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In a limestone cave deep in Central Slovenia, an unremarkable insect lives in complete darkness. This tiny beetle, barely visible to the naked eye, has no eyes and a brownish-yellow coloration—adaptations to a life spent entirely underground. The beetle has survived for approximately two million years in this harsh environment, yet in the past century,
2 days ago

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The Brutalists

From Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men to Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle, from Charles Bronson in Death Wish to Luke Wilson in My Super Ex-Girlfriend, there have been countless architect characters onscreen. It’s not that watching someone design a building is particularly cinematic. But it is a romantic profession that lends itself to

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The Nazi Block

In the heart of Berlin’s Tempelhof-Schöneberg district, an unusual concrete cylinder sits as an abandoned eyesore. At first sight, it might be mistaken for a deteriorating grain silo or a remnant of Cold War infrastructure. But this peculiar structure, known officially as the Schwerbelastungskörper (“heavy load-bearing body”), carries a darker history: it was the first

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The Power Broker Breakdown Wrap-Up

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Your Own Personal Jesus

The most popular image of Jesus Christ in the world—a white man with blue eyes, wavy brown hair, and a soft, peaceful gaze—comes from Head of Christ, a 1940 painting by Chicago artist Warner Sallman. It’s been reproduced over a billion times, shaping how millions imagine Jesus. Sallman started as a commercial illustrator, sketching ads

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Style Is Not Beauty, Just As Religion Is Not Faith

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A Yellow Interior Sets The Tone For This Cafe

SIKORA INTERIORS has shared photos of a new dessert cafe with a bright yellow interior they completed in the historic downtown of Hanseatic city in Poland. The goal was to create a bold, experimental space that would establish a strong new brand. The designers’ inspiration came from the world of desserts. The bright yellow interior […]

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Pableaux Johnson: Be Where Your Feet Are

A New Orleanian pays a Mardi Gras tribute to the Cajun Dalai Lama.

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