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Ever thought if 50 is too old to start your own business? Devan is proof it's not. He was 50 when he created his startup and at 56 years old, he has made a million-dollar business! Can you tell us about HR Partner and your achievements? HR Partner
a year ago

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Beehiiv vs ConvertKit - the best newsletter software for 2025

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Living the digital nomad dream in Bangkok

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What if Pinterest and Shopify had a baby?

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Never Pay the First Bill by Marshall Allen

I enjoy finding ways to exercise my rights as a consumer and push back against corporate abuse, so this was right up my alley. The book was eye-opening and made me infuriated with how corrupt the medical system is in the US and how much it extracts wealth by fleecing the middle class.

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Making money from podcasts

Justin is the co-founder of Transistor FM, a very successful podcast hosting SaaS. He is very open about how his life has improved

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My Zig Configuration for VS Code

I finally found a solution that makes VS Code work consistently with Zig, so I’m sharing my setup in the hope that it saves someone else a headache. Zig extension for VS Code working correctly Before I landed on a working solution, I kept running into issues with Zig version mismatches or VS Code completely failing to recognize Zig semantics and failing over to naive autocomplete.

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Beehiiv vs ConvertKit - the best newsletter software for 2025

Beehiiv vs ConvertKit is a fierce clash of two newsletter software companies. I'll go over differences on pricing, features and lots more.

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