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<p>blogstatic's <a href="https://www.producthunt.com/products/blogstatic#blogstatic" target="_blank">first PH launch</a> (documented&nbsp;<a href="https://valsopi.com/launching-on-product-hunt">here</a>) was in December of 2022, three months after the <a href="https://x.com/valsopi/status/1579798717867122694">rebranding and its public launch</a> and deciding to give blogstatic a <a href="https://valsopi.com/blogstatic-chance" target="_blank">real chance</a>.</p> <p>During its first PH&nbsp;launch, blogstatic&nbsp;finished the day at #6 which did wonders in terms of record-breaking signups and sales. Also, a few publications picked it up and wrote about it, which was great.</p> <p>I've been wanting to re-launch blogstatic in Product&nbsp;Hunt for quite some time but needed a solid reason for it.</p> <p>The launching of <a href="https://blogstatic.io/blog/design-studio">DesignStudio</a> was the perfect opportunity.</p> <p>One thing I wasn't sure about was if I should re-launch blogstatic...
7 months ago

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More from Val Sopi

Year 2300

<p><i>From all that is currently happening to us, I want to believe that we’re at the dawn of a new era </i>✊</p><hr><p>I&nbsp;am&nbsp;predicting year 2300 to be the one when we’re living the progressive dreams of today.<br></p><p>By then we have reached a new paradigm.<br></p><p>Countries, as a nationalistic identity, don’t exist. The term minority no longer makes any practical sense. We are all human at the core.<br></p><p>Wars are a relic of the past. There is abundance. History is viewed as something that leads us to the progressive present and not used as a basis for revenge.<br></p><p>We have evolved to not respond to and amplify the negative.<br></p><p>We have restored the climate equilibrium. It’s all wind, hydro, solar, and nuclear.<br></p><p>Work is no longer a thing. We produce, but it’s less about output and more about process. Robots have completely taken over menial jobs. We finally have the mindspace to explore far and beyond.<br></p>

7 months ago 55 votes
The Waiting Room

<p>Growing up I was always told to work hard, wait my turn, and good things will happen.</p><p>However, I've been the most successful when I didn't wait.</p><p>The "waiting room"&nbsp;is the worst place to be in.&nbsp;</p><p>You're at the mercy of someone else letting you in.</p><p>Working hard is important. However, it's smarter to know what you're "working hard" towards.</p><p>Working hard and waiting for a door to open can eat years out of life.</p><p>Opening the door first, seeing that it's made for you, and working the bejesus out of it — is where success is.</p><p>"Working the bejesus out of it"&nbsp;—&nbsp;is not neglecting your basic needs. It's running a marathon, eating and sleeping well, meditating, going full force when needed, taking a break, and running an optimal self to endure the marathon.</p><p>Don't stay in the "waiting room".&nbsp;The "waiting room"&nbsp;is depressive.</p><p>Knock on doors. See the ones that open up for you. After opening them, see if they fill you with life. See if your outlook on life changes for the better when you're inside that door.</p><p>Once you find that door, give it hell.</p><p>And life is a neverending cycle of waiting rooms and doors remaining to be opened.</p><p>Avoid waiting rooms at all costs, and seek doors yet to be opened.</p><p></p>

9 months ago 150 votes
The incredible March 2024

<p>March was an absolutely insane month for <a href="https://blogstatic.io/">blogstatic.io</a>. The majority of this spike I can attribute to the <a href="https://blogstatic.io/blog/pricing-2024">price change announcement on March 1st</a> and customers were rushing to lock in their price.</p><h2>The customers</h2><p>At the risk of sounding corny and salesy, I can't say enough about how grateful I am for blogstatic's customers, current and new. They are understanding, patient, giving. In no time I feel rushed or frustrated. Maybe it's the product that gives them a sense of ease. </p><p>I had <a href="https://twitter.com/valsopi/status/1126917723563417600" target="_blank">tweeted this</a> a while back that "how you feel about your product, [chances] are your customers will feel the same"</p><figure class="align-center"><a href="https://twitter.com/valsopi/status/1126917723563417600" target="_blank"><img src="https://editor.blogstatic.io/web/assets/uploads/2973e85d60904ed37635864aa711a438.png" id="/tmp/phpuljcKn" data-image="/tmp/phpuljcKn" width="350" height="51" alt="quote - the way you feel about your product, is how your users will feel about it..." style="width: 350px; max-width: 350px;"></a></figure><p>Patting my back a bit, I know. But, I'm trying to be kind to myself and celebrate any win I can get, in hopes that they'll keep multiplying.</p><p>Anyway, on with the numbers...</p><h2>Here are the details</h2><ul><li>After Stripe fees and <a href="https://climate.stripe.com/6p9ovi" target="_blank">1% climate contributions</a> blogstatic made $3,916.81 in net sales.</li><li>$852.04 were paid back to Stripe Capital for <a href="https://twitter.com/valsopi/status/1765629622777991560" target="_blank">the much needed loan</a> I took out back in March, which is btw close to being 30% paid off. A little over a month after taking it out — a little thing I am proud of.</li><li>I left $500 in the company bank account to cover some of the expenses.</li><li><b><mark>$2,614.77 made it back to my bank account!</mark> ✊</b></li></ul><p>This is the most I've ever made in a given month online 🥳</p><h2>Other records broken</h2><ul><li>Most New Business MRR&nbsp;in a month = $261</li><li>Most New Clients = 75</li><li>Most Upgrades (expansion&nbsp;MRR)&nbsp;= 10</li><li><mark>The largest mtm growth ever = 25.07%</mark></li></ul><figure><img src="https://editor.blogstatic.io/web/assets/uploads/0b48ff1ff6d394000bb6a536ab1f0cf1.png" id="/tmp/php9wC8Vs" data-image="/tmp/php9wC8Vs"></figure><h2><span data-offset-key="3cu5k-0-0"><span data-text="true">And the biggest one</span></span></h2><p><mark>Crossing $15K&nbsp;ARR (edging closer to $16K&nbsp;ARR)</mark></p><figure><img src="https://editor.blogstatic.io/web/assets/uploads/a49808ba44210b3da49a75dd1bba0c70.png" id="/tmp/php96IdEU" data-image="/tmp/php96IdEU"></figure><h2>Recap</h2><p>March 2025 has been an unbelievable month.</p><p><i>The cynical imposter side of me says:&nbsp;—"Well, it was driven by the price increase and people were rushing to lock in their old pricing" (this is probably why I don't do any proper marketing, because my cynical mind says "it's a boost. it's fake." — but that's for another post).</i></p><p><b>The rational part of me says:</b>&nbsp;<mark>"Well, clearly there's a need for the product. Otherwise no one would care about any price increase. Try to discount/promote/upsell something no one needs."</mark></p><p>I am looking forward to learn what April has in store with the new pricing. Let's see if there's enough pain–and–need to justify the 100% price increase (sometimes more) across the board.<mark></mark></p><p>blogstatic has been a product of "taking chances".</p><p>"Let's give it another shot" has been the mantra throught.</p><p>It all started with <a href="https://valsopi.com/blogstatic-chance">this post</a>.</p><p>I want to see how far it can go.</p><p>🍀</p><p></p>

10 months ago 138 votes

<p> Some super </p> <p class="top-button"> <a href="#top">🔝</a> </p>

a year ago 120 votes

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Justin is the co-founder of Transistor FM, a very successful podcast hosting SaaS. He is very open about how his life has improved

4 days ago 6 votes
My Zig Configuration for VS Code

I finally found a solution that makes VS Code work consistently with Zig, so I’m sharing my setup in the hope that it saves someone else a headache. Zig extension for VS Code working correctly Before I landed on a working solution, I kept running into issues with Zig version mismatches or VS Code completely failing to recognize Zig semantics and failing over to naive autocomplete.

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OnlineOrNot Diaries 24

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4 weeks ago 24 votes
How to Resolve Local Hostnames in OPNSense

My router runs OPNSense Business. I like having an open-source router, but I have a few gripes with it. My biggest issue is that, by default, OPNsense can’t resolve hostnames on my local network. Why can’t OPNsense resolve local hostnames? For every other router I’ve owned in my life, if there’s a computer on my network named foo123 and I run ping foo123, then everything just works, and my computer successfully pings foo123.

a month ago 30 votes