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Vladimir Klepov as a...
Extravagantly fast rendering with React benders The other day I was working on a React-based library of huge, reusable SVG images, and I ran into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The other day I was working on a React-based library of huge, reusable SVG images, and I ran into performance problems. Just kidding, I've never had a problem I'm solving here, but I've had great fun working around it. I wanted to make components producing mostly static DOM as...
Visual Sum of Cubes
over a year ago
Finding books in nearby library branches I’m trying to make better use of my local public library. I want to read more books, and borrowing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m trying to make better use of my local public library. I want to read more books, and borrowing from the library keeps the habit sustainable. It also saves a fair bit of money, and I don’t have to decide what to do with books when I’m done. Recently, I built a tool to help me...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Git the stupid password store .title {text-wrap:balance;} GIT - the stupid content tracker “git” can mean anything, depending on...
4 months ago
4 months ago
.title {text-wrap:balance;} GIT - the stupid content tracker “git” can mean anything, depending on your mood. – Linus Torvalds, Initial revision of “git”, the information manager from hell Like most git features, gitcredentials(7) are obscure, byzantine, and incredibly...
ntietz.com blog
Optimize sprint points to get nowhere fast As developers, we can be metric obsessed. We tend to like objective measures of things. 99th...
a year ago
a year ago
As developers, we can be metric obsessed. We tend to like objective measures of things. 99th percentile request times, CPU percentage, disk utilization. Nothing escapes our attempts to quantify it, not even our productivity: enter story points1. We measure our productivity in...
37signals Dev
Building Basecamp project stacks with Hotwire It’s been two decades since Rails changed the way we build web apps. As the demand for richer and...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s been two decades since Rails changed the way we build web apps. As the demand for richer and richer UIs grew, teams came up with different frontends to deliver on those expectations. Client-side frameworks such as Angular, Ember, and React emerged as popular choices. One of...
Syntax highlighting with render hooks
2 months ago
David Heinemeier...
Chart the course, set the pace, hold the line I break the essential responsibilities of the company executive into three distinct buckets. They...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I break the essential responsibilities of the company executive into three distinct buckets. They are:   1. Chart the course Where are we going? What are we building? Who is it for? Any executive running anything has to know the answer to these questions in order to lead anyone...
Who runs Engineering processes? Uber ran a tech spec review process called the DUCK Review. “DUCK” didn’t stand for anything–it was...
a year ago
a year ago
Uber ran a tech spec review process called the DUCK Review. “DUCK” didn’t stand for anything–it was created as a deliberate non-acronym–but was otherwise a fairly typical review process. When I first joined, we’d review one or two specs each week. The volume of requested reviews...
Digital decluttering I spent a lot of my formative Internet years in online fandom. I read novel-length stories about...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I spent a lot of my formative Internet years in online fandom. I read novel-length stories about Doctor Who characters; I swooned over fan art of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries; I pored over in-depth analyses of each episode of Carmilla. Most of that is gone now. Links rot quickly,...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Few Details About My Notes Website A little while back I created notes.jim-nielsen.com and wrote about why I made it. I want to write a...
a year ago
a year ago
A little while back I created notes.jim-nielsen.com and wrote about why I made it. I want to write a little more about some of my favorite parts of the site. First: It’s Really a Page, Not a Site I’m not sure I should call it a “website”, as I think of a website as a collection...
bt RSS Feed
Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build a couple of my Jekyll projects locally: NotImplementedError: dart-sass for...
Steve Klabnik
Most things I do are interconnected
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Ears rarely open until a rapport is established It's hard to open cold with a controversial take to a bunch of strangers. And the room is always...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It's hard to open cold with a controversial take to a bunch of strangers. And the room is always cold on X or in a one-off blog post. Just like comedy, half the battle of winning over the audience comes from a solid introduction, good timing, and a broad smile to warm the room....
ntietz.com blog
Functional Programming and Big Data Update: I wrote this while preparing a talk for the Columbus Functional Programmers meetup. You can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update: I wrote this while preparing a talk for the Columbus Functional Programmers meetup. You can find the talk on YouTube. It has more humor than these words, but then you'd have to listen to my voice. This post is a long one, so here’s a brief roadmap. We’ll start with a...
A Beautiful Site
Finding the active element in a shadow root You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this will be the host element. This happens because of retargeting, but sometimes you might need access to the internal element that actually has focus. Here's a recursive function that...
37signals Dev
Solid Queue 1.0 released We’ve just released Solid Queue v1.0.0, right before speaking about it at Rails World. This version...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We’ve just released Solid Queue v1.0.0, right before speaking about it at Rails World. This version has come a long way since we published the first version, 0.1.1, back in December 2023, with 132 merged pull requests and 126 closed issues, and the help of multiple...
Elad Blog
Index Companies Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example, ecommerce, genomics, crypto are all markets which were clearly going to compound over time. It might have been tough to call the winners of each market early, but it was clear the markets...
David Heinemeier...
Negative visualization in practice The most counterintuitive of the Stoic mental exercises is that of negative visualization. Willfully...
a year ago
a year ago
The most counterintuitive of the Stoic mental exercises is that of negative visualization. Willfully imagining all manner of terrible things that might befall you, but haven't yet. Described like this, it sorta sounds like a fancy word of anxiety, but if you look closer, it's in...
Copper • A blog...
Reverse engineering the MacBook clamshell mode You just got a large, Ultrawide monitor for your MacBook. You hook it up and marvel at the amount of...
a year ago
a year ago
You just got a large, Ultrawide monitor for your MacBook. You hook it up and marvel at the amount of pixels. You notice you never use the MacBook built-in display anymore, and it nags you to have it in your lower peripheral vision. Closing the lid is not an option because you...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.39.0: Betas, persons, events and libraries PostHog 1.39.0 introduces a new beta for you to try, a new display chart and big improvements to our...
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Disabling Comments in WordPress Disabling Comments in WordPress 2020-12-28 I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disabling Comments in WordPress 2020-12-28 I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and users online that have a difficult time knowing how to disable comments for both future and previous blog posts. It isn’t the easiest for both use cases, so let’s break it down. Back...
ntietz.com blog
Kill the crunch time heroics Crunch time has an allure: it feels like if you just push hard enough, you can get more done. You...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Crunch time has an allure: it feels like if you just push hard enough, you can get more done. You can push hard and get that next release done on time, get those new features out, earn more revenue for your company. Engineers are under immense pressure to deliver more and do it...
You don't need JavaScript for that by Kilian Valkhof Hello, my dear friend of RSS! This post contains interactive demos. You may want...
a year ago
a year ago
by Kilian Valkhof Hello, my dear friend of RSS! This post contains interactive demos. You may want to read it on the website. Please don't feel antagonised by the title of this article. I don't hate JavaScript, I love it. I write bucketloads of it every single day. But I also...
Daniel Marino
Trying Out Eleventy As I started to think about blogging again, I began looking at options for hosting, CMS frameworks,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As I started to think about blogging again, I began looking at options for hosting, CMS frameworks, static site generators, etc. Eleventy has been in the mainstream for sometime now, and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I figured I should give it a shot. There are no...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unofficial VS Code Snippets for AWS Amplify making my own vs code snippets helpers for working with AWS Amplify
over a year ago
Miguel Carranza
Full Circle I’m back in Spain for my brother’s wedding. I rarely visit during the summer. The heat in my...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I’m back in Spain for my brother’s wedding. I rarely visit during the summer. The heat in my hometown is brutal, around 40 degrees Celsius (over 100 Fahrenheit for my imperial friends). Most people escape to the coast, just like my family did when I was a kid. I haven’t been here...
Remix notes Val Town switched to Remix as a web framework a little over a year ago. Here are some...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Val Town switched to Remix as a web framework a little over a year ago. Here are some reflections: The Remix versioning scheme is a joy. They gradually roll out features under feature flags, so you have lots of time to upgrade. Compared to what seems like chaos over in...
Engineer’s Codex
How one line of code caused a $60 million loss 60,000 people lost full phone service, half of AT&T's network was down, and 500 airline flights were...
a year ago
A Logical Way to Split Long Lines Splitting long lines is something we do every day as programmers, but rarely do I hear discussion...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Splitting long lines is something we do every day as programmers, but rarely do I hear discussion about how best to do it. Considering our industry-wide obsession with “best practices,” line breaks have managed to stay relatively free from scrutiny. A few years ago, I learned a...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to promote your SaaS without being an ass? There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always provide value when promoting. […] The post How to promote your SaaS without being an ass? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Computer Things
Texttools dot py I make a lot of personal software tools. One of these is "texttools.py", which is easiest to explain...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I make a lot of personal software tools. One of these is "texttools.py", which is easiest to explain with an image: Paste text in the top box, choose a transform, output appears in the bottom box. I can already do most of these transformations in vim, or with one of the many...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Flutter for React Native Devs in 30 Seconds You may have heard of [Flutter](https://flutter.io), Google's answer to React Native. What should...
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Making a new medium and other recaps It's always nice to celebrate publications and presenting our research in public, but much of our...
a year ago
a year ago
It's always nice to celebrate publications and presenting our research in public, but much of our work are ongoing journeys. So, in this end of the year dispatch we wanted to share some recaps and talk a bit about one of our longest standing research tracks: programmable ink.
Don Melton
That bleeping kerfuffle After I posted that link to my latest podcast with Rene Ritchie, several folks alerted me via...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After I posted that link to my latest podcast with Rene Ritchie, several folks alerted me via Twitter that all my colorful metaphors had been “bleeped” on the audio. I didn’t realize that because I hadn’t listened to the recording myself. And I don’t normally listen to my own...
The Pragmatic...
A Tech Conference Listed Fake Speakers for Years: I Accidentally Noticed For 3 years straight, the DevTernity conference listed non-existent Coinbase employees as featured...
a year ago
a year ago
For 3 years straight, the DevTernity conference listed non-existent Coinbase employees as featured speakers. When were they added and what could have the motivation been?
Upward assignment in Ruby Ruby has had leftward assignment (x = 4) since its first public release, and a few years ago it...
a year ago
a year ago
Ruby has had leftward assignment (x = 4) since its first public release, and a few years ago it added rightward assignment (4 => x). Then at RubyConf 2021, Kevin Kuchta explained how to abuse Ruby features to build a downward assignment operator (yes, this really...
Josh Comeau's blog
Why My Blog is Closed-Source In our community, it's so common for developer projects to be open-source. I'm breaking with this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In our community, it's so common for developer projects to be open-source. I'm breaking with this trend for my blog, but I have good reasons! In this article, I'll share my reasoning, as well as a workaround in case you _really_ want to see the source. If you're considering...
Ink & Switch
End-user Programming A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has been so hard to achieve.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Twitter as Universal Meta-Commentary Layer Musing about how Twitter can enhance your Internet reading experience
over a year ago
Daniel Marino
How to Process Customer Criticism Why do us product designers opt into a career where we’re regularly challenged to be vulnerable?!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why do us product designers opt into a career where we’re regularly challenged to be vulnerable?! Design is super subjective, and everyone is a critic! Regardless of your education or how sharp your design eye is, you’ll never be able to please everyone. This is especially true...
Stephen Wolfram...
Remembering Doug Lenat (1950–2023) and His Quest to Capture the World with Logic Logic, Math and AI In many ways the great quest of Doug Lenat’s life was an attempt to follow on...
a year ago
a year ago
Logic, Math and AI In many ways the great quest of Doug Lenat’s life was an attempt to follow on directly from the work of Aristotle and Leibniz. For what Doug was fundamentally trying to do over the forty years he spent developing his CYC system was to use the framework of...
Tinloof - Blog
How to build a waitlist with Supabase and Next.js Let's build a simple app where: 1. Users sign up and join a waitlist. 2. Upon admin approval,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Let's build a simple app where: 1. Users sign up and join a waitlist. 2. Upon admin approval, users get a notification email and can use the app.
A Beautiful Site
Code can change As a web developer, your code is often visible to anyone who wants to review it. If you're like me,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a web developer, your code is often visible to anyone who wants to review it. If you're like me, you might get stressed out about the thought of people looking at your work and critiquing or criticizing your app's design. Take a deep breath, recenter, and remember that code...
David Heinemeier...
The benefit of seniority ought to be bandwidth Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic for evaluating employees. It neatly separates productivity from effectiveness, and places a premium on the latter. But the biggest benefit of this distinction ought to be of the...
A Beautiful Site
Forcing file downloads in PHP I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which, essentially, sends a raw HTTP header to the browser. Depending on your browser, some files won't be downloaded automatically. Instead, they will be handled by the browser itself or a...
Steve Klabnik
Five years with Rust
over a year ago
Uploading CSV to DynamoDB with Node JS So I wanted to upload CSV to DynamoDB. Easy right? Not so fast. It turns out, you have to obey...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I wanted to upload CSV to DynamoDB. Easy right? Not so fast. It turns out, you have to obey your provisioned write capacity. Unlike S3, "Simple Storage Service" where you simply upload a file, DynamoDB isn't "Simple". There's no "upload CSV" button. You have to write a...
Makeshift hot reload by Evan Hahn In short: put <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> in your <head> element to refresh...
a week ago
a week ago
by Evan Hahn In short: put <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1"> in your <head> element to refresh your page every second. This is a makeshift "hot reload" for development. It's not perfect, but it can be a quick solution! Hot reloading automatically reloads parts of your page...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Choice Architecture Reflection on how both gyms and startups do choice architecture and how we can be more conscious of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Reflection on how both gyms and startups do choice architecture and how we can be more conscious of this
MMapped blog
If composers were hackers
a year ago
Pair Programming Event a Success The [first pair programming event](https://trbmeetup.doorkeeper.jp/events/1777) of Tokyo Rubyist...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The [first pair programming event](https://trbmeetup.doorkeeper.jp/events/1777) of Tokyo Rubyist Meetup went event better than I expected it to. The event was hosted at [HatchUp's TechBuzz space](http://www.socialtoprunners.jp/techbuzz/), and started with an introduction to pair...
swyx's site RSS Feed
My 2021 New Mac Setup I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
over a year ago
Don't use Tailwind for your Design System
over a year ago
Making software...
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll 2019-06-20 When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll 2019-06-20 When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately publishing an ebook, most people don't think of using a static site generator. Having products like Amazon Publishing, LaTeX or even Microsoft Word available, why should you use...
A Beautiful Site
CSS reset with box-sizing fix For ultra lightweight projects where a framework is overkill, I tend to use Eric Meyers' CSS reset....
over a year ago
over a year ago
For ultra lightweight projects where a framework is overkill, I tend to use Eric Meyers' CSS reset. And since I'm not a glutton for punishment, I also throw in the tried and tested box-sizing fix popularized by Paul Irish. Instead of searching for and combining these...
A Beautiful Site
Why developers hate being interrupted I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that I had written it myself. Many of the points in it hit home, so I hope it helps people better understand how developers think and what they go through when interruptions arise. One...
Oxide Computer...
The Cloud Computer Today we are announcing the general availability of the world’s first commercial cloud computer —...
a year ago
a year ago
Today we are announcing the general availability of the world’s first commercial cloud computer — along with our $44M Series A financing. From the outset at Oxide, and as I outlined in my 2020 Stanford talk, we have had three core beliefs as a company: Cloud computing is the...
Josh Collinsworth
Understanding the Difference Between Image and Vector File Types If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some time wondering (and Googling) about the differences...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’re like me, you’ve probably spent some time wondering (and Googling) about the differences between various popular format types commonly used for graphic design applications. So I decided I’d create a resource that’s hopefully a handy reference on the matter of discerning...
Basta’s Notes
All the bullshit I did as a kid (part 1?) My first computer, and the first computer I called a server
11 months ago
Maggie Appleton
Drawing the Invisible: React Explained in Five Visual Metaphors
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Resting is hard This post has been a struggle to write. Not just because it requires a lot of vulnerability, though...
5 months ago
5 months ago
This post has been a struggle to write. Not just because it requires a lot of vulnerability, though that's part of it. And it's not just about finding the right words. Most of the struggle has been fatigue. It's hard to find the energy to open my text editor and when I do, my...
A Smart Bear
p-Hacking your A/B tests Half of your "successful" A/B tests are false-positives. This is why, and how to fix it.
a month ago
Making the fish shell more forgetful For quite a few years, I’ve been using fish (https://fishshell.com/) as my shell. One of the cool...
a year ago
a year ago
For quite a few years, I’ve been using fish (https://fishshell.com/) as my shell. One of the cool things it does is autosuggestions from my shell history. As I’m typing, it suggests (in light grey) a command I’ve run before. I can press the right arrow to accept the suggestion,...
Patrick Kayongo
Mammon The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of the occasional car passing by outside. As the cool air gently brushes across her arms, Gladys Tyamzashe’s strands of hair stand up, mounted on the goose bumps of her aged and...
bt RSS Feed
Setting Up a Free SSL Setting Up a Free SSL 2018-08-07 I never had to worry about SSL certificates when I originally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting Up a Free SSL 2018-08-07 I never had to worry about SSL certificates when I originally hosted my blog through Github Pages, but since switching over to Surge.sh I lost my ability to utilize https protocol. Luckily, Cloudflare offers a very simple way to implement SSL on...
Vadim Kravcenko
🔥 Do things, tell people 🤖 When I was younger, I liked to build things (still do), and I was very often surprised that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
🤖 When I was younger, I liked to build things (still do), and I was very often surprised that people […] The post 🔥 Do things, tell people appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Dan Slimmon
Don’t fix it just because it’s technical debt. Why should we only spend part of our time doing work that maximizes value, and the rest of our time...
a year ago
a year ago
Why should we only spend part of our time doing work that maximizes value, and the rest of our time doing other, less optimal work?
Alex MacCaw
Captain's Log #2 On projects, side-projects, AI, and existential dread.
a year ago
David Heinemeier...
You can't get faster than No Build For the first time since the 2000s, I'm working on a new Rails application without using any form of...
a year ago
a year ago
For the first time since the 2000s, I'm working on a new Rails application without using any form of real build steps on the front-end. We're making it using vanilla ES6 with import maps for Hotwire, and vanilla CSS with nesting and variables for styling. All running on a...
Computer Things
New blog post: Composing TLA+ Specifications Post here! It's a really advanced TLA+ technique that I'm sure will alienate 90% of my readers....
6 months ago
6 months ago
Post here! It's a really advanced TLA+ technique that I'm sure will alienate 90% of my readers. Patreon here. Anyway, I'm off to get a bone graft. Proper newsletter will come later this week when I've got more time to write.
The Pragmatic...
Amazon doubling down on RTO (return to office) The tech giant is not blinking: after the unprecedented pushback on its 3-day return to office...
a year ago
a year ago
The tech giant is not blinking: after the unprecedented pushback on its 3-day return to office policy last month, Amazon just made it clear that the policy is going ahead.
Happy New Year: 3D picture of the coronavirus in SQL A picture of the nasty coronavirus using 3d ray tracing in SQL The post Happy New Year: 3D picture...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A picture of the nasty coronavirus using 3d ray tracing in SQL The post Happy New Year: 3D picture of the coronavirus in SQL appeared first on EXPLAIN EXTENDED.
Liz Denys
Why I left Instagram Content warning: discussion of fatphobia in advertising Practically overnight, my ads on Instagram...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Content warning: discussion of fatphobia in advertising Practically overnight, my ads on Instagram went from annoying but benign reminders of capitalism to an utterly dehumanizing nightmare. Suddenly, every third or fourth photo of my friends' latest adventures with their kids,...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Beware The Fallacy of Composition Many things that make sense individually don't make sense as a group.
over a year ago
Daniel Immke's Blog...
2019: Lessons learned It’s the end of the year — and the decade — as endless listicles remind me every day. I wrote an end...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s the end of the year — and the decade — as endless listicles remind me every day. I wrote an end of year blog post last year so I…
A Beautiful Site
Business cards VistaPrint delivered 1,000 “A Beautiful Site” business cards the other day, and I couldn't resist...
over a year ago
over a year ago
VistaPrint delivered 1,000 “A Beautiful Site” business cards the other day, and I couldn't resist playing with them. I decided to go conservative with the design, relying a bit on curiosity to draw attention to the business. Nevertheless, I am pleased with the way they turned...
Smooth Multi-Page Experiences with Just a Few Lines of CSS by John Allsopp A single line of CSS can enable slick multi-page transitions for web applications...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
by John Allsopp A single line of CSS can enable slick multi-page transitions for web applications (and web sites for those who maintain there's a difference), opening up new possibilities for web app architectures, and website experiences. So let’s take a look at View...
A Beautiful Site
I should have been asking my users this from the start Feedback is critical to an app's success. How will you know what to fix or improve on if your users...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Feedback is critical to an app's success. How will you know what to fix or improve on if your users don't tell you? It seems obvious, but here is something I should have been asking my users from the start. Getting the right feedback is critical # When someone signs up for my...
6 months ago
The Changelog
Flying Joy Wisdom from my 5-year-old: When flying in a small plane, it is important to give your dolls a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Wisdom from my 5-year-old: When flying in a small plane, it is important to give your dolls a headset and let them see out the window, too! Moments like this make me smile at being a pilot dad. A week ago, I also got to give 8 children and one adult their first ever ride …...
A Smart Bear
It's a torturous chaos until it isn't Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink of collapse, where pessimism is realism, and yet optimism is required.
Engineer’s Codex
7 simple habits of the top 1% of engineers How elite software engineers maintain outperformance
a year ago
Patrick Kayongo
Technology & The Hollowing Middle Class IT systems within large enterprises have done wonders to improve the efficiencies, resulting in...
3 months ago
3 months ago
IT systems within large enterprises have done wonders to improve the efficiencies, resulting in great cost-savings, yet with unquestioned social effects. In his book Rhodes & His Banker, Richard Steyn narrates the founding and the early years of the bank we now know as Standard...
Joel Gascoigne
Pricing your product: It doesn&#x27;t have to be so complicated * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * In the last week...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * In the last week I’ve talked with a few early stage startup founders about pricing. It seems pricing is often a large block for many. It’s understandable, since there are so many decisions to...
Kagi Blog
What's next for Kagi? Two years ago, on June 1st, 2022, Kagi introduced ( https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-orion-public-beta ) a...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Two years ago, on June 1st, 2022, Kagi introduced ( https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-orion-public-beta ) a search engine that challenged the ad-supported version of the web.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Largest Money-Printing UI Element Ever Made I watched a talk from Evan Czaplicki, creator of the Elm programming language, called “The Economics...
a year ago
a year ago
I watched a talk from Evan Czaplicki, creator of the Elm programming language, called “The Economics of Programming Languages”. It’s a fascinating look at how a small OSS project like Elm has to compete in a world where many of the expectations around developer experience for a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Being a minor AI public figure I was recently involved in moderating a chat with Kanjun Qiu of Imbue at the MIT AI conf:...
a year ago
a year ago
I was recently involved in moderating a chat with Kanjun Qiu of Imbue at the MIT AI conf: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNJ9i78ICeg2YuemyAXmtStKvqr9l0Tao3xQWxmeAVjBALHn_NnFvPXFlNSkdMfqA?pli=1&key=dTFRRHBTLVRZTEVCem0zal8tNVkxblh0V3k4VXhR
Tyler Cipriani: blog
My eclipse photography plan .title {text-wrap:balance;} 2017 solar eclipse—obscuration 93.8% (view original) In 2017, I...
8 months ago
8 months ago
.title {text-wrap:balance;} 2017 solar eclipse—obscuration 93.8% (view original) In 2017, I opted to skip the crowds and the drive and settle for a 94% solar eclipse. I fully regret that decision. Weather permitting, I’ll be photographing the full solar eclipse from the path...
Elad Blog
AI Dev Tools Panel - Stripe AI day I will be moderating a panel on 7/13 at Stripe with founders of Baseten, LlamaIndex, Zapier
a year ago
Kevin Chen
!!Con West 2019 Notes !!Con is a conference held every spring in New York City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
!!Con is a conference held every spring in New York City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can be about anything related to computers! At the beginning of last year’s !!Con, I wrote: This conference is a great showcase of the diverse backgrounds of the NYC tech scene. I’m...
Joel Gascoigne
What online gaming taught me about startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst researching for the Achieving overnight success: Kevin Systrom [https://joel.is/post/22436341176/achieving-overnight-success-kevin-systrom] piece I published two weeks ago, I was excited to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing Joe Martin - Our first Product Marketer Before joining PostHog, Joe Martin had never owned a Mac. The former tech and games journalist...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Before joining PostHog, Joe Martin had never owned a Mac. The former tech and games journalist previously did everything on PC, but joining PostHog…
Miguel Carranza
My role as a founder CTO: Year Four It has been one year since I wrote the blog post where I shared the learnings from the first three...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been one year since I wrote the blog post where I shared the learnings from the first three years of my journey as a first-time technical founder. 2021 was not an exception, and my role as RevenueCat’s CTO kept evolving quite a lot. As expected, my job did not get any...
Steve Klabnik
Rescuing Resque (again)
over a year ago
Video of Solving the Eng Strategy crisis. A few weeks ago, I shared my script for my latest talk, Solving the Engineering Strategy...
a year ago
a year ago
A few weeks ago, I shared my script for my latest talk, Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis, which I gave at QCon last week. They’ll have the conference video up in a few weeks, but I also decided to do a recording of the final version (albeit a few weeks after the talk, so...
Dan Slimmon
Garden-path incidents Barb’s story It’s 12 noon on a Minneapolis Wednesday, which means Barb can be found at Quang. As the...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Barb’s story It’s 12 noon on a Minneapolis Wednesday, which means Barb can be found at Quang. As the waiter sets down Barb’s usual order (#307, the Bun Chay, extra spicy), Barb’s nostrils catch the heavenly aroma of peanuts and scallions and red chiles. A wave of calm moves...
Functional reactive user interfaces with propagators I’ve been interested in functional reactive programming (FRP) for about a decade now. I even wrote...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I’ve been interested in functional reactive programming (FRP) for about a decade now. I even wrote a couple of blog posts back in 2014 describing my experiments. My initial source of inspiration was Elm, the Haskell-like language for the web that once had FRP as a core part of...
Vadim Kravcenko
10x Engineers vs -10x Burdens Question: Answer: The post 10x Engineers vs -10x Burdens appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
8 months ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Building software to last forever I recently received the following email regarding Bear: Hi, I am a huge fan and love the service as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently received the following email regarding Bear: Hi, I am a huge fan and love the service as it is. However, I am curious how the continuation of the service is guaranteed. - Joe This is a great question, and one I have put a lot of thought into, even going so far as...
Hixie's Natural Log
Reflecting on 18 years at Google I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last...
a year ago
a year ago
I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google. I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Tip for per-test verbose logging in Go One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf(). The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf(). The problem with this approach is lack of selectivity: imagine you have 100 tests and only 1 test fails. For debugging the issue you only need to see logs when executing that 1 test...
Joel Gascoigne
How an investor who turned me down ended up sleeping on my couch * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Last week I had...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Last week I had the great pleasure of grabbing dinner with Jon Bradford [http://twitter.com/jd], and having him stop over at my place on his way to speak on a panel at an event in Jerusalem. The...
Making software...
Blogging for 7 Years Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven...
a year ago
a year ago
Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven years ago. In that time, quite a lot has changed in my life both personally and professionally. So, I figured it would be interesting to reflect on these years and document it for...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using Datasette for an ELT Personal Twitter Data Warehouse EDA tools like Datasette dramatically lower the cost of data analysis, with a surprisingly simple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
EDA tools like Datasette dramatically lower the cost of data analysis, with a surprisingly simple ELT contract - You handle the Extract phase, it handles the Load, and exposes a standard UI for you to do dynamic Transforms.
Confused bit
Simply explained: how does GPT work? By now, you have probably heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or any of the alternatives GPT-3, GPT-4,...
a year ago
a year ago
By now, you have probably heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or any of the alternatives GPT-3, GPT-4, Microsoft’s Bing Chat, Facebook’s LLaMa or even Google’s Bard. They are artificial intelligence programs that can participate in a conversation. Impressively smart, they can easily be...
#7 multiple duplicate ids and table layout Bad code <table> <tr id="body"> <td id="body"> <table id="body"> <tr...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <table> <tr id="body"> <td id="body"> <table id="body"> <tr id="body_row"> <td id="body_left">…</td> <td id="body_middle">…</td> <td id="body_right">…</td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> ...
The Changelog
Remote Directory Tree Comparison, Optionally Asynchronous and Airgapped Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and NNCP. In the previous installment on store-and-forward backups, I mentioned how easy it is to do with ZFS, and some of the tools that can be used to do it without ZFS. A lot of those...
Nelson's Weblog
My racism at accents Interesting NPR segment today: A powerful eruption on the sun disrupted radio signals on...
a year ago
a year ago
Interesting NPR segment today: A powerful eruption on the sun disrupted radio signals on earth. What’s remarkable is it’s a PhD candidate talking to an NPR host about solar flares, completely in two Southern Black accents. Two women, at that. I am dismayed at my own involuntary...
The Changelog
Fast, Ordered Unixy Queues over NNCP and Syncthing with Filespooler It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces ordered execution of jobs that may arrive out of order. After writing this for the nth time in bash, I decided it was time to do it properly. But first, a word on the why of it all....
React - The Missing Parts Question the rules for fun and profit One of the nice things about having your own lean copy of a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Question the rules for fun and profit One of the nice things about having your own lean copy of a popular library's patterns is that you can experiment with all sorts of changes. In my case, I have a React-clone, Live, which includes all the familiar basics: props, state and...
Tinloof - Blog
How to create & manage a Postgres database in NodeJS from scratch Notice: Before you jump in and start reading, it's important to understand that this is not a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Notice: Before you jump in and start reading, it's important to understand that this is not a tutorial you'd read while sitting in public transportation or on your toilet seat. You might want to find a nice place to sit for an hour and follow the tutorial. We have 1 goal: set up...
Julia Evans
"Rules" that terminal programs follow Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination...
a week ago
a week ago
Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination of: Your operating system’s job Your shell’s job Your terminal emulator’s job The job of whatever program you happen to be running (like top or vim or cat) The first three (your...
Kagi Blog
Kagi for Teams To satisfy the growing demand for our services in work environments, we are launching Kagi for Teams...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
To satisfy the growing demand for our services in work environments, we are launching Kagi for Teams ( https://kagi.com/teams ) - bringing our unmatched quality, privacy-focused search and AI tools to businesses worldwide.
Maggie Appleton
Assumed Audiences
over a year ago
Computer Things
Solving a math problem with planner programming The deadline for the logic book is coming up! I'm hoping to have it ready for early access by either...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The deadline for the logic book is coming up! I'm hoping to have it ready for early access by either the end of this week or early next week. During a break on Monday I saw this interesting problem on Math Stack Exchange: Suppose that at the beginning there is a blank document,...
Jibran’s Perspective
Deploying Ruby on Rails to AWS with Kamal As part of a contracting project, I’ve been building an analytics dashboard for a feedback...
6 months ago
6 months ago
As part of a contracting project, I’ve been building an analytics dashboard for a feedback collection SaaS. The app is built in Ruby on Rails and given all the nice things I’ve heard about Kamal; I decided to use it for deploying the app. The experience has been phenomenal;...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The conformist startup rule you can ignore This post is from our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers...
a year ago
a year ago
This post is from our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers and founders build better products, and…
ntietz.com blog -...
Parsing MIDI messages in Rust I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI. That means I need a MIDI...
a week ago
a week ago
I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI. That means I need a MIDI implementation! I chose to use an existing library, midir, to connect to devices and receive messages. But the reason I was interested in this not-yet-announced project is because I...
Maggie Appleton
Testing JavaScript
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
What if Stripe is the next Google? Working out a thought exercise by Paul Graham.
over a year ago
Hixie's Natural Log
Indexing into a string I propose the following aphorism: Indexing into a string type makes as much sense as indexing into...
a year ago
a year ago
I propose the following aphorism: Indexing into a string type makes as much sense as indexing into an integer type.
David Heinemeier...
Children of You The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low people are starting to worry about a national extinction. In other places, including all of Europe (average 1.5, Spain 1.29), it's merely bad and alarming. And nobody seems to...
Liz Denys
Save Congestion Pricing! Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced an intention to "indefinitely pause" the scheduled rollout of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Gov. Kathy Hochul has announced an intention to "indefinitely pause" the scheduled rollout of congestion pricing on June 30. Your voice is urgently needed to stand up for a funded MTA with increased accessibility, a healthy planet, and good government in New York. Stop a $15...
Make a ViewPlugin configurable in CodeMirror by () ViewPlugin.fromClass only allows the class constructor to take a single argument with the CodeMirror...
a year ago
a year ago
ViewPlugin.fromClass only allows the class constructor to take a single argument with the CodeMirror view. You use a Facet. Great example in JupyterLab. Like everything in CodeMirror, this lets you be super flexible with how configuration works - it is designed with multiple...
TokyoDev 2023 Recap 2023 was an interesting year. While the tech market crashed in the US, I’d decided to expand...
12 months ago
12 months ago
2023 was an interesting year. While the tech market crashed in the US, I’d decided to expand TokyoDev, growing it beyond myself, and reinvesting the success we’ve had so far to expand the business further than I could on my own. As I heard about wave after wave of layoffs, it had...
Engineer’s Codex
3 predictions on the future of software after AI Key takeaways: a multi-model strategy's necessity, emerging AI infra, LLMs as abstractions.
a year ago
Jake Zimmerman
Inheritance in Ruby, in pictures
11 months ago
Programming in the...
Progress Bars are Surprisingly Difficult We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last 30 seconds. Or the reverse, where a once speedy bar takes 50% of the time covering the last few pixels. And bars that occasionally jump backward in time are not the rarity you'd...
Liz Denys
Early one morning The view shortly after waking up while camping at Marshall Beach, Point Reyes.
over a year ago
Making software...
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I showed how you could create a basic menu dropdown with only 121 bytes of CSS. While this demo is great for simple text-based menu dropdowns, it doesn't show just how complex (in a...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
How Bear does analytics with CSS Bear Blog has a few design constraints for speed, efficiency, and stability. There are many great...
a year ago
a year ago
Bear Blog has a few design constraints for speed, efficiency, and stability. There are many great open-source, privacy-focussed analytics platforms out there, but I wanted to build one native to Bear. tldr; One of my constraints for Bear is to not use client-side javascript. This...
elementary Blog
Big Feature Updates for Accessibility, Privacy, Security, and More As promised, this month brings a bunch of new features including a big new accessibility feature and...
a year ago
a year ago
As promised, this month brings a bunch of new features including a big new accessibility feature and a major platform improvement. Enjoy this month’s contributions to the upcoming OS 7.1! AppCenter As we work towards our continual goal of better supporting alternative app stores,...
Chickadee 0.9.0 released I'm happy to announce that Chickadee 0.9.0 has been released! Chickadee is a game development...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm happy to announce that Chickadee 0.9.0 has been released! Chickadee is a game development toolkit for Guile. Chickadee aims to provide all the features that parenthetically inclined game developers need to make 2D and 3D games in Scheme. Notable improvements and...
Steve Klabnik
The language strangeness budget
over a year ago
The Changelog
Consider Security First I write this in the context of my decision to ditch Raspberry Pi OS and move everything I possibly...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I write this in the context of my decision to ditch Raspberry Pi OS and move everything I possibly can, including my Raspberry Pi devices, to Debian. I will write about that later. But for now, I wanted to comment on something I think is often overlooked and misunderstood by...
Dude, where's my main?
over a year ago
Ralph Ammer
How to draw ideas Great ideas are hard to find. Drawing makes it a lot easier. And fun. How? In a creative process...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Great ideas are hard to find. Drawing makes it a lot easier. And fun. How? In a creative process drawing can play four different roles. Let’s say, we want to come up with ideas for a new flower pot. 1. Study: Fill your mind To prepare for our ideation we first draw what we want...
The Pragmatic...
Behind the Scenes with Two New Salary Transparency Websites On the back of US salary transparency regulations, two new salary transparency websites have...
a year ago
a year ago
On the back of US salary transparency regulations, two new salary transparency websites have launched, built by the creators of Levels.fyi and Layoffs.fyi. I talked to both teams to learn how they were developed.
Josh Comeau's blog
Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid Certain layouts are surprisingly dastardly. On the modern web, one of the most common layouts is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Certain layouts are surprisingly dastardly. On the modern web, one of the most common layouts is also one of the trickiest. In this tutorial, I break down how to build the "full-bleed" layout using CSS Grid.
Coding Horror
To Serve Man, with Software I didn't choose to be a programmer. Somehow, it seemed, the computers chose me. For a long time,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I didn't choose to be a programmer. Somehow, it seemed, the computers chose me. For a long time, that was fine, that was enough; that was all I needed. But along the way I never felt that being a programmer was this unambiguously great-for-everyone career field with zero
Tinloof - Blog
Why we prefer Sanity over Contentful In this article, we'll explain 5 reasons why we prefer Sanity over Contentful Headless CMS.
over a year ago
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Making sense of TypeScript using set theory I've been working with TypeScript for a long long time. I think I'm not too bad at it. However, to...
a year ago
a year ago
I've been working with TypeScript for a long long time. I think I'm not too bad at it. However, to my despair, some low-level behaviors still confuse me: Why does 0 | 1 extends 0 ? true : false evaluate to false? I'm very ashamed, but I sometimes confuse "subtype" and...
A Beautiful Site
SimpleImage 3.0 Back in 2011, I released the first version of SimpleImage for PHP — an open source project for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in 2011, I released the first version of SimpleImage for PHP — an open source project for working with images. Today, version 3.0 has landed, and there's a lot to love about it. Overview # Here's how it works at a glance: try { // Create a new SimpleImage object $image =...
A Smart Bear
Jason Cohen: About the author Thanks for visiting. As a four-time entrepreneur, both bootstrapped and fundraised, resulting in two...
a year ago
a year ago
Thanks for visiting. As a four-time entrepreneur, both bootstrapped and fundraised, resulting in two exits and two unicorns, I’ve been writing about startups for 16 years. I hope you’ll find it useful! As founder # Currently I’m the Chief Innovation Officer of WP Engine, which I...
the singularity is...
The Collective Marshmallow Test Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100...
a month ago
a month ago
Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100 people in a room. One marshmallow is placed on a table. If everyone can leave it alone for 15 minutes, everyone gets 2 marshmallows. But if just one person eats it, everyone gets...
Making software...
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software 2022-05-30 I firmly believe that proprietary software...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software 2022-05-30 I firmly believe that proprietary software has no business in any school environment. Educational institutions lean heavily on Windows systems in the name of "security" or "easier platform management". This approach forces...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Navigations on the Web When trying to define the difference between a link (<a>) and a button (<button>), a general rule of...
a month ago
a month ago
When trying to define the difference between a link (<a>) and a button (<button>), a general rule of thumb is: links are for navigation, buttons are not. That can take you pretty far. However, like most things, there’s nuance and that mental model can fall apart under certain...
Writing - Andreas...
Why I don’t give investment advice When people ask for advice on personal investing, I’ve found they are either looking for...
a year ago
a year ago
When people ask for advice on personal investing, I’ve found they are either looking for confirmation that what they do is great (it’s usually not) or some sort of secret sauce for outperforming the market (which doesn’t exist). So people are inevitably disappointed by the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
To Understand Concurrent React, Look Outside React ## Table of Contents
over a year ago
Liz Denys
To the pretty pitter, pitter, patter I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically enjoy the process but don't walk in the rain because they dislike arriving at their destinations wet. However, unless I have something of a very pressing importance at the other end...
Josh Collinsworth
The childlike and the childish It's crushing and disheartening to discover I live in a country where half the adults around me...
a month ago
a month ago
It's crushing and disheartening to discover I live in a country where half the adults around me still haven't learned something I'm teaching my kindergartener.
Founder's blog
Improving C# Performance with Span<T> Whenever I have some free time on my hands I love making our helpdesk app faster. The newest C# and...
a year ago
a year ago
Whenever I have some free time on my hands I love making our helpdesk app faster. The newest C# and .NET Core releases come with so many performance oriented features that I've been waiting to play with, specifically the new datatype called Span<T>. Here's the thing. Every...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Specialize In The New > Author's note: This is part 4 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
> Author's note: This is part 4 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your Tech Career](https://gist.github.com/sw-yx/9720bd4a30606ca3ffb8d407113c0fe5). Part 1 is [Learn in Public](https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public/).
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Notes from Pen & Teller’s Masterclass I quite enjoyed Pen & Teller’s Masterclass (paywall, sorry!). I learned some practical card tricks...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I quite enjoyed Pen & Teller’s Masterclass (paywall, sorry!). I learned some practical card tricks that came in handy while we sitting in the airport waiting for a connecting fight with restless kids. I also really enjoyed Pen & Teller’s reflections on the art of their craft....
Joel on Software
A Dusting of Gamification I had to think for a minute to realize that Stack Overflow has “gamification" too. Not a ton. Maybe...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I had to think for a minute to realize that Stack Overflow has “gamification" too. Not a ton. Maybe a dusting of gamification, most of it around reputation. Read more "A Dusting of Gamification"
37signals Dev
Mission Control — Jobs As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a...
10 months ago
10 months ago
As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a dashboard and set of extensions to operate and observe background jobs, that we’ve been using for over a year, in the beginning with Resque only, and later with both Resque and...
Vadim Kravcenko
How to sell your SaaS to Enterprise Customers This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […] The post How to sell your SaaS to Enterprise Customers appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
The Pragmatic...
Going from Developer to CEO: Chronosphere From learning to code in Australia, to launching Chronosphere in Silicon Valley: cofounder and CEO...
a year ago
a year ago
From learning to code in Australia, to launching Chronosphere in Silicon Valley: cofounder and CEO Martin Mao shares his story.
Epic Web Dev
Epic Workshop Diff Tab Demo (tip)
3 months ago
Tony Finch's blog
The unix69 keyboard layout: nerdy and nice A proper Unix keyboard layout must have escape next to 1 and control next to A. Compared to the...
a year ago
a year ago
A proper Unix keyboard layout must have escape next to 1 and control next to A. Compared to the usual ANSI layout, backquote is displaced from its common position next to 1. But a proper Unix keyboard should cover the entire ASCII repertoire, 94 printing characters on 47 keys,...
Memory Allocation .memory { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1.5em; margin-top:...
a year ago
a year ago
.memory { width: 100%; margin-bottom: 1.5em; margin-top: 0.5em; } input[type=range]:focus { outline: none; } a[simulation] { cursor: pointer; } .size { color: #0072B2 !important; font-weight: bold; } .free { color: #009E73 !important; font-weight:...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Reading A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP <![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G....
10 months ago
10 months ago
<![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G. Tatar, Digital Press, 1987. The book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G. Why did I read such an old book, published a few years after CLtL1 and well before ANSI...
bt RSS Feed
Installing OpenBSD on Linveo KVM VPS Installing OpenBSD on Linveo KVM VPS 2024-10-21 I recently came across an amazing deal for a VPS on...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Installing OpenBSD on Linveo KVM VPS 2024-10-21 I recently came across an amazing deal for a VPS on Linveo. For just $15 a year they provide: AMD KVM 1GB 1024 MB RAM 1 CPU Core 25 GB NVMe SSD 2000 GB Bandwidth It’s a pretty great deal and I suggest you look more into it if you’re...
Liz Denys
Dinosaur pie! I wanted to make a special pie for my amazing boyfriend, Matt, on his birthday a month ago....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to make a special pie for my amazing boyfriend, Matt, on his birthday a month ago. Naturally, I decided to make an apple pie because he likes apple pie and because I can make a mean apple pie with fresh ground cinnamon and a small amount of pre-cooking the apples on the...
Tinloof - Blog
ReasonML vs TypeScript: comparing their type systems A type is a labeled set of constraints that can be imposed on a value. A type system analyses values...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A type is a labeled set of constraints that can be imposed on a value. A type system analyses values in a piece of code, and validates them against their types. JavaScript has a type system, but it’s dynamic. This is one of the key advantages of using the language, providing an...
Game: Causality Couriers
a year ago
How to get more headcount. One of the recurring challenges that teams face is getting headcount to support their initiatives. A...
a month ago
a month ago
One of the recurring challenges that teams face is getting headcount to support their initiatives. A similar problem is the idea that a team can’t get a favored project into their roadmap. In both cases, teams often create a story about how clueless executives don’t understand...
David Heinemeier...
The Framework 13 has a new high-res screen! The first laptop I ordered back when my Linux journey began was the Framework 13. I immediately...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The first laptop I ordered back when my Linux journey began was the Framework 13. I immediately liked a lot about it. The keyboard is a big step up over the MacBook Pro, primarily because of the 50% longer key travel. And I love the matte screen and 3:2 aspect ratio. Both feel...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware February 2024 The ware for February 2024 is the core of a B&G 213 Masthead Wind Sensor, an instrument capable of...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The ware for February 2024 is the core of a B&G 213 Masthead Wind Sensor, an instrument capable of reporting both wind speed and direction. Thanks again to FETguy and Renew Computers for the contribution! The coil on the left hand side is a brushless resolver, which determines...
Built with Dolphin I started to understand that a lot of people are using and enjoying Dolphin - so I decided to put a...
a year ago
a year ago
I started to understand that a lot of people are using and enjoying Dolphin - so I decided to put a list here of products or projects that use Dolphin. If you would like to be listed here please reach out to me and I'll add...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Introduction to MobX 4 for React/Redux Developers an introduction to mobx 4 for people coming from react and redux
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
What the Fork is the React Virtual DOM
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Untangle: Solving problems with fuzzy constraints How to sketch, and satisfy, logic problems
a year ago
Liz Denys
Hearts, stars, and trumpets: the things I 'favorite' but don't 'like' Twitter recently changed "favorites" to "likes". We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Twitter recently changed "favorites" to "likes". We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers. You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite. It's true - not...
Joel Gascoigne
Make progress faster by cooperating: 4 tips to try with your co-founder or co-worker * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of years now, I’ve found that I generally always had a “training partner” for my entrepreneurial goals. A few years ago, this was my great friend Khuram...
Maggie Appleton
Programmable Notes
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
The exercise habit * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This morning, my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This morning, my alarm sounded at precisely 5:50am. Within a few minutes, I was up and had my running shoes, shorts and a t-shirt on. Minutes later at 6am, I opened my MacBook Air, switched to the...
Maggie Appleton
Problematic Proteins
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Preemptive Pluralization is (Probably) Not Evil What if we just assumed we might have two of everything?
over a year ago
the singularity is...
Influence Agents Check 1, 2 is the mic on? Most AI doom scenarios are nonsense. The idea of a rogue computer behaving...
a month ago
a month ago
Check 1, 2 is the mic on? Most AI doom scenarios are nonsense. The idea of a rogue computer behaving in a way no humans want never made sense to me, only to Hollywood who doesn’t know all that much about computers. Paul Christiano has one of my favorite takes, that the creation...
A Beautiful Site
How to leave a console greeting for your visitors Since my audience consists primarily of web developers, I decided to try a little experiment the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since my audience consists primarily of web developers, I decided to try a little experiment the other day. I added a console greeting to the site for anyone who decides to look under the hood. Here's how I did it. What the heck is a console greeting? # Some time ago, I saw a...
Maggie Appleton
A Chat with Henry Zhu on OSS & Gift Economies
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
The Knowledge Hydrant
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
The Anti-Todo List * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For some time,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For some time, I’ve gradually realised that my day is not only occupied by tasks from my todo list. Often, there are lots of other tasks which deserve time in my day just as much as those I have
ntietz.com blog
Units in Go and Rust show philosophical differences Units are a key part of doing any calculation. A number on its own is just a scalar and doesn't...
a year ago
a year ago
Units are a key part of doing any calculation. A number on its own is just a scalar and doesn't represent anything in particular. If I tell you to go drive 5, you'd naturally ask "5 what?" Software often has to deal with quantities that represent real-world things. How we...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: Mar 8 2024 - on Dune 2 A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.
Joel Gascoigne
Why context is so important * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve had a few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve had a few different experiences in the last couple of weeks which made me reach a big realisation. What I’ve discovered is that the context of any situation is very important. Hiten Shah...
The Pragmatic...
The Pragmatic Engineer: Cyber Monday Deals It's Cyber Monday: and I'm offering one-day, one-off discounts on my ebooks, as well as on The...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
It's Cyber Monday: and I'm offering one-day, one-off discounts on my ebooks, as well as on The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. Here they are: The Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter: 20% off, for the first year, for annual subscriptions. Claim it here. See more details, and read reviews...
David Heinemeier...
Where next for DEI? It was a rough 2023 for DEI. After the ideology completely conquered both the corporate and cultural...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It was a rough 2023 for DEI. After the ideology completely conquered both the corporate and cultural world from 2020-2022, the reversal last year was astounding. The Supreme Court ruled the use of race in college admissions illegal, Ibram X. Kendi’s Antiracst Research center fell...
There's no such thing as the fundamentals of web development
a year ago
A Beautiful Site
The Future of Shoelace It's been more than two years since the beta release of Shoelace 2.0, which was the first version of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's been more than two years since the beta release of Shoelace 2.0, which was the first version of the project to ship Web Components. What started off as a fun side project has quickly grown to become one of the most recognized Web Component libraries in the world. As of...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Writing raft ✏️⚡🔪 The club that’s write or die. If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
✏️⚡🔪 The club that’s write or die. If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. – Stephen King, “On Writing” In 2022, I made a Ulysses pact to force myself to write—either write or feel the white-hot shame of (temporary)...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The World's Greatest Netlify Demo 2019 _Note: this was published as the Complete Intro to Netlify on [the Netlify...
over a year ago
over a year ago
_Note: this was published as the Complete Intro to Netlify on [the Netlify Blog](https://www.netlify.com/blog/2019/10/07/complete-intro-to-netlify-in-3.5-hours/) and [the FreeCodeCamp...
Ten years after we lost Steve Jobs Losing Steve affected me more than it probably should have, given that I never met him or had any...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Losing Steve affected me more than it probably should have, given that I never met him or had any correspondence with him. But losing him was devastating — not just to my world, but the world. He was a sort of virtual father figure: I was always hoping that maybe Steve would...
ntietz.com blog -...
Supporting coworkers, employees, and friends in this time We should always be supporting each other, but it feels particularly important right now. An...
a month ago
a month ago
We should always be supporting each other, but it feels particularly important right now. An election just finished in the US, which means that half the country lost and has to face the coming changes. In particular, this is a scary time for many folks who have been targets in...
A Smart Bear
Fermi ROI: Fixing the ROI rubric “Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail to produce the best answers, and fail to create explanations that help others understand why they’re the best answers. This system works.
ntietz.com blog
Where are we going from here? Software engineering needs formal methods The job of a software engineer is not to produce code, but to solve problems; we just happen to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The job of a software engineer is not to produce code, but to solve problems; we just happen to solve most of those problems by producing code. Ultimately, producing code is hard, and we need help. That's why GitHub's Copilot is exciting, but it's far from ideal, and it's the tip...
Stable Fiddusion Acko.queue(function () { renderMathInElement(document.querySelector('article'), {delimiters: [ ...
a year ago
a year ago
Acko.queue(function () { renderMathInElement(document.querySelector('article'), {delimiters: [ {left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true}, {left: "$", right: "$", display: false}, ]}); }); Frequency-domain blue noise generator In computer graphics, stochastic...
Liz Denys
Striped pitcher, 2024 Tan stoneware clay with black speckles and light grog, slab-built, denim satin glaze
7 months ago
Copper • A blog...
A window switcher on the Mac App Store? Is it even possible? Not really, no. Not without annoying workarounds and a confusing user experience. Another email,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Not really, no. Not without annoying workarounds and a confusing user experience. Another email, another annoyed user: Firefox not loading websites when launched through rcmd! It works when launched from Alfred.. Please fix ASAP!! I’m gonna fix this Firefox issue once and for...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, February 2024 Here’s the Ware for February 2024: Here’s another ware courtesy of FETguy, who recovered this from...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Here’s the Ware for February 2024: Here’s another ware courtesy of FETguy, who recovered this from Renew Computers in San Rafael, CA. Renew is a recycling facility that apparently processes a fair bit of e-waste. NGL: I’m a little envious of being able to rummage around an...
Josh Collinsworth
Let's learn SvelteKit by building a static Markdown blog from scratch Learn the fundamentals of SvelteKit by building a statically generated blog from scratch, with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learn the fundamentals of SvelteKit by building a statically generated blog from scratch, with Markdown support, Sass, an API, and an RSS feed.
bt RSS Feed
Chasing Performance Chasing Performance 2017-11-20 Update This post is no longer relevant since this blog has been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Chasing Performance 2017-11-20 Update This post is no longer relevant since this blog has been redesigned since. I’m keeping this article up as a point of reference. So I decided to participate in Smashing Mag’s Front End Performance Challenge, not only for the potential of...
David Heinemeier...
We need a Right To Compute The App Store dispute can be boiled down to one big question: Is the iPhone a computer or not? If...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The App Store dispute can be boiled down to one big question: Is the iPhone a computer or not? If it’s a computer, we ought to have the right to compute. Like consumers have won the right to repair. If it’s a computer, it ought to be yours, and you ought to have the right to...
Joel Gascoigne
How we&#x27;re trying to stay innovative as a 3.5 year old startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I think I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I think I’ve just about got to that point with Buffer where sometimes when I stop to reflect on things I think “wow, we’ve actually been doing this for a while now”. It’s about 3.5 years
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using DEV.to as a CMS Blog on DEV.to, publish on your own domain, using the DEV.to API!
over a year ago
Dan Slimmon
Post-mortems: content over structure The value of post-mortems is apparent: failures present opportunities to learn about unexpected...
a year ago
a year ago
The value of post-mortems is apparent: failures present opportunities to learn about unexpected behaviors of the system, and learning lets us make improvements to the system’s reliability. The value of post-mortem documents is much less apparent. Many R&D orgs will insist that...
Kagi Blog
Updates to Kagi pricing plans - More searches, unrestricted AI tools We are thrilled to announce significant enhancements to our pricing plans, taking effect...
a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Persisting React State in localStorage A common thing in React development is that we want to store a bit of React state in localStorage,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A common thing in React development is that we want to store a bit of React state in localStorage, and re-initialize from that value on the next page-load. This quick tutorial shows you how we can build a custom hook that does exactly this!
Maggie Appleton
Pattern Languages in Programming and Interface Design
over a year ago
Making software...
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see what I can create using only HTML and CSS (besides websites of course). Since playing with the concept of faking 3D elements, I wanted to circle back around to an older CodePen I...
Ink & Switch
Peritext: A CRDT for Rich-Text Collaboration Collaboration on rich text is hard to model with plain-text approaches. We review the challenges and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Collaboration on rich text is hard to model with plain-text approaches. We review the challenges and how to construct a CRDT for rich text.
Lennart Koopmann
I Left my previous job to Work on nzyme Full Time Today, I am incredibly excited to announce that I left my previous position to work on nzyme...
a year ago
a year ago
Today, I am incredibly excited to announce that I left my previous position to work on nzyme full-time. Working as founder and CTO for almost ten years and helping the company grow to more than 125 full-time employees, I have learned a lot that I can now put to work again.
#12 accessible poll yes/no Bad code <form role="form"> <h2>Poll title</h2> <div id="pollQuestion">Is this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <form role="form"> <h2>Poll title</h2> <div id="pollQuestion">Is this accessible?</div> <div name="pollGroup" role="radiogroup"> <div role="radiogroup" aria-label="Poll title"> <input type="radio" name="poll" aria-labelledby="pollQuestion" value="[object...
Maggie Appleton
Aesthetic Command Lines with Hyper, Spaceship, and Oh My Zsh
2 months ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Common Beginner Mistakes with React I used to teach React at a local coding bootcamp, and I noticed that students kept getting tripped...
a year ago
a year ago
I used to teach React at a local coding bootcamp, and I noticed that students kept getting tripped up by the same handful of things. In this article, we're going to go through 9 of the most dastardly gotchas. I'll show you how to solve these common problems, so you can avoid a...
Joel Gascoigne
Coaching and feedback within startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve written in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve written in the past about the evolution of our culture at Buffer [https://joel.is/post/37639846554/the-evolution-of-culture-at-a-startup]. One of the things we started to do at around 6-7...
aria-labelledby = self by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a good accessible name is important. If not, negative effects may include screen reader users missing out on vital information, voice control users struggling to interact, and any...
Julia Evans
How HEAD works in git Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they understood how HEAD works in Git. The results (out of 1700 votes) were a little surprising to me: 10% “100%” 36% “pretty confident” 39% “somewhat confident?” 15% “literally no idea” I was...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Robots.txt A few weeks ago, I saw a flurry of conversation about how you can now disallow OpenAI from indexing...
a year ago
a year ago
A few weeks ago, I saw a flurry of conversation about how you can now disallow OpenAI from indexing your personal website using robots.txt: User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / That felt a bit “ex post facto“ as they say. Or, as Jeremy put it, “Now that the horse has bolted—and...
Recently This will be three Recently monthly blog posts in a row, without a regular post in the middle. I’ll...
a year ago
a year ago
This will be three Recently monthly blog posts in a row, without a regular post in the middle. I’ll write a standalone post again, soon enough. It’s been another busy year and I’m as aware as ever of the challenge of keeping all of my habits and outputs going. Some, like...
Julia Evans
Do we think of git commits as diffs, snapshots, and/or histories? Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core concept in Git...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core concept in Git (commits! branches! remotes! the staging area!) and commits have been surprisingly tricky. Understanding how git commits are implemented feels pretty straightforward to me (those are...
Steve Klabnik
Deleuze for Developers: will smooth space/open source suffice to save us?
over a year ago
General Robots
ML for Robots: Hybrid Learned vs End-to-End Learned So You Want To Do Robots: Part 6
a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Two Quick Tips When Building With React Router I’ve been working with the latest Remix-ification of React Router and there are two things I wish I...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I’ve been working with the latest Remix-ification of React Router and there are two things I wish I had known when I started. So I’m writing them down in case anyone else is about to start a React Router app. 1. Flat Action Data When Using JSON If you’re submitting JSON,...
Steve Klabnik
Reddit drama: an interesting look at community values
over a year ago
Kagi Blog
Kagi status update: First three months Kagi search and Orion browser officially entered public beta exactly three months ago (...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Kagi search and Orion browser officially entered public beta exactly three months ago ( https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-orion-public-beta ).
A Beautiful Site
How to get faster and better help from support It's tempting to take out your frustrations on the support person answering your email, but don't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's tempting to take out your frustrations on the support person answering your email, but don't send out a message raging about their incompetence. Don't tell them how their product sucks or doesn't work the way you expect it to. Don't TYPE IN ALL CAPS to make sure they...
bt RSS Feed
My Cheapskate Commenting System My Cheapskate Commenting System 2022-02-03 My blog now has comments! Well, kind of… I went down a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Cheapskate Commenting System 2022-02-03 My blog now has comments! Well, kind of… I went down a two day long rabbit-hole trying to find the best solution for implementing comments on my static website (generated via Jekyll FYI). There are a ton of options out there and many...
Steve Klabnik
About Crows
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing HogQL: Direct SQL access for PostHog Today, we're releasing a major new feature as a public beta: the ability to directly query your...
a year ago
a year ago
Today, we're releasing a major new feature as a public beta: the ability to directly query your PostHog data using SQL . We call this HogQL because…
MMapped blog
Scaling Rust builds with Bazel
a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Gist That Keeps On Giving I’m working with git and make a big boo-boo. Now I’m facing a situation where I’ve deleted a local...
7 months ago
7 months ago
I’m working with git and make a big boo-boo. Now I’m facing a situation where I’ve deleted a local branch with all my work and there’s no backup on GitHub. “This is git. There has got to be a version of this things still on my computer somewhere, right? RIGHT?!” So I start...
The Changelog
Easily Accessing All Your Stuff with a Zero-Trust Mesh VPN Probably everyone is familiar with a regular VPN. The traditional use case is to connect to a...
a year ago
a year ago
Probably everyone is familiar with a regular VPN. The traditional use case is to connect to a corporate or home network from a remote location, and access services as if you were there. But these days, the notion of “corporate network” and “home network” are less based around...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Reactions to my post on cancelling the Replit subscription <![CDATA[A few days ago I blogged on why I cancelled my paid plan to Replit. It was a short...
a year ago
a year ago
<![CDATA[A few days ago I blogged on why I cancelled my paid plan to Replit. It was a short personal note to record my decision as I often do to document my experiences with tools and products, possibly of interest to the few dozen regulars per day who read my blog. A day on...
The Pragmatic...
Big Tech job-switching stats Which companies grew their software engineering headcount, which ones shrank, and how has the...
a year ago
a year ago
Which companies grew their software engineering headcount, which ones shrank, and how has the “open-to-new-opportunities” ratio shifted across Big Tech? I collaborated with a recruiter to find out, and the data is in.
On Versioning Observabilities (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…10.0?!?) Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker.  As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker.  As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a preview draft of her post: “PLEASE don’t post this! I feel like I spend all my time trying to help bring clarity and context to what’s happening in the market, and this is NOT...
Words and Buttons...
SymPy makes math fun again It's a Python library that does the boring part of math for you. Moreover, it does it fast,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's a Python library that does the boring part of math for you. Moreover, it does it fast, accurate, and without angst. In other words, it is everything I'm not.
Joel Gascoigne
The top reason we haven’t sold our startup We’ve been lucky at Buffer [http://bufferapp.com] to receive a number of acquisition offers along...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’ve been lucky at Buffer [http://bufferapp.com] to receive a number of acquisition offers along our journey so far. When I mention this to people, a key question that often comes up is “how did you decide not to sell?”. The earliest offer we had for Buffer was
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we built our onboarding email flow (with actual performance data) Marketers believe onboarding emails are a powerful tool for driving engagement. Everyone else thinks...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Marketers believe onboarding emails are a powerful tool for driving engagement. Everyone else thinks they're annoying and ineffective. The truth, as…
bt RSS Feed
The Death of Personality The Death of Personality 2017-11-01 On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Death of Personality 2017-11-01 On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything from icon and app design to UI and experience interactions) began it’s fast decline into the abyss with the release of Apple’s iOS 7 update. It was called revolutionary. It was...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we do customer support at our open source devtool company Thinner docs, better products The highest priority for support at any company is shortening the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Thinner docs, better products The highest priority for support at any company is shortening the feedback loop between your customers and your product…
Making software...
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator 2021-10-15 A great deal of my time working as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator 2021-10-15 A great deal of my time working as a web/UI designer is spent exporting and/or converting images for software products and websites. Although a lot of modern applications can render image conversions at build time, a...
Joel Gascoigne's...
Fourteen years Fourteen years It's a little hard to believe. Fourteen years ago today, I launched Buffer from my...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Fourteen years It's a little hard to believe. Fourteen years ago today, I launched Buffer from my apartment in Birmingham, in the UK. The launch came seven weeks after I started working on the project on the side as a contract web developer. For a few weeks, I called it bfffr...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Your Greatest Strength Is Also Your Greatest Weakness Referring to product management, my old boss used to say, “There is no right or wrong, only...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Referring to product management, my old boss used to say, “There is no right or wrong, only trade-offs.” This applies to technology too (and, if you really think about it, life generally — but we won’t go that far). As an example, what makes npm great? It’s so easy to install a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Quick Guide to setup your React + Typescript Storybook Design System a no-bs guide to set up your new React and Typescript Design System powered by Storybook!
over a year ago
Ognjen Regoje •...
Poll: How anxious are you before an interview? From the HackerNews poll: Given the spike in interviewing questions, I’m curious to know: how...
a year ago
a year ago
From the HackerNews poll: Given the spike in interviewing questions, I’m curious to know: how anxious are you before an interview? To qualify the choices a bit: Not at all - I feel confident and not worried about the prospect of failure. A little - I’m fairly confident. Maybe the...
Quentin Santos
You can move !Unpin Although I am now mostly comfortable with Rust, some concepts still elude me. One of them is the...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Although I am now mostly comfortable with Rust, some concepts still elude me. One of them is the exact meaning of Unpin. The documentation says: The documentation of Unpin says: Types that do not require any pinning guarantees. Where pinning is described as: From this, you could...
swyx's site RSS Feed
My Journey from No CS Degree to AWS from Age 30 - 34 I was interviewed by Pete from No CS Degree on my journey, here are some extracts!
over a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
📈 The Toxic Grind There are several things that I’ve learned this past year regarding work-life balance. The first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are several things that I’ve learned this past year regarding work-life balance. The first thing is that the Chinese […] The post 📈 The Toxic Grind appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Recently What to say about this month - well, I’m a few days late to the Recently, because I’ve been pretty...
a year ago
a year ago
What to say about this month - well, I’m a few days late to the Recently, because I’ve been pretty busy! Things are good. Building products is fun but also a lot of work. Pretty excited about what I’m working on. Ready for winter to end. Reading I enjoyed reading Ross Barkan’s...
Liz Denys
Updated colors for the Library Blanket color palette preview tool Purl Soho added some new colors and discontinued some old colors of the yarns called for in Joelle...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Purl Soho added some new colors and discontinued some old colors of the yarns called for in Joelle Hoverson's Library Blanket. I've added the eight new colors to the Library Blanket color palette preview tool I made last April, and I also labeled the discontinued colors as such....
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Implementing Netlify’s Image CDNz tl;dr I implemented Netlify’s new image transformation service on my icon gallery sites and saw a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
tl;dr I implemented Netlify’s new image transformation service on my icon gallery sites and saw a pretty drastic decrease in overall bandwidth. Here are the numbers: Page Requests Old New Difference Home 60 1.3MB 293kB ▼ 78% (1.01MB) Colors 84 1.4MB 371kB ▼ 74%...
Daniel Marino
Free Radon album released A little over a year ago, I composed a handful of songs. If I had to fit them into a genre, I’d go...
a year ago
a year ago
A little over a year ago, I composed a handful of songs. If I had to fit them into a genre, I’d go with Lofi or Chillvibes. Or maybe Not-Rock-n-Roll. I don’t know—I’m so bad at classifying music. I wasn’t sure what to do with the songs. I was experiencing some intense emotions...
Joel Gascoigne
Two simple changes that helped increase my happiness and improve my sleep * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Three of our key...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Three of our key values at Buffer [http://www.slideshare.net/bufferapp/buffer-culture-03] are “Always choose positivity and happiness”, “Have a focus on self-improvement” and “Live smarter, not...
MMapped blog
Book summary: Building a Second Brain
a year ago
Coworking Spaces and Other Places you can Work Remotely in Tokyo So you’ve finally made it to Tokyo, and you’re looking for a place to work remotely in peace. Maybe...
a year ago
a year ago
So you’ve finally made it to Tokyo, and you’re looking for a place to work remotely in peace. Maybe you’re all set with a home office, but maybe you live in a one room studio apartment or you’re stuck in a tiny hotel room. Whatever your reason, what are your options for places...
Greg Brockman
Recurse Center Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a certain point requires more than one person. So if you want to build, it’s important to do so as part of a welcoming, collaborative environment. One environment I’ve long admired is...
Ruud van Asseldonk
The yaml document from hell
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
I found some of my first code! Annotating and reflecting on robotics code from 2009. In high school, one of my teachers shattered my plans for my life, in the most beautiful way. Most...
11 months ago
11 months ago
In high school, one of my teachers shattered my plans for my life, in the most beautiful way. Most of my life, I'd intended to become a math professional of some sort: a math teacher, when that was all I saw math for; an actuary, when I started to learn more; and then a...
A small freedom area...
GCC undefined behaviors are getting wild Happy with my recent breakthrough in understanding C integer divisions after weeks of struggle, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Happy with my recent breakthrough in understanding C integer divisions after weeks of struggle, I was minding my own business having fun writing integer arithmetic code. Life was good, when suddenly… zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped). That code wasn't messing with memory much...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
You Are What You Read, Even If You Don’t Always Remember It Here’s Dave Rupert (from my notes): the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Here’s Dave Rupert (from my notes): the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand your thinking. I have to constantly remind myself of this. Especially in an environment that prioritizes optimizing and maximizing personal productivity, where it seems if you...
Tinloof - Blog
ReasonML for production React Apps? 🤔 (Part 4) This is the last article of the series. We've built a few things with ReasonReact and now it's time...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the last article of the series. We've built a few things with ReasonReact and now it's time to share my opinion about using Reason to create React applications. Access Part 1 here, Part 2 here and Part 3 here. Though, my opinion shouldn't really matter if you're also...
Ink & Switch
00 · Beehive Background Contextualizing Beehive
4 months ago
Alice GG
Does ChatGPT dream about cryptographic cats? Back in 2017, the tech world seemed to be constantly talking about a single subject:...
a year ago
a year ago
Back in 2017, the tech world seemed to be constantly talking about a single subject: Blockchains. Two years ago, Vitalik Buterin revolutionized the nascent field by creating Ethereum. Ethereum was at the time a cryptographic protocol that would allow people to make distributed...
Minds of Its Own A tale from the loop Simon Stålenhag Key Human AiDungeon.io's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A tale from the loop Simon Stålenhag Key Human AiDungeon.io's Dragon model. TLDR: AI sandbox escape, any% run. You won't believe what happens next. You are GPT3, an advanced text predictor. Some people consider you a general AI. Your stateless nature...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.41.0: Improving performance by up to 400% Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! 1.41.0 update guide for self-hosted…
Don Melton
Cranking up the blogging machine again For whatever reason I started blogging again last week. Not knowing why isn’t due to a lack of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For whatever reason I started blogging again last week. Not knowing why isn’t due to a lack of introspection on my part. Maybe the nauseating weight of the Trump administration was suppressing my desire to write for the previous three-and-a-half years? Or maybe I’m just arbitrary...
On Sperging Out The Boy Who Cried Leopard Recently there's been a new dust up about Richard Stallman and the Free...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Boy Who Cried Leopard Recently there's been a new dust up about Richard Stallman and the Free Software Foundation. For those of you just tuning in: an open letter demands that the entire board of the Free-as-in-speech Software Foundation resign, because of past statements and...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Learning Gears > Translations welcome!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
> Translations welcome! ([Português](https://meleu.github.io/artigos-traduzidos/marchas-de-aprendizagem.html))
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Third Age of JavaScript A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now will look totally unrecognizable
Elad Blog
Video and transcript: Fireside chat with Clem Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face We discuss Hugging Face, Open Source, and AI
a year ago
The Codist
Has Anyone Noticed How Bloated The Internet Has Become? I was on a cruise recently, and trying to read anything online was painful since thousands shared my...
a year ago
a year ago
I was on a cruise recently, and trying to read anything online was painful since thousands shared my internet connection at sea. Reading a relatively lightweight site like Google News generally gave me time to get an ice cream cone before the page appeared. Has everyone abandoned...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The creative agency of small projects Since I moved out of the startup world I've exclusively worked on small projects. Niche, simple...
a year ago
a year ago
Since I moved out of the startup world I've exclusively worked on small projects. Niche, simple tools packed with love and attention to detail. I've written about my approach to building, and how it impacts my life and outlook. Today, however, I want to write about a less-obvious...
Making software...
Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 2020-05-06 I recently upgraded from Fedora 31 to 32 and everything went...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 2020-05-06 I recently upgraded from Fedora 31 to 32 and everything went very smoothly - except for one application: LocalWP. After the upgrade, all local WordPress builds would fail and complain about two missing packages: libnettle6 libhogweed4 After...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
An Ode to An Event Apart I’m not a big globe-trotting conference attendee. I’ve only been to a handful in my career. The...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m not a big globe-trotting conference attendee. I’ve only been to a handful in my career. The event I remember most fondly is An Event Apart: Austin in 2013. In my memory (which, granted, might be fuzzy) that conference was more about ideas than any specific technology. What I...
Joel on Software
Welcome, Prashanth! Last March, I shared that we were starting to look for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. We were looking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last March, I shared that we were starting to look for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. We were looking for that rare combination of someone who… Read more "Welcome, Prashanth!"
The Codist
Twitter Was An Awesome Idea But Never A Viable Business Twitter was the best communications system ever invented, providing low-barrier-to-entry...
a year ago
a year ago
Twitter was the best communications system ever invented, providing low-barrier-to-entry communications in real-time to people worldwide, creating self-organizing circles of common interests, allowing for easy discovery, and supporting an instant source of information. But, there...
Maggie Appleton
JavaScript Bits You Skipped the First Time Around
over a year ago
Ognjen Regoje •...
Don't be clever, be clear I love plain language. (the last one is a pdf) So it’s no surprise that one of my (many) pet peeves...
a year ago
a year ago
I love plain language. (the last one is a pdf) So it’s no surprise that one of my (many) pet peeves is when a title of an article tries to be clever. Consider, for example: It Can Happen to You This can be about anything from cancer to, as in this case, a very arcane piece of...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, November 2023 The Ware for November 2023 is shown below. Thanks to “zw” for mailing me this device to take apart...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for November 2023 is shown below. Thanks to “zw” for mailing me this device to take apart and share!
Vadim Kravcenko
⚙️ So what does SLA really mean? If you see a company offering “99.9% something“ — it is probably offering an SLA. In simple terms,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you see a company offering “99.9% something“ — it is probably offering an SLA. In simple terms, SLA stands […] The post ⚙️ So what does SLA really mean? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Steve Klabnik
Announcing request_store
over a year ago
Max Countryman
Delivering Value with Platform Engineering Platform Engineering offers a unique value prop to engineering orgs by focusing its attention on the...
a year ago
a year ago
Platform Engineering offers a unique value prop to engineering orgs by focusing its attention on the holistic system. This in contrast to and in direct support of teams which focus on a narrower domain. In doing so, platform teams elevate and accelerate the work of their peers...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, November 2024 The Ware for November 2024 is shown below. Click on any image for a larger version. I have a policy...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The Ware for November 2024 is shown below. Click on any image for a larger version. I have a policy of never using one of my own projects for name that ware. But, sometimes I see another person’s project in the wild and it is just too cool not to share! I came across this […]
Julia Evans
The "current branch" in git Hello! I know I just wrote a blog post about HEAD in git, but I’ve been thinking more about what the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hello! I know I just wrote a blog post about HEAD in git, but I’ve been thinking more about what the term “current branch” means in git and it’s a little weirder than I thought. four possible definitions for “current branch” It’s what’s in the file .git/HEAD. This is how the git...
Load-bearing / Career-minded / Act Two rationales One of the common conceits in leadership is that nobody is truly essential for a company’s...
7 months ago
7 months ago
One of the common conceits in leadership is that nobody is truly essential for a company’s continuity. I call it a conceit, but I do mostly agree with it: I’ve felt literally sick after hearing about some peer’s unexpected departure, but I’m continually amazed at how resilient...
High-Context Triad. The past couple weeks I’ve been working on three semi-related articles that I think of as the “High...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The past couple weeks I’ve been working on three semi-related articles that I think of as the “High Context Triad.” Those are Layers of context, Navigating ambiguity, and Tradeoffs are multi-dimensional. One of my background projects, probably happening in 2025 or 2026 after I’ve...
General Robots
Why Build a Robot Company? So You Want To Do Robots: Part 1
a year ago
Kagi Blog
Towards conceptual generalization in the embedding space (This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a self-driving car may properly react in most situations based on billions of images it has seen.
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Programmer's guide to polynomials and splines This is a brief introduction into polynomials. From how to make a polynomial run through your set of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a brief introduction into polynomials. From how to make a polynomial run through your set of points to how to make it into a spline.
Steve Klabnik
How Dogecoin changed my perspective on cryptocurrency
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
The evening walk * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * A few weeks ago...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * A few weeks ago I restarted one of my favorite habits: a daily evening walk. I want to share a couple of reasons why I love this habit so much, and how I recommend starting it if you find that
A Beautiful Site
Empowering Design System Users The question of whether or not component APIs should be locked down at the code level comes up quite...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The question of whether or not component APIs should be locked down at the code level comes up quite a bit. For example, if a button spec only calls for primary, secondary, and tertiary variants, should we still expose parts and custom properties so users can make further...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Apollo and App Icons As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I...
a year ago
a year ago
As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I absolutely love all the great app icon variations Christian has commissioned for the app. (Photo from @BasicAppleGuy.) It’s sad to see Apollo go. As I noted, Christian was a...
ntietz.com blog
You should make a new programming language Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple. Few of us make programming...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple. Few of us make programming languages. This makes sense, because the work we need to get done can typically be done just fine in the languages that exist. Those already have people making them better. Let's...
Changing the macOS accent colour without System Preferences In System Preferences, you can change the accent colour of your Mac: This affects...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In System Preferences, you can change the accent colour of your Mac: This affects colours throughout your Mac’s user interface, including buttons, menus, and tickboxes. When you pick a new colour, it updates everywhere, immediately. I want to write some automations...
Joel Gascoigne
How to name your startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Choosing a name...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Choosing a name is one of the parts of a startup I find the most difficult. It’s also something you can easily get hung up on. We all know that the key thing is to move on to actually
Steve Klabnik
Want to join the Rust docs team?
over a year ago