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I just finished reading The Inner Game of Tennis by Tim Gallwey. Originally published in 1974, the book explores how the thoughts of an athlete affect their game. It’s lauded as being at the forefront of what we now call “sports psychology”. Although my competitive sports days are over, I was still intrigued to read it in context of my current life as a startup professional, rec basketball player, and coach. Here are a few takeaways that I have from the book. To preface, Gallwey talks a lot about Self 1 and Self 2. Put simply, Self 1 is the critical, judgmental voice in your head, while Self 2 is the instinctive, natural self that performs effortlessly when trusted. The goal is to remove Self 1 as much as possible so Self 2 can perform. How to Learn “To Self 2, a picture is worth a thousand words. It learns by watching the actions of others, as well as by performing actions itself… The benefits to your game come not from analyzing the strokes of top players, but from concentrating...
4 months ago

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What’s Preventing Us from Building a Beautiful Product?

I just finished listening to Lenny’s conversation with Nan Yu, Head of Product at Linear, about what it takes to build a great SaaS product. Like many SaaS apps, the Kibu team and I have taken inspiration from Linear. But as we plan our roadmap and implement new solutions, I ask myself: What’s preventing us from building a product as beautiful as Linear, Slack, or Figma? Sure, time and resources matter, but I sense deeper things at play. Lenny and Nan’s conversation shed light on Linear’s approach and helped me articulate some thoughts: No Dogfooding Nan said that ideas for SaaS apps often start as useful products inside of larger companies. A typical story: a developer solves a personal problem, shares it with her coworkers, gets tons of praise, and considers if other companies have the same problem. I recall the story of Slack going a lot like this, and I suspect Linear is similar. The advantage of this approach is that the founder is customer zero. By building for yourself, user empathy has an instantaneous feedback loop, allowing you to rapidly build based off “vibe” alone. This is obvious advice, as the “built by X, for X” has been a marketing cliché for decades. It explains why the most lauded products in app design are almost always built by a team who can dogfood their own product. Kibu cannot dogfood its own product. As a content provider and documentation platform built for disability providers, Kibu operates with no day-to-day usage of its own product, as one may see at Linear, Slack, or Figma. Without dogfooding, “vibe development” is overshadowed by the voice of the customer. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with customer feedback, but Kibu’s lack of dogfooding handicaps our ability to have that “spidey-sense” of our customers’ needs. This could lead us down a complicated or unscalable path. I am particularly concerned with the latter, as our stellar dev team always ensures the UX passes user acceptability. I wonder how Kibu can mitigate our inability to dogfood: Try to dogfood: We once tried dogfooding by documenting our company goals and providing weekly updates in Kibu (similar to how our customers provide daily updates to their special needs members’ life plan goals). This was a positive step but still a square peg in a round hole. We simply do not operate with the same speed, setting, vocabulary, or consequences as our customers. Hire industry folks: Wow, wouldn’t it be nice to hire a former caretaker that turned into a valuable SaaS contributor! We’re starting to find those on the business side, but we haven’t found an engineer that fits that description. Regardless, by joining Kibu, the employee would have left the industry and no longer be engaging in Kibu. I assume that Strava developers still jog after getting hired lol… Ignore the issue and build: This has been our status quo and likely will be for a while. Let’s double down on customer feedback by scheduling recurring meetings with diverse users. Maybe we even pay them! Is there a company that we can take inspiration from that’s been in our position? What’s the most beautiful app that can’t be dogfooded? My first thought is Shopify, as I’m guessing Tobi Lütke and the whole team don’t personally maintain an e-commerce snowboard shop. Let me know if you can think of other companies. Saying No to “The Man” On the topic of preventing bloat, Nan said Linear is hyper-focused on delivering an exceptional IC experience and is willing to turn down feature requests that don’t align with that vision. For example, if Nan got a request from a middle manager to make end-of-month reporting slightly easier, Linear will deny that request if it means the IC’s work is strained a bit. This “bottom-up” prioritization philosophy is downright enviable! Kibu is in the business of compliance, meaning that we are limited to the needs of our customers’ regulators. If a government agency or grant provider want our customer to complete a 3-page questionnaire for every member every day, then our customer has no choice but to pass that requirement down to us. Our ability to design a frictionless experience for ICs hits a ceiling when met with regulation, no matter how dumb. This hindrance is particularly frustrating because we recognize the economic value that an exceptional IC UX could bring to our customers. If a low-level caretaker can take notes and track attendance on a tool that won’t make them want to blow their brains out, then: The data will be better, incurring less failed audits and penalties. The data will be better, allowing management to better identify inefficiencies that lead to better resource allocation. The staff will spend less time record-keeping and more time caring, leading to better outcomes and success stories. At the same time, regulation is why Kibu Documentation exists in the first place, so if we’re sticking to a Linear-like “bottom-up” product strategy, then it is our duty to make compliance painless, if not a little fun. Reports Come Second: While the economic buyer and regulators relentlessly emphasize the importance of reports, Kibu must remember that reporting is merely a representation of rows and columns. What truly matters is the data inside—which aligns with our philosophy of prioritizing the IC’s data input experience. Kibu has already done a great job delegating customers’ reporting needs to the Customer Success team (hey, that’s me!) with custom Looker reports. Customers stay happy with white-glove reporting, while our product team remains focused on ICs. No BS copy: On the front page of every customer’s Documentation homepage, we have large text that reads “Your org is X% compliant. Found out why” If the goal is compliance, then let’s not blur anything. I’d rather sacrifice a little extra text on the page if it means our nontechnical users know exactly where to go and why. We should take this one step further and extend it to each entity in Kibu, like the member: “Here’s what you need to do to be fully compliant with Athena…“ More unicorns: Whenever you complete a task in Asana, a unicorn flies across your page! So cool. Per my bullet points above, a fun Kibu experience will lead to better financial outcomes for our customers. Tiny Thoughts Okay, the two sections above were the most provocative. Here are some more takeaways that Kibu is already doing. If we’re not, I don’t think it would be too controversial to implement: Y-combinatify Kibu: Our marketing page should be fast, fun, minimal, with lots of polished-up screenshots of our product (like Superhuman or Mintlify). Our brand should be “the new kids on the block” or “finally… Silicon Valley’s best are solving my disability provider problems” Say No to Enterprise: Linear demonstrates great restraint in saying no to Enterprise-level requests that they believe will lead to poor long-term growth. My last company experienced this, and I’m wary of going through it again. The 11-star Experience: The Linear team occasionally plays in a world where resources are unlimited and they can design the best gosh-darn experience. They’re always surprised by how many ideas are viable! Kibu should do the same… I love one developer’s idea of “Call Kibu”, where an IC can simply call a phone number and log their notes for the day- having a back-and-forth conversation with a robot who knows all compliance requirements.

4 weeks ago 13 votes
Making My SQL Skills Obsolete

Quick Update: I updated my domain to ben-mini.com! All old URLs and the RSS feed under ben-mini.github.io will automatically redirect, so no changes are needed on your end. By far, the most useful LLM app I’ve made is the Kibu Schema God: I try not to make my posts too technical, but I can’t resist. I’d like to briefly explain what the Kibu Schema God is, how I set it up in a day, and how you might create something similar. What it is The Kibu Schema God (KSG) is a Custom GPT that helps me get immediate answers on my product’s data. It has full knowledge of my company’s database schema and context around it. KSG allows all Kibu employees with a basic understanding of SQL to construct queries that provide insights into our customers. Humbly put, it is an omniscient data deity that takes mortals’ plain-English requests and provides the path to the data in seconds. As a VP of Customer Success with an engineering background, I use KSG daily to gain insights into our customers’ product usage. Which organizations watched the most videos this week? How many time-tracking events occurred after 5 PM ET this month? Relative to ARR, which customers have the most alarmingly low usage? I can copy+paste these exact questions into KSG, and it will return exactly what I need. The beauty of KSG is that it’s completely disconnected from our actual database, ensuring privacy and HIPAA compliance. No customer, user, or health-related data is ever shared with Schema God or the LLM. Further, it took me just a few minutes to create, with occasional tweaking and maintaining- all without code. How it Works This morning, I wanted to know which users watched the most classes on Kibu (by the way, Kibu offers a library of 400+ videos of educational and exercise content for adults with special needs). So, I logged onto ChatGPT.com, went into my Kibu Schema God GPT, and asked the question: Instead of returning data, KSG generates a MySQL query. A query is a structured language that enables interaction with Kibu’s MySQL database. I then copy+paste that query into an SQL editor, like TablePlus, and view the results: Not only has KSG saved me hours of writing these tedious queries, but it’s also proven worthy in crafting some of the most complex, disgusting, 25+ line queries in my life. I used to think of SQL query writing as an art- now, it’s a commodity. Configuring KSG was relatively simple. When creating a Custom GPT, I provided the following instructions: You are helpful assistant for Kibu employees to better understand their customer. Kibu is a software tool that supports the IDD community. It offers a library of video classes to individuals and Disability Provider organizations, as well as an admin tool for organizations to take notes & attendance of their members (IDD individuals). Your job is to provide MySQL queries upon request given Kibu’s MySQL schema. Always use the provided Prisma schema in schema.txt when constructing a query. A schema is the structure that defines how a database is organized. It includes the tables, columns, data types, relationships, and other elements that shape how data is stored and accessed. Even a Google Sheet can have a schema. In the image below, the schema of this Google Sheet consists of a User table with five columns (ID, First Name, Last Name, Age, and State) and two other tables (Activity and Medical Info) that are likely related to the User table. Most production databases and SaaS providers maintain a document that defines your data schema. Kibu’s schema is explicitly defined with Prisma. Schemas are written in a structured way that makes them readable to computers but indecipherable to humans. This is the perfect recipe for an LLM use case. When creating KSG, I went to my dev team and requested our Prisma file. I uploaded it to the Kibu Schema God, giving it the blueprints to our database’s design. After explaining to the GPT a few nuances (what time zone our dates are in, what each “status” value means in a business context, etc.), KSG was complete. I occasionally tweak KSG’s configurations when the schema updates or more context needs added. How to Implement Your Own Schema God Schema Gods are an awesome way to unleash your data analytics potential with minimal IT overhead. Regardless of your role, you work with data, and you need to get insights from it. Here’s how you can build your own Schema God: 1. Identify your data source and find its schema For someone in Product or CS, this could be your relational database or a layer on top of it (Mixpanel, Amplitude). For a salesperson, your data is likely in a CRM. Ask the owner of this data source for the schema. Salesforce has its own schema tool that lets you view and configure all the objects in your org. 2. Insert the schema into ChatGPT. Visit ChatGPT.com (or your preferred LLM) and paste your schema into a Custom GPT configuration or start a new conversation. 3. Explain the schema to ChatGPT Think of your Schema God as a really smart data analyst intern who still needs to learn. Explain your product, its core “nouns”, and what a successful answer may look like. The more specific, the better. 4. Ask ChatGPT to return your queries in a desirable format. Every data repository has its own method of analyzing data. For a database, this will likely be query language. For SaaS apps, it might involve using an “advanced filter” language available in its reporting interface. It might be an API. Salesforce has its own query language called SOQL that runs on sites like Workbench. Find the format that gets you from copy -> paste -> data as quickly as possible. Final Thoughts In about an hour, my six years of SQL knowledge became nearly obsolete. Granted, building and tweaking the Schema God would have been much more challenging without my data fluency, and my more advanced prompts to KSG are still grounded in pseudo-SQL-speak. However, in its current state- with all the context and rules I’ve provided- I have complete confidence that it can help my non-technical colleagues with minimal mistakes. The best KSG users are those who understand the business of Kibu the most, not the codebase. Fuck man… maybe it was a good idea to get that business degree instead of computer science! This year, “talk to your data” apps have exploded in growth. But, I’m yet to find a tool as cheap, easy to use, and privacy-friendly as the Schema God. Hopefully, this can help some of you become the data-driven business visionary you never knew you could be.

2 months ago 56 votes

Between 2009 and 2012, Apple iPhones and iPod Touches included a feature called “Send to YouTube” that allowed users to upload videos directly to YouTube from the Photos app. The feature worked… really well. In fact, YouTube reported a 1700% increase in total video uploads during the first half of 2009- crediting that growth to its strong integrative ties to Apple and social networks. However, this two-click upload feature was short-lived when Apple severed ties with YouTube by removing its homegrown app in 2012. While Send to YouTube can be thoroughly analyzed as a milestone on the “frenemy” timeline between Apple and Google, I want to explore a pleasant consequence of this moment. Apple uses the ‘IMG_XXXX’ naming convention for all images and videos captured on iOS devices, where XXXX is a unique sequence number¹. The first image you take is named “IMG_0001”, the second is “IMG_0002” and so on. During the Send to YouTube era of 2009 and 2012, the title of one’s YouTube video was defaulted to this naming convention. Unwitting content creators would then upload their videos on a public site with a barely-searchable name. To this day, there are millions of these videos. Try searching for “IMG_XXXX” on YouTube, replacing “XXXX” with your favorite numbers (I used my birthday, 0416). See what you get! There’s something surreal about these videos that engages you in a way you’ve never felt. None were edited, produced, or paraded for mass viewing. In fact, many were likely uploaded by accident or with a misunderstanding that complete strangers could see it. YouTube automatically removes harmful or violent content, so what remains exists in a unique, almost paradoxical state: forbidden, yet harmless. Putting all this together, searching IMG_XXXX offers the most authentic social feed ever seen on the Internet- in video, no less! While many videos are redundant snippets of a concerts, basketball games, or kids’ recitals, you also get one-of-a-kind videos that provides a glimpse into a complete stranger’s life. You’ll see a tumultuous event that made them, their partner, or their friend say, “hey, let’s record this”. I’d like to show you three of these videos that I found in my search. IMG_0416 (Mar 17, 2015) - 23 views The video shows a woman excitedly unboxing a book she received in the mail. From context clues, she seems to be a wife and mother from Memphis who’s unboxing the first published copy of her book. She thanks the friends, family, and publishers who made this happen. After a quick Google Search, I was able to find the book: A Profit / Prophet to Her Husband: Are you ready to be a wife? The book is meant “to help wives understand who they are and who they were designed to be.” It clocks in at 94 pages and has 30 ratings on Amazon! Go IMG_0416! I don’t care what you’re creating- I’m just a fan of creators. It looks like she kept at it- making a second book in 2020! IMG_0416.MOV (June 24, 2015) - 26 views The video appears to show a woman playing a matching card game that teaches you “the basics of the potash stuff” according to the cameraman. As the woman (who I assume is the cameraman’s supportive mother) flips two matching cards, she reads off the countries who produce the most potash. I honestly didn’t know anything about potash! Turns out that it is a mineral with large amount of potassium, which is helpful as a plant fertilizer. With Canada producing the largest reserves in the world, the vast majority of Canadian potash is found in Saskatchewan. I wonder if this family lives in Canada. Or, if this is just another school project of useless facts… I miss those! IMG_0416 (Feb 8, 2011) - 114 views Let’s end on a fun one. The video shows a young man snorting powdered sugar and dealing with the consequences of it. Given his BU hoodie, Dunkin’ Donuts location, and ironic depiction of drug use, I gotta say this is a VERY Boston video. What’s genuinely heartwarming is the shared laughter between the man, the camerawoman, and the motherly figure leaving Dunkin’. The camerawoman calls her “Myra”, suggesting they all know each other. We have nothing better to do, so we’re snorting powdered sugar captures an essence of suburban America that I’m sure many of us can relate to. Edit: 11/3/24 IMG_0417 (Mar 14, 2014) - 16 views I found this after posting, and it’s just too amazing to not include… a woman filming her partner as he finds out she’s pregnant. Assuming all has gone well, the child is now almost 10 years old. I wonder if the family even knows this video still exists. After posting this on Hackernews, it looks like somebody commented on the video lol. I hope the family receives a notification it and is able to share this with their kid. ¹ Edit: The IMG_XXXX sequence isn’t truly unique—after 10,000 photos, the numbering restarts at IMG_0001 (Source).

4 months ago 18 votes
Buying a House

Two days ago, I decided I want to buy my first house. My goal is to purchase it before the summer of 2025. Why are you buying a house? To make money. I see this as an opportunity in a space that many friends and family consider a safe, high-return bet (if done right). When joining Kibu, I took a pay cut in exchange for higher upside, executive responsibilities, and the opportunity to work on a great mission. That said, it’s time to use the money I’ve saved to explore additional revenue streams. Purchasing a home, making renovations, earning cash flow from renters, and watching the home’s value appreciate could be the revenue stream I’ve been looking for! Where are you buying a house? I will be buying a house in my hometown of Pittsburgh, PA. My parents and sister still live there, and we all have a good sense of the “best spots” in the city. I love Pittsburgh, and I can see myself visiting 2-3 times per year—especially with my recent move to NYC. On top of hometown knowledge, Pittsburgh is one of those “best value” cities, often getting acclaimed as one of the most walkable, affordable cities in America. Although I’ve just begun planning, I could see myself purchasing somewhere near my dad, close to a train line and some nightlife, like Mt. Lebanon, Mt. Washington, or maybe the Southside. Can you afford to buy a house? Anyone who’s debt-free, has good credit (720+), and earns a steady income can buy a house. However, factors like intent, location, and risk tolerance will decide if one can actually afford a house. As I said above, I intend to purchase a house for investment purposes. That means the monthly mortgage and operating expenses must be less than the rent income I intend to receive: Net Cash Flow = Total Rental Income − (Operating Expenses + Mortgage Payments) Additionally, I need to determine if I can afford the house at the time of closing. Generally, a lender requires a down payment of ~20% of the home’s purchase price. However, as a first-time homebuyer, that payment can be considerably lower. An FHA loan could allow for a down payment as low as 3.5%, but that comes with added upfront and monthly premiums known as MIPs (Mortgage Insurance Premiums), which I would essentially treat as added mortgage payments. As a rough estimate, homes in Mt. Lebanon and Mt. Washington range from $200k to $500k. Per advice on YouTube, I intend to speak with a local lender in Pittsburgh, evaluate my financials, and be told exactly what I can afford. Who’s going to help you? As a first-time homebuyer, this one makes me the most nervous. Even as I write this blog and browse Zillow, I get feelings of doubt. I need to find trusted mentors and professionals to guide me down the right path. Mentors My dad: I’ll look to my dad, a 40+ year Pittsburgh homeowner, to help search for neighborhoods. My dad has also mentioned he’d be willing to periodically visit the house after it’s purchased, which is immensely valuable for me as an out-of-state buyer. Friends: I have two friends in mind who can share their homebuyer stories. One of them was in a similar position to mine: a new NYC resident who bought a house in his Texas hometown. Another friend is a serial real estate investor. YouTube and ChatGPT: I will lean on all the internet’s free resources to help me get the dumb questions answered. ChatGPT is a game-changer for answering FAQs, as it can contextualize answers to my situation and provide solicit-free advice. Professionals Lender: A good lender will be responsive, transparent, and have a proven track record in first-time home buying. Agent: A good real estate agent will have similar qualities to the lender, with strong connections to inspectors and contractors. What’s your timeline? (Sep-Oct): Speak with a Pittsburgh-based lender and learn what I can afford. (Oct-Jan): Search for properties on Zillow, Redfin, and Craigslist. Perform back-of-the-napkin math on the mortgage, operating expenses, and estimated rent to determine if the house will be cash flow positive. (Jan-Mar): Visit a couple dozen homes in person. Look for patterns in why homes are valued the way they are. (Feb-Apr): Make offers. (Mar-May): Make home inspections. Use the data to negotiate credits or a reduced price on the home. (May-Jul): Renovate the house. Be onsite as often as possible to ensure work is being done in a timely manner. (Jul-Sep): Look for renters. Take professional pictures of the house and post it on rental sites. Profit??

5 months ago 24 votes

More in literature

'All That Is Human Slips Away'

Varlam Shalamov (1907-82), who ought to know, opens a poem with this line: “Memory has veiled / much evil . . .” Shalamov survived almost eighteen years in the Gulag, in the Arctic region known as Kolyma. His final imprisonment, from 1937 to 1951, was imposed after he referred to Nobel Laureate Ivan Bunin as “a classic Russian writer.” Don’t read his stories looking for inspirational tales of courage, perseverance and adversity overcome. He would laugh bitterly at such foolish naiveté. That he survived the Gulag, unlike at least 1.7 million others, may be impressive. That so physically and emotionally damaged a man could write so many stories, Chekhovian in their understated precision, is miraculous. Today, the seventy-second anniversary of Joseph Stalin’s death, is an appropriate time to read Shalamov’s poem, as translated by Robert Chandler:  “Memory has veiled         much evil; her long lies leave nothing         to believe.   “There may be no cities         or green gardens; only fields of ice         and salty oceans.   “The world may be pure snow,         a starry road; just northern forest         in the mind of God.”   The Anglophone world is finally catching up with Shalamov’s accomplishment. Now we have Donald Rayfield’s versions of his Kolyma Stories (2018) and Sketches of the Criminal World: Further Kolyma Stories (2020), which I reviewed here and here. Their combined 1,200 pages include 145 stories. An English-language website devoted to Shalamov and his work has posted a remarkable document, “What I Saw and Learned in the Kolyma Camps” (trans. Dmitry Subbotin and Robert Denis). The piece is dated 1961, ten years after his release from Kolyma. Here is the first of his forty-six hard-earned observations: “The extraordinary fragility of human nature, of civilization. A human being would turn into a beast after three weeks of hard work, cold, starvation and beatings.”   Shalamov lived his final years in the Soviet Union in poverty. He was blind, deaf and suffered from Huntington’s disease, but continued composing poems until his final months, when visitors took his dictation. He died in 1982 at age seventy-four. “Somewhat like Paul Celan and Primo Levi,” Chandler writes, “Shalamov seems in the end to have been defeated by the destructive forces he withstood so bravely and for so long. His own life story may be the most tragic of all the Kolyma tales.” Here is a poem by Shalamov from 1955, as translated by Chandler:   “All that is human slips away; everything was mere husk. All that is left, indivisible, is birdsong and dusk.   “A sharp scent of warm mint, the river’s far-off noise; all equal, and equally light — all my losses and joys.”   “Slowly, with its warm towel the wind dries my face; moths immolate themselves in the campfire’s flames.”   [Chandler translates nineteen poems by Shalamov in The Penguin Book of Russian Poetry, edited by Chandler, Boris Dralyuk and Irina Mashinski.]

12 hours ago 2 votes
Brown Wasps

The post Brown Wasps appeared first on The American Scholar.

12 hours ago 2 votes
An essay in which my friend feels stuck and I suggest relaxing some constraints

The short version is that my friend, in my opinion, thinks about what he wants in a too constrained way.

37 minutes ago 1 votes
'To Think, to Read, to Meditate, to React'

Often, I think of the late Adam Zagajewski urging young poets – and by extension, the rest of us -- to “read everything.” The suggestion is not dictatorial. The Pole even admits he is a “chaotic reader,” as most of us are. I’ve never been systematic about much of anything and inevitably there are embarrassing holes in my education. Call it the Autodidact Syndrome. When it comes to books, we never know in advance what will come in handy, which volume will help solve a problem we didn’t know we were asking. Here is Zagajewski the literary cheerleader:  “Read for yourselves, read for the sake of your inspiration, for the sweet turmoil in your lovely head. But also read against yourselves, read for questioning and impotence, for despair and erudition, read the dry, sardonic remarks of cynical philosophers like Cioran or even Carl Schmitt, read newspapers, read those who despise, dismiss, or simply ignore poetry and try to understand why they do it. Read your enemies and your friends, read those who reinforce your sense of what's evolving in poetry, and also read those whose darkness or malice or madness or greatness you can’t yet understand because only in this way will you grow, outlive yourself, and become what you are.”   Zagajewski’s enthusiasm is almost embarrassing but the juggernaut of aliteracy and the threat it poses to Western Civilization may already be irreversible. My friend Cynthia Haven published an interview with Zagajewski not long after his death in 2021 in which she reminds him of his “read everything” essay. He replies:      “What can I say? I’m in favor of reading and taking into consideration past writers. But you know, I don’t know ancient Greek, my Latin almost doesn’t exist; I’m not one of those lofty professors who know everything and terrorize others with their perfect erudition. What’s important is to think, to read, to meditate, to react, to be imaginative. Sometimes a reduced reading list, if given strong attention, can be better than a classical education when pursued somewhat mechanically. Of course I want the past writers to persist but first of all I want thinking and being moved by intelligent texts to persist.”   Good advice. Don’t be intimidated by the vastness of the reading list. Choose a volume someone once mentioned he enjoyed or that had a strong emotional or intellectual impact on him. Say, the Life of Johnson, Richard Wilbur’s poems, Gershom Scholem’s Sabbatai Sevi: The Mystical Messiah, a novel by P.G. Wodehouse or Unamuno’s Tragic Sense of Life. Read it and see where it carries you.

yesterday 2 votes