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I have a few Samsung SSDs, and I always have trouble remembering the process of secure erasing them, as Samsung Magician software is terrible. Here are my notes for overcoming Samsung Magician’s gotchas in the process of secure erasing a Samsung SSD. You need a Windows or MacOS system with a Samsung SSD attached This requirement drives me crazy, as Samsung Magician is creating a bootable USB disk, so it shouldn’t care what’s on your current system, but it does. And Samsung Magician only exists for Windows, MacOS, and Android, so if you’re on Linux, you can’t use it.
a month ago

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Never Pay the First Bill by Marshall Allen

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My Zig Configuration for VS Code

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Install NixOS on a Free Oracle Cloud VM

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Never Pay the First Bill by Marshall Allen

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Beehiiv vs ConvertKit - the best newsletter software for 2025

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