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Last year I wrote that I wanted to be able to do one pull up. This year, I just want the year to progress uneventfully. I first started using the word “uneventful”...
a month ago

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More from journal – Winnie Lim

blog questions challenge

Though I’ve already done something similar for people & blogs, I thought it could be interesting to answer similar questions in a different slice of time after being tagged by Naz Hamid...

4 days ago 6 votes
minimum effective dose

I am still recovering from my failed root canal (and still have one visit to complete the procedure), so I have been hesitant in taking up my regular exercise again because I...

a week ago 11 votes
on learning the definition of endodontist, and compassion

Have you heard of the profession, “endodontist” before? I have not, until very recently. After suffering for a couple of decades from chronic illness, I have come to realise it is truly...

2 weeks ago 13 votes
knowing how to be, when ill is also a skill

I had the second sitting of my root canal last tuesday, and while the procedure itself went pretty well, I developed some pain after a few hours had passed. I asked the...

3 weeks ago 32 votes

More in life

Interlinking Makes Communities

You're only as strong as (some complicated function of) your weakest links

7 hours ago 3 votes
Scaling Down the Cliff of Collapse

Choosing Agency When Systems Fail

yesterday 3 votes
Write a Newsletter for 52 Weeks in a Row, and Watch It Change Your Life

The big new newsletter opportunity no one saw coming

yesterday 2 votes
Failure is Necessary for Achievement and Growth — Why Success is Dangerous for Learning

You can only succeed if you are willing to fail. You can only learn if you are willing to be terrible at first.

2 days ago 5 votes