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It’s so funny that my random re-engagement with Radiohead re-emergence coincides with them doing a new entity that might mean something. I did a poll on Twitter and people preferred OK Computer to Kid A 78%!
a week ago

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More from Matt Mullenweg

Automattic Operating System

I was interviewed by Inc magazine for almost two hours where we covered a lot of great topics for entrepreneurs but almost none of it made it into the weird hit piece they published, however since both the journalist and I had recording of the interview I’ve decided to adapt some parts of it into … Continue reading Automattic Operating System →

a week ago 6 votes
Dalio & Benioff in Singaore

With the world changing so quickly, it’s hard to find alpha, but the best way is by following the brightest thinkers. This CNBC interview with Ray Dalio and Marc Benioff is good, but it’s way better if you go to the livestream about 25 minutes in and see the full discussion without the editing. You … Continue reading Dalio & Benioff in Singaore →

a week ago 11 votes
Real WordPress Security

One thing you’ll see on every host that offers WordPress is claims about how secure they are, however they don’t put their money where their mouth is. When you dig deeper, if your site actually gets hacked they’ll hit you with remediation fees that can go from hundreds to thousands of dollars. They may try … Continue reading Real WordPress Security →

2 weeks ago 14 votes
On Lenny’s Podcast

One of my must-read newsletters for the past several years has been Lenny’s Newsletter, probably best known for its writing on growth and product management, which really means it covered everything you need to create a great company. It expanded into a really well-done podcast; Lenny has always had a knack for finding the best … Continue reading On Lenny’s Podcast →

3 weeks ago 13 votes

More in technology

Ghetto soldering tweezers

[Misc] And other 3D printed accessories

8 hours ago 2 votes
+ Why don't I post mock ups anymore?

Hey, where did the design concepts go?

23 hours ago 1 votes
Listen: How the YIMBYs won

My event with Anya Martin (with a brief cameo from Chris Curtis MP!)

17 hours ago 1 votes
My job doesn't need to exist?

Rands: The Product Engineer You don’t need Product Managers. There. I said it. As someone who just moved into a product management role, you had best believe this line caught my eye. 👀 The post makes some reasonable arguments, although I think a lot of it is an

12 hours ago 1 votes
How AI Is Built Podcast

Nicolay Gerold interviewed me for his How AI is Built podcast. Our conversation focused on information architecture – with an interesting angle: Nicolay’s audience consists primarily of engineers developing AI products. What can these folks learn from IA to create better AI products? Conversely, what can IAs learn from engineers? And does information architecture matter at all in a world where these technologies exist? Tune in to find out: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube

17 hours ago 1 votes