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I've raised $12M for my company + hired amazing people -- and until very recently, whenever anyone would ask me my 10-year plan I would flat out say "I have no idea".
8 months ago

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we bought a matcha machine and im caf'd out my mind help

what the hell is going on

a year ago 47 votes
put a sandwich in my pocket and tsa told me to get rid of it thats messed up

a short post about investors and getting money for what you're building.

a year ago 80 votes
drinking a spanish latte but i dont speak spanish is this legal

I come from a Pakistani family. Unless your new initiative is a big success, you're a big flop. As a society, no matter where you're from -- we have a tendency to look at those that did something really hard, but didn't figure it out as a person who "failed".

a year ago 36 votes
i ordered garlic naan but they gave me captain crunch instead what the heck man

Note: this is targeted specifically at startup founders. But, same things apply to anyone who’s brave enough to create something from nothing — creators, musicians, physics researchers, etc. I wanna talk about why companies die. And, why most people quit.

a year ago 27 votes

More in life

was she born with it or was it god damn Maybelline?

nature v makeup

an hour ago 1 votes
Eight Ways to F*ck up Your Life Without Trying

Toxic mindsets we all have that will unconsciously ruin your life

7 hours ago 1 votes
Fix Three Broken Things

Seneca pointed out that people tend to be reflexively stingy with their money, but almost comically wasteful with their time. There are at least two ways to take this. One is that Seneca thought he used his time better than you and I do, and maybe he did. Another interpretation is that everyday life, for most people, is an untapped […]

yesterday 4 votes
Why And How We Preschedule Posts

a self-indulgent meta-post about the process of blogging

yesterday 4 votes
For localism and the love of humanity

I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely intent on exploring and exposing the nature of the single global mafia.

yesterday 5 votes