More from The History of the Web
Early computers faced unexpected failures, and that gave us graceful degradation. But on the web, we needed something different. We needed progressive enhancement. The post Progressive enhancement brings everyone in appeared first on The History of the Web.
The term mainstream media is so common these days, we can forget where it came from. But it has an interesting connection with the web. The post Where did mainstream media come from? appeared first on The History of the Web.
There is something you can do to help the open web. Put yourself on it. The post The Free Web appeared first on The History of the Web.
There's a website developed with a personalized experience in mind. It touts major breakthroughs in predictive technology, driven by sophisticated algorithms that provide real-time recommendations. And it was launched in 1995. The post The Website that Predicted AI appeared first on The History of the Web.
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AGI is coming—whether we’re ready or not. I’ve been convinced of this trajectory since GPT-3’s release, but recent developments have significantly accelerated my timelines. The first major shift was OpenAI’s breakthrough in test-time compute and its newly demonstrated scaling law.
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This blog post is another one in the ‘writing things down to structure my thinking on where I want my career to go’ series. I will get back to writing technical and automation blog posts soon, but I need to finish my contract testing course first. One of the things I like to do most in life is traveling and seeing new places. Well, seeing new places, mostly, as the novelty of waiting, flying and staying in hotel rooms has definitely worn off by now. I am in the privileged position (really, that is what it is: I’m privileged, and I fully realize that) that I get to scratch this travel itch professionally on a regular basis these days. Over the last few years, I have been invited to contribute to meetups and conferences abroad, and I also get to run in-house training sessions with companies outside the Netherlands a couple of times per year. Most of this traveling takes place within Europe, but for the last three years, I have been able to travel outside of Europe once every year (South Africa in 2022, Canada in 2023 and the United States in 2024), and needless to say I have enjoyed those opportunities very much. To give you an idea of the amount of traveling I do: for 2025, I now have four work-related trips abroad scheduled, and I am pretty sure at least a few more will be added to that before the year ends (it’s only just February…). That might not be much travel by some people’s standards, but for me, it is. And it seems the number of opportunities I get for traveling increase year over year, to the point where I have to say ‘no’ to several of these opportunities. Say no? Why? I thought you just said you loved to travel? Yes, that’s true. I do love to travel. But I also love spending time at home with my family, and that comes first. Always. Now, my sons are getting older, and being away from home for a few days doesn’t put as much pressure on them and on my wife as it did a few years ago. Still, I always need to find a balance between spending time with them and spending time at work. I am away from home for work not just when I’m abroad. I run evening training sessions with clients here in the Netherlands on a regular basis, too, as well as training sessions in my evenings for clients in different time zones, mainly US-based clients. And all that adds up. I try to only be away from home one night per week, but often, it’s two. When I travel abroad, it’s even more than that. Again, I’m not complaining. Not at all. It is an absolute privilege to get to travel for work and get paid to do that, but I cannot do that indefinitely, and that’s why I have made a decision: With a few exceptions (more on those below), I am going to say ‘no’ to conferences abroad from now on. This is a tough decision for me to make, but sometimes that’s exactly what you need to do. Tough, because I have very fond memories of all the conferences and meetups abroad I have contributed to. My first one, Romanian Testing Conference in 2017. My first keynote abroad, UKStar in 2019. My first one outside of Europe, Targeting Quality in 2023. They were all amazing, because of the travel and sightseeing (when time allowed), but also because of all the people I have met at these conferences. Yet, I can meet at least some of these people at conferences here in the Netherlands, too. Test Automation Days, the TestNet events, the Dutch Testing Day and TestMass all provide a great opportunity for me to catch up with my network. Sometimes, international conferences come to the Netherlands, too, like AutomationSTAR this year. And then there are plenty of smaller meetups here in the Netherlands (and Belgium) where I can meet and catch up with people as well. Plus, the money. I am not going to be a hypocrite and say that money doesn’t play into this. For the reasons mentioned above, I have a limited number of opportunities to travel every year, and I prefer to spend those on in-house training sessions with clients abroad, simply because the pay is much better. Even when a conference compensates flights and hotel (as they should) and offer a speaker or workshop facilitator fee (a nice bonus), it will be significantly less of a payday than when I run a training session with a client. That’s not the fault of those conferences, not at all, especially when they’re compensating their speakers fairly, but this is simply a matter of numbers and budgets. At the moment, I have one, maybe two contributions to conferences abroad coming up, and I gave them my word, so I’ll be there. That’s the SAST 30-year anniversary conference in October, plus one other conference that I’m talking to but haven’t received a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ from yet. Other than that, if conferences reach out to me, it’s likely to be a ‘no’ from now on, unless: the event pays a fee comparable to my rate for in-house training I can combine the event with paid in-house training (for example with a sponsor) it is a country or region I really, really want to visit, either for personal reasons or because I want to grow my professional network there I don’t see the first one happening soon, and the list of destinations for the third one is very short (Norway, Canada, New Zealand, that’s pretty much it), so unless we can arrange paid in-house training alongside the conference, the answer will be a ‘no’ from me. Will this reduce the number of travel opportunities for me? Maybe. Maybe not. Again, I see the number of requests I get for in-house training abroad growing, too, and if that dies down, it’ll be a sign for me that I’ll have to work harder to create those opportunities. For 2025, things are looking pretty good, with trips for training to Romania, North Macedonia and Denmark already scheduled, and several leads for more in the pipeline. And if the number of opportunities does go down, that’s fine, too. I’m happy to spend that time with family, working on other things, or riding my bike. And I’m sure there will be a few opportunities to speak at online meetups, events and webinars, too.
This post covers why companies are considering reincorporating from Delaware to Nevada & Texas
A few weeks ago I ran a terminal survey (you can read the results here) and at the end I asked: What’s the most frustrating thing about using the terminal for you? 1600 people answered, and I decided to spend a few days categorizing all the responses. Along the way I learned that classifying qualitative data is not easy but I gave it my best shot. I ended up building a custom tool to make it faster to categorize everything. As with all of my surveys the methodology isn’t particularly scientific. I just posted the survey to Mastodon and Twitter, ran it for a couple of days, and got answers from whoever happened to see it and felt like responding. Here are the top categories of frustrations! I think it’s worth keeping in mind while reading these comments that 40% of people answering this survey have been using the terminal for 21+ years 95% of people answering the survey have been using the terminal for at least 4 years These comments aren’t coming from total beginners. Here are the categories of frustrations! The number in brackets is the number of people with that frustration. Honestly I don’t how how interesting this is to other people – I’m just writing this up for myself because I’m trying to write a zine about the terminal and I wanted to get a sense for what people are having trouble with. remembering syntax (115) People talked about struggles remembering: the syntax for CLI tools like awk, jq, sed, etc the syntax for redirects keyboard shortcuts for tmux, text editing, etc One example comment: There are just so many little “trivia” details to remember for full functionality. Even after all these years I’ll sometimes forget where it’s 2 or 1 for stderr, or forget which is which for > and >>. switching terminals is hard (91) People talked about struggling with switching systems (for example home/work computer or when SSHing) and running into: OS differences in keyboard shortcuts (like Linux vs Mac) systems which don’t have their preferred text editor (“no vim” or “only vim”) different versions of the same command (like Mac OS grep vs GNU grep) no tab completion a shell they aren’t used to (“the subtle differences between zsh and bash”) as well as differences inside the same system like pagers being not consistent with each other (git diff pagers, other pagers). One example comment: I got used to fish and vi mode which are not available when I ssh into servers, containers. color (85) Lots of problems with color, like: programs setting colors that are unreadable with a light background color finding a colorscheme they like (and getting it to work consistently across different apps) color not working inside several layers of SSH/tmux/etc not liking the defaults not wanting color at all and struggling to turn it off This comment felt relatable to me: Getting my terminal theme configured in a reasonable way between the terminal emulator and fish (I did this years ago and remember it being tedious and fiddly and now feel like I’m locked into my current theme because it works and I dread touching any of that configuration ever again). keyboard shortcuts (84) Half of the comments on keyboard shortcuts were about how on Linux/Windows, the keyboard shortcut to copy/paste in the terminal is different from in the rest of the OS. Some other issues with keyboard shortcuts other than copy/paste: using Ctrl-W in a browser-based terminal and closing the window the terminal only supports a limited set of keyboard shortcuts (no Ctrl-Shift-, no Super, no Hyper, lots of ctrl- shortcuts aren’t possible like Ctrl-,) the OS stopping you from using a terminal keyboard shortcut (like by default Mac OS uses Ctrl+left arrow for something else) issues using emacs in the terminal backspace not working (2) other copy and paste issues (75) Aside from “the keyboard shortcut for copy and paste is different”, there were a lot of OTHER issues with copy and paste, like: copying over SSH how tmux and the terminal emulator both do copy/paste in different ways dealing with many different clipboards (system clipboard, vim clipboard, the “middle click” keyboard on Linux, tmux’s clipboard, etc) and potentially synchronizing them random spaces added when copying from the terminal pasting multiline commands which automatically get run in a terrifying way wanting a way to copy text without using the mouse discoverability (55) There were lots of comments about this, which all came down to the same basic complaint – it’s hard to discover useful tools or features! This comment kind of summed it all up: How difficult it is to learn independently. Most of what I know is an assorted collection of stuff I’ve been told by random people over the years. steep learning curve (44) A lot of comments about it generally having a steep learning curve. A couple of example comments: After 15 years of using it, I’m not much faster than using it than I was 5 or maybe even 10 years ago. and That I know I could make my life easier by learning more about the shortcuts and commands and configuring the terminal but I don’t spend the time because it feels overwhelming. history (42) Some issues with shell history: history not being shared between terminal tabs (16) limits that are too short (4) history not being restored when terminal tabs are restored losing history because the terminal crashed not knowing how to search history One example comment: It wasted a lot of time until I figured it out and still annoys me that “history” on zsh has such a small buffer; I have to type “history 0” to get any useful length of history. bad documentation (37) People talked about: documentation being generally opaque lack of examples in man pages programs which don’t have man pages Here’s a representative comment: Finding good examples and docs. Man pages often not enough, have to wade through stack overflow scrollback (36) A few issues with scrollback: programs printing out too much data making you lose scrollback history resizing the terminal messes up the scrollback lack of timestamps GUI programs that you start in the background printing stuff out that gets in the way of other programs’ outputs One example comment: When resizing the terminal (in particular: making it narrower) leads to broken rewrapping of the scrollback content because the commands formatted their output based on the terminal window width. “it feels outdated” (33) Lots of comments about how the terminal feels hampered by legacy decisions and how users often end up needing to learn implementation details that feel very esoteric. One example comment: Most of the legacy cruft, it would be great to have a green field implementation of the CLI interface. shell scripting (32) Lots of complaints about POSIX shell scripting. There’s a general feeling that shell scripting is difficult but also that switching to a different less standard scripting language (fish, nushell, etc) brings its own problems. Shell scripting. My tolerance to ditch a shell script and go to a scripting language is pretty low. It’s just too messy and powerful. Screwing up can be costly so I don’t even bother. more issues Some more issues that were mentioned at least 10 times: (31) inconsistent command line arguments: is it -h or help or –help? (24) keeping dotfiles in sync across different systems (23) performance (e.g. “my shell takes too long to start”) (20) window management (potentially with some combination of tmux tabs, terminal tabs, and multiple terminal windows. Where did that shell session go?) (17) generally feeling scared/uneasy (“The debilitating fear that I’m going to do some mysterious Bad Thing with a command and I will have absolutely no idea how to fix or undo it or even really figure out what happened”) (16) terminfo issues (“Having to learn about terminfo if/when I try a new terminal emulator and ssh elsewhere.”) (16) lack of image support (sixel etc) (15) SSH issues (like having to start over when you lose the SSH connection) (15) various tmux/screen issues (for example lack of integration between tmux and the terminal emulator) (15) typos & slow typing (13) the terminal getting messed up for various reasons (pressing Ctrl-S, cating a binary, etc) that’s all! I’m not going to make a lot of commentary on these results, but here are a couple of categories that feel related to me: remembering syntax & history (often the thing you need to remember is something you’ve run before!) discoverability & the learning curve (the lack of discoverability is definitely a big part of what makes it hard to learn)