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Evan Jones -...
Random Load Balancing is Unevenly Distributed This is a reminder that random load balancing is unevenly distributed. If we distribute a set of...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a reminder that random load balancing is unevenly distributed. If we distribute a set of items randomly across a set of servers (e.g. by hashing, or by randomly selecting a server), the average number of items on each server is num_items / num_servers. It is easy to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Amplitude Contents: How is PostHog different to Amplitude? PostHog vs Amplitude feature comparison...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Contents: How is PostHog different to Amplitude? PostHog vs Amplitude feature comparison Integrations and data sources Strengths of PostHog Strengths…
Confessions of a...
Recording: How Hyper-Threading Works — A Microarchitectural Perspective Last weekend, we did a live session on the architecture of the hyper-threading (simultaneous...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Last weekend, we did a live session on the architecture of the hyper-threading (simultaneous multithreading) implementation in Intel’s x86 processors.
David Heinemeier...
Working remotely is a competitive hiring advantage again As more and more companies, especially large ones, have started demanding remote workers return to...
a year ago
a year ago
As more and more companies, especially large ones, have started demanding remote workers return to the office, the competitive hiring advantage for remote-first companies is back. And it's even bigger than before the pandemic, now that so many workers have had a taste of what...
An exploit on Gaana.com gave me access to their entire User Database In May, 2015 I found an exploit on Gaana.com, which let me access their entire User Database (more...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In May, 2015 I found an exploit on Gaana.com, which let me access their entire User Database (more than 10 Million) which included all the user info.
Blog System/5
Links: February 2024 edition Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Open source licenses as a reflection of values I'm the kind of nerd that has a favorite software license. For a while that favorite license was the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm the kind of nerd that has a favorite software license. For a while that favorite license was the Mozilla Public License (MPL). Right now, it's the GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL). Licenses are really important on all code, and they're critical to the open source...
ntietz.com blog -...
Making Rust builds fail from YAML config mistakes I was talking to a friend recently, and zie1 lamented that a Rust web framework uses YAML for its...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I was talking to a friend recently, and zie1 lamented that a Rust web framework uses YAML for its configuration. I'm far from one to defend YAML2, but dug in a little to understand zir issues with it: is it the trauma here, or is it something else? Ultimately, zie wanted...
Mahmoud Felfel's...
The Phoenix project — Book Notes Book Notes From "The Phoenix project".
over a year ago
The Review Is the Action Item 2024/05/30 The Review Is the Action Item I like to consider running an incident review to be its own...
9 months ago
9 months ago
2024/05/30 The Review Is the Action Item I like to consider running an incident review to be its own action item. Other follow-ups emerging from it are a plus, but the point is to learn from incidents, and the review gives room for that to happen. This is not surprising advice if...
swyx's site RSS Feed
10 Principles I Learned from Tiago Forte's Building a Second Brain 10 Principles I Learned
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
Enjoying the moment * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * When I look back...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * When I look back on the times I’ve done the most productive work on my startup [http://bufferapp.com], it has always been when I’ve had a great balance of work and rest...
Ink & Switch
05 · Edit groups “Formality on demand” allows writers to choose the level of structure they want in their...
a year ago
a year ago
“Formality on demand” allows writers to choose the level of structure they want in their collaboration, and avoid needless ceremony.
Steve Klabnik
User-Agent: moz://a
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Kill the crunch time heroics Crunch time has an allure: it feels like if you just push hard enough, you can get more done. You...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Crunch time has an allure: it feels like if you just push hard enough, you can get more done. You can push hard and get that next release done on time, get those new features out, earn more revenue for your company. Engineers are under immense pressure to deliver more and do it...
Quentin Santos
Rust Gotcha: last() on DoubleEndedIterator tl;dr: don’t call last() on a DoubleEndedIterator How do you efficiently get the last part of a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
tl;dr: don’t call last() on a DoubleEndedIterator How do you efficiently get the last part of a space-separated string in Rust? It will be obvious to some, but the obvious answer of s.split(' ').last() is wrong. The mistake is easy to make; I encountered it in a recent MR I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Estimated Reading Time Widgets Beware ye who enter, here be personal opinions. I’ve never understood reading time estimation...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Beware ye who enter, here be personal opinions. I’ve never understood reading time estimation widgets. Why did these get so popular? Is it because they’re easy? I mean, you can grab one off npm no problem. Baldur suggests a theory in his piece about estimated reading times: At...
Steve Klabnik
An API ontology
over a year ago
General Robots
ML for Robots, Specialization vs Overfitting So You Want To Do Robots: Part 5
over a year ago
Making software...
Web Development on a $200 Chromebook Web Development on a $200 Chromebook 2020-01-07 This blog post was written, edited and tested...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Web Development on a $200 Chromebook 2020-01-07 This blog post was written, edited and tested locally on a cheap $200 Chromebook. The article draft was composed in Sublime Text. Jekyll (the SSG this website uses) was generated via the Linux Beta Terminal running alongside Chrome...
Making software...
A Warning for New Designers: Avoid Dribbble A Warning for New Designers: Avoid Dribbble 2022-09-08 Everyday a new designer begins their journey...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A Warning for New Designers: Avoid Dribbble 2022-09-08 Everyday a new designer begins their journey into the world of [insert design industry here] and it is magical! Having a fresh pair of eyes untainted from the current trends of the time can help improve design as a whole....
David Heinemeier...
Bad Therapy This book nails it. What it's like to be a parent with school-age children in America right now. So...
11 months ago
11 months ago
This book nails it. What it's like to be a parent with school-age children in America right now. So many kids with a diagnosis of one sort or another, so much monitoring of children's every move, so much anxiety over the most trivial things, like the sugar content of a cupcake....
The Future of Ops is Platform Engineering First published on 2022-09-30 at https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/future-ops-platform-engineering. Two...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First published on 2022-09-30 at https://www.honeycomb.io/blog/future-ops-platform-engineering. Two years ago I wrote a piece in The New Stack about the Future of Ops Careers. Towards the end, I wrote: The reality is that jack-of-all-trades systems infrastructure jobs are slowly...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Software 3.0 and the AI Engineer Landscape (talk notes & slides) Everyone has gone AI mad, and there is a lot of noise, hype, and demos, but not a lot of guidance on...
a year ago
a year ago
Everyone has gone AI mad, and there is a lot of noise, hype, and demos, but not a lot of guidance on practical usecases. We will go over a mental model of who is doing what and explain both where the opportunities are and where the non-AI developer can start going down the rabbit...
Forced Colors Mode Futility by Matthias Zöchling figure{margin-bottom:2.4rem}figure img{aspect-ratio:4;border: 6px solid...
3 months ago
3 months ago
by Matthias Zöchling figure{margin-bottom:2.4rem}figure img{aspect-ratio:4;border: 6px solid #000}figcaption,sup,.highlight,section:has(#resources) span,section:has(#fns)...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Making uLisp more usable on the Cardputer <![CDATA[It's a joy to use the Cardputer uLisp Machine, a nice little microcontroller system that...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
<![CDATA[It's a joy to use the Cardputer uLisp Machine, a nice little microcontroller system that runs uLisp. But after a short experience I had to put aside my Cardputer due to a showstopper issue that made it impractical to program the device. Since then a good workaround...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.15.0 Hey there! It's been a while... With our last release being over a month ago, this new release has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hey there! It's been a while... With our last release being over a month ago, this new release has the largest changelog to date, with 175 PRs merged…
Back to Basics: 5 HTML attributes for improved accessibility and user experience by Daniela Kubesch In the fast-paced world of web development, it's easy to get caught up in the...
a year ago
a year ago
by Daniela Kubesch In the fast-paced world of web development, it's easy to get caught up in the latest frameworks, libraries and cutting-edge technologies. But sometimes, the most impactful improvements come from revisiting the fundamentals. In this blog post, I'll guide you...
bt RSS Feed
February 2022 Update February 2022 Update 2022-02-23 It’s been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
February 2022 Update 2022-02-23 It’s been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my wife gave birth to our third child last Thursday. Her name is Harmony and she was born in the late afternoon weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces. Besides the lack of sleep, everything...
Joel Gascoigne
Why I&#x27;m going to Hawaii with my co-founder * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My co-founder...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * My co-founder Leo [http://leostartsup.com] and I are headed to Hawaii tomorrow morning for a 10 day trip. I just emailed the team, and I thought in line with one of our core...
Maggie Appleton
How Are Compilers & Transpilers Different? Illustrated notes on how compilers and transpilers are different
over a year ago
Making software...
Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects 2021-12-03 With the recent domain switch that took place on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Netlify for Dynamic URL Redirects 2021-12-03 With the recent domain switch that took place on this website, I needed to have a dependable setup to forward my old domain URLs to the new one. While using something like "URL forwarding" through your domain provider could work,...
Civic Hax
Chicago Parking Ticket Visualization Intro Hi there! In this post, I want to show off a fun little web app I made for visualizing parking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Intro Hi there! In this post, I want to show off a fun little web app I made for visualizing parking tickets in Chicago, but because I've spent so much time on the overall project, I figured I'd share the story that got me to this point. In many ways, this work is the foundation...
Blog - Bitfield...
Constraints in Go Freedom is nothing without constraints, and Go’s generics gives us a powerful way to build...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Freedom is nothing without constraints, and Go’s generics gives us a powerful way to build polymorphic types and functions constrained by type sets. Let’s geek out.
PostHog's RSS Feed
A new 'Privacy Shield' won't solve big tech's GDPR problem Ten years ago today, the European Commission published the first draft of the General Data...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ten years ago today, the European Commission published the first draft of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). But, as the recent ruling in…
Identity Designed
BERA Designed by How&How, London & Lisbon.
over a year ago
Making software...
Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons 2021-04-27 Everyone can appreciate fancy, animated buttons - but often...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons 2021-04-27 Everyone can appreciate fancy, animated buttons - but often times they come with a performance cost: JavaScript. Luckily for us, we can create our very own shiny, animated buttons with pure CSS. The Demo Live CodePen Example The...
bt RSS Feed
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky 2024-02-23 I often stumble upon large data sets or table...
a year ago
a year ago
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky 2024-02-23 I often stumble upon large data sets or table layouts across the web. When these tables contain hundreds of rows of content, things become problematic once you start to scroll… This should be a header Look at that table header...
MMapped blog
When Rust hurts
over a year ago
Guile-Websocket 0.1 released I'm happy to announce that Guile-Websocket 0.1 has been released! Guile-Websocket is an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm happy to announce that Guile-Websocket 0.1 has been released! Guile-Websocket is an implementation of the WebSocket protocol, both the client and server sides, for Guile Scheme. source tarball: https://files.dthompson.us/guile-websocket/guile-websocket-0.1.tar.gz signature:...
AI Art is getting better Adobe Firefly Express (beta) whatever “Text to Image” takes the old Colab Notebooks to a new refined...
a year ago
a year ago
Adobe Firefly Express (beta) whatever “Text to Image” takes the old Colab Notebooks to a new refined level.However it’s still easy to cherry-pick “good” images for every 10 mediocre or just plain wrong images. Don’t trust the robots. PEACE. T.AKE IT IT ELASY! * All images...
Engineer’s Codex
Meta reveals their serverless platform processing trillions of function calls a day XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more...
a year ago
a year ago
XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more efficient than AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.
Nelson's Weblog
Linkblog feed update I've got a new feed for my linkblog. It's at https://www.somebits.com/linkblog/index.atom old feed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've got a new feed for my linkblog. It's at https://www.somebits.com/linkblog/index.atom old feed at Pinboard will still work but isn't as fancy.
General Robots
Humanoid Robots: Dollars and GPTs Whats With All The Humanoid Robots? Part 2
9 months ago
Charles Chen
Interviews in the Age of AI: Ditch Leetcode - Try Code Reviews Instead In the emerging age of AI generated code, is leetcode really the best way to evaluate technical...
a year ago
Julia Evans
Notes on git's error messages While writing about Git, I’ve noticed that a lot of folks struggle with Git’s error messages. I’ve...
11 months ago
11 months ago
While writing about Git, I’ve noticed that a lot of folks struggle with Git’s error messages. I’ve had many years to get used to these error messages so it took me a really long time to understand why folks were confused, but having thought about it much more, I’ve realized...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Laying myself off from Amazon Yesterday, I resigned from Amazon. My final day is next week, right before Thanksgiving. I realize...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yesterday, I resigned from Amazon. My final day is next week, right before Thanksgiving. I realize the timing of this is quite coincidental…
Josh Collinsworth
New Site, New Theme for 2018 Building a WordPress theme (and a new brand) from scratch.
over a year ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
Bitsnap, a screenshot capture tool for Medley Interlisp <![CDATA[I wrote Bitsnap, a tool in Interlisp for capturing screenshots on the Medley environment....
5 days ago
5 days ago
<![CDATA[I wrote Bitsnap, a tool in Interlisp for capturing screenshots on the Medley environment. It can capture and optionally save to a file the full screen, a window with or without title bar and borders, or an arbitrary area. This project helped me learn the internals of...
Vadim Kravcenko
Stand Out and Dare to Disagree Question: Answer: The post Stand Out and Dare to Disagree appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
9 months ago
The Codist
I Am Not Betty, And I Can't Do Anything About It At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number...
a year ago
a year ago
At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number to someone (either by accident or a random number), and it became associated with her name and address. Her home sits atop a giant gas field, and she gets
Ink & Switch
Reflecting on 2024, Droste's Lair, Version control for game dev A year-end note from our director; a recap of a recent unconf; Droste's Lair; a sneak preview of...
2 months ago
ntietz.com blog
Procrastinating on my side project by torturing databases One of my most insidious procrastination mechanisms is doing things that feel like work but are just...
11 months ago
11 months ago
One of my most insidious procrastination mechanisms is doing things that feel like work but are just a fun diversion. I ran into that recently for a side project I'm working on. It wasn't really necessary to test database options semi-rigorously, but here we are. This project is...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Optimize for not breaking up with your co-founder Last week we had an offsite in the beautiful Portuguese countryside, an hour's bus journey from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week we had an offsite in the beautiful Portuguese countryside, an hour's bus journey from Porto. We uploaded a highlight reel of the retreat to…
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, May 2023 The Ware for May 2023 is shown below. This is yet another fine ware contributed by jackw01. I...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for May 2023 is shown below. This is yet another fine ware contributed by jackw01. I suspect this one may be guessed quite quickly, but I’ll leave one hint anyways: there is more than one board in this assembly.
query-json: jq written in Reason
over a year ago
Charles Chen
On Bakers, Ovens, and AI Startup Moats Are new AI startups "just another wrapper for a 3rd party model"? Does having an oven make you a...
4 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Many Jobs of JS Build Tools A discussion of why JS developers use build tools like Webpack and what we do with them, for new JS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A discussion of why JS developers use build tools like Webpack and what we do with them, for new JS developers.
Steve Klabnik
A eulogy for my 20s
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Group Analytics is now available in PostHog Today, we’re excited to announce that PostHog has launched Group Analytics for both PostHog Scale /...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today, we’re excited to announce that PostHog has launched Group Analytics for both PostHog Scale / Enterprise users and those on PostHog Cloud…
A Beautiful Site
Stop trying to build the next unicorn So, you're building the next big thing? You say you're going to make millions and have a fancy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So, you're building the next big thing? You say you're going to make millions and have a fancy office building out in the valley? That's cool. By the same odds we'll both be rich, because I'm holding tonight's winning lotto ticket. Your idea probably won't be the next big thing...
Dan Quach Blog
State of Data Engineering 2024 Q1 The current state of data engineering offers a plethora of options in the market, which can be...
a year ago
a year ago
The current state of data engineering offers a plethora of options in the market, which can be challenging when selecting the right tool We are approaching a period where the traditional boundaries between between databases, datalakes, and data warehouses are overlapping. As...
Maggie Appleton
Undetected AI Exam Answers A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A...
a month ago
a month ago
A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A “Turing Test” case study by Peter Scarfe, Kelly Watcham, Alasdair Clarke, Etienne Roesch
Liz Denys
New Loose Leaf Security episode: Two-factor authentication and account recovery The second episode of Loose Leaf Security came out today, about two-factor authentication and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second episode of Loose Leaf Security came out today, about two-factor authentication and account recovery: Two-factor authentication and account recovery Last time we talked about strong passwords, but what if there was a better way to secure your account? We look at options...
Liz Denys
Liz rides the subway on September 19, 2016: Monday morning in New York and an emergency alert Liz rides the subway is a series containing thoughts I have on the subway. On the 2 train to work,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Liz rides the subway is a series containing thoughts I have on the subway. On the 2 train to work, after watching two men of color have their bags searched at Grand Army Plaza: I woke up today to my phone beeping in a pattern that wasn't my alarm: WANTED: Ahmad Khan Rahami,...
RubyKaigi 2023 Recap It’s been more than 3 years since I attended a dev conference - the last time was pre-pandemic, and...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s been more than 3 years since I attended a dev conference - the last time was pre-pandemic, and it was a [conference I helped organise](https://www.dddmelbourne.com). I didn’t know what to expect heading into Matsumoto for [RubyKaigi 2023](https://rubykaigi.org/2023/) this...
David Heinemeier...
Patek levels of finishing We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new...
a year ago
a year ago
We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new development, there are a million little details we need to nail for a successful launch that’s up to our standards. That’s usually where the temptation to cut corners on internal quality...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The End of Localhost > This post was originally published on my new dedicated DX site:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
> This post was originally published on my new dedicated DX site: https://dx.tips/the-end-of-localhost
The Codist
Why Are People Still Using C? C is second in the latest TIOBE list of the most popular languages. I find it hard to understand...
a year ago
a year ago
C is second in the latest TIOBE list of the most popular languages. I find it hard to understand why, unless there is a lot of existing code to support, I can't fathom why anyone would start something new in 2023 in C. I first learned C in
the singularity is...
Where the Bitter Lesson ends Humanity only has one engineering project, building better engineers than humans. After that, the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Humanity only has one engineering project, building better engineers than humans. After that, the thing we built can do the engineering. Clips have been making the rounds on Twitter from my second Lex about the “bishop guy” in a chess engine, or a “cone guy” in a self driving...
Making software...
Over-Nesting Over-Nesting 2019-01-06 I think since our design industry moves so quickly and exciting new...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over-Nesting 2019-01-06 I think since our design industry moves so quickly and exciting new technologies get released almost daily, that we often forget some of the basics when writing CSS. I bring this up because I've recently worked on a few projects that show a slight...
elementary Blog
Surprise! Big Updates for OS 7 Are Here! This month we have a bunch of surprise updates for OS 7 and as always a progress update on OS 8....
7 months ago
7 months ago
This month we have a bunch of surprise updates for OS 7 and as always a progress update on OS 8. We’re getting very close to releasing the latest version of our operating system and that means releasing new versions of all of the projects we maintain! That means big new versions...
David Heinemeier...
Paranoia and desperation in the AI gold rush I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI....
9 months ago
9 months ago
I've ever seen so much paranoia in technology about missing out on The Next Big Thing as with AI. Companies seem less excited about the prospects than they are petrified that its going to kill them. Maybe that fear is justified, maybe it's not, but what's incontestable is the...
Maggie Appleton
Painting Roam Research with Custom CSS How to customise Roam Research with your own CSS themes
over a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
regpg-1.12 Yesterday I received a bug report for regpg, my program that safely stores server secrets encrypted...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Yesterday I received a bug report for regpg, my program that safely stores server secrets encrypted with gpg so they can be commited to a git repository. The bug was that I used the classic shell pipeline find | xargs grep with the classic Unix “who would want spaces in...
Liz Denys
Pointillism rose Sharpie on computer paper, Photoshop to brighten the colors.
over a year ago
Blog System/5
Self-documenting Makefiles Make, as arcane as a build tool can be, may still be a good first fit for certain scenarios. Let's...
a month ago
a month ago
Make, as arcane as a build tool can be, may still be a good first fit for certain scenarios. Let's see how to make a build more palatable in this day and age if you choose this tool.
You can finally use :has() in most places by The hot new thing in CSS is :has() and Firefox finally supports it, starting today - so the...
a year ago
a year ago
The hot new thing in CSS is :has() and Firefox finally supports it, starting today - so the compatibility table is pretty decent (89% at this writing). I already used has() in a previous post - that Strava CSS hack, but I’m finding it useful in so many places. For example, in Val...
Moving to Hugo some personal notes to remember the migration effort from Pelican to Hugo
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Mocking and Using CRUD APIs with MirageJS and React-Query This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great...
over a year ago
Making software...
A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist 2021-11-03 This is my personal opinion. Please leave...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A Reality Where CSS and JavaScript Don't Exist 2021-11-03 This is my personal opinion. Please leave your pitchforks at the door... I love CSS. I can spend hours deep diving into a website's CSS system and never find myself getting bored. It's pretty amazing to see the problems...
Fun With Rust's Traits Rust's trait system is wonderful. Everyone I know that has used it agrees with this statement. It's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Rust's trait system is wonderful. Everyone I know that has used it agrees with this statement. It's a great way to encode shared behaviour between data types, and create flexible APIs. It's also great for writing nonsense like this: use std::f64::consts::PI; use...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Retention rate vs churn rate: An intro to churn analysis Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of...
a year ago
a year ago
Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop using your product during a…
Making software...
Don't Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump Don't Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump 2022-09-10 Not enough people have personal blogs. This is a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Don't Make a Blog, Make a Brain Dump 2022-09-10 Not enough people have personal blogs. This is a point brought up by many of those passionate about the "golden age" in the timeline of the modern internet. A time when websites were more like a small collection of winding...
Steve Klabnik
Deleuze for developers: deterritorialization
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
OCaml Speedrun! 🐫🐪 a guided walk through Jane Street's OCaml workshop
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
An engineer's guide to picking a cofounder What could be worse than handing out 50% of your company's equity to a co-founder who doesn't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What could be worse than handing out 50% of your company's equity to a co-founder who doesn't understand the product as much as you do, and all they…
Vadim Kravcenko
Asking questions the right way In the software development realm, asking questions isn’t just a right—it’s a downright necessity....
a year ago
a year ago
In the software development realm, asking questions isn’t just a right—it’s a downright necessity. Let’s cut the crap and dive […] The post Asking questions the right way appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Jake Zimmerman
Bug squash: An underrated interview question
6 months ago
Steve Klabnik
The next iteration of my blog
over a year ago
Eric Bailey
Saying thank you Things are in a really bad place right now. It is difficult to think of any aspect of the world that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Things are in a really bad place right now. It is difficult to think of any aspect of the world that isn’t being strangled by malignant forces. This includes the web. It's been a long time since the altruistic early web—putting content out there for the its own sake. The web...
Julia Evans
Mounting git commits as folders with NFS Hello! The other day, I started wondering – has anyone ever made a FUSE filesystem for a git...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! The other day, I started wondering – has anyone ever made a FUSE filesystem for a git repository where all every commit is a folder? It turns out the answer is yes! There’s giblefs, GitMounter, and git9 for Plan 9. But FUSE is pretty annoying to use on Mac – you need to...
Tech Meetups in Tokyo Now that you’re in Tokyo looking to start or further your IT career, you might want to look into...
a year ago
a year ago
Now that you’re in Tokyo looking to start or further your IT career, you might want to look into attending tech meetups. Tech meetups are events held online and offline, and attending them is a great way to form connections and establish yourself in the tech community. It...
A four-stage approach for hiring women on your engineering team “We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common...
11 months ago
11 months ago
“We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common sentiment I’ve heard from startup founders, both in Japan as well as my home country, the United States. If you’re in a similar position, and looking to increase the gender...
Daniel Marino
Daily Inspirational Word Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten into journaling. Recently I’ve been using a method where...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten into journaling. Recently I’ve been using a method where you’re given a single inspirational word as a prompt, and go from there. Unfortunately, the process of finding, saving, and accessing inspirational words was a bit of a chore: 1....
swyx's site RSS Feed
Formats over Functions Why we should focus less on Implementation and more on Standardization
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
89 Blog Posts in a Single HTML File 89 Blog Posts in a Single HTML File 2021-04-22 This is no longer the current setup of my blog. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
89 Blog Posts in a Single HTML File 2021-04-22 This is no longer the current setup of my blog. I have switched back to Jekyll for performance reasons. I’ll be leaving this post up as a point of reference though :) This is my personal blog (if that wasn’t already obvious). I...
Ink & Switch
Provenance for science papers, local-first access control In this Dispatch, we'll introduce you to two new projects at the lab: exploring writing environments...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In this Dispatch, we'll introduce you to two new projects at the lab: exploring writing environments for science papers and local-first access control. We also have some updates on WASM packaging for Automerge, and a new researcher-in-residence.
Eric Bailey
The optics of pair programming If you are not familiar, pair programming (pairing) is the practice of collaborating directly with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you are not familiar, pair programming (pairing) is the practice of collaborating directly with another person to work on a problem. You’ll often hear it in development contexts, but I've also encountered it with design. In the Before Times, we paired by walking over to a...
bt RSS Feed
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions 2022-01-28 Since a few people have reached...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions 2022-01-28 Since a few people have reached out and thanked me for my previous post Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator, I thought I would continue to share more of my own custom Automator Quick Actions....
Evan Jones -...
The C Standard Library Function isspace() Depends on Locale This is a post for myself, because I wasted a lot of time understanding this bug, and I want to be...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a post for myself, because I wasted a lot of time understanding this bug, and I want to be able to remember it in the future. I expect close to zero others to be interested. The C standard library function isspace() returns a non-zero value (true) for the six "standard"...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, March 2023 The Ware for March 2023 is shown below: Thank again to spida for submitting this ware. I was...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for March 2023 is shown below: Thank again to spida for submitting this ware. I was certainly stumped when I first saw it! Again, some very big “clues” are not shown, which I will add to the post later if it turns out to be too difficult to guess.
A Beautiful Site
Office 2007 files downloading as ZIP files in Internet Explorer Today I learned that Microsoft Office 2007 files (you know, the new ones that end in DOCX, XLSX, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I learned that Microsoft Office 2007 files (you know, the new ones that end in DOCX, XLSX, and PPTX) don't always download properly in Internet Explorer. In fact, IE tends to see them as ZIP files and forces their extension to change to .zip when you select download. This...
The Codist
Working At Home Over The Decades When I started in the early 80s, working at home was never an option—in fact, it took decades to...
a year ago
a year ago
When I started in the early 80s, working at home was never an option—in fact, it took decades to become practical, even though I occasionally could do it under limited circumstances. In my last year working before I retired, I spent the entire Covid year working at home.
Josh Comeau's blog
The World of CSS Transforms The “transform” property is such a powerful part of the CSS language! In this blog post, we'll take...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The “transform” property is such a powerful part of the CSS language! In this blog post, we'll take a deep look at this property and see some of the nifty things it can do.
The Pragmatic...
The state of startup funding I’ve crunched data from a variety of sources for a sense of how startup funding is trending. So far,...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve crunched data from a variety of sources for a sense of how startup funding is trending. So far, it’s downwards. What does this mean for tech? My analysis.
Replay.web is cool I’ve been trying to preserve as much of Placemark now that it’s open-source. This has been a mixed...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been trying to preserve as much of Placemark now that it’s open-source. This has been a mixed experience: some products were really easy to move away from, like Northwest and Earth Class Mail. Webflow was harder to quit. But replay.web came to the rescue, thanks to Henry...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Prerecording Talks for Online Conferences Tips for Speakers Prerecording Talks for Online Conferences
over a year ago
A bit late, but I did leave Calm. I meant to post this when I left Calm earlier this year, as a ending note to my post on joining...
a year ago
a year ago
I meant to post this when I left Calm earlier this year, as a ending note to my post on joining Calm, but instead I got focused on joining Carta and writing An Engineering Executive’s Primer. I’m cleaning out some of my old drafts, and posting this as an artifact of that moment....
Thoughts on storing stuff in databases by () User preferences should be columns in the users table. Don’t get clever with a json column or...
a year ago
a year ago
User preferences should be columns in the users table. Don’t get clever with a json column or hstore. When you introduce new preferences, the power of types and default values is worth the headache of managing columns. Emails should probably be citext, case-insensitive text. But...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 9 best GA4 alternatives for apps and websites In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4...
a year ago
a year ago
In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or another provider. This hasn't proved a…
Maggie Appleton
How to Import Academic Papers from Zotero into Tana How to use Zotero's translator and Tana Paste formatting to easily import papers into Tana
2 months ago
Julia Evans
How HEAD works in git Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! The other day I ran a Mastodon poll asking people how confident they were that they understood how HEAD works in Git. The results (out of 1700 votes) were a little surprising to me: 10% “100%” 36% “pretty confident” 39% “somewhat confident?” 15% “literally no idea” I was...
Performance & Compensation (for Eng Execs). Uber’s original performance process was called “T3B3” and was remarkably simple: write the...
a year ago
a year ago
Uber’s original performance process was called “T3B3” and was remarkably simple: write the individuals top 3 strengths, and top 3 weaknesses, and share the feedback with them directly in person. There was a prolonged fight against even documenting the feedback, which was viewed...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Build Great Software By Repeatedly Encountering It Robin in “Vibe driven development” (which I took notes): the only way to build a great product is to...
a year ago
a year ago
Robin in “Vibe driven development” (which I took notes): the only way to build a great product is to use it every day, to stare at it, to hold it in your hands to feel its lumps. The data and customers will lie to you but the product never will. Oof. That lands with me. As a...
David Heinemeier...
That Model S Plaid I've owned a lot of great cars in my time. It's been one of the few places where hitting it big has...
a year ago
a year ago
I've owned a lot of great cars in my time. It's been one of the few places where hitting it big has allowed for something that wouldn't otherwise be possible. From Lamborghini to Pagani, Porsche to Ferrari, Aston Martin to Bentley, I have owned and loved them all. A+ use of...
Building your executive network. In most of my roles, I’ve learned more from my peers than from my manager. Even when you get along...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In most of my roles, I’ve learned more from my peers than from my manager. Even when you get along well with your manager, your peers’ perspective will usually be closer to yours than your manager’s. Once you transition into an engineering executive role, you’ll still have peers,...
Tony Finch's blog
Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch build howto main img { border: 1px solid var(--fg); width: 100%; } The Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch is a...
a year ago
a year ago
main img { border: 1px solid var(--fg); width: 100%; } The Novelkeys Kailh Big Switch is a working MX-style mechanical keyboard switch, but 4x larger in every dimension. I realised at the weekend that the Big Switch should fit nicely in a simple Lego enclosure. Because an...
Epic Web Dev
Epic Workshop Test Tab Demo (tip)
5 months ago
A Beautiful Site
Give your JPEGs alpha channels If you need alpha transparency on the web, 24-bit PNGs are usually your best bet. The only problem...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you need alpha transparency on the web, 24-bit PNGs are usually your best bet. The only problem is that PNGs are lossless and can grow in file size very quickly — much larger than your average JPEG. So what if there was a way for JPEGs to support alpha channels? I discovered...
Miguel Carranza
Books I read in 2020 Growing up, I was never an avid reader. I remember I enjoyed some expanded universe Star Wars books....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Growing up, I was never an avid reader. I remember I enjoyed some expanded universe Star Wars books. But that was about it. Even reading The Lord of the Rings or easier to digest books like Harry Potter would be a struggle. It was not until I started getting access to technical...
bt RSS Feed
Setting Up Jekyll on Windows Setting Up Jekyll on Windows 2022-09-02 I’ve recently been playing around with using Windows 10 as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting Up Jekyll on Windows 2022-09-02 I’ve recently been playing around with using Windows 10 as my daily operating system. So far, it has been going fairly well. Nothing will probably ever feel as “optimized” as running a Linux-based system but it works well for my current...
Posts on Nikita...
What's that touchscreen in my room? Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. Roughly a year ago I moved into my new apartment. One of the...
a year ago
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. Roughly a year ago I moved into my new apartment. One of the reasons I picked this apartment was age of the building. The construction was finished in 2015, which ensured pretty good thermal isolation for winters as well as small nice things...
bt RSS Feed
Audio Hotkeys on Linux Mint Audio Hotkeys on Linux Mint 2020-06-14 I recently switched out the OS on my old 2011 MacBook Air...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Audio Hotkeys on Linux Mint 2020-06-14 I recently switched out the OS on my old 2011 MacBook Air with Linux Mint. It’s a distro I’ve used a few times in the past, but never set it as one of my main daily drivers until now. Setting up all my go-to applications (Sublime, LocalWP,...
Useful tradeoffs are multi-dimensional. In some pockets of the industry, an axiom of software development is that deploying software quickly...
a year ago
a year ago
In some pockets of the industry, an axiom of software development is that deploying software quickly is at odds with thoroughly testing that software. One reason that teams believe this is because a fully automated deployment process implies that there’s no opportunity for manual...
Maggie Appleton
A Shelfish Starter Guide to Databases The absolute minimum you need to know about data storage
over a year ago
My 2025 JavaScript Wishlist JavaScript has a lot of room for improvement. These five things are especially important.
2 months ago
Steve Klabnik
Rust's Golden Rule
a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Adding page transitions in SvelteKit Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Transitions, easing, and routing are all baked into SvelteKit. This makes utilizing page transition effects in SvelteKit sites and apps as easy as adding just a few lines of code.
MMapped blog
ONNX introduction
3 weeks ago
A Smart Bear
Who's lying? Pilots use multiple dials, employing different sources of energy, to report identical data, because...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pilots use multiple dials, employing different sources of energy, to report identical data, because they understand that in a dashboard full of information, something is always lying to you. The lesson is useful for data and metrics at our companies.
Computer Things
An idea for teaching formal methods better I was recently commissioned by a company to make a bespoke TLA+ workshop with a strong emphasis on...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I was recently commissioned by a company to make a bespoke TLA+ workshop with a strong emphasis on reading specifications. I normally emphasize writing specs, so this one will need a different approach. While working on it, I had an idea that might make teaching TLA+— and other...
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2023 / Lisboa, PT]
over a year ago
Helicopter Management and Other Mistakes You are a freshly minted manager. You come full of rage and frustration at the poor management...
a year ago
a year ago
You are a freshly minted manager. You come full of rage and frustration at the poor management you’ve endured and witnessed in tech, and you are god damn determined not to repeat all of those mistakes. You are tired of reporting to a manager who isn’t transparent with you, who...
Blog System/5
BazelCon 2024 recap Just like that, BazelCon 2024 came and went. So... it’s obviously time to summarize the two events...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Just like that, BazelCon 2024 came and went. So... it’s obviously time to summarize the two events of last week: BazelCon 2024 and the adjacent Build Meetup. There is A LOT to cover, but everything is here in just one article!
Clojure macros continue to surprise me Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely crazy. Here’s the problem: I’m working on Humble UI’s component library, and I wanted to document it. While at it, I figured it could serve as an integration test as well—since I showcase...
David Heinemeier...
Campfire is now for sale After a couple of weeks of final Patek-level polishing with early-access customers, Campfire is...
a year ago
a year ago
After a couple of weeks of final Patek-level polishing with early-access customers, Campfire is finally for sale for all! This is The Moment of Truth where we get to see whether all that excitement turns into credit card swipes. That release rush. I love it. And I especially love...
Confessions of a...
Why Do Python Lists Multiply Oddly? Exploring the CPython Source Code A look at the internals of list implementation in CPython to understand this weird quirk about them
11 months ago
Blog - Bitfield...
Cryptography in Go: AES explained AES is the modern standard encryption algorithm, but how does it work? Where does it come from?...
a year ago
a year ago
AES is the modern standard encryption algorithm, but how does it work? Where does it come from? Let’s kick the tyres with a high-level overview of AES internals.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
The most useful programming language Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly...
a year ago
a year ago
Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly work with JS — solid choice, but everyone and their dog learns JS these days, so it might be time to add some diversity. I'm curious — which single programming language covers the...
Eric Bailey
On Jakob Nielsen, AI hype, and accessibility A few years ago I made a New Year’s Eve resolution to stop overthinking assholes. I could...
a year ago
a year ago
A few years ago I made a New Year’s Eve resolution to stop overthinking assholes. I could delicately, patiently, and painstakingly debunk the gigantic, misplaced swing of a man who is burning others' lived experience as fuel to propel his increasingly irrelevant career. I could...
David Crawshaw
2015-06-01 "Two URL objects are equal if they have the same protocol, reference equivalent hosts, have the same...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"Two URL objects are equal if they have the same protocol, reference equivalent hosts, have the same port number on the host, and the same file and fragment of the file. Two hosts are considered equivalent if both host names can be resolved into the same IP...
Josh Comeau's blog
My Wonderful HTML Email Workflow If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know it's tricky business! In this blog post, I share the approach I took to build responsive, client-friendly emails without a single tag.
Vadim Kravcenko
Process Debt I’m sure you’ve worked at companies where you felt that they were moving slowly and it was not even...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m sure you’ve worked at companies where you felt that they were moving slowly and it was not even worth […] The post Process Debt appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Vadim Kravcenko
Embracing Hacker Culture This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale their development and […] The post Embracing Hacker Culture appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Vadim Kravcenko
How to Hire a CTO for Your Startup This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the problems they […] The post How to Hire a CTO for Your Startup appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Epic Web Dev
Preparing for a workshop with Kent C. Dodds (tip) Full Stack Workshop Series Volume 1 and enhance your web development skills. Get step-by-step...
a year ago
a year ago
Full Stack Workshop Series Volume 1 and enhance your web development skills. Get step-by-step instructions, resources, and hands-on exercises to level up.
David Crawshaw
2016-01-18 docs.pipelinedb.com/continuous-views.html
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
[e-book] So You Think You Know C? And TenMore Short Essays on Programming Languages Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most productive way to create software. The journey, however, has taught me a few things so it was not a complete waste of time either. This book is a reflection of these lessons. It...
Steve Klabnik
Real, modern Ruby development
over a year ago
Making software...
My Raspberry Pi Desktop My Raspberry Pi Desktop 2020-09-02 I use a Raspberry Pi 4 as my personal daily driver and it's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Raspberry Pi Desktop 2020-09-02 I use a Raspberry Pi 4 as my personal daily driver and it's pretty great. I know these types of devices tend to be used for smaller pet-projects or fun experiments, but I thought I would share my experience using one as my main computer....
*Spy for Spy*, at Riverside Studios Last night I went to see the second preview of Spy For Spy, which I very much enjoyed. It’s a...
a year ago
a year ago
Last night I went to see the second preview of Spy For Spy, which I very much enjoyed. It’s a romance story with a clever narrative twist – it’s being told in the wrong order. Aside from the prologue and epilogue, the show is split into six scenes from the Molly and Sarah’s...
A Beautiful Site
A Beautiful Site becomes "A Beautiful Site, LLC" Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today has been an exciting day. I received documentation from the State of Florida stating that A Beautiful Site, LLC. is officially a limited liability company. This marks the new beginning of a period of growth for ABS, which has been, until now, a sole proprietorship. In the...
Drafted Eng Executive's Primer! Back in late April, I mentioned that I was working on a new book, The Engineering Executive’s...
a year ago
a year ago
Back in late April, I mentioned that I was working on a new book, The Engineering Executive’s Primer, with O’Reilly. I wanted to share a few notes on progress! First, there’s a cover, shown above in this post’s image, and also in the right rail (or bottom footer if you’re reading...
A Beautiful Site
I'm taking "startup" back The word "startup" has taken on a very unfortunate meaning over the years. I used to think of my own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The word "startup" has taken on a very unfortunate meaning over the years. I used to think of my own business as a startup, but as its definition evolved, I quickly realized I didn't fit that description at all. The word "startup", by definition, means the act or instance of...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Don’t bother securing your trademarks in the beginning Disclaimer: This is intended as a short, tactical guide to getting your trademarks sorted out for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disclaimer: This is intended as a short, tactical guide to getting your trademarks sorted out for the first time, on a minimal budget. This is not…
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Third Age of JavaScript A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A bunch of things are moving in JavaScript - it is quite feasible that the JS of 10 years from now will look totally unrecognizable
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Build better libraries, use dev warnings Suppose you're making a cool library that sums numbers in an array. You add a new option, inital,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Suppose you're making a cool library that sums numbers in an array. You add a new option, inital, that lets users specify an initial value for the summation: sum([1, 1, 1], { inital: 10 }) // 13 Oh no! You made a typo — of course you meant initial, not inital. What's done is...
Making software...
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see what I can create using only HTML and CSS (besides websites of course). Since playing with the concept of faking 3D elements, I wanted to circle back around to an older CodePen I...
James Vaughan's blog
Counting Usernames from Malicious Login Attempts
over a year ago
What is psephology? Yesterday there were local elections in the UK, and this morning I’ve been catching up on the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Yesterday there were local elections in the UK, and this morning I’ve been catching up on the news. As I was reading Yohannes Lowe’s live coverage in the Guardian, I spotted a word I didn’t recognise (emphasis mine): Labour and the Conservatives are each defending about 1,000...
The Pragmatic...
PagerDuty alternatives 12 alternatives to the market-leading alerting tool, PagerDuty.
a year ago
High-Context Triad. The past couple weeks I’ve been working on three semi-related articles that I think of as the “High...
a year ago
a year ago
The past couple weeks I’ve been working on three semi-related articles that I think of as the “High Context Triad.” Those are Layers of context, Navigating ambiguity, and Tradeoffs are multi-dimensional. One of my background projects, probably happening in 2025 or 2026 after I’ve...
Max Countryman
Publish Your Drafts When does something become valuable to someone else? I've struggled with this question, hesitating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When does something become valuable to someone else? I've struggled with this question, hesitating at times to share unfinished work because it hasn't reached a level of polish that satisfies me. But the truth is, our unpublished work has no value to anyone.
Maggie Appleton
On Opening Essays, Conference Talks, and Jam Jars How to open pieces of narrative non-fiction writing, conference talks, and sticky jars
11 months ago
Chrome Devtools protip: Emulate a focused page This is a Devtools feature that you will only need once in a while, but it is a life-saver. Some...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a Devtools feature that you will only need once in a while, but it is a life-saver. Some frontend libraries, like CodeMirror, have UIs like autocompletion, tools, or popovers, that are triggered by typing text or hovering your mouse cursor, and disappear when that...
Eric Bailey
Tribble Tribble, Tribs, Tribby P, little guy, little dude, bud, buddy. You’re my best friend’s cat, but I’m...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tribble, Tribs, Tribby P, little guy, little dude, bud, buddy. You’re my best friend’s cat, but I’m the next-of-kin on the pet-sitter paperwork. You’re not mine, but I’m definitely a part of you. You’ve been a presence and a comfort through most of my adult life. I’d like to...
Table Like It's 2023 In this article: Hello, Website Builders! A little history What is a table? Who benefits from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this article: Hello, Website Builders! A little history What is a table? Who benefits from tables? What does a table look like? What does a table sound and feel like? (Re)learning tables (1994 - 2022) WCAG levels unlocked When tables get complicated Go forth, and make good...
Steve Klabnik
What comes after open source
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
What online gaming taught me about startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst researching for the Achieving overnight success: Kevin Systrom [https://joel.is/post/22436341176/achieving-overnight-success-kevin-systrom] piece I published two weeks ago, I was excited to...
The Collected Works of Ian Flemingo On Monday evening, about two hundred Mincefluencers descended on the Fortune Theatre for “Operation...
a year ago
a year ago
On Monday evening, about two hundred Mincefluencers descended on the Fortune Theatre for “Operation Human Thermos”, a fan gathering to celebrate Operation Mincemeat, a musical that gives us all the warm and fuzzies. A lot of people dressed in cosplay to mark the occasion, and I...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in the December Dead Zone For those who weren't aware (you would be if you were...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For those who weren't aware (you would be if you were [subscribed](https://lspace.swyx.io/subscribe?simple=true&next=https://lspace.swyx.io/) on email!), I started a separate AI blog, [L-space Diaries](https://lspace.swyx.io/), this year to 1) try out Substack in anger and 2)...
Tinloof - Blog
Website migration 101: transitioning to a headless CMS In this article, we share insights gleaned from migrating websites created with WordPress, Hubspot...
a year ago
a year ago
In this article, we share insights gleaned from migrating websites created with WordPress, Hubspot CMS, Webflow, and similar tools, to a headless CMS setup.
#10 <section> is no replacement for <div> Bad code <section id="page-top"> <section data-section-id="page-top" style="display:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <section id="page-top"> <section data-section-id="page-top" style="display: none;"></section> </section> <main> <section id="main-content"> <header id="main-header"> <h1>...</h1> <section class="container-fluid"> <section class="row"> ...
Grant Slatton
Rohit Chess fun little board game
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.36.0: Introducing AND/OR filtering, timezone support and universal search PostHog 1.36.0 introduces AND/OR filtering, timezone support, universal search, multi-dashboard...
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Defend Your Cookies with Essential Web Security Tactics Illustrated notes on the essentials of web security
over a year ago
Engineer’s Codex
5 Non-LLM Software Trends To Be Excited About Innovations outside the AI spotlight
3 months ago
Steve Klabnik
When should I use String vs &str?
5 months ago
Taking regular screenshots of my website A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks associated with their long-term preservation. What formats need urgent attention before they’re lost forever, what mediums are already being well-preserved, and so on. For example,...
The Changelog
This Is How Tyrants Go: Alone I remember reading an essay a month or so ago — sadly I forget where — talking about how things end...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I remember reading an essay a month or so ago — sadly I forget where — talking about how things end for tyrants. If I were to sum it up, it would be with the word “alone.” Their power fading, they find that they had few true friends or believers; just others that were greedy …...
Civic Hax
over a year ago
#9 Cookie Consent from Hell Bad code <body> <header>…</header> <main>…</main> <footer>…</footer> <div...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <body> <header>…</header> <main>…</main> <footer>…</footer> <div class="cookie_consent modal"> <p>We use cookies…</p> <div class="cookie_consent__close"> <i class="fa fa-times"></i> </div> <div class="cookie_consent__ok">OK</div> ...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Review: Beepy, the pocket-sized, linux-powered cyberdeck THIS IS NOT A REAL FINISHED PRODUCT. – Erohead, birther of Beepy The SQFMI Beepy alongside my...
a year ago
a year ago
THIS IS NOT A REAL FINISHED PRODUCT. – Erohead, birther of Beepy The SQFMI Beepy alongside my cat printer The Beepy is a handheld Linux console designed by artists and built for nerds. From the first announcement, Beepy’s creator—SQFMI—was candid about the device’s lack of...
Epic Web Dev
The Difference Between Clearing, Resetting, and Restoring Mocks (article) Understand the key differences between mock state management methods: mockClear(), mockReset(), and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Understand the key differences between mock state management methods: mockClear(), mockReset(), and mockRestore(). Write clean test states.
A Smart Bear
More money if you do, more money if you don't A business always takes more money than you expect, even when you take this fact into account....
a year ago
Good embedded toots In my previous post, there was a first for this site: I embedded a post from Mastodon. Like many...
a month ago
a month ago
In my previous post, there was a first for this site: I embedded a post from Mastodon. Like many social media services, Mastodon has built-in support for embedding posts. If you’re looking at a public post, you can get a snippet of HTML and JavaScript to show that post in another...
8 months ago
Asiajin Meetup Today I attended [the second Asiajin meetup]. Asiajin is an English language blog that covers what...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I attended [the second Asiajin meetup]. Asiajin is an English language blog that covers what is going on in the Japanese internet space. About 20 people participated, with over half the attendees being Japanese. This surprised me, as the blog's target is English speakers,...
2023 in review. Previously: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 This was an eventful year. My son went to...
a year ago
a year ago
Previously: 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 This was an eventful year. My son went to preschool, I joined Carta, left Calm, and wrote my third book. It was also a logistically intensive year, with our toddler heading to preschool, more work travel, and a bunch of other little...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Enjoying the stability of Linux <![CDATA[I initially used Linux from the mid 1990s to 2015, first as dual boot with Windows 95 and...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
<![CDATA[I initially used Linux from the mid 1990s to 2015, first as dual boot with Windows 95 and then as my only desktop operating system. Back then my PC had an Nvidia graphics card and system updates frequently broke X11 on Linux, leaving me at the text console with no idea...
Neil Panchal
Quantum Lorem Ipsum I got tired of Lorem Ipsum text and created Quantum Lorem Ipsum, now with 100% more physics jargon!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I got tired of Lorem Ipsum text and created Quantum Lorem Ipsum, now with 100% more physics jargon! To those who are not familiar, Lorem Ipsum is a piece of latin text, comprised of multiple paragraphs, that is used as a placeholder during the design process of building a page
swyx's site RSS Feed
Are we human? Or are we reCAPTCHA? ---
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Next-level frosted glass with backdrop-filter Glassy headers have become a core part of the “slick startup” UI toolkit, but they’re all missing...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Glassy headers have become a core part of the “slick startup” UI toolkit, but they’re all missing that final 10% that really makes it shine. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create the most realistic lush frosted glass anywhere on the internet.
A Beautiful Site
How to delete a tag on GitHub In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot of folks will argue that you shouldn't delete tags, but there are real-world examples in which tags need to be deleted.  That said, it's both a good and a bad thing that GitHub...
Who runs Engineering processes? Uber ran a tech spec review process called the DUCK Review. “DUCK” didn’t stand for anything–it was...
a year ago
a year ago
Uber ran a tech spec review process called the DUCK Review. “DUCK” didn’t stand for anything–it was created as a deliberate non-acronym–but was otherwise a fairly typical review process. When I first joined, we’d review one or two specs each week. The volume of requested reviews...
#21 Legendary legend! Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text. Bad code <button...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text. Bad code <button class="panel-heading" tabindex="0" href="#collapse0" aria-expanded="true"> <legend> Industries Served </legend> </button> Issues and how to fix them legend is not allowed as a child of any other...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
5 coding interview questions I hate I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some were pure cringe. I’ve been asked if I have kids (supposedly, people with children won’t have time to job hop), and if “I bet my ass I cost that much”. Fun times. But today I’d like...
Steve Klabnik
Goals for 2011
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
RSA is deceptively simple (and fun) While reading Real-World Cryptography, I came across the "million message attack". This is an attack...
a year ago
a year ago
While reading Real-World Cryptography, I came across the "million message attack". This is an attack that Daniel Bleichenbacher demonstrated in 1998, which effectively broke RSA with a particular encoding function called PKCS #1. It was only mentioned briefly, so I dug in and...
Cosmetic updates to this site As well as changing the way I organise my writing, last year I made some cosmetic improvements to...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
As well as changing the way I organise my writing, last year I made some cosmetic improvements to this site. I design everything on this site myself, and I write the CSS by hand – I don’t use any third-party styles or frameworks. I don’t have any design training, and I don’t do...
A Beautiful Site
Forcing file downloads in PHP I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which, essentially, sends a raw HTTP header to the browser. Depending on your browser, some files won't be downloaded automatically. Instead, they will be handled by the browser itself or a...
Gelling your Engineering leadership team. One of the first leadership books I read was Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team,...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the first leadership books I read was Patrick Lencioni’s The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, which introduces the concept of your peers being your “first team” rather than your direct reports. This was a powerful idea for me, because it’s much harder to be a good teammate to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
To Understand Concurrent React, Look Outside React ## Table of Contents
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Designers Need Thicker Skin Designers Need Thicker Skin 2017-07-10 I’m not normally one to comment or even really care about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Designers Need Thicker Skin 2017-07-10 I’m not normally one to comment or even really care about “drama” within our design industry. Opinions are just that and should just be consumed at face value. But this week I was moderately annoyed with a subset of designers in...
Blog - Bitfield...
Cryptography in Go: AES implementation The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s take a look at the implementation in the Go standard library. Even I can understand it!
Tony Finch's blog
C is Turing complete Yesterday there was some discussion on the Orange Site about whether or not C is Turing...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Yesterday there was some discussion on the Orange Site about whether or not C is Turing complete. The consensus in the StackOverflow question is, no, because the C abstract machine is a (large) finite state machine, or maybe yes, if you believe that unaddressable local...
Making software...
Building openring with Jekyll Build Building openring with Jekyll Build 2022-12-02 I think it's great when bloggers post their own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Building openring with Jekyll Build 2022-12-02 I think it's great when bloggers post their own personal "reading list" of blogs they themselves follow. Whether this is a customized Blogroll page or footnotes in their individual articles, I find it really helpful to find more...
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2024 / Los Angeles]
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
3 Tips from Kent C Dodds for People Just Getting Started advice for beginners from a podcast
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Local-First Conf, Ink Selection with Flux A report from the inaugural Local-First Conference in Berlin, and a deep dive on a new ink selection...
8 months ago
Joel Gascoigne
Like anything else, we need to practice startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * It is easy to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * It is easy to look at successful founders and see them as genuises, as people who were without a doubt going to be triumphant. When we look at people in that way, it is completely understandable...
bt RSS Feed
Keynote Slides with Pure CSS Keynote Slides with Pure CSS 2020-06-22 There are a great deal of options available on the web and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Keynote Slides with Pure CSS 2020-06-22 There are a great deal of options available on the web and built into most operating systems when you need to create presentation / keynote slides. You could use native software like LibremOffice Impress, Powerpoint, Apple’s Keynote, etc....
Quentin Santos
You can move !Unpin Although I am now mostly comfortable with Rust, some concepts still elude me. One of them is the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Although I am now mostly comfortable with Rust, some concepts still elude me. One of them is the exact meaning of Unpin. The documentation says: The documentation of Unpin says: Types that do not require any pinning guarantees. Where pinning is described as: From this, you could...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Counting to Ten We’re sitting around the dinner table discussing what happened at school today and it leads us to...
a year ago
a year ago
We’re sitting around the dinner table discussing what happened at school today and it leads us to the subject of counting to ten. Realizing everyone in the family can count to ten in a language unique to them at this moment in their life, we go around the table to do it...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Don&#39;t trust JS library size, min+gzip Many modern front-end libraries and apps obsess over their bundle size. It’s a noble pursuit — an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many modern front-end libraries and apps obsess over their bundle size. It’s a noble pursuit — an app that uses smaller libraries has less bloat, loads faster, and the users are happier. We can agree to that. Measuring the impact of a library on the app’s bundle size sounds easy,...
Epic Web Dev
Use Client Hints to Eliminate Content Layout Shift (tip) Learn how to eliminate CLS using client hints in the Epic Stack.
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Our simpler goal: Help engineers to be better at product One of the things I've learned at PostHog is the simpler a strategy, the more likely it's right. We...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the things I've learned at PostHog is the simpler a strategy, the more likely it's right. We simplified our strategy recently. This post…
Steve Klabnik
Want to join the Rust docs team?
over a year ago
A deep dive into distributed database architectures Learn about different strategies for delivering data from multiple servers
12 months ago
Web Components FTW! by Chris Ferdinandi Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create...
a year ago
a year ago
by Chris Ferdinandi Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create reusable custom elements, with built-in interactivity, automatically scoped (or encapsulated) from the rest of your code. They have a wide range of features and functionality (some...
The History of the...
We’ve been waiting 20 years for this The indie web may be back. But if is, it is likely in a way we least expect. The post We’ve been...
a year ago
a year ago
The indie web may be back. But if is, it is likely in a way we least expect. The post We’ve been waiting 20 years for this appeared first on The History of the Web.
Darek Kay
Running Storybook from a separate folder After migrating a project to Vite, I've moved my Storybook setup into a separate module — a folder...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After migrating a project to Vite, I've moved my Storybook setup into a separate module — a folder next to the actual app: 📁 project ├─ 📁 app | ├─ 📁 src | └─ 📄 package.json └─ 📁 storybook ├─ 📁 .storybook | ├─ 📄 main.js | └─ 📄 preview.js └─ 📄...
bt RSS Feed
WP Enqueue for Beginners WP Enqueue for Beginners 2020-05-05 Throughout my career designing, developing and auditing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
WP Enqueue for Beginners 2020-05-05 Throughout my career designing, developing and auditing WordPress themes, I’ve come across many that include their custom styles / scripts as static HTML elements inside their respective header and footer templates. This is perfectly fine, but...
Steve Klabnik
How can I contribute to Ruby on Rails?
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Forty-two I'm 42 years old today. This is a personal post about where I am now, what's going on in my head,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm 42 years old today. This is a personal post about where I am now, what's going on in my head, and 42 things I've learned (or at least, think I've learned).
Eric Bailey
Revisiting prefers-reduced-motion, the reduced motion media query
over a year ago
The surprising utility of a Flickr URL parser &rarr; As part of my work at the Flickr Foundation, I wrote a little Python library that can be used to...
9 months ago
9 months ago
As part of my work at the Flickr Foundation, I wrote a little Python library that can be used to parse Flickr URLs. For example: $ flickr_url_parser 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/4727552068/' {"type": "single_photo", "photo_id": "4727552068"} This started...
Confessions of a...
Video: Architecture of Groq's LPU & Why is it so Fast? This last Sunday we did a live session on Groq’s LPU and after that many people reached out to me...
11 months ago
11 months ago
This last Sunday we did a live session on Groq’s LPU and after that many people reached out to me for the recording of the session.
Computer Things
Planning vs Model Checking New blogpost! Planner programming blows my mind, Patreon here. Next essay out should be the graph...
a year ago
a year ago
New blogpost! Planner programming blows my mind, Patreon here. Next essay out should be the graph project. The post is about Picat and more specifically, planner programming. Planning very roughly is: You provide a start state, a set of goals, and a set of state transitions...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.9.0 First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without this community - thank you for all your issues…
David Heinemeier...
Linux as the new developer default at 37signals For over twenty years, the Mac was the default at 37signals. For designers, programmers, support,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
For over twenty years, the Mac was the default at 37signals. For designers, programmers, support, and everyone else. That mono culture had some clear advantages, like being able to run Kandji and macOS-specific setup scripts. But it certainly also had its disadvantages, like...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Major Garbage Producers in JS The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally conscious (hey there, my European readers), you probably do all sorts of crazy thinks to cut down on garbage — reject plastic bags in a supermarket, recycle bottles, keep the paper...
David Gerrells
thinking around a pen Codepen is a delightful app that I used over the years to practice my frontend skill. One thing that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Codepen is a delightful app that I used over the years to practice my frontend skill. One thing that has annoyed me was that over time they have limited features more and more behind a pay wall for a pro account...
Flickr Foundation at iPres 2024 &rarr; I wrote about a recent conference trip for the Flickr.org blog: In September, Tori and I went to...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I wrote about a recent conference trip for the Flickr.org blog: In September, Tori and I went to Belgium for iPres 2024. We were keen to chat about digital preservation and discuss some of our ideas for Data Lifeboat – and enjoy a few Belgian waffles, of course! We ran a workshop...
Josh Collinsworth
My Essential Tools for WordPress Development Some of these apps, resources and tools aren’t directly WordPress-related, or even necessarily...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Some of these apps, resources and tools aren’t directly WordPress-related, or even necessarily development-related; some have to do with productivity or just make life a little easier. That’s by design. Part of being a developer is learning to work and use your tools as...
Darek Kay
Prevent data loss on page refresh It can be frustrating to fill out a web form, only to accidentally refresh the page (or click...
5 months ago
5 months ago
It can be frustrating to fill out a web form, only to accidentally refresh the page (or click "back") and lose all the hard work. In this blog post, I present a method to retain form data when the page is reloaded, which improves the user experience. Browser behavior Most...
Starting off right: Where autofocus shines by Kilian Valkhof Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to...
3 months ago
3 months ago
by Kilian Valkhof Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to navigate your site with the keyboard or other assistive technologies, and it's how a browser knows which form element you're typing in. It's vital to get right if you want to build good...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we’re making PostHog deployments easier When PostHog was born in 2020, it was a simple Python application (Django + Celery) backed by a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When PostHog was born in 2020, it was a simple Python application (Django + Celery) backed by a PostgreSQL datastore. Troubleshooting was easy, while…
Ruud van Asseldonk
Working on a virtualenv without magic
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Illustrating Gatsby's Key Concepts Illustrated notes on the key concepts of how Gatsby.js works
over a year ago
Elad Blog
Video & transcript: Apoorva Metha, founder & former CEO, Instacart Full video & transcript from Fireside chat with Apoorva Metha
a year ago
Happy New Year: Diffusion Model image generator in about 700 lines of pure SQL Regular readers of my blog will be aware that SQL is an excellent tool for graphics. You can use it...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Regular readers of my blog will be aware that SQL is an excellent tool for graphics. You can use it to draw snowflakes, fractals, ray-traced 3D pictures, and many other things. SQL art is beautiful, albeit slow to generate. These days they say AI is taking over, and human-made...
The underrated &lt;dl&gt; element by David Luhr The Description List (<dl>) element is useful for many common visual design patterns,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
by David Luhr The Description List (<dl>) element is useful for many common visual design patterns, but is unfortunately underutilized. It was originally intended to group terms with their definitions, but it's also a great fit for other content that has a key/value structure,...
A Smart Bear
Rare things become common at scale Software doesn't scale through architecture and automation alone. New, more difficult problems...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Software doesn't scale through architecture and automation alone. New, more difficult problems appear that didn't exist before, causing new downstream consequences.
Charles Chen
.NET Task Parallel Library vs System.Threading.Channels Wondering which concurrency library is right for you? Let's dive in!
a year ago
Ralph Ammer
David Hume — Why we change our mind How do we know which food is best for us? We might start a low-carb diet. Then we switch to whole...
a year ago
a year ago
How do we know which food is best for us? We might start a low-carb diet. Then we switch to whole grains, or even go fully vegan—only to return to a low-carb diet yet again. We constantly change our minds. Even scientists keep revising their perspectives. Why is it so difficult...
Joel Gascoigne
Exercise: a requirement for sleep? * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Recently I have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Recently I have struggled to get to sleep at night. When I need to be up at 8 and working away on either my own projects or exciting client projects by 9 it is vital that I wake up refreshed
MMapped blog
Fungible tokens 101
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
An icon converter that supports multiple sizes and transparency If you're looking for an online utility to convert JPEG, PNG, or GIF images to ICO format, here's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for an online utility to convert JPEG, PNG, or GIF images to ICO format, here's one that does exactly that. It supports full transparency when converting 24-bit PNGs and even lets you combine multiple resolutions into one icon file — perfect for generating...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to seed, grow, and scale Developer Relations (and how we're doing it at PostHog) Developer Relations exists and is executed in different ways at almost every company. Our Developer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Developer Relations exists and is executed in different ways at almost every company. Our Developer Relations journey at PostHog has just begun, and…
#31 additional “assistance” Bad code <a href="/contact" aria-label="If you find that you need additional assistance in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <a href="/contact" aria-label="If you find that you need additional assistance in navigating or accessing the content of this website, please call our customer service toll free number 1-800-666-8654309" title="If you find that you need additional assistance in...
Max Countryman
Delivering Value with Platform Engineering Platform Engineering offers a unique value prop to engineering orgs by focusing its attention on the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Platform Engineering offers a unique value prop to engineering orgs by focusing its attention on the holistic system. This in contrast to and in direct support of teams which focus on a narrower domain. In doing so, platform teams elevate and accelerate the work of their peers...
David Crawshaw
Machining under a microscope "The average width of such a channel is 0.002 inch. For this kind of work, the shop often uses...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"The average width of such a channel is 0.002 inch. For this kind of work, the shop often uses spade-type end mills as small as 0.001 inch wide, although even smaller tools have been used occasionally." www.mmsonline.com/articles/cutting-with-a-0001-inch-end-mill
Grant Slatton
AI software I'm surprised doesn't exist yet Please make it
2 weeks ago
ntietz.com blog
You should make a new programming language Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple. Few of us make programming...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Every software engineer uses a programming language, usually multiple. Few of us make programming languages. This makes sense, because the work we need to get done can typically be done just fine in the languages that exist. Those already have people making them better. Let's...
Making software...
Simple Does Not Mean Ugly Simple Does Not Mean Ugly 2019-03-26 I see new blog posts popping up now and again advocating for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Simple Does Not Mean Ugly 2019-03-26 I see new blog posts popping up now and again advocating for designers to keep their products as simple as possible - and I couldn't agree more. A lot of designers tend to think they need to reinvent the wheel when it comes to UI concepts that...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Information Theory Recap A small detour to catch up on the basics of Information Theory we'll need
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Consider Part-Time Work It has long been predicted that with more automation and more technology, we could all work less and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has long been predicted that with more automation and more technology, we could all work less and have more leisure time, but we continue to fall short of that promise. In many ways, we're working harder and longer, with more stress, than previous generations did. I think that...
David Crawshaw
Leaving Google Leaving Google 2018-03-27 Today is my last day at Google. It has been a wonderful place to work...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Leaving Google 2018-03-27 Today is my last day at Google. It has been a wonderful place to work filled with excellent coworkers. I am sad to be leaving Fuchsia before 1.0. As an operating system it gets so many things right. No doubt I will get a chance to be a user. For the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to plan a killer company offsite in just 8 weeks As a company born at the beginning of the pandemic, PostHog has been fully-remote from its...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a company born at the beginning of the pandemic, PostHog has been fully-remote from its inception. Our team is 35+ people distributed across 1…
Vadim Kravcenko
Infrastructure: From Zero to Enterprise Back when I was coding in 2007, my stack was straightforward. I had a shared hosting provider that...
a year ago
a year ago
Back when I was coding in 2007, my stack was straightforward. I had a shared hosting provider that cost me […] The post Infrastructure: From Zero to Enterprise appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Josh Comeau's blog
Snappy UI Optimization with useDeferredValue useDeferredValue is one of the most underrated React hooks. It allows us to dramatically improve the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
useDeferredValue is one of the most underrated React hooks. It allows us to dramatically improve the performance of our applications in certain contexts. I recently used it to solve a gnarly performance problem on this blog, and in this tutorial, I'll show you how! ⚡
Competition For the last few jobs, I’ve kept a private are.na board of competition. Every time I saw something...
a year ago
a year ago
For the last few jobs, I’ve kept a private are.na board of competition. Every time I saw something that looked like it was competing with Observable, or Placemark, or val.town I’d add it to the list. Eventually I’d have a big gallery of screenshots of all the other companies and...
Eric Bailey
A conversation can be an output
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Shoelace 2.0: a forward-thinking library of web components I've been having a lot of fun with Stencil and web components lately. Back in January, I decided to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been having a lot of fun with Stencil and web components lately. Back in January, I decided to use it to completely redesign Shoelace, an open source project I created a few years ago. I recently published Shoelace 2.0 — a collection of professionally-designed, accessible...
ntietz.com blog
Writing a basic code formatter I've been working on my programming language for a couple of months now, in fits and starts1. In the...
a year ago
a year ago
I've been working on my programming language for a couple of months now, in fits and starts1. In the original post, I laid out my plan for it, and after creating the parser the next step was writing a formatter. I thought this would be a nice intermediate step after writing the...
Joel Gascoigne
How my co-founder and I structure ourselves as CEO and COO * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For the first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For the first two years of Buffer we didn’t use C-level titles [https://soundcloud.com/joelgascoigne/thoughts-on-cxo-titles-in]. In February last year it started to make much more sense for me to...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Text Prompts Circumscribe The Surface Area of Possible Solutions I was reading Chase McCoy’s notes about Figma’s move into the AI space and this one line stuck out...
7 months ago
7 months ago
I was reading Chase McCoy’s notes about Figma’s move into the AI space and this one line stuck out to me (emphasis mine): Generating UI designs from scratch, based on a text prompt This reminded me of my note from a Wall Street Journal interview with Jony Ive where he talks about...
Engineer’s Codex
How Google writes clean, maintainable code Google's SWE Book explains their readability process and style guides
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
After the HN launch PostHog launched on Hacker News . We were pleased with the reception. The reason we launched wasn’t...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog launched on Hacker News . We were pleased with the reception. The reason we launched wasn’t trying to get the world’s attention – we wanted to…
Wardley mapping the LLM ecosystem. In How should you adopt LLMs?, we explore how a theoretical ride sharing company, Theoretical Ride...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In How should you adopt LLMs?, we explore how a theoretical ride sharing company, Theoretical Ride Sharing, should adopt Large Language Models (LLMs). Part of that strategy’s diagnosis depends on understanding the expected evolution of the LLM ecosystem, which we’ve build a...
ntietz.com blog
Using search as a primary datastore since the docs said not to Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip. Then I just have to do...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip. Then I just have to do it. So when I saw that the Typesense docs say not to use it as a primary datastore? Well well well, that's what we'll have to do. I spent a little bit of time figuring out what a...
bt RSS Feed
Transferring Media from macOS to a Jellyfin Server (Raspberry Pi 4) Transferring Media from macOS to a Jellyfin Server (Raspberry Pi 4) 2022-03-12 I run a personal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Transferring Media from macOS to a Jellyfin Server (Raspberry Pi 4) 2022-03-12 I run a personal media server using Jellyfin on a Raspberry Pi 4 in my home. It’s pretty great and works well across most devices - Google TV, iOS and Android devices, Chromebooks, etc. The only small...
ntietz.com blog
Load testing is hard, and the tools are... not great. But why? If you're building an application that needs to scale—and we all tell ourselves that we are—then at...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're building an application that needs to scale—and we all tell ourselves that we are—then at some point you have to figure out if it does or not. This is where load testing comes in: if you want to see whether or not your application can handle scale, just generate scale...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Technical Community Builder is the Hottest New Job in Tech What if the real product was the friends we made along the way?
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Enough problems to go around The worst kind of company is usually not the one where there's too much real work to do, but the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The worst kind of company is usually not the one where there's too much real work to do, but the kind where there's not enough. It's in this realm the real monsters appear. Without enough real problems to go around, humans are prone to invent fictitious and dreadful ones. This...
Renegade Otter
I am not your Cloud person Jack of all clouds In an episode of Screaming in the Cloud podcast, Corey Quinn, a cloud services...
a year ago
a year ago
Jack of all clouds In an episode of Screaming in the Cloud podcast, Corey Quinn, a cloud services expert, mentioned a running prank that he sometimes pulls on Amazon engineers: Quinn inserts a fictional AWS service name into the conversation, with the AWS person not batting an...
A Smart Bear
Intense Asymmetry and Self-Flagellation Erica Douglass sold her company for $1M, yet still struggles with self-worth; why driven people...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Erica Douglass sold her company for $1M, yet still struggles with self-worth; why driven people can't escape Impostor Syndrome.
Alex Meub
Hacking Amazon Dash Buttons The Amazon Dash button is about a year old and has proven to be a pretty great hackable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Amazon Dash button is about a year old and has proven to be a pretty great hackable internet-of-things button. It’s got built-in wifi, an onboard battery and best of all, a $4.99 price tag. How It Works The actual “hacking” of dash buttons has really nothing to do with the...
Epic Web Dev
Get Started with the Epic Workshop App (tip)
a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
Raising funding as a first-time founder * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I’ve been fortunate enough to meet with some outstanding first-time entrepreneurs on a few different days during this week. In almost every case I can really feel the passion and determination...
What mammal is that? I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take...
a year ago
a year ago
I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take silly photos of the family pets, and this is one from last week that shows off a super-sized snoot: No Photoshop here, just my iPhone’s Ultra Wide camera held close to...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware July 2024 The ware for July 2024 is an Ingenico Axium DX8000. I hadn’t had a chance to tear down a modern POS...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The ware for July 2024 is an Ingenico Axium DX8000. I hadn’t had a chance to tear down a modern POS terminal myself, so it was pretty interesting to see all the anti-tamper traces built into the product (thank you jackw01 for sharing it!). I wonder how effective these are, and...
Elad Blog
Things I Don't Know About AI The more I learn about AI markets, the less I think I know. I list questions and some thoughts.
a year ago
Alex Meub
Building a 3D Printer Enclosure Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would be to create high-quality prints with such little effort. I’ve printed raspberry pi cases, kids’ toys, ceiling hooks, custom parts, electronics enclosures, curtain rod holders,...
Takeaway from using CO₂ monitors: run the exhaust fan For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly...
10 months ago
10 months ago
For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly expensive gadgets that I have no regrets purchasing – I love a little more awareness of things like temperature, humidity, and air quality, it’s ‘grounding’ in a cyberpunk way. But...
You’re Too Old For That: Age Discrimination in Japan Tech You’ve got the skills and the drive for the job, but how old are you again? Age matters. We all know...
a year ago
a year ago
You’ve got the skills and the drive for the job, but how old are you again? Age matters. We all know it. The trick is knowing what you’re up against, why these obstacles persist, who might be able to help, and how far you may be required to shift your perspective from where it...
Developer relations Apple’s leaders continue to deny developers of two obvious truths: That our apps provide substantial...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Apple’s leaders continue to deny developers of two obvious truths: That our apps provide substantial value to iOS beyond the purchase commissions collected by Apple. That any portion of our customers came to our apps from our own marketing or reputation, rather than the App...
Making software...
Avoiding Featurism Avoiding Featurism 2022-10-14 I rather enjoy the term "featurism". I came across this term while...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Avoiding Featurism 2022-10-14 I rather enjoy the term "featurism". I came across this term while reading the wonderful article Why I don't use Netscape, which the author credits to Bernd Paysan. Although it sums up the current "digital product" industry quite well the more...
Posts on Nikita...
2024 Reflection Holy shit, what a year that was. It was absolutely bonkers overwhelming. A lot of interesting stuff...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Holy shit, what a year that was. It was absolutely bonkers overwhelming. A lot of interesting stuff happened, but at the same time I took on so much more than I could handle. Conferences Speaking at RustLab 2024 During late 2023 and early 2024 I applied to a bunch of conferences....
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Monitoring my weather at home 🌩️ Davis Vantage Wireless Console/Reciever, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2, RTC module—the heart of my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Davis Vantage Wireless Console/Reciever, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2, RTC module—the heart of my weather center Despite their best efforts, all weather apps will eventually lie. Weather is often hyper-local. For example, trying to suss out the temperature this...
Making software...
RE: Creating a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box RE: Creating a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box 2022-09-22 I recently read Kev Quirk's post, How to Create...
over a year ago
over a year ago
RE: Creating a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box 2022-09-22 I recently read Kev Quirk's post, How to Create a Simple HTML/CSS Notice Box and loved the simplicity of it. I'm a sucker for using pseudo elements in creative ways but still managing to make them useful. Of course, this got me...
Neil Panchal
Eternal Robustness "Look, you can trust us. We can be depended upon. We are serious about our products and we take...
a year ago
a year ago
"Look, you can trust us. We can be depended upon. We are serious about our products and we take great care to provide you with excellence year after year. Your involvement with us will be predictable and stable."
Making software...
How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer 2020-02-07 I have a profound respect for the open source community....
over a year ago
over a year ago
How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer 2020-02-07 I have a profound respect for the open source community. I most likely wouldn't have the skills or knowledge I do today with it. Unfortunately, when I was just starting out in "web dev" some 10 years ago, proprietary software was the...
Josh Comeau's blog
Make Beautiful Gradients Have you ever noticed that gradients tend to look a little gray and washed-out in the middle? This...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Have you ever noticed that gradients tend to look a little gray and washed-out in the middle? This happens because of a mathematical quirk with RGB colors. Fortunately, we can work around this quirk, and create beautiful, lush, saturated gradients.
Vadim Kravcenko
What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done? Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I...
a year ago
a year ago
Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I understand it’s also […] The post What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
orlp.net - Blog...
Bitwise Binary Search: Elegant and Fast I recently read the article Beautiful Branchless Binary Search by Malte Skarupke. In it they discuss...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently read the article Beautiful Branchless Binary Search by Malte Skarupke. In it they discuss the merits of the following snippet of C++ code implementing a binary search: template<typename It, typename T, typename Cmp> It lower_bound_skarupke(It begin, It end, const T&...
Vadim Kravcenko
Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return Question: Answer: The post Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
10 months ago
Steve Klabnik
Announcing rstat.us
over a year ago