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The westernmost region of Africa which forms the watershed of the great rivers of the Senegal, the Volta and the Niger, is home to one of the world's oldest surviving building traditions, called the ‘Sudano-Sahelian’ architecture.
a month ago

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On the history of the Bantu expansion: old misconceptions and new evidence

The southern half of the African continent is populated by speakers of about 550 closely related languages that are referred to as the Bantu languages.

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On the spread of Traditional African religions during the pre-colonial period.

Among the corpus of terracotta figurines discovered in the Greco-Egyptian city of Alexandria dating back to the 2nd century BC is a fine clay vessel in the form of a Nubian priestess of Isis of Philae, who is depicted in a kneeling position while performing a Greek-type mortuary wine libation.

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The Nsibidi script ca. 600-1909 CE: a history of an African writing system

Nsibidi is one of Africa's oldest independently invented writing systems.

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The forts and castles of Africa: a brief architectural history.

For much of African history, the construction of fortresses and fortified structures was a mostly urban phenomenon associated with large states.

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What It Was Like to Get a Meal at a Medieval Tavern

At least since The Canterbury Tales, the setting of the medieval tavern has held out the promise of adventure. For their customer base during the actual Middle Ages, however, they had more utilitarian virtues. “If you ever find yourself in the late medieval period, and you are in need of food and drink, you’d better […]

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‘The Crowd in the Early Middle Ages’ by Shane Bobrycki review

‘The Crowd in the Early Middle Ages’ by Shane Bobrycki review JamesHoare Wed, 02/12/2025 - 09:25

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Watch 10 Great German Expressionist Films: Nosferatu, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari & More

In 1913, Germany, flush with a new nation’s patriotic zeal, looked like it might become the dominant nation of Europe and a real rival to that global superpower Great Britain. Then it hit the buzzsaw of World War I. After the German government collapsed in 1918 from the economic and emotional toll of a half-decade […]

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