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Say you’re walking through Death Valley, trying to find your way back to the highway. Luckily you’ve got a good paper map. As you walk, you scan the territory around you for landmarks. You see some large-scale details: hills, rock formations, and gullies. Also some minute ones: pebbles, gangly plants, trails through the dust where snakes have been. These smaller […]
2 months ago

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Managing Life is About Managing Friction

Bananas used to be a lot more difficult to eat than they are now. The seeds were huge and plentiful, and ran throughout the flesh of the fruit, which itself was starchier, stringier, and less sweet. Other foods were similarly obtuse. Watermelons, for example — instead of having contiguous pink flesh throughout, the good part was hiding in small, seed-riddled […]

2 weeks ago 10 votes
What’s Taking Up Your Mental Bandwidth Right Now?

Just as your eyeballs are, your mind is always pointed at something, and it matters what it is. If you spent most of your day preoccupied with thoughts about a past failed relationship, for example, that makes for a different kind of day than one in which you’re preoccupied with solving a computer programming problem. Your mood, your actions, and […]

a month ago 17 votes
Fix Three Broken Things

Seneca pointed out that people tend to be reflexively stingy with their money, but almost comically wasteful with their time. There are at least two ways to take this. One is that Seneca thought he used his time better than you and I do, and maybe he did. Another interpretation is that everyday life, for most people, is an untapped […]

a month ago 24 votes
The Tiniest Mission

Sometimes doing a small thing can be extremely satisfying, out of all proportion to how easy it is: placing a jigsaw puzzle piece into the right slot, wiping your phone screen spotless, returning a tool to its designated hook, or making a nice diagonal cut across a lovingly-made sandwich. This simple kind of satisfaction seems to come haphazardly. Much of […]

a month ago 35 votes

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The Upper Middle Path and Tech Bro Buddhism

Analyzing how progressive politics and Silicon Valley thinking have domesticated the revolutionary potential of Buddhist practice

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how can I write when *gestures at…everything*

between certainty and silence, a third path "forward"

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Why Journalism Is Like Stinky Cheese

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My Buy Nothing baby changed my relationship with consumption

Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional with where our money goes

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Do Jerks Get Hired For Management Roles, or Does Management Create Jerks?

I assumed that certain rude personalities were promoted to leadership positions. Then I both found myself being promoted, and adopting some of those behaviors.

2 days ago 5 votes