More from Overcoming Bias
In her new book, my podcast co-host Agnes Callard does a great job of expressing classic philosophical angst.
While most foragers had great respect for nature, our farmer-era ancestors had less resepct.
Compared to before writing, religions that had sacred texts were better able to resist changes to their religious dogmas and dogma-enforce social rules.
We start our lives focused on the concrete immediate narrow world around us in space, time, social distance, and abstraction.
More in history
Before Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in Wittenburg, Germany, before Gutenberg’s printing press, and even before the Protestant Reformation, opposition to the theology and hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church was rare. One of the more prominent opponents was the 15th century Czech priest Jan Hus. […]
“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” — Mark Twain Take a moment to look at the photo above. We don’t know Maureen. She’s the subject of a pair of ‘BEFORE’ and AFTER’ polaroids from Robert E Jackson’s astounding archive of snapshots. What do you … Continue reading "23 Before And After Vintage Snapshots" The post 23 Before And After Vintage Snapshots appeared first on Flashbak.
Christians believe Jesus Christ came to Earth with a divine message. After the Ascension, the followers of Jesus took the baton from him and picked up the task of spreading that same message. These messengers were called missionaries. This post will investigate Christian missionaries through the ages, with the focus being on how the […]
A followup to "The leading AI models are now good historians"