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God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time;accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;taking, as Your Divine Incarnations did,this world as it is,not as I would have it;trustingContinue reading "A Prayer For The New Year"
This post is about how you can choose to slow down, how you can step off the ever-revolving carousel of want-buy-want upgrade, opt out of the comparison games, stop cramming a month’s worth of engagements into a weekend, refuse to live your life according to trends, tread lighter on the earth and create a homeContinue reading "How To Live Slowly and Simply In A Frantic World"
1. There is no destination. Only the journey. Have you ever said something like, “If I had a higher salary, then I would be happy”or “I’ll be satisfied when I get this promotion”? Many people don’t find out in time that “when” never comes. Stress appears in our life when we let our expectations orContinue reading "How To Develop Extreme Resilience"
A boy buys a bird and they are having a conversation: The boy says, “My dear bird, you live with me. I shall give you very nice fruits. I shall talk with you,” and so many things. But the bird says, “No, I want to go away. I want to go away.” The boy replies,Continue reading "The Bird In The Golden Cage"
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In the end, judgment comes first. And that means hiring is a gut decision. As much science as people want to try to pour into the hiring process, art always floats to the top. This is especially true when hiring at the executive level. The people who make the final calls — the ones who are judged on outcome, not effort — are ultimately hired based on experience and judgement. Two traits that are qualities, not quantities. They are tasked with setting direction, evaluating situations, and making decisions with limited information. All day long they are making judgment calls. That's what you hire them to do, and that's how you decide who to hire. Presented with a few finalists, you decide who you *think* will do a better job when they have to *think* about what to do in uncertain situations. This is where their experience and judgment come in. It's the only thing they have that separates them from someone else. Embrace the situation. You don't know, they don't know, everyone's guessing, some guess better than others. You can't measure how well someone's going to guess next time, you can only make assumptions based on other assumptions. Certainty is a mirage. In the art of people, everything is subjective. In the end, it's not about qualifications — it's about who you trust to make the right call when it matters most. Ultimately, the only thing that was objective was your decision. The reasons were not. -Jason
Or why we need less math in music theory
On Milei, Musk, and Trump