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More from The Pragmatic Engineer

Software engineering job openings hit five-year low?

There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared to other industries, job listings for software engineers grew much more in 2021-2022, but have declined much faster since. A look into possible reasons for this, and what could come next.

a month ago 32 votes
Where did TikTok’s software engineers go?

How has this uncertainty affected software engineers at the Chinese-owned social network?

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The Pragmatic Engineer 100K Giveaway

The Pragmatic Engineer's YouTube channel crossed 100K subscribers. Celebrating with a giveaway of 100 books and newsletter subs: 10x signed physical books (The Software Engineer’s Guidebook [in English or German - your choice!], Building Mobile Apps at Scale; winners get both; shipping is on me) 90x

a month ago 25 votes
Are LLMs making StackOverflow irrelevant?

Fresh data shows that the number of questions asked on StackOverflow are as low as they were back in 2009 – which was when StackOverflow was one years old. The drop suggests that ChatGPT – and LLMs – managed to make StackOverflow’s business model irrelevant in about two years’ time.

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Ghetto soldering tweezers

[Misc] And other 3D printed accessories

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+ Why don't I post mock ups anymore?

Hey, where did the design concepts go?

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Listen: How the YIMBYs won

My event with Anya Martin (with a brief cameo from Chris Curtis MP!)

17 hours ago 1 votes
My job doesn't need to exist?

Rands: The Product Engineer You don’t need Product Managers. There. I said it. As someone who just moved into a product management role, you had best believe this line caught my eye. 👀 The post makes some reasonable arguments, although I think a lot of it is an

12 hours ago 1 votes
How AI Is Built Podcast

Nicolay Gerold interviewed me for his How AI is Built podcast. Our conversation focused on information architecture – with an interesting angle: Nicolay’s audience consists primarily of engineers developing AI products. What can these folks learn from IA to create better AI products? Conversely, what can IAs learn from engineers? And does information architecture matter at all in a world where these technologies exist? Tune in to find out: Spotify Apple Podcasts YouTube

17 hours ago 1 votes