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It is relatively easy to identify a list of things that we want, in the sense of preferring a life with more of them to less of them.
6 days ago

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More from Overcoming Bias

Join We Meta-Adaptionists

Standard decision theory says that all decisions combine two key factors: opinions on values, and beliefs about facts.

4 days ago 3 votes
What Things Really Feel?

We humans have brains that guide our behavior, inserting complex “signal-processing” between input from our eyes, ears, etc., and output to control our hands, mouth, etc.

a week ago 12 votes
Romantic Decay As Cultural Drift

For the last year or so I’ve focused on the idea that our world’s dominant monoculture is slowly going maladaptive, due to cultural drift.

2 weeks ago 12 votes
Futarchy As Meta Governance

While anyone can buy stock in public firms, private equity firms are instead held by a more concentrated and exclusive set of owners.

3 weeks ago 10 votes

More in history

Voter Turnout and Political Ideologies in the US: An Overview

Today, we frequently hear that we are in unprecedented times when it comes to politics and voting. But is that actually the case? Are there historical parallels and precedents to today’s political landscape? Over time, voter turnout and political ideologies have evolved in the United States, influenced by economic, infrastructural, social, and international factors. […]

18 hours ago 2 votes
Did Charles I Have to Die?

Did Charles I Have to Die? JamesHoare Thu, 03/27/2025 - 09:06

15 hours ago 2 votes
Man Ray’s Surrealist Cinema: Watch Four Pioneering Films From the 1920s

Man Ray was one of the leading artists of the avant-garde of 1920s and 1930s Paris. A key figure in the Dada and Surrealist movements, his works spanned various media, including film. He was a leading exponent of the Cinéma Pur, or “Pure Cinema,” which rejected such “bourgeois” conceits as character, setting, and plot. Today […]

16 hours ago 2 votes
The First Briton

James I, the wise fool who dreamed of a Great Britain

14 hours ago 1 votes
The Best Photographer You’ve Never Heard Of: An Introduction to Tseng Kwong Chi

Once, the United States was known for sending forth the world’s most complained-about international tourists; today, that dubious distinction arguably belongs to China. But it wasn’t so long ago that the Chinese tourist was a practically unheard-of phenomenon, especially in the West. That’s an important contextual element to understand when considering the work of photographer […]

15 hours ago 1 votes