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This week I had the joy of taking a group of students to the University of Oxford open day. In a few quiet moments, I had an opportunity to pray at the Oxford Oratory on Woodstock Road
In a November entry of The Genesee Diary, Henri Nouwen reflects on the writing and spirituality of Brother Lawrence
Dorotheus of Gaza, quoted in an entry from Henri Nouwen’s The Genesee Diary
A short passage from this morning’s Office of Readings in the Breviary (Friday, Week 10 of Ordinary Time)
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Being covid cautious is a very socially-isolating endeavour. Most people think we have some psychological disorder, and that’s putting it very nicely. I feel alone and lonely for continuously writing about this,...
“The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers.”
On some perspectives of mine that have shifted over time.
Here’s the simple system to use