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Watching the superb and sublimely acted recent film A Complete Unknown has inspired me to revisit the songs of Bob Dylan. In doing so, I have once again been impressed with his geographical vision, marked by effective invocations of place. His frequent use of place names in lyrics has even drawn cartographic attention, as can […] The post Highway 61 Revisited Revisited in 2024: Bob Dylan, Geography, and the Blues appeared first on GeoCurrents.
a week ago

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Does Creativity Decline with Age? The Case of Bob Dylan

In a recent lecture on declining birthrates, I mentioned pronatalist worries about a corresponding decline in our ability to solve problems and address crises, due mainly to the aging of the population. Creative thinking, according to this argument, is primarily an attribute of youth. Most environmentalists find this thesis unconvincing if not absurd. Creativity, they […] The post Does Creativity Decline with Age? The Case of Bob Dylan appeared first on GeoCurrents.

3 days ago 3 votes
Demography Lecture # 4: Historical Population Patterns and Processes with the Spread of Agriculture and Nomadic Pastoralism

The fourth GeoCurrents lecture on global demography has been uploaded on YouTube and can be found here. It examines population issues that arose after the development of agriculture, as well as those following the initiation of horse-based nomadic pastoralism. It first looks at the spread of neolithic farming into Europe, noting that the expanding agricultural […] The post Demography Lecture # 4: Historical Population Patterns and Processes with the Spread of Agriculture and Nomadic Pastoralism appeared first on GeoCurrents.

4 days ago 5 votes
Third Global Demography Video Available

The third lecture in the current series on global demography has been recorded and uploaded on the GeoCurrents YouTube channel and can be found here. This lecture covers demographic patterns and processes from the origin of modern humans some 200,000 years ago to the initial development of agriculture around 11,000 years ago. I begin by […] The post Third Global Demography Video Available appeared first on GeoCurrents.

a week ago 7 votes
New Demography Video: Pro-Natalism vs. Anti-Natalism

The second GeoCurrents YouTube video has been posted, which examines the current debate between anti-natalists, who think that the world is severely overpopulated and therefore want to reduce birthrates, and pro-natalist, who are concerned about plunging fertility and therefore want to increase birthrates.   I do not take a side in this debate on this […] The post New Demography Video: Pro-Natalism vs. Anti-Natalism appeared first on GeoCurrents.

a week ago 5 votes

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3 hours ago 1 votes
Luko's World

Last week we lost our dog, Luko (a shortened version of an overly long-winded name he came with.) Lots of people will tell you they have the best dog but he was truly one of a kind. Completely sweet and a delight to all who have known him. A few years ago I made a colored pencil map of his world. I didn’t think it was very good at the time so I never posted it here. It also was a bit problematic because I used a very light pencil so even after contrast and brightness adjustments, it’s a bit hard to read. The photos were added after the fact and placed close to where they were taken. North is not up on this map, uphill is up. This is dedicated to his memory. Enjoy.

2 days ago 4 votes
“You Know,–It’s Over”

“I am looking at the whole Gaza Strip right now,” President Trump told Jordan’s Abdullah II, “and it’s a mess. It’s a real mess.” Trump seemed not to consider the scale of American arms’ involvement in its destruction, but to … Continue reading →

3 days ago 6 votes
Does Creativity Decline with Age? The Case of Bob Dylan

In a recent lecture on declining birthrates, I mentioned pronatalist worries about a corresponding decline in our ability to solve problems and address crises, due mainly to the aging of the population. Creative thinking, according to this argument, is primarily an attribute of youth. Most environmentalists find this thesis unconvincing if not absurd. Creativity, they […] The post Does Creativity Decline with Age? The Case of Bob Dylan appeared first on GeoCurrents.

3 days ago 3 votes