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Romantic relationships get all the attention, but I'd argue that friendships are just as important—if not more so—for our health and happiness. Just like with romantic relationships, creating fulfilling, lasting friendships as an adult can be really hard. But… Why? I mean, sure, there's the logistical side of it. As we age, our lives get more complex and filled with responsibilities, making it harder to find the time and energy to forge new connections. We also get set in our ways, making it difficult to let down our guard and open ourselves up to new people and experiences. But there's also this whole emotional world that, as adults, we tend to forget—or outright ignore—because we think we shouldn't have these kinds of "emotional problems" anymore. I mean, it probably feels a little weird to even be reading an article about "making friends." You should have figured out how to "make friends" by now, right? Well, like nearly everything in life, it's not quite that simple. Why Is It So...
a year ago

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More from Mark Manson

How to Conquer Your Biggest Fear

What is your biggest fear? What would it mean if you could overcome that fear, once and for all? In this article, I'm going to help you do exactly that by teaching you five tactics to conquer anything you might be afraid of. Heights, spiders, small spaces, strangely-shaped clouds—whatever makes your knees turn to water and keeps you up at night. These five tactics are universal and proven. In fact, last year I used them to help two readers who were afraid of driving overcome their fear over a single weekend, then shared the results on my YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/pZXzLN2miq8?si=AZgbNR_VVyvcnCY5 Ready for those five tactics? Let's hear them. Exposure therapy. (2024). In Wikipedia. Exposure therapy is exactly what it says. You take something you're afraid of and gradually expose yourself to it, first in small doses, then in larger doses, until finally you become desensitized to the experience. If you're afraid of heights, you don't want to start at the top of the Eiffel Tower. You want to start on a second-floor balcony and work your way up until …

10 months ago 102 votes
40 Life Lessons I Know at 40 (That I Wish I Knew at 20)

Today is my 40th birthday. When I turned 30 a decade ago, I wrote an article sharing life lessons to survive your 20s and crowd-sourced advice on how to excel in your 30s. And apparently you guys loved it. So, here's more of the good stuff: 40 life lessons I now know at 40 that I wish I knew at 20. Dig in. If you treat yourself with dignity and respect, then you will only tolerate others who treat you with dignity and respect. Get right with yourself, get right with the world. Success and failure are fuzzy concepts that only exist in your mind before you do something. Not after. After the fact, everything will be a mixture of both. The only real …

a year ago 96 votes
33 Powerful Books That May Change Your Life

I've read over 1,000 nonfiction books in my life, and these 33 are the most powerful of them all. I can honestly say they changed my life, who's to say they won't change yours too? Don't just take my word for it though. Read on for my summary of all 33 books and see for yourself how your next read might just change your life. https://youtu.be/7kwqWgXzHvc This might be the most practical book ever written on simple behavioral change. Atomic Habits has three big takeaways. The first is that small lifestyle changes compound over a long period of time. So you don't want to try to be a completely different person tomorrow, you want to be 1% better 100 days in a row. The second big takeaway can be summarized with the line, "We don't rise to the level of our goals, but we fall to the level of our systems." The idea here is that it's not about ambition or effort, it's about creating an environment that makes behavioral change inevitable. And finally, the third takeaway is that habits don't stick unless we alter our identities. That means it's …

a year ago 88 votes
5 Life-Changing Levels of Not Giving a Fuck

Every day, hundreds of millions of people suffer from giving too many fucks. They spend their lives imprisoned by meaningless anxiety and unnecessary concerns. But it doesn't have to be that way. In this article, I'm going to walk you through the five levels of non-fuck-giving, each level demonstrating more non-fuckery than the last. You will learn step by step how to face your fears, how to stop worrying what other people think, and how to achieve the eternal bliss of a fuckless life. Strap in, it's time to stop giving fucks and start living. https://youtu.be/zhjuqTGMaAs?si=BBYLnwI07pU6C_HF Think back to the last time you got a terrible haircut. Chances are you walked around all day assuming that everybody was staring at that tragedy of a mop on your head. But the reality was most people didn't notice. And if they noticed, they sure didn't care. One of my favorite quotes ever comes from the author David Foster Wallace. He said: You will stop worrying so …

a year ago 60 votes
3 Hard Truths You Need to Hear

Welcome to the realm of uncomfortable truths, where I, Mark Manson, will make you question everything you've ever believed in. Buckle up, buttercup. Let's dive into the rabbit hole of reality. Remember the past you? The one with embarrassing beliefs and naïve ideas? Well, guess what, future you will look back at present you with the same cringe-worthy disgust. The Lesson: Next time you're absolutely sure about something, take a step back and ask yourself if it's something you'll be embarrassed about in a decade. If yes, maybe shut the fuck up. Enter Hanlon's Razor: is some degree of stupidity. The Lesson: Combine these two principles, and you'll see that we should reserve our moral judgments for only the …

a year ago 54 votes

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The Upper Middle Path and Tech Bro Buddhism

Analyzing how progressive politics and Silicon Valley thinking have domesticated the revolutionary potential of Buddhist practice

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how can I write when *gestures at…everything*

between certainty and silence, a third path "forward"

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Why Journalism Is Like Stinky Cheese

And updates on previous stories

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My Buy Nothing baby changed my relationship with consumption

Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional with where our money goes

2 days ago 5 votes
Do Jerks Get Hired For Management Roles, or Does Management Create Jerks?

I assumed that certain rude personalities were promoted to leadership positions. Then I both found myself being promoted, and adopting some of those behaviors.

2 days ago 5 votes