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A Beautiful Site
How to get the dominant colors of an image with Color Thief You know how Dribbble shows a color palette for each shot users upload? They always look perfect...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You know how Dribbble shows a color palette for each shot users upload? They always look perfect right? Here's a tool that can give you the same quality results using pure JavaScript. I played with Color Thief a few months ago but surprisingly never posted about it. For me,...
Making software...
How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer 2020-02-07 I have a profound respect for the open source community....
over a year ago
over a year ago
How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer 2020-02-07 I have a profound respect for the open source community. I most likely wouldn't have the skills or knowledge I do today with it. Unfortunately, when I was just starting out in "web dev" some 10 years ago, proprietary software was the...
Disqus - An Apology Earlier today, I got an email alerting me to an angrier than usual comment on this website. It was a...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Earlier today, I got an email alerting me to an angrier than usual comment on this website. It was a proper keyboard warrior rant accusing me of all sorts of misdeads revolving around “forcing ads down people’s throats”. I replied saying that there had never been any ads on this...
Tony Finch's blog
Migrating to BIND9 dnssec-policy Here are some notes on migrating a signed zone from BIND’s old auto-dnssec to its new...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Here are some notes on migrating a signed zone from BIND’s old auto-dnssec to its new dnssec-policy. I have been procrastinating this migration for years, and I avoided learning anything much about dnssec-policy until this month. I’m writing this from the perspective of a DNS...
Making software...
Setting Up AdGuard Home with Eero Setting Up AdGuard Home with Eero 2022-11-04 Eariler this year I posted detailed instructions on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting Up AdGuard Home with Eero 2022-11-04 Eariler this year I posted detailed instructions on setting up Pi-Hole with Eero and it seemed to help out a few people having troubles. With AdGuard Home recently popping up on the frontpage of HackerNews, I thought now would be a...
Architects, Anti-Patterns, and Organizational Fuckery I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it,...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it, tongue-in-cheek-ily, whether or not architect is a “bullshit role”. It got a LOT of reactions (2.5 weeks later, the thread is still going!!), which I would sort into roughly three camps: “OMG this...
Ruud van Asseldonk
Please put units in names
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to run Python and Portray on Netlify How to deploy Python projects to Netlify
over a year ago
Learning C Some resources for learning C
9 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Launching the Coding Career Handbook! I'm launching my career advice book today!
over a year ago
On Test Automation
RestAssured .NET in 2024 - a review As a (sort of) follow-up post to my yearly review for 2024, in this post, I would like to go over...
4 days ago
4 days ago
As a (sort of) follow-up post to my yearly review for 2024, in this post, I would like to go over the changes, bug fixes and new features that have been introduced in RestAssured .NET in 2024. This year, I released 7 new versions of the library, and while none of the versions...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Hacker News Clones Every once in a while, I’ll have a post gain traction over on ye ole’ orange site (Hacker News). I...
a month ago
a month ago
Every once in a while, I’ll have a post gain traction over on ye ole’ orange site (Hacker News). I find out about it because my analytics digest will get a yuge uptick in page views. What’s interesting is all the referral sources that show up in my analytics. The Hacker News is...
The Changelog
Remote Directory Tree Comparison, Optionally Asynchronous and Airgapped Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and NNCP. In the previous installment on store-and-forward backups, I mentioned how easy it is to do with ZFS, and some of the tools that can be used to do it without ZFS. A lot of those...
Joel on Software
Making the web better. With blocks! You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long… Read more "Making the web better. With blocks!"
Oxide Computer...
How Oxide Cuts Data Center Power Consumption in Half Here’s a sobering thought: today, data centers already consume 1-2% of the world’s power, and that...
a month ago
a month ago
Here’s a sobering thought: today, data centers already consume 1-2% of the world’s power, and that percentage will likely rise to 3-4% by the end of the decade. According to Goldman Sachs research, that rise will include a doubling in data center carbon dioxide emissions. As the...
MMapped blog
Debug like Feynman, test like Faraday
over a year ago
Making software...
Stop Using Hamburger Menus Stop Using Hamburger Menus 2023-05-04 I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus...
a year ago
a year ago
Stop Using Hamburger Menus 2023-05-04 I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus which was met with a surprising amount of support from other users. It seems like most people don't actually like hamburger menus. So why do we, as developers, keep using them in...
A Beautiful Site
Select all, select none, and invert selection with jQuery A demonstration of selecting checkboxes using jQuery.We start off with a bunch of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A demonstration of selecting checkboxes using jQuery.We start off with a bunch of checkboxes: <fieldset id="group_1"> <input type="checkbox" name="numbers[]" value="0" /> <input type="checkbox" name="numbers[]" value="1" /> <input type="checkbox" name="numbers[]" value="2"...
Steve Klabnik
The profile link relation and you
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Thoughts on being a good manager Some thoughts I had after conversations with a friend who has a terrible manager. This isn't nearly...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Some thoughts I had after conversations with a friend who has a terrible manager. This isn't nearly a comprehensive list, but it highlights many of the problems they were experiencing. Maybe my friend's manager will stumble upon it some day. When someone has a grievance, take an...
Blog - Bitfield...
Cryptography in Go: AES implementation The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s take a look at the implementation in the Go standard library. Even I can understand it!
Making software...
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the modern web falls under the realm of accessibility and should not be ignored. It is important and helps keep the visual flow of your content to match that of your users' operating...
Vadim Kravcenko
✍️ Being an Amateur When you’re an expert, you’re so far from the realities of the beginners that your advice might not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you’re an expert, you’re so far from the realities of the beginners that your advice might not be useful. […] The post ✍️ Being an Amateur appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
David Heinemeier...
Apple is in its Ballmer era During Ballmer's reign as CEO of Microsoft, the company always made plenty of money. While the stock...
9 months ago
9 months ago
During Ballmer's reign as CEO of Microsoft, the company always made plenty of money. While the stock traded sideways, Ballmer made sure it was still raining dividends. Yet, today, that era of Microsoft is not looked upon too fondly. It's seen as being anchored in the company's...
ntietz.com blog
The most important goal in designing software is understandability When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is...
11 months ago
11 months ago
When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is understandability. Security, performance, and correctness are all important, but they come after understandability. Don't get me wrong, all of those are important. Software that isn't...
the singularity is...
A One Way Bridge Okay I went to Devcon. And while there I had a great idea that the crypto space really needs. It...
a month ago
a month ago
Okay I went to Devcon. And while there I had a great idea that the crypto space really needs. It seems like while AI infrastructure has improved by leaps and bounds in the last 5 years, crypto infra has actually gotten worse. I’m proposing some great new infrastructure that the...
ntietz.com blog
I'm scared, and hopeful, and you can help Tomorrow, I'm boarding an airplane to attend a work event. It's my first time flying since 2018, and...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Tomorrow, I'm boarding an airplane to attend a work event. It's my first time flying since 2018, and I'm excited to meet all my coworkers in person. The travel is, on whole, going to be a good experience. But there is a lot surrounding the travel that is stressful and scary. I'm...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to sell your SaaS to Enterprise Customers This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […] The post How to sell your SaaS to Enterprise Customers appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Alex Meub
Controlling Wemo Smart Plugs with Arduino «««< HEAD Smart outlets are great. I’ve owned Belkin Wemo Mini smart plugs for years and used them...
over a year ago
over a year ago
«««< HEAD Smart outlets are great. I’ve owned Belkin Wemo Mini smart plugs for years and used them for controlling lighting and fans. I thought it would be cool to control my Wemo plugs using a physical button (in addition to my phone). In many situations, a button is faster than...
The Micro One-Armed Bandit Over the holidays I came up with an idea to create a micro slot machine coded in #CircuitPython...
a year ago
a year ago
Over the holidays I came up with an idea to create a micro slot machine coded in #CircuitPython using the Adafruit 5×5 NeoBFF Led Matrix. A micro switch, or limit switch is used to ‘pull’ the slot machine arm. A Piezo buzzer bleeps and bloops familiar tones and may signal a win....
General Robots
Humanoid Robots: Dollars and GPTs Whats With All The Humanoid Robots? Part 2
7 months ago
The Future of Ops is Platform Engineering First published on 2022-09-30 at https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/future-ops-platform-engineering. Two...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First published on 2022-09-30 at https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/future-ops-platform-engineering. Two years ago I wrote a piece in The New Stack about the Future of Ops Careers. Towards the end, I wrote: The reality is that jack-of-all-trades systems infrastructure jobs are slowly...
bt RSS Feed
I Want to Suckless and You Can Too I Want to Suckless and You Can Too 2022-12-23 The Desire to Suckless While I have been happy with my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I Want to Suckless and You Can Too 2022-12-23 The Desire to Suckless While I have been happy with my previous desktop setup using Wayland on Alpine Linux, I just couldn’t shake the urge to fully embrace the suckless ecosystem. Although, this meant ditching Wayland and returning...
Ink & Switch
Untangle: Solving problems with fuzzy constraints How to sketch, and satisfy, logic problems
a year ago
Kevin Chen
Analyzing Tesla AI Day 2022 I was fortunate enough to attend this year’s Tesla AI Day. Tesla’s architecture has always been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was fortunate enough to attend this year’s Tesla AI Day. Tesla’s architecture has always been interesting to me because their hardware limitations drive advances in their software. Relative to other players in the industry: Low-spec sensors require ML- and data-first...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware November, 2022 The Ware for November 2022 is shown below. A grounded guard ring is placed around some of the most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Ware for November 2022 is shown below. A grounded guard ring is placed around some of the most sensitive analog traces; I would love it if someone could teach me why the soldermask is removed for these guard rings. I imagine there must be some motivation to retain this motif...
David Heinemeier...
Paranoia and desperation in the AI gold rush I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI....
7 months ago
7 months ago
I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI. Companies seem less excited about the prospects than they are petrified that its going to kill them. Maybe that fear is justified, maybe it's not, but what's incontestable is the...
Steve Klabnik
Single text, many masters
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
The "Talk vs Walk" framework This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and Product, generating actions for both sides that make products more desirable and competitive.
Game: Causality Couriers
a year ago
A Smart Bear
JIT selection from independent streams: An alternative to the “big backlog” of work We’re often told that a “single-threaded, ordered list” is the correct way to prioritize the work of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re often told that a “single-threaded, ordered list” is the correct way to prioritize the work of the future, however this confuses “prioritization” with “work-planning,” and forces the comparison of un-comparable things. Here’s how to solve those problems.
swyx's site RSS Feed
To Understand Concurrent React, Look Outside React ## Table of Contents
over a year ago
Elad Blog
Back to the office Prior to COVID, there were only 3 companies in tech that reached any real scale as remote first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Prior to COVID, there were only 3 companies in tech that reached any real scale as remote first companies - Automattic, Gitlab, and Zapier [1]. During COVID companies were forced to work remote. Many companies are now going back into the office and companies are navigating this...
Making software...
Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux 2023-09-11 I've recently been using Arch Linux...
a year ago
a year ago
Installing Older Versions of MongoDB on Arch Linux 2023-09-11 I've recently been using Arch Linux for my main work environment on my ThinkPad X260. It's been great. As someone who is constantly drawn to minimalist operating systems such as Alpine or OpenBSD, it's nice to use...
Nelson's Weblog
Back to Goodreads I’m back to using Goodreads but I lost my friends list, if you use Goodreads please add me as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m back to using Goodreads but I lost my friends list, if you use Goodreads please add me as a friend. After Goodreads lost my account I was furious and of course intended to never use it again. But to their credit, Goodreads did some extra work and managed to get me a copy of...
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog's recommended reading for startup teams The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so...
a year ago
a year ago
The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so here’s a collection of the books our teams recommend…
A Smart Bear
More money if you do, more money if you don't A business always takes more money than you expect, even when you take this fact into account....
a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
Blue paint in the C preprocessor In the C preprocessor, after a macro has been expanded the result is rescanned for further macros....
7 months ago
7 months ago
In the C preprocessor, after a macro has been expanded the result is rescanned for further macros. To prevent recursion, [the C standard][n3220] says the following in section (This text has been basically the same since C89.) If the name of the macro being replaced is...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Are many useStates better than useState(object)? Lately I've converted a lot of class components to functional. One question left me curious every...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Lately I've converted a lot of class components to functional. One question left me curious every time — why do I feel like splitting the old class state into so many useState(atom) — one for each state key? Is there any real benefit in it? Should I just leave a single...
the singularity is...
Dangerous Misinformation When I Google myself, I get this infobox: As you can see below, George Hotz’s height is 5’10”, not...
4 months ago
4 months ago
When I Google myself, I get this infobox: As you can see below, George Hotz’s height is 5’10”, not 5’4” Google, please take this misinformation seriously before you end up in a very large libel suit. This is not on a site you are linking to, this is first party misinformation...
Steve Klabnik
Ember Data: ‘DS’ is not defined
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
A systematic approach to debugging I've got a reputation at work as being a skilled debugger. It's a frequent occurrence that the weird...
a year ago
a year ago
I've got a reputation at work as being a skilled debugger. It's a frequent occurrence that the weird stuff lands on my desk1 after it goes through another skilled engineer or two. To say my job is substantially "debug the weird shit" would not be an understatement and I'm here...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Using Gatsby and Puppeteer to create dynamic Open Graph images The image preview you see when sharing a link is a great opportunity to get your brand’s message in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The image preview you see when sharing a link is a great opportunity to get your brand’s message in front of people without them even clicking through to your website. Most sites just opt to display a logo and some brand elements.
Epic Web Dev
Direct Children Selector in Tailwind CSS (tip) Simplify your Tailwind CSS code by styling direct children from the parent element.
11 months ago
Alex Meub
Install JSDOM On Windows JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation...
over a year ago
over a year ago
JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation of the DOM that makes it super easy to work with pages retrieved from the Internet. Unfortunately, JSDOM relies on a node package called Contextify that is difficult to get working...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Bringing AWS to App Developers Where Amplify fits in AWS' trajectory, and why I am joining
over a year ago
Oxide Computer...
Building Big Systems with Remote Hardware Teams The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to be a centralized,...
a year ago
a year ago
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to be a centralized, integrated product because that’s what our customers need. This requirement and the design choices we’ve made to meet this need create some daily efficiency challenges for our team....
Julia Evans
Some Go web dev notes I spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks working on a website in Go that may or may not...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks working on a website in Go that may or may not ever see the light of day, but I learned a couple of things along the way I wanted to write down. Here they are: go 1.22 now has better routing I’ve never felt motivated to learn any...
Ruud van Asseldonk
A type system for RCL: Implementing a typechecker in Rust
5 months ago
Computer Things
State and time are the same thing Time is state Imagine I put an ordinary ticking quartz clock in an empty room. I walk in, and ten...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Time is state Imagine I put an ordinary ticking quartz clock in an empty room. I walk in, and ten minutes later I walk out with two photograph prints.1 In the 1st one, the second hand is pointing at the top of the clock, in the 2nd it's pointing at the bottom. Are these two...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing PostHog Cloud EU It's no secret that some popular analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, have fallen foul of GDPR...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's no secret that some popular analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, have fallen foul of GDPR regulations in the EU. That's one reason why we…
Josh Collinsworth
Ten tips for better CSS transitions and animations Creating high-quality, polished web animations is both a science and an art. This post covers the...
a year ago
a year ago
Creating high-quality, polished web animations is both a science and an art. This post covers the best things I've learned over the last decade of crafting web UIs.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Notes on Adversarial Interoperability Summarizing thoughts from Seth Godin and Cory Doctorow on Interoperability
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
A Shelfish Starter Guide to Databases
over a year ago
The Codist
My Compensation Over Four Decades As A Programmer It's a lie, as I don't remember exactly what I made in every job, and it changed during each job....
a year ago
a year ago
It's a lie, as I don't remember exactly what I made in every job, and it changed during each job. Also, I never worked for a big tech company (other than Apple briefly, but that was when they were going out of business) and only a
Making software...
Blogging for 7 Years Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven...
a year ago
a year ago
Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven years ago. In that time, quite a lot has changed in my life both personally and professionally. So, I figured it would be interesting to reflect on these years and document it for...
swyx's site RSS Feed
On Grind - from Investor to Creator to Founder Sarah asks a provoking question that has been on my mind a lot as I transition from part time...
a year ago
the jsomers.net blog
You’re probably using the wrong dictionary The way I thought you used a dictionary was that you looked up words you've never heard of, or whose...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The way I thought you used a dictionary was that you looked up words you've never heard of, or whose sense you're unsure of. You would never look up an ordinary word -- like example, or sport, or magic -- because all you'll learn is what it means, and that you already know....
Joel Gascoigne
What is failure for you? * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * One thing I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * One thing I realised over the holiday period is that my definition of failure in a couple of things had changed considerably since the year before. In particular, in the year of 2012 I built up...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Medical Machine Learning in 30 Seconds ---
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
A clever way to style the <mark> element I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in their testimonials: Most textual highlights use a boring rectangle background color, but this stands out and looks gorgeous. I was really hoping they were using a simple <mark>...
Maggie Appleton
Why You Own an iPad and Still Can't Draw
over a year ago
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
The things we do to ship desktop software I wrote a small utility for Windows. It indexes a hard-drive and allows to find a file by name in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wrote a small utility for Windows. It indexes a hard-drive and allows to find a file by name in under a second. It might surprise you that I spent more time on things that are not related to core functionality. Let’s call it a tax of shipping desktop software. Here are some of...
Don Melton
Cranking up the blogging machine again For whatever reason I started blogging again last week. Not knowing why isn’t due to a lack of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For whatever reason I started blogging again last week. Not knowing why isn’t due to a lack of introspection on my part. Maybe the nauseating weight of the Trump administration was suppressing my desire to write for the previous three-and-a-half years? Or maybe I’m just arbitrary...
Stephen Wolfram...
Launching Version 13.1 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica 🙀🤠🥳 ::[ ] Threaded MapApply FeatureImpactPlot IntegrateChangeVariables ReconstructionMesh VideoCapture...
over a year ago
over a year ago
::[ ] Threaded MapApply FeatureImpactPlot IntegrateChangeVariables ReconstructionMesh VideoCapture RootTree ImplicitD “ExprStruct” ChemicalConvert UniqueElements ReplaceAt TypeEvaluate TreeLeafCount QuestionSelector IncludeSingularSolutions KernelConfiguration PhongShading...
swyx's site RSS Feed
An Annotated Guide to React Server Components React Server Components are a nuanced, sweeping addition to React's existing capabilities. This is...
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Tell me about features, not benefits Features tell, benefits sell. Well, they used to. What are you talking about? Benefits are why ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Features tell, benefits sell. Well, they used to. What are you talking about? Benefits are why someone would use your product. Features are what…
bt RSS Feed
Avoiding Featurism Avoiding Featurism 2022-10-14 I rather enjoy the term “featurism”. I came across this term while...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Avoiding Featurism 2022-10-14 I rather enjoy the term “featurism”. I came across this term while reading the wonderful article Why I don’t use Netscape, which the author credits to Bernd Paysan. Although it sums up the current “digital product” industry quite well the more...
The Engineering executive’s role in hiring. Everyone in an engineering organization contributes to the hiring process. As an engineer, you may...
a year ago
a year ago
Everyone in an engineering organization contributes to the hiring process. As an engineer, you may have taken pride in being an effective interviewer. As an engineering manager, you may have prioritized becoming a strong closer, convincing candidates to join your team. As a more...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Out of the Software Crisis: Gardening The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including...
a year ago
a year ago
The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including quotes from the author. Great software grows in our minds, we don’t manufacture it on-demand. [Software projects] are grown thought-stuff [but we] treat them like lego blocks. As...
bt RSS Feed
Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile 2019-10-06 Stop styling your web elements to be “sticky” on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stop Using Sticky Navigation on Mobile 2019-10-06 Stop styling your web elements to be “sticky” on mobile. This creates a horrible experience for your users and also looks like trash from a UI perspective. Don’t style your navigation (or any components for that matter) to be...
Making software...
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD 2023-06-05 VSCode and its many variations are not available on...
a year ago
a year ago
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD 2023-06-05 VSCode and its many variations are not available on OpenBSD. This doesn't cause issue with many OpenBSD users, but those making the jump from Linux might miss access to such a popular editor. Lucky for us, there is a hacky...
37signals Dev
Navigating personal information with care Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020,...
a year ago
a year ago
Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020, we developed some technology and processes to support a very simple principle: employees shouldn’t have access — intentionally or unintentionally — to personal information from our...
Dan Quach Blog
State of Data Engineering 2024 Q2 Data Engineering and AIChip Huyen, who came out of Stanford and is active in the AI space recently...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Data Engineering and AIChip Huyen, who came out of Stanford and is active in the AI space recently wrote an article on what she learned by looking at the 900 most popular open source AI tools. https://huyenchip.com/2024/03/14/ai-oss.html In data engineering, one of our primary...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware April 2024 Last month’s ware was a “Z16 AI Voice Translator”. The name doesn’t really tell you much, so here’s...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Last month’s ware was a “Z16 AI Voice Translator”. The name doesn’t really tell you much, so here’s some photos that give a better idea of what the device is about. Above are the main parts of the device. The construction is simple and straightforward: big battery, screen with...
#12 accessible poll yes/no Bad code <form role="form"> <h2>Poll title</h2> <div id="pollQuestion">Is this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <form role="form"> <h2>Poll title</h2> <div id="pollQuestion">Is this accessible?</div> <div name="pollGroup" role="radiogroup"> <div role="radiogroup" aria-label="Poll title"> <input type="radio" name="poll" aria-labelledby="pollQuestion" value="[object...
David Heinemeier...
We tried that, didn’t work In our quest for making programming simpler, faster, and prettier, no logical fallacy provides as...
a year ago
a year ago
In our quest for making programming simpler, faster, and prettier, no logical fallacy provides as much of an obstacle as “we tried that, didn’t work”. The fallacy that past failed attempts dictates the scope of what's possible. That just because someone, somewhere, one time...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Tiny Programming Projects I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out, this is not only a great way to make programming fun but actually one of the best ways to learn. Below are some my favorite tiny programs I’ve created. Finding Campsites My wife...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The state of plugins on PostHog Update (May 2022): Plugins are now known as apps ! The plugin server has become an integral part...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update (May 2022): Plugins are now known as apps ! The plugin server has become an integral part of PostHog, as it is responsible for event…
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #14 Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
elementary Blog
New features and settings, improved performance, and fewer bugs This month we have a mix of new design and feature updates, another big batch of fixed bugs, and...
a year ago
a year ago
This month we have a mix of new design and feature updates, another big batch of fixed bugs, and even some performance improvements. Mail The headliner this month is Mail which does a better job handling newly added online accounts and includes fixes for a couple of potential...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Expose Platform APIs Over Wrapping Them From Kent C. Dodds’ article about why he won’t be using Next.js: One of the primary differences...
8 months ago
8 months ago
From Kent C. Dodds’ article about why he won’t be using Next.js: One of the primary differences between enzyme and Testing Library is that while enzyme gave you a wrapper with a bunch of (overly) helpful (dangerous) utilities for interacting with rendered elements, Testing...
Alice GG
Setting up Mikochi with Docker and Traefik Last year, I spent a little bit of time re-learning full-stack development and built Mikochi. The...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Last year, I spent a little bit of time re-learning full-stack development and built Mikochi. The project has since grown to version 1.3.1 and reached 100 stars on GitHub. This article aims to be a step-by-step guide on how to install it and configure it to use HTTPS with Docker...
Basta’s Notes
No sacred masterpieces Or "that time I built Excel for Uber and they ditched it like a week after launch"
a year ago
Familiar Lines of Nostalgic Proportions A mixed tape was once a personal show of expression. An arrangement of songs purposefully set to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A mixed tape was once a personal show of expression. An arrangement of songs purposefully set to invoke an emotion. Happy, sad, psych-up workouts, breakups, love making… all depends. Spending time to record a deliberate mix of songs in order for someone else was devotion. When...
A Smart Bear
The "Convergent" theory of finding truth in darkness How to tell the difference between a truly great startup idea, and people saying "Sure, sounds good"...
8 months ago
8 months ago
How to tell the difference between a truly great startup idea, and people saying "Sure, sounds good" when they really mean "No, I'm not buying."
Maggie Appleton
JavaScript Bits You Skipped the First Time Around
over a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
The silent majority The “silent majority” was used by President Richard Nixon during his presidency and his campaign. In...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The “silent majority” was used by President Richard Nixon during his presidency and his campaign. In this usage, it referred […] The post The silent majority appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Finding the biggest items in my Photos Library I’m approaching the limit of my current iCloud storage tier, and most of that is my Photos...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m approaching the limit of my current iCloud storage tier, and most of that is my Photos Library. I don’t really want to pay for the next iCloud storage tier – I’d be tripling my bill, but I’d barely use the extra space. (My library grows pretty slowly – I’ve only added ~6GB of...
ntietz.com blog
Don't Disrupt Things; Fix Them People talk about disrupting industries when those industries appear to be in a stable but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People talk about disrupting industries when those industries appear to be in a stable but inefficient state. For example, the taxicab industry: there was little innovation going on in it, and it was stable, but it seemed like it was far from ideal. Along came Uber, intent to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Moving in Big Cities: Lugg vs Clutter i recently had to move (from smolhaus 1.5 to a temporary place) and so had to evaluate some choices...
a month ago
a month ago
i recently had to move (from smolhaus 1.5 to a temporary place) and so had to evaluate some choices in moving options. TLDR: I made a huge mistake not choosing Clutter.
Steve Klabnik
An API ontology
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Failing to use HSL to do Palette Theming Learning from Slack and Refactoring UI to create color palettes, then using HSL colors to do...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learning from Slack and Refactoring UI to create color palettes, then using HSL colors to do customizable theming with CSS variables
A Beautiful Site
Why developers hate being interrupted I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that I had written it myself. Many of the points in it hit home, so I hope it helps people better understand how developers think and what they go through when interruptions arise. One...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Making AWS Amplify work with Rollup AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make...
over a year ago
over a year ago
AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make it work with Rollup with a few tweaks.
Epic Web Dev
Upgrade to Conform V1 (tip) Upgrade to Conform V1 and experience simplified form setup, enhanced error handling, and exciting...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Upgrade to Conform V1 and experience simplified form setup, enhanced error handling, and exciting new features.
Steve Klabnik
Draper 1.0.0.beta2 release
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Squish Meets Structure: Designing with Language Models
a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Adventures in Creating a Minimal Alpine Linux Installer Adventures in Creating a Minimal Alpine Linux Installer 2022-12-08 Introduction I’ve made the switch...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Adventures in Creating a Minimal Alpine Linux Installer 2022-12-08 Introduction I’ve made the switch to Alpine Linux as my main laptop/desktop hybrid workstation and I love it - warts and all. This post will follow my process building my Alpine Linux “installer” I used for this...
Seán Barry
Understanding TypeScript Generics TypeScript generics can be confusing for beginners. This article explains why they are useful and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
TypeScript generics can be confusing for beginners. This article explains why they are useful and when to use them.
Tinloof - Blog
Guide to content creation with Sanity We go through how Sanity can be used as a headless CMS to create and manage content.
over a year ago
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Persisted Svelte store using IndexedDB I’m working on notepad2 for web and I need a history of opened files that persists across browser...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m working on notepad2 for web and I need a history of opened files that persists across browser session. Since I’m using Svelte, having it available as a store makes sense. This article describes how to implement a Svelte store whose values are persisted in IndexedDB. What is...
The Pragmatic...
Building an an Early Stage Startup: Lessons from Akita Software Jean Yang sold her startup to Postman, and shares the details on what happened in the 5 years...
a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Get You Some Practical Accessibility Sara has been working on a new course titled Practical Accessibility and it is available for...
a year ago
a year ago
Sara has been working on a new course titled Practical Accessibility and it is available for pre-order right now. I’ve never met Sara in person, but have been an online follower for some time. She is one of those people who has the discipline and eye to make everything they...
Joel on Software
Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams New product: Stack Overflow for Teams lets you direct questions to members of your own team,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New product: Stack Overflow for Teams lets you direct questions to members of your own team, company, or organization. Read more "Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams"
Joel Gascoigne
Creating a sleep ritual * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My first post on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My first post on this blog was one where I pondered whether exercise is a requirement for sleep [https://joel.is/post/1636226903/exercise-sleep]. The post was actually triggered by my inability to...
A Beautiful Site
Table cells and max-widths in Internet Explorer 8 I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside of a table cell and, for some reason, IE8 completely neglected the corresponding CSS max-width property. The result was the image rendering at full size rather than scaled down to...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Persisting State to localStorage in Recoil Across Browser Tabs I was working on a project using Recoil for state management in React. I needed to persist some...
a month ago
a month ago
I was working on a project using Recoil for state management in React. I needed to persist some state to localStorage, and there’s some info on how to do it in Recoil’s docs. That works; however it doesn’t respond to state changes from other instances of your app in multiple...
Josh Comeau's blog
My Wonderful HTML Email Workflow If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know it's tricky business! In this blog post, I share the approach I took to build responsive, client-friendly emails without a single tag.
A Smart Bear
For probabilities, use Fermi numbers, not words Don't use phrases like "unlikely" or "almost certainly." Here's real-world data showing why not, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Don't use phrases like "unlikely" or "almost certainly." Here's real-world data showing why not, and what to do instead.
A Beautiful Site
Getting proportionally-resized dimensions of an image This is extremely useful when you need to scale down an image within a certain pair of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is extremely useful when you need to scale down an image within a certain pair of dimensions. get_resized_dimensions() # Parameters # $width - The width of the image to be resized $height - The height of the image to be resized $max_width - The maximum allowed width of the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: Mar 8 2024 - on Dune 2 A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.
Joel Gascoigne
Why I don&#x27;t shield my team from bad news I think there's an interesting concept that's prevalent, which I believe could actually be quite...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think there's an interesting concept that's prevalent, which I believe could actually be quite dangerous. It's the idea that as a CEO or executive of a company, you need to shield your team from bad news, the risks of a startup, and other negative aspects that are inevitable on
Daniel Marino
How to Process Customer Criticism Why do us product designers opt into a career where we’re regularly challenged to be vulnerable?!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why do us product designers opt into a career where we’re regularly challenged to be vulnerable?! Design is super subjective, and everyone is a critic! Regardless of your education or how sharp your design eye is, you’ll never be able to please everyone. This is especially true...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware October 2023 The Ware for October 2023 is a Seiko DS-250 keyboard synthesizer. Nobody guessed the exact make and...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for October 2023 is a Seiko DS-250 keyboard synthesizer. Nobody guessed the exact make and model of the keyboard, but it was really entertaining to see the comment thread puzzle through the design. The dual 8049’s caught my attention too, as well as the lack of obvious...
Engineer’s Codex
How one line of code caused a $60 million loss 60,000 people lost full phone service, half of AT&T's network was down, and 500 airline flights were...
a year ago
What the slot? by Egor Kloos (aka dutchcelt) Web Components. The discussion seems to pop up more than it used...
a year ago
a year ago
by Egor Kloos (aka dutchcelt) Web Components. The discussion seems to pop up more than it used to. Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework HTML Web Components: An Example Material web components 1.0 release HTML Web Components are Just JavaScript? Web Components...
Steve Klabnik
Hypermedia API reading list
over a year ago
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, September 2024 The Ware for September 2024 is shown below: This ware was a gift, but I won’t credit the donor until...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Ware for September 2024 is shown below: This ware was a gift, but I won’t credit the donor until the solution is revealed, because the credit itself might give a clue about the ware. My first reaction to seeing this board is: “this thing has a high BOM cost”. My second...
David Heinemeier...
We’re so back Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There was scarcely a programming or product topic that couldn’t be turned into a struggle session on account of some perceived transgression or privilege. It was, to use the trauma...
Making software...
Never Do Spec Work for Free Never Do Spec Work for Free 2022-11-07 Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Never Do Spec Work for Free 2022-11-07 Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let me say that again for the people in the back: your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Time is the most precious commodity we have as human beings, so never waste...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Use class instead of className with Preact and TypeScript ## Bottom Line Up Front
over a year ago
Code Of Honor
The making of Warcraft part 2 In my previous article about Warcraft I talked about the beginnings of a series that would come to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my previous article about Warcraft I talked about the beginnings of a series that would come to define Blizzard Entertainment and lead it to being one of the best-known and most-loved game companies in the world. But how did Warcraft go from an idea to a full-fledged game? Let...
Programming in the...
Progress Bars are Surprisingly Difficult We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last 30 seconds. Or the reverse, where a once speedy bar takes 50% of the time covering the last few pixels. And bars that occasionally jump backward in time are not the rarity you'd...
Recurse Center Day 1: init This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog is now available on Segment! We're happy to announce that PostHog is now available as a destination on Segment. Segment is a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We're happy to announce that PostHog is now available as a destination on Segment. Segment is a platform that works as an integrated data pipeline to…
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Eternal shell history 🐢 XKCD #1168 by Randall Munroe (Licensed: CC-By-NC 2.5) Over the past eight years, I’ve hoarded...
10 months ago
10 months ago
XKCD #1168 by Randall Munroe (Licensed: CC-By-NC 2.5) Over the past eight years, I’ve hoarded ¾ million commands in my bash history: $ wc -l < ~/.muh_history 763075 My history accounts for every shell command I’ve run since 2016—all saved in a 102MB file: ~/.muh_history. $...
bunnie's blog
Automated Stitching of Chip Images This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique. Here are links to previous posts: This post will cover the software used to stitch together smaller images generated by the control software into a single...
Uncensored Models I am publishing this because many people are asking me how I did it, so I will...
a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
What I learned building a $1K MRR SaaS in 6 weeks Question: Answer: The post What I learned building a $1K MRR SaaS in 6 weeks appeared first on...
5 months ago
Making software...
Faking 3D Elements with CSS Faking 3D Elements with CSS 2020-04-29 Although not always practical, creating the illusion that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Faking 3D Elements with CSS 2020-04-29 Although not always practical, creating the illusion that some of your web elements are 3D can be a fun experiment. I set out to see if I was able to create such an illusion with only 2 HTML elements and as little CSS as possible. This is...
Blog - Bitfield...
Suite smells: testing legacy code How do you rescue a legacy codebase that has no tests? Let's look at some techniques for clawing...
a month ago
a month ago
How do you rescue a legacy codebase that has no tests? Let's look at some techniques for clawing your way back to maintainability, one test at a time.
Alice GG
Create a presskit in 10 minutes with Milou Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software. To make the journalist’s...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software. To make the journalist’s job easier, it’s a good idea to put together a press kit. The press kit should contain all the information someone could want to write an article about your product, as well as...
Web Components FTW! by Chris Ferdinandi Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create...
a year ago
a year ago
by Chris Ferdinandi Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create reusable custom elements, with built-in interactivity, automatically scoped (or encapsulated) from the rest of your code. They have a wide range of features and functionality (some...
Civic Hax
Chicago Parking Ticket Visualization Intro Hi there! In this post, I want to show off a fun little web app I made for visualizing parking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Intro Hi there! In this post, I want to show off a fun little web app I made for visualizing parking tickets in Chicago, but because I've spent so much time on the overall project, I figured I'd share the story that got me to this point. In many ways, this work is the foundation...
A Beautiful Site
How to upgrade or downgrade Node.js using npm Need to update your version of Node.js? Here's how you can upgrade or downgrade from the command...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Need to update your version of Node.js? Here's how you can upgrade or downgrade from the command line using npm. Upgrading to the latest stable version # This will update you to the latest available stable version: sudo npm cache clean -f sudo npm install -g n sudo n...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Alphabet as Technology Robin has an interesting post about the technology of words: Thinking of a language as a technology...
a year ago
a year ago
Robin has an interesting post about the technology of words: Thinking of a language as a technology or a product is strange at first but the more you look at them the more they resemble microwaves or dishwashers; incredibly complicated under the hood but also sort of boring on...
Words and Buttons...
Binary search The page contains interactive plots to play with different strategies and distributions.
over a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
How to build a community around your SaaS This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […] The post How to build a community around your SaaS appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
A Smart Bear
Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad idea” isn’t enough of a prompt. These questions will stretch you beyond your daily experience; if you’re lucky, they could even lead to a unique business model and a long-term...
bt RSS Feed
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I showed how you could create a basic menu dropdown with only 121 bytes of CSS. While this demo is great for simple text-based menu dropdowns, it doesn’t show just how complex (in a...
Alex Meub
Building a Wi-Fi Controlled Nerf Turret Earlier this year, I decided to build a 3D-printed Nerf turret with streaming video that is fully...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I decided to build a 3D-printed Nerf turret with streaming video that is fully controllable from a web browser. It’s something a 6th grader would have thought was a good use of time, but for some reason as a dad in my thirties, I spent the last several months...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing Phil Leggetter, our new head of Developer Relations We’re proud to announce a new hire; Phil Leggetter will head up Developer Relations at PostHog....
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re proud to announce a new hire; Phil Leggetter will head up Developer Relations at PostHog. Developer relations sits at the intersection of…
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Build better libraries, use dev warnings Suppose you're making a cool library that sums numbers in an array. You add a new option, inital,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Suppose you're making a cool library that sums numbers in an array. You add a new option, inital, that lets users specify an initial value for the summation: sum([1, 1, 1], { inital: 10 }) // 13 Oh no! You made a typo — of course you meant initial, not inital. What's done is...
Charles Chen
.NET Source Generators with .NET 7 Exploring .NET source generators to reduce boilerplate code in everyday code!
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
A Better Way to Get Data > Note: this was an unfinished draft, i published it anyway but it is incomplete
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Circles and Momentum I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently: I like this reminder. I know for me,...
a year ago
a year ago
I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently: I like this reminder. I know for me, it’s often too easy to slip into a kind of cynicism that only sees endless stationary circles rather than ones with directional momentum. It reminds me of the visualizations of...
Advent of Code 2024: Days 1–5
6 days ago
Greg Brockman
My path to OpenAI I started programming seriously during a gap year after high school. I’d read Turing’s Computing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I started programming seriously during a gap year after high school. I’d read Turing’s Computing Machinery and Intelligence, and was inspired by the notion of writing code that could understand something that I, as the code’s author, did not. I started writing a chatbot — how...
MMapped blog
Scaling Rust builds with Bazel
a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Let's Learn CSS Variables! CSS variables (otherwise known as CSS custom properties) give previously impossible superpowers to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
CSS variables (otherwise known as CSS custom properties) give previously impossible superpowers to CSS developers. This post covers what they are, how they work, and a couple of nifty ways you can implement them on your own website.
David Heinemeier...
Working remotely is a competitive hiring advantage again As more and more companies, especially large ones, have started demanding remote workers return to...
a year ago
a year ago
As more and more companies, especially large ones, have started demanding remote workers return to the office, the competitive hiring advantage for remote-first companies is back. And it's even bigger than before the pandemic, now that so many workers have had a taste of what...
How are we supposed to do tooltips now? by I’ve been working on oldfashioned.tech, which is sort of a testbed to learn about htmx and the other...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I’ve been working on oldfashioned.tech, which is sort of a testbed to learn about htmx and the other paths: vanilla CSS instead of Tailwind, server-rendering for as much as possible. How are tooltips and modals supposed to work outside of the framework world? What the Web...
Steve Klabnik
The hardest decision I've ever made
over a year ago
Epic Web Dev
The Web’s Next Transition Web is made up of technologies that got started over 25 years ago. Now, we are transitioning to a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Web is made up of technologies that got started over 25 years ago. Now, we are transitioning to a new and improved architecture for building web applications.
Making software...
My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design 2021-05-19 Hey would you look at that - my personal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design 2021-05-19 Hey would you look at that - my personal blog has been redesigned again! Although I am still using good ol' Jekyll for the backend, I have now added a more fleshed-out CSS design which also includes a set of open source...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Seven habits of bad interviewers I’ve been to plenty of bad interviews. Sometimes, only some questions are bad, but usually it goes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been to plenty of bad interviews. Sometimes, only some questions are bad, but usually it goes further than that. Bizarre questions like “what’s the difference between a number and an array” are just a symptom of deeper issues. Let’s take a step back — why are we...
Confessions of a...
CPython Internals: What Happens Before Bytecode Execution Starts Learn about runtime initialization, parsing and compilation of the Python code into bytecode leading...
3 months ago
Epic Web Dev
Only use GET and POST (tip) Learn about the limitations of using HTTP methods other than GET and POST for form submissions and...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn about the limitations of using HTTP methods other than GET and POST for form submissions and how it can affect the user experience.
Blog - Bitfield...
Generic types in Go Golang generics open up a lot of exciting new possibilities for us as programmers. In this...
a month ago
a month ago
Golang generics open up a lot of exciting new possibilities for us as programmers. In this tutorial, we’ll look at ways we can use type parameters to define customised generic types.
Tinloof - Blog
Explain Like I'm Five: Headless CMS This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and terms easy to understand. In this post, we explain in a few minutes what Headless CMS is and show you how it's used. So, what is a headless CMS, what are the use cases and...
Florian Bellmann |...
Build a career path by multiplying your value Oftentimes senior developers lack ideas on where to go next. Let's try to explore some ideas.
a year ago
Elad Blog
AI Dev Tools Panel - Stripe AI day I will be moderating a panel on 7/13 at Stripe with founders of Baseten, LlamaIndex, Zapier
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Flutter for React Native Devs in 30 Seconds You may have heard of [Flutter](https://flutter.io), Google's answer to React Native. What should...
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers. Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a...
a year ago
a year ago
Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a design that gives writers privacy while still offering editors transparency into how a document is changing.
Posts on Nikita...
Orange-Website-Proofing My Blog Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. Over the course of one year this website is deployed, I did...
a year ago
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. Over the course of one year this website is deployed, I did not pay a penny for hosting it. Sure, I pay for renting the domain itself, but everything else is free and quite honestly I like it this way. So when I woke up to a 10$ bill from...
A Smart Bear
Scars Our emotional baggage and experience make us unique, but also serve as blinders.
3 weeks ago
A Beautiful Site
Semantic version numbers Gone are the days of arbitrarily assigning version numbers to every new software release. With...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Gone are the days of arbitrarily assigning version numbers to every new software release. With semantic versioning, the question of how and when to bump versions is made simple. According to semver.org, the syntax for version numbers should go like this: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH When...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ejectable Defaults Borrowing heavily from Gatsby Themes to improve the Sapper developer experience, and a discussion of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Borrowing heavily from Gatsby Themes to improve the Sapper developer experience, and a discussion of how Ejectable Defaults fits with the Zero Config movement
David Heinemeier...
VSCode + WSL makes Windows awesome for web development I’m kinda shocked. Windows actually got good for web developers. Between VSCode, WSL, and Intel’s...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I’m kinda shocked. Windows actually got good for web developers. Between VSCode, WSL, and Intel’s latest desktop chips, I’ve been living with a PC for over a week that runs my programming tests faster than an M3 Max, ships with an excellent window manager out-the-box, and...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What is user segmentation? User segmentation is a term which is thrown around a lot within product-led teams, but what does it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
User segmentation is a term which is thrown around a lot within product-led teams, but what does it mean? In this article we'll explain what user…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Fibonacci Goals A system for goalsetting.
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Architecture and Principles Discussing the architecture of the Internet and its the principles that guided its original design.
over a year ago
Errata in Hekaton MVCC paper Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error...
a year ago
a year ago
Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error with one of the authors. This blog post explains the mistake, the implications and the fix.
bt RSS Feed
Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher 2020-06-04 Update: This article is no longer relevant since my blog...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher 2020-06-04 Update: This article is no longer relevant since my blog design has changed. I’m keeping this post up since it will still be useful for those wanting to implement a theme switcher on their own site. I recently added a fairly...
Joel Gascoigne
Ratio thinking * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve found difficult to completely embrace, but which understanding has been super important, is the idea that there is a ratio for everything. I’ve started to call this Ratio Thinking,...
Flashing Asus-WRT Merlin by XVortex on NetGear NightHawk R7000 This tutorial will explain you how to flash Asus-WRT Merlin by XVortex on NetGear NightHawk R7000.
over a year ago
bunnie's blog
A 2-Axis, Multihead Light Positioner This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their hardware through my IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique for the non-destructive inspection of chips. Previously, I discussed the focus stage, light source, and methodology used to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The YC Interview We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear back, but then we did. It was now October 16th…
What mammal is that? I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take silly photos of the family pets, and this is one from last week that shows off a super-sized snoot: No Photoshop here, just my iPhone’s Ultra Wide camera held...
A Beautiful Site
Getting duplicate ids in an HTML document I needed a way to identify all HTML elements with duplicate IDs. This is a seemingly simple task,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I needed a way to identify all HTML elements with duplicate IDs. This is a seemingly simple task, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything out there that fit the bill. I did find a couple functions that returned the duplicates, but they didn't include the first occurrence (I...
ntietz.com blog
return "reflections on a batch"; There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch. I'm not sure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch. I'm not sure of the origin of the terminology, but it seems like it's a pun on the return statement in programming languages. It's a great tradition, and it gives me a good motivator to reflect...
A Beautiful Site
Shoelace.style — A back to the basics CSS starter kit I spent some time last week working on a free CSS boilerplate I'm calling Shoelace.css. It's kinda...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spent some time last week working on a free CSS boilerplate I'm calling Shoelace.css. It's kinda like Bootstrap, but a lot leaner and pure CSS. You don't need a preprocessor like Sass or Less to use it, but it's still highly customizable with CSS variables. I'm calling Shoelace...
Tony Finch's blog
I made a keyboard! Another keyboard! HHKbeeb A couple of years ago I made a BBC Micro tribute keyboard in the runup to...
a year ago
a year ago
Another keyboard! HHKbeeb A couple of years ago I made a BBC Micro tribute keyboard in the runup to the beeb’s 40th anniversary. I called it HHKBeeb: The HHKBeeb is made from: keycaps designed by me and printed by WASD Yiancar HS60 PCB generic HHKB aluminium / acrylic sandwich...
Founder's blog
Reasons NOT to upgrade ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (but you will have to anyway) I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and...
a year ago
a year ago
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and "high-performance and scalable blah-blah", and also "microservices!!! containers!!!" etc. Even more - I understand that's it's inevitable. But still. Consider this an angry post on what's wrong...
General Robots
Dimension Hopper Part 1 2D Platformer using Stable Diffusion for live level art creation
a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
Mental Health in Software Engineering Question: Answer: The post Mental Health in Software Engineering appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
8 months ago
Blog - Bitfield...
Will write for food In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went from self-unemployment...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went from self-unemployment to founding the world’s tiniest publishing empire.
A Smart Bear
Deciding whether an investment is worthwhile Why "expected value" doesn't work; here's a better framework for making long-term investments in...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Why "expected value" doesn't work; here's a better framework for making long-term investments in your career, startup, and life.
Elad Blog
Startup Markets, Summer 2022 Edition About a month ago, I wrote a tweet storm on the changing startup financing and employment...
over a year ago
over a year ago
About a month ago, I wrote a tweet storm on the changing startup financing and employment environment. This blog captures aspects of that tweet storm and some of its predictions and extends them further. Like all predictions this is what I view as a highly likely scenario versus...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Growing my team 4x has been a pain. Can we do better? My name is Vladimir, and I'm an engineering manager of a team building a banking app. Following the...
8 months ago
8 months ago
My name is Vladimir, and I'm an engineering manager of a team building a banking app. Following the success of our core banking product, we've decided to expand to other financial services. In the last four months my team has grown 4x, going from a 4-person team to 4 teams...
Paolo Amoroso's...
NoteCards visited a website for the first time <![CDATA[Success! My WebCard prototype made NoteCards visit a site on the World-Wide Web for the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[Success! My WebCard prototype made NoteCards visit a site on the World-Wide Web for the first time. Think of it as a wormhole that connects the old world of hypertext with the new world of the modern web. WebCard, a NoteCards extension for visiting websites, is my...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Building an open source data science publishing platform - An interview with Datapane CEO, Leo... (Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations where we chat to our contributors...
over a year ago
DevOps for the Sinclair Spectrum - Part 1 Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on lobste.rs Intro When I was around 8-9 years old, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on lobste.rs Intro When I was around 8-9 years old, I received a Sinclair ZX Spectrum home computer for my birthday. One of my earliest memories I remember is sitting with my Dad, reading the manual to work out the magic commands to load...
Tinker, Tamper,...
Understanding Common Table Expressions in SQL One of the lesser known features of modern SQL are so-called “Common Table Expressions” (CTE) or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the lesser known features of modern SQL are so-called “Common Table Expressions” (CTE) or “WITH queries”. I’ll explain the mental model that helped me make sense of them, and how to use them to execute recursive queries. Afterwards I’ll show how to apply these techniques...
Max Countryman
Zero-Downtime Deployments with Docker Compose With a little bash scripting, a modern reverse proxy like Traefik, and Docker Compose, we can put...
a year ago
a year ago
With a little bash scripting, a modern reverse proxy like Traefik, and Docker Compose, we can put together a fairly robust and simple approach to zero-downtime deployment. Moreover, this approach is flexible and scalable, even for dynamic container backends.
Alice GG
Plaid Layoffs and beyond Last week, Plaid announced laying off 20% of its workforce (260 people). Today I signed my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, Plaid announced laying off 20% of its workforce (260 people). Today I signed my termination agreement, which makes this week my last week as part of Plaid’s infrastructure team. Kelly Sikkema Moving forward While being laid off and having to leave a very talented...
Steve Klabnik
Show solidarity to all who resist
over a year ago
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Major Garbage Producers in JS The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally conscious (hey there, my European readers), you probably do all sorts of crazy thinks to cut down on garbage — reject plastic bags in a supermarket, recycle bottles, keep the paper...
Josh Collinsworth
Adding page transitions in SvelteKit Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition...
a year ago
a year ago
Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition effects in SvelteKit sites and apps as easy as adding just a few lines of code.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Notes on The Psychology of Money A review and reflection of Morgan Housel's bestselling collection of essays on personal/behavioral...
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Let's Encrypt renews but browsers still seeing old/expired SSL certificate This morning was frustrating. I recently upgraded my VPS from the deprecated letsencrypt client to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This morning was frustrating. I recently upgraded my VPS from the deprecated letsencrypt client to the newer cerbot client and generated new certificates for all my personal domains. I thought everything was fine — until I kept seeing intermittent SSL errors. I figured I did...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What is SSO and why you should enable it for PostHog Existing at an intersection of convenience and security, single sign-on (SSO) authentication is used...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Existing at an intersection of convenience and security, single sign-on (SSO) authentication is used and appreciated by both IT teams and everyday…
A Smart Bear
Rich vs. King in the Real World: Why I sold my company Reflecting on selling Smart Bear in 2007, offering insights for entrepreneurs facing similar...
a year ago
Epic Web Dev
Improve UX and Security with Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTPs) (tip) Watch Kent show you the improved user experience, security, and the implementation of Time-based One...
a year ago
a year ago
Watch Kent show you the improved user experience, security, and the implementation of Time-based One Time Passwords in the Epic Stack.
A Beautiful Site
A Beautiful Site becomes "A Beautiful Site, LLC" Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A Beautiful Site, LLC. is officially a limited liability company. This marks the new beginning of a period of growth for ABS, which has been, until now, a sole proprietorship. In the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.40.0: Interface improvements and more! Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! Running a self-hosted instance? Check…
Kagi Blog
We moved mountains (of cotton) to deliver on our promise Dear Kagi Community, Remember those t-shirts we promised ( https://blog.kagi.com/celebrating-20k ) ?...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Dear Kagi Community, Remember those t-shirts we promised ( https://blog.kagi.com/celebrating-20k ) ? Well, hold onto your search bars, because they’re finally ready to ship! TL;DR: Kagi Store ( https://store.kagi.com ).
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unabridged Conclusion to the State of JS the full text of my State of JS writeup!
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Rails World and Rails 8 in 2024 The first major Rails conference on the European continent in over a decade was a smashing success...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The first major Rails conference on the European continent in over a decade was a smashing success this past October in Amsterdam. Not only did the conference sell out more than 700 tickets in less than 40 minutes, but it was the atmosphere from those in attendance that really...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: Mar 7 2024 Public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time so have the short form.
9 months ago
Joel Gascoigne
Zero notifications * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * A couple of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * A couple of months ago, my co-founder Leo [http://twitter.com/leowid] gave me an interesting suggestion: he said I should try disabling all notifications on my iPhone. I find this suggestion...
Words and Buttons...
Honeycomb texture generator It generates a seamless black and white honeycomb texture. There are a few options in the UI but if...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It generates a seamless black and white honeycomb texture. There are a few options in the UI but if you need more, there is some changeable code too. If you need more freedom, just get this thing on Github.
The Pragmatic...
Google Shutting down Firebase Dynamic Links Firebase Dynamic Links was a popular way to build universal deeplinks that worked across iOS,...
a year ago
a year ago
Firebase Dynamic Links was a popular way to build universal deeplinks that worked across iOS, Android, and the web. Now after 7 years, Google is shutting down this product. But why? I asked the Big Tech giant for details.
Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops 2023/06/20 Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops This post contains a transcript of the...
a year ago
a year ago
2023/06/20 Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops This post contains a transcript of the talk I wrote for and gave at QCon New York 2023 for Vanessa Huerta Granda's track on resilience engineering. The official talk title was "Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback...
A Beautiful Site
Feature detection for CSS transitions via jQuery $.support When working with CSS transitions, the need to detect whether or not the browser supports them may...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When working with CSS transitions, the need to detect whether or not the browser supports them may arise.  It can be of particular use when working with the transitionend event, which won't fire in unsupportive browsers. After finding a number of questionable solutions, I came...
Programming in the...
Writing Video Games in a Functional Style When I started this blog in 2007, a running theme was "Can interactive experiences like video games...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I started this blog in 2007, a running theme was "Can interactive experiences like video games be written in a functional style?" These are programs heavily based around mutable state. They evolve, often drastically, during development, so there isn't a perfect up-front...
Epic Web Dev
Motion Safe and Motion Reduce Modifiers (tip)
11 months ago
Letters of Note
Am I really writing it at all? Author Raymond Chandler was born in Chicago in 1888, and to this day remains one of the greats in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Author Raymond Chandler was born in Chicago in 1888, and to this day remains one of the greats in the world of crime fiction thanks to his creation of Philip Marlowe, the hardboiled detective who stars in many of his stories: The Big Sleep (1939), Farewell, My Lovely (1940), The...
Don Melton
Hot enough for you? For some strange reason I checked the temperature today in Brawley, California, one of the many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For some strange reason I checked the temperature today in Brawley, California, one of the many small towns in the Imperial Valley where I grew up. It’s over 110 degrees Fahrenheit there as I write this. With a forecast for 123 degrees later today. The folks in Brawley sure know...
A Beautiful Site
An icon converter that supports multiple sizes and transparency If you're looking for an online utility to convert JPEG, PNG, or GIF images to ICO format, here's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for an online utility to convert JPEG, PNG, or GIF images to ICO format, here's one that does exactly that. It supports full transparency when converting 24-bit PNGs and even lets you combine multiple resolutions into one icon file — perfect for generating...
ntietz.com blog
Paper review: The Gamma Database Project Last week, I read "The Gamma Database Project" for a Red Book reading group. Unlike the last paper...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, I read "The Gamma Database Project" for a Red Book reading group. Unlike the last paper for this group, this one was a lot more approachable in length: 19 pages. I'm putting up some of my notes here from reading the paper. If you read through to the end, there's...
Blog System/5
Hard disk LEDs and noisy machines The little annoyances that alerted us developers of performance problems
a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Building VR Apps with React360
over a year ago
Elad Blog
Fireside: Satya Nadella, CEO Microsoft live in SF Monday Nov 6, 11:30am - sign up now on link below
a year ago
Writing an engineering strategy. Once you become an engineering executive, an invisible timer starts ticking in the background. Tick...
a year ago
a year ago
Once you become an engineering executive, an invisible timer starts ticking in the background. Tick tick tick. At some point that timer will go off, at which point someone will rush up to you demanding an engineering strategy. It won’t be clear what they mean, but they will want...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Winning from the back - late mover advantage We are open source is literally our top value ... and what better way to be transparent than to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We are open source is literally our top value ... and what better way to be transparent than to share a diary? Late mover advantage Product…
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we made feature flags faster and more reliable Feature-flags-as-a-service is an interesting space. If your service stops working, it affects both...
a year ago
a year ago
Feature-flags-as-a-service is an interesting space. If your service stops working, it affects both your customers and your customer's customers…
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing HogQL: Direct SQL access for PostHog Today, we're releasing a major new feature as a public beta: the ability to directly query your...
a year ago
a year ago
Today, we're releasing a major new feature as a public beta: the ability to directly query your PostHog data using SQL . We call this HogQL because…
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.26.0 PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4 new team members we've onboarded.
Alex MacCaw
The Stars Technology's ability to improve lives and alleviate suffering is undeniable. It has swept through...
a year ago
a year ago
Technology's ability to improve lives and alleviate suffering is undeniable. It has swept through our lives like a tidal wave, lifting us from the depths of ignorance and suffering. It continues to reshape the world and grants us access to tools and knowledge previously...
A Beautiful Site
Thoughts on uploads Uploads management is a concept I've always struggled with in Postleaf, but it's a necessary evil....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Uploads management is a concept I've always struggled with in Postleaf, but it's a necessary evil. Users have to be able to view and delete files they upload; but at the same time, I've never felt that it should be an integral part of the app. Last night I had to face the fact...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Great Unzippening Society is splintering in an unacceptable way and I have a metaphor for it.
over a year ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The chatbot creator Back in the day my mother created and ran a math tutoring service for underserved communities in...
a year ago
a year ago
Back in the day my mother created and ran a math tutoring service for underserved communities in South Africa called Dr Math. It was serving tens of thousands of students until bureaucracy shut the project down. I decided to rekindle it using GPT4 as a socratic tutor and WhatsApp...
The Ghosts of Markup Past by Thomas A. Powell As a well-seasoned web developer, a clear euphemism for my age, I reminisce...
a year ago
a year ago
by Thomas A. Powell As a well-seasoned web developer, a clear euphemism for my age, I reminisce about the early days of markup through the haze of strong emotional glasses. I see the past from an extreme nostalgic fondness for the simplicity of the time when a basic text editor...
Joel Gascoigne
The undervalued advantages of being a small startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I remember when...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I remember when I was 12, I was desperate to grow up. I think most of us are when we’re young. Similarly, when you’re getting your startup off the ground, it can be easy to wish ourselves ahead
A Beautiful Site
DaFont: an excellent free font resource I came across an excellent website for free fonts online. No annoying pop-ups, minimal banner ads,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I came across an excellent website for free fonts online. No annoying pop-ups, minimal banner ads, and the best feature of all — custom previews for all their fonts. Check 'em out at dafont.com.
Announcing the 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey The 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be helping other developers living here better understand the experience of their peers, and also help people considering making the move here understand what working here is actually...
Ralph Ammer
How to draw ideas Great ideas are hard to find. Drawing makes it a lot easier. And fun. How? In a creative process...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Great ideas are hard to find. Drawing makes it a lot easier. And fun. How? In a creative process drawing can play four different roles. Let’s say, we want to come up with ideas for a new flower pot. 1. Study: Fill your mind To prepare for our ideation we first draw what we want...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Exploring Lisp programs as hypertexts with NoteCards <![CDATA[I'm examining in depth NoteCards, the hypermedia environment of Medley Interlisp well...
3 months ago
3 months ago
<![CDATA[I'm examining in depth NoteCards, the hypermedia environment of Medley Interlisp well described in the 1987 paper NoteCards in a Nutshell. To experiment with the NoteCards API I set out to explore the space of possible answers to the question: what if Lisp programs were...
Basta’s Notes
That time I broke login at Box and what it says about business logic and code re-use
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in Mid April I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit...
a year ago
a year ago
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit today. I am now taking Latent Space (the new name enabled by the previous owner of that domain selling it to me in my first P2P domain purchase) a lot more seriously with the support...
Post-Twitter Every so often I’m motivated to move my online content in-house. With todays purchase of Twitter my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every so often I’m motivated to move my online content in-house. With todays purchase of Twitter my intent to “own” my content has been renewed. I’m going to clean up my old Feedly RSS subscriptions and try posting here a bit more frequently.You can subscribe if you like –...
Words and Buttons...
Image darning It's about a feature that cleans up dirt stains from aged newspapers. I called it darning because of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's about a feature that cleans up dirt stains from aged newspapers. I called it darning because of how it works.
swyx's site RSS Feed
CFP Advice Some thoughts on writing your first few CFPs
over a year ago
Engineer’s Codex
How Instagram scaled to 14 million users with only 3 engineers Instagram's guiding principles and tech stack explained simply
a year ago
Making software...
Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu 2019-04-26 I love the idea of stripping away as much CSS as possible,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu 2019-04-26 I love the idea of stripping away as much CSS as possible, while still maintaining the original UI concept. Let's build out a demo example with a simple menu dropdown element. Interesting facts about our final CSS menu: Total weight 121 bytes...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Book Poll 2019 I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this poll](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1168182079613485056):
James Vaughan's blog
Running around Albany
a year ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Cities need more trees A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
5 months ago
Confessions of a...
Live Session on CPython Virtual Machine Internals + Upcoming Posts We are long overdue for a new live session as well as some more articles.
8 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Feedback Ladders A post for the Netlify blog on how we did Code Reviews during my recent product rotation.
over a year ago
#2 div with button role Bad code <div tabindex="-1"> <div role="button"> <svg width="28" height="24"> … </svg> ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <div tabindex="-1"> <div role="button"> <svg width="28" height="24"> … </svg> </div> </div> Issues and how to fix them Setting button semantics explicitly using the role attribute isn’t necessary, there’s an element for that (button). You don’t need the tabindex...
Making software...
Using Parent Selectors in CSS Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on implementing highly requested styling features in CSS with only a minimal amount of JavaScript. Many of his examples are great, but the parent selector instantly peaked my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Computer History Museum YouTube Channel I have been enjoying the CHM's YouTube Channel.
over a year ago
I've been over-brewing my coffee Bloody hell, James Hoffmann's ultimate AeroPress technique is good.
a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
Start something small * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * The other day I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * The other day I was listening to Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and Influence People and and I found it amazing how this book, which has now sold over 15 million copies, originally started: >...
Josh Collinsworth
This isn't the Time, But it's the Perfect Time; Goodbye, Instagram …Lately, I’ve been wondering whether I can actually continue supporting Instagram and the company...
over a year ago
over a year ago
…Lately, I’ve been wondering whether I can actually continue supporting Instagram and the company behind it, however passively or at whatever seemingly insignificant scale. And while I was zeroing in on this answer anyway, the events of the last couple of weeks have clearly...
Google is showing outdated results from the UK’s election Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide. It was a rough...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide. It was a rough night for every Conservative candidate, many of whom either lost their seat or saw their majorities severely diminished. One of those Conservative candidates was Nigel...
MMapped blog
IC internals: XNet protocol
over a year ago
Installing Transmission (remote and CLI) client on Raspberry Pi This tutorial will explain you how to install Transmission client on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 2021-08-13 I have successfully jammed an mSATA SSD into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 2021-08-13 I have successfully jammed an mSATA SSD into the main shell of my Raspberry Pi 400. It wasn’t as straightforward as I thought it would be - in fact, most real hardware tinkerers will probably vomit in their mouths once they...
Blog System/5
Why do I know shell, and how can you? My personal story with this ancient language and some tips to learn it
a year ago
Recently October was another pleasantly busy month in Brooklyn. Really took advantage of the breadth of New...
a year ago
a year ago
October was another pleasantly busy month in Brooklyn. Really took advantage of the breadth of New York culture: I saw an opera at the Metropolitan Opera House, and then went to see prog-metal band Polyphia play guitar solos as fast as possible. At the latter, there were multiple...
A Beautiful Site
Buttons and Cursors There's a post from 2016 entitled Buttons shouldn't have a hand cursor that's been making its way...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a post from 2016 entitled Buttons shouldn't have a hand cursor that's been making its way around social media this week. While the author is correct in his statement that operating system buttons don't have hand cursors, the pattern has become ubiquitous and somewhat...
ntietz.com blog
What I tell people new to on-call The first time I went on call as a software engineer, it was exciting—and ultimately...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The first time I went on call as a software engineer, it was exciting—and ultimately traumatic. Since then, I've had on-call experiences at multiple other jobs and have grown to really appreciate it as part of the role. As I've progressed through my career, I've gotten to help...
Kagi Blog
Kagi's approach to AI in search Kagi Search is pleased to announce the introduction of three AI features into our product offering.
a year ago
Liz Denys
My love-hate relationship with typeface rendering in Ubuntu We take good, er at least reasonable, typography for granted all the time. This is especially true...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We take good, er at least reasonable, typography for granted all the time. This is especially true when it comes to personal computers because with Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X - upwards of 98 percent of the market - you get characters that are easy on the eye right out of the...
bt RSS Feed
Super Mario Blocks in CSS Super Mario Blocks in CSS 2019-02-15 Just because we can, let’s make a quick demo on how to build...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Super Mario Blocks in CSS 2019-02-15 Just because we can, let’s make a quick demo on how to build interactive elements based off the original Mario punch blocks. What our final product will look like: Live CodePen Example The HTML The set of Mario blocks doesn’t require a huge...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Thinking Big and Small It’s so easy to start with the question, “What should I do?” And end up with a discussion about...
7 months ago
7 months ago
It’s so easy to start with the question, “What should I do?” And end up with a discussion about other people and what they’re doing. Here’s Paul Ford: I’ll give you a good example. Do you go out and raise venture capital? Well, it would be nice to have more money. But then...
ntietz.com blog
RC Week 1: Getting Unexpected Extrovert Energy The first week of my batch at Recurse Center (RC) just finished, and it was an intense week! I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The first week of my batch at Recurse Center (RC) just finished, and it was an intense week! I'm planning to write a blog post each week about my experience at RC. They'll vary, but it'll probably be a mixture of what I did and my feelings about everything. There won't be too...
Josh Collinsworth
How to Create Custom Editor Blocks with Block Lab Block Lab is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of creating custom blocks to use in the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Block Lab is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of creating custom blocks to use in the block editor, AKA Gutenberg, the new content editor in WordPress 5.0. This post explains how to use it, even if you only know basic HTML.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Fixing Up the Svelte Community Site Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using DEV.to as a CMS Blog on DEV.to, publish on your own domain, using the DEV.to API!
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
37signals Dev
Mission Control — Jobs 1.0 released We’ve just released Mission Control — Jobs v1.0.0, the dashboard and set of extensions to operate...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
We’ve just released Mission Control — Jobs v1.0.0, the dashboard and set of extensions to operate background jobs that we introduced earlier this year. This new version is the result of 92 pull requests, 67 issues and the help of 35 different contributors. It includes many...
bt RSS Feed
Aqua UI CSS Buttons Aqua UI CSS Buttons 2016-06-28 Though it may feel like nostalgia, the old OS design for Mac was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Aqua UI CSS Buttons 2016-06-28 Though it may feel like nostalgia, the old OS design for Mac was arguably better than the current iteration (as of this writing - High Sierra). I recently designed a quick Dribbble shot showcasing how the older operating system used to have so much...
David Heinemeier...
Software estimates have never worked and never will Since the dawn of computing, humans have sought to estimate how long it takes to build software, and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Since the dawn of computing, humans have sought to estimate how long it takes to build software, and for just as long, they've consistently failed. Estimating even medium-sized projects is devilishly difficult, and estimating large projects is virtually impossible. Yet the...
Chris Nicholas
How to use Sandpack for code demos Sandpack allows you to take interactive code demos to the next level, supporting just about every...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sandpack allows you to take interactive code demos to the next level, supporting just about every JavaScript framework.
Recruiters and Human Traffickers: A Short History of Employment Agencies in Japan Japan's [Employment Security...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Japan's [Employment Security Act](http://www.japaneselawtranslation.go.jp/law/detail_main?id=10&vm=2&re=) requires a recruitment business to obtain a license. Failure to do so can result in imprisonment of up to a year. While I've met sleazy recruiters, sending them to prison...
Computer Things
Refactoring Invariants (Feeling a little sick so this one will be short.) I'm often asked by clients to review their...
2 months ago
2 months ago
(Feeling a little sick so this one will be short.) I'm often asked by clients to review their (usually TLA+) formal specifications. These specs are generally slower and more convoluted than an expert would write. I want to fix them up without changing the overall behavior of the...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython Memory Management Internals Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter (the VM), and the response from the attendees has been very encouraging. Next, I want to talk about how CPython implements memory management in its runtime. Most programming...
Vadim Kravcenko
Becoming a Real Business: Accounting, Taxes, and Automation Founders often get so overwhelmed finding funding sources and attracting the first few customers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Founders often get so overwhelmed finding funding sources and attracting the first few customers that they neglect actually running their […] The post Becoming a Real Business: Accounting, Taxes, and Automation appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Basta’s Notes
All the bullshit I did as a kid (part 1?) My first computer, and the first computer I called a server
11 months ago
Clojure macros continue to surprise me Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely crazy. Here’s the problem: I’m working on Humble UI’s component library, and I wanted to document it. While at it, I figured it could serve as an integration test as well—since I showcase...
A Beautiful Site
Building Custom Elements With a Library I often get asked why I use Lit to build web components. Hands down, it's become my preference after...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I often get asked why I use Lit to build web components. Hands down, it's become my preference after years of working with various libraries and tools. Here's why I use it. Libraries offer a better DX # This seems like a selfish answer for a developer to lean on, but there are...
David Heinemeier...
Five big open source gifts from us in 2023 It’s been an incredibly productive year at 37signals. Perhaps our most productive one yet, in terms...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s been an incredibly productive year at 37signals. Perhaps our most productive one yet, in terms of total number of product improvements, new product developments, and open source extractions. But it’s only by looking back at the work from a distance that you can really...
Words and Buttons...
Trippy polynomials in arctangent scale This shows the global properties of polynomials, their derivatives, and explains how the Maclaurine...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This shows the global properties of polynomials, their derivatives, and explains how the Maclaurine and Taylor series work all with animated plots in arctangent scale.
David Heinemeier...
Back to America After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time...
a year ago
a year ago
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time this summer. The original reasons for temporarily emigrating – the prolonged school lockdowns and other pandemic madness – have long since evaporated, and we've had a solid chance...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Pivot to PostHog YC has been running for 15 years, and getting bigger every year. That means there are more than...
over a year ago
over a year ago
YC has been running for 15 years, and getting bigger every year. That means there are more than 2,000 companies in their network. Many are still small…