-packed interactive tutorial, we'll pop the hood on the Flexbox algorithm and learn how to do...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools
For those of you about to do view transitions, I salute you!
And I pass on this super useful...
a year ago
For those of you about to do view transitions, I salute you!
And I pass on this super useful (perhaps obvious) piece of information I received from Bramus: watch your animations play out in slow motion using Chrome’s devtools.
I’ve been working on view transitions on my icon...
Making software...
ThriftyName: $5 Brand Names
ThriftyName: $5 Brand Names
It's been a while since I've written anything on this blog,...
over a year ago
ThriftyName: $5 Brand Names
It's been a while since I've written anything on this blog, but for good reason - I've been working on a handful of side projects. I plan to drip-feed release these projects over time, but for today I'm announcing ThriftyName.
What is...
swyx's site RSS Feed
What to do when iCloud is stuck on uploading items
I use iCloud as my syncing engine for my [Obsidian Second...
over a year ago
I use iCloud as my syncing engine for my [Obsidian Second Brain](, and twice now I've seen iCloud get corrupted into a really bad state. I also [back up everything to github](, so I dont really experience much data...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to build remote teams properly
This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale...
over a year ago
This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale their development and […]
The post How to build remote teams properly appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
David Heinemeier...
We once more have no full-time managers at 37signals
After experimenting with a number of management roles over the last few years, 37signals is back to...
4 months ago
After experimenting with a number of management roles over the last few years, 37signals is back to its original configuration: None. We once more have no full-time managers whose sole function is to organize or direct the work of others. Everyone doing management here does so on...
Patrick Kayongo
“I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their...
a year ago
“I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their backs from the lazy sloth on the paved ground outside of his garage. All the kids in the conformant townhouse complex regularly gravitated towards his house during the school...
A Beautiful Site
Table cells and max-widths in Internet Explorer 8
I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside...
over a year ago
I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside of a table cell and, for some reason, IE8 completely neglected the corresponding CSS max-width property. The result was the image rendering at full size rather than scaled down to...
Splitting a class into balanced groups
Earlier this week, my mum sent me an interesting problem.
She’s got a class of 12 students, who are...
a year ago
Earlier this week, my mum sent me an interesting problem.
She’s got a class of 12 students, who are going to meet over 7 sessions.
In each session, they’re going to split into 3 or 4 groups, and she wants to find an even distribution of groups – each person gets to work with...
Steve Klabnik
Upgrading from Rust 0.5 to 0.6
over a year ago
Vladimir Klepov as a...
10 Design Rules for Programmers
For some reason, many developers disdain design. We are programmers, we are smart and rational, and...
over a year ago
For some reason, many developers disdain design. We are programmers, we are smart and rational, and we think technically. Designers are weird and artistic, they wear black sweaters and long scarves, they are no match to us. I never quite understood how you can ignore design if...
Julia Evans
Rebase: what can go wrong?
Hello! While talking with folks about Git, I’ve been seeing a comment over and
over to the effect of...
a year ago
Hello! While talking with folks about Git, I’ve been seeing a comment over and
over to the effect of “I hate rebase”. People seemed to feel pretty strongly
about this, and I was really surprised because I don’t run into a lot of
problems with rebase.
I’ve found that if many...
Epic Web Dev
Use Zod for All Form Validation (tip)
Learn how to use Zod and Conform to validate and transform form data into sessions
a year ago
Learn how to use Zod and Conform to validate and transform form data into sessions
Hummingbird at the feeder
With a recent blast of winter I noticed a few hummingbirds already here so I put up the feeder.Not...
8 months ago
With a recent blast of winter I noticed a few hummingbirds already here so I put up the feeder.Not 30 seconds later, this fella showed up.
Computer Things
What could be added to TLA+
Last week Leslie Lamport posted The Future of TLA+, saying "the future of TLA+ is in the hands of...
4 months ago
Last week Leslie Lamport posted The Future of TLA+, saying "the future of TLA+ is in the hands of the TLA+ foundation". Lamport released TLA+ in 1999 and shepherded its development for the past 25 years. Transferring ownership of TLA+ to the official foundation has been in the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Sharding Yourself
An advanced tip for high-volume writers.
over a year ago
An advanced tip for high-volume writers.
Alex MacCaw
The AI is coming
May you live in interesting times, goes the ancient Chinese proverb. Recent developments in...
over a year ago
May you live in interesting times, goes the ancient Chinese proverb. Recent developments in artificial-intelligence, especially image-generation, are putting that curse to the test.
In the last year we’ve seen some incredible breakthroughs in image-generation with the release of...
Alice GG
This summer I had the opportunity to attend DEFCON 30, a cybersecurity conference gathering around...
over a year ago
This summer I had the opportunity to attend DEFCON 30, a cybersecurity conference gathering around 27000 hackers in the fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada.
With more than 30 villages and 3 main conference tracks, the event managed to cover pretty much every subject from malware... blog
What's hidden behind "just implementation details"
Something I hear occasionally from some software people1 is something along the lines of: "Well, the...
6 months ago
Something I hear occasionally from some software people1 is something along the lines of: "Well, the hard part is figured out, and the rest is just implementation details."
This typically means they've created an algorithm to do something, and the rest of it is all the supporting...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.28.0
Understand your conversion rates better, PostHog 1.28.0 has launched! Significantly revamped...
over a year ago
Understand your conversion rates better, PostHog 1.28.0 has launched! Significantly revamped performance for slower queries, advanced engagement cohorts, SAML support, and many more improvements and fixes.
Programming in the...
So Long, Prog21
I always intended "Programming in the 21st Century" to have a limited run. I knew since the entry...
over a year ago
I always intended "Programming in the 21st Century" to have a limited run. I knew since the entry from January 1, 2010, that I needed to end it. It just took a while.Recovering Programmer
And now, an explanation.
I started this blog to talk about issues tangentially related to...
Joel Gascoigne
How we're trying to stay innovative as a 3.5 year old startup
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I think I’ve...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I think I’ve just about got to that point with Buffer where sometimes when I
stop to reflect on things I think “wow, we’ve actually been doing this for a
while now”. It’s about 3.5 years
Oxide Computer...
Oxide Computer Company: Initial boot sequence
We have started a computer company! If you haven’t yet, read Jess’s account of
us being born in a...
over a year ago
We have started a computer company! If you haven’t yet, read Jess’s account of
us being born in a garage and
Bryan’s on the soul of our new computer
company. Also, see the perspectives of some of our founding engineers:
Robert Mustacchi on
joining Oxide,
Joshua Clulow on the need...
David Heinemeier...
Villains may live long enough to become heroes
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of...
8 months ago
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of "cutting off the air supply", of embrace-extend-extinguish, of open source as a "cancer", and of Bill Gates before he sought reputational refugee in philanthropy. What made the...
Vadim Kravcenko
Should I quit my well-paid job to start a startup?
Short answer: Do it in your spare time. Dip your toes into the startup world without going full...
a year ago
Short answer: Do it in your spare time. Dip your toes into the startup world without going full crazy. Test […]
The post Should I quit my well-paid job to start a startup? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Kagi Blog
Kagi Small Web
As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the...
a year ago
As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Kagi Small Web initiative.
What is Kagi Small Web?
To begin with, while there is no single definition, “small web” typically refers...
conservative gc can be faster than precise gc
Should your garbage collector be precise or conservative? The
prevailing wisdom is that precise is...
3 months ago
Should your garbage collector be precise or conservative? The
prevailing wisdom is that precise is always better. Conservative GC can
retain more objects than strictly necessary, making GC slow: GC has to
more frequently, and it has to trace a larger heap on each...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Svelte Zen Garden
reigniting the Zen Garden era with modern technology
over a year ago
reigniting the Zen Garden era with modern technology
Liz Denys
Curried pumpkin soup
Despite growing up in Chicago where winter is defined as "more traffic" and "delayed flights," the...
over a year ago
Despite growing up in Chicago where winter is defined as "more traffic" and "delayed flights," the first thing that comes to mind in winter is creamy squash soups. In the haze of moving, Mystery Hunt, and working on writing 6.042 problems this IAP, I somehow neglected making soup...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Sriracha Fight!! 🥊
At the birthplace of the famous rooster sauce. by
Paul Narvaez
There’s plenty...
a year ago
At the birthplace of the famous rooster sauce. by
Paul Narvaez
There’s plenty of sriracha—unless you’re looking for the brand anyone
Huy Fong Foods, Inc’s Sriracha vanished from stores, and they have
no idea when it’ll be back.
So, driven by the...
Liz Denys
Early one morning
The view shortly after waking up while camping at Marshall Beach, Point Reyes.
over a year ago
The view shortly after waking up while camping at Marshall Beach, Point Reyes.
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, January 2023
The Ware for January 2023 is shown below. Thanks to cpresser for contributing this wonderfully...
a year ago
The Ware for January 2023 is shown below. Thanks to cpresser for contributing this wonderfully photographed circuit board as this month’s entry.
Steve Klabnik
Book review: New Programmer's Survival Manual
over a year ago
Kagi Blog
Kagi search features
*New* : More features in our Dec 22 update ( ) and...
over a year ago
*New* : More features in our Dec 22 update ( ) and May 23 update ( ).
On Test Automation
The test automation quadrant, or a different way to look at your tests
Like many others working in software testing, and more specifically in automation, I have been...
3 weeks ago
Like many others working in software testing, and more specifically in automation, I have been introduced to the concept of the test automation pyramid early on in my career. While this model has received its share of criticism in the testing community over the years, I still use...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: Live Coding a Bytecode Interpreter for Python
I will be redoing this session because the previous one had to be cancelled.
a month ago
I will be redoing this session because the previous one had to be cancelled.
elementary Blog
Big new features and a mountain of bug fixes
elementary OS 7 has been out for just over a month now and I’m excited to announce the first round...
a year ago
elementary OS 7 has been out for just over a month now and I’m excited to announce the first round of updates to our latest operating system includes both great feature updates and a long list of fixes for reported issues. As you may know, we prioritize our work based on your...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Signs that a Startup is Going Bad
All rocketship startups are alike, but every fading startup is fading in its own way.
a year ago
All rocketship startups are alike, but every fading startup is fading in its own way.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Mocking and Using CRUD APIs with MirageJS and React-Query
This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great...
over a year ago
This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great developer experience.
Sub-pixel Distance Transform
High quality font rendering for WebGPU
This page includes diagrams in WebGPU, which has limited...
a year ago
High quality font rendering for WebGPU
This page includes diagrams in WebGPU, which has limited browser support. For the full experience, use Chrome on Windows or Mac, or a developer build on other platforms.
In this post I will describe Use.GPU's text rendering, which uses...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Jan 2020 Recap
a belated recap, highlighting my best writing over the past couple months
over a year ago
a belated recap, highlighting my best writing over the past couple months
Tony Finch's blog
Joining ellipses with matching tangents
In my previous entry I wrote about constructing a four-point egg,
using curcular arcs that join...
11 months ago
In my previous entry I wrote about constructing a four-point egg,
using curcular arcs that join where their tangents are at 45°.
I wondered if I could do something similar with ellipses.
As before, I made an interactive ellipse workbench to
experiment with the problem. I got...
A four-stage approach for hiring women on your engineering team
“We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common...
9 months ago
“We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common sentiment I’ve heard from startup founders, both in Japan as well as my home country, the United States.
If you’re in a similar position, and looking to increase the gender... blog
Building Molecule Reader in one day
Reading on screens is very difficult for me.
I just cannot focus on the articles, especially when...
over a year ago
Reading on screens is very difficult for me.
I just cannot focus on the articles, especially when there are notifications coming in or even just other content on the screen1.
I have a reMarkable tablet (RM), which I love dearly2 and much prefer to read on.
But it's annoying...
Dan Quach Blog
Personal Newsletter 2023 Q1
Loss and Distance For the past couple of months, my Facebook usage has started to diminish. In the...
a year ago
Loss and Distance For the past couple of months, my Facebook usage has started to diminish. In the past, I used to post quite a bit, and I dare say probably 10 years ago to the point of oversharing. It seems to me that the popularity of Facebook has been dropping in my network to...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Can we useRef, but without the .current? Let's try!
Ah, ref.current. Everybody knows that I love useRef — I've built custom useMemo with it, and I've...
over a year ago
Ah, ref.current. Everybody knows that I love useRef — I've built custom useMemo with it, and I've used it instead of useState to optimize re-renders. But typing ref.current over and over is just annoying. Come on, Vladimir, startX.current is just the same as this.startX in a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Flutter for React Native Devs in 30 Seconds
You may have heard of [Flutter](, Google's answer to React Native. What should...
over a year ago
You may have heard of [Flutter](, Google's answer to React Native. What should you know?
Kagi Blog
Announcing The Assistant
Yes, the rumours are true!
Kagi has been thoughtfully integrating AI into our search experience,...
4 months ago
Yes, the rumours are true!
Kagi has been thoughtfully integrating AI into our search experience, creating a smarter, faster, and more intuitive search.
Blog - Bitfield...
Best Rust books for 2024
There are many Rust books, but these are my favourites—and I think you’ll
like them too. Here are...
6 months ago
There are many Rust books, but these are my favourites—and I think you’ll
like them too. Here are my reviews of what I think are the truly essential
Rust books available today.
PostHog's RSS Feed
How PostHog's new VP focused the company on nailing funnels in his first week
Ramping up fast in any senior product role requires understanding as much context as possible across...
over a year ago
Ramping up fast in any senior product role requires understanding as much context as possible across 3 axes (Market, Product and People). I’ll talk…
37signals Dev
A happier happy path in Turbo with morphing
Last week, we presented in Rails World an upcoming addition to Turbo that uses morphing to offer...
a year ago
Last week, we presented in Rails World an upcoming addition to Turbo that uses morphing to offer smoother page updates and a simplified broadcasting system. This is the article version of the presentation I delivered.
The starting point
The traditional server-side full-page...
Coding Horror
Building a PC, Part IX: Downsizing
Hard to believe that I've had the same PC case since 2011, and my last serious upgrade was in 2015....
over a year ago
Hard to believe that I've had the same PC case since 2011, and my last serious upgrade was in 2015. I guess that's yet another sign that the PC is over, because PC upgrades have gotten really boring. It took 5 years for me to muster
A Smart Bear
The Iterative-Hypothesis customer development method
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what...
over a year ago
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what they need, and what they’ll buy. This method has been used both to reject startup ideas and to validate WP Engine before it had any customers (it is now a Unicorn). blog
OpenAI fixed their unsafe policy around names
Update October 2, 2023: This is now fixed: you can update your name in your user settings.
a year ago
Update October 2, 2023: This is now fixed: you can update your name in your user settings.
This works for the OpenAI Platform accounts, and they say the same for ChatGPT (etc.) is coming soon.
Thank you to those who reached out to OpenAI employees about this, and thank you so...
The Pragmatic...
The software engineering industry in 2024: what changed, why, and what is next
The past 18 months have seen major change reshape the tech industry. What does it all mean for...
5 months ago
The past 18 months have seen major change reshape the tech industry. What does it all mean for businesses and dev teams – and what will pragmatic software engineering approaches look like in the future?
I tackled these burning questions in my conference talk, “What’s Old is
Tinloof - Blog
Images and videos on Sanity
This article is outdated. You can read the Managing Tinloof-powered websites article...
over a year ago
This article is outdated. You can read the Managing Tinloof-powered websites article instead.
Images and videos have to be properly configured to rank in search engine result pages and not impact negatively page speed.
The Pragmatic...
Cruel Changes at Twitter
The speedrun for a complete culture overhaul at Twitter continues, and may conclude just two weeks...
over a year ago
The speedrun for a complete culture overhaul at Twitter continues, and may conclude just two weeks after Elon Musk bought the company. Managers will have 20+ reports and are expected to code at least 20% of the time.
David Heinemeier...
Five big open source gifts from us
It’s been an incredibly productive year at 37signals. Perhaps our most productive one yet, in terms...
a year ago
It’s been an incredibly productive year at 37signals. Perhaps our most productive one yet, in terms of total number of product improvements, new product developments, and open source extractions. But it’s only by looking back at the work from a distance that you can really...
Julia Evans
Some tactics for writing in public
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such...
a year ago
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such assholes!”
I’ve often heard the advice “don’t read the comments”, but actually I’ve
learned a huge amount from reading internet comments on my posts from strangers
over the years,...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 7 best free and open-source feature flag tools
Feature flags, aka feature toggles, turn specific functions on and off during runtime. Rather than...
a year ago
Feature flags, aka feature toggles, turn specific functions on and off during runtime. Rather than maintaining multiple feature branches in your…
The Changelog
Easily Accessing All Your Stuff with a Zero-Trust Mesh VPN
Probably everyone is familiar with a regular VPN. The traditional use case is to connect to a...
a year ago
Probably everyone is familiar with a regular VPN. The traditional use case is to connect to a corporate or home network from a remote location, and access services as if you were there. But these days, the notion of “corporate network” and “home network” are less based around...
Patrick Kayongo
Park Games
As the shedding of the luck-bean tree forms coral carpets on the grass below; as the birds begin...
over a year ago
As the shedding of the luck-bean tree forms coral carpets on the grass below; as the birds begin their morning song earlier into the fourth watch of the night, calling the sun to come out to play; as new flowering greens shoot out of chronic brown branches; urban nature dances to...
Ink & Switch
Pushpin: Towards Production-Quality Peer-to-Peer Collaboration
Taking peer-to-peer beyond research prototypes, and working towards commercial-grade P2P...
over a year ago
Taking peer-to-peer beyond research prototypes, and working towards commercial-grade P2P collaboration software.
PostHog's RSS Feed
A new 'Privacy Shield' won't solve big tech's GDPR problem
Ten years ago today, the European Commission published the first draft of the General Data...
over a year ago
Ten years ago today, the European Commission published the first draft of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But, as the recent ruling in…
Liz Denys
Save Congestion Pricing!
Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced an intention to "indefinitely pause" the scheduled rollout of...
6 months ago
Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced an intention to "indefinitely pause" the scheduled rollout of congestion pricing on June 30.
Your voice is urgently needed to stand up for a funded MTA with increased accessibility, a healthy planet, and good government in New York. Stop a $15...
Every Achievement Has A Denominator
One of the classic failure modes of management is the empire-builder — the managers who measure...
over a year ago
One of the classic failure modes of management is the empire-builder — the managers who measure their own status, rank or value by the number of teams and people “under” them. Everyone knows you aren’t supposed to do this, but most of us secretly, sheepishly do it anyway to some...
The 2018 iPad Pro
Watch my video review of the new iPad Pro in both sizes.
Rather than try to be comprehensive, I...
over a year ago
Watch my video review of the new iPad Pro in both sizes.
Rather than try to be comprehensive, I focused on what matters most to me: size choice between the 11” and 12.9”, the Smart Keyboard Folio from my perspective as a frequent 10.5” Smart Keyboard user, the new Pencil, and why...
Words and Buttons...
Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are...
over a year ago
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are enough. And it's “differential” because it aims to highlight the difference between lexemes. Ideally, the smaller the lexical difference, the greater the color difference should be.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using Next.js as a Static Site Generator for Netlify
How to deploy a Static Next.js Site to Netlify, and then upgrade it to use Dynamic Route Segments to...
over a year ago
How to deploy a Static Next.js Site to Netlify, and then upgrade it to use Dynamic Route Segments to become a full fledged Static Site Generator!
Charles Chen
Interviews in the Age of AI: Ditch Leetcode - Try Code Reviews Instead
In the emerging age of AI generated code, is leetcode really the best way to evaluate technical...
a year ago
In the emerging age of AI generated code, is leetcode really the best way to evaluate technical candidates (was it ever)?
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Single Line Comments in CSS
Brad Frost noted on Twitter how he recently made a website with plain HTML, CSS, JS, etc., and found...
a year ago
Brad Frost noted on Twitter how he recently made a website with plain HTML, CSS, JS, etc., and found himself missing some of the ergonomics from Sass.
Having mostly abandoned Sass on personal projects, I was curious what he felt was missing.
He mentioned nesting media queries,...
My favourite books from 2024
I read 58 books this year – slightly down on last year, but I’m still happy with that number.
3 days ago
I read 58 books this year – slightly down on last year, but I’m still happy with that number.
I spent a lot of time this on my own writing and crafting, and I had less time for books.
I returned to a couple of favourite authors and their latest releases – including Toshikazu...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Lessons learned from 15 years of SumatraPDF, an open source Windows app
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for...
over a year ago
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for a retrospective.
The app
SumatraPDF is a multi-format (PDF, ePub, Mobi, comic book, DjVu, XPS, CHM) viewer for Windows and currently looks like this:
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Major Garbage Producers in JS
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally...
over a year ago
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally conscious (hey there, my European readers), you probably do all sorts of crazy thinks to cut down on garbage — reject plastic bags in a supermarket, recycle bottles, keep the paper... blog
Insights and questions from the original waterfall paper
The waterfall model is probably the most reviled methodology in software engineering.
a year ago
The waterfall model is probably the most reviled methodology in software engineering.
This methodology was first described in a 1970 paper by Dr. Winston Royce.
This paper didn't call it waterfall, nor did it endorse the technique, and the paper contains a lot of good insights...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.22.0
PostHog 1.22 is out with awesome new features, usability and performance improvements, and the usual...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.22 is out with awesome new features, usability and performance improvements, and the usual bug squashing. Community MVP The community MVP…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Advice on Blogging
In Manuel’s series People and Blogs, he asked me:
Given your experience, if you were to start a blog...
a year ago
In Manuel’s series People and Blogs, he asked me:
Given your experience, if you were to start a blog today, would you do anything differently?
I gave my answer, but I wanted to expand on it.
These kinds of questions are interesting to me.
As readers, I think the answer we’re...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scrollbar Shenanigans
Styling scrollbars for my space on the Internet
over a year ago
Styling scrollbars for my space on the Internet
bt RSS Feed
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Since a few people have reached...
over a year ago
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Since a few people have reached out and thanked me for my previous post Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator, I thought I would continue to share more of my own custom Automator Quick Actions....
bunnie's blog
Automated Stitching of Chip Images
This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS...
8 months ago
This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique. Here are links to previous posts: This post will cover the software used to stitch together smaller images generated by the control software into a single...
Ink & Switch
Local First Unconference [2023 / STL]
over a year ago
Neil Panchal
How to Build a Minimal ZFS NAS without Synology, QNAP, TrueNAS
If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS...
4 months ago
If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS dataset and share it over the network using Samba.
alexwlchan a tiny command-line tool for experimenting with the Flickr API →
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API.
They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
Josh Collinsworth
For whatever it's worth: my advice on job hunting in tech
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for...
7 months ago
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for jobs, applying, interviewing, and all those fun things. For whatever it's worth.
Ink & Switch
Inkbase: Programmable Ink
What would be possible if hand-drawn sketches were programmable like spreadsheets?
over a year ago
What would be possible if hand-drawn sketches were programmable like spreadsheets?
swyx's site RSS Feed
[Newbie Tip] What to do when you 403 during pypi twine upload
I'm pretty new to the pypi packaging ecosystem so recently ran into some trouble pushing a python...
a year ago
I'm pretty new to the pypi packaging ecosystem so recently ran into some trouble pushing a python package:
bt RSS Feed
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll
When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately...
over a year ago
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll
When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately publishing an ebook, most people don’t think of using a static site generator. Having products like Amazon Publishing, LaTeX or even Microsoft Word available, why should you use...
Stephen Wolfram...
How to Think Computationally about AI, The Universe and Everything
Transcript of a talk at TED AI on October 17, 2023, in San Francisco Human language. Mathematics....
a year ago
Transcript of a talk at TED AI on October 17, 2023, in San Francisco Human language. Mathematics. Logic. These are all ways to formalize the world. And in our century there’s a new and yet more powerful one: computation. And for nearly 50 years I’ve had the great privilege of...
Renegade Otter
I am not your Cloud person
Jack of all clouds
In an episode of
Screaming in the Cloud podcast,
Corey Quinn, a cloud services...
a year ago
Jack of all clouds
In an episode of
Screaming in the Cloud podcast,
Corey Quinn, a cloud services expert, mentioned a running prank that he sometimes pulls on Amazon engineers: Quinn
inserts a fictional AWS service name into the conversation, with the AWS person not batting an...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why I Moved Off
2 years ago I moved all my blogging to Today my main blog is on Github Issues and I've just...
over a year ago
2 years ago I moved all my blogging to Today my main blog is on Github Issues and I've just launched DXTips on Hashnode.
If you’re reading this on,
you might have noticed that the website got a very slight...
7 months ago
If you’re reading this on,
you might have noticed that the website got a very slight upgrade
this month. I’ve been publishing a lot of content in the
/micro/ section, and I update
my /reading/ list once
or twice a month when I finish books, but these proper...
Computer Things
Paradigms succeed when you can strip them for parts
I'm speaking at DDD Europe about Empirical Software Engineering!1 I have complicated thoughts about...
8 months ago
I'm speaking at DDD Europe about Empirical Software Engineering!1 I have complicated thoughts about ESE and foolishly decided to update my talk to cover studies on DDD, so I'm going to be spending a lot of time doing research. Newsletters for the next few weeks may be light.
Steve Klabnik
Borrow checking, escape analysis, and the generational hypothesis
over a year ago
#12 accessible poll yes/no
Bad code
<form role="form">
<h2>Poll title</h2>
<div id="pollQuestion">Is this...
over a year ago
Bad code
<form role="form">
<h2>Poll title</h2>
<div id="pollQuestion">Is this accessible?</div>
<div name="pollGroup" role="radiogroup">
<div role="radiogroup" aria-label="Poll title">
<input type="radio" name="poll" aria-labelledby="pollQuestion" value="[object...
A Smart Bear
When should a decision be fast, or slow?
Decisions should usually be made quickly, to accelerate action and learning. But sometimes it really...
a year ago
Decisions should usually be made quickly, to accelerate action and learning. But sometimes it really is smarter to take your time. Here's how to decide.
Epic Web Dev
Get Started with the Epic Workshop App (for React) (tip)
3 months ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.6.0
One of the most fun weeks we've had so far with our UX - resizable and touch-enabled dashboards with...
over a year ago
One of the most fun weeks we've had so far with our UX - resizable and touch-enabled dashboards with a new display mode, Microsoft Teams support, and…
A Beautiful Site
Lessons from a failed Kickstarter
Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign....
over a year ago
Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign. We had 50 backers and were 5% funded. So why would I do this with 25 days left to go?
The fact is, this campaign failed before it started, and it was all my fault. I became so...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Go package for better guid generation
The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often.
The way described in RFC 4122 is...
over a year ago
The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often.
The way described in RFC 4122 is popular but it can be done better.
I wrote betterguid Go package that does it better.
Unique id generated by this package:
is a 20 character string, safe to include in urls (no need...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to transcribe podcast audio (WhisperX with speaker diarization)
I do a lot of podcast transcription work and had need for it again today. The HuggingFace spaces...
a year ago
I do a lot of podcast transcription work and had need for it again today. The HuggingFace spaces (like this one always error out so aren't very useful.
A Smart Bear
In command
Being "in control" is impossible, perhaps not even desirable. Being "in command" is ideal: honest,...
a year ago
Being "in control" is impossible, perhaps not even desirable. Being "in command" is ideal: honest, introspective, agile, aware, and proactive.
Making software...
CSS Value: `currentColor`
CSS Value: currentColor
There are a large number of nuanced and mostly unheard of CSS...
over a year ago
CSS Value: currentColor
There are a large number of nuanced and mostly unheard of CSS value types, but today we are going to focus on currentColor. So what is the currentColor value type anyway?
The currentColor value type will apply the existing color value to other...
Engineer’s Codex
Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
5 months ago
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
bt RSS Feed
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
When designing medium to large sized menu...
over a year ago
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
When designing medium to large sized menu navigations on the mobile web the default go-to, for some time now, has been hamburger menus. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there is a simpler alternative for certain use...
Patrick Kayongo
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of...
over a year ago
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of the occasional car passing by outside. As the cool air gently brushes across her arms, Gladys Tyamzashe’s strands of hair stand up, mounted on the goose bumps of her aged and...
Julia Evans
Using less memory to look up IP addresses in Mess With DNS
I’ve been having problems for the last 3 years or so where Mess With DNS
periodically runs out of...
2 months ago
I’ve been having problems for the last 3 years or so where Mess With DNS
periodically runs out of memory and gets OOM killed.
This hasn’t been a big priority for me: usually it just goes down for a few
minutes while it restarts, and it only happens once a day at most, so I’ve...
37signals Dev
Introducing Solid Queue
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about...
a year ago
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about 1/3 of our roughly 18 million jobs per day. We’ll be moving more jobs in the coming days until we run HEY exclusively using Solid Queue. Besides regular job enqueuing and processing,...
Liz Denys
On the Fearless Girl, what constitutes art, authorial intent, and the patriarchy
A little over a month ago, Kristen Visbal's Fearless Girl statue was placed face to face with...
over a year ago
A little over a month ago, Kristen Visbal's Fearless Girl statue was placed face to face with Charging Bull statue in Manhattan's Financial District:
Moody Man's photo of Fearless Girl
Anthony Quintano's photo of Fearless Girl facing Charging Bull
But she wasn't...
Joel on Software
Kinda a big announcement
The other day I was talking to a young developer working on a code base with tons of COM code, and I...
over a year ago
The other day I was talking to a young developer working on a code base with tons of COM code, and I told him that even before… Read more "Kinda a big announcement"
Making software...
What Happened to Self-Hosted Blogs?
What Happened to Self-Hosted Blogs?
I remember a time on the internet1 when everyone and...
over a year ago
What Happened to Self-Hosted Blogs?
I remember a time on the internet1 when everyone and their grandmother was running a personal blog. And I mean personal - not hosted on some side platform or a tacked-on addition to the rest of their website.
Nowadays companies and...
Alex MacCaw
Captain's Log #1
In this episode of Captain's Log we cover artificial intelligence, taste companies, mom & pop tech...
over a year ago
In this episode of Captain's Log we cover artificial intelligence, taste companies, mom & pop tech businesses, and more.
Making software...
Making a Website Under 1kB
Making a Website Under 1kB
I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB...
over a year ago
Making a Website Under 1kB
I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB Club. Unlike the 1MB Club, it isn't as accessible for most modern websites to become official members. Building a website that actually serves useful content while squeezing its page...
Confessions of a...
CPython Internals: What Happens Before Bytecode Execution Starts
Learn about runtime initialization, parsing and compilation of the Python code into bytecode leading...
4 months ago
Learn about runtime initialization, parsing and compilation of the Python code into bytecode leading to execution on the virtual machine
Daniel Marino
Gamedev.js Jam 2021 Retrospective
Recently, I participated in the Gamedev.js Jam 2021: a 13-day competition to build a game that can...
over a year ago
Recently, I participated in the Gamedev.js Jam 2021: a 13-day competition to build a game that can run on the Web in a browser without extra plugins. This year’s theme for the competition was “mirror”, which could interpreted however participants chose. I had an itch I wanted to...
Increasingly miffed about the state of React releases by
I am, relative to many, a sort of React apologist. Even though I’ve written at length about how it’s...
a year ago
I am, relative to many, a sort of React apologist. Even though I’ve written at length about how it’s not good for every problem, I think React is a good solution to many problems. I think the React team has good intentions. Even though React is not a solution to everything, it a...
bt RSS Feed
My Cheapskate Commenting System
My Cheapskate Commenting System
My blog now has comments! Well, kind of…
I went down a...
over a year ago
My Cheapskate Commenting System
My blog now has comments! Well, kind of…
I went down a two day long rabbit-hole trying to find the best solution for implementing comments on my static website (generated via Jekyll FYI). There are a ton of options out there and many...
Computer Things
I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me...
a month ago
I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me thinking about them again.1
We're using TLA+ to model a system that starts in state A, and under certain complicated conditions P, transitions to state B. They also had a flag f...
bt RSS Feed
News Websites Are Dumpster Fires
News Websites Are Dumpster Fires
Online news outlets are a dying breed and many users...
over a year ago
News Websites Are Dumpster Fires
Online news outlets are a dying breed and many users have decided to consume information elsewhere. Why? Because the news industry has become a cesspool of anti-consumer and blackhat practices that has eroded trust for the sake of...
AI Art is getting better
Adobe Firefly Express (beta) whatever “Text to Image” takes the old Colab Notebooks to a new refined...
a year ago
Adobe Firefly Express (beta) whatever “Text to Image” takes the old Colab Notebooks to a new refined level.However it’s still easy to cherry-pick “good” images for every 10 mediocre or just plain wrong images. Don’t trust the robots. PEACE. T.AKE IT IT ELASY! * All images...
Josh Collinsworth
Announcing Hondo
Updating Quina to version 2.0 filled my head with new ideas that I just couldn't walk away from....
over a year ago
Updating Quina to version 2.0 filled my head with new ideas that I just couldn't walk away from. Eventually, those ideas took the shape of a whole new word game, named Hondo.
Dan Slimmon
No Observability Without Theory: The Talk
Last month, I had the unadulterated pleasure of presenting “No Observability Without Theory” at...
6 months ago
Last month, I had the unadulterated pleasure of presenting “No Observability Without Theory” at Monitorama 2024. If you’ve never been to Monitorama, I can’t recommend it enough. I think it’s the best tech conference, period. This talk was adapted from an old blog post of mine,...
Josh Collinsworth
Things I enjoyed in 2023
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2023.
a year ago
Things I watched, read, played, got into, enjoyed, or did and would do again, in 2023.
Kevin Chen
Why autonomous trucking is harder than autonomous rideshare
Recently, The Verge asked, “where are all the robot trucks?”
It’s a good question.
Trucking was...
11 months ago
Recently, The Verge asked, “where are all the robot trucks?”
It’s a good question.
Trucking was supposed to be the ideal first application of autonomous driving. Freeways contain predictable, highly structured driving scenarios. An autonomous truck would not have to deal with the...
A Smart Bear
The "Talk vs Walk" framework
This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and...
over a year ago
This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and Product, generating actions for both sides that make products more desirable and competitive.
Oxide Computer...
Advancing Cloud and HPC Convergence with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Oxide Computer Company and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Work Together to Advance Cloud and...
a month ago
Oxide Computer Company and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Work Together to Advance Cloud and HPC Convergence
Oxide Computer Company and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) today announced a plan to bring on-premises cloud computing capabilities to the Livermore...
Kagi Blog
Kagi Search - New Features
We’d like to give an update about the most important things happening at Kagi in the last three...
over a year ago
We’d like to give an update about the most important things happening at Kagi in the last three months.
Google is showing outdated results from the UK’s election
Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide.
It was a rough...
5 months ago
Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide.
It was a rough night for every Conservative candidate, many of whom either lost their seat or saw their majorities severely diminished.
One of those Conservative candidates was Nigel...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to get the first 10 paying customers for your devtool company (and other customer acquisition...
Creating a product that people need and are willing to pay for is hard. At PostHog, it took us...
over a year ago
Creating a product that people need and are willing to pay for is hard. At PostHog, it took us months to get to 10 paying customers — this after…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Your Greatest Strength Is Also Your Greatest Weakness
Referring to product management, my old boss used to say, “There is no right or wrong, only...
5 months ago
Referring to product management, my old boss used to say, “There is no right or wrong, only trade-offs.” This applies to technology too (and, if you really think about it, life generally — but we won’t go that far).
As an example, what makes npm great? It’s so easy to install a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
My 2021 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
over a year ago
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
Why Should You (Or Anyone) Become An Engineering Manager?
The first piece I ever wrote about engineering management, The Engineer/Manager Pendulum, was...
a year ago
The first piece I ever wrote about engineering management, The Engineer/Manager Pendulum, was written as a love letter to a friend of mine who was unhappy at work. He was an engineering director at a large and fast-growing startup, where he had substantially built out the entire...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
I have a question: has anyone ever tried to standardize an RSS feed in HTML?
I can’t find any...
11 months ago
I have a question: has anyone ever tried to standardize an RSS feed in HTML?
I can’t find any discussion around it — but I’d love to read more about the idea because it intrigues me.
The OG RSS was an XML feed.
Later we got JSON feeds.
So why not an HTML feed standard? (I know,...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Market Yourself
Assemble your Personal Brand, your Domain, and your Coding Skills/Business Value, then Market...
over a year ago
Assemble your Personal Brand, your Domain, and your Coding Skills/Business Value, then Market Yourself in Public + at Work.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Novels as Prototypes of the Future
Via Robin Rendle’s blog, I found this quote from Jack Cheng (emphasis mine):
A novel…is a prototype...
7 months ago
Via Robin Rendle’s blog, I found this quote from Jack Cheng (emphasis mine):
A novel…is a prototype of the future. And if the ideas that the tech industry is pursuing feel stagnant…maybe it points to a shortage of compelling fictions for what the world could be.
I love that...
Recurse Center Day 11: B Tree Insertions
I started writing code for B Tree insertions
over a year ago
I started writing code for B Tree insertions
Steve Klabnik
The first week of users, press, and scaling, oh my!
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Singapore H1B1 Tips
> Aug 2019 edit: I don't know the exact date I wrote this but it was [originally on...
over a year ago
> Aug 2019 edit: I don't know the exact date I wrote this but it was [originally on /r/sg]( about 1yr ago. Please also read this blogpost from /u/omakaselife!...
bt RSS Feed
Build and Deploy Websites Automatically with Git
Build and Deploy Websites Automatically with Git
I recently began the process of setting...
3 months ago
Build and Deploy Websites Automatically with Git
I recently began the process of setting up my self-hosted1 cgit server as my main code forge. Updating repos via cgit on NearlyFreeSpeech on its own has been simple enough, but it lacked the “wow-factor” of having some...
bt RSS Feed
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is...
over a year ago
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is text overflowing outside of it’s parent or breaking into addition lines (thus breaking the layout).
This is most commonly seen with the direct and placeholder values for input...
Kevin Chen
Real estate is one of the hardest open problems in scaled self driving
I’ve had a minor obsession with Waymo’s autonomous vehicle depots recently.
Over the past few...
4 months ago
I’ve had a minor obsession with Waymo’s autonomous vehicle depots recently.
Over the past few months, I’ve flown a drone as part of a stakeout to understand how they work. And I’ve taken a deep dive into an apparent Waymo outage to find the company charging its electric vehicles...
Remains of the Day
Veblen values
NOTE: I'm going to start cross-posting individual stories sent out in my newsletter over here on my...
over a year ago
NOTE: I'm going to start cross-posting individual stories sent out in my newsletter over here on my blog. The versions here may contain additional side notes, and often as I bring them over I'll do some light word-smithing or additional copy-editing because I can never stop...
Words and Buttons...
Error codes are not numbers. But they are. Can we exploit that?
People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with...
over a year ago
People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with guilt for an obscure hack. Which is odd since there is nothing particularly hacky about it. The ISO/IEC 14882 is ok with it. The IEEE 754 is ok with it. So why is it a hack and not a...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Racy git magic
Exploting a long-standing git bug for my own amusement.
And I think there is one known race: the...
a year ago
Exploting a long-standing git bug for my own amusement.
And I think there is one known race: the index mtime itself is not
– Linus Torvalds, Re:git
bugs, 2008
A well-known race condition skulks through git’s plumbing.
And I can demo it via a git magic trick 🪄1
$ tree...
swyx's site RSS Feed
September 11th from Singapore
just some memories 20 years after 9/11.
over a year ago
just some memories 20 years after 9/11.
MMapped blog
Debug like Feynman, test like Faraday
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Software Defined Networking
Why Software Defined Networking is taking the networking world by storm
over a year ago
Why Software Defined Networking is taking the networking world by storm
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to brand your startup so it isn't boring
The world would be more fun if most startups hadn't undergone a personality vasectomy. Be it the...
4 months ago
The world would be more fun if most startups hadn't undergone a personality vasectomy. Be it the human instinct for conformity, or the inevitable…
David Heinemeier...
Living with Linux and Android after two decades of Apple
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to...
5 months ago
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to switch off the Apple stack and stick to my choice. That's what two decades worth of entrenched habits will do to your belief in change! But not only was it possible, it's been...
Grouping form fields
by Matthias Kittsteiner
When I first stumbled upon fieldset and legend, I didn’t know much about...
a week ago
by Matthias Kittsteiner
When I first stumbled upon fieldset and legend, I didn’t know much about HTML and especially not about accessibility. Everything I noticed was the special way a legend is displayed inside a fieldset – or rather: alongside the border of a fieldset.
Seán Barry
Quitting the Rat Race
I'm leaving a comfortable job in a big city because there's more to life than whatever this is.
a year ago
I'm leaving a comfortable job in a big city because there's more to life than whatever this is.
#10 <section> is no replacement for <div>
Bad code
<section id="page-top">
<section data-section-id="page-top" style="display:...
over a year ago
Bad code
<section id="page-top">
<section data-section-id="page-top" style="display: none;"></section>
<section id="main-content">
<header id="main-header">
<section class="container-fluid">
<section class="row">
Evan Jones -...
Postgres large sub-string query performance
Following up on my last post about large JSON queries, I also benchmarked sub-string queries on...
over a year ago
Following up on my last post about large JSON queries, I also benchmarked sub-string queries on large variable-length strings. I wanted to check if sub-string queries might be faster than HSTORE or JSONB key lookups. I tested both binary (BYTEA) and Unicode text (TEXT)....
Making software...
The Death of Personality
The Death of Personality
On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything...
over a year ago
The Death of Personality
On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything from icon and app design to UI and experience interactions) began it's fast decline into the abyss with the release of Apple's iOS 7 update. It was called revolutionary. It was...
Vadim Kravcenko
🎃 We’ll add it to the backlog
On a bright sunny day you wake up and go to work, grab a nice cappuccino from ViCAFE on your […]
over a year ago
On a bright sunny day you wake up and go to work, grab a nice cappuccino from ViCAFE on your […]
The post 🎃 We’ll add it to the backlog appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, December 2022
The Ware for December 2022 is shown below. Turning this into a suitable Name that Ware-style entry...
over a year ago
The Ware for December 2022 is shown below. Turning this into a suitable Name that Ware-style entry was a bit tough, but I think maybe I hit a balance between leaving enough clues, and giving it away. We’ll see shortly! I have a lot more to say about this ware: I will give proper...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why we've launched PostHog user surveys
Today, we’ve announced user surveys are out of beta and in general release, complete with new...
a year ago
Today, we’ve announced user surveys are out of beta and in general release, complete with new pricing . Short version? Pricing is usage-based, with…
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to add JSDoc Typechecking to SvelteKit
As I build out swyxkit, I am finding that I am no longer prototyping and that I need to be able to...
over a year ago
As I build out swyxkit, I am finding that I am no longer prototyping and that I need to be able to refactor with confidence. blog
You should make a new programming language
Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple.
Few of us make programming...
4 months ago
Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple.
Few of us make programming languages.
This makes sense, because the work we need to get done can typically be done just fine in the languages that exist.
Those already have people making them better.
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Power of Personal Podcasting
Celebrating following 100 episodes of my mixtape, and reflecting on why this works
over a year ago
Celebrating following 100 episodes of my mixtape, and reflecting on why this works
Ralph Ammer
Immanuel Kant—What can we know?
If you are interested in truth, be it in the form of scientific knowledge or artistic beauty, there...
a year ago
If you are interested in truth, be it in the form of scientific knowledge or artistic beauty, there is no way around Immanuel Kant’s ‘Critique of Pure Reason’. In this book Kant asked the simple question: “What can we know?“ And his answer is foundational to how we experience and...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
The things we do to ship desktop software
I wrote a small utility for Windows. It indexes a hard-drive and allows to find a file by name in...
over a year ago
I wrote a small utility for Windows. It indexes a hard-drive and allows to find a file by name in under a second.
It might surprise you that I spent more time on things that are not related to core functionality. Let’s call it a tax of shipping desktop software.
Here are some of...
Making software...
Pure CSS Simple Dropdown Plugin
Pure CSS Simple Dropdown Plugin
I find myself blowing away default browser select styling...
over a year ago
Pure CSS Simple Dropdown Plugin
I find myself blowing away default browser select styling and implementing my own custom dropdowns far more often than I'd like. So, I recently created a very simple and clean component using just pure CSS.
Check out the CodePen below...
Steve Klabnik
"The Expressive C++17 Coding Challenge" in Rust
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
5 Q&A's on Writing and Selling My First Book
I answered some questions from someone planning to write their first book
over a year ago
I answered some questions from someone planning to write their first book
A Beautiful Site
Component Machines
Components are like little machines. You build them once. Use them whenever you need them.
Every now...
4 months ago
Components are like little machines. You build them once. Use them whenever you need them.
Every now and then you open them up to oil them or replace a part, then you send them back to work.
And work, they do.
Little component machines just chugging along so you never have to...