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me and the beatles just ate some waffles in tokyo

I've raised $12M for my company + hired amazing people -- and until very recently, whenever anyone would ask me my 10-year plan I would flat out say "I have no idea".

9 months ago 97 votes
we bought a matcha machine and im caf'd out my mind help

what the hell is going on

a year ago 51 votes
put a sandwich in my pocket and tsa told me to get rid of it thats messed up

a short post about investors and getting money for what you're building.

a year ago 85 votes
drinking a spanish latte but i dont speak spanish is this legal

I come from a Pakistani family. Unless your new initiative is a big success, you're a big flop. As a society, no matter where you're from -- we have a tendency to look at those that did something really hard, but didn't figure it out as a person who "failed".

a year ago 39 votes

More in life

Orson Welles as Falstaff on Late Night TV

This post is in the Notebook - my digital workshop for anecdotes, links, excerpts, sketches, lists, and anything else I want to explore in brief, revisit later, or post for reference.

7 hours ago 2 votes
How to Become a Millionaire in Your 30s

Build distribution then build whatever the f*ck you want

10 hours ago 2 votes
What would you do if you had pizza money?

A fun thought experiment around finances, time, and what you are or aren't willing to sacrifice for financial independence.

yesterday 3 votes
they begged me not to publish this

miranda july would tho

yesterday 3 votes