More from Left To Write
A brief update of the last months
This will be the last issue of Writemas ‘23. It’s been tough juggling this, Bloomstory and other projects, but it’s been a lot of fun producing these short emails. As we enter the last week of the year, I’m trying to let the dust of 2023 settle so that I can regain
There’s a quote by Jorge Luis Borges I came across that I think about a lot. It goes like this: “I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.”
More in life
Analyzing how progressive politics and Silicon Valley thinking have domesticated the revolutionary potential of Buddhist practice
between certainty and silence, a third path "forward"
Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional with where our money goes
I assumed that certain rude personalities were promoted to leadership positions. Then I both found myself being promoted, and adopting some of those behaviors.