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It’s us again! Once again, we hear the collective groans - but we're back and with yet another merciless pwnage of an inspired and clearly comprehensive RCE solution - no, wait, it's another vuln in yet another backup and replication solution.. While we would
a week ago

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Bypassing Authentication Like It’s The ‘90s - Pre-Auth RCE Chain(s) in Kentico Xperience CMS

I recently joined watchTowr, and it is, therefore, time - time for my first watchTowr Labs blogpost, previously teased in a tweet of a pre-auth RCE chain affecting some ‘unknown software’. Joining the team, I wanted to maintain the trail of destruction left by the watchTowr Labs team,

a week ago 9 votes
The Best Security Is When We All Agree To Keep Everything Secret (Except The Secrets) - NAKIVO Backup & Replication (CVE-2024-48248)

As an industry, we believe that we’ve come to a common consensus after 25 years of circular debates - disclosure is terrible, information is actually dangerous, it’s best that it’s not shared, and the only way to really to ensure that no one ever

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8 Million Requests Later, We Made The SolarWinds Supply Chain Attack Look Amateur

Surprise surprise, we've done it again. We've demonstrated an ability to compromise significantly sensitive networks, including governments, militaries, space agencies, cyber security companies, supply chains, software development systems and environments, and more. “Ugh, won’t they just stick to creating poor-quality memes?” we

a month ago 24 votes
Get FortiRekt, I am the Super_Admin Now - FortiOS Authentication Bypass CVE-2024-55591

Welcome to Monday, and what an excitingly fresh start to the week we're all having. Grab your coffee, grab your vodka - we're diving into a currently exploited-in-the-wild critical Authentication Bypass affecting foRtinet's (we are returning the misspelling gesture 🥰) flagship SSLVPN appliance, the

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How AI Is Built Podcast

Nicolay Gerold interviewed me for his How AI is Built podcast. Our conversation focused on information architecture – with an interesting angle: Nicolay’s audience consists primarily of engineers developing AI products. What can these folks learn from IA to create better AI products? Conversely, what can IAs learn from engineers? And does information architecture matter at all in a world where these technologies exist? Tune in to find out: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube

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