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Blog - Bitfield...
Master of my domain Let’s talk business—independent business, that is. What’s the cost of being the boss? Some more...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Let’s talk business—independent business, that is. What’s the cost of being the boss? Some more hard-learned lessons from my own horrible career.
General Robots
Coming soon This is General Robots.
a year ago
Julia Evans
Importing a frontend Javascript library without a build system I like writing Javascript without a build system and for the millionth time yesterday I ran into a...
a month ago
a month ago
I like writing Javascript without a build system and for the millionth time yesterday I ran into a problem where I needed to figure out how to import a Javascript library in my code without using a build system, and it took FOREVER to figure out how to import it because...
The Micro One-Armed Bandit Over the holidays I came up with an idea to create a micro slot machine coded in #CircuitPython...
a year ago
a year ago
Over the holidays I came up with an idea to create a micro slot machine coded in #CircuitPython using the Adafruit 5×5 NeoBFF Led Matrix. A micro switch, or limit switch is used to ‘pull’ the slot machine arm. A Piezo buzzer bleeps and bloops familiar tones and may signal a win....
Joel Gascoigne
Want to be happy and successful? Bring happiness to others * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For the last 3...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For the last 3 months I’ve regularly been meeting startup founders here in Hong Kong to try and help them with the biggest challenges they have. It’s been truly enjoyable and fascinating. I feel...
ntietz.com blog
On Estimates, Time, and Evidence Here's an exchange that's pretty common: "How long will that take?" "A few days." I run into this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's an exchange that's pretty common: "How long will that take?" "A few days." I run into this all the time with clients - they have real business needs to know how long something will take and what the risks are with any given project. So, we are asked to give estimates of...
bt RSS Feed
Simple Navigation Setup in Jekyll 3.9.0 Simple Navigation Setup in Jekyll 3.9.0 2020-09-29 I have found that there is a lot of information...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Simple Navigation Setup in Jekyll 3.9.0 2020-09-29 I have found that there is a lot of information on the internet in regards to setting up “dynamic” navigation in Jekyll. The problem I’ve noticed is that a good amount of these implementations are overly complex. Here is the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Using Web Components on My Icon Galleries Websites I recently redesigned my icon gallery sites. The goal: create a layout that allows you to customize...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently redesigned my icon gallery sites. The goal: create a layout that allows you to customize the view around the collection of icons you’re looking at by changing the size and spacing of the grid — sort of like the thumbnail view on macOS finder. I’m happy with how it...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Slowmad Q&A The other thing about [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) that people...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The other thing about [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) that people are generally interested in is my experience of remote work. As I put it [recently](https://mobile.twitter.com/swyx/status/1154916667606130689):
Service Introduction: Forkwell One area I'm interested in is how people find jobs. The "traditional" way to find a job of sending...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One area I'm interested in is how people find jobs. The "traditional" way to find a job of sending out your resume to lots of companies and hoping for the best is clearly broken. Despite this, people all around the world, but especially in Japan, cling to it. So I got excited...
A Smart Bear
Change: Damned if you do, damned more if you don't Everyone wants change, but doesn't want to change. Though inevitable, change is uncomfortable and...
a year ago
a year ago
Everyone wants change, but doesn't want to change. Though inevitable, change is uncomfortable and exhausting. Manage it with kindness.
Joel Gascoigne
Ratio thinking * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve found difficult to completely embrace, but which understanding has been super important, is the idea that there is a ratio for everything. I’ve started to call this Ratio Thinking,...
Don't Start With a Prototype for Your MVP Eric Ries [defines a minimum viable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Eric Ries [defines a minimum viable product](http://www.startuplessonslearned.com/2009/08/minimum-viable-product-guide.html) as > that version of a new product which allows a team to collect the maximum amount of validated learning about customers with the least effort As a...
A Beautiful Site
Why developers hate being interrupted I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that I had written it myself. Many of the points in it hit home, so I hope it helps people better understand how developers think and what they go through when interruptions arise. One...
The Downside of Thanking Security Contributors My startup is an popular event management platform within the Japan tech community. We've...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My startup is an popular event management platform within the Japan tech community. We've occasionally gotten reports about security issues, and although we're a two-person company, we still take security seriously, so we decided to create security and responsible disclosure...
Making software...
My Robotic Mower Woes My Robotic Mower Woes 2023-05-19 A Brief Background I'm no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my...
a year ago
a year ago
My Robotic Mower Woes 2023-05-19 A Brief Background I'm no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my wife and I moved into our rural home just over five years ago, we picked up the Husqvarna 450X Automower since I was far too lazy to manually mow my property and the cost was equal...
Josh Comeau's blog
Demystifying styled-components For so many React devs, styled-components seems kinda magical. It isn't at all clear how it uses...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For so many React devs, styled-components seems kinda magical. It isn't at all clear how it uses traditional CSS features under-the-hood, and that lack of clarity can cause real problems when things go awry. In this post, we'll learn exactly how styled-components works by...
Elad Blog
AI Regulation There have been multiple call to regulate AI. It is too early to do so.
a year ago
Recurse Center Day 18 Disk Storage II
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
Creating a sleep ritual * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My first post on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My first post on this blog was one where I pondered whether exercise is a requirement for sleep [https://joel.is/post/1636226903/exercise-sleep]. The post was actually triggered by my inability to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Making AWS Amplify work with Rollup AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make...
over a year ago
over a year ago
AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make it work with Rollup with a few tweaks.
Kagi Blog
The Age of PageRank is Over When Sergey Brin and Larry Page came up with the concept of PageRank in their seminal paper The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When Sergey Brin and Larry Page came up with the concept of PageRank in their seminal paper The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine ( http://infolab.stanford.edu/pub/papers/google.pdf ) (Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page, Stanford University, 1998) they profoundly...
Alex Meub
The Best Games Ever Made This is a list of the top five computer games ever made. These are games that you should most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a list of the top five computer games ever made. These are games that you should most definitely play if you have any interest in playing games. Fallout 2 (1998) Fallout 2 is my favorite game of all time. It’s truly a masterpiece. It expanded on everything good about...
bt RSS Feed
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari’s Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari’s Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the modern web falls under the realm of accessibility and should not be ignored. It is important and helps keep the visual flow of your content to match that of your users’ operating...
The best way to tell a website your age There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access certain content online. Now children can be protected from adult content like well-organised spreadsheets, YouTube videos about kitchen appliances, and websites that sell you...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How I made banditypes, the smallest TS validation library I open-sourced banditypes — the smallest runtime validation library for TS / JS. It manages to fit...
a year ago
a year ago
I open-sourced banditypes — the smallest runtime validation library for TS / JS. It manages to fit all the basic functionality into an astounding 400 bytes. For reference, the popular zod and yup libraries are around 11KB, superstruct measures 1.8KB for the same set of...
Generating art from lattice graphs A couple of weeks ago, I went to see my sister playing percussion in a brass band at the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A couple of weeks ago, I went to see my sister playing percussion in a brass band at the Proms. While I was on the train home, I had an idea for a fun art project. I sketched it out on a napkin, got it working, posted a few pictures on Twitter, then put it down. On Saturday I was...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Meta-Creator Ceiling Don't play games you don't want to win.
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Hands-Free Coding Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately, this wasn't as catastrophic as it sounds! This article chronicles my experience using adaptive tools like dictation and eye-tracking as my primary mechanisms for writing code.
Finding a mystery IAM access key Recently I had an issue with some IAM keys. Somebody was trying to use an IAM access key to download...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently I had an issue with some IAM keys. Somebody was trying to use an IAM access key to download some objects from S3, and it wasn’t working – it was giving a “permission denied” error. I wanted to inspect the permissions, but first I had to find where this IAM key came...
Greg Brockman
The OpenAI Mission This post is co-written by Greg Brockman (left) and Ilya Sutskever (right). We’ve been working on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is co-written by Greg Brockman (left) and Ilya Sutskever (right). We’ve been working on OpenAI for the past three years. Our mission is to ensure that artificial general intelligence (AGI) — which we define as automated systems that outperform humans at most...
ntietz.com blog
Reflecting on 2023, preparing for 2024 This is one of those cliched posts: Reflection on the year that's ending, reviewing last year's...
11 months ago
11 months ago
This is one of those cliched posts: Reflection on the year that's ending, reviewing last year's goals, and talking about hopes and goals for next year. They're cliche, and they're also useful. The planning and reflecting process is a useful one, and sharing openly means other...
Those five spare hours each week. One of the recurring debates about senior engineering leadership roles is whether Chief Technology...
11 months ago
11 months ago
One of the recurring debates about senior engineering leadership roles is whether Chief Technology Officers should actively write code. There are a lot of strongly held positions, from “Real CTOs code.” at one end of the spectrum, to “Low ego managers know they contribute more by...
Alex MacCaw
The Great CEO Within It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this project. This is the best book I've read on making the journey from founder to CEO.
David Heinemeier...
Chart the course, set the pace, hold the line I break the essential responsibilities of the company executive into three distinct buckets. They...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I break the essential responsibilities of the company executive into three distinct buckets. They are:   1. Chart the course Where are we going? What are we building? Who is it for? Any executive running anything has to know the answer to these questions in order to lead anyone...
David Heinemeier...
Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024 I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software...
a year ago
a year ago
I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software makers can usually start by going all-in on a single platform, but for business tools, that’s rarely an option. So they must face the tall task of tackling web, iOS, and Android at the...
David Heinemeier...
The gift of ambition The Babylon Bee ran this amazing bit last year: "Study Finds 100% Of Men Would Immediately Leave...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The Babylon Bee ran this amazing bit last year: "Study Finds 100% Of Men Would Immediately Leave Their Desk Job If Asked To Embark Upon A Trans-Antarctic Expedition On A Big Wooden Ship". Yes. Exactly. Modern office workers are often starved for ambition, adventure, and even...
Tony Finch's blog
Purple PCBs for Keybird69 I’m a beginner at PCB design, or rather, I haven’t made a PCB since I was at school 30 years ago,...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m a beginner at PCB design, or rather, I haven’t made a PCB since I was at school 30 years ago, and a lot has changed since then! So my aim for Keybird69’s PCB was to learn my way around the design, manufacturing, and assembly process. microcontroller other components key...
Recently We went apple picking this month in New Jersey, and one of the farms had these two golden retrievers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We went apple picking this month in New Jersey, and one of the farms had these two golden retrievers in their own, private, enormous pen. It was a petting zoo, but with two golden retrievers. They defended their space against other dogs who wanted to say hi, but stayed near the...
Hixie's Natural Log
Deciding which bugs to fix Software has an infinite number of bugs. How can we tell which ones to fix? I propose that it...
a year ago
a year ago
Software has an infinite number of bugs. How can we tell which ones to fix? I propose that it makes the most sense to optimize for people-happiness per unit bug fixing time, maximizing how much our effort improves the product for our users. To put it in mathematical...
A Beautiful Site
How to delete a tag on GitHub In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot of folks will argue that you shouldn't delete tags, but there are real-world examples in which tags need to be deleted.  That said, it's both a good and a bad thing that GitHub...
Josh Collinsworth
How to Create Custom Editor Blocks with Block Lab Block Lab is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of creating custom blocks to use in the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Block Lab is a WordPress plugin that simplifies the process of creating custom blocks to use in the block editor, AKA Gutenberg, the new content editor in WordPress 5.0. This post explains how to use it, even if you only know basic HTML.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
How I use Roam Research I take lots of notes and I’m always looking for that perfect note taking app. Because I take a lot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I take lots of notes and I’m always looking for that perfect note taking app. Because I take a lot of notes, mobile-first note taking apps (e.g. Google’s Keep) are of no interest to me. To me most important thing is: lowest possible friction in adding new notes fast way of...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
The complete guide to safe type narrowing in TypeScript Say I'm building a TODO app with two tabs: done and pending tasks. To make the app routable, I put...
a year ago
a year ago
Say I'm building a TODO app with two tabs: done and pending tasks. To make the app routable, I put the active tab into the ?tab query parameter, so that mytodo.io?tab=done takes me directly to the done tasks. I implement routing like this (pardon my hand-coded querystring...
David Heinemeier...
Multi-tenancy is what’s hard about scaling web services Computers have gotten so ridiculously fast that there is scarcely any organization in the world that...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Computers have gotten so ridiculously fast that there is scarcely any organization in the world that can overwhelm a web-based information system running on a single server. All the complexity and sophistication required to run web services today stem from multi-tenancy. From...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Open source starter pack for JS devs So you've decided to open-source your project. Amazing! Bad news first: writing code is only the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you've decided to open-source your project. Amazing! Bad news first: writing code is only the beginning. The information for library authors on the web is surprisingly fragmented, so I've decided to put together a list of things to keep in mind when open-sourcing a JS...
Logo: Squint Squint is a light-weight dialect of ClojureScript with a compiler and standard library. “The idea is...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Squint is a light-weight dialect of ClojureScript with a compiler and standard library. “The idea is that when you squint, it still looks like CLJS”.
Patrick Kayongo
Rhythms of Order Access to the world on one’s phone has provided possibilities and efficiencies that previous...
a year ago
a year ago
Access to the world on one’s phone has provided possibilities and efficiencies that previous generations could never have dreamed of. Whether it’s bypassing traffic jams on the outskirts of hills of Kampala, or it’s determining your public transport route from your hotel to your...
Friction isn't velocity. When you’re driving a car down a road, you might get a bit stuffy and decide to roll your windows...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When you’re driving a car down a road, you might get a bit stuffy and decide to roll your windows down. The air will flow in, the wind will get louder, and the sensation of moving will intensify. Your engine will start working a bit harder–and louder–to maintain the same...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to get the first 10 paying customers for your devtool company (and other customer acquisition... Creating a product that people need and are willing to pay for is hard. At PostHog, it took us...
over a year ago
Julia Evans
Some Git poll results A new thing I’ve been trying while writing this Git zine is doing a bunch of polls on Mastodon to...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A new thing I’ve been trying while writing this Git zine is doing a bunch of polls on Mastodon to learn about: which git commands/workflows people use (like “do you use merge or rebase more?” or “do you put your current git branch in your shell prompt?”) what kinds of problems...
ntietz.com blog
We deserve to know if something was generated by AI We're plunging into a world where AI-generated text surrounds us. But we don't know where we are on...
a year ago
a year ago
We're plunging into a world where AI-generated text surrounds us. But we don't know where we are on that. What portion of the text you read each day was generated fully or partially by a human, or by an LLM? We don't know, and probably can't know, and that brings about some...
the singularity is...
The Collective Marshmallow Test Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100...
a month ago
a month ago
Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100 people in a room. One marshmallow is placed on a table. If everyone can leave it alone for 15 minutes, everyone gets 2 marshmallows. But if just one person eats it, everyone gets...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Cities need more trees A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
5 months ago
Joel Gascoigne
Achieving overnight success: Tom Preston-Werner * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This is the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This is the second article in my achieving overnight success [https://joel.is/tagged/achieving-overnight-success] series where I aim to dispel the myth of overnight success. To do this, I look...
PostHog's RSS Feed
All the cool things we built at our Rome hackathon As an all-remote team, we know how important getting together in person is (we’ve written about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As an all-remote team, we know how important getting together in person is (we’ve written about this before ). Our product analytics team (plus…
You Will Never Be A Full Stack Developer
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
What would a web app canary look like? Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on honeypots. Honeypots (also known as canaries or tripwires) are used to detect network intrusions and people nosing around at things they're not supposed to. They are an essential component...
Blog - Bitfield...
Type parameters in Go Now that generics have come to Go, let's take a look at the new syntax for type parameters. We’ll...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Now that generics have come to Go, let's take a look at the new syntax for type parameters. We’ll find out why we need type parameters, how we write them, and how we can use them to create generic functions in Go.
Florian Bellmann |...
How to switch from Tmux to WezTerm Tutorial on how to switch your terminal multiplexer from Tmux to WezTerm
a year ago
Reconcile All The Things Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things - Memoization, Data Flow and Reconciliation Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU Memoization If you...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Jan 2020 Recap a belated recap, highlighting my best writing over the past couple months
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Hosting with Codeberg Pages Hosting with Codeberg Pages 2022-07-29 I recently switched the pblog project repo over from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hosting with Codeberg Pages 2022-07-29 I recently switched the pblog project repo over from Sourcehut to Codeberg (mostly for UX reasons) and it got me looking into Codeberg Pages. It seemed like a cleaner approach to host my personal blog on the same platform I planned to also...
Words and Buttons...
A picture is worth a thousand tags This shows how a picture can be turned into an HTML table. With this, you can not only have nicer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This shows how a picture can be turned into an HTML table. With this, you can not only have nicer tables or uglier pictures, but you can have something that is both at the same time.
Charles Chen
Concurrent Processing in .NET 6 with System.Threading.Channels (Bonus: Interval Trees) Using .NET System.Threading.Channels for concurrent processing with interval trees.
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
CSS Parts Inspired by BEM In a previous post, I explored valid names for CSS parts and discovered that there are very few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a previous post, I explored valid names for CSS parts and discovered that there are very few restrictions in what you can call them. The purpose of that deep dive was to help identify a pattern for naming parts that lets me expose states and subparts, or parts exported as a...
bt RSS Feed
Tabbed Content Without JavaScript Tabbed Content Without JavaScript 2019-01-28 Creating tabs is a fairly trivial and common practice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tabbed Content Without JavaScript 2019-01-28 Creating tabs is a fairly trivial and common practice in web design, but many times it requires JavaScript to properly implement. Fortunately it is possible to create tabbed content with only using CSS. Live CodePen...
Alex MacCaw
Pain I've been staying with my friend Matt Mochary at his house in Hawaii for the last few days. He...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I've been staying with my friend Matt Mochary at his house in Hawaii for the last few days. He shared an excellent insight about dealing with pain that I believe everyone should hear. So here it is: We all experience pain caused by others. Perhaps even earlier today
Tony Finch's blog
nsnotifyd-2.1 released I have made a new release of nsnotifyd, a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I have made a new release of nsnotifyd, a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages and runs a script when one of your zones changes. This nsnotifyd-2.1 release includes a few bugfixes: more lenient handling of trailing . in domain names on the command line avoid...
elementary Blog
New features and settings, improved performance, and fewer bugs This month we have a mix of new design and feature updates, another big batch of fixed bugs, and...
a year ago
a year ago
This month we have a mix of new design and feature updates, another big batch of fixed bugs, and even some performance improvements. Mail The headliner this month is Mail which does a better job handling newly added online accounts and includes fixes for a couple of potential...
Not setting up Find My bricked my MacBook At the beginning of the year, I bought a new M2 MacBook Air for ¥220,800 (about 1,500 USD) on Apple...
a year ago
a year ago
At the beginning of the year, I bought a new M2 MacBook Air for ¥220,800 (about 1,500 USD) on Apple Japan’s online store. Thanks to me not bothering to set up Find My, it’s now a worthless brick. To add insult to injury, I had paid ¥77,619 (500 USD) to have said brick returned to...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Documenting WebCard <![CDATA[With the last feature of WebCard behind me I proceeded with the next task to wrap up my...
a month ago
a month ago
<![CDATA[With the last feature of WebCard behind me I proceeded with the next task to wrap up my RetroChallenge 2024 project: documenting the system. Since WebCard enhances NoteCards with only a few simple but significant features a full manual would be overkill. So I added to...
#13 link or label Bad code <input type="checkbox" id="accept" required> <label for="accept"> <a href="/legal"> I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <input type="checkbox" id="accept" required> <label for="accept"> <a href="/legal"> I accept the confidentiality policy and data… </a> </label> Issues and how to fix them It’s bad practice to nest elements with activation behavior (e.g. click). Users don’t expect a new...
Blog - Bitfield...
Will write for food In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went from self-unemployment...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went from self-unemployment to founding the world’s tiniest publishing empire.
Making software...
Using Parent Selectors in CSS Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on implementing highly requested styling features in CSS with only a minimal amount of JavaScript. Many of his examples are great, but the parent selector instantly peaked my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider mandatory:
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Iterative Building and Decision Making Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right? This...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right? This decision is much easier to make if you’ve been traveling that road for the last hour and you’re sitting there in your truck facing the reality of the decision. You can see the...
Making alt text more visible I add alt text to every image on this site. I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I add alt text to every image on this site. I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text before I publish the site, but that means alt text has often been an afterthought – something I’d dash out at the very end of writing a post. I wanted to give it more attention, and...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Another Week with Bad Software In the midst of my September job hop I headed to Kazan for the weekend. I don't know exactly why —...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the midst of my September job hop I headed to Kazan for the weekend. I don't know exactly why — probably because I could. I had a hotel booked via booking.com, but once I arrived there the receptionist told me it was the first time he's heard of my booking, and he told me that...
#3 image-buttons Bad code <img src="/images/edit.gif" onclick="openEditDialog(123)"> <img src="/images/delete.gif"...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <img src="/images/edit.gif" onclick="openEditDialog(123)"> <img src="/images/delete.gif" onclick="openDeleteDialog(123)"> Issues and how to fix them The purpose of the img element is to display images, not to execute JavaScript. A click event on a img triggers only on...
bt RSS Feed
My Cheapskate Commenting System My Cheapskate Commenting System 2022-02-03 My blog now has comments! Well, kind of… I went down a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Cheapskate Commenting System 2022-02-03 My blog now has comments! Well, kind of… I went down a two day long rabbit-hole trying to find the best solution for implementing comments on my static website (generated via Jekyll FYI). There are a ton of options out there and many...
Words and Buttons...
What can we learn from sexaplication on nuclear power plants Component redundancy is used heavily in safety-critical and mission-critical systems for reliability...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Component redundancy is used heavily in safety-critical and mission-critical systems for reliability improvement. But outside this niche, it's surprisingly little known in the world of software. Which is a shame since it's a simple but economical idea. It costs nothing to keep in...
Steve Klabnik
Show solidarity to all who resist
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
The next version of PHP may very well be 7 We've been hearing about PHP 6 since 2005, but nothing has been brought to fruition yet. In fact,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We've been hearing about PHP 6 since 2005, but nothing has been brought to fruition yet. In fact, the project was so plagued with problems that in 2010, it was abandoned. It almost felt like PHP would be perpetually stuck at version 5. Except now there's talk about another major...
bt RSS Feed
Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again) Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again) 2020-08-13 For the past four months this blog has been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again) 2020-08-13 For the past four months this blog has been running on WordPress - but that ended today. I’ve officially switched back over to Jekyll. I’m not going to spend too much time delving into why I made the transition back, but I’ll...
Wooden Macropad What is it? It’s an open source electronics kit, the Adafruit Macropad, embedded in a solid block of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is it? It’s an open source electronics kit, the Adafruit Macropad, embedded in a solid block of quarter-sawn tigerwood. What can it do? It’s a programable HID keyboard with OLED display and rotary encoder running CircuitPython. Which is a hardware specific, light-weight port...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Deploying on Netlify with Apple’s Shortcuts Just a quick note on a personal workflow thing. I’ve written before about the many different ways I...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Just a quick note on a personal workflow thing. I’ve written before about the many different ways I host my personal websites on Netlify. I’ve got a few websites that aren’t the traditional model of: commit to git, push, build triggers on Netlify, website goes live. Sometimes I...
Recently This will be three Recently monthly blog posts in a row, without a regular post in the middle. I’ll...
a year ago
a year ago
This will be three Recently monthly blog posts in a row, without a regular post in the middle. I’ll write a standalone post again, soon enough. It’s been another busy year and I’m as aware as ever of the challenge of keeping all of my habits and outputs going. Some, like...
Julia Evans
Do we think of git commits as diffs, snapshots, and/or histories? Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core concept in Git...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core concept in Git (commits! branches! remotes! the staging area!) and commits have been surprisingly tricky. Understanding how git commits are implemented feels pretty straightforward to me (those are...
Joel Gascoigne
The evolution of culture at a startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * It’s now 2 years...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * It’s now 2 years since I launched Buffer [http://bufferapp.com], and the company has grown from just myself (working from my bedroom) to a team of 7. In the last few months, I’ve been thinking a...
Nelson's Weblog
Overhead shower drips Do you have an overhead rain shower? Does it drip cold water on you when you’re not using it? It...
a year ago
a year ago
Do you have an overhead rain shower? Does it drip cold water on you when you’re not using it? It may be water trapped in the pipes and a plunger will temporarily fix it. We have a fancy shower with an overhead rain shower and a ordinary wall sprayer both controlled by the...
David Heinemeier...
Children of You The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low people are starting to worry about a national extinction. In other places, including all of Europe (average 1.5, Spain 1.29), it's merely bad and alarming. And nobody seems to...
A Beautiful Site
Determine file extensions using JavaScript A quick JavaScript function to determine a file's extension. function fileExt(path) { return...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A quick JavaScript function to determine a file's extension. function fileExt(path) { return path.substr(path.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); }
The Pragmatic...
An educational side project What does a great side project look like, which helps learn new technologies, but also helps stand...
a year ago
a year ago
What does a great side project look like, which helps learn new technologies, but also helps stand out when looking for a new job? Analysis of an Uber simulation app, built from scratch.
Julia Evans
How HEAD works in git Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they understood how HEAD works in Git. The results (out of 1700 votes) were a little surprising to me: 10% “100%” 36% “pretty confident” 39% “somewhat confident?” 15% “literally no idea” I was...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What we've learned about multi-product pricing (so far) PostHog started as a single product company. We just sold product analytics with a bunch of large...
a year ago
a year ago
PostHog started as a single product company. We just sold product analytics with a bunch of large extra features thrown in – session replay, feature…
Making software...
Animated Radio Tab Toggles Animated Radio Tab Toggles 2021-01-05 In this demo tutorial, we are making the assumption that we...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Animated Radio Tab Toggles 2021-01-05 In this demo tutorial, we are making the assumption that we need to create a radio slide toggle for our made-up payment options. For this we want to display 3 simple payment choices to the user: One-time payment Recurring payment Free tier...
Steve Klabnik
Is WebAssembly the return of Java Applets & Flash?
over a year ago
Navigating Private Equity ownership. In 2020, you could credibly argue that ZIRP explains the world, but that’s an impossible argument to...
a month ago
a month ago
In 2020, you could credibly argue that ZIRP explains the world, but that’s an impossible argument to make in 2024 when zero-interest rate policy is only a fond memory. Instead, we’re seeing a number of companies designed for rapid expansion learning to adapt to a world that...
Steve Klabnik
Rails 4.0.0-beta1 to Rails 4.0.0-rc1
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Convert arrays to CSV with PHP The following snippet will convert a simple PHP array into CSV (comma-separated values)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The following snippet will convert a simple PHP array into CSV (comma-separated values) format. function csv($array) { $csv = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array); $i++) { $csv .= '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $array[$i]) . '"'; if ($i < count($array) - 1) $csv .= ","; ...
Create technical leverage: workflow improvements & product capabilities More than a decade ago, I typed up a few paragraphs of notes, titled it “Building Technical...
a year ago
a year ago
More than a decade ago, I typed up a few paragraphs of notes, titled it “Building Technical Leverage,” and proceeded to forget about it. Those notes were from a meeting with Kevin Scott, then SVP Engineering at LinkedIn, while we wandered the Valley trying to convince potential...
A Smart Bear
The Impossible Product Manager, a.k.a. the "Great" Product Manager According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but don’t worry, there’s a better answer.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Information Theory Recap A small detour to catch up on the basics of Information Theory we'll need
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Nuance of “Domain” I love visualizations like this: That was my mental model of URLs until I indexed my blog’s links...
a year ago
a year ago
I love visualizations like this: That was my mental model of URLs until I indexed my blog’s links and realized there’s more to “domain” than initially meets the eye. What is a “Domain”? Let’s say you have a URL like this: https://example.com Put it in the URL constructor and...
Making software...
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD 2023-06-05 VSCode and its many variations are not available on...
a year ago
a year ago
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD 2023-06-05 VSCode and its many variations are not available on OpenBSD. This doesn't cause issue with many OpenBSD users, but those making the jump from Linux might miss access to such a popular editor. Lucky for us, there is a hacky...
Grad school in Japan: my experience doing a Master of Sciences in Computer Science My journey in Japan began with an unconventional scholarship program called Vulcanus in Japan, which...
9 months ago
9 months ago
My journey in Japan began with an unconventional scholarship program called Vulcanus in Japan, which allowed me to take a Japanese language course and intern at a major Japanese company. I wrote all about it in [my previous TokyoDev...
A shortcut for bash using tt by () I heavily use the ~/tmp directory of my computer and have the habit of moving to it, creating a new...
a year ago
a year ago
I heavily use the ~/tmp directory of my computer and have the habit of moving to it, creating a new temporary directory, moving into that, and creating a short-lived project. Finally I automated that and have been actually using the automation: I wrote this tiny zsh function...
The Codist
I Am Happy Not To Be A Web Developer Anymore I wrote my first single-page web app in Javascript in 2005, right after learning about...
a year ago
a year ago
I wrote my first single-page web app in Javascript in 2005, right after learning about XMLHttpRequest and before any serious frameworks existed. I left professional web development behind around 2009 (I started in 1997 with WebObjects) and spent the final decade of my career...
Good hypergrowth/curator manager. In 2016, I wrote Productivity in the age of hypergrowth to discuss the challenges of engineering...
a year ago
a year ago
In 2016, I wrote Productivity in the age of hypergrowth to discuss the challenges of engineering management during periods of hypergrowth. Managers in such periods spend much of their time on hiring and onboarding, with the remainder devoted to organizational structure and...
David Heinemeier...
Challenging the guardians of the paradigm I swear the intention isn’t to constantly start fights with guardians of every sacred paradigm in...
a year ago
a year ago
I swear the intention isn’t to constantly start fights with guardians of every sacred paradigm in the tech world. To be honest, it’s been a bit exhausting at times to concurrently argue on at least three major flanks. But that’s just how this year has turned out, given the work...
Basta’s Notes
I ask three questions When I'm interviewing for a job, these are the questions I ask
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
[Talk] Scaling Graphs On March 22, 2016, I talked about scaling up graphs at Scale Tech. It was recorded and is viewable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On March 22, 2016, I talked about scaling up graphs at Scale Tech. It was recorded and is viewable on YouTube: If you have thoughts on scaling graphs or big data in general, please reach out to me! I'm always happy to talk about this.
Joel Gascoigne
5 varieties of remote working in companies I've recently found myself reflecting a lot on being a distributed team, and the nature of a company...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've recently found myself reflecting a lot on being a distributed team, and the nature of a company where the team works from remote locations to accomplish our work. Scaling remote working has been a challenge as the team has grown. Remote companies are still relatively rare,...
bunnie's blog
Formlabs Form 4 Teardown Formlabs has recently launched the fourth edition of their flagship SLA printer line, the Form 4. Of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Formlabs has recently launched the fourth edition of their flagship SLA printer line, the Form 4. Of course, I jumped on the chance to do a teardown of the printer; I’m grateful that I was able to do the same for the Form 1, Form 2, and Form 3 generations. In addition to learning...
Josh Comeau's blog
Animated Sparkles in React In this dazzling tutorial, we'll see how to build an animated component. Wrap it around text or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this dazzling tutorial, we'll see how to build an animated component. Wrap it around text or images and watch them twinkle! This neat trick is a perfect way to emphasize positive or exciting things.
A Beautiful Site
Feature detection for CSS transitions via jQuery $.support When working with CSS transitions, the need to detect whether or not the browser supports them may...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When working with CSS transitions, the need to detect whether or not the browser supports them may arise.  It can be of particular use when working with the transitionend event, which won't fire in unsupportive browsers. After finding a number of questionable solutions, I came...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“Out of the Software Crisis”: Dependencies The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including...
a year ago
a year ago
The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including quotes from the author. Software is a lot like life — probably because it models our lives — in that it’s constantly changing. The biggest threat to the economic value of code is...
Epic Web Dev
Get Started with the Epic Workshop App (tip)
a year ago
Charles Chen
A Conceptual Model of State in Vue 3.4 A guide to understanding how to think about state and components in Vue with the game changing...
11 months ago
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Framework DIY 13 gen AMD review ⚙️ .title {text-wrap:balance;} Framework Laptop DIY 13 AMD, 13th Generation with ethernet dongle and...
11 months ago
11 months ago
.title {text-wrap:balance;} Framework Laptop DIY 13 AMD, 13th Generation with ethernet dongle and screwdriver The laptop industry is a tragedy. Meanwhile, Framework built something different—repairable, Linux-ready laptops that respect users. Framework is a rare company worth...
Nelson's Weblog
Restic Restic is good backup software. It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various local...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Restic is good backup software. It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various local and remote options. It is well documented, easy to set up, secure, and quite fast. It’s a very professional product. I am now backing up all my Linux systems with it. Note it’s a...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: ClickHouse vs BigQuery Both BigQuery and ClickHouse are databases designed to handle lots of data (like loads of data),...
a year ago
a year ago
Both BigQuery and ClickHouse are databases designed to handle lots of data (like loads of data), but they have distinct philosophies and use cases…
Charles Chen
TypeScript is not a Programming Language If you're struggling with TypeScript, reshaping your perspective might help.
a year ago
Liz Denys
Who is WHOIS: a brief biography of Internet user privacy If you look up the registration details for my personal (and currently non-commercial) website,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you look up the registration details for my personal (and currently non-commercial) website, you'll see Registrant Name: WHOISGUARD PROTECTED Registrant Organization: WHOISGUARD, INC. Registrant Street: P.O. BOX 0823-03411 Registrant City: PANAMA Registrant State/Province:...
7 months ago
bt RSS Feed
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I showed how you could create a basic menu dropdown with only 121 bytes of CSS. While this demo is great for simple text-based menu dropdowns, it doesn’t show just how complex (in a...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Git the stupid password store .title {text-wrap:balance;} GIT - the stupid content tracker “git” can mean anything, depending on...
4 months ago
4 months ago
.title {text-wrap:balance;} GIT - the stupid content tracker “git” can mean anything, depending on your mood. – Linus Torvalds, Initial revision of “git”, the information manager from hell Like most git features, gitcredentials(7) are obscure, byzantine, and incredibly...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Third Age of JavaScript A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now will look totally unrecognizable
Epic Web Dev
Replace Remix's unstable_parseMultipartFormData with @mjackson/form-data-parser (tip) Learn how to handle multi-part forms in Remix using unstable_parseMultipartFormData or...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Learn how to handle multi-part forms in Remix using unstable_parseMultipartFormData or @mjackson/form-data-parser with custom file size validation.
Liz Denys
Denim coffee pitcher, 2024 Blue jeans / well worn leather / rows of cornflowers along a dirt path
8 months ago
A Smart Bear
Tech Support is sales Tech support isn't just troubleshooting; it's the face of your company. Which means it's your brand,...
a month ago
a month ago
Tech support isn't just troubleshooting; it's the face of your company. Which means it's your brand, your positioning, and when it's excellent, it is sales.
The Changelog
The Joy of Easy Personal Radio: FRS, GMRS, and Motorola DLR/DTR Most of us carry cell phones with us almost everywhere we go. So much so that we often forget not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of us carry cell phones with us almost everywhere we go. So much so that we often forget not just the usefulness, but even the joy, of having our own radios. For instance: When traveling to national parks or other wilderness areas, family and friends can keep in touch even...
swyx's site RSS Feed
JavaScript: the First 20 Years by Allen Wirfs-Brock and Brendan Eich A link to the 190 page history of JS by its original creator and the editor of ES6.
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
A Beautiful Site becomes "A Beautiful Site, LLC" Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A Beautiful Site, LLC. is officially a limited liability company. This marks the new beginning of a period of growth for ABS, which has been, until now, a sole proprietorship. In the...
MMapped blog
Book summary: Building a Second Brain
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to work out what your users really need Understanding the needs of your users better than anyone else is critical for the success of any...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Understanding the needs of your users better than anyone else is critical for the success of any product. For years, taxis solved the primary user…
PostHog's RSS Feed
5 essential PostHog apps for new users PostHog apps are a powerful, but hard to explain part of the platform. They’re powerful because they...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog apps are a powerful, but hard to explain part of the platform. They’re powerful because they can do almost anything — and they’re hard to…
ntietz.com blog -...
Debugging my wife's alarm clock My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately. Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately. Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't blare in the morning at the set time. Instead, when it was supposed to go off it would... reset itself. The time would start flashing in that "I'm confused because the power went...
Alice GG
Why diversification matters for long-term investors? Meet Shannon's Demon Any introduction to finance will mention that diversification is extremely important. Intuitively,...
a year ago
a year ago
Any introduction to finance will mention that diversification is extremely important. Intuitively, it is easy to understand that diversification reduces risks. If I own stocks in two companies, and one of them goes bankrupt, I lose less than if I had invested all my money in...
Epic Web Dev
Epic Workshop Test Tab Demo (tip)
3 months ago
ntietz.com blog
Speeding up queries 1000x by sorting my bitmaps I'm working on a database system that stores and queries chess games and positions. Right now, it...
a year ago
a year ago
I'm working on a database system that stores and queries chess games and positions. Right now, it contains 240 million unique positions1 from 3.8 million games. One of the things it needs to do is quickly find all the games where a particular position occurs. I'd also like it to...
bt RSS Feed
Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME 2023-11-02 The dwm window manager is my standard “go-to” for most of...
a year ago
a year ago
Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME 2023-11-02 The dwm window manager is my standard “go-to” for most of my personal laptop environments. For desktops with larger, higher resolution monitors I tend to lean towards using GNOME. The GNOME DE is fairly solid for my own purposes. This...
Liz Denys
Notes on cone 6 clay bodies, part 2 I'm continuing my clay body reviews series with two very heavily grogged "sculpture" clays I've...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I'm continuing my clay body reviews series with two very heavily grogged "sculpture" clays I've used. Note that I currently practice in a community studio that glaze fires to cone 6 in oxidation, so my observations reflect that. Standard 420 Sculpture: Cone 6: average shrinkage...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Bouldering My first introduction to bouldering was in 2017, in DUMBO:
a year ago
Alex Meub
The Holy Grail of IE Testing I have finally discovered a way to test old versions of Internet Explorer that doesn’t suck. This...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have finally discovered a way to test old versions of Internet Explorer that doesn’t suck. This setup allows you to test authentic versions of IE6, IE7, and IE8 without the need to boot up virtual machines. It also allows you to have a debug bar in each of these versions so...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Realtime Offline-First Chat App in 100 Seconds A quick demo of how easy it is to add realtime, offline persistence to an app with Amplify DataStore
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 9: Papers We Love I learnt a few things about Dynamo
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Looping Through Jekyll Collections Looping Through Jekyll Collections 2022-08-12 I recently needed to add a couple new items to my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Looping Through Jekyll Collections 2022-08-12 I recently needed to add a couple new items to my wife’s personal recipe website (cookingwith.casa) which I hadn’t touched in quite a while. The Jekyll build still worked fine, but I realized I was statically adding each collection by...
Maggie Appleton
What App is That?
over a year ago
Julia Evans
Dealing with diverged git branches Hello! One of the most common problems I see folks struggling with in Git is when a local branch...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Hello! One of the most common problems I see folks struggling with in Git is when a local branch (like main) and a remote branch (maybe also called main) have diverged. There are two things that make this situation hard: If you’re not used to interpreting git’s error messages,...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cold-blooded Software Patrick Duboy has an interesting post making the rounds titled, “Cold-blooded Software”. He...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Patrick Duboy has an interesting post making the rounds titled, “Cold-blooded Software”. He analogizes the idea of warm-blooded software: projects that are warm-blooded: everything is great when there’s constant motion on the project, generating heat. But put warm-blooded...
Vadim Kravcenko
What questions to ask a startup before joining them? Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who had recently joined a small startup. He and I shared...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who had recently joined a small startup. He and I shared […] The post What questions to ask a startup before joining them? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
A Beautiful Site
Democratizing publishing One of the objectives Matt Mullenweg has for WordPress is to democratize publishing, which is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the objectives Matt Mullenweg has for WordPress is to democratize publishing, which is excellent. But the very same article states another objective is to "capture the 75 percent of the internet that WordPress doesn't already manage." In my opinion, these goals conflict...
Executive translation. One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts is Extract the Kernel, which argues that executives...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts is Extract the Kernel, which argues that executives are generally directionally correct but specifically wrong, and it’s your job to understand the overarching direction without getting distracted by the narrow errors in their...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: ClickHouse vs PostgreSQL Honestly, it is a bit ridiculous to compare Postgres and ClickHouse. The two database solutions are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Honestly, it is a bit ridiculous to compare Postgres and ClickHouse. The two database solutions are as similar as grapes and grapefruit. ClickHouse…
Making software...
Blogging for 7 Years Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven...
a year ago
a year ago
Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven years ago. In that time, quite a lot has changed in my life both personally and professionally. So, I figured it would be interesting to reflect on these years and document it for...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.43.0: Massive performance improvements! Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
a year ago
a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! Need to update a self-hosted instance…
The Case for Use.GPU Reinventing rendering one shader at a time The other day I ran into a perfect example of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Reinventing rendering one shader at a time The other day I ran into a perfect example of exactly why GPU programming is so foreign and weird. In this post I will explain why, because it's a microcosm of the issues that lead me to build Use.GPU, a WebGPU rendering...
Civic Hax
over a year ago
Engineer’s Codex
Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
5 months ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Styling Ordered Lists with CSS Counters Styling an ordered list can be surprisingly tricky; there's no way to get at that bullet! In this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Styling an ordered list can be surprisingly tricky; there's no way to get at that bullet! In this tutorial, we'll see a handy trick using CSS counters that lets us style ordered lists without breaking proper semantics.
bunnie's blog
Designing The Light Source for IRIS This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their...
9 months ago
9 months ago
This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their hardware through my IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique. IRIS allows us to see the insides of certain types of chips, even after they are soldered to a circuit board. This is possible...
Dan Cowell
Breaking the rules: I threw away 10 months of work after 2 months on the job. When I took over the team, they were in month 8 of a 3-month project to relaunch the company's...
a year ago
a year ago
When I took over the team, they were in month 8 of a 3-month project to relaunch the company's ecommerce website. After 2 months leading the team, I decided to scrap it and start over. This is the story of how and why, and whether it all worked out.
The Pragmatic...
Why are Cloud Development Environments Spiking in Popularity, Now? Tech companies are building their cloud development environments (CDEs) and dozens of vendors are...
a year ago
a year ago
Tech companies are building their cloud development environments (CDEs) and dozens of vendors are launching their offerings. But why now?
Maggie Appleton
Fixing Common Git Mistakes
over a year ago
Copper • A blog...
Making my own sharpening blocks When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use...
2 months ago
2 months ago
When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use some kind of smooth broken stone that she passed over the length of the knife blade before sacrificing a chicken. I also remember seeing my father use a very coarse stone wheel...
ntietz.com blog
Measuring the overhead of HashMaps in Rust While working on a project where I was putting a lot of data into a HashMap, I started to notice my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While working on a project where I was putting a lot of data into a HashMap, I started to notice my hashmaps were taking up a lot of RAM. I mean, a lot of RAM. I did a back of the napkin calculation for what the minimum memory usage should be, and I was getting more than twice...
Liz Denys
Save your old bio: it stores confidence as well as content I cringe at having to describe myself or write my own bios. No matter how casually an email, site,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I cringe at having to describe myself or write my own bios. No matter how casually an email, site, or form says "introduce yourself, no pressure," I shrink back. How do I convince myself that other people find who I am or what I do interesting? I found myself asking this question...
Words and Buttons...
Bi-whatever transformations An interactive explanation of how polynomial transformations such as trilinear or biquadratic or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
An interactive explanation of how polynomial transformations such as trilinear or biquadratic or even linear-cubic work, and how to craft your own that fits your particular task the best.
Patrick Kayongo
Substack vs Africa The writing site, Substack, has taken the world by storm. At a time when everyone thought blogging...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The writing site, Substack, has taken the world by storm. At a time when everyone thought blogging and online writing was dead, superseded by YouTube, Substack came along and solved the problems of discovery and monetisation. Their feed and recommendations have allowed many to...
Low Power Mode on the Mac Laptop battery life is decreasingly relevant to me as more airplanes offer power outlets. But...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Laptop battery life is decreasingly relevant to me as more airplanes offer power outlets. But sometimes you lose that lottery, as I did on my latest 8-hour daytime flight. Apple’s “Up to 10 hours” claim doesn’t apply to my work,1 which is usually a mix of Xcode, web browsing, and...
Miguel Carranza
Evolution of my role as a founder CTO There is a lot written about the importance of scaling as a founder in a fast-growing startup. Most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a lot written about the importance of scaling as a founder in a fast-growing startup. Most of it focused on the CEO role. The generic advice on leadership also applies to other non-CEO roles, but I could not find a lot of content targeted to technical founders. In fact,...
Blog System/5
BazelCon 2024 recap Just like that, BazelCon 2024 came and went. So... it’s obviously time to summarize the two events...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Just like that, BazelCon 2024 came and went. So... it’s obviously time to summarize the two events of last week: BazelCon 2024 and the adjacent Build Meetup. There is A LOT to cover, but everything is here in just one article!
Steve Klabnik
Run Rails with custom patches
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Cancel Like Everything Tracy Jenkins's For Like Ever poster is an iconic piece of "the millenial aesthetic." I've made a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tracy Jenkins's For Like Ever poster is an iconic piece of "the millenial aesthetic." I've made a new poster inspired by For Like Ever and the current need for social distance: The texture in the clouds below the text is made up of no symbols and small x's: I've made an A4...
David Heinemeier...
Back to America After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time...
a year ago
a year ago
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time this summer. The original reasons for temporarily emigrating – the prolonged school lockdowns and other pandemic madness – have long since evaporated, and we've had a solid chance...
The Changelog
Martha the Pilot Martha, now 5, can’t remember a time when she didn’t fly periodically. She’s come along in our...
a year ago
a year ago
Martha, now 5, can’t remember a time when she didn’t fly periodically. She’s come along in our airplane in short flights to a nearby restaurant and long ones to Michigan and South Dakota. All this time, she’s been riding in the back seat next to Laura. Martha has been talking...
Telling mechanize how to find local issuer certificates I was doing some work on my library lookup tool recently, and I ran into an issue with mechanize,...
a year ago
a year ago
I was doing some work on my library lookup tool recently, and I ran into an issue with mechanize, the Python library I use to simulate a web browser. I’d upgraded my version of Python and mechanize, and now I wasn’t able to connect to HTTPS sites. If I tried a simple...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
On being “currently based anywhere” Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating that I was based out of Atlanta. I…
the singularity is...
Cruise NOTE: this is not about the similarly named self driving car company, it’s a movie idea Set 5 years...
10 months ago
10 months ago
NOTE: this is not about the similarly named self driving car company, it’s a movie idea Set 5 years in the future. Scene 1 (the party): Our opening scene is a New Jersey houseparty, late college. Four kids lamenting the loss of their childhood. And it’s not just their childhood,...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Tiny Programming Projects I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out, this is not only a great way to make programming fun but actually one of the best ways to learn. Below are some my favorite tiny programs I’ve created. Finding Campsites My wife...
Liz Denys
The 'doing good' framework: a manifesto against saying 'good people' and 'bad people' I remember the first time I reflected on "doing good": I was watching the final scene of a sitcom I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I remember the first time I reflected on "doing good": I was watching the final scene of a sitcom I grew up with, Boy Meets World. The main characters, who've now come of age, speak with the teacher that has been with them through every phase of their educations and lives: Mr....
Josh Comeau's blog
Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid Certain layouts are surprisingly dastardly. On the modern web, one of the most common layouts is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Certain layouts are surprisingly dastardly. On the modern web, one of the most common layouts is also one of the trickiest. In this tutorial, I break down how to build the "full-bleed" layout using CSS Grid.
A Beautiful Site
Shoelace.style — A back to the basics CSS starter kit I spent some time last week working on a free CSS boilerplate I'm calling Shoelace.css. It's kinda...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spent some time last week working on a free CSS boilerplate I'm calling Shoelace.css. It's kinda like Bootstrap, but a lot leaner and pure CSS. You don't need a preprocessor like Sass or Less to use it, but it's still highly customizable with CSS variables. I'm calling Shoelace...
Code Of Honor
Credit where credit is due I feel fortunate to have been part of Blizzard Entertainment when it started, now over thirty years...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I feel fortunate to have been part of Blizzard Entertainment when it started, now over thirty years ago. I got to work with amazing people; make games players loved; and learn a lot about design, programming, and business along the way. Some of those lessons were hard-earned, as...
Making software...
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color 2022-04-18 Supporting dark mode on the modern web falls under the realm of accessibility and should not be ignored. It is important and helps keep the visual flow of your content to match that of your users' operating...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What we learned about hiring from our first five employees Our CEO and co-founder, James Hawkins, recently joined Y Combinator to talk about the first five...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Our CEO and co-founder, James Hawkins, recently joined Y Combinator to talk about the first five hires PostHog ever made, how we made them, and why…
Founder's blog
Clearing Nginx Proxy Cache for Wildcard URLs: A DIY Guide Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a...
a year ago
a year ago
Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a specific set of URLs, particularly those following a wildcard pattern like www.website.com/folder/*. Surprisingly, Nginx, in its standard offering, doesn't provide a straightforward way...
On Progress The known unknown knowns we lost When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The known unknown knowns we lost When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to mind is the orwellianism: a society in the grip of a dictatorial, oppressive regime which rewrote history daily as if it was a casual matter. Not me though. For whatever reason,...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Zero to Unmaintainable in 1.2 Commands Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and going quick” is: I can burp some npm commands into my terminal, burp some more to setup a deployment pipeline and blam! Website. The time to product demo is so low. But there’s...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Essential Plugins for Gatsby Remark Gatsby-Remark is one of those fun plugins that have their own plugins - but there are a lot of them....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Gatsby-Remark is one of those fun plugins that have their own plugins - but there are a lot of them. Here's a list I wrote down a few months ago of plugins I think everyone should use.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why IaaS beat PaaS The conclusions are far more nuanced when you ask the people involved at the time.
over a year ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Passwords are fine I've spent too much of my professional life trying to build a better means of authentication. For a...
a year ago
a year ago
I've spent too much of my professional life trying to build a better means of authentication. For a while I was fixated on Magic Links, then I built a few prototypes of authentication using a combination of token passing and TOTP. And finally, I built a storage-less password...
Mahmoud Felfel's...
Logical Fallacies, Biases, and Useful Heuristics A list of logical fallacies and biases I found useful for a better understanding of human behavior...
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
How PostHog built an app server (from MVP to billions of events) PostHog's mission is to increase the number of successful products in the world. To achieve it,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog's mission is to increase the number of successful products in the world. To achieve it, we're building a comprehensive suite of analytics and…
Nelson's Weblog
Back to Goodreads I’m back to using Goodreads but I lost my friends list, if you use Goodreads please add me as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m back to using Goodreads but I lost my friends list, if you use Goodreads please add me as a friend. After Goodreads lost my account I was furious and of course intended to never use it again. But to their credit, Goodreads did some extra work and managed to get me a copy of...
Josh Collinsworth
Five Ways to Become a Better Designer (That Aren't Design) There’s vast world of design learning and opportunity right in front of us constantly. All we need...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There’s vast world of design learning and opportunity right in front of us constantly. All we need to do is take the time to notice it and learn from it.
Epic Web Dev
Mix Blend Modes (tip) Learn how to create a stunning text over image effect using mix blend modes.
11 months ago
Tinloof - Blog
PWA: What it is and why you should try it The percentage of global web traffic on mobile phones has surged over the past decade. As of...
a year ago
a year ago
The percentage of global web traffic on mobile phones has surged over the past decade. As of November 2022, 60.28 percent of all web traffic came through mobile phones. Providing a good mobile user experience is therefore crucial to attract and retain users. Mobile applications...
Ink & Switch
00 · Beehive Background Contextualizing Beehive
4 months ago
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 The short version: porting from Vue...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 The short version: porting from Vue to Svelte is pretty straightforward and Svelte 5 is nice upgrade to Svelte 4. Why port? I’m working on Edna, a note taking application for developers. It started as a...
Making software...
Introducing Notez Introducing Notez 2021-01-13 I have always been a fan of simple note taking applications, since I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introducing Notez 2021-01-13 I have always been a fan of simple note taking applications, since I tend to take a lot of random notes throughout the work day. Sometimes I reach for simple pen and paper, but other times it's nice to stay focused jotting down notes on the same...
Steve Klabnik
Introducing issue2pr
over a year ago
Julia Evans
Some miscellaneous git facts I’ve been very slowly working on writing about how Git works. I thought I already knew Git pretty...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been very slowly working on writing about how Git works. I thought I already knew Git pretty well, but as usual when I try to explain something I’ve been learning some new things. None of these things feel super surprising in retrospect, but I hadn’t thought about them...
Focus For fun, I wrote a raytracer in Zig yesterday. It’s a port of a project I did in 2013, in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For fun, I wrote a raytracer in Zig yesterday. It’s a port of a project I did in 2013, in JavaScript. It’s the first time in a while I’ve made a project just for kicks. If you look at the number of GitHub repositories I’ve committed to since 2013, the number is decreasing. Same...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.11.0 Annotations, filtering all functionality by cohorts, retention table filtering and many, many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Annotations, filtering all functionality by cohorts, retention table filtering and many, many bugfixes. It's all in this PostHog update. If you're…
swyx's site RSS Feed
100 Bytes of CSS to look great everywhere Simple grab and go upgrade to the base user agent stylesheet to make for readable sites
over a year ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The Frustration Loop I've been engaged in an ongoing war with spammers. Because Bear is free-to-use it's naturally the...
a year ago
a year ago
I've been engaged in an ongoing war with spammers. Because Bear is free-to-use it's naturally the target of backlink farmers, credit card phishers, illegal drug sellers, online casino advertisers, and crypto shillers. I won't go into too much detail on the causes. I've written...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
I conducted 60 interviews in 2 months — here's what I learned It's hard to believe, but, starting mid-october 2023 I conducted 60 technical interviews and hired...
11 months ago
11 months ago
It's hard to believe, but, starting mid-october 2023 I conducted 60 technical interviews and hired 10 people into our team. It's been extremely tiring: around 80 hours of active interviewing, plus writing interview reports, plus screening CVs and take-home assignments, plus...
Blog System/5
EndBASIC 0.11 is here Support for user-defined functions, an LCD, and a disassembler
5 months ago
Liz Denys
Marbled V60-style coffee cone, 2023 Sedimentary rock / canyons / weathering and erosion
a year ago
37signals Dev
Announcing Hotwire Native As Rails World 2024 is about to begin, we have an exciting Hotwire announcement! We’re launching a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
As Rails World 2024 is about to begin, we have an exciting Hotwire announcement! We’re launching a brand new, yet familiar, framework for building hybrid mobile apps. Background But first, let me provide some context. Last year, shortly before Rails World 2023, we open sourced...
Tinloof - Blog
Using CSS files in web components When building a microfrontend in React using tools like create-react-app, Webpack, or Vite you might...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When building a microfrontend in React using tools like create-react-app, Webpack, or Vite you might expect plain CSS files and CSS modules to just work, but they don’t 😱. Here is an example of a CSS module in a React component:
Maggie Appleton
Pink, Soft, Glittering Developers
over a year ago
Alex Meub
Install JSDOM On Windows JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation...
over a year ago
over a year ago
JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation of the DOM that makes it super easy to work with pages retrieved from the Internet. Unfortunately, JSDOM relies on a node package called Contextify that is difficult to get working...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to protect my startup from bots or hacks? When you’re a tech startup, one of the first things you’ll want to do is make sure your business is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you’re a tech startup, one of the first things you’ll want to do is make sure your business is […] The post How to protect my startup from bots or hacks? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Liz Denys
New Loose Leaf Security episode: Covering your webcams! Plus, our new newsletter and articles! A new episode of Loose Leaf Security is out to remind you to cover your webcams when you aren't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new episode of Loose Leaf Security is out to remind you to cover your webcams when you aren't using them, and it features my favorite episode art yet: Covering your webcams Liz and Geoffrey take a look at how attackers compromise webcams and discuss why it's worth physically...
Making software...
Click to Load Website Images Click to Load Website Images 2021-03-25 In my previous post about switching my Jekyll blog over to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Click to Load Website Images 2021-03-25 In my previous post about switching my Jekyll blog over to PHPetite, I briefly mentioned how I only loaded in article images if the user clicked or tapped the empty file element. In this post, I'm going to quickly breakdown the update I've...
Epic Web Dev
Why I Won't Use Next.js From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares...
a year ago
a year ago
From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares his opinions on why he won't use Next.js.
the singularity is...
There is no hard takeoff Back in 2014, Elon Musk referred to AI as summoning the demon. And it wasn’t hard to see that view....
a year ago
a year ago
Back in 2014, Elon Musk referred to AI as summoning the demon. And it wasn’t hard to see that view. Soon, Go agents would beat top humans learning from self play. By the end of 2017, the same algorithm mastered Chess and Shogi. By 2020, it didn’t even need tons of calls to the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Speeding up PostHog builds with Depot PostHog recently swapped out Docker for Depot in their container image builds within GitHub Actions....
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog recently swapped out Docker for Depot in their container image builds within GitHub Actions. The results are outstanding, taking the average…
Darek Kay
Migrating a Create React App project to Vite Create React App (CRA) provides an all-in-one development toolchain for your React applications. It...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Create React App (CRA) provides an all-in-one development toolchain for your React applications. It is great for beginners, as you don't need to care about configuring your toolset. However, I've encountered more and more limitations without "ejecting", mostly due to the...
Liz Denys
ZRH Art near the B gates: "Altocumulus Lenticularis" by Inigo Mnglano Ovalle.
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
04 · Diff visualizations Prototypes to show changes on a document, such as red deletion glyphs and change summaries by...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Prototypes to show changes on a document, such as red deletion glyphs and change summaries by section.
finalizers, guardians, phantom references, et cetera Consider . Compared to finalizers, in which the , guardians allow the mutator to control...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Consider . Compared to finalizers, in which the , guardians allow the mutator to control concurrency. See for more notes. Java’s / seems to be similar in spirit, though the details differ.guardianscleanup procedures are run concurrently with the mutator, by the...
Notes on How Big Things Get Done How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner is a fascinating look at why some...
a year ago
a year ago
How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner is a fascinating look at why some megaprojects fail so resoundingly and why others succeed under budget and under schedule. It’s an exploration of planning methods, the role of expertise, the value of benchmarking similar...
David Heinemeier...
Cookie banners show everything that's wrong with the EU Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no material improvement to their privacy, but this unsightly blight is still with us (and the rest of the internet!). All because the EU has no mechanism for self-correcting its...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in Mid April I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit...
a year ago
a year ago
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit today. I am now taking Latent Space (the new name enabled by the previous owner of that domain selling it to me in my first P2P domain purchase) a lot more seriously with the support...
Liz Denys
New Loose Leaf Security series: Securing your laptop and desktop computers Four more episodes of Loose Leaf Security are out, a series about securing your laptop and desktop...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Four more episodes of Loose Leaf Security are out, a series about securing your laptop and desktop computers: Physical attacks to your computers and disk encryption Liz and Geoffrey are back with a look at physical computer security - just how much trouble could someone cause if...
37signals Dev
Introducing Solid Queue We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about...
a year ago
a year ago
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about 1/3 of our roughly 18 million jobs per day. We’ll be moving more jobs in the coming days until we run HEY exclusively using Solid Queue. Besides regular job enqueuing and processing,...
Preserving pixels in Paris Last month, I was in Paris for the IIPC Web Archiving Conference, a two-day event to discuss the...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Last month, I was in Paris for the IIPC Web Archiving Conference, a two-day event to discuss the preservation of websites and social media. It was my first time attending, and I was there with both a professional and a personal interest. This post has some thoughts and photos...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: The AARRR pirate funnel explained Want to build an AARRR funnel in PostHog? Use our AARRR dashboard template to set one up quickly...
a year ago
a year ago
Want to build an AARRR funnel in PostHog? Use our AARRR dashboard template to set one up quickly and easily. What is the AARRR framework? The AARRR…
A Beautiful Site
A user interface is like a joke When I hear a simile like this, it's hard to not share. It's not so much an analogy as it is a good...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I hear a simile like this, it's hard to not share. It's not so much an analogy as it is a good rule of thumb: A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it's not that good. And I've heard some websites tell pretty bad jokes...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we raised $3M for an open source project Open source projects have long battled with how to finance themselves. PostHog is lucky to have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Open source projects have long battled with how to finance themselves. PostHog is lucky to have significant funding and wanted to share what we did…
Patrick Kayongo
Software Developers vs ChatGPT & Friends The machines are coming to steal our jobs. It took the jobs of the farm labourers and the factory...
a year ago
a year ago
The machines are coming to steal our jobs. It took the jobs of the farm labourers and the factory workers, and in a twist of irony, it’s now taking the jobs of those who developed its predecessors – the software developers. At least that’s what many alarmist headlines are saying...
Tinloof - Blog
How to create microfrontends with Web Components in React We often hear about microfrontends, this happens when your company plans to have multiple teams...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We often hear about microfrontends, this happens when your company plans to have multiple teams build a big new web project. The company does not want teams to fight over a single monstrous SPA. It decides to break the project down into several mini-apps hosted by a parent app....
A Beautiful Site
Valid Names for CSS Parts CSS Shadow Parts, colloquially known as CSS Parts, are used to expose elements inside a web...
over a year ago
over a year ago
CSS Shadow Parts, colloquially known as CSS Parts, are used to expose elements inside a web component's shadow root so they can be styled by consumers with CSS. But what are we allowed to call these parts? What characters comprise a valid CSS part name? To find out, I had to dive...
Miguel Carranza
My role as a founder CTO: Year Six Another year as a founder CTO, and let me tell you, it’s been one for the books. I can’t remember a...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Another year as a founder CTO, and let me tell you, it’s been one for the books. I can’t remember a time in my life that was more demanding and emotionally draining. Those early years were filled with hard work, but we were also full of energy, ambition to build, and the sense...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How to destroy your app performance using React contexts useContext hook has made React Context API so pleasant to work with that many people are even...
over a year ago
over a year ago
useContext hook has made React Context API so pleasant to work with that many people are even suggesting that we drop external state management solutions and rely on the built-in alternative instead. This is dangerous thinking that can easily push your app's performance down the...
Blog System/5
The IDEs we had 30 years ago... and we lost A deep dive into the text mode editors we had and how they compare to today's
12 months ago
Steve Klabnik
A eulogy for my 20s
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Every Web Performance Test Tool Check your site's speed quickly with a battery of tests
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you’re an RSS subscriber, I’ve probably blown...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you’re an RSS subscriber, I’ve probably blown up your feed reader (again). This seems to be an on-going theme with this blog. I can’t help it. This website now uses my new Pandoc-based static blog generator: pblog. I won’t go...
Maggie Appleton
The Expanding Dark Forest and Generative AI
a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
There’s Something You Need to Know About Web Design and Development You’re doing great at it. (❤️ from Bluey: Baby Race) Email, Twitter, Mastodon
a year ago
Liz Denys
Butternut squash with cinnamon sage brown butter I don't blog that much about savory food: savory food for me is even more technique-based than...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don't blog that much about savory food: savory food for me is even more technique-based than recipe-based, so I find it limiting to discuss one dish because it's a particular combination of techniques on a very particular set of ingredients. But I really enjoyed this particular...
Basta’s Notes
Read every error. You can't read every error. System stability is a steady state, not a goal
a year ago
create_thumbnail: create smaller versions of images I’ve made a new command-line tool: create_thumbnail, which creates thumbnails of images. I need...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve made a new command-line tool: create_thumbnail, which creates thumbnails of images. I need image thumbnails in a lot of projects, and I wanted a single tool I could use in all of them rather than having multiple copies of the same code. It takes three arguments: Your...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The World's Greatest Netlify Demo 2019 _Note: this was published as the Complete Intro to Netlify on [the Netlify...
over a year ago
over a year ago
_Note: this was published as the Complete Intro to Netlify on [the Netlify Blog](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2019/10/07/complete-intro-to-netlify-in-3.5-hours/) and [the FreeCodeCamp...
Questionable Advice: “My boss says we don’t need any engineering managers. Is he right?” I recently joined a startup to run an engineering org of about 30-40 engineers. My title is VP...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I recently joined a startup to run an engineering org of about 30-40 engineers. My title is VP Engineering. However, I have been having lots of ongoing conflict with the CEO (a former engineer) around whether or not I am allowed to have or hire any dedicated engineering managers....
The Codist
I Have To Fix Broken Things Call it a character flaw or a character benefit—I hate being around broken code, processes,...
a year ago
a year ago
Call it a character flaw or a character benefit—I hate being around broken code, processes, products, or UI. If it's broken, I want to fix it. If I can't, it grates on me. After I graduated from college, my parents, a friend, and his
Alex Meub
Building the DataToaster 3000 Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local computer recycling store. The idea of a computer with the design of a home appliance was really appealing and so was the absurdity of it. It occurred to me that this would be a fun...
SQLite Slaps why SQLite is cracked
6 months ago
A bit late, but I did leave Calm. I meant to post this when I left Calm earlier this year, as a ending note to my post on joining...
a year ago
a year ago
I meant to post this when I left Calm earlier this year, as a ending note to my post on joining Calm, but instead I got focused on joining Carta and writing An Engineering Executive’s Primer. I’m cleaning out some of my old drafts, and posting this as an artifact of that moment....
ntietz.com blog
The most important goal in designing software is understandability When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is...
11 months ago
11 months ago
When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is understandability. Security, performance, and correctness are all important, but they come after understandability. Don't get me wrong, all of those are important. Software that isn't...
Steve Klabnik
I'm deleting my Facebook tonight
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
REST is over
over a year ago
Tinloof - Blog
Translating Shopify stores with Sanity At Tinloof, we have an internal library that does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to building...
a year ago
a year ago
At Tinloof, we have an internal library that does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to building fast Remix websites that have their content managed from Sanity. A while ago, we took a step back to research and implement a localization setup with Sanity that handles all...
Haiku Package Management Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on lobste.rs I’ve long since been a die-hard BeOS fan and have...
a year ago
a year ago
Discussion on Hacker News Discussion on lobste.rs I’ve long since been a die-hard BeOS fan and have been running the open-source recreation Haiku for many years. I think it’s interesting to explore the “alternative OS” world and consider some great ideas that for whatever reason...
Steve Klabnik
Using buck to build Rust projects
a year ago
Ink & Switch
Untangle: Solving problems with fuzzy constraints How to sketch, and satisfy, logic problems
a year ago
Basta’s Notes
Go fix your bugs An exploration of some bugs you might not have known that you had
a year ago
Alex Meub
Buying a House in Portland After nearly 6 months of looking, my wife and I finally bought a house in Portland. We physically...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After nearly 6 months of looking, my wife and I finally bought a house in Portland. We physically toured more than 70 houses, put in 13 offers and looked over hundreds of listings in nearly every neighborhood in the city. I thought it might be a good time to reflect on the...
Liz Denys
Has Baby Yoda been engaging in Twitter 'platform manipulation?' and the broad brush of Twitter's... Popular Twitter parody account @BabyYodaBaby is currently suspended for "platform manipulation and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Popular Twitter parody account @BabyYodaBaby is currently suspended for "platform manipulation and spam" according to their Instagram. Twitter's policy on platform manipulation and spam allows for "using Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account," as...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Planning the next steps for WebCard <![CDATA[Over the past days I ran WebCard a bit, reviewed the code, and checked my notes and I'm...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[Over the past days I ran WebCard a bit, reviewed the code, and checked my notes and I'm satisfied with what the system does. Since WebCard is nearly feature complete it's a good time to chart the next steps for wrapping up my RetroChallenge 2024 project. Aside from some...
David Gerrells
how not to run a saas company Founder mode, somewhere someone said something and a meme was born. Join me as we explore what it...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Founder mode, somewhere someone said something and a meme was born. Join me as we explore what it means to founder mode.
ntietz.com blog
Too much of a good thing: the trade-off we make with tests I've worked places where we aspired to (but did not reach) 100% code coverage. We used tools like a...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I've worked places where we aspired to (but did not reach) 100% code coverage. We used tools like a code coverage ratchet to ensure that the test coverage always went up and never down. This had a few effects. One of them was the intended effect: we wrote more tests. Another was...
Making software...
February 2022 Update February 2022 Update 2022-02-23 It's been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
February 2022 Update 2022-02-23 It's been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my wife gave birth to our third child last Thursday. Her name is Harmony and she was born in the late afternoon weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces. Besides the lack of sleep, everything...
Ink & Switch
Muse: Designing a studio for ideas Physical workspaces inspire a fast, fluid digital tool for creative thinking.
over a year ago
Turing Machine Halting in Lean
over a year ago
Alex Meub
Use the Natural CSS Box Model The CSS Box Model is used to describe how items are rendered (in boxes) from elements in the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The CSS Box Model is used to describe how items are rendered (in boxes) from elements in the document tree. It determines how the content area, padding, border and margin of an element will be displayed. There are two types. The W3C Box Model x ...
Kevin Chen
Saving six round trips with OCSP stapling I was trying to figure out why my site was so slow on my phone after I enabled HTTPS. After all, TLS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was trying to figure out why my site was so slow on my phone after I enabled HTTPS. After all, TLS is supposed to be fast now, right? But even when there was plenty of bandwidth, it still took several seconds to load a page of text. One WebPageTest later, and I found the...
Steve Klabnik
What's next for SemVer
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Adding page transitions in SvelteKit Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition...
a year ago
a year ago
Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition effects in SvelteKit sites and apps as easy as adding just a few lines of code.
Founder's blog
How I learned to stop worrying and wrote my own memory-cache Here I am, writing about performance optimization again. I'm a performance junkie. Constantly...
a year ago
a year ago
Here I am, writing about performance optimization again. I'm a performance junkie. Constantly monitoring and investigating bottlenecks for our SaaS helpdesk webapp is my favorite thing ever. And I'm proud to say that with thousands of clients, even some really big ones, our app's...
Recurse Center Day 6: B Tree Root B Tree Root: how would you design it?
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Hashing Passwords with Node.js and bcrypt The bcrypt library on NPM makes it really easy to hash and compare passwords in Node. If you're...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The bcrypt library on NPM makes it really easy to hash and compare passwords in Node. If you're coming from a PHP background, these are roughly equivalent to password_hash() and password_verify(). Bcrypt is the de facto way to hash and store passwords. For a brief explanation of...
Steve Klabnik
Structure literals vs. constructors in Rust
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Converting from Gridsome to SvelteKit I've been a fan of Svelte for years, but never had the opportunity to use it on a serious project...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been a fan of Svelte for years, but never had the opportunity to use it on a serious project before. So when I found myself looking for a new platform for this site as SvelteKit entered open beta, it seemed like perfect timing.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Fixing URL validation in WebCard <![CDATA[I fixed a URL validation bug of WebCard I have been stuck with for almost a week. When...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[I fixed a URL validation bug of WebCard I have been stuck with for almost a week. When creating a new card, the function WCD.AskURL brings up a dialog and loops prompting for a URL to go with the card until the input is valid. After the fix the input dialog looks like...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Blog Posts vs. Social Posts From Emil Kowalski’s newsletter (my Feedbin cache for your convenience): I started writing more blog...
4 months ago
4 months ago
From Emil Kowalski’s newsletter (my Feedbin cache for your convenience): I started writing more blog posts recently. I like it because it's different than X. You get a spike of views when you share something on X, but that dies off quickly. If you provide great value with your...
PostHog's RSS Feed
YC adds PostHog to top valued companies for July 2021 Y Combinator has listed PostHog as number 157 out of its top 159 companies by valuations and exits...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Y Combinator has listed PostHog as number 157 out of its top 159 companies by valuations and exits as of July 2021. "Um… what?" I know, I know. You…
DOM Clobbering Motivation When thinking of HTML-related security bugs, people often think of script injection...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Motivation When thinking of HTML-related security bugs, people often think of script injection attacks, which is also known as Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). If an attacker is able to submit, modify or store content on your web page, they might include evil JavaScript code to modify...
The 2023 TokyoDev Developer Survey results are live! In October 2023, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan. The results are...
a year ago
a year ago
In October 2023, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan. The results are now live, please [check them out!](https://2023.surveys.tokyodev.com/en-US) This year’s survey had a total of 713 respondents, up 28% from last year’s survey. This is an amazing...
Steve Klabnik
Rust-y Scraps: iterating with a step
over a year ago
Git/Github fork-pull request-update cycle When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having multiple merge commits and issues with keeping the forked repo in sync. This post addresses solutions for some of the problems.
Ruud van Asseldonk
A type system for RCL, part 3: Related work
5 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Law of Conservation of Risk Risk cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be redistributed
over a year ago
The Pragmatic...
Lyft in Trouble Financials paint a worrying picture of the US’s #2 ridesharing company. The founders have just...
a year ago
a year ago
Financials paint a worrying picture of the US’s #2 ridesharing company. The founders have just stepped down and a former Amazon executive is the new CEO. What does this major change mean?
Memory Allocation .memory { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1.5em; margin-top:...
a year ago
a year ago
.memory { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1.5em; margin-top: 0.5em; } input[type=range]:focus { outline: none; } a[simulation] { cursor: pointer; } .size { color: #0072B2 !important; font-weight: bold; } .free { color: #009E73 !important; font-weight:...
Patrick Kayongo
Play “I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their...
a year ago
a year ago
“I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their backs from the lazy sloth on the paved ground outside of his garage. All the kids in the conformant townhouse complex regularly gravitated towards his house during the school...
Recurse Center Day 10: Learning Distributed Systems How does one start learning to build distributed systems?
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Why I retired from the tech crusades When Ruby on Rails was launched over twenty years ago, I was a twenty-some young programmer...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When Ruby on Rails was launched over twenty years ago, I was a twenty-some young programmer convinced that anyone who gave my stack a try would accept its universal superiority for solving The Web Problem. So I pursued the path of the crusade, attempting to convert the...
Recently: Cycling and Autumn I haven’t been posting much to the ‘main blog’ recently, but I have been keeping the micro blog...
a month ago
a month ago
I haven’t been posting much to the ‘main blog’ recently, but I have been keeping the micro blog updates humming. If you want more content in your RSS reader, you can subscribe to those posts, which are shorter, more scattered, and even less copyedited. It feels bad to have...
Maggie Appleton
Defend Your Cookies with Essential Web Security Tactics
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Update GitHub Pages with Travis CI
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Finding the active element in a shadow root You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this will be the host element. This happens because of retargeting, but sometimes you might need access to the internal element that actually has focus. Here's a recursive function that...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
AI & The Science of Creativity In an effort to better understand how all this AI stuff works, I’ve been chipping away at Stephen...
a year ago
a year ago
In an effort to better understand how all this AI stuff works, I’ve been chipping away at Stephen Wolfram’s meticulous piece, “What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?”. As you likely know, ChatGPT works by guessing at the next word. Here’s Stephen: when ChatGPT does...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Logical Properties and Ease I’ll admit, I’m late to the logical properties party. The purist in me loves the idea because it...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ll admit, I’m late to the logical properties party. The purist in me loves the idea because it makes CSS more internally consistent with its design to be a language-agnostic framework for uni-directional layout. Chris gets at this in his recent post, “Why aren’t logical...