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Patalathri, commonly known as Singaperumal Koil is a very famous Narasimha Kshetra situated in Chengalpattu District, Tamilnadu. This place houses a beautiful rock-cut Narasimha temple, which is situated on a small hill. The name of the place, ‘Patalathri’ also gives a similar expression, as in Sanskrit “Patal” means red and “athri” means hill. This NarasimhaContinue reading "Sri Patalathri Nrisimha Perumal Stuti"
over a year ago

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More from The Tao Of Wealth

A Prayer For The New Year

God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time;accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;taking, as Your Divine Incarnations did,this world as it is,not as I would have it;trustingContinue reading "A Prayer For The New Year"

over a year ago 16 votes
How To Live Slowly and Simply In A Frantic World

This post is about how you can choose to slow down, how you can step off the ever-revolving carousel of want-buy-want upgrade, opt out of the comparison games, stop cramming a month’s worth of engagements into a weekend, refuse to live your life according to trends, tread lighter on the earth and create a homeContinue reading "How To Live Slowly and Simply In A Frantic World"

over a year ago 16 votes
How To Develop Extreme Resilience

1. There is no destination. Only the journey. Have you ever said something like, “If I had a higher salary, then I would be happy”or “I’ll be satisfied when I get this promotion”? Many people don’t find out in time that “when” never comes. Stress appears in our life when we let our expectations orContinue reading "How To Develop Extreme Resilience"

over a year ago 22 votes
The Meaning Of “Om”

With the help of “Om” one can realize the Divine. “Om” has a transformative power. “Om” represents the Divine. They say that all the aspirations of the world when going towards the Divine make “Om”, like that. I was in France, some, I think 60 years ago. There was a Frenchman who came back fromContinue reading "The Meaning Of “Om”"

over a year ago 15 votes
The Bird In The Golden Cage

A boy buys a bird and they are having a conversation: The boy says, “My dear bird, you live with me. I shall give you very nice fruits. I shall talk with you,” and so many things. But the bird says, “No, I want to go away. I want to go away.” The boy replies,Continue reading "The Bird In The Golden Cage"

over a year ago 16 votes

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Preorder My Sci-Fi Novel, Husk

A limited time, first-edition signed hardcover with bonuses

14 hours ago 3 votes
Randomly right

One of the great lessons of nature: Randomness is the most beautiful thing. Every forest, every field, every place untouched by humans is full of randomness. Nothing lines up, a million different shapes, sprouting seeds burst where the winds — or birds — randomly drop them. Stones strewn by water, ice, gravity, and wind, all acting on their own in their own ways. Things that just stop and stay. Until they move somehow, another day. The way the light falls, the dapples that hit the dirt. The shades of shades of shades of green and gold that work no matter what's behind it. The way the wind carries whatever's light enough for liftoff. The negative space between the leaves. Colliding clouds. The random wave that catches light from the predictable sun. The water's surface like a shuffled blanket. Collect the undergrowth in your hand. Lift it up. Drop it on the ground. It's always beautiful. However it comes together, or however it stays apart, you never look at it and say that doesn't line up or those colors don't work or there's simply too much stuff or I don't know where to look. Nature's out of line. Just right. You too. -Jason

11 hours ago 3 votes
Dog Days Are On

Just some facts about pet lifespans, honestly.

22 hours ago 2 votes
how to be a domestic goddess

notes from nigella & myself

9 hours ago 2 votes
"Late Bloomers" in Life in Their 40s, 50s, and 60s Are Incredible

Some naive people make the mistake of thinking you can only do big things while you’re young. But these “late bloomers” showed me this is untrue.

19 hours ago 2 votes