More from nanoscale views
I saw a couple of interesting talks this morning before heading out: Alessandro Chiesa of Parma spoke about using spin-containing molecules potentially as qubits, and about chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) in electron transfer. Regarding the former, here is a review. Spin-containing molecules can have interesting properties as single qubits, or, for spins higher than 1/2, qudits, with unpaired electrons often confined to a transition metal or rare earth ion somewhat protected from the rest of the universe by the rest of the molecule. The result can be very long coherence times for their spins. Doing multi-qubit operations is very challenging with such building blocks, however. There are some theory proposals and attempts to couple molecular qubits to superconducting resonators, but it's tough! Regarding chiral induced spin selectivity, he discused recent work trying to use molecules where a donor region is linked to an acceptor region via a chiral bridge, and trying to manipulate spin centers this way. A question in all the CISS work is, how can the effects be large when spin-orbit coupling is generally very weak in light, organic molecules? He has a recent treatment of this, arguing that if one models the bridge as a chain of sites with large \(U/t\), where \(U\) is the on-site repulsion energy and \(t\) is the hopping contribution, then exchange processes between sites can effectively amplify the otherwise weak spin-orbit effects. I need to read and think more about this. Richard Schlitz of Konstanz gave a nice talk about some pretty recent research using a scanning tunneling microscope tip (with magnetic iron atoms on the end) to drive electron paramagnetic resonance in a single pentacene molecule (sitting on MgO on Ag, where it tends to grab an electron from the silver and host a spin). The experimental approach was initially explained here. The actual polarized tunneling current can drive the resonance, and exactly how depends on the bias conditions. At high bias, when there is strong resonant tunneling, the current exerts a damping-like torque, while at low bias, when tunneling is far off resonance, the current exerts a field-like torque. Neat stuff. Leah Weiss from Chicago gave a clear presentation about not-yet-published results (based on earlier work), doing optically detected EPR of Er-containing molecules. These condense into mm-sized molecular crystals, with the molecular environment being nice and clean, leading to very little inhomogeneous broadening of the lines. There are spin-selective transitions that can be driven using near telecom-wavelength (1.55 \(\mu m\)) light. When the (anisotropic) \(g\)-factors of the different levels are different, there are some very promising ways to do orientation-selective and spin-selective spectroscopy. Looking forward to seeing the paper on this. And that's it for me for the meeting. A couple of thoughts: I'm not sold on the combined March/April meeting. Six years ago when I was a DCMP member-at-large, the discussion was all about how the March Meeting was too big, making it hard to find and get good deals on host sites, and maybe the meeting should split. Now they've made it even bigger. Doesn't this make planning more difficult and hosting more expensive since there are fewer options? (I'm not an economist, but....) A benefit for the April meeting attendees is that grad students and postdocs get access to the career/networking events held at the MM. If you're going to do the combination, then it seems like you should have the courage of your convictions and really mingle the two, rather than keeping the March talks in the convention center and the April talks in site hotels. I understand that van der Waals/twisted materials are great laboratories for physics, and that topological states in these are exciting. Still, by my count there were 7 invited sessions broadly about this topic, and 35 invited talks on this over four days seems a bit extreme. By my count, there were eight dilution refrigerator vendors at the exhibition (Maybell, Bluefors, Ice, Oxford, Danaher/Leiden, Formfactor, Zero-Point Cryo, and Quantum Design if you count their PPMS insert). Wow. I'm sure there will be other cool results presented today and tomorrow that I am missing - feel free to mention them in the comments.
Another busy day at the APS Global Physics Summit. Here are a few highlights: Shahal Ilani of the Weizmann gave an absolutely fantastic talk about his group's latest results from their quantum twisting microscope. In a scanning tunneling microscope, because tunneling happens at an atomic-scale location between the tip and the sample, the momentum in the transverse direction is not conserved - that is, the tunneling averages over a huge range of \(\mathbf{k}\) vectors for the tunneling electron. In the quantum twisting microscope, electrons tunnel from a flat (graphite) patch something like \(d \sim\) 100 nm across, coherently, through a couple of layers of some insulator (like WSe2) and into a van der Waals sample. In this case, \(\mathbf{k}\) in the plane is comparatively conserved, and by rotating the sample relative to the tip, it is possible to build up a picture of the sample's electronic energy vs. \(\mathbf{k}\) dispersion, rather like in angle-resolved photoemission. This has allowed, e.g., mapping of phonons via inelastic tunneling. His group has applied this to magic angle twisted bilayer graphene, a system that has a peculiar combination of properties, where in some ways the electrons act like very local objects, and in other ways they act like delocalized objects. The answer seems to be that this system at the magic angle is a bit of an analog of a heavy fermion system, where there are sort of local moments (living in very flat bands) interacting and hybridizing with "conduction" electrons (bands crossing the Fermi level at the Brillouin zone center). The experimental data (movies of the bands as a function of energy and \(\mathbf{k}\) in the plane as the filling is tuned via gate) are gorgeous and look very much like theoretical models. I saw a talk by Roger Melko about applying large language models to try to get efficient knowledge of many-body quantum states, or at least the possible outputs of evolution of a quantum system like a quantum computer based on Rydberg atoms. It started fairly pedagogically, but I confess that I got lost in the AI/ML jargon about halfway through. Francis M. Ross, recipient of this year's Keithley Award, gave a great talk about using transmission electron microscopy to watch the growth of materials in real time. She had some fantastic videos - here is a review article about some of the techniques used. She also showed some very new work using a focused electron beam to make arrays of point defects in 2D materials that looks very promising. Steve Kivelson, recipient of this year's Buckley Prize, presented a very nice talk about his personal views on the theory of high temperature superconductivity in the cuprates. One basic point: these materials are balancing between multiple different kinds of emergent order (spin density waves, charge density waves, electronic nematics, perhaps pair density waves). This magnifies the effects of quenched disorder, which can locally tip the balance one way or another. Recent investigations of the famous 2D square lattice Hubbard model show this as well. He argues that the ground state of the Hubbard model for a broad range \(1/2 < U/t < 8\), where \(U\) is the on-site repulsion and \(t\) is the hopping term, the ground state is in fact a charge density wave, not a superconductor. However, if there is some amount of disorder in the form of \(\delta t/t \sim 0.1-0.2\), the result is a robust, unavoidable superconducting state. He further argues that increasing the superconducting transition temperature requires striking a balance between the underdoped case (strong pairing, weak superfluid phase stiffness) and the overdoped case (weak pairing, strong superfluid stiffness), and that one way to achieve this would be in a bilayer with broken mirror symmetry (say different charge reservoir layers above and below, and/or a big displacement field perpendicular to the plane). (Apologies for how technical that sounded - hard to reduce that one to something super accessible without writing much more.) A bit more tomorrow before I depart back to Houston.
The APS Global Physics Summit is an intimate affair, with a mere 14,000 attendees, all apparently vying for lunch capacity for about 2,000 people. The first day of the meeting was the usual controlled chaos of people trying to learn the layout of the convention center while looking for talks and hanging out having conversations. On the plus side, the APS wifi seems to function well, and the projectors and slide upload system are finally technologically mature (though the pointers/clickers seem to have some issues). Some brief highlights of sessions I attended: I spent the first block of time at this invited session about progress in understanding quantum spin liquids and quantum spin ice. Spin ices are generally based on the pyrochlore structure, where atoms hosting local magnetic moments sit at the vertices of corner-sharing tetrahedra, as I had discussed here. The idea is that the crystal environment and interactions between spins are such that the moments are favored to satisfy the ice rules, where in each tetrahedron two moments point inward toward the center and two point outward. Classically there are a huge number of spin arrangements that all have about the same ground state energy. In a quantum spin ice, the idea is that quantum fluctuations are large, so that the true ground state would be some enormous superposition of all possible ice-rule-satistfying configurations. One consequence of this is that there are low energy excitations that look like an emergent form of electromagnetism, including a gapless phonon-like mode. Bruce Gaulin spoke about one strong candidate quantum spin ice, Ce2Zr2O7, in a very pedagogical talk that covered all this. A relevant recent review is this one. There were two other talks in the session also about pyrochlores, an experimentally focused one by Sylvain Petit discussing Tb2Ti2O7 (see here), and a theory talk by Yong-Baek Kim focused again on the cerium zirconate. Also in the session was an interesting talk by Jeff Rau about K2IrCl6, a material with a completely different structure that (above its ordering temperature of 3 K) acts like a "nodal line spin liquid". In part because I had students speaking there, I also attended a contributed session about nanomaterials (wires, tubes, dots, particles, liquids). There were some neat talks. The one that I found most surprising was from the Cha group at Cornell, where they were using a method developed by the Schroer group at Yale (see here and here) to fabricate nanowires of two difficult to grow, topologically interesting metals, CoIn3 and RhIn3. The idea is to create a template with an array of tubular holes, and squeeze that template against a bulk crystal of the desired material at around 350C, so that the crystal is extruded into the holes to form wires. Then the template can be etched away and the wires recovered for study. I'm amazed that this works. In the afternoon, I went back and forth between the very crowded session on fractional quantum anomalous Hall physics in stacked van der Waals materials, and a contributed session about strange metals. Interesting stuff for sure. I'm still trying to figure out what to see tomorrow, but there will be another update in the evening.
Technically, this year the conference is known as the APS Global Physics Summit rather than the March Meeting, but I'm keeping my blog post titles consistent with previous years. Over 14,000 physicists have descended upon Anaheim, and there are parallel events in more than a dozen countries around the world as well. Late this afternoon I attended an APS town hall session about "Protecting Science". There were brief remarks by APS President John Doyle, APS CEO Jonathan Bagger, and APS External Affairs Officer Francis "Slake" Slakey, followed by an audience Q&A. It was a solid event attended by about 300 people in person and more online, as the society tries to thread its way through some very challenging times for science and scholarship in the US. Main take-aways from the intro remarks: The mission and values of the APS have not changed. Paraphrasing: We must explain to the public and officials the wonder of science and the economic impact of what we do. Discovery and application reinforce each other, and this dynamic is what drives progress. We need the public to hear this. We need Congress to hear this. We need the executive branch and its advisors to hear this. APS needs to promote physics, and physicists need to tell the truth, even when uncomfortable. The truth is our currency with the public. It is our superpower. APS is not a blue or red state organization; it's an organization that champions physics. Slake thanked and asked the audience to stand and thank the many federal science agency employees who are feeling dispirited and unsupported. "You are part of this community and no federal disruption is going to change that." Slake also mentioned that the critical short-term issue is the upcoming budget. The White House will announce its version in April, and the APS is pursuing a 50-state coordinated approach to have people speak to their congressional delegations in their states and districts, to explain what the harm and true costs are if the science agency budgets are slashed. They are targeting certain key states in particular (Alaska, Kansas, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Maine, South Dakota were mentioned). APS is continuing its support for bridge and mentorship programs, as well as the STEP-UP program; see here. These programs are open to all. Tomorrow, some highlights of the scientific program. Apologies for unavoidably missing a lot of cool stuff - I go to my students' sessions and try to see other topics that interest me, but because the meeting is so large, with so many parallel talks, I know that I inevitably can't see all the exciting science.
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