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Benny Kuriakose
Courtyard – The Beauty and Functionality Courtyards are an ancient building technique used throughout the ages in Indian houses of all eras....
a year ago
a year ago
Courtyards are an ancient building technique used throughout the ages in Indian houses of all eras. With the rise in modernity, the use...
Old Structures...
Prefiguring The Future I want to return to the 1834 map I showed a piece of yesterday. New York in 1834 was missing much of...
a year ago
a year ago
I want to return to the 1834 map I showed a piece of yesterday. New York in 1834 was missing much of the built environment that we associate with it today – no skyscrapers, no subways, no els, no tunnels, no bridges except at the Harlem River, not much in the way of water supply...
Common Edge
A Model for a Healthier, Adaptive Approach to Community Development The Smiling Gecko project in Cambodia addresses a more complex and systemic view of community life.
a year ago
Common Edge
Pableaux Johnson: Be Where Your Feet Are A New Orleanian pays a Mardi Gras tribute to the Cajun Dalai Lama.
a week ago
Archinect - Features
You, Me, and DALL-E: On the Relationship Between Architecture, Data, and Artificial... Thirty years after the thaw of the last 'AI Winter,' the landscape of artificial intelligence is one...
a year ago
a year ago
Thirty years after the thaw of the last 'AI Winter,' the landscape of artificial intelligence is one of a forest in full bloom. On a weekly basis throughout 2023, new tools have been released taking advantage of the latest advances in machine learning algorithms, while existing...
Old Structures...
Dry-Goods Palace This is a newspaper ad circa 1883, advertising that the store Wechsler & Abraham had moved about two...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This is a newspaper ad circa 1883, advertising that the store Wechsler & Abraham had moved about two blocks down Fulton Street to a new building that was something like five times the size of its old home. That name doesn’t mean much today, but in 1893, a change in ownership...
Old Structures...
What “Structure First” Means I like “Why we need a ‘structure first’ approach to existing buildings” by Penny Gowler, which is...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I like “Why we need a ‘structure first’ approach to existing buildings” by Penny Gowler, which is perhaps not surprising since I’m a structural engineer. I’m going to argue here that Ms. Gowler’s article and my position are just slightly more nuanced than that. Architectural...
The Black Exterior Of This Home Leads To A Pink Kitchen Inside Paul Archer Design has shared photos of a home they completed in Wivenhoe, England, for an artist...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Paul Archer Design has shared photos of a home they completed in Wivenhoe, England, for an artist who wanted a light-filled interior with room to work and to entertain.
Exposed Wood Beams Create A Rustic Yet Modern Aesthetic For This Accessory Dwelling Unit Obreval together with Catch Architecture, has recently completed a modern ADU (accessory dwelling...
a year ago
a year ago
Obreval together with Catch Architecture, has recently completed a modern ADU (accessory dwelling unit) in Carpenteria, California, whose design curves around a circular patio. The semicircular cutout that envelops the dwelling, invites an abundance of natural light into every...
The Beauty of...
Chemical Attraction (Hackney Wick station, London, UK) It is hard to overstate the impact Hackney Wick station makes on a visitor, as well as the...
a year ago
a year ago
It is hard to overstate the impact Hackney Wick station makes on a visitor, as well as the unexpectedness of it doing so. Reopened in 2018 after a complete rebuild, it is one of the most photogenic small stations on the British rail network. Yet somehow, it seems to have slipped...
Common Edge
Light, Empathy, and Silence: The Architecture of Marina Tabassum A Q&A with the celebrated Bangladeshi designer.
9 months ago
99% Invisible
The Power Broker #12: Robert Caro This is the twelfth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the twelfth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro. We’ve waited until the evening to see how splendid the day has been, and for this final installment, there was only one guest...
The Wandering...
53° 30′ N So, there I am, driving along in Edmonton, Alberta. I come to a stop light on Fort Road, look to my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So, there I am, driving along in Edmonton, Alberta. I come to a stop light on Fort Road, look to my right and I see this: Is that a building with longitudes written on the roof?!?! And what are these longitudes? 9° 49’ W—that’s nowhere near Edmonton! Nor is 123°30’ E. What’s …...
Old Structures...
Different Views From 1910, stereoscopic views from an upper floor of the Singer Building looking south and north The...
4 months ago
4 months ago
From 1910, stereoscopic views from an upper floor of the Singer Building looking south and north The view south is showing the largest concentration of tall buildings in the world at that time and, given that many of those buildings exceeded the height limit in Chicago, the...
The Wandering...
Mapping Francis Younghusband in the Gobi Desert, 1887, Part 4: from the Ya-hu oasis to Hami. [Back to Part 3: from the Hun-kua-ling sandhills to the Ya-hu oasis] From Ya-Hu to Hami, we can see...
over a year ago
over a year ago
[Back to Part 3: from the Hun-kua-ling sandhills to the Ya-hu oasis] From Ya-Hu to Hami, we can see that Younghusband now has to turn south, as his own map shows. The journey takes from June 23rd to July 4th, or twelve days. His mapmaker places Ula Khutun almost halfway from...
Vacuum tube nostalgia Music enthusiasts will tell you there's nothing quite like "tube sound", the warm, rich sound...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Music enthusiasts will tell you there's nothing quite like "tube sound", the warm, rich sound quality that old vacuum tube amplifiers bring to the music played through them. And they'll pay top dollar for it! Once considered obsolete, vintage vacuum tube amps now sell at a...
This Japanese Restaurant Uses Washi-Inspired Acrylic Panels To Create A Cozy Atmosphere odd design has shared photos of a Japanese restaurant they recently completed in Beijing, China,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
odd design has shared photos of a Japanese restaurant they recently completed in Beijing, China, that uses textural materials to create a quiet, relaxing, and cozy atmosphere. The open entrance consists of a light box and two sets of low-wall partitions, allowing the space to be...
Lighting Highlights The Alternating Curvilinear Balconies Of This New Apartment Building Omniview Design has completed the Golf Apartments, a high-end residential development adjacent to a...
a year ago
a year ago
Omniview Design has completed the Golf Apartments, a high-end residential development adjacent to a famous golf course in Glyfada, Greece. Key to the design of the building are the curvilinear balconies that alternate directions creating a lively facade. In the evening, lighting...
Common Edge
Style Is Not Beauty, Just As Religion Is Not Faith Why the executive Order on federal buildings is doomed to failure.
a week ago
A Weekly Dose of...
Ando and Le Corbusier Ando and Le Corbusier is a two-volume project that shows how the works of two pioneers of modern...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ando and Le Corbusier is a two-volume project that shows how the works of two pioneers of modern architecture – Le Corbusier and Tadao Ando – connect human experience to the basic givens of existence: interactions among human beings and personal encounters with nature, including...
McMansion Hell
in which i take on the argument that windowless bedrooms will somehow solve the housing crisis (lol) We Cannot Countenance Windowless Bedrooms in which i take on the argument that windowless bedrooms...
a year ago
A Tree House That Feels Like It’s Floating Inside The Forest INTEGRA STUDIO ARQUITETURA has shared photos of a modern Tree House project they completed for the...
a year ago
a year ago
INTEGRA STUDIO ARQUITETURA has shared photos of a modern Tree House project they completed for the NaCarapina accommodation complex, that’s located in Brazil. The Tree House which has the feeling of ‘floating inside the forest’, is fully integrated with the imposing Araucaria...
Western Red Cedar Gives This Home A Warm Feeling Inside And Out Swatt | Miers Architects has sent us photos of their project, the 'Happy Valley Residence' in...
a year ago
Old Structures...
A Blast From The Past, In The Past My mental image of hand-drawn, colored engineering renderings is that they were a nineteenth-century...
a year ago
a year ago
My mental image of hand-drawn, colored engineering renderings is that they were a nineteenth-century phenomenon. These drawings prove me wrong: they’re a 1922 description of the lower-Manhattan tunnel under the Hudson River, then in the early stages of construction. The second...
A Weekly Dose of...
The Minimal Intervention The Material Imagination Birkhäuser, October 2022 Paperback | 5 x 7-1/4 inches | 166 pages | 13...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Material Imagination Birkhäuser, October 2022 Paperback | 5 x 7-1/4 inches | 166 pages | 13 illustrations | English (translated from German by Jill Denton) | ISBN: 9783035625301 | $26.99 PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: Lucius Burckhardt (1925–2003) outlined his theory of the...
Common Edge
Architecture With Empathy In An Age of Division and Discord Buildings can be designed to antagonize communities, or serve as welcoming presences.
3 months ago
Podcasts & conferences I've spoken at I haven't done a great job of tracking these, so this list is non-comprehensive: Urbanism and the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I haven't done a great job of tracking these, so this list is non-comprehensive: Urbanism and the Future of Cities (Jan 2023) – Narratives podcast Inflation, Argentina, and Crypto (Oct 2022) – EconTalk podcast Devon Zuegel on Startup Cities (June 2022) Devon Zuegel, creator...
Old Structures...
Baseball in New York 1 With both the Mets and Yankees playing league championship games yesterday, this seems like a good...
4 months ago
4 months ago
With both the Mets and Yankees playing league championship games yesterday, this seems like a good time to discuss some of the oddities of New York’s relationship to the game of baseball. And the best place to start is just how many professional teams there have been here. Most...
Archinect - Features
How Do We Teach AI? In Florida, One Architecture School Offers a Precedent As our recent Archinect In-Depth: Artificial Intelligence series demonstrated, AI will inevitably...
7 months ago
7 months ago
As our recent Archinect In-Depth: Artificial Intelligence series demonstrated, AI will inevitably play a sizeable role in the future of the architectural profession. For architecture schools tasked with equipping students for the future of practice, the advent of AI poses...
This Modern House Was Made From Locally Sourced Stone Architecture firm ARGDL has shared photos of a home they completed in Tapalpa, Mexico, that’s built...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm ARGDL has shared photos of a home they completed in Tapalpa, Mexico, that’s built using stone, wood, and glass. Local stone was used to generate the main volumes of the home, while the regional pine can be seen in the roof structure as well as the window and...
The silence is deafening Imagine you're at a dinner party, and you're getting into a heated argument. As you start yelling,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Imagine you're at a dinner party, and you're getting into a heated argument. As you start yelling, the other people quickly hush their voices and start glaring at you. None of the onlookers have to take further action—it's clear from their facial expressions that you're being a...
Old Structures...
A Simple Drawing For A Difficult Structure – Part 4 To catch up, here are links for part 1, part 2, and part 3. The Brooklyn Bridge caissons were much...
a year ago
a year ago
To catch up, here are links for part 1, part 2, and part 3. The Brooklyn Bridge caissons were much bigger than the similar pneumatic caissons that had been used earlier. Their timber construction was based on a few ideas, all subject to engineering design or review. First, the...
Archinect - Features
Archinect's 2023 Summer Reading List Summer is here, and whether you're on vacation or preparing for one or looking to lay low at home, a...
a year ago
a year ago
Summer is here, and whether you're on vacation or preparing for one or looking to lay low at home, a summer must is a good book. The Archinect team has curated a list of reading essentials to explore.  Below is a collection of books organized into five categories – New Releases,...
Common Edge
“AI Is Just a Tool”—and Other Fictions AI usurps the freedom to experience the pain, growth, and satisfaction of true artistic and design...
2 weeks ago
Old Structures...
Not Saved I vaguely know Fort Tilden – a former army base near the west end of the Rockaway peninsula – but...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I vaguely know Fort Tilden – a former army base near the west end of the Rockaway peninsula – but its remote location and the lack of anything there that really interests me mean that I don’t know it particularly well. So the headline “Time to pay last respects to the abandoned...
A Circular Sunken Firepit Is Nestled Into The Desert Landscape Of This Home Architecture firm The Ranch Mine has sent us photos of a new home they completed in Paradise Valley,...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm The Ranch Mine has sent us photos of a new home they completed in Paradise Valley, Arizona, that breaks down the barriers between indoor and outdoor living. As you approach the house, the first thing that captures the eye is the striking interplay of metal fins...
An Observation Tower That Looks Like Twisted Wood Rises Above The Swedish Landscape White Arkitekter has shared photos of Observation Tower Kärven on the Swedish west coast, which they...
6 months ago
6 months ago
White Arkitekter has shared photos of Observation Tower Kärven on the Swedish west coast, which they completed after winning Varberg Municipality’s architectural competition. Recently opened, the tower in Getterön nature reserve north of Varberg, measures 39 feet (12m) high and...
A Circular Off-Grid Home In Costa Rica Studio Saxe has shared photos of a secluded circular home they designed that's located deep within...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Studio Saxe has shared photos of a secluded circular home they designed that's located deep within Costa Rica's Osa Peninsula.
Common Edge
Finding Inspiration in Histories of Indian Families With Powerful Architectural Legacies The stories found in Architectural Inheritance and Evolution in India rekindled the fire for the...
a year ago
Archinect - Features
Being Laid off in Architecture Is Tough; So Is Waiting To Be Findings from our recent Archinect Business Survey suggest that many architecture employees do not...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Findings from our recent Archinect Business Survey suggest that many architecture employees do not feel secure in their current roles. For those facing the looming prospect of layoffs in the coming weeks or months, the emotional strain can be as taxing as that experienced by...
Common Edge
Social Radicalism Reexamined: The Legacies of Christopher Alexander and Joseph Rykwert What these foreign-born giants of design theory brought to two American universities.
9 months ago
Steel Symphony: A Madrid Home’s Unique Design With Weathered Elegance Borja Lomas of Voluar Arquitectura has designed a new home in Madrid, Spain, that’s covered in...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Borja Lomas of Voluar Arquitectura has designed a new home in Madrid, Spain, that’s covered in weathering steel and has a uniquely shaped design. The shape of the home showcases various areas that branch out in different directions, some of which are cantilevered away from the...
99% Invisible
Fact Checking the Supreme Court [EPISODE] The Orange County courthouse in Santa Ana, California is a large granite and sandstone building from...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Orange County courthouse in Santa Ana, California is a large granite and sandstone building from the early 20th century. There, Jennifer Birch was there doing research for a group called Moms Demand Action. It’s an organization that advocates for gun control and regulation....
Common Edge
The Architecture of “Thin Places” and How to Design Them Places that are “thin” offer experiences outside of the everyday.
a year ago
Old Structures...
Fake History For Real People Most people don’t properly understand the built environment of their childhood until they grow up,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Most people don’t properly understand the built environment of their childhood until they grow up, and even then maybe not until they’ve lived somewhere else and come home. Growing up in Queens, I didn’t question some of the styles around me that are not unique to the borough but...
Old Structures...
Some Same, Some Different In the same vein as yesterday’s post, here’s an 1865 photo of Leonard Street: We’ve got a bunch of...
a year ago
a year ago
In the same vein as yesterday’s post, here’s an 1865 photo of Leonard Street: We’ve got a bunch of loft buildings with the employees of Van Volkenburgh Brothers and Ladewig & Haydter (the nearer building), Wright & Ketchum and S. E. Halle (the middle building), and two firms...
Yellow Granite Is On Display Throughout This Contemporary Home In Sardinia Photography ©Marco Cappelletti Architecture firm Alvisi Kirimoto has shared photos of a villa they...
12 months ago
12 months ago
Photography ©Marco Cappelletti Architecture firm Alvisi Kirimoto has shared photos of a villa they completed in Porto Rotondo, Sardinia, that showcases local granite throughout its design. Drone photography ©Mattia Caprara and Flavio Pescatori San Giacomo yellow granite winds...
OSS lazy-loads governance A special characteristic of open source software (OSS) is that you don't need institutional support...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A special characteristic of open source software (OSS) is that you don't need institutional support to get started. It's interesting to compare this to physical infrastructure, like dams or railroads. Before you can begin those projects, you need upfront capital, permits,...
Michelangelo Caetani’s Six Topographic Maps of the Divine Comedy As a follow up to the latest post on Norman Bel Geddes’s stage set design for Dante Alighieri’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a follow up to the latest post on Norman Bel Geddes’s stage set design for Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, here we feature the six maps drawn by Michelangelo Caetani in a book titled La materia della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri dichiarata in VI tavole, Roma (1855). A...
Common Edge
Architects Must Address the Issue of Toxic Building Materials Ending the cycle of pollution within our buildings benefits worker health, community health, and...
a year ago
A Weekly Dose of...
Rereading the Nineties Some of the references consulted during the research phase of my 2021 book Buildings in Print: 100...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Some of the references consulted during the research phase of my 2021 book Buildings in Print: 100 Influential & Inspiring Illustrated Architecture Books, but not mentioned in the book's "selected bibliography," were old catalogs from the Prairie Avenue Bookshop, the beloved and...
Old Structures...
Also From The Train, Again I was going through some old photos and found this, and was gong to use it for a blog post until I...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I was going through some old photos and found this, and was gong to use it for a blog post until I looked and realized that I already had. So here it is again: That’s the West Shore railroad, as seen from the Hudson line (AKA the New York Central main line), and from across […]
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Oldey-Timey From a 1944 newspaper comic strip called Miss Fury – the title character is about two-thirds...
8 months ago
8 months ago
From a 1944 newspaper comic strip called Miss Fury – the title character is about two-thirds Catwoman and one-third Batman – a taxi trip through Manhattan, past Washington Square, and to a Greenwich Village rowhouse: The car speeding through below the arch is not a mistake:...
Archinect - Features
How to Effectively Introduce Your Architecture Firm in Under 2 Minutes Recently, we explained how to create an elevator pitch for your architecture portfolio when...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Recently, we explained how to create an elevator pitch for your architecture portfolio when searching for your next role as a job seeker. As we noted, the ability to capture a body of work as rich, complex, and varied as an architecture portfolio in a timely, clear, and succinct...
Benny Kuriakose
The Kerala Mosques That Have Been Restored To Their Past Glory The remaining structures are a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of a society....
a year ago
a year ago
The remaining structures are a testament to the rich cultural and historical heritage of a society. They include architectural styles,...
99% Invisible
The Siren of Scrap Metal [EPISODE] Amid the noisy bustle of Mexico City, there is one iconic sound echoing on repeat in the background....
a year ago
a year ago
Amid the noisy bustle of Mexico City, there is one iconic sound echoing on repeat in the background. A recording that blares from trucks looking to buy old household items and appliances, either to fix and resell or to sell for scrap. The crews inside these trucks are essentially...
Clad In Stone, Wood, Steel, And Glass, This House Nestles Quietly Within The Natural Surroundings CCY Architects has designed a contemporary home in Aspen, Colorado, that’s nestled into a gently...
a year ago
a year ago
CCY Architects has designed a contemporary home in Aspen, Colorado, that’s nestled into a gently sloping site amidst a grove of aspen trees on the edge of a large, open meadow with views out to the Elk Mountain Range. Clad in stone, wood, steel, and glass, the house complements...
Archinect - Features
Climate, Justice, and Collaboration in Academia: A Conversation with Tyler School of Art and... At Temple University's Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Kate Wingert-Playdon is building an...
5 months ago
5 months ago
At Temple University's Tyler School of Art and Architecture, Kate Wingert-Playdon is building an academic culture grounded in collaboration. As Senior Associate Dean and Director of Architecture, Wingert-Playdon is engaged in a mission of encouraging cross-disciplinary...
Common Edge
An AI Experiment: Why Do Lawyers Make More Than Architects? We asked ChatGPT a question that has plagued the profession for decades.
a year ago
Archinect - Features
3D Printing, Artificial Intelligence, and Space Habitats: A Conversation with ICON’s Melodie... As a ‘Space Architect’ working on the design and delivery of 3D printed habitats on the Moon and...
12 months ago
12 months ago
As a ‘Space Architect’ working on the design and delivery of 3D printed habitats on the Moon and Mars, Melodie Yashar is aware that, even in space, 3D printing does not exist in a vacuum. Like any construction methodology, it requires a confluence of design intent, delivery...
Old Structures...
Partial Success I’ve been trying to decipher this item from a New York Public Library scrapbook: The title on the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I’ve been trying to decipher this item from a New York Public Library scrapbook: The title on the NYPL website is “Grand base ball match for the championship, between the Exclusive and Atlantic Clubs, of Brooklyn…” and the date is given as 1900-1945. (It’s also listed as a...
Blog - Guerrilla...
Guerrillas in the Midst: Crowdsourcing Cartography When I think about what Guerrilla Cartography does, I think of building and creating something new...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When I think about what Guerrilla Cartography does, I think of building and creating something new from many different pieces, like a puzzle that only makes sense once it’s put together. But unlike a puzzle, there is no single correct way to put the pieces together, as they can...
Archinect - Features
2025 Summer Architecture Programs for Adults and High School Graduates Archinect’s 2025 roundup of summer architecture programs continues with Part 2, focusing on...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Archinect’s 2025 roundup of summer architecture programs continues with Part 2, focusing on opportunities for high school graduates, college students, and adults of all experience levels. Whether you're exploring architecture for the first time or seeking to deepen your knowledge...
Old Structures...
Sideways One of our stranger projects… The pictures below show a sidewalk vault in Manhattan. The vault...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of our stranger projects… The pictures below show a sidewalk vault in Manhattan. The vault extends from the sidewalk (its roof) down two floors or about 25 feet, and was built around 1895. Since reinforced-concrete was still in its infancy then, it was not used for foundation...
The Design Of This Modern White Patisserie Stands Out From Its Neighbors LUKSTUDIO has shared photos of Aimé Pâtisserie, which is located in Shanghai, China, and is flanked...
a year ago
a year ago
LUKSTUDIO has shared photos of Aimé Pâtisserie, which is located in Shanghai, China, and is flanked by familiar coffee and donut franchises. The designers explained, ‘that the challenge of the store is to stand out from its immediate chaos and appeal to the clientele from the...
Archinect - Features
Happy National Volunteer Week! Here's a resource guide for architects and designers looking... This week, from April 21–27, is officially National Volunteer Week in the United States. To...
10 months ago
10 months ago
This week, from April 21–27, is officially National Volunteer Week in the United States. To celebrate its 50th anniversary, Archinect has curated a handy guide of resources for architects looking to donate their time and skills to various causes that will ultimately lead to...
The Modern House
Self starters: six homes under £500,000 From an award-winning shoji-inspired apartment in north London to a brilliantly converted space in...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
From an award-winning shoji-inspired apartment in north London to a brilliantly converted space in Bath, our current cluster of homes under £500,000 come in a dizzying range of square footage and styles. All, however, are united by their commitment to simplified, hard-working...
Common Edge
Condocide: Death of a Building Type The building collapse in Miami may not have been an aberration. The condition of aging condos...
a year ago
a year ago
The building collapse in Miami may not have been an aberration. The condition of aging condos nationwide is dire.
Old Structures...
A Sometimes Disagreeable Foreign Land, Part 1 My off-hand comment yesterday about a Baedeker guide made me think that I should look to see what a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
My off-hand comment yesterday about a Baedeker guide made me think that I should look to see what a nineteenth-century European guidebook had to say about New York and I was not disappointed. The guidebooks put out by the Baedecker company since the 1830s are famous for their...
A Weekly Dose of...
From the Mouths of Architects I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I went from disliking interviews — preferring texts...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I went from disliking interviews — preferring texts written by architects, much of it in the vein of theory — to gravitating to them. Now I find myself opting to read interviews, be they online or in printed matter, over other...
A Weekly Dose of...
Book Briefs #49 The most recent numbered installment of "Book Briefs," the series of occasional posts featuring...
a year ago
a year ago
The most recent numbered installment of "Book Briefs," the series of occasional posts featuring short first-hand descriptions of some of the numerous books that publishers send to me for consideration on this blog, was #48, back in December. I wasn't planning on continuing the...
A Weekly Dose of...
From Slow House to Blue Dream Blue Dream is a house designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro for Julia "Julie" Reyes Taubman and her...
a year ago
a year ago
Blue Dream is a house designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro for Julia "Julie" Reyes Taubman and her husband Robert "Bobby" Taubman. The house, located in East Hampton, on the South Fork of Long Island, was completed in 2017, nearly 30 years after the architects were commissioned...
My questions about Próspera, answered I recently visited Próspera, a Honduran startup city. I had a ton of questions and figured others...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently visited Próspera, a Honduran startup city. I had a ton of questions and figured others might too, so I wrote an FAQ to share what I learned: Próspera FAQ This FAQ is intended as a reference, covering the basic facts and current status of the project. My hope is that...
Common Edge
Are For-Profit Developments Consistent With the Values of a Public University? These public-private partnerships may not dovetail with the schools’ values or mission.
a year ago
A Weekly Dose of...
Olmsted Trees Olmsted Trees Photographs by Stanley Greenberg, with contributions by Tom Avermaete, Kevin Baker,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Olmsted Trees Photographs by Stanley Greenberg, with contributions by Tom Avermaete, Kevin Baker, Mindy Thompson Fullilove Hirmer Publishers, August 2022 Hardcover | 9 x 11 inches | 160 pages | 100 illustrations | German/English | ISBN: | $X.00 PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: Central...
Pivoting Arched Windows Are A Unique Feature On This Row Of Townhouses In London Photography by Matthew White and Izzy Scott of AVR London Architecture firm DHaus has designed a...
a year ago
a year ago
Photography by Matthew White and Izzy Scott of AVR London Architecture firm DHaus has designed a collection of 6 new terraced townhouses in North-West London, that replaced a gas station. The six new townhouses include a strong mixture of rectangles and arches, set within a brick...
Old Structures...
A Less Obvious Canyon A few months ago I wrote about the appearance of streets lined with old, pre-zoning skyscrapers. I...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A few months ago I wrote about the appearance of streets lined with old, pre-zoning skyscrapers. I mentioned my two favorite examples: Thames Street between Broadway and Trinity Place, and Pine Street between Broadway and Nassau Street. I skipped the obvious example, Broadway, as...
A Black Kitchen Is A Bold Design Choice For This Home Photography by Aaron Pocock sense of space [SOS Architects] has sent us photos of a contemporary...
a year ago
a year ago
Photography by Aaron Pocock sense of space [SOS Architects] has sent us photos of a contemporary home they recently completed, that includes an unexpected all-black kitchen. Photography by Mike Baker The striking black kitchen facilitates the owners’ love for cooking and...
Cantilevered Boxes Are Juxtaposed With Gabled Forms On This Modern Home This modern home designed by LaRue Architects and recently remodeled by Kelle Contine Interior...
a year ago
a year ago
This modern home designed by LaRue Architects and recently remodeled by Kelle Contine Interior Design, has an H-shape that’s composed of cantilevered boxes and gabled forms. The residence, located in Austin, Texas, is made with vernacular charcoal gray Lueders limestone, smooth...
A Weekly Dose of...
Ten Pairs of Books for Christmas This year's roundup of books to give to discerning architects for the holidays is presented in...
a year ago
a year ago
This year's roundup of books to give to discerning architects for the holidays is presented in pairs. While at least one book in each pair is new, the other one isn't necessarily so — new, old, or not-so-old, it is related to the first in some manner, as explained in my...
Common Edge
How to Be a Better Architect Than Me My recent talk to high school seniors.
a year ago
Hachures and sketchy relief maps I’ve never been a terrain representation expert, but occasionally I get briefly super interested in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve never been a terrain representation expert, but occasionally I get briefly super interested in some DIY technique for relief mapping, not using typical GIS tools or rendering software. Tom Patterson’s old (but still applicable) Photoshop tutorials were my introduction to the...
An Urban Tree House In New York City NO ARCHITECTURE has shared photos of a home they completed inside a residential tower at the edge of...
a year ago
a year ago
NO ARCHITECTURE has shared photos of a home they completed inside a residential tower at the edge of Manhattan’s West Village, that has the appearance of an urban tree house. The open-plan social areas of the interior are housed in a double-height space with 22-ft tall glass...
Common Edge
A Cease and Desist Letter From the European Office of Classical Architecture Affairs Re: America’s Unauthorized Use of Classical European Architectural Intellectual Property
a month ago
A Weekly Dose of...
A Modernist Reads About Lutyens Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens, the English architect who was born in 1869 and died in 1944, that is....
a year ago
a year ago
Sir Edwin Landseer Lutyens, the English architect who was born in 1869 and died in 1944, that is. Although a famous name, Lutyens was not an architect I had much familiarity with before I received a review copy of the first volume of The Architecture of Sir Edwin Lutyens....
Old Structures...
 A Simple Drawing For A Difficult Structure – Part 2 The illustration above, from the May 1883 issue of Harper’s Magazine, courtesy of the New York...
a year ago
a year ago
The illustration above, from the May 1883 issue of Harper’s Magazine, courtesy of the New York Public Library, gives a better sense of the Brooklyn Bridge caissons than yesterday’s working drawing (repeated below) even if it’s got less technical information. Note that May 1883...
99% Invisible
A Whale-Oiled Machine [EPISODE] In the 1800s, whaling was a vast and brutal industry–sometimes as deadly for the sailors involved as...
a year ago
a year ago
In the 1800s, whaling was a vast and brutal industry–sometimes as deadly for the sailors involved as it was for the whales. And the global epicenter of whaling could be found in New Bedford, MA. All this slaughter wasn’t to feed hungry people with whale meat. It was about all the...
Old Structures...
History From Afar This is a fantastic, if weirdly inaccurate, map from 1840. It was, according to the text at the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
This is a fantastic, if weirdly inaccurate, map from 1840. It was, according to the text at the bottom, “Published by the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge”, located in London. I am all for the diffusion of useful knowledge, but the problem with this map is that its...
Before + After – A Garage Transformed Into A Pool House Nathan Fell Architecture has shared photos of a garage they transformed into a pool house with...
a year ago
a year ago
Nathan Fell Architecture has shared photos of a garage they transformed into a pool house with plenty of space for entertaining. Here’s what the pool house looked like before… The design of the pool house was conceived as an addition to the garage that more appropriately capped...
Common Edge
San Francisco’s Love Affair With the Ferry Building John King, urban design critic of the San Francisco Chronicle, talks about his new book, Portal.
a year ago
One Thousand Plants Cover The Exterior Of The ‘Landmark by Lexus’ Pavilion Koichi Takada Architects has sent us photos of ‘Landmark by Lexus’, a showroom/pavilion that was...
a year ago
a year ago
Koichi Takada Architects has sent us photos of ‘Landmark by Lexus’, a showroom/pavilion that was presented to guests during the Melbourne Cup Carnival at the Flemington Racecourse in Australia. Drawing inspiration from the Australian landscape, Koichi Takada Architects designed a...
The Architectural...
How Germany’s Most Beautiful City Was Destroyed… and Rebuilt Dresden, a stunning city in Germany, was nearly wiped out during World War II when it was bombed,...
a month ago
a month ago
Dresden, a stunning city in Germany, was nearly wiped out during World War II when it was bombed, leaving only ruins behind. But its story didn’t end there—this is a tale of how Dresden came back to life, and rose from the ashes like a phoenix. Before the war, Dresden was known...
Archinect - Features
What Europe Can (and Can’t) Tell the US About Architectural Licensure In the third part of Archinect In-Depth: Licensure, we reflect on what the United States can learn...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In the third part of Archinect In-Depth: Licensure, we reflect on what the United States can learn from the architecture licensure models of other nations. While doing so, we speak with Peggy Deamer, Professor Emerita of Yale University's School of Architecture, whose book...
A Home Office Was Hidden Behind A Wall That Folds Open BENT Architecture has sent us photos of a renovation and extension they completed for a house in...
a year ago
a year ago
BENT Architecture has sent us photos of a renovation and extension they completed for a house in Hawthorn, Australia. One design detail that caught our attention is the home office hidden in plain sight in the dining room behind a wood accent wall. The floor-to-ceiling wood...
Old Structures...
Comparisons This type of imaginary collection was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century....
7 months ago
7 months ago
This type of imaginary collection was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century. Sometimes it was just buildings, like here, sometimes steamships were stood on end to show how big they were. (Note that the biggest steamship in 1908, when the Singer Building was new,...
The Architectural...
The Classic Planning Herald International: A Window into the Global New Traditional Architecture... The Classic Planning Herald International is a new quarterly magazine from the Classic Planning...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Classic Planning Herald International is a new quarterly magazine from the Classic Planning Institute. The project offers insights into what is happening in the New Traditional Architecture community and aims to challenge the modernist dogma. In this article, Michelle Sofge...
A House That Blends Into The Color Palette Of The Surrounding Desert Design and development office Industry of All Nations has recently completed ‘The Landing House’, a...
a year ago
a year ago
Design and development office Industry of All Nations has recently completed ‘The Landing House’, a new modern home that’s integrated into the rugged natural landscape of the Mojave Desert, With a backdrop of California’s Joshua Tree National Park, the home has been designed as a...
Common Edge
Art & Architecture Writers Demand Fair Pay Wages for free-lance journalists, covering the built environment, have been stagnant or in decline...
a year ago
Old Structures...
Two Anachronisms I avoid the use of the word “holdout” in discussing older buildings now surrounded by newer ones. It...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I avoid the use of the word “holdout” in discussing older buildings now surrounded by newer ones. It implies a drama that may never have existed. In this case, the west block-front of Trinity Place between Edgar and Rector Streets provides a nice contrast of building ages. From...
Construction Physics
Contribute to the US Megaprojects Database! The US Megaprojects Database Very large construction or technology development projects are...
a year ago
a year ago
The US Megaprojects Database Very large construction or technology development projects are sometimes called “megaprojects." By directing thousands of workers and billions of dollars towards the achievement of a single goal, great things can be achieved. The output of...
99% Invisible
The Bottom of the Bowl [EPISODE] Reporter Emmett Fitzgerald was used to hearing people call his home state of Vermont a “climate...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Reporter Emmett Fitzgerald was used to hearing people call his home state of Vermont a “climate haven.” But last summer, he got a wake up call in the form of a devastating flood. All throughout the United States, people are watching the places they love change in unpredictable...
Old Structures...
Fun With Framing From a recent trip to Staten Island, a view looking north across the harbor to Manhattan and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
From a recent trip to Staten Island, a view looking north across the harbor to Manhattan and Brooklyn: New York looks, unfortunately, much like a chain-link fence. The catenaries that we see are some nearby power lines, not far-off suspension bridges. Cropping helps but not...
Old Structures...
A Striking Row I was in the Upper East Side a couple of weeks ago, and the row of houses on the left caught my eye....
a year ago
a year ago
I was in the Upper East Side a couple of weeks ago, and the row of houses on the left caught my eye. That’s 690 to 700 Madison Avenue, just north of 62nd Street. While there’s an obvious alteration – the facade of the first two floors of each house was replaced at some point […]
Old Structures...
The Story Can Be Oversimplified The title of this blog post is true of a lot of narrative history. Simple stories are more effective...
a year ago
a year ago
The title of this blog post is true of a lot of narrative history. Simple stories are more effective on an emotional level, and are easier to tell. So we often tell them. For example, Wikipedia (my go-to source for oversimplified explanations) states that the 1916 New York zoning...
Before & After – A Mid-Century Modern Renovation In Oregon Originally designed by prominent Pacific Northwest architect Saul Zaik, this 1963 mid-century modern...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Originally designed by prominent Pacific Northwest architect Saul Zaik, this 1963 mid-century modern house has been remodeled by SHED Architecture & Design for a young, minimalist family. The Mori House sits on a gently sloped, forested site off a quiet road in the west end of...
Construction Physics
The Long, Sad History of American Attempts to Build High-Speed Rail, Part II Last week, we looked at the early history of high-speed rail in the US. Though the US attempted to...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week, we looked at the early history of high-speed rail in the US. Though the US attempted to build its own high-speed rail routes soon after they debuted in Japan in 1964, these efforts were unsuccessful, outside of the popular-but-troubled Metroliner
Common Edge
The Sphere in Las Vegas: A Placeless Object in a Placeless City The latest Sin City spectacle is just that—spectacle. Pure, crystalline spectacle.
a year ago
Book review: Against the Grain, by James C. Scott The book that etched the deepest grooves in my mind last year was Against the Grain by James C....
over a year ago
over a year ago
The book that etched the deepest grooves in my mind last year was Against the Grain by James C. Scott. It explores how the unique characteristics of grain-based agriculture shaped the early history of states. While I did learn many interesting historical facts and trends from...
Benny Kuriakose
Importance of Landscape in School Design Landscape plays a major role in the learning experience of a child. A school campus not only...
a year ago
a year ago
Landscape plays a major role in the learning experience of a child. A school campus not only comprises of the buildings in a school,...
A Weekly Dose of...
Four Monographs Of the numerous books publishers send me for review — be they requested by me, pitched by them, or...
a year ago
a year ago
Of the numerous books publishers send me for review — be they requested by me, pitched by them, or arriving at my doorstep unsolicited — the highest percentage of them are monographs. This fact goes against the occasional sirens over the irrelevance and anachronistic nature of...
A Weekly Dose of...
Favorite Books of 2022 For this last post of 2022 I looked back at the dozens of books I reviewed or featured as "Book...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For this last post of 2022 I looked back at the dozens of books I reviewed or featured as "Book Briefs" on this blog, and the ones I reviewed on World-Architects. From those books I gathered just over a dozen favorites, grouping them into some common themes that happened to come...
99% Invisible
Chick Tracts [EPISODE] Since Chick Publications started in the mid 1960s, it has sold more than one billion tracts. There...
a year ago
a year ago
Since Chick Publications started in the mid 1960s, it has sold more than one billion tracts. There are two hundred and seventy different Chick Tracts, with titles like “The Death Cookie,” “Kidnapped!,” “Mean Momma,” “The Sissy?,” and “Satan Comes To Salem.” Many of these are...
Carlos Morago. Across the Ordinary Interior Contemporary Spanish painter Carlos Morago depicts realistic interior scenes that are mostly reduced...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Contemporary Spanish painter Carlos Morago depicts realistic interior scenes that are mostly reduced to the bare minimum: light floors and walls and sporadical furniture. Empty corridors and rooms are framed through opened doors and walls while opening on uneventful exteriors...
Red-Pigmented Concrete Screens Surround This New Home In Cape Town Architecture firm SAOTA, together with interior design firm ARRCC, has recently completed a modern...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm SAOTA, together with interior design firm ARRCC, has recently completed a modern house in Cape Town, South Africa. The home was designed by Philip Olmesdahl, principal of SAOTA, for himself and his family, with him sharing, “When architects design their own...
A Weekly Dose of...
Book Briefs #48 This latest installment of "Book Briefs" — the series of occasional posts featuring short first-hand...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This latest installment of "Book Briefs" — the series of occasional posts featuring short first-hand descriptions of some of the numerous books that publishers send to me for consideration on this blog — features six books in three pairs. Obviously, these briefs are not...
Black Accents Are Ever Present Throughout This Apartment Koshulynskyy & Mayer studio has sent us photos of an apartment interior they completed that includes...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Koshulynskyy & Mayer studio has sent us photos of an apartment interior they completed that includes matte black accents throughout its design. The apartment, designed for a family, includes a living room with a dark accent wall, and a large couch in front of a suspended cabinet...
Old Structures...
Repetition Back to my travelogue of the tour of Swiss and German bridges. This is an overall view of the rail...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Back to my travelogue of the tour of Swiss and German bridges. This is an overall view of the rail viaduct across the Thun River valley at Ossingen, Switzerland. It was completed in 1874, and is still in use, carrying trains over the valley. Most of the sources I found are very...
Common Edge
What I Learned From Six Recessions in Architecture Life is imperfect, and architects understand this better than most.
3 months ago
Common Edge
Letter from Tennessee: License for Civility in Uncivil Times Not all civil portent is writ as large. It sometimes comes in small places, hidden in plain sight.
a year ago
Alain Biltereyst: Traces of Abstraction in the Urban Environment Contemporary Belgian artist Alain Biltereyst works on abstract paintings characterized by bold...
a year ago
a year ago
Contemporary Belgian artist Alain Biltereyst works on abstract paintings characterized by bold patterns and colors. Most of the time, the shapes he depicts are not purely the result of chosen arrangements but act as a sort of “found art”: they are extracted from existing signs,...
Construction Physics
The Rise of Steel Part II Welcome to the Rise of Steel part II. We previously looked at the early stages of industrialization...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to the Rise of Steel part II. We previously looked at the early stages of industrialization of iron and steelmaking, between roughly 1200 and 1850. To briefly recap, making steel was an involved, multistep process. Iron would first be smelted from iron ore in a blast...
A Stone Covered Home That Surrounds A Central Courtyard With Sunken Seating YDR estudio has shared photos of a contemporary stone house they completed in Mexico that includes a...
a month ago
a month ago
YDR estudio has shared photos of a contemporary stone house they completed in Mexico that includes a central courtyard with sunken outdoor seating.
Old Structures...
Training I spent most of Tuesday in an online course run by the California Office of Emergency Services, for...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I spent most of Tuesday in an online course run by the California Office of Emergency Services, for their Safety Assessment Program. This is training for “second responders”: the architects, engineers, and other building professionals who assess the safety of structures after an...
Man Ray, Mathematical Objects (1934-36) The collection of 19th-century three-dimensional models of algebraic and differential equations at...
a year ago
a year ago
The collection of 19th-century three-dimensional models of algebraic and differential equations at the Institut Henri Poincaré in Paris made a great impression on Surrealist artists. Allegedly, after Max Ernst brought these wood, metal, wire, and plaster forms to Man Ray’s...
Common Edge
Should NYC’s Housing Authority Demolish Public Housing in Manhattan? Plans for a phased demolition and rebuilding of the Fulton and Chelsea-Elliott Houses should be...
3 months ago
Archinect - Features
USC Students Try a ‘Bottom-Up’ Approach To Sustainable Housing Delivery in the School of... Our latest Archinect Studio Pin-Ups takes a look at three studios at Archinect Partner School USC...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Our latest Archinect Studio Pin-Ups takes a look at three studios at Archinect Partner School USC School of Architecture, offered as part of their one-year Master of Advanced Architectural Research Studies (M.AARS) postgraduate program. Led by instructors Julia Sulzer and Sascha...
99% Invisible
The Art of the Olympics [EPISODE] The 2024 Paris Olympics are currently under way, and we thought we’d play two stories from the 99%...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The 2024 Paris Olympics are currently under way, and we thought we’d play two stories from the 99% Invisible archives about the art of the Olympics. Mexico 68 The 1968 Olympics took place in Mexico City, Mexico. It was the first Games ever hosted in a Latin American country. And...
Construction Physics
Why Did Supersonic Airliners Fail? Progress in aviation has traditionally been associated with speed. Following the Wright Brothers’...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Progress in aviation has traditionally been associated with speed. Following the Wright Brothers’ flight in 1903, aircraft speeds steadily increased each decade, and increasing aircraft speeds was one of the primary goals of the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NASA’s...
Construction Physics
How Fast Can a City Grow? In the last post, we noted Los Angeles was the fastest-growing city in the US at the end of the 19th...
a year ago
a year ago
In the last post, we noted Los Angeles was the fastest-growing city in the US at the end of the 19th century, growing nearly 10% yearly between 1880 and 1930. This made me wonder what the landscape of city growth rates looks like. How fast were other US cities growing at the same...
Common Edge
Is Mass Timber the Key Element in a Low Carbon Future? A new book highlights the promise—and lingering challenges—of this important material.
11 months ago
A Warehouse-Inspired Home With A Spanish Twist Multi-disciplinary design firm mcmahon and nerlich has shared photos of a warehouse-inspired...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Multi-disciplinary design firm mcmahon and nerlich has shared photos of a warehouse-inspired townhouse with a Spanish twist inside.
A’ Design Award Announces Their Annual World Design Rankings This article has been brought to you by A’Design Awards. A’Design Award and Competition have...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This article has been brought to you by A’Design Awards. A’Design Award and Competition have released their World Design Rankings (WDR) in Arts, Architecture and Design, with China taking first place, followed by the USA, and Japan. The World Design Rankings ranks all the...
Construction Physics
Building Fast and Slow: The Empire State Building and the World Trade Center (Part I) The Empire State Building was completed in 1931. At a height of 1250 feet [0], it was the world's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Empire State Building was completed in 1931. At a height of 1250 feet [0], it was the world's tallest building, exceeding the recently completed Chrysler building by 202 feet. It would hold that title for the next 39 years, until 1970 when it was surpassed in height by...
Common Edge
Does Brooklyn’s New Brooding Monolith Deserve Kudos? Closer in, SHoP’s Brooklyn Tower reveals texture, color, and personality, but for many it’s a bleak...
a year ago
a year ago
Closer in, SHoP’s Brooklyn Tower reveals texture, color, and personality, but for many it’s a bleak middle finger on the skyline.
Operable Screens Cover The Exterior Of This Hawaiian Home Architecture firm OLSON KUNDIG has shared photos of a home they completed in Hanalei, Hawaii, that...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm OLSON KUNDIG has shared photos of a home they completed in Hanalei, Hawaii, that blurs the lines between indoor and outdoor living with the inclusion of a series of operable shutter screens that wrap most of the building facade. The custom shutter system,...
This Modern Home Was Designed Around A Split-Trunk Oak Tree A Parallel Architecture has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Austin, Texas, that’s...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A Parallel Architecture has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Austin, Texas, that’s designed around a split-trunk live oak, which has stood guard over the center of the tight lot for decades. The home’s exterior features concrete, wood, and large windows, with some...
Blog - Guerrilla...
The Migration of the Word Honey This map was a first for me. It was my first collaborative map, it was my first map I worked on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This map was a first for me. It was my first collaborative map, it was my first map I worked on using LinkedIn’s chat as much as Photoshop, and it was my first exposure to Guerrilla Cartography. Karen reached out to me to work on the Atlas in a Day project, but immediately we had...
A Mid-Century Modern Inspired Extension For An 1890s Sandstone Cottage Glasshouse Projects, an architecture, interior design, and building firm, has shared photos of a...
12 months ago
12 months ago
Glasshouse Projects, an architecture, interior design, and building firm, has shared photos of a mid-century modern inspired extension and renovation they completed for an original 1890 sandstone cottage in Prospect, South Australia. The extension can be accessed through the...
A Curved Corner Softens The Space Inside This Home Extension Australian architecture firm Bryant Alsop has shared photos of a home remodel they completed for a...
a year ago
a year ago
Australian architecture firm Bryant Alsop has shared photos of a home remodel they completed for a run-down home in Victoria, that includes a new contemporary addition with a curved wall.
Old Structures...
Photographic Tricks That’s a 1911 panorama, taken from the east side of Fifth Avenue and 8th Street, looking south (on...
a year ago
a year ago
That’s a 1911 panorama, taken from the east side of Fifth Avenue and 8th Street, looking south (on the left), west (in the middle) and not-quite-north (on the right). I’m not sure how the photographer, Burton Welles, managed this, but it’s an impressive shot. On the left, we have...
Old Structures...
A Stylistic Joke As A Name There’s a large, somewhat ominous, vaguely art deco building in lower Manhattan commonly called the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
There’s a large, somewhat ominous, vaguely art deco building in lower Manhattan commonly called the Tombs. The main portion of it is a courthouse with a lot of court-related office space, the northern wing – see below – is a short-term prison, mostly used to hold people awaiting...
99% Invisible
You Ain’t Nothin But a Postmark [EPISODE] Over a decade after Elvis Presley’s death, the king of rock & roll took over headlines once again as...
a year ago
a year ago
Over a decade after Elvis Presley’s death, the king of rock & roll took over headlines once again as Americans weighed in on which portrait of Elvis would be forever immortalized on a 29 cent US postage stamp. It was put to a popular vote: should the stamp feature an image of...
Archinect - Features
Five Ways Architects Charge Fees, and Five Tips to Consider In the architectural profession, some argue, financial management often takes a backseat to creative...
a month ago
a month ago
In the architectural profession, some argue, financial management often takes a backseat to creative pursuits, leaving firms vulnerable to cash flow challenges and unsustainable business practices. Concerns about profitability, rising costs, and the perceived value of the...
Coffee with an...
A simple description The structural exploration reflects the dichotomy of the diametrically opposed forces creating...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The structural exploration reflects the dichotomy of the diametrically opposed forces creating intrinsic tension within the interstitial forms which have been bifurcated and articulated throughout the design exploration phases resulting from the pedological rigor employed...
Common Edge
Mary Landrieu on Louisiana’s Coastal Master Plan and a Solution for the Rising Cost of Flood... A talk with the former senator about the plan and the crisis of insurance affordability.
7 months ago
Blog - Guerrilla...
Blocking Sediment Migration Blocking Sediment Migration from Colorado River Basin to Gulf of California I didn’t intend to map...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Blocking Sediment Migration from Colorado River Basin to Gulf of California I didn’t intend to map human migration for the Atlas in a Day project. My plans for a map of the migration of sediment in rivers raised some eyebrows at home, mostly wondering how the subject would fit in...
The rain on terrain If you poured water over the terrain somewhere in the world, where would it go? That’s perhaps one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you poured water over the terrain somewhere in the world, where would it go? That’s perhaps one way to think of the thing that distracted me in the evenings this week. [Edit: an interactive map should appear here, but there are some unresolved issues. Check out the...
Archinect - Features
How Moshe Safdie’s Iconic Habitat 67 Was Reborn in a Virtual World When Habitat 67 was first unveiled to the world almost six decades ago, it changed the landscape not...
2 months ago
2 months ago
When Habitat 67 was first unveiled to the world almost six decades ago, it changed the landscape not only of Montreal, Canada, but of architectural discourse on how modern buildings could be designed, constructed, and lived in. The structure also catapulted its young architect,...
Old Structures...
Previous Work A minor point, but it never hurts to look at the details. The photo above shows repair work on a...
a year ago
a year ago
A minor point, but it never hurts to look at the details. The photo above shows repair work on a 1920s steel-frame building. The black-painted iron is the top landing, at the roof level, of a fire-escape; there used to be (and will be again, soon) a parapet on either side of it,...
A Weekly Dose of...
Summer in the City From the middle of March, when a family emergency put this blog on hiatus, until the middle of July,...
a year ago
a year ago
From the middle of March, when a family emergency put this blog on hiatus, until the middle of July, when a funeral mass was held for my dad, my life was split almost evenly between my home in New York City and my parent's home in Central Florida. The emergency in March was an...
Madeleine de Boullogne and Louise-Magdeleine Hortemels, Abbey of Port-Royal-des-Champs: Paintings... Madeleine de Boullogne, (1646-1710), was a baroque artist born and raised in a family of painters....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Madeleine de Boullogne, (1646-1710), was a baroque artist born and raised in a family of painters. Extremely pious, she remained unmarried and lived a semi-monastic life entirely dedicated to working and teaching. Among the most important commissions, she produced a set of four...
Common Edge
In Marseille’s Cours Julien, Street Art Creates Dynamic Context Submitting to this area’s urban rhythm reveals the power of public art to define a place.
3 months ago
Old Structures...
Understanding The Underbelly Hardcore bridge geeks will immediately recognize this photo. Everyone else, and hardcore bridge...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Hardcore bridge geeks will immediately recognize this photo. Everyone else, and hardcore bridge geeks with a sense of modesty, will ask “what is it?” It’s the underside of the deck of the Brooklyn Bridge, on the side span between the Manhattan tower and anchorage. Starting with...
Old Structures...
Twelve Years Undemolished This photo from 1954 was taken from the top level of the Queensboro Plaza Station, looking west to...
7 months ago
7 months ago
This photo from 1954 was taken from the top level of the Queensboro Plaza Station, looking west to Manhattan. That’s the Queensboro Bridge on the right. If you take the 7 train to Flushing, as I used to, the odds are not bad that you’ll change trains at this station, as it’s...
The Remodeling Of This Home’s Rear Addition Created A Light-Filled Interior Cox Architects has sent us photos of a project they completed that included the re-modeling of a 775...
a year ago
a year ago
Cox Architects has sent us photos of a project they completed that included the re-modeling of a 775 square foot (72 sqm) brick addition. BeforeThe original Edwardian house, located in a leafy South London Conservation Area, already had a rear brick addition, however, it was not...
Common Edge
‘My Photographs Are a Celebration of the Making of Things’ A talk with Christopher Payne about his recent book, Made in America.
a year ago
A Basketball Court Was Built Inside This New Home Architecture firm Studio Lau has shared photos of a split-level home they completed in Canada, that...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Architecture firm Studio Lau has shared photos of a split-level home they completed in Canada, that includes an indoor basketball court. Mars House is a project that was sparked by the shifting demands brought on by the pandemic. It was meticulously designed to cater to a small...
The Beauty of...
Clean Lines and Integrated Transport (Florastrasse transport hub, Adliswil, Switzerland) The thing about Switzerland’s affordable, hyper-reliable, hyper-integrated and hyper-ubiquitous...
a year ago
a year ago
The thing about Switzerland’s affordable, hyper-reliable, hyper-integrated and hyper-ubiquitous public transport system is that the regard in which its phenomenal operational expertise is held can overshadow the architectural successes it also demonstrates. Even when transport...
Old Structures...
Split Personality Live, from Montreal, the Cathedrale Marie Reine du Monde et Saint Jacques: Putting aside the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Live, from Montreal, the Cathedrale Marie Reine du Monde et Saint Jacques: Putting aside the building’s architectural merit – and there is a great deal – I find this kind of church interesting structurally. We have at least three very different types of structure here. There’s...
Old Structures...
Pro Tip, As They Say A slightly-redacted photo from a Brooklyn site visit, showing a diagram on the wall in a maintenance...
4 months ago
4 months ago
A slightly-redacted photo from a Brooklyn site visit, showing a diagram on the wall in a maintenance room: No one I spoke to had floor plans of any kind for the building. I knew it had a steel frame but not where the interior columns were. And then, during a site visit, a handy...
Tutorial: Telegram → Logseq quick notes I've long wanted a notes app with an optional chat style interface for append-only notes. The idea...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've long wanted a notes app with an optional chat style interface for append-only notes. The idea is that I'll use the simpler append-only interface while on the go, and then use full-featured interface to review, edit, and organize those notes when I'm back at my computer. I...
A New Home In Costa Rica Designed To Highlight Its Surroundings Architecture firm Studio Saxe, has shared photos of a new home they completed in Costa Rica, that's...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Architecture firm Studio Saxe, has shared photos of a new home they completed in Costa Rica, that's designed to progressively highlight the wondrous ecological and topographical surroundings.
Old Structures...
A Bit Alien From a recent trip to Governors Island, a big thing in the water near the piers on the east side of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
From a recent trip to Governors Island, a big thing in the water near the piers on the east side of the island: It’s the mid-length air shaft for the Brooklyn-Battery Tunnel and, constructed circa 1950, it’s a relative newcomer to the island’s landscape. The diagram below,...
This Wood-Framed Glass Box Is The Ultimate Backyard Office Architecture firm SWATT + PARTNERS has shared photos of a backyard office they designed for their...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Architecture firm SWATT + PARTNERS has shared photos of a backyard office they designed for their clients in Dry Creek Valley, California. The wood-framed glass box hovers above the rugged terrain, it’s placed west of the main house, is partially above a narrow level pad, and...
A Modern Brick Home Designed Around The Original Placement Of Trees Exterio architects have shared photos of a new home they completed in Warsaw, Poland, that's...
8 months ago
99% Invisible
Top Billing [EPISODE] There’s a rumor about the 1987 film Outrageous Fortune, a rumor that has dogged producer Jacob Reed...
7 months ago
7 months ago
There’s a rumor about the 1987 film Outrageous Fortune, a rumor that has dogged producer Jacob Reed since his days in film school. The comedy, starring Bette Midler and Shelley Long, is mostly forgotten. But a feud between the two stars was legendary, a fact referenced on TV by...
A Modern Landscape Was Designed For This Californian Backyard SUBU Design Architecture has shared photos of a landscape design they completed for a home in...
a year ago
a year ago
SUBU Design Architecture has shared photos of a landscape design they completed for a home in California. The client asked the designers to create a kitchen garden and an outdoor gathering space for her large family to celebrate birthdays and holidays. One area of the yard was...
Common Edge
Why Is NYC’s Mandatory Composting Program So Invisible? The city is rolling out an ambitious effort to divert organic waste from landfills. Is it set up for...
2 months ago
Common Edge
Declaration of Independence From Sprawl Toward the New Urban Place and away from the Industrial Development Complex.
9 months ago
Old Structures...
It Can Go Either Way Much like the photo from Monday, this April 1959 photo by Angelo Rizzuto could be either demolition...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Much like the photo from Monday, this April 1959 photo by Angelo Rizzuto could be either demolition or construction. The steel frame on the left is on the site of 350 Park Avenue, between 51st and 52nd Streets on the west side of Park Avenue. The ornate masonry box just north of...
Old Structures...
Double Part of the Construction History Congress last week was a day of tours, and I went on the iron- and...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Part of the Construction History Congress last week was a day of tours, and I went on the iron- and steel-truss bridge tour. I’m going to show my pictures every two or three days, spread over the next couple of weeks. First up: the rail bridge at Eglisau: Built 1895-1897 by the...
99% Invisible
The Ripple Effect [EPISODE] In disasters where a lot of people lose their homes, the impacts are not confined to a single city...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In disasters where a lot of people lose their homes, the impacts are not confined to a single city or town. They ripple outward, cascading into the surrounding area, as the survivors are forced to go looking for new places to live. This is the story of what happened after the...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Courthouses Galore Foley Square, northeast of City Hall Park, has a collection of very large courthouses. Here’s Matt...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Foley Square, northeast of City Hall Park, has a collection of very large courthouses. Here’s Matt Murdoch, otherwise known as Daredevil, on the steps of a courthouse having just finished a case: Here’s a view looking north with the New York State Supreme Court and its large...
Construction Physics
Weekend roundup - Icon, Diamond Age, Cuby, Gropyus Since there’s more interesting things happening in construction than I can cover in a weekly post...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since there’s more interesting things happening in construction than I can cover in a weekly post (especially if I’m spending posts writing about things that happened 800 years ago), I’m experimenting with occasionally sending out a brief roundup of interesting links related to...
Brass-Lined Arches Connect The Kitchen With The Dining Room Inside This Home Architecture and art studio Svima has shared photos of a kitchen and living room they updated, with...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Architecture and art studio Svima has shared photos of a kitchen and living room they updated, with the kitchen featuring brass design accents. Their clients, a Toronto couple, has opposite tastes: he is an enthusiast of tenebrous minimalism, and she is a lover of bright French...
Common Edge
Vivian Maier: Nanny With a Rolleiflex Fotografiska bids adieu to its current digs with a tribute to the great street photographer.
7 months ago
Common Edge
How the YIMBY-NIMBY Debate Worsened the Housing Crisis And how to change things for better results.
a year ago
Old Structures...
“Pre” Residential construction in New York can be broken into groups in a number of ways, but the most...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Residential construction in New York can be broken into groups in a number of ways, but the most straightforward is not known to the general public, and that’s by era of regulation. For just under a hundred years, multiple dwellings – AKA apartment houses – have been governed by...
Old Structures...
Obvious In Restrospect The first real commuter rail in New York was the New York and Harlem Railroad, which eventually...
a year ago
a year ago
The first real commuter rail in New York was the New York and Harlem Railroad, which eventually served, through a combination of horse-drawn street cars and heavy rail, from lower Manhattan to Chatham, New York, not far south of Albany. The portion in Manhattan south of 23rd...
Cork Was Used As The Exterior Siding On This Home Extension Mitchell + Corti Architects has designed a new rear ground floor extension for a home in England,...
a year ago
a year ago
Mitchell + Corti Architects has designed a new rear ground floor extension for a home in England, that’s clad in cork. The architect mentions, “We chose to clad the extension in something a little different a dark patterned cork, in order to use a sustainable material and test...
Common Edge
Capturing America, One State Capitol at a Time A new book celebrates the lost grandeur and optimism of democracy.
a year ago
The road to hell is paved with asphalt Most roads are paved with asphalt. Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems with asphalt. Bricks,...
a year ago
a year ago
Most roads are paved with asphalt. Unfortunately, there are a lot of problems with asphalt. Bricks, cobblestones, and pavers are often much better options, because: 1. Asphalt degrades fast, so once you account for maintenance, it's more expensive it first appears Asphalt...
Old Structures...
Old-Fashioned Spelling From 1907, an article called “New Sky-scrapers for New York” in the Metropolitan magazine gives us...
a year ago
a year ago
From 1907, an article called “New Sky-scrapers for New York” in the Metropolitan magazine gives us “The Willams [sic] Street Cañon”. The drawing seems pretty accurate. Here’s a similar view in a photo from 1928: I am a little suspicious of an article that misspells a street name...
This New House Was Designed To Fit Into A Protected Historic Neighborhood Architecture firm FLOWER, together with interior design studio Saltwolf, has completed a new home in...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Architecture firm FLOWER, together with interior design studio Saltwolf, has completed a new home in Boulder, Colorado, whose design was inspired by the nearby historic houses in the neighborhood.
99% Invisible
Long Strange Tape [EPISODE] The Cassette tape was great in so many ways, but let’s be honest, they never really sounded great....
a year ago
a year ago
The Cassette tape was great in so many ways, but let’s be honest, they never really sounded great.  But because the cassette was so much cheaper and easier to use and portable, a lot of people didn’t care so much about the audio quality. They just wanted to be able to use...
Common Edge
Is Santa Clara—the Heart of Silicon Valley—Soulless and Banal By Intent? The city combines great wealth and utter placelessness.
a year ago
Common Edge
Urban Farming: A Sustainable Pathway Out of Nigeria’s Unfolding Food Crisis Havana, Tokyo, and Paris offer successful examples of how it might work.
7 months ago
Construction Physics
What makes housing so expensive? Buying a home is by far the largest purchase most of us will make, and paying the rent or mortgage...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Buying a home is by far the largest purchase most of us will make, and paying the rent or mortgage will be our largest monthly expense. In the post-pandemic home-buying boom, the median sale price of a new home peaked at almost $500,000 dollars, just under
Archinect - Features
Where Are All The Affordable Housing Startups? Despite the general consensus that the United States is in need of more affordable housing, funding...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Despite the general consensus that the United States is in need of more affordable housing, funding to startups focused on affordable housing and more efficient construction technologies is lower in 2024 than in recent years. In the meantime, a series of high-profile...
Common Edge
Brutalism in the Nation’s Capital A National Building Museum exhibition surveys notable concrete architecture in D.C. and presents...
5 months ago
5 months ago
A National Building Museum exhibition surveys notable concrete architecture in D.C. and presents possible future uses.
A Monochrome Interior Design For This Home In Singapore Studio Metanoia has shared photos of a modern home interior they recently completed in Singapore,...
a year ago
a year ago
Studio Metanoia has shared photos of a modern home interior they recently completed in Singapore, that has a very strong monochromatic aesthetic. The interior strikes a balance of light and dark, which is evident throughout, like in the living room, where a white couch with a...
Old Structures...
A Good Idea But Not Enough Via Core77, some excerpts of Clara Mu He’s masters thesis, which propose a way to make wood-frame...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Via Core77, some excerpts of Clara Mu He’s masters thesis, which propose a way to make wood-frame construction much more amenable to recycling and reuse of materials: here. In short, if you use strapped and ganged lumber sticks rather than special sizes and penetrative...
Old Structures...
Now The Good Side A few years ago, I wrote a fairly snarky and negative piece on the Park Avenue Hotel. The building...
a year ago
a year ago
A few years ago, I wrote a fairly snarky and negative piece on the Park Avenue Hotel. The building is physically of interest to me because it was a rare example of a residential building with cast-iron facades and a good example of the common approach (in the mid-nineteenth...
The Solarchitecture...
Circadian rhythm and solar home design If our body is not tuned to our circadian rhythm, we can hardly be in flow with Life.
over a year ago
Old Structures...
Reflections That’s 21 (left) and 20 West Street, with 17 Battery Place off to the right. This was taken early in...
8 months ago
8 months ago
That’s 21 (left) and 20 West Street, with 17 Battery Place off to the right. This was taken early in the morning and the facades facing me are the west facades of the buildings. Across West Street, to my right, is a modern apartment house with a mostly-glass facade. It doesn’t...
A Distinct Dining Area Was Created In This Home By Surrounding It With Cabinetry Toronto-based architecture and design practice Great Lake Studio has shared photos of a home they...
a year ago
a year ago
Toronto-based architecture and design practice Great Lake Studio has shared photos of a home they designed, that’s clad in custom charred cedar and has a pitched roof. Inside, the main level of the home is the gathering place, with the living room, dining area, and kitchen all...
The Architectural...
VR Study Shows People Prefer Traditional Architecture Over Modernist Designs Traditional architecture has been found to contribute more to people’s well-being than modernist...
a year ago
a year ago
Traditional architecture has been found to contribute more to people’s well-being than modernist glass and steel buildings, according to a study conducted by researchers from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU) in Oslo. Using virtual reality (VR) technology, the team...
Archinect - Features
From the Editors: What We're Thankful for in 2023 In a year marked with highs and lows, the Archinect editorial team has spent another year watching,...
a year ago
a year ago
In a year marked with highs and lows, the Archinect editorial team has spent another year watching, listening, and reporting on the events of 2023. With the holidays drawing near and the year coming to a close, we pause to extend our gratitude to our dedicated readership and...
Common Edge
Developers Are Dangerously in Control of New York City Urbanist Roberta Brandes Gratz’s remarks on receiving the Preservation Leadership Award.
10 months ago
OWD #1: Tea time in Yemen I'm starting a podcast with my friends, Marie-Agnes and Alain Bertaud, who also happen to be the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm starting a podcast with my friends, Marie-Agnes and Alain Bertaud, who also happen to be the most interesting couple I know. Over the course of this first conversation, we traveled all around the globe for a whirlwind tour of the adventurous life they've led together. Audio ·...
99% Invisible
Goodnight Nobody [EPISODE] To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the New York Public Library, a list was published of the ten...
a year ago
a year ago
To celebrate the 125th anniversary of the New York Public Library, a list was published of the ten books that had been checked out the most in the history of the library — and most of these were children’s books, like The Cat in the Hat and Where the Wild Things Are. Curiously...
This Coastal-Inspired Interior Is Soft And Calming Melling Studio has shared photos of an interior they designed for a duplex in Vancouver, turning it...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Melling Studio has shared photos of an interior they designed for a duplex in Vancouver, turning it into a warm and effortlessly coastal home for a young, active family. The home was completed in January 2023 and truly embodies the considered yet breezy essence of Kitsilano...
Old Structures...
Skyscrapers at the IStructE A reminder: On Thursday I’ll be talking about the technological origins of skyscrapers and the New...
a year ago
a year ago
A reminder: On Thursday I’ll be talking about the technological origins of skyscrapers and the New York contribution to that history, at the Institution of Structural Engineers. If you’re in London – as most of you are not – come in person; otherwise, the talk will be available...
Archinect - Features
When Should Architecture Firms Start Hiring? Five Factors To Consider With the U.S. Federal Reserve embarking on rounds of target interest rate cuts in late 2024, AEC...
3 months ago
3 months ago
With the U.S. Federal Reserve embarking on rounds of target interest rate cuts in late 2024, AEC industry commentators are forecasting that architectural business conditions may improve in the coming months. Architecture firms experiencing an increased workload may, therefore,...
A Modern Farmhouse By The Sea In New Zealand New Zealand architecture firm Studio John Irving Architects has shared photos of a modern farmhouse...
a year ago
a year ago
New Zealand architecture firm Studio John Irving Architects has shared photos of a modern farmhouse they completed that's been designed like a collection of linked farm outbuildings.
Archinect - Features
'Architecture Education as an Active Project': A Conversation with Mariana Ibañez, Chair of... Academic leaders have the demanding task of steering and shaping a school's culture and pedagogy....
a year ago
a year ago
Academic leaders have the demanding task of steering and shaping a school's culture and pedagogy. Not only are they responsible for overseeing an institution's administrative affairs, but they are also charged with fostering environments for students and faculty to thrive. Since...
A Contemporary Reimagination Of A Classic New York Pizza Parlor Architecture firm MRDK has recently completed North of Brooklyn Pizzeria in Toronto, Canada, that...
a year ago
A’ Design Awards & Competition – Call for Submissions This article has been brought to you by A’ Design Award and Competition. A’ Design Award &...
5 months ago
5 months ago
This article has been brought to you by A’ Design Award and Competition. A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ leading design accolade reaching design enthusiasts around the world, and showcasing thousands of award winners from 114 different design disciplines. Red House...
A Weekly Dose of...
On Guidebooks A portion of the paperback wrapper of A Guide to the Architecture of Washington, D.C., published by...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A portion of the paperback wrapper of A Guide to the Architecture of Washington, D.C., published by the Washington Metropolitan Chapter of the American Institute of Architects in 1965.  Are guidebooks still a valid and useful subgenre of architecture books? Do architects...
A Weekly Dose of...
Reading About Drawings Instead of digesting a new book or diving into a novel, something others do often but I do rarely, I...
a year ago
a year ago
Instead of digesting a new book or diving into a novel, something others do often but I do rarely, I spent my holiday break reading a five-year-old book about a trio of intertwined topics I'm particularly fond of: drawings, exhibitions, and New York City. Drawing on...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Iconic There are all sorts of tricks – visual shorthand – for saying “you’re in New York” in movies, TV,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
There are all sorts of tricks – visual shorthand – for saying “you’re in New York” in movies, TV, and photos. One of them is to include some roof-top water tanks. Comics, too: The purpose of the tanks is very simple. They store water pumped up form the municipal main, and water...
Construction Physics
How Washington DC Got Its Metro There have been two main periods of subway (or “metro”) building in the US. The first was during the...
a year ago
a year ago
There have been two main periods of subway (or “metro”) building in the US. The first was during the late 19th century and early 20th century, when Boston, New York, and Philadelphia all built subway systems
Common Edge
Aesthetics Alone Do Not Give Sacred Space Its Meaning The key to finding a new relevance for “the holy” lies in architectural humility.
5 months ago
A Weekly Dose of...
This Blog in 2023 One year ago, in the first post of 2022, I shifted this blog from (almost) daily posts about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One year ago, in the first post of 2022, I shifted this blog from (almost) daily posts about architecture books to just once a week, changing the name of the blog to reflect that. In the fifth of five bullet points reasoning why that was happening, I wrote: "I'm planning on...
Archinect - Features
Upcoming Architecture School Admission Deadlines You Shouldn’t Miss As 2024 winds down, there’s still time to apply to architecture programs! Many schools are accepting...
2 months ago
2 months ago
As 2024 winds down, there’s still time to apply to architecture programs! Many schools are accepting undergraduate and graduate applications through January and February 2025 (and some even beyond that).  If you’re planning to start your architecture journey in Fall '25, check...
Archinect - Features
How Computing Transformed Architectural Visualization Over the past seven decades, the invention and evolution of computing technology have had a profound...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Over the past seven decades, the invention and evolution of computing technology have had a profound and transformative impact on the field of architectural visualization. From early computer-aided design (CAD) software to today's photorealistic 3D rendering, virtual reality, and...
Old Structures...
Dramatic Foreshadowing From 1875, the “New Tribune Building”: In my opinion, this was not the first skyscraper, pretty much...
a year ago
a year ago
From 1875, the “New Tribune Building”: In my opinion, this was not the first skyscraper, pretty much because I don’t believe there was a “first skyscraper.” The deveopment of skyscrapers was an evolutionary process and this was one of the early steps. In any case, the main roof...
A Building to Tell the Time: The Toghrol Tower in Rey, Iran (1063) The Toghrol Tower is a 20 meters high tower located in the city of Rey in Iran made of bricks and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Toghrol Tower is a 20 meters high tower located in the city of Rey in Iran made of bricks and Sarooj, a water-resistant mortar. It was erected in 1063, and according to some sources, it was conceived as the tomb of Tuğrul Beg, the founder of the Seljuk dynasty. Other scholars...
Archinect - Features
How ‘Architect’ Became a Protected Title in the United States In the second part of Archinect In-Depth: Licensure, we chart the origins of licensure in the United...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In the second part of Archinect In-Depth: Licensure, we chart the origins of licensure in the United States. We explore how a combination of safety concerns, technological advances, and insecurity among architects over their own relevance led to the protection of the title...
Urban sprawl is a tragedy of the commons We tend to choose larger homes than we want our neighbors to choose. The result: sprawling...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We tend to choose larger homes than we want our neighbors to choose. The result: sprawling development that doesn't match what people actually want from their communities. People aim to maximize access and space when deciding where to live. All things equal, most people like...
Situated Software Written by Clay Shirky First published March 30, 2004 on the "Networks, Economics, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Written by Clay Shirky First published March 30, 2004 on the "Networks, Economics, and Culture" mailing list. Subscribe to the mailing list. I teach at NYU's Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), where the student population is about evenly divided between...
Archinect - Features
AI, Climate, and Advice for the Next Generation: Watch Our Roundtable with SCI-Arc Program... In November 2024, Archinect brought together four program chairs from the Southern California...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In November 2024, Archinect brought together four program chairs from the Southern California Institute of Architecture (SCI-Arc) for a wide-ranging roundtable conversation.  The questions up for debate and discussion were among the most pressing facing the architectural...
A Bed That Can Slide To Be Outside Okno Modhomes has shared photos of a small and modern cabin they completed that was designed as a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Okno Modhomes has shared photos of a small and modern cabin they completed that was designed as a space where humans and nature coexist in perfect harmony. Nestled within a lush canopy of existing and newly planted trees in India, the cabin features a mirrored glass exterior that...
A Large Green Roof Covers This Riverside Home Architect Pawel Naduk of 77STUDIO in Warsaw, Poland, has designed a modern house with a green roof...
a year ago
a year ago
Architect Pawel Naduk of 77STUDIO in Warsaw, Poland, has designed a modern house with a green roof that’s located on the bank of the Vistula River. The home has been designed to subtly integrate into the natural shape of the land and allows for a usable green roof. A sloped ramp...
Bi-Fold Windows Connect The Inside And Outside Spaces Of This Home Extension Ben Callery Architects has shared photos of a rear home extension they completed in Victoria,...
a year ago
a year ago
Ben Callery Architects has shared photos of a rear home extension they completed in Victoria, Australia, that includes a deck for indoor/outdoor living. The deck has been designed with a shaded area that’s home to built-in seating and a couch. The other end of the deck has...
Old Structures...
A Few Changes That map is from 1879 and it feels not quite right, like an alternate-history version of New York....
a year ago
a year ago
That map is from 1879 and it feels not quite right, like an alternate-history version of New York. The Upper West Side is referred to as the West End, Twelfth Avenue is shown along with Riverside Drive, and Columbia’s Campus at Broadway and 116th Street is shown as a park with a...
99% Invisible
Trail Mix: Track Two [EPISODE] Welcome to our second episode of short stories all about what may be the original designed object:...
a year ago
a year ago
Welcome to our second episode of short stories all about what may be the original designed object: the trail. If you haven’t heard the first episode yet you should totally go back and listen. It’s a lot of fun. Trail Mix We’re going to kick this second episode once again starting...
Dramatic Wood Ceilings Are Found Throughout This House Carlos Castanheira of CC&CB Architects has shared photos of a home they designed in Porto, Portugal,...
a year ago
a year ago
Carlos Castanheira of CC&CB Architects has shared photos of a home they designed in Porto, Portugal, that uses wood and copper throughout its design. The home’s exterior has a copper-clad roof and matching copper siding, while the exposed timber structure connects with the rest...
Old Structures...
Small Details In “How London’s Crystal Palace was built so quickly”, Jennifer Ouellette gives a good summary of a...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In “How London’s Crystal Palace was built so quickly”, Jennifer Ouellette gives a good summary of a recent paper “Thread form at the Crystal Palace” by John Gardner and Ken Kiss. My even shorter summary: the 1851 Crystal Palace in London was made possible, in part, through the...
A Unique Window Shape Helps Frame The View From Inside This Cabin Architecture firm Rever & Drage has shared photos of a contemporary cabin they designed that...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm Rever & Drage has shared photos of a contemporary cabin they designed that includes a uniquely shaped window to perfectly frame the view of the sunset. Located in Nordmarka, Norway, the cabin contains the most necessary features, but not much more, making it...
Old Structures...
Not Quite Before, Not Quite After A building that was discussed at great length at last week’s Office To Residential Summit was 25...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A building that was discussed at great length at last week’s Office To Residential Summit was 25 Water Street. Old Structures has no connection to that project, but it’s a block from our office, so I’ve been watching the progress. Here’s what it looked like last December: It was...
Common Edge
Don’t Buy the Fossil Fuel Hype: There Is No “National Energy Emergency” The data for U.S. energy production show a very different picture than the one painted by Big Oil...
99% Invisible
Craptions [EPISODE] Bad closed captions can be entertaining, but they can be serious, too, because captions are a...
a year ago
a year ago
Bad closed captions can be entertaining, but they can be serious, too, because captions are a critical tool for lots of lots of people. There are the people learning a new language, the easily confused, and of course captions are essential for people who are Deaf or...
99% Invisible
Player Piano [EPISODE] The Last Archive is a history show. Our evidence is the evidence of history, the evidence of...
a year ago
a year ago
The Last Archive is a history show. Our evidence is the evidence of history, the evidence of archives. Manuscripts, photographs, letters and diaries, government documents. Facebook posts, Youtube videos, DVDs. Oral histories. This stuff is known as the “historical record,” but of...
A Sunken Living Room Was Made Possible By A New Extension To This Home Mulroy Architects has shared photos of a project they recently completed that included modernizing...
a year ago
a year ago
Mulroy Architects has shared photos of a project they recently completed that included modernizing the interior of a 1920s home in Greater London, England, that also included the addition of a rear extension. The brief was to refurbish and extend the upper floors of the house to...
Construction Physics
Book Review: Healthy Buildings Healthy Buildings, written by John Macomber and Joseph Allen is, as the title suggests, a book about...
a year ago
a year ago
Healthy Buildings, written by John Macomber and Joseph Allen is, as the title suggests, a book about how buildings affect health. Allen is a former environmental consultant, professor of public health, and director of Harvard’s “Healthy Buildings” program. Macomber is a lecturer...
Old Structures...
A Deservedly Unknown Truss There’s a street bridge over the Hudson Line (the former main line of the New York Central Railroad)...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There’s a street bridge over the Hudson Line (the former main line of the New York Central Railroad) tracks just south of the Dobbs Ferry Station: For now, ignore the big white pipe at the bottom of the side truss: it’s a utility line, not part of the truss. That leaves us with...
Common Edge
Four Decades in a House of Your Own Design Reflections on the project that launched a career.
6 months ago
Old Structures...
Travelog: Cleveland Bridge While I was in England last week, I briefly visited the city of Bath. There’s a lot to look at...
a year ago
a year ago
While I was in England last week, I briefly visited the city of Bath. There’s a lot to look at there, but let me start with the Cleveland Bridge over the River Avon. The top view is a little boring except for the non-structural toll houses, little Greek temples over the walkways,...
Wood Screens Wrap Around This Home To Create Shade And Privacy Koichi Takada Architects has completed a new home in Sydney, Australia, whose design was inspired by...
a year ago
a year ago
Koichi Takada Architects has completed a new home in Sydney, Australia, whose design was inspired by palm fronds, specifically the way the leaves provide dappled light and shelter to the fruit its tree bears. Applying the same principles, the home was cocooned with symmetrical...
This Modern House Sits On Top Of Stilts In The Forest Architects Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, and Igor Macedo of Tetro have designed a new home in Nova...
a year ago
a year ago
Architects Carlos Maia, Débora Mendes, and Igor Macedo of Tetro have designed a new home in Nova Lima, Brazil, that’s immersed in lush Atlantic Rainforest nature that includes large leafy trees, foliage, shrubs, birds, and wild animals. The house, white in color and with a unique...
Old Structures...
The Skull Beneath The Feathers I like birds to begin with; this hummingbird sculpture in Montreal seems designed specifically for a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I like birds to begin with; this hummingbird sculpture in Montreal seems designed specifically for a structural engineer who likes birds.
LED Lighting Illuminates Shelving Throughout This Home’s Interior Estevez + Persson, a new architecture and design studio, founded by Fernando Estevez Barroso and...
a year ago
a year ago
Estevez + Persson, a new architecture and design studio, founded by Fernando Estevez Barroso and Daniel Persson, has debuted a residential project called Casa Bosques de Olivos in Mexico City. The exterior of the house features concrete, wood, and metal, as well as landscaped...
99% Invisible
Office Space [EPISODE] Right now, in Manhattan, 18% of office space is vacant. At the same time, the city of New York has a...
a year ago
a year ago
Right now, in Manhattan, 18% of office space is vacant. At the same time, the city of New York has a major housing problem, with more than 100,000 people using the municipal shelter system. So Eric Adams and city officials are talking a lot about taking those empty offices, and...
Common Edge
The Enduring Legacy of Frank Lloyd Wright Why we still care, almost seven decades after his death.
5 months ago
Common Edge
Designing for Disaster in an Increasingly Dangerous World What does it take to protect homes against tornados, hurricanes, flooding, fire, and erosion?
8 months ago
Cities reading list Many people have reached out asking what books have been most impactful in shaping my views on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many people have reached out asking what books have been most impactful in shaping my views on cities. I've written and rewritten answers enough times that I figured it's most efficient if I just write it up one time here and share the link. 🙂 ~ Order Without Design by Alain...
This Horizontal Home Has Its Structure On Display Brengues Le Pavec architectes has shared photos of a home they completed in Herault, France, that...
a month ago
A Home Renovation Where The Walls Were Removed So The Interior Connects With the Exterior Paul Archer Design has shared photos of a home they renovated in London, that included opening up...
a year ago
a year ago
Paul Archer Design has shared photos of a home they renovated in London, that included opening up the walls to connect the interior spaces with the garden. The designers removed the whole ground floor, including the external walls to the rear, the stairs, most of the interior,...
Benny Kuriakose
Hiring Experienced Engineers and Architects at Benny Kuriakose and Associates Benny Kuriakose and Associates is now inviting applications, which offer an opportunity for...
2 months ago
Uncharted waters: what startups can learn from pirates about compensation Pirate crews developed a surprisingly similar approach to compensation in the 17th century. Just...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pirate crews developed a surprisingly similar approach to compensation in the 17th century. Just like many startups, they also balanced equity incentives with other mechanisms that would be familiar to a startup employee today, such as bonuses. These surprising similarities...
A Grid Of Large Windows Maximizes The Water Views At This Modern Home Architecture firm Worrell Yeung has shared photos of a modern home they completed that's a study on...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Architecture firm Worrell Yeung has shared photos of a modern home they completed that's a study on a 2x2x7 grid structure in three dimensions.
The Dining Table Becomes Part Of The Stairs Inside This Eclectic House Mag Arquitectes together with Clara Lleal INTERIORISTA has shared photos of a home they designed in...
a year ago
a year ago
Mag Arquitectes together with Clara Lleal INTERIORISTA has shared photos of a home they designed in Catalunya, Spain, that showcases a unique dining area.
Blog - Guerrilla...
How AI is changing cartography: A chatbot’s perspective Artificial intelligence is dramatically changing the practice of cartography, not just as a...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Artificial intelligence is dramatically changing the practice of cartography, not just as a mechanism for extracting and manipulating data, but as a tool for creating, curating, and interacting with geospatial images. A simple web search for “AI in cartography” points to a vast...
Common Edge
In Praise of a Great Mentor: Working With Geoffrey Bawa Life-long lessons from the father of Tropical Modernism.
a year ago
A Sculptural Brick Exterior Creates A Unique Expression For This Home In Toronto Photography by Younes Bounhar Design firm PARTISANS has designed a home for a family in Toronto,...
a year ago
a year ago
Photography by Younes Bounhar Design firm PARTISANS has designed a home for a family in Toronto, Canada, that features a sculptural brick facade. Photography by Younes Bounhar The design of the Canvas House has been inspired by the homeowners’ love of contemporary art, with the...
Old Structures...
Martin Luther King Jr. Day A few comments about today’s holiday. First, if you’re so inclined, the city Parks Department has...
a year ago
a year ago
A few comments about today’s holiday. First, if you’re so inclined, the city Parks Department has opportunities for public service: here. Otherwise, memorials and celebrations: here. Some of the permanent memorials to King in New York: here. Some of his relationship to New York...
99% Invisible
The Brutalists From Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men to Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle, from Charles Bronson in Death...
a week ago
a week ago
From Henry Fonda in 12 Angry Men to Tom Hanks in Sleepless in Seattle, from Charles Bronson in Death Wish to Luke Wilson in My Super Ex-Girlfriend, there have been countless architect characters onscreen. It’s not that watching someone design a building is particularly cinematic....
Coffee with an...
Design Paths 2 Design is hard. The path you follow from start to finish is never a straight line. If only there...
a year ago
a year ago
Design is hard. The path you follow from start to finish is never a straight line. If only there were another handful of clear diagrams to explain the process. This still isn’t that: More Design Paths HERE
Archinect - Features
'What Is Truly Good About AI, Nobody Has Probably Thought of Yet'; A Conversation with... To many, Richard Saul Wurman is inevitably introduced as "the man who created TED." Since Wurman...
a year ago
a year ago
To many, Richard Saul Wurman is inevitably introduced as "the man who created TED." Since Wurman organized the first TED conference in 1984, the organization's library has expanded to over 4,300 publicly available videos from some of the world's greatest minds about some of...
Old Structures...
Non-Demolished When the West Side Highway – the limited access, elevated highway that was demolished in the 1970s...
8 months ago
8 months ago
When the West Side Highway – the limited access, elevated highway that was demolished in the 1970s and 80s – was planned in the 1920s, it made sense. From a viewpoint any later than about 1940 it was a terrible mistake. Bad planning and little maintenance doomed the old highway,...
Old Structures...
Fun With Telephoto Lenses A lot of times, when I’m discussing an old photo, I’ll talk about where the photographer was...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A lot of times, when I’m discussing an old photo, I’ll talk about where the photographer was standing when he or she took the shot. It matters to understand exactly what you’re seeing, and figuring it out is usually not that difficult if you know some of the quirks of Manhattan...
This Small Home Has Glass Walls And A Glass Ceiling Arno Schuurs and Paulien van Noort of design-build firm GetAway Projects BV, have shared photos of a...
a year ago
a year ago
Arno Schuurs and Paulien van Noort of design-build firm GetAway Projects BV, have shared photos of a tiny house in The Netherlands that they completed that’s almost entirely made out of glass to fully enjoy the surrounding forest. The allowed footprint of the new build was 21...
There are two types...
Location, Location, Location: Affordable Housing and Urban Form in Manhattan NOTE: The following was written for the Tenth Anniversary Edition of Street Design, The Secret To...
a year ago
a year ago
NOTE: The following was written for the Tenth Anniversary Edition of Street Design, The Secret To Great Cities and Towns, where it will appear in a shorter version. This version still needs a little editing for its new context. Part … Continue reading → The post Location,...
A Weekly Dose of...
Adjaye: Works 2007-2015 Adjaye: Works 2007-2015: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, Buildings Edited by Peter Allison Thames...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Adjaye: Works 2007-2015: Houses, Pavilions, Installations, Buildings Edited by Peter Allison Thames & Hudson, October 2022 Hardcover | 10-1/2 x 10-1/2 inches | 300 pages | 500 illustrations | English | ISBN: 9780500343807 | $90 PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: Following Adjaye: Works...
Part 3: The first walkable city in America in a century A new city has been proposed in California, and I’ve never been more captivated by a vision for the...
a year ago
a year ago
A new city has been proposed in California, and I’ve never been more captivated by a vision for the future of my home state in my lifetime. This post is part of a series I’m writing about this bold proposal. As an urbanism nerd, the aspect of California Forever’s plan that I was...
Old Structures...
Originality Is Not Easy, Part 3 The first two parts of this series looked at patents that involved odd details that were not really...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The first two parts of this series looked at patents that involved odd details that were not really part of the metal-frame revolution that was taking place in the 1890s but rather adjacent to it. Neither of those patents reflected actual structure that I’ve ever seen in an old...
99% Invisible
Side Projects [EPISODE] This week we’re highlighting a couple of series that live inside the 99pi production tent. We’ve got...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This week we’re highlighting a couple of series that live inside the 99pi production tent. We’ve got a preview of a new miniseries for you called Not Built for This, created and hosted by Emmett FitzGerald. It’s a show about climate change, but not in the way you might think....
The Black Exterior Of This Barn-Inspired Home Is Contrasted With A White Interior Architecture and interior design studio Laney LA has shared photos of a modern home they designed in...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture and interior design studio Laney LA has shared photos of a modern home they designed in Culver City, California, that has a dark black exterior.
Archinect - Features
How to Understand Architecture Business Conditions Using the AIA's Architecture Billings... Since 1995, the American Institute of Architects has conducted a monthly index detailing trends in...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Since 1995, the American Institute of Architects has conducted a monthly index detailing trends in billings by architecture firms in the United States. Over time, the Architecture Billings Index (ABI) has become a valuable metric for charting the economic health of the...
Common Edge
Why Would You Want to Teach Architecture? Opening minds and defining a way of working is the ultimate payoff.
a year ago
A New Home With Twin Gables Connected By A Glazed Breezeway Wheeler Kearns Architects has shared photos of a new home they have completed in Illinois, which is...
a year ago
a year ago
Wheeler Kearns Architects has shared photos of a new home they have completed in Illinois, which is located on a one-acre wooded ravine site north of Chicago. The home, situated upward and slightly angled away from the street, includes twin-gabled volumes, one for sleeping and...
A Contemporary Interior Was Given To This Victorian Era Home Richard Beard Architects and The Wiseman Group has sent us photos of a project they recently...
a year ago
a year ago
Richard Beard Architects and The Wiseman Group has sent us photos of a project they recently completed in San Francisco, California, that involved updating a historic Victorian-era home.
Old Structures...
Baseball in New York 2 Yesterday’s list of teams was fun to out together, but this is ultimately a blog about the built...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Yesterday’s list of teams was fun to out together, but this is ultimately a blog about the built environment, so let’s discuss what’s really important: the fields and stadiums where the various teams played. Today: some of the fields in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Atlantics, played...
Common Edge
The Deceptive Grandeur of City Skylines Empty office towers are likely to remain that way for years.
7 months ago
Archinect - Features
How the Business of Architecture and Construction Fared in May 2024: Introducing Archinect's... Welcome to the first of Archinect's new monthly series, 'State of AEC.' At the end of each month, we...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Welcome to the first of Archinect's new monthly series, 'State of AEC.' At the end of each month, we will guide you through the latest analyses, indexes, and trends on how the architecture and construction industries are performing economically. As we approach the midway point of...
Clerestory Windows Add Natural Light Inside This New Addition To An Australian Home Architecture firm Bryant Alsop has shared photos of a contemporary renovation and extension of a...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Architecture firm Bryant Alsop has shared photos of a contemporary renovation and extension of a typical free-standing timber period home in Australia. The view from the front door shows off the hallway that connects the original home with the new extension. The hallway...
Old Structures...
The Public Realm This is the 1895 firehouse constructed for Engine Company 31 and Battalion 2 of the Fire Department...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This is the 1895 firehouse constructed for Engine Company 31 and Battalion 2 of the Fire Department of New York, at Lafayette and White Streets. The fire department facilities were moved elsewhere over 50 years ago, but the building is landmarked and reusable, so it has been...
An Apartment Designed With Cats In Mind AODA Interior Design Co. has shared photos of an apartment interior in Taiwan they recently...
5 months ago
5 months ago
AODA Interior Design Co. has shared photos of an apartment interior in Taiwan they recently completed, that includes a variety of design elements specifically for the home owners cats. The clients are a couple with four cats and two medium-to-large dogs. Previously, they lived in...
Old Structures...
An IStructE Talk I’m giving an in-person and online talk on March 7 for the UK Institution of Structural Engineers on...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m giving an in-person and online talk on March 7 for the UK Institution of Structural Engineers on the connections between the development of fire-resistant construction technology, New York social history, and the origins of skyscrapers. More information here: New York’s...
A Lot Of Plants Have Been Integrated Into The Design Of This Home In Singapore Wallflower Architecture + Design has sent us photos of a home they recently completed in Singapore,...
a year ago
An Exterior Of Vertical Wood Siding Helps This House Blend Into The Surrounding Forest 77 Architecture Studio has shared photos of a home they designed on the edge of a housing estate...
a year ago
a year ago
77 Architecture Studio has shared photos of a home they designed on the edge of a housing estate near the forest in central Poland, near Warsaw. The house with its vertical wood facade, gives way to the natural beauty of its surroundings, discreetly immersing its architecture...
Old Structures...
One Way It Began It’s hard to over-emphasize how rail-centric New York City was before, say, 1920. In addition to the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
It’s hard to over-emphasize how rail-centric New York City was before, say, 1920. In addition to the subway, there were the commuter railroads, which had many more stations within the city then than they do now, and a vast street-car network. The streetcars are entirely gone,...
The Architectural...
Four Versions: This Is How Penn Station, NY, Might Look if Rebuilt You may have heard about ReThinkNYC, a movement and not-for-profit corporation dedicated to...
9 months ago
9 months ago
You may have heard about ReThinkNYC, a movement and not-for-profit corporation dedicated to rebuilding the original Pennsylvania Station in New York through ReThinkPennStationNYC. Collaborating with classical architect Richard Cameron, they have developed three new variations on...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Edward Hopper From the comic “Powers”, Christian Walker sits by himself in a diner: Hopper’s 1942 painting...
3 months ago
3 months ago
From the comic “Powers”, Christian Walker sits by himself in a diner: Hopper’s 1942 painting “Nighthawks”: I’m a fan of Hopper, but this is his most famous work, so it’s not like it was all that difficult to place the reference. In his words, it’s a simplified version of reality...
A Desk Designed To Hide Inside The Wall Architectural and interior design firm Sonya Lee Architect has shared photos of a 1930s home they...
a year ago
a year ago
Architectural and interior design firm Sonya Lee Architect has shared photos of a 1930s home they renovated in Queens, New York, that includes an interesting design detail. As working from home has become much more popular, especially over the last few years, the designers...
Construction Physics
How did solar power get cheap part II (note: all quotes are from Nemet’s How Solar Energy Became Cheap unless otherwise noted.) Welcome to...
a year ago
a year ago
(note: all quotes are from Nemet’s How Solar Energy Became Cheap unless otherwise noted.) Welcome to Part II of “How did Solar Power Get Cheap?” To recap Part I, the modern solar photovoltaic (PV) cell was invented at Bell Labs in 1954. Early markets were almost entirely...
Old Structures...
Time Is Relative From 1949, “Manhattan from a Hudson River ferry.” The piers in the foreground are where the Battery...
7 months ago
7 months ago
From 1949, “Manhattan from a Hudson River ferry.” The piers in the foreground are where the Battery Park City landfill would be made circa 1970. From the left, the peaks are the New York Telephone building at 140 West Street, the Woolworth Building, 225 Broadway, AT&T at 195...
99% Invisible
Orange Alternative [EPISODE] In the months following the invasion of Ukraine, cryptic anti-war graffiti began popping up across...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the months following the invasion of Ukraine, cryptic anti-war graffiti began popping up across Russia. People started writing out the phrase “no war” using asterisks instead of the various letters in order to disguise the meaning of the message. Then back in September, a...
Old Structures...
A Hidden Surprise, But Not Really The picture above shows the nearly-complete Astor Court Apartments, on Broadway between 89th and...
a year ago
a year ago
The picture above shows the nearly-complete Astor Court Apartments, on Broadway between 89th and 90th Street, in 1915. (As a side note, we’ve got some heavy hitters involved: the architect was Charles Platt, the contractor was Marc Eidlitz & Son, and the photographer was Irving...
Top 20 A’ Design Award Winners From Past Years This article has been brought to you by A’ Design Award and Competition. A’ Design Award &...
a year ago
a year ago
This article has been brought to you by A’ Design Award and Competition. A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ leading design accolade reaching design enthusiasts around the world, and showcasing winners from 114 countries in 139 different design disciplines. More than...
The Modern House
Poet LionHeart pens a love letter to the Barbican exclusively for The Modern House
3 weeks ago
Chairs For Sitting On Stairs ARTA Architects has designed the Tai Kwun Chairs for The Hong Kong Jockey Club, allowing a more...
3 months ago
3 months ago
ARTA Architects has designed the Tai Kwun Chairs for The Hong Kong Jockey Club, allowing a more comfortable and modular seating solution for these stairs. The chairs complement the distinctive design languages of the Tai Kwun arts and cultural centre’s ancient and contemporary...
Common Edge
Architecture and the God Problem Defining divinity and higher powers, in the context of design, is often fraught.
a year ago
Old Structures...
Three Dimentionality I was in Minneapolis a few months ago and took some pictures of the Lumber Exchange, one of the...
a year ago
a year ago
I was in Minneapolis a few months ago and took some pictures of the Lumber Exchange, one of the first tall buildings constructed there. Here’s an overall view of the original wing (the building is L shaped, with the wings constructed at different times): It’s not deserted – the...
Old Structures...
Getting Repetative The heat wave is back. Technically it left for a few days, but given that I hate hot weather, it...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The heat wave is back. Technically it left for a few days, but given that I hate hot weather, it didn’t seem like that to me. As bad as it is, even people without a/c can cool off in various public places. The most amusing is the subway, which, when I was commuting to school […]
An Orange Spiral Staircase Is An Eye-Catching Feature Inside This Apartment Architecture and interior design firm S+PS Architects, has shared photos of a penthouse apartment in...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Architecture and interior design firm S+PS Architects, has shared photos of a penthouse apartment in Mumbai, India, that has two eye-catching orange spiral staircases. Stepping inside the penthouse, there’s an open plan living room with a variety of sitting areas and decor that...
The Solarchitecture...
Case study #2 - Sunbeam A-frame Let's start 2023 with presenting one of my dearest projects.
over a year ago
Common Edge
Design for Global Survival: The 2030 Palette Strategies for architects, planners, and policymakers as we adapt to a changing world.
3 months ago
Benny Kuriakose
Paliam Nalukettu: A Glimpse into a Matrilineal Society In the small town of Chendamangalam in Paravur, Kerala, is the Paliam Nalukettu, which is located...
a year ago
a year ago
In the small town of Chendamangalam in Paravur, Kerala, is the Paliam Nalukettu, which is located within the Paliam complex. Benny...