More from Overcoming Bias
Why are celebrities, CEOs, and politicians three different types of people who don’t overlap much?
Wondering how to make clear our cultural drift problem, it occurred to me that historical fiction, especially using time travel, could make vivid how key norms and values have actually changed greatly over time, and not always in obviously good ways.
Most of our activities can be seen as nested plans, to achieve nested goals.
More in history
Among the corpus of terracotta figurines discovered in the Greco-Egyptian city of Alexandria dating back to the 2nd century BC is a fine clay vessel in the form of a Nubian priestess of Isis of Philae, who is depicted in a kneeling position while performing a Greek-type mortuary wine libation.
“As a photographer, my principal subject was – and remains – the British people, I’m not interested in celebrities, just ordinary folk” – Daniel Meadows In 1973, Daniel Meadows toured Britain in his 1948 Leyland Titan PD1 double-decker bus. He met he met circus performers, holidaymakers, pigeon fanciers, fishermen and and tattooists. For 14 … Continue reading "All Aboard for A Bus Tour of 1970s England" The post All Aboard for A Bus Tour of 1970s England appeared first on Flashbak.