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Old Structures...
Up, Down, and Up, Like Its Surroundings I took these pictures on Mercer Street yesterday, of an oddly formal little building. Whatever...
a year ago
a year ago
I took these pictures on Mercer Street yesterday, of an oddly formal little building. Whatever “Firemen’s Hall” meant, I had never heard of it. The name and original use are linked and sort of obvious: when the building was constructed in 1855, New York’s fire-fighting needs were...
A Modern L-Shaped Home Surrounded By A Pine Tree Forest Design build firm MAFCOhouse, has shared photos of a contemporary home they completed in Haliburton,...
a year ago
a year ago
Design build firm MAFCOhouse, has shared photos of a contemporary home they completed in Haliburton, Ontario, for a family that wanted a place in cottage country with a cozy vibe. Working with the family, MAFCOhouse searched hard and found a four-acre lot with southern and...
Old Structures...
Comparisons This type of imaginary collection was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century....
7 months ago
7 months ago
This type of imaginary collection was quite popular at the beginning of the twentieth century. Sometimes it was just buildings, like here, sometimes steamships were stood on end to show how big they were. (Note that the biggest steamship in 1908, when the Singer Building was new,...
Archinect - Features
How Computing Transformed Architectural Visualization Over the past seven decades, the invention and evolution of computing technology have had a profound...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Over the past seven decades, the invention and evolution of computing technology have had a profound and transformative impact on the field of architectural visualization. From early computer-aided design (CAD) software to today's photorealistic 3D rendering, virtual reality, and...
Construction Physics
Building Apollo A review of Angle of Attack: Harrison Storms and the Race to the Moon
a year ago
A Weekly Dose of...
My Biennale Haul Two weeks ago I was in Venice for the Biennale, covering the 18th International Architecture...
a year ago
a year ago
Two weeks ago I was in Venice for the Biennale, covering the 18th International Architecture Exhibition curated by Lesley Lokko for World-Architects. It was my first trip back to Venice since the 2018 Biennale, which was the 16th edition and was curated by Yvonne Farrell and...
Construction Physics
Will We Ever Get Fusion Power? “Every one of the stars in the sky uses fusion to generate enormous amounts of energy. Why shouldn’t...
8 months ago
8 months ago
“Every one of the stars in the sky uses fusion to generate enormous amounts of energy. Why shouldn’t we?”
Old Structures...
Look Closely For A Surprise This 1900 map of Manhattan looks, at first glance to be simply another detailed map with building...
a year ago
a year ago
This 1900 map of Manhattan looks, at first glance to be simply another detailed map with building outlines shown: But there’s a surprise when you zoom in: The buildings are little isometric drawings rather than just outlines. They’re not particularly accurate drawings – I...
The Solarchitecture...
7 key principles of solar passive design - Part 2. Balance it all with local climate and a holistic energy calculation.
over a year ago
A Garage Transformed Into An Apartment With A Home Office YR Architecture + Design has shared photos of a modern 575 square foot (53 sqm) live/work studio in...
a year ago
a year ago
YR Architecture + Design has shared photos of a modern 575 square foot (53 sqm) live/work studio in Columbus, OH, that was once a 2-car garage. The homeowners were determined for their two-car garage to be an asset, with the couple seeking to maximize their property, and at the...
A Weekly Dose of...
Ando and Le Corbusier Ando and Le Corbusier is a two-volume project that shows how the works of two pioneers of modern...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ando and Le Corbusier is a two-volume project that shows how the works of two pioneers of modern architecture – Le Corbusier and Tadao Ando – connect human experience to the basic givens of existence: interactions among human beings and personal encounters with nature, including...
Common Edge
Climate Lessons From the Floating Villages of Cambodia Social and cultural values may be as important as hard (and expensive) infrastructure.
a year ago
Common Edge
A Cease and Desist Letter From the European Office of Classical Architecture Affairs Re: America’s Unauthorized Use of Classical European Architectural Intellectual Property
a month ago
Construction Physics
On Klein on Construction In the New York Times, Ezra Klein investigated the recent Goolsbee and Syverson paper on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the New York Times, Ezra Klein investigated the recent Goolsbee and Syverson paper on construction productivity we recently looked at. Klein suggests that the stagnation in construction productivity might be the result of organized special interests increasingly leveraging...
Coffee with an...
Design Paths Design is hard. The path you follow from start to finish is never a straight line. If only there...
a year ago
a year ago
Design is hard. The path you follow from start to finish is never a straight line. If only there were a handful of clear diagrams to explain the process. This isn’t that:
A Weekly Dose of...
Eight Decades of Modern Japanese Houses A review of a new book released this week: The Japanese House Since 1945 by Naomi Pollock, published...
a year ago
a year ago
A review of a new book released this week: The Japanese House Since 1945 by Naomi Pollock, published by Thames & Hudson, November 2023 (Amazon / Bookshop) What makes modern and contemporary Japanese houses so appealing? Much of it stems from the novelty of residential designs,...
Archinect - Features
'The Notion of AI as a Form of Augmentation or Enhancement Is Fascinating to Me'; A... Behnaz Farahi stands at an eclectic intersection between culture and technology. Trained as an...
a year ago
a year ago
Behnaz Farahi stands at an eclectic intersection between culture and technology. Trained as an architect, with specializations in computational design, interactive technologies, additive manufacturing, and digital fabrication, Farahi asks how emerging technologies can allow us to...
Old Structures...
Sequencing In Detailing That’s an illustration from a 1913 article called “Engineering Design Of The Woolworth Building”...
a year ago
a year ago
That’s an illustration from a 1913 article called “Engineering Design Of The Woolworth Building” from The American Architect. That’s the design of the most heavily-loaded columns in the building, below the tower. To put it in perspective, that built-up column, composed of plates...
Common Edge
Confronting the Leviathan in Vietnam An architect’s search for clarity in a far-off land.
2 months ago
Vertical Fins Surround The Exterior Of This House Giving It A Distinct Appearance Architecture and design studio MDAMMM, has recently completed the remodel of a home that had a...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture and design studio MDAMMM, has recently completed the remodel of a home that had a nondescript appearance and little aesthetic appeal. The original home had an exposed brick facade in ochre tones and all other elements featured different grey tones and finishes. The...
Old Structures...
Another Moment of Transition This a nice postcard of the north end of Union Square, using a hand-color photograph from 1910 as...
a year ago
a year ago
This a nice postcard of the north end of Union Square, using a hand-color photograph from 1910 as its basis. The centerpiece is the Metropolitan Life tower at Madison Square, seven blocks to the north of the foreground buildings on East 17th Street. Those buildings include the...
Large Travertine Slabs Were Used To Update This Home’s Design Architecture firm SWATT + PARTNERS has shared photos of the Kojima House, a home that has been...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Architecture firm SWATT + PARTNERS has shared photos of the Kojima House, a home that has been updated with an additional and a remodel. Located in Kentfield, California, the home boasts unobstructed views of San Francisco Bay, Kent-Woodlands Valley, and surrounding mountains....
A Big Little Idea Called Legibility July 26, 2010 By Venkatesh Rao James C. Scott’s fascinating and seminal book, Seeing Like a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
July 26, 2010 By Venkatesh Rao James C. Scott’s fascinating and seminal book, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, examines how, across dozens of domains, ranging from agriculture and forestry, to urban planning and...
Art Deco Was Reinterpreted Into This Futuristic Gelato Parlor Multidisciplinary design studio Masquespacio has shared photos of Amiko Gelato, a new retail...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Multidisciplinary design studio Masquespacio has shared photos of Amiko Gelato, a new retail destination in Barcelona that blends futuristic design with art deco elements.
Michelangelo Caetani’s Six Topographic Maps of the Divine Comedy As a follow up to the latest post on Norman Bel Geddes’s stage set design for Dante Alighieri’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a follow up to the latest post on Norman Bel Geddes’s stage set design for Dante Alighieri’s Divine Comedy, here we feature the six maps drawn by Michelangelo Caetani in a book titled La materia della Divina Commedia di Dante Alighieri dichiarata in VI tavole, Roma (1855). A...
Old Structures...
The Personal Connection A 1958 or 59 view of 200 East 42nd Street under construction: It’s a fairly boring steel-frame,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
A 1958 or 59 view of 200 East 42nd Street under construction: It’s a fairly boring steel-frame, glass-facade office building, remarkable to me for the simple reason that I had my first more-or-less real engineering job there. Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton, later known as TAMS...
Old Structures...
The Inspiration The 14th Street station on the Eighth Avenue subway has an art installation by Tom Otterness called...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The 14th Street station on the Eighth Avenue subway has an art installation by Tom Otterness called “Life Underground” It consists of a series of brass figures, both human and animal, engaged in various pursuits. Everyone always focuses on the alligator climbing out of a sewer to...
The Ultimate Gift Guide With Over 50 Ideas For Interior Designers, Architects, And Design Lovers Finding a gift for an interior designer, architect, or design lover can sometimes be a difficult...
a year ago
a year ago
Finding a gift for an interior designer, architect, or design lover can sometimes be a difficult task, so we’ve put together a collection of more than 50 gift ideas to make your life easier.
Benny Kuriakose
Planning and Designing of Service Blocks in a School Service rooms are an absolute necessity in any building. When designing and planning such rooms, it...
a year ago
a year ago
Service rooms are an absolute necessity in any building. When designing and planning such rooms, it is important to understand the type...
Common Edge
Why Time Is a Problem for Architects For many, it’s a lurch between copying the past or pretending that time doesn’t exist.
a year ago
Part 5: Relationship with Travis Air Force Base A new city has been proposed in California, and I’ve never been more captivated by a vision for the...
a year ago
a year ago
A new city has been proposed in California, and I’ve never been more captivated by a vision for the future of my home state in my lifetime. This post is part of a series I’m writing about this bold proposal. Up until recently, the new city’s potential impact on Travis Air Force...
Archinect - Features
Archinect Celebrates Canada Day by Highlighting 15 Architecture Firms That Are Defining the... July 1, also known as Canada Day, is a time when Canadians come together to commemorate the union of...
a year ago
a year ago
July 1, also known as Canada Day, is a time when Canadians come together to commemorate the union of what were once three separate colonies — New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Canada (contemporary Ontario and Quebec). Canada isn't just one of the largest countries in the world, but...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: A Project Jessica Drew, in her Spider-Woman gear, visits Belvedere Castle. It’s reasonably clear that in the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Jessica Drew, in her Spider-Woman gear, visits Belvedere Castle. It’s reasonably clear that in the frame on the right she’s standing in the pavillion looking across to the main tower.
A Modern Swedish Forest Home Clad In Larch Panels Johan Sundberg Arkitektur has shared photos of a new summer home they completed in Yngsjö, Sweden,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Johan Sundberg Arkitektur has shared photos of a new summer home they completed in Yngsjö, Sweden, that’s nestled among pine-covered hills and by the shores of the Baltic Sea. The home is clad in larch panels rhythmically interrupted by vertical pilasters, while the facade exudes...
The Beauty of...
Tubular Belle (Køge Nord station, Køge, Denmark) Stuck on the E20 motorway heading for Copenhagen? Køge Nord station very much hopes you are...
over a year ago
Common Edge
Building Emissions Are Falling, Now the Real Work Begins There has been a significant drop this year. The path toward net-zero intensifies.
a year ago
Common Edge
Revisiting Brooklyn’s Barclays Center—a Telling Landscape The arena and plaza have become notably more commercialized since 2012, while the towers lag in...
a year ago
a year ago
The arena and plaza have become notably more commercialized since 2012, while the towers lag in affordability and represent a modular failure.
Old Structures...
This Time, The Famous One Seven years ago, I wrote a blog post called “No, Not The Famous One.” Guess what? On a site visit to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Seven years ago, I wrote a blog post called “No, Not The Famous One.” Guess what? On a site visit to Charleston, South Carolina, on Monday, I noticed a lot of nice cast-iron storefronts in the old shopping streets. Given that iron wasn’t a major industry there in the nineteenth...
A’ Design Awards & Competition – Last Call for Entries A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ leading design accolade reaching design enthusiasts...
a year ago
a year ago
A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ leading design accolade reaching design enthusiasts around the world, and showcasing 18,000 award winners from 139 different design disciplines.
Construction Physics
Does construction ever get cheaper? I've mentioned a few times that I generally prefer looking at construction progress through the lens...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've mentioned a few times that I generally prefer looking at construction progress through the lens of cost indexes rather than productivity indexes. Whereas productivity indexes try to track changes in the amount of construction we get for a given amount of labor (for labor...
Common Edge
Worshiping the Old Isn’t Historic Preservation To keep buildings alive and relevant, some flexibility is required.
4 months ago
Urban sprawl is a tragedy of the commons We tend to choose larger homes than we want our neighbors to choose. The result: sprawling...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We tend to choose larger homes than we want our neighbors to choose. The result: sprawling development that doesn't match what people actually want from their communities. People aim to maximize access and space when deciding where to live. All things equal, most people like...
There are two types...
Notes on Beyond Architecture: The New New York The post Notes on <i>Beyond Architecture: The New New York</i> appeared first on There are two types...
2 months ago
Old Structures...
Moving Goalposts The image above, of the Grand Union Hotel on the east side of Park Avenue is labelled by the New...
a year ago
a year ago
The image above, of the Grand Union Hotel on the east side of Park Avenue is labelled by the New York Public Library as 1868 to 1900, but is likely from the late 1870s, or early 1880s. The hotel is the building on the right with three flags and with S-curved mansard roofs on its...
Common Edge
It’s Hard for Architects to Be Transparent About Fees If the profession is to survive, however, we have no choice.
3 months ago
Fluted Concrete Walls Cut By Continuous Window Openings Define This Villa NOMO STUDIO has shared photos of a modern home they’ve designed in Menorca, Spain, that features a...
a year ago
a year ago
NOMO STUDIO has shared photos of a modern home they’ve designed in Menorca, Spain, that features a textured facade of fluted concrete walls. The fluted concrete walls are sliced by continuous window openings creating a combination of horizontal stripes that alternate between...
Common Edge
Designing for Disaster in an Increasingly Dangerous World What does it take to protect homes against tornados, hurricanes, flooding, fire, and erosion?
8 months ago
Old Structures...
Sideways One of our stranger projects… The pictures below show a sidewalk vault in Manhattan. The vault...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of our stranger projects… The pictures below show a sidewalk vault in Manhattan. The vault extends from the sidewalk (its roof) down two floors or about 25 feet, and was built around 1895. Since reinforced-concrete was still in its infancy then, it was not used for foundation...
Archinect - Features
Your Architecture Work Sample Isn’t Your Portfolio. 10 Creative Tips To Keep in Mind When Job... In many cases, your work sample is the first visual evidence you will offer a prospective employer...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In many cases, your work sample is the first visual evidence you will offer a prospective employer when applying for a new architectural position. What you include in your sample, as well as how you structure and present it, is therefore important for creating a good first...
Old Structures...
Not So Picturesque From 1849, “New York from the steeple of St. Paul’s Church, looking east, south and west.” In other...
a year ago
a year ago
From 1849, “New York from the steeple of St. Paul’s Church, looking east, south and west.” In other words, looking into the heart of the downtown commercial district from its northern edge. My first thought in looking at this picture was that in 1849, before industrial technology...
Common Edge
On Winning—and Not Winning—Design Competitions It’s the Competition Conundrum: You Can’t Lose If You Don’t Play.
a year ago
99% Invisible
The Power Broker #06: Mike Schur [EPISODE] This is the sixth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This is the sixth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro. This week, Roman and Elliott sit down with Mike Schur, who created the critically acclaimed NBC comedy The Good Place, and...
Old Structures...
A Solution To An Intractable Problem People usually like regular geometry, and I’d argue that architects like it more than the general...
a year ago
a year ago
People usually like regular geometry, and I’d argue that architects like it more than the general public. That can create problems with buildings where the reality of construction and the reality of patterns can cause irregular geometry. The most famous example of the problem is...
Common Edge
Why Is NYC’s Mandatory Composting Program So Invisible? The city is rolling out an ambitious effort to divert organic waste from landfills. Is it set up for...
2 months ago
Old Structures...
Part Of A Wave I’m speaking today at the “Office To Residential Summit” a two-day conference on the various...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I’m speaking today at the “Office To Residential Summit” a two-day conference on the various architectural, legal, engineering, and logistics aspects of converting office buildings (of which there are currently more than needed) to apartments (not so much). My talk is about some...
Archinect - Features
'What Is Truly Good About AI, Nobody Has Probably Thought of Yet'; A Conversation with... To many, Richard Saul Wurman is inevitably introduced as "the man who created TED." Since Wurman...
a year ago
a year ago
To many, Richard Saul Wurman is inevitably introduced as "the man who created TED." Since Wurman organized the first TED conference in 1984, the organization's library has expanded to over 4,300 publicly available videos from some of the world's greatest minds about some of...
This Renovated 1970s Home Now Has Concrete Floors That Flow Between The Interior And Exterior Spaces ANACAPA Architecture has shared photos of a 1970’s-era residence and combination guesthouse/home...
10 months ago
10 months ago
ANACAPA Architecture has shared photos of a 1970’s-era residence and combination guesthouse/home office they updated in the hills of Montecito, California. Collaborating with the client, the designers reworked the home to bring it up to date. They did this by maintaining the...
99% Invisible
Autism Pleasantville [EPISODE] A few years back, journalist Lauren Ober was diagnosed with autism. She then made a podcast about...
11 months ago
11 months ago
A few years back, journalist Lauren Ober was diagnosed with autism. She then made a podcast about her experience called The Loudest Girl in the World. And she found herself imagining a fantasy world where everything is tailored to Lauren’s very specific autistic needs. And she...
A Charred Wood Exterior Was Given To This Modern Home In The Forest CLB Architects, together with HSH Interiors (Holly Hollenbeck), has designed a home in an aspen...
10 months ago
The Beauty of...
Riding the Steel Breeze (Port Talbot Parkway, Neath Port Talbot, UK) Some stations are born parkways, some achieve parkway status, while yet others have parkway status...
a year ago
a year ago
Some stations are born parkways, some achieve parkway status, while yet others have parkway status thrust upon them. Such is the explanation for an arrival at Port Talbot Parkway being such a strange experience. As passengers step out of their trains they find themselves...
Construction Physics
Weekend roundup - Icon, Diamond Age, Cuby, Gropyus Since there’s more interesting things happening in construction than I can cover in a weekly post...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since there’s more interesting things happening in construction than I can cover in a weekly post (especially if I’m spending posts writing about things that happened 800 years ago), I’m experimenting with occasionally sending out a brief roundup of interesting links related to...
Common Edge
Brutalism in the Nation’s Capital A National Building Museum exhibition surveys notable concrete architecture in D.C. and presents...
5 months ago
5 months ago
A National Building Museum exhibition surveys notable concrete architecture in D.C. and presents possible future uses.
Old Structures...
Loans I’m not sure why “Is a Library-centric Economy the Answer to Sustainable Living” by Philip Vachon...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I’m not sure why “Is a Library-centric Economy the Answer to Sustainable Living” by Philip Vachon surprised me, but it did. The basic argument is that the ideas that govern good libraries – making as many books available to as many readers as possible, fairly and efficiently, and...
A Round Fireplace Is A Unique Feature In The Living Room Of This Remodeled Home Aaron Kohler and Marc Straumann of architecture and design firm KOHLERSTRAUMANN, have shared photos...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Aaron Kohler and Marc Straumann of architecture and design firm KOHLERSTRAUMANN, have shared photos of their latest project, a renovated family home in Lausen, Switzerland. The architects completely transformed the space by changing the floors, renovating all bathrooms and the...
Old Structures...
Bucolia First up, some very tame woods, with a picnic bench: About a mile away, a peaceful – if rainy and...
a year ago
a year ago
First up, some very tame woods, with a picnic bench: About a mile away, a peaceful – if rainy and foggy – stretch of water, as seen from a causeway: This is, against most people’s expectations, the Bronx. More specifically, it’s Pelham Bay Park, and Eastchester Bay, where the...
A Living Room That Floats Above The Forest Floor Is A Remarkable Feature Of This Home DeForest Architects has shared photos of a home they designed that follows the topography of the...
11 months ago
11 months ago
DeForest Architects has shared photos of a home they designed that follows the topography of the site, with some rooms tucked into the land and others floating above it. Located in a waterfront neighborhood just south of Seattle, the one-acre wooded site sits atop a bluff...
Coffee with an...
Design explained using venn diagrams Design is hard. If only the process could be explained using simple venn diagrams. Unfortunately,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Design is hard. If only the process could be explained using simple venn diagrams. Unfortunately, this isn’t that: More Design in charts – HERE, and HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE
Common Edge
Louis Sullivan Would Like to Clarify His Thoughts on Ornamentation In response to a recent executive order about architectural design, the Father of Modernism speaks...
a month ago
Old Structures...
Some Good News To Start The Year From Ars Technica, “40% of US electricity is now emissions-free” by John Timmer has a pretty...
a year ago
a year ago
From Ars Technica, “40% of US electricity is now emissions-free” by John Timmer has a pretty self-explanatory headline. The short version: wind and solar have advanced quickly because of decreases in their cost, coal use has dropped, and there’s more storage coming on line to...
Old Structures...
Randomness When you study history, one of the things that takes a while to really accept is the random nature...
a year ago
a year ago
When you study history, one of the things that takes a while to really accept is the random nature of events. People think they are in control and shape, at least to some degree, the future. When some truly random event occurs, we often attribute it to someone else’s will, unable...
The Beauty of...
How Serifs Lost the Road War but Won the Streets It is 1961. At Benson Airfield in south Oxfordshire, a test car driver employed by the Roads...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is 1961. At Benson Airfield in south Oxfordshire, a test car driver employed by the Roads Research Laboratory is revving the engine of his Morris Oxford and preparing to release the handbrake. With his car (unbalanced atop due to the addition of a large road sign attached to...
A Cantilever At One End Allows This Home To Project Over The Land Leah Martin, partner and founder of Allied8 Architects in Seattle, Washington, has shared photos of...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Leah Martin, partner and founder of Allied8 Architects in Seattle, Washington, has shared photos of a modern Orcas Island home she designed for herself and her family. This small home, which cantilevers at one end, sits on the top of a ridge and is anchored to the bedrock in six...
Common Edge
How Should Architects Respond to the L.A. Conflagration? The lesson here might be: listen first, design second.
a month ago
A Circular Sunken Firepit Is Nestled Into The Desert Landscape Of This Home Architecture firm The Ranch Mine has sent us photos of a new home they completed in Paradise Valley,...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm The Ranch Mine has sent us photos of a new home they completed in Paradise Valley, Arizona, that breaks down the barriers between indoor and outdoor living. As you approach the house, the first thing that captures the eye is the striking interplay of metal fins...
Two Spiral Staircases Help Create This Unique Home Design Architect Alexis Dornier together with interior designer Silvia Fairman, have completed a new home...
a year ago
a year ago
Architect Alexis Dornier together with interior designer Silvia Fairman, have completed a new home in the Balinese jungle, that features a unique design centered around a pair of spiral staircases. Drawing inspiration from the beauty of nature and a desire to challenge...
Old Structures...
An Exotic Foreign Land From the New York Public Library scrapbooks, what appears to be a page of illustrations from a...
3 months ago
3 months ago
From the New York Public Library scrapbooks, what appears to be a page of illustrations from a European tourist guide to New York: Let’s start with the non-controversial item in the lower left: That is a decent engraving of Das Stadhaus / The City Hall / La maison de Ville as...
Old Structures...
Some Same, Some Different In the same vein as yesterday’s post, here’s an 1865 photo of Leonard Street: We’ve got a bunch of...
a year ago
a year ago
In the same vein as yesterday’s post, here’s an 1865 photo of Leonard Street: We’ve got a bunch of loft buildings with the employees of Van Volkenburgh Brothers and Ladewig & Haydter (the nearer building), Wright & Ketchum and S. E. Halle (the middle building), and two firms...
Construction Physics
How did solar power get cheap part II (note: all quotes are from Nemet’s How Solar Energy Became Cheap unless otherwise noted.) Welcome to...
a year ago
a year ago
(note: all quotes are from Nemet’s How Solar Energy Became Cheap unless otherwise noted.) Welcome to Part II of “How did Solar Power Get Cheap?” To recap Part I, the modern solar photovoltaic (PV) cell was invented at Bell Labs in 1954. Early markets were almost entirely...
Before + After – An Apartment Remodel In Milan Creative studio Lascia la Scia, has shared photos of a modern apartment renovation in Milan, Italy,...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Creative studio Lascia la Scia, has shared photos of a modern apartment renovation in Milan, Italy, they completed that included reworking the layout to include a main open-plan living space as well as a home office and second bedroom. Before we see the renovated space, here’s a...
Red-Pigmented Concrete Screens Surround This New Home In Cape Town Architecture firm SAOTA, together with interior design firm ARRCC, has recently completed a modern...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm SAOTA, together with interior design firm ARRCC, has recently completed a modern house in Cape Town, South Africa. The home was designed by Philip Olmesdahl, principal of SAOTA, for himself and his family, with him sharing, “When architects design their own...
Common Edge
Letter from Tennessee: License for Civility in Uncivil Times Not all civil portent is writ as large. It sometimes comes in small places, hidden in plain sight.
a year ago
The Surrounding Desert Was Blended Into This Modern Home Photography by Stetson Ybarra Multi-disciplinary design studio Daniel Joseph Chenin, Ltd. has shared...
a year ago
a year ago
Photography by Stetson Ybarra Multi-disciplinary design studio Daniel Joseph Chenin, Ltd. has shared photos of a modern home they completed on the edge of the Las Vegas Valley that has views of Red Rock Canyon. Photography by Stetson Ybarra Commissioned for a family embracing an...
Common Edge
Light, Empathy, and Silence: The Architecture of Marina Tabassum A Q&A with the celebrated Bangladeshi designer.
9 months ago
This Small Home With A Green Roof Curves Around A Pond Architect office Hello Wood has sent us photos of a small modern house they completed tucked away in...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Architect office Hello Wood has sent us photos of a small modern house they completed tucked away in Hungary’s lush rural landscapes. Situated next to a fishing pond, the home is a retreat for the owners and is dug into a mound, peeking out just enough to blend with the horizon....
Construction Physics
The Shape of Nuclear Policy Book review: Nuclear Politics: Energy and the State in the United States, Sweden, and France
9 months ago
Common Edge
Picturing an Exhibition: Closing the 18th Venice Architecture Biennale Much in the architecture world, and the world at large, has changed since the exhibition opened.
a year ago
Archinect - Features
'Architecture Education as an Active Project': A Conversation with Mariana Ibañez, Chair of... Academic leaders have the demanding task of steering and shaping a school's culture and pedagogy....
a year ago
a year ago
Academic leaders have the demanding task of steering and shaping a school's culture and pedagogy. Not only are they responsible for overseeing an institution's administrative affairs, but they are also charged with fostering environments for students and faculty to thrive. Since...
This Kindergarten Design Features Vibrant Colored Glass Inside And Out SAKO Architects has sent us photos of a kindergarten they designed in Tianshui, China, that features...
a year ago
a year ago
SAKO Architects has sent us photos of a kindergarten they designed in Tianshui, China, that features a white exterior with a kaleidoscope of colors. The kindergarten, built in a small provincial town, features white exterior walls with windows in the shape of local yao-tung...
The Solarchitecture...
7-Stage Solar Design Review - launched! Together we make your home healthier, full of sunlight & abound with natural energy
over a year ago
Archinect - Features
10 Controversial Buildings That Became Iconic Landmarks Architectural landmarks often become beloved symbols of their cities, but many were not always...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Architectural landmarks often become beloved symbols of their cities, but many were not always welcomed with open arms. Throughout history, some of our most acclaimed structures have in fact provoked heated debates, divided public opinion, sparked fierce controversy, and in one...
Old Structures...
A Desperately-Needed Addendum My intention with the last blog post, The More Things Stay The Same was not to leave everyone with a...
a year ago
a year ago
My intention with the last blog post, The More Things Stay The Same was not to leave everyone with a cliff-hanger. Dan Eschenasy asked the obvious question: did the building in question fall down? The answer is no, it did not. 428 West 29th Street shows up on the land use maps in...
McMansion Hell
every small city has that one dictator chic house I don’t know why, but every city, no matter how big, has some insanely stacked dictator-looking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don’t know why, but every city, no matter how big, has some insanely stacked dictator-looking McMansion somewhere outside the city limits. If you sort your Zillow results as Price: High - Low, this house will pop up first. It costs something like $5,000,000. It is 10,000 square...
A Brightly Coloured Shelving Unit Helps To Define Areas In This Renovated Apartment Architecture and design office Dia Uno has shared photos of a refurbished apartment they completed...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Architecture and design office Dia Uno has shared photos of a refurbished apartment they completed in a 1960s suburban neighborhood of Madrid, Spain. One of the key features of the renovated apartment is the inclusion of a metal shelving unit that’s been painted in a bright...
Tropical Living: This Modern Home Embraces The Steep Terrain Of The Costa Rican Jungle SARCO Architects has shared photos of a home they completed in Costa Rica, designed to focus on...
8 months ago
8 months ago
SARCO Architects has shared photos of a home they completed in Costa Rica, designed to focus on transparency, blurring the boundaries between indoor and outdoor spaces. The steep terrain posed the biggest challenge of the design, and as a result, the home was broken up into...
Archinect - Features
How the Business of Architecture and Construction Fared in May 2024: Introducing Archinect's... Welcome to the first of Archinect's new monthly series, 'State of AEC.' At the end of each month, we...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Welcome to the first of Archinect's new monthly series, 'State of AEC.' At the end of each month, we will guide you through the latest analyses, indexes, and trends on how the architecture and construction industries are performing economically. As we approach the midway point of...
Old Structures...
Training I spent most of Tuesday in an online course run by the California Office of Emergency Services, for...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I spent most of Tuesday in an online course run by the California Office of Emergency Services, for their Safety Assessment Program. This is training for “second responders”: the architects, engineers, and other building professionals who assess the safety of structures after an...
Old Structures...
Scant Evidence A piece of a single sentence in the 1893 Baedeker description of New York sent me down a rabbit...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A piece of a single sentence in the 1893 Baedeker description of New York sent me down a rabbit hole. In a proper library I believe that I’d find a hard answer but playing around on the internet from hime, I’m left with a partial guess. The phrase, under the heading of Theaters...
Old Structures...
Too Perfect Yet another view of lower Broadway, this time from 1908. It’s low resolution and artificially...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Yet another view of lower Broadway, this time from 1908. It’s low resolution and artificially colored, so it’s really more of an illustration than a photo, but good enough for a postcard. This picture bothers me and it took me a while to realize why. The issue exists for a lot of...
This New House Was Designed To Fit Into A Protected Historic Neighborhood Architecture firm FLOWER, together with interior design studio Saltwolf, has completed a new home in...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Architecture firm FLOWER, together with interior design studio Saltwolf, has completed a new home in Boulder, Colorado, whose design was inspired by the nearby historic houses in the neighborhood.
Blog - Guerrilla...
Maps Without Words; Words Without Maps During the early period of my self-isolation in Arizona, USA, Guerrilla Cartography put out a call...
over a year ago
over a year ago
During the early period of my self-isolation in Arizona, USA, Guerrilla Cartography put out a call for maps that represented “Community,” to be completed in 24 hours. Along with the call for maps, GC offered and organized free online talks, which included various and interesting...
Archinect - Features
What a Renaissance Painting Tells Us About the Future of Architectural Visualization In the closing chapter of Archinect In-Depth: Visualization, we return to one Renaissance painting...
a month ago
a month ago
In the closing chapter of Archinect In-Depth: Visualization, we return to one Renaissance painting referenced in an earlier article from the series. What does this painting, and our wider series, teach us about the relationship between technology and visualization? What do they...
Old Structures...
Tiny and Cute, But Purposeful This is the lighthouse at the northern tip of Roosevelt Island. The island is two miles long and a...
9 months ago
9 months ago
This is the lighthouse at the northern tip of Roosevelt Island. The island is two miles long and a tenth of a mile wide, cutting the East River into two roughly-equal half-channels. That alone makes the need for lighthouses at its tip reasonably clear, but the conditions are...
Common Edge
The Architecture of “Thin Places” and How to Design Them Places that are “thin” offer experiences outside of the everyday.
a year ago
Construction Physics
The Story of Titanium The earth contains a lot of titanium - it’s the ninth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. By...
a year ago
a year ago
The earth contains a lot of titanium - it’s the ninth most abundant element in the earth’s crust. By mass, there’s more titanium in the earth’s crust than carbon by a factor of nearly 30, and more titanium than copper by a factor of nearly 100. But despite its abundance, it's...
A Weekly Dose of...
American Modern Home American Modern Home: Jacobsen Architecture + Interiors by Simon Jacobsen Rizzoli, October...
over a year ago
over a year ago
American Modern Home: Jacobsen Architecture + Interiors by Simon Jacobsen Rizzoli, October 2022 Hardcover | 11 x 11 inches | 224 pages | English | ISBN: 9780847872053 | $75 PUBLISHER'S DESCRIPTION: Hugh Newell Jacobsen, the legendary architect and late co-founder with his son,...
Archinect - Features
‘We Have To Get Much Better at Speaking To Wider and Wider Audiences:’ A Conversation With... In February 2024, Brett Steele took up the position of Dean of the University of Southern California...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In February 2024, Brett Steele took up the position of Dean of the University of Southern California School of Architecture. Since then, Steele has been busy capitalizing on the opportunities and responsibilities that come with leading a Los Angeles design school in a city known...
Archinect - Features
FireCity | FireLAnd: New Models of Resilience and Community with UCLA's Hitoshi Abe and... As wildfires continue to devastate Los Angeles, with thousands of residents displaced and entire...
a month ago
a month ago
As wildfires continue to devastate Los Angeles, with thousands of residents displaced and entire communities struggling to recover, the urgency of addressing fire resilience in urban landscapes has never been greater. In light of the ongoing crisis, we are republishing our 2021...
The Beauty of...
Chemical Attraction (Hackney Wick station, London, UK) It is hard to overstate the impact Hackney Wick station makes on a visitor, as well as the...
a year ago
a year ago
It is hard to overstate the impact Hackney Wick station makes on a visitor, as well as the unexpectedness of it doing so. Reopened in 2018 after a complete rebuild, it is one of the most photogenic small stations on the British rail network. Yet somehow, it seems to have slipped...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Like A Movie Set First, a panel from “The Bat-Man – First Knight,” an alternate telling of the Batman story, set in...
11 months ago
11 months ago
First, a panel from “The Bat-Man – First Knight,” an alternate telling of the Batman story, set in 1939: Second, a photo of Staple Street in lower Manhattan, from Unsplash: Note that the comic-book artist has flipped the image left-right – visible at the asymmetry in the bridge....
How A 1940s House Was Renovated Into A Modern Home Architecture firm Wittman Estes has transformed an original house built in the 1940s, located on the...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm Wittman Estes has transformed an original house built in the 1940s, located on the eastern shore of Hood Canal near the Bangor submarine base in Washington State. Due to the complex constraints of the shoreline exemption, the architects kept to the existing...
Old Structures...
An IStructE Talk I’m giving an in-person and online talk on March 7 for the UK Institution of Structural Engineers on...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m giving an in-person and online talk on March 7 for the UK Institution of Structural Engineers on the connections between the development of fire-resistant construction technology, New York social history, and the origins of skyscrapers. More information here: New York’s...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Hooded Daredevil strikes a pose: That weird thing he’s kneeling on is part of one of the towers of the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Daredevil strikes a pose: That weird thing he’s kneeling on is part of one of the towers of the Manhattan Bridge. Here’s a nice general shot of the bridge, looking toward Brooklyn, from the HAER survey: And here’s a close up of where the pedestrian walkway on the outboard edge of...
Old Structures...
Waste Not, Something Something I was passing through Tribeca last week and came across this little building. Very, very little....
a year ago
a year ago
I was passing through Tribeca last week and came across this little building. Very, very little. Three stories tall, maybe 40 feet wide, and about four feet deep on the left and maybe a luxurious ten or fifteen feet deep on the right. You know you’re in a city where real estate...
Common Edge
The Missing Flower Power in Walkability and Neighborhood Vitality There’s a surprisingly simple alternative to our hard, urban spaces.
9 months ago
Old Structures...
A Very Specific Moment I wrote before about the destruction of St. John’s Park, but I had not seen the photo below. The...
a year ago
a year ago
I wrote before about the destruction of St. John’s Park, but I had not seen the photo below. The photo shows St. John’s Chapel, an out-chapel of Trinity Church, which was constructed in 1807 and which eventually gave the park its name. This was originally an almost suburban...
Common Edge
Should NYC’s Housing Authority Demolish Public Housing in Manhattan? Plans for a phased demolition and rebuilding of the Fulton and Chelsea-Elliott Houses should be...
4 months ago
Old Structures...
Somehow, We’re Large-Small When you look past the good-news headline, there’s some interesting discussion in “NYC’s Small...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When you look past the good-news headline, there’s some interesting discussion in “NYC’s Small Business Recovery: Patterns of Growth in a Changing Economy”, a report from the city’s Economic Development Corporation. The showy headline is that “Total small businesses in NYC...
A Weekly Dose of...
Places in Time III This third and most likely last installment in the inadvertent "Places in Time" series looks closely...
a year ago
a year ago
This third and most likely last installment in the inadvertent "Places in Time" series looks closely at three books: the first about Chicago from the Great Depression to the mid-1980s; the second one about the broader American built landscape over roughly the same period of time;...
Old Structures...
Travelog: Advertising Claims It’s truly embarassing how much time I spent looking at this old ad painted on a building in Bath...
12 months ago
12 months ago
It’s truly embarassing how much time I spent looking at this old ad painted on a building in Bath and wondering what “richestin cream” was. As a slight consolation, note the drain branch directly left of the word “richest”: if you’re putting interior plumbing drains on the...
Archinect - Features
'AI Is Both Incredible and Terrifying'; A Conversation with Neil Leach Neil Leach is a British professor and licensed architect currently based in California. He has...
a year ago
a year ago
Neil Leach is a British professor and licensed architect currently based in California. He has worked for NASA developing a 3D printer for the Moon and Mars, and is co-founder of DigitalFUTURES. Having authored over 40 books on architecture and digital design, and taught at some...
Old Structures...
Snobbishness From the New York Public Library scrapbooks, a caption writer with an attitude: Here’s the original...
3 months ago
3 months ago
From the New York Public Library scrapbooks, a caption writer with an attitude: Here’s the original photo: I agree that City Hall is a fine building. It’s unexpectedly small for the city, but its size made sense when it was completed in 1812. The city government would not today...
Old Structures...
Another Tool Our inspections tend to be very close up – one of my first, in 1988, had me lying on the floor in an...
a year ago
a year ago
Our inspections tend to be very close up – one of my first, in 1988, had me lying on the floor in an abandoned building with my arm, up to the shoulder, inside a hole in the wall, trying to get the sense of a beam-to-column connection by touch – but sometimes long-distance tools...
Common Edge
Warlords in Our Midst Why Elon Musk is worse than science fiction.
7 months ago
A Modern Addition Is Perched Above This Home In Texas Architect Nicole Blair has shared photos of a modern addition that was built above an existing...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Architect Nicole Blair has shared photos of a modern addition that was built above an existing bungalow in Austin, Texas. Owners Dylan and Annie, a landscape designer and a hairstylist, wanted to keep their backyard intact, and not move during construction nor disrupt the mature...
Old Structures...
A Modern and Maybe Over Building Type “Death of the Department Store” by Rosemary Hill is a short review of an exhibition at the Musée des...
5 months ago
5 months ago
“Death of the Department Store” by Rosemary Hill is a short review of an exhibition at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. As best as I can tell, having not seen the exhibit, it is not so much about the state of department stores today as it is about their entire history from...
Archinect - Features
2025 Summer Architecture Programs for Kids and High School Students Looking for an engaging way to introduce your child to architecture this summer? Or are you a high...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Looking for an engaging way to introduce your child to architecture this summer? Or are you a high school student eager to explore design and gain pre-college experience? Archinect’s 2025 roundup of summer architecture programs offers a curated selection of courses, workshops,...
Rammed Earth Walls Surround This House In Australia Luigi Rosselli Architects have shared photos of a home they renovated in Sydney, Australia, that had...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Luigi Rosselli Architects have shared photos of a home they renovated in Sydney, Australia, that had rammed earth walls added. The original home, whose design was akin to that of a drilling platform, had two existing floors hovering above, and was entirely disconnected from its...
Blog - Guerrilla...
Can You Stay? Can You Stay? examines one discrete variable among many complex and converging issues concerning...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Can You Stay? examines one discrete variable among many complex and converging issues concerning housing precarity, focusing on a part of the world with unique geography and social issues. Project Background This map is cut from the cloth of a capstone project I did in 2018 at...
Archinect - Features
Architects, How Is Work Feeling These Days? We want to hear from our community: How are you feeling about the economic outlook of your firm and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We want to hear from our community: How are you feeling about the economic outlook of your firm and sector? How easy or difficult are you finding it to secure projects? What is your employment outlook? What are you hearing from clients? Fill out our anonymous survey below.
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: A Project Tony Stark and Emma Frost – currently in a sham marriage – take a stroll: Bridge 28 in Central Park...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Tony Stark and Emma Frost – currently in a sham marriage – take a stroll: Bridge 28 in Central Park – currently in restoration – where we’re working: If you don’t see it, look at the iron handrail.
Camino de Santiago sketch maps Back in October in Montréal I finished my term on the NACIS board of directors at the annual...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in October in Montréal I finished my term on the NACIS board of directors at the annual conference. (Side note: see video of the conference talks!) Tanya Buckingham (recent NACIS executive director, current candidate for local office) has always kindly handed out thank-you...
Old Structures...
A Simple Drawing For A Difficult Structure – Part 4 To catch up, here are links for part 1, part 2, and part 3. The Brooklyn Bridge caissons were much...
a year ago
a year ago
To catch up, here are links for part 1, part 2, and part 3. The Brooklyn Bridge caissons were much bigger than the similar pneumatic caissons that had been used earlier. Their timber construction was based on a few ideas, all subject to engineering design or review. First, the...
A Curving Bridge Leads To The Entertainment Areas Of This Modern Home Openideas Architects has shared photos of a modern project in Ahmedabad, India, that includes two...
a year ago
a year ago
Openideas Architects has shared photos of a modern project in Ahmedabad, India, that includes two homes for multi-generational living, with a curving bridge walkway that connects to outdoor entertaining areas. The bridge, which includes hidden lighting, travels above water...
A Medieval Guard House Transformed Into A Contemporary Home Architectural studio OOOOX has shared photos of a guard house with a history dating back to the...
a month ago
a month ago
Architectural studio OOOOX has shared photos of a guard house with a history dating back to the Middle Ages, that they’ve transformed into a contemporary home. A wood staircase leads from the street entrance up to the front door, with the stone walls and exposed wood ceiling...
Archinect - Features
Let’s Talk About Architectural Visualization Welcome to Archinect In-Depth: Visualization. Over the coming weeks, Archinect will explore the...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Welcome to Archinect In-Depth: Visualization. Over the coming weeks, Archinect will explore the process of visualizing architectural work and what challenges and opportunities the field presents for the architectural design process. Our journey will include not only tips and...
99% Invisible
Roman Mars Describes Santa Fe As It Is [EPISODE] Santa Fe wasn’t always on the proverbial map — in fact, the Santa Fe railroad just passed it on by....
a year ago
a year ago
Santa Fe wasn’t always on the proverbial map — in fact, the Santa Fe railroad just passed it on by. A lot of care has been taken to keep Santa Fe cute and quaint over its history, with steps to preserve native architecture and historical design. The result is a mixture of...
Common Edge
Why Cities Must Embrace Getting Smaller Urban researcher Alan Mallach on the global phenomenon of shrinking—and “thinning”—cities and...
a year ago
A Lot Of Plants Have Been Integrated Into The Design Of This Home In Singapore Wallflower Architecture + Design has sent us photos of a home they recently completed in Singapore,...
a year ago
Old Structures...
So It Begins LEGO Notre Dame de Paris, 4383 pieces. Fortunately, I have a 13-year-old assistant mason brick-layer...
8 months ago
8 months ago
LEGO Notre Dame de Paris, 4383 pieces. Fortunately, I have a 13-year-old assistant mason brick-layer helper. I approve of the reinforced seams in the flat-plane base: Building the stone-tile floor before we’ve completed the base. Very edgy. Clever foundation for the apse. LEGO...
A Pool House And Loggia Enhance This Lush Backyard Experience Upstairs Studio Architecture has shared photos of a modern addition of a pool house and loggia they...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Upstairs Studio Architecture has shared photos of a modern addition of a pool house and loggia they designed for an existing primary residence in Florida. The pool house and loggia are sleek yet thoughtful and seamless extensions of the home, with the design blending comfort,...
Construction Physics
Roman vs Modern Concrete There's a new paper out exploring some of the chemical mechanisms at work in Roman concrete. As per...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a new paper out exploring some of the chemical mechanisms at work in Roman concrete. As per usual, it’s triggered a round of enthusiastic discussion of Roman concrete, and how its ability to last for millennia puts modern concrete (which often fails after a few decades)...
Old Structures...
Partial Success I’ve been trying to decipher this item from a New York Public Library scrapbook: The title on the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I’ve been trying to decipher this item from a New York Public Library scrapbook: The title on the NYPL website is “Grand base ball match for the championship, between the Exclusive and Atlantic Clubs, of Brooklyn…” and the date is given as 1900-1945. (It’s also listed as a...
Old Structures...
On The Spectrum Between Solid and Hole For study, two photos of the elevated structure supporting the 2 and 5 trains in the Bronx. This...
a year ago
a year ago
For study, two photos of the elevated structure supporting the 2 and 5 trains in the Bronx. This piece of the subway system has a slightly odd history. The portion south of and up to 180th Street, at the south end of Bronx Park, was planned as part of the original IRT subway, but...
Common Edge
Zoning, Preservation, Climate Change: Connecting the Dots What can the law teach architecture, and vice-versa? Sara Bronin, head of the U.S. Advisory Council...
a year ago
a year ago
What can the law teach architecture, and vice-versa? Sara Bronin, head of the U.S. Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, knows.
Old Structures...
For The Encouragement Of Thrift When you spend as much time looking at buildings as I do, it takes something out of the ordinary to...
a year ago
a year ago
When you spend as much time looking at buildings as I do, it takes something out of the ordinary to stand out. In this case, I was on Sutphin Boulevard in Queens, on its northernmost leg. That’s the part of Sutphin that most people who have heard of it know: between its northern...
The Wandering...
Constructing Bourgoin’s Figure 171 – Part 2 Now that we know our way around the pattern (go back to Part 1), it should be fairly straightforward...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Now that we know our way around the pattern (go back to Part 1), it should be fairly straightforward to construct with a compass and straightedge. But be aware: any pattern that requires you to construct a pentagon is an advanced challenge. They are trickier to make than squares...
Archinect - Features
Architecture's Interest Rate Prayers Answered: Archinect’s State of AEC August 2024 Welcome to the third installment of Archinect's new series, State of AEC. At the end of each month,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Welcome to the third installment of Archinect's new series, State of AEC. At the end of each month, we will guide you through the latest analyses, indexes, and trends on how the architecture and construction industries are performing economically. In our previous edition of the...
Common Edge
To Address Climate Change, Architects Must Tackle Decarbonization Focusing only on energy performance is insufficient to the mounting crisis.
a year ago
Old Structures...
Looking Closely The picture above shows the top end of a ten-story column, where it’s embedded just below a parapet....
a year ago
a year ago
The picture above shows the top end of a ten-story column, where it’s embedded just below a parapet. My first thought, when seeing something like this, is that I sometimes have trouble getting people to understand the nature of steel embedment in masonry between 1900 and 1940....
Archinect - Features
A Conversation with Bjarke Ingels on AI, 3D Printing, and the Future of the Architectural... It has been almost ten years since Archinect last spoke with Bjarke Ingels. Back then, the topic of...
11 months ago
11 months ago
It has been almost ten years since Archinect last spoke with Bjarke Ingels. Back then, the topic of conversation was BIG's 'Hot to Cold' exhibition at the National Building Museum. Today, after a decade that has included award-winning Manhattan skyscrapers, floating cities, a...
McMansion Hell
Howdy everyone! Some exciting news: I&rsquo;m doing a stint at The Nation this month writing... Liberating Our Homes From the Real Estate–Industrial Complex Howdy everyone! Some exciting news: I’m...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Liberating Our Homes From the Real Estate–Industrial Complex Howdy everyone! Some exciting news: I’m doing a stint at The Nation this month writing biweekly design columns. In this first one, I’ve done my best to expand on an earlier McMansion Hell post in order to answer the...
Blog - Guerrilla...
White Elephants in the State of Vermont This map, which originally appeared in the Community atlas, has been revised. The typeface has been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This map, which originally appeared in the Community atlas, has been revised. The typeface has been changed to Cornerstone, which is used in the logo for the Black Lives Matter movement. How did you decide to map what you mapped for the Community atlas?  That was the question...
Construction Physics
The Evolution of Tunnel Boring Machines Tunneling is an important technology for modern civilization, as a tunnel is often the only...
a year ago
a year ago
Tunneling is an important technology for modern civilization, as a tunnel is often the only reasonable way to create a direct path between two points. When the Hoosac tunnel was completed in 1875, it turned a difficult, 20-mile railroad route along “
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Fancy Digs Hawkeye chases some bad guys in New York: Looking north up Central Park West from a bit below 71st...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Hawkeye chases some bad guys in New York: Looking north up Central Park West from a bit below 71st Street: The relatively-low brown building two blocks up is the Dakota Apartments, but the drawing in the comic isn’t accurate enough to recognize it. The building at the first...
Old Structures...
Still Developing The caption on this 1882 picture is obviously wrong. Jacob Ruppert’s house was at the corner of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The caption on this 1882 picture is obviously wrong. Jacob Ruppert’s house was at the corner of Fifth Avenue and 93rd Street, and the big avenue to the right is Park (Fourth) Avenue. You can tell because of those little bridges and the wide center mall: this is the north end of...
McMansion Hell
2007-core nostalgia extravaganza Quick PSA: someone on Facebook is apparently impersonating me using an account called “McMansion...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Quick PSA: someone on Facebook is apparently impersonating me using an account called “McMansion Hell 2.0” – If you see it, please report! Thanks! Howdy folks! I hope if you were born between 1995 and 2001 you’re ready for some indelible pre-recession vibes because I think this...
99% Invisible
WARNING: This Podcast Contains Chemicals Known to the State of California to Cause Cancer or Other... WARNING: Entering this area can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause...
a year ago
a year ago
WARNING: Entering this area can expose you to chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm, including Benzene, a chemical used in urinal cleaners and Toluene, a chemical used in common household cleaning products. For...
Hempcrete Walls Are On Display Inside This Home’s New Extension Architecture studio Cairn, has shared photos of a house renovation and extension they completed for...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Architecture studio Cairn, has shared photos of a house renovation and extension they completed for a home in London, England, that uses a new low-carbon concrete. The ‘House made by many hands’ is the first building structure in the UK to specify a low-carbon limestone calcined...
A New Extension And A Garden Studio For This Heritage-Listed Home Paul Archer Design has sent us photos of a rear addition they completed for a Grade II Listed Town...
a year ago
a year ago
Paul Archer Design has sent us photos of a rear addition they completed for a Grade II Listed Town House in Greater London, England. Not only did they design the addition, but they also created a small garden studio that provides a workspace for the musician owner. A large...
The Hard Parts of Open Source, by Evan Czaplicki Speaker: Evan Czaplicki Meeting: Strange Loop 2018 - September 2018 Video:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Speaker: Evan Czaplicki Meeting: Strange Loop 2018 - September 2018 Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_4EX4dPppA Slides: https://prezi.com/oowcpzsnwp-8/the-hard-parts-of-open-source/?webgl=0 [ References to videos, books, and articles mentioned in this...
Chairs For Sitting On Stairs ARTA Architects has designed the Tai Kwun Chairs for The Hong Kong Jockey Club, allowing a more...
3 months ago
3 months ago
ARTA Architects has designed the Tai Kwun Chairs for The Hong Kong Jockey Club, allowing a more comfortable and modular seating solution for these stairs. The chairs complement the distinctive design languages of the Tai Kwun arts and cultural centre’s ancient and contemporary...
Old Structures...
Compression This may be the most difficult to place shot by Angelo Rizzuto, from October 1958. The Library of...
9 months ago
9 months ago
This may be the most difficult to place shot by Angelo Rizzuto, from October 1958. The Library of Congress title “Aerial view of unidentified street with multiple traffic lanes in each direction, high-rise buildings line both sides of the street” doesn’t help. The clue that got...
Common Edge
What Makes a City Resilient? A talk with Sam Carter, a founding principal at the Resilient Cities Catalyst.
5 months ago
99% Invisible
Spirit Halloween [EPISODE] Each fall, across the United States and Canada, around 1500 empty storefronts are taken up by the...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Each fall, across the United States and Canada, around 1500 empty storefronts are taken up by the signature yellow, orange and black signage of Spirit Halloween. The seasonal retailer sells Halloween masks, Halloween costumes, Halloween costumes for dogs, Halloween decorations,...
Archinect - Features
10 helpful tips for architecture students going back to school School is officially back in session as new and returning students begin another academic term....
a year ago
a year ago
School is officially back in session as new and returning students begin another academic term. Whether you're a fresh undergraduate student embarking on your first year of architecture school or you're a returning student about to continue another rigorous year of learning,...
Common Edge
On the Value of Miniatures and Scale Models Thinking small can help us answer the challenges of our time.
2 months ago
Steel, Wood, And Stone Are On Display Inside This Hillside Home Bjella Architecture has sent us photos of a contemporary home they completed in Los Angeles,...
a year ago
a year ago
Bjella Architecture has sent us photos of a contemporary home they completed in Los Angeles, California, that’s nestled on a hillside overlooking the sprawling city. Due to the home being in an area prone to earthquakes, the structural elements are bigger and bolder. There are...
Common Edge
Light and Color: The Spirit-Led Work of James Turrell The artist is driven not just by curiosity or ambition, but by the precepts of his Quakerism.
4 months ago
There are two types...
Why GoDaddy’s Microsoft Exchange Email for Mac Users S*cks After three years of unreliable, expensive email service from GoDaddy and Microsoft, I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After three years of unreliable, expensive email service from GoDaddy and Microsoft, I’ve reluctantly concluded that I have to find a new service for my domain name email. For reasons I won’t go into here, that’s a problem. GoDaddy is … Continue reading → The post Why GoDaddy’s...
A Weekly Dose of...
Book Briefs #48 This latest installment of "Book Briefs" — the series of occasional posts featuring short first-hand...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This latest installment of "Book Briefs" — the series of occasional posts featuring short first-hand descriptions of some of the numerous books that publishers send to me for consideration on this blog — features six books in three pairs. Obviously, these briefs are not...
Common Edge
Countdown to 2030: The Transformation of the Built Environment Can’t Be Derailed The AEC industry continues to confront our environmental challenges—never mind what the headlines...
a month ago
A Home In The Trees With A Living Room Suspended Over The Forest Floor DeForest Architects has sent us images of a home they completed in Burien, Washington, that has a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
DeForest Architects has sent us images of a home they completed in Burien, Washington, that has a living room suspended above the forest floor. The home sits on a one-acre wooded parcel at the top of a bluff overlooking Puget Sound, with the clients wanting a tranquil and...
Common Edge
People, Places, Cities: Making the Case for Placemaking Why it’s the solution to livable cities.
2 weeks ago
A Contemporary Home Inspired By The Fachwerk-Style Houses Of Germany Interior designer Tamara Strugova, together with her husband, has completed a contemporary home...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Interior designer Tamara Strugova, together with her husband, has completed a contemporary home whose design was inspired by the Fachwerk-style houses found in Hamburg, Germany, with their prominently exposed posts and beams.
A guide to not being a sidewalk jerk Hello friends. It has become apparent that you are all terrible at being pedestrians. I feel...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hello friends. It has become apparent that you are all terrible at being pedestrians. I feel confident saying that despite some good eggs and battle-tested walkers such as New Yorkers, most Americans are obliviously selfish, inconsiderate users of sidewalk space. It’s true even...
Archinect - Features
Notes on Progress: Sixteen Women Discuss What It Means To Be Female in Architecture... The tides are changing for women in architecture schools in surprising ways. Female deans currently...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The tides are changing for women in architecture schools in surprising ways. Female deans currently lead Harvard, Yale, Princeton, NJIT, Cornell, Syracuse, NYIT, CCNY, Cooper Union, and Boston Architectural College, among others. Despite the difficulties some of them have faced,...
Old Structures...
A Few Changes That map is from 1879 and it feels not quite right, like an alternate-history version of New York....
a year ago
a year ago
That map is from 1879 and it feels not quite right, like an alternate-history version of New York. The Upper West Side is referred to as the West End, Twelfth Avenue is shown along with Riverside Drive, and Columbia’s Campus at Broadway and 116th Street is shown as a park with a...
Benny Kuriakose
Hiring Experienced Office Manager at Benny Kuriakose and Associates We are looking for a highly capable Office Manager for ourChennai office. This person will provide...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We are looking for a highly capable Office Manager for ourChennai office. This person will provide office services with proactivity,...
A Weekly Dose of...
Archidose, 1999–2024 After 25 years of running this blog under various names — all of which can be lumped under the...
a year ago
a year ago
After 25 years of running this blog under various names — all of which can be lumped under the "Archidose" monicker — I've decided to shut it down, moving this hobby, this labor of love, to Substack, which I have used since mid-2021 and where I will continue to send out weekly...
A Weekly Dose of...
Favorite Books of 2023 For the fifteenth and last time on this blog, I'm highlighting my favorite books of the year,...
a year ago
a year ago
For the fifteenth and last time on this blog, I'm highlighting my favorite books of the year, selected from the many books I reviewed or featured as "Book Briefs" on this blog, and the few titles that I reviewed at World-Architects. From the 86 books I featured in 2023, 15 (or...
This Renovated 90s Home Includes A New Exterior Made Of Alaskan Yellow Cedar Siding Architecture firm Blue Truck Studio, together with interior design firm Mary Valaika Design, has...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture firm Blue Truck Studio, together with interior design firm Mary Valaika Design, has sent us photos of a home they renovated in California, that showcases vertical wood siding. The original 90s house had wild geometry, such as octagon-shaped rooms and triangular...
A Large Sliding Window Offers A Look Inside This Nature-Inspired Store Design Architecture and interiors firm MRDK have designed a modern retail store in Montreal, Canada, for...
a year ago
a year ago
Architecture and interiors firm MRDK have designed a modern retail store in Montreal, Canada, for Attitude, a company that specializes in plastic-free beauty products. The design of the space reflects their commitment to sustainability and a connection to nature, which is visible...
Before + After – An New Addition And Updated Garden For This Brick Home Locus Design has shared photos of a renovation project they completed for a brick home in Greater...
a week ago
a week ago
Locus Design has shared photos of a renovation project they completed for a brick home in Greater London, England, that added space at the rear of the house for an updated living room, dining room, and kitchen, as well as a landscaped yard. At the rear of the home, a new brick...
Archinect - Features
Many Architecture Firms Don’t Know How To Pursue International Work; We Spoke With Some That... Over the past year, the number of U.S. architecture firms working on international projects has...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Over the past year, the number of U.S. architecture firms working on international projects has gently increased. However, a recent AIA survey found that many firms do not know how to pursue international work. In search of insights and advice on the topic, we spoke with three...
Common Edge
Letter From Asheville: The Aftermath of Helene The road to recovery will be long.
4 months ago
Edge Esmeralda: A recap of June's popup village This summer, I co-organized a month-long 1,300-person "popup village" in Healdsburg, CA called Edge...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This summer, I co-organized a month-long 1,300-person "popup village" in Healdsburg, CA called Edge Esmeralda. This gathering was incredibly fun and rewarding, and it was also a huge accelerant to the creation of the permanent village we are building, Esmeralda. Edge Esmeralda...
The Modern House
Seeking sea spray: a collection of nine covetable coastal homes Taking the Boxing Day Dip as inspiration for this week’s collection, we have gathered nine beachside...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Taking the Boxing Day Dip as inspiration for this week’s collection, we have gathered nine beachside homes that would easily facilitate this bracing, peculiarly British tradition. Here, we’ve collected some of our most far-flung fantasies, from Cornwall to Norfolk and all the way...
A’ Design Awards And Competition – The Winners A’ Design Award & Competition is the Worlds’ leading design accolade reaching design enthusiasts in...
10 months ago
Construction Physics
Supersonic air travel recommended reading Aviation has a huge number of enthusiasts, which is why essentially every aircraft model ever...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Aviation has a huge number of enthusiasts, which is why essentially every aircraft model ever produced has a book written about it. Supersonic aircraft are no exception. There’s a large number of books written about the Concorde, the Tu-144, and the American SST project. Many of...
The new city in California A new city has been proposed in California, and the plan is going to a vote in Solano County’s...
a year ago
a year ago
A new city has been proposed in California, and the plan is going to a vote in Solano County’s November election. The proposed location is in Solano County, about halfway between San Francisco and Sacramento, and the group behind the proposal is named California Forever. As a...
Old Structures...
Specialty If you look closely, that stereotypical New England mill building, photographed yesterday in...
7 months ago
7 months ago
If you look closely, that stereotypical New England mill building, photographed yesterday in Pawtucket, has a sign reading “H. A. Briggs & Co. Cotton Waste.” I’ve heard of a lot of things you can do with cotton, but “cotton waste” was a new one for me. It apparently means scraps...
Old Structures...
180 Years I found myself in Greenport NY for a project and was pleasantly surprised by the presence of the old...
7 months ago
7 months ago
I found myself in Greenport NY for a project and was pleasantly surprised by the presence of the old train station there. It’s not the current station, which is a bare concrete platform off to the right of the picture, and it’s not the original station, but that’s okay. As you...
Old Structures...
A Sense Of The Past The thing about spending a week discussing the caissons of the Brooklyn Bridge is that it all feels...
a year ago
a year ago
The thing about spending a week discussing the caissons of the Brooklyn Bridge is that it all feels almost like fiction. The caissons have been buried in the sand at the bottom of the East River for more than 150 years. I know they are there because I know how to read historical...
99% Invisible
Chambre de Bonne [EPISODE] For many young people in Paris, it’s a right of passage to live in a very small, very French type of...
11 months ago
11 months ago
For many young people in Paris, it’s a right of passage to live in a very small, very French type of apartment, called a “chambre de bonne.” Literally, a maid’s room. A chambre de bonne is usually one small room, on the top floor of a five- or six-story apartment building, and...
A Green And White Tiled Design Was Created For This Vegan Cafe Renesa Architecture Design Interiors Studio has shared photos of a vegan cafe they have recently...
a year ago
a year ago
Renesa Architecture Design Interiors Studio has shared photos of a vegan cafe they have recently completed that has an eye-catching tiled facade and interior. The V-Spot Café, located in Chandigarh, India, has a common design aesthetic throughout, from the facade to the interior....
Old Structures...
Notre Dame, Again In April 2019, it was not clear what would happen. Given the importance of the cathedral to the city...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In April 2019, it was not clear what would happen. Given the importance of the cathedral to the city of Paris, the nation of France, and the cultural heritage of Europe, it was clear that it would be rebuilt after the fire, but in what form and on what schedule were open...
Old Structures...
The Black Tower For all you Lord of the Rings fans, remember: Brooklyn is not Mordor. No matter what similarities...
11 months ago
11 months ago
For all you Lord of the Rings fans, remember: Brooklyn is not Mordor. No matter what similarities may exist.
Old Structures...
Uncluttered From 1946, a view from 501 Madison Avenue looking southwest past St. Patrick’s Cathedral to...
7 months ago
7 months ago
From 1946, a view from 501 Madison Avenue looking southwest past St. Patrick’s Cathedral to Rockefeller Center. The International Building on the right partially blocks the view of the taller RCA Building, with the (old) Time-Life building off to the left. The construction site...
A Modern Brick Home Designed Around The Original Placement Of Trees Exterio architects have shared photos of a new home they completed in Warsaw, Poland, that's...
8 months ago
A libertarian just won Argentina's presidency... what's going on? If you're wondering how the heck a hardline libertarian just won the Argentinian presidential...
a year ago
a year ago
If you're wondering how the heck a hardline libertarian just won the Argentinian presidential election, here's some background. First, a key fact is that the government is printing money at an accelerating rate, resulting in 143% annual inflation as of the most recent count. The...
Old Structures...
Masonry Against The Sky Specifically the art-deco brickwork of 21 (striped and shorter) and 20 (solid and taller) West...
a year ago
a year ago
Specifically the art-deco brickwork of 21 (striped and shorter) and 20 (solid and taller) West Street, with the turn-of-the-century (and somewhat scarred) brick and terra cotta of 17 Battery Place in the background, and with some cumulus clouds (I think…the naming system always...
Construction Physics
The Grid, Part IV: The Hard and Soft Paths of Energy Strategy Today, the electrical grid has over 500,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and 5 million...
a year ago
a year ago
Today, the electrical grid has over 500,000 miles of high-voltage transmission lines and 5 million miles of lower voltage distribution lines, which supply power from nearly 6,000 large power plants. Together, this system supplies more than 4 trillion kilowatt-hours of electricity...
Old Structures...
I Have A Theory Walking along East 52nd Street, I passed a partially built house for sale that’s a bit narrow.  More...
a year ago
a year ago
Walking along East 52nd Street, I passed a partially built house for sale that’s a bit narrow.  More precisely, the lot is ten feet wide. It’s possible to have a realistic layout for a house that narrow, although obviously there will not be any grand interior spaces. The question...
A Home That Delivers A Rustic Symphony Of Exposed Wood Beams FINNE Architects has shared photos of a Pacific Northwest house they designed on Bainbridge Island,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
FINNE Architects has shared photos of a Pacific Northwest house they designed on Bainbridge Island, Washington. A 500-ft driveway winds through the woods up to the house, located in a clearing at the top of a gentle hill. The house was designed to be sustainable from the start,...
On bounties Michael Kaminsky recently emailed me an interesting post he wrote about bounties in open source, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Michael Kaminsky recently emailed me an interesting post he wrote about bounties in open source, and I took the opportunity to write up some thoughts that had been swirling in my head for a while. You can find the (lightly edited) response I sent to him below. ~ Bounties are...
Old Structures...
Small Trusses For the last nine years, the high point, for me, of the annual APTI conference has been the student...
3 months ago
3 months ago
For the last nine years, the high point, for me, of the annual APTI conference has been the student competition run by the Preservation Engineering Technical Committee. This year, In Montreal, was no exception. This year, I had no role in the competition, which frees me to say...
There are two types...
With Rhetoric: The New York Apartment House WHEN I was in graduate school, I was one of the editors of VIA IV: “Culture and the Social Vision.”...
a year ago
a year ago
WHEN I was in graduate school, I was one of the editors of VIA IV: “Culture and the Social Vision.” I helped Robert A.M. Stern write New York 1900, Metropolitan Architecture and Urbanism 1890-1915. My summer job turned into a … Continue reading → The post With Rhetoric: The New...
Old Structures...
Skyscraperiness As I’ve said many times, in many venues, there really isn’t an objective description of...
11 months ago
11 months ago
As I’ve said many times, in many venues, there really isn’t an objective description of “skyscraper.” That said, nearly everyone’s subjective definition contains a version of the idea that a skyscraper is tall for its context. Here’s an Irving Underhill photo centered on the...
A Weekly Dose of...
From the Mouths of Architects I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I went from disliking interviews — preferring texts...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I went from disliking interviews — preferring texts written by architects, much of it in the vein of theory — to gravitating to them. Now I find myself opting to read interviews, be they online or in printed matter, over other...
A House That Rises From The Ground Forming A Three-Level Garden Architecture firm AtelierM, has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Pilar, Buenos...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Architecture firm AtelierM, has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Pilar, Buenos Aires, whose design is inspired by the terrain and surrounding area. The house is conceived as a living element in the landscape, with gentle curves and fluid lines that adapt to the...
Common Edge
“Boston Is A Red City” Construction rooted in local materials is what has provided cities with distinctive identities—and...
a year ago
a year ago
Construction rooted in local materials is what has provided cities with distinctive identities—and colors.
Common Edge
Why So Many Banal Boxes? Because Architecture Reflects the Ethos of Its Time The 5-over-1 is a perfect embodiment of our increasingly selfish and self-isolated existence.
9 months ago
Archinect - Features
Five Big Factors Behind the Architecture Industry’s Economic Slowdown Earlier this week, we released Part One of our findings from the Archinect Business Survey, which...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Earlier this week, we released Part One of our findings from the Archinect Business Survey, which invited you to share how you were feeling about the economic outlook of your firm and sector. Our analysis found that across the United States, architects have seen business...
Old Structures...
Travelog: Listed When I’m traveling and therefore don’t know anything about most of the structures around, I simply...
a year ago
a year ago
When I’m traveling and therefore don’t know anything about most of the structures around, I simply take pictures and hope that I’ll be able to identify them later. Sometimes it’s quite easy. I came across this little Victorian masterpiece last week and it turns out it’s listed,...
To rent or to sell, that is the question As a real estate developer, one of the big decisions you need to make is whether you will rent or...
a year ago
a year ago
As a real estate developer, one of the big decisions you need to make is whether you will rent or sell the buildings you've built. Income from rentals flows in steadily over years, while income from sales hits all at once. This essential difference is simple but has many...
Archinect - Features
An Industry Pins Its Hopes on Interest Rate Cuts: Archinect’s State of AEC July 2024 Welcome to the second installment of Archinect's new series, State of AEC. At the end of each month,...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Welcome to the second installment of Archinect's new series, State of AEC. At the end of each month, we will guide you through the latest analyses, indexes, and trends on how the architecture and construction industries are performing economically. As we reflect back on June and...
Common Edge
“What Would Jane Jacobs Do?” Is the Wrong Question Proponents of City of Yes are misapplying her ideas (again).
5 months ago
A Curved Accent Wall Wraps Around From The Fireplace To The Ceiling Inside This Home MAKHNO Studio has designed a home in Kiev, Ukraine, that includes a contemporary living room with a...
a year ago
a year ago
MAKHNO Studio has designed a home in Kiev, Ukraine, that includes a contemporary living room with a large curved statement piece. The living room has a sunken couch that neatly fits into the step-down, and faces the fireplace, while the focal point of the room is a curved section...
Coffee with an...
A simple description The structural exploration reflects the dichotomy of the diametrically opposed forces creating...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The structural exploration reflects the dichotomy of the diametrically opposed forces creating intrinsic tension within the interstitial forms which have been bifurcated and articulated throughout the design exploration phases resulting from the pedological rigor employed...
The Architectural...
Why the World Needs Beautiful Architecture Again Modern cities often feel soulless—a monotony of glass, steel, and concrete boxes. What happened to...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Modern cities often feel soulless—a monotony of glass, steel, and concrete boxes. What happened to buildings that inspire awe? Architecture used to reflect identity, culture, and meaning. Today, it’s become a global uniform—a style that looks the same whether you’re in New York,...
Cascading Plants Cover This Home In Vietnam X11 Design Studio has shared photos of a home they completed in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, that includes a...
a year ago
a year ago
X11 Design Studio has shared photos of a home they completed in Quang Ninh, Vietnam, that includes a facade of cascading plants. The home has been designed for a three-generation family, who wanted optimal functionality and a connection between nature and people. To integrate...
Old Structures...
Caught In The Act This October 1952 photo by Angelo Rizzuto is titled “Aerial view of Manhattan” but it most obviously...
10 months ago
10 months ago
This October 1952 photo by Angelo Rizzuto is titled “Aerial view of Manhattan” but it most obviously shows the Brooklyn and Manhattan bridges. Like a lot of Rizzuto’s photos, it catches the East River waterfront and adjacent areas in the process of changing, even if it was not...
99% Invisible
The Monster Under the Sink [EPISODE] In the middle of the 20th century, the small town of Jasper, Indiana did something that no other...
11 months ago
11 months ago
In the middle of the 20th century, the small town of Jasper, Indiana did something that no other city had done before: they made garbage illegal. The city would still collect some things, like soup cans and plastics, but yucky junk, like food waste, wouldn’t get picked up. This...
A Sheltered Space Beneath The Sloping Roof Of This Home Makes Space For A Hot Tub Batay-Csorba Architects has designed a home in Toronto, Canada, that takes advantage of the small...
a year ago
a year ago
Batay-Csorba Architects has designed a home in Toronto, Canada, that takes advantage of the small 65’x20’ pie-shaped corner lot, and includes a sheltered outdoor balcony. The sloping roof partially covers the balcony, with an opening above the Japanese soaking tub. The home’s...
Old Structures...
The Downside of Going Topless The picture above shows two photos of the same building in Chelsea, where we finished a repair...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The picture above shows two photos of the same building in Chelsea, where we finished a repair project about a year ago. The left side is a tax photo from the 1940s; the right photo was taken after we were done with our work. The viaduct in the back is the Highline. This 1902...
Coffee with an...
Buildings are important People are born in themGrow up in them Fall in love in them Get married in them Raise kids in them...
a year ago
a year ago
People are born in themGrow up in them Fall in love in them Get married in them Raise kids in them Grow old in them Die in them Buildings are important. People decide big things here Decide on small things too Draw conclusions inside Make plans Change plans Change our minds Make...
Common Edge
Hans van der Laan: Playing With Proportions in 3D A new book on the Dutch monk-architect tries to explain it all.
a month ago
99% Invisible
Office Space [EPISODE] Right now, in Manhattan, 18% of office space is vacant. At the same time, the city of New York has a...
a year ago
a year ago
Right now, in Manhattan, 18% of office space is vacant. At the same time, the city of New York has a major housing problem, with more than 100,000 people using the municipal shelter system. So Eric Adams and city officials are talking a lot about taking those empty offices, and...
This Modern Home Is Suspended Over A Creek Fougeron Architecture has shared photos of a home they remodeled that’s suspended between two...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Fougeron Architecture has shared photos of a home they remodeled that’s suspended between two California hills, and spans a creek, and boasts a waterfall in the backyard. The goal of the project was to reconnect this structure into the environment while best utilizing the...
99% Invisible
The Frankfurt Kitchen [EPISODE] After World War I, in Frankfurt, Germany, the city government was taking on a big project. A lot of...
a year ago
a year ago
After World War I, in Frankfurt, Germany, the city government was taking on a big project. A lot of residents were in dire straits, and in the second half of the 1920s, the city built over 10,000 public housing units. It was some of the earliest modern architecture — simple,...
Common Edge
What Happened to New York City Public Housing, and How Can We Fix It? The former chief architect for NYCHA on what ails the the system.
11 months ago
Old Structures...
Adelaide House, Part 1 – Overall When I was in London a few weeks ago, David Kelly and Chris Tucker of Fortis Facades were kind...
11 months ago
11 months ago
When I was in London a few weeks ago, David Kelly and Chris Tucker of Fortis Facades were kind enough to give me a thorough tour of Adelaide House, a 1925 landmark building currently in renovation. They’re working on the facade, but the tour included both the facade and the...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Newsy A dying world from a horror comic called “Epitaphs from the Abyss”: What’s that on the right? The...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A dying world from a horror comic called “Epitaphs from the Abyss”: What’s that on the right? The New York Times Building as seen from Times Square (from the north) in 1908:
A City in Retreat: Les Devantures by Sandrine Marc (2018) Sandrine Marc is a photographer and artist based in Paris with a specific interest in self-made...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sandrine Marc is a photographer and artist based in Paris with a specific interest in self-made editions. She investigates urban and suburban territories through slow, long walks immersing herself in mutating environments. In December 2018, after the first demonstration by the...
Construction Physics
The dream of deregulation - the grid part III For most of the industry’s history, electric power in the US had largely been provided by vertically...
a year ago
a year ago
For most of the industry’s history, electric power in the US had largely been provided by vertically integrated utility companies that handled every part of the electricity supply: generating it, transmitting it, distributing it to customers, and managing the overall system....
Digital vs analog error correction The purpose of this writeup was to summarize something interesting I learned recently, to make sure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The purpose of this writeup was to summarize something interesting I learned recently, to make sure I understood it. I figured others might find it interesting, too. ~ ~ ~ Digital signal processing corrects for errors better than its analog counterpart. This is one of the...
A Weekly Dose of...
Four Monographs Of the numerous books publishers send me for review — be they requested by me, pitched by them, or...
a year ago
a year ago
Of the numerous books publishers send me for review — be they requested by me, pitched by them, or arriving at my doorstep unsolicited — the highest percentage of them are monographs. This fact goes against the occasional sirens over the irrelevance and anachronistic nature of...
Old Structures...
A Change For Economy The 1868 lithograph above shows the building that would soon after become known as the Tweed...
a year ago
a year ago
The 1868 lithograph above shows the building that would soon after become known as the Tweed Courthouse. The Tweed Ring stole millions of dollars in the construction of the building, which is what it’s most often remembered for, rather than its architecture. The building was...
Custom Bunk Beds Were Designed For This Jungle-Themed Kid’s Bedroom Interior design firm Britt White Studio has shared photos of a jungle-themed kid’s bedroom they...
a year ago
a year ago
Interior design firm Britt White Studio has shared photos of a jungle-themed kid’s bedroom they designed as part of an overall penthouse project. The room was designed for two brothers, aged 7 and 9, who worked directly with the designers for the creation of their shared room,...
Benny Kuriakose
Job Opportunities at Benny Kuriakose and Associates in 2024 Every month, we receive a large number of applications for job positions and internships. Most of...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Every month, we receive a large number of applications for job positions and internships. Most of them sent the application three or more...
The Modern House
Self starters: six homes under £500,000 From an award-winning shoji-inspired apartment in north London to a brilliantly converted space in...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
From an award-winning shoji-inspired apartment in north London to a brilliantly converted space in Bath, our current cluster of homes under £500,000 come in a dizzying range of square footage and styles. All, however, are united by their commitment to simplified, hard-working...
Old Structures...
Variations On A Theme It turns out that I didn’t exhaust the topic of The Tombs yesterday. Possibly because of its social...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It turns out that I didn’t exhaust the topic of The Tombs yesterday. Possibly because of its social meaning in the mid-1800s, possibly because of its bizarre appearance, drawings and photos of it seem to have turned up a lot in various publications. Here’s a photo in 1898, near...
Blog - Guerrilla...
Guerrillas in the Midst: Crowdsourcing Cartography When I think about what Guerrilla Cartography does, I think of building and creating something new...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When I think about what Guerrilla Cartography does, I think of building and creating something new from many different pieces, like a puzzle that only makes sense once it’s put together. But unlike a puzzle, there is no single correct way to put the pieces together, as they can...
Benny Kuriakose
Importance of Landscape in School Design Landscape plays a major role in the learning experience of a child. A school campus not only...
a year ago
a year ago
Landscape plays a major role in the learning experience of a child. A school campus not only comprises of the buildings in a school,...
Old Structures...
Fake History For Real People Most people don’t properly understand the built environment of their childhood until they grow up,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Most people don’t properly understand the built environment of their childhood until they grow up, and even then maybe not until they’ve lived somewhere else and come home. Growing up in Queens, I didn’t question some of the styles around me that are not unique to the borough but...
From Render To Reality – A New Home Office And Laundry Room Alexander Butler | Design Services has shared renderings and photos of a small renovation project...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Alexander Butler | Design Services has shared renderings and photos of a small renovation project they completed in New York. The project included the creation of a home office and laundry room. We don’t often get to see the design stage of a project; usually, it’s just the...
A Weathered Corrugated Metal Exterior Protects This Home On A Ranch Prentiss + Balance + Wickline Architects has shared photos of a home they completed on 20 acres of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Prentiss + Balance + Wickline Architects has shared photos of a home they completed on 20 acres of working ranch property. The house layout consists of two roughly equivalent rectangular volumes. One accommodates a couple’s day to day life with kitchen/living/dining spaces and a...
Old Structures...
Pareidolia He’s a happy little gas-powered guy.
7 months ago
99% Invisible
The Power Broker #05: Brandy Zadrozny [EPISODE] This is the fifth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize...
9 months ago
9 months ago
This is the fifth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro. This week, Roman and Elliott also sit down with Brandy Zadrozny, a senior reporter for NBC News who covers misinformation,...
Old Structures...
The True Form I thought I had posted this map before, but apparently not. John Montresor was an engineer in the...
a year ago
a year ago
I thought I had posted this map before, but apparently not. John Montresor was an engineer in the British army, who was in North America from the French and Indian War until about halfway through the American Revolution. He created this map in 1775, showing the city of New York,...
Old Structures...
New Year’s 1909 According to Puck, a trip to New York is the safety valve that keeps Brother Straightlace, leading...
a year ago
a year ago
According to Puck, a trip to New York is the safety valve that keeps Brother Straightlace, leading the simple life, from blowing up. Opinions vary.
Old Structures...
Straight and Curved I first started reading architectural theory and criticism when I was still an engineering undergrad...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I first started reading architectural theory and criticism when I was still an engineering undergrad student. It gave me a perspective on buildings that was notably different than that I was learning in my design and analysis classes, but because I was an outsider it took me a...
Archinect - Features
AI is Good For Architects (For Now) In the final chapter of Archinect In-Depth: Artificial Intelligence, Niall Patrick Walsh reflects on...
11 months ago
11 months ago
In the final chapter of Archinect In-Depth: Artificial Intelligence, Niall Patrick Walsh reflects on the historical relationship between architecture and technology, charting a trajectory for the potential impact of artificial intelligence on the future of the architectural...
A Weekly Dose of...
Changing Ideals in Architectural Criticism On the Duty and Power of Architectural Criticism edited by Wilfried Wang, published by Park Books...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On the Duty and Power of Architectural Criticism edited by Wilfried Wang, published by Park Books and University of Texas at Austin, 2022 (Amazon / Bookshop) Who Is the City For?: Architecture, Equity, and the Public Realm in Chicago by Blair Kamin with photographs by Lee Bey,...
Common Edge
Sharon Egretta Sutton on the Democratic Power of “Place-Based Activism” A talk with the self-proclaimed activist scholar.
a year ago
Archinect - Features
2024 Summer Architecture Programs for Adults and High School Graduates Archinect's 2024 highlight of summer architecture programs continues with Part 2, where we focus on...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Archinect's 2024 highlight of summer architecture programs continues with Part 2, where we focus on courses and workshops for adults, high school graduates, and current college students. Take a look below at our curated selection of educational events at academic institutions and...
Old Structures...
Three Dimentionality I was in Minneapolis a few months ago and took some pictures of the Lumber Exchange, one of the...
a year ago
a year ago
I was in Minneapolis a few months ago and took some pictures of the Lumber Exchange, one of the first tall buildings constructed there. Here’s an overall view of the original wing (the building is L shaped, with the wings constructed at different times): It’s not deserted – the...
Archinect - Features
The Longevity & Legacy of the 'Vanilla Architect': How a Monoculture Yields Cycles of... This Op-Ed explores how unconscious bias of mentors, tokenism, and resultant patterns of system...
6 months ago
6 months ago
This Op-Ed explores how unconscious bias of mentors, tokenism, and resultant patterns of system justification reinforce a status quo that marginalizes women and people of color. These complex and long-lived dynamics are unpacked through personal anecdotes, historical analysis,...
Database, Network, Interface : The Architecture of Information. An exhibition at Archizoom (EPFL),... We are pleased to announce that we are curating an exhibition that will open in September at the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We are pleased to announce that we are curating an exhibition that will open in September at the Archizoom Gallery (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.  In an age characterised by the increasing dematerialisation of cultural production and transmission, Database, Network, Interface...
99% Invisible
Model Village [EPISODE] For decades, society has dealt with people with dementia and other forms of cognitive decline by...
a year ago
a year ago
For decades, society has dealt with people with dementia and other forms of cognitive decline by storing them away in unstimulating, medicalized environments. But around the world, a new architectural movement is starting to challenge that old paradigm. Designing environments...
My questions about Próspera, answered I recently visited Próspera, a Honduran startup city. I had a ton of questions and figured others...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently visited Próspera, a Honduran startup city. I had a ton of questions and figured others might too, so I wrote an FAQ to share what I learned: Próspera FAQ This FAQ is intended as a reference, covering the basic facts and current status of the project. My hope is that...
Construction Physics
The Long, Sad History of American Attempts to Build High-Speed Rail, Part I California has received its fair share of criticism for the trajectory of its high-speed rail...
a year ago
a year ago
California has received its fair share of criticism for the trajectory of its high-speed rail project. When voters first approved the $10 billion dollar bond issue for the project in 2008, it was projected to be completed by 2020 at a cost of $33 billion. Instead, its costs have
The Large Arch Window In Front Of This Cafe Offers A Glimpse Of The Creative Interior Anatomy Architecture + Atelier has shared photos of a cafe they designed in Ayutthaya, Thailand,...
a year ago
a year ago
Anatomy Architecture + Atelier has shared photos of a cafe they designed in Ayutthaya, Thailand, that incorporates a collection of windows to create a welcoming arch shape on its facade.
Old Structures...
A Generational Change A view of Park Avenue by Angelo Rizzuto from June 1959m looking south. The big tower on the left is...
11 months ago
11 months ago
A view of Park Avenue by Angelo Rizzuto from June 1959m looking south. The big tower on the left is the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, with St. Bart’s in front of it; the ornate tower that seemingly ends the avenue is the New York Central Building, not yet sold by the railroad and...
Overhanging Plants Wrap Around The Second Floor Of This Home Strang Design has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Miami, Florida, that’s designed...
a year ago
a year ago
Strang Design has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Miami, Florida, that’s designed to wrap around a swimming pool. The home has been organized into an “H-shape,” allowing the interiors to be flooded with natural light and to showcase views of the natural...
This Home Extension Made Space For A New Kitchen And Dining Area AR Design Studio has shared photos of a project they completed that included a new contemporary...
7 months ago
7 months ago
AR Design Studio has shared photos of a project they completed that included a new contemporary single-storey extension for a private residence. Mature trees surround the site to the north and east, and tall lush hedges to the south and west perimeter of the property that provide...
99% Invisible
Power Broker #01: Robert Caro [EPISODE] In our first official episode of this year’s epic mini-series breaking down The Power Broker, the...
a year ago
a year ago
In our first official episode of this year’s epic mini-series breaking down The Power Broker, the author himself, Robert Caro, joins to talk about his book, process, and the problematic man himself: Robert Moses. On today’s show, Elliott Kalan and Roman Mars will cover the...
A Contemporary Makeover For A Home Built In 1907 Best Practice Architecture has designed the contemporary remodel of a 1907 home in Seattle,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Best Practice Architecture has designed the contemporary remodel of a 1907 home in Seattle, Washington, that measures just 16-and-a-half feet wide. Surrounded by old-growth trees in Seattle’s Phinney Ridge neighborhood, the cozy gambrel roof dwelling is dubbed “Phinney Mini” for...
99% Invisible
Devolutionary Design [EPISODE] It’s hard to overstate just how important record album art was to music in the days before people...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s hard to overstate just how important record album art was to music in the days before people downloaded everything. Visuals were a key part of one’s experience with a record or tape or CD. The design of the album cover created a first impression of what was to come. Album...
A Weekly Dose of...
Places in Time I Like most human beings, I can be contradictory at times. One area where this manifests is...
a year ago
a year ago
Like most human beings, I can be contradictory at times. One area where this manifests is architectural surveys: books that usually collect buildings of a certain typology, but also ones spanning a particular timeframe or through some other theme. I've written a few of them...
A Slide Connects The Main Floor With The Kids Bedrooms On The Lower Floor Of This Home Reflect Architecture has remodeled a duplex that had an additional two small basement units, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Reflect Architecture has remodeled a duplex that had an additional two small basement units, and turned it into one unit on the second floor for income purposes, as well as combined the ground floor and lower-level into a single dwelling for a young family of five. One unexpected...
99% Invisible
The Chinatown Punk Wars [EPISODE] The most recognizable feature of LA’s Chinatown is its Central Plaza. It’s an outdoor pedestrian...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The most recognizable feature of LA’s Chinatown is its Central Plaza. It’s an outdoor pedestrian mall that is almost overwhelmingly colorful.  Brightly painted buildings are topped with sweeping pagoda style roofs, and then accented with fluorescent neon lacing. For decades...
Old Structures...
Adelaide House, Part 4 – The Context Part 1, General: here. Part 2, Structure: here. Part 3, Facades: here. Skyscrapers only make sense...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Part 1, General: here. Part 2, Structure: here. Part 3, Facades: here. Skyscrapers only make sense as an urban phenomenon. (Keep in mind that a lot of inner-ring US suburbs are at urban density.) Putting aside the obvious economic argument that land is cheap in rural areas so...
Old Structures...
Credit Where Due I was in the meatpacking district last week and noticed this building at 837 Washington Street. It’s...
a year ago
a year ago
I was in the meatpacking district last week and noticed this building at 837 Washington Street. It’s been around for a while, but I guess I never looked up: the facades of the first two floors are an old building, while the upper floors (and, I assume, the interiors) are new....
A Wedge-Shaped House Gonzalo Rufin Arquitectos + Felipe Toro have shared photos of a small wedge-shaped home they...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Gonzalo Rufin Arquitectos + Felipe Toro have shared photos of a small wedge-shaped home they completed that’s located on the windy beach of Matanzas, Chile. Surrounded by forests, ravines, and trees, the home is positioned on the only flat space of the land. The construction is...
Old Structures...
Clogging Up Traffic Traffic in lower Manhattan is always bad, but is today impassable even for pedestrians. The New York...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Traffic in lower Manhattan is always bad, but is today impassable even for pedestrians. The New York Liberty are getting a ticker-tape parade for their WNBA championship. First, congrats to the Liberty and happy days to their fans. Second, there is something very New York about...
Archinect - Features
Uncovering the Untold Histories of American Campus Expansions with Boghosian Fellow Leen... Archinect's Fellow Fellows series showcases individuals who are currently in, or have recently...
a year ago
a year ago
Archinect's Fellow Fellows series showcases individuals who are currently in, or have recently finished, an architecture fellowship. During our conversations, we discuss their architectural journey, areas of research, and their overall experience as academic fellows. For our...
Construction Physics
How much safer has construction gotten? When talking about (the lack of) construction productivity growth, or the fact that we used to build...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When talking about (the lack of) construction productivity growth, or the fact that we used to build things much faster than we do today, commentators frequently mention the safety of the construction workers. On this view, construction speed/efficiency and worker risk are a...
Common Edge
Why Mass Transit in America Disappeared A talk with the author of The Great American Transit Disaster: A Century of Austerity, Auto-Centric...
a year ago
a year ago
A talk with the author of The Great American Transit Disaster: A Century of Austerity, Auto-Centric Planning, and White Flight.
99% Invisible
Mini-Stories: Volume 17 [EPISODE] It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s mini-stories season! Gather the kids around the fire...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. It’s mini-stories season! Gather the kids around the fire because We have a year-end mix of short stories about a rogue architect, spooky kitchens, a hundred year old music streaming service, and the crazy way the French tried to make...
Old Structures...
6:52 AM, November 27 Half an hour after dawn, and the setting full moon is just to the right and below the ONE WAY sign....
a year ago
a year ago
Half an hour after dawn, and the setting full moon is just to the right and below the ONE WAY sign. The construction on the left is poart of the Battery Resliency program to prtocet lower Manahttan against sea level rise.
Exterior Lighting Illuminates The Landscaping Around This Modern House In Los Angeles Paul McClean Of McClean Design has completed a new home in Los Angeles, California, whose design is...
a year ago
Land by latitude and longitude, or, a pile of continents Bill Rankin’s graphs of world population by latitude and longitude popped into mind for no...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bill Rankin’s graphs of world population by latitude and longitude popped into mind for no particular reason the other day, followed by a silly-sounding question: “but, like, what about land area by latitude and longitude?” Silly because, duh, a chart of land area by latitude and...
Construction Physics
The Rise of Steel Part II Welcome to the Rise of Steel part II. We previously looked at the early stages of industrialization...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to the Rise of Steel part II. We previously looked at the early stages of industrialization of iron and steelmaking, between roughly 1200 and 1850. To briefly recap, making steel was an involved, multistep process. Iron would first be smelted from iron ore in a blast...
Arched Geometry Adds Personality To This Office Building Lobby Architect and interior design firm Atelier Cho Thompson, has shared photos of the lobby in a...
a year ago
a year ago
Architect and interior design firm Atelier Cho Thompson, has shared photos of the lobby in a building in Boston, Massachusetts. Originally constructed as a shoe factory, the exterior of the building has an ornate stone facade, decorated with imagery depicting shoe manufacturing,...
Benny Kuriakose
Designing Student Amenities That Encourage Creative Growth Providing spaces in schools that promote extracurricular activities in children and grow interests,...
a year ago
a year ago
Providing spaces in schools that promote extracurricular activities in children and grow interests, hobbies, and talents is highly...
Old Structures...
Not Much Of A Mystery There floors of apartments over two floors of commercial space: If you’ve spent enough time in...
7 months ago
7 months ago
There floors of apartments over two floors of commercial space: If you’ve spent enough time in Manhattan, the immediate thought is that this was a house with a stoop, and the extension to the front lot line is an alteration that removed the stoop and raised the basement to street...
Construction Physics
Airport Reading List The major sources I found helpful for learning about airports and their construction are listed...
a year ago
a year ago
The major sources I found helpful for learning about airports and their construction are listed below. As usual, these are listed roughly in order of how useful I found them. And because “useful” isn’t the same as “actually interesting to read” I’ve marked the books that are...
Archinect - Features
Being Laid off Is Tough; So Is Waiting To Be Findings from our recent Archinect Business Survey suggest that many architecture employees do not...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Findings from our recent Archinect Business Survey suggest that many architecture employees do not feel secure in their current roles. For those facing the looming prospect of layoffs in the coming weeks or months, the emotional strain can be as taxing as that experienced by...
Painted Drop Shadows Around The Windows Create An Interesting Effect On This Building Dubbeldam Architecture + Design has unveiled its own new office that’s located within a century-old,...
a year ago
a year ago
Dubbeldam Architecture + Design has unveiled its own new office that’s located within a century-old, three-storey brick building in Toronto’s Corso Italia neighborhood. A unique design feature not often seen on the exterior of a building, are the painted drop shadows surrounding...
A Slightly Different Angled Ridge Line Was Given To Each Home In This Passive House Development RODE, a Boston-based team of architects, designers, and urban planners, together with Passive House...
a year ago
a year ago
RODE, a Boston-based team of architects, designers, and urban planners, together with Passive House Construction LLC, has shared photos of Brucewood Homes, a collection of internationally certified Passive House single-family homes. The Brucewood Homes project is a series of...
Inflation propagates unevenly Inflation hits some parts of the economy harder and faster than others. It's obvious once you say...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Inflation hits some parts of the economy harder and faster than others. It's obvious once you say it, and yet the way pundits and academics talk about inflation glosses over this reality. As a result, most people who haven't had direct experience with high inflation have a flawed...
Common Edge
The Time-Defying Nature of Living Architectural Traditions Mere repetition is lifeless, a focus on design exploration creates nothing lasting, but living...
11 months ago
Custom-Made Terrazzo Tiles Fill The Interior Of This New Coffee Bar & Cafe BRADLEY EDWARDS ARCHITECT has shared photos of the Onyx Coffee Lab, a combined coffee bar, café,...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
BRADLEY EDWARDS ARCHITECT has shared photos of the Onyx Coffee Lab, a combined coffee bar, café, patio, and kitchen they designed in Bentonville, Arkansas, that includes custom Terrazzo tiles. The design process began after the decision was made to put a coffee bar in the...
Old Structures...
I’m Fairly Sure The Library of Congress calls this 1952 photo by Angelo Rizzuto “View of children playing on sand...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Library of Congress calls this 1952 photo by Angelo Rizzuto “View of children playing on sand and dirt mound near stone structure and construction materials” which is nice and descriptive. They use that kind of title when no one was certain what the subject of the photo is....
The Modern House
Picture perfect: an ingenious creative sanctuary in the leafy heart of London Fields
3 months ago
99% Invisible
The Country of the Blind [EPISODE] We meet Andrew Leland as he’s suspended in the liminal state of the soon-to-be blind: he’s midway...
a year ago
a year ago
We meet Andrew Leland as he’s suspended in the liminal state of the soon-to-be blind: he’s midway through his life with retinitis pigmentosa, a condition that ushers those who live with it from sightedness to blindness over years, even decades. He grew up with full vision, but...
Common Edge
How the YIMBY-NIMBY Debate Worsened the Housing Crisis And how to change things for better results.
a year ago
Blog - Guerrilla...
From Our Southern Border to a Cottonwood Tree I am an artist and not a trained cartographer. Because my work or message is often about the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am an artist and not a trained cartographer. Because my work or message is often about the environment, geopolitical issues, water, animal and human rights, I look for how I might highlight particular issues, and then draw a word picture to go with the visual message of the...
There are two types...
My Muck Rack MUCK RACK automatically creates lists of articles written by individuals (like me). To this I’ve...
a year ago
a year ago
MUCK RACK automatically creates lists of articles written by individuals (like me). To this I’ve added some articles about me, and reviews of books I’ve written. My Muck Rack The post My Muck Rack appeared first on There are two types of architecture—good architecture, and the...