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At the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, you can see these sculptured portraits of celebrities by French artist Honoré Daumier (February 26, 1808 – February 10 or 11, 1879). Created between 1832 and 1835, Les Célébrités du Juste-Milieu (The Celebrities of the Golden Mean) terracotta look remarkably modern, an impression enhanced by some of the faces … Continue reading "Honoré Daumier, Portraits des Célébrités du Juste-Milieu" The post Honoré Daumier, Portraits des Célébrités du Juste-Milieu appeared first on Flashbak.
“Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.” — Mark Twain Take a moment to look at the photo above. We don’t know Maureen. She’s the subject of a pair of ‘BEFORE’ and AFTER’ polaroids from Robert E Jackson’s astounding archive of snapshots. What do you … Continue reading "23 Before And After Vintage Snapshots" The post 23 Before And After Vintage Snapshots appeared first on Flashbak.
“He commanded and they were created.” – Psalm 33 Cristoforo de Predis (1440-1486) painted his visions of the final judgement in the late 15th Century. We see fish above the sea, the sun and moon dying, blood dripping from trees and winged demons dropping naked, fragile mortals into vats of freezing water. Predis … Continue reading "Mystery, God And The Wonder of Death: Cristoforo de Predis’ Illuminated Visions" The post Mystery, God And The Wonder of Death: Cristoforo de Predis’ Illuminated Visions appeared first on Flashbak.
In 1944, Harold Fisk was a geologist and cartographer working for the US Army Corps of Engineers when he made these 15 maps to illustrate the government’s “Geological Investigation of the Alluvial Valley of the Lower Mississippi River”. Fisk’s ingenious maps shows a different portion of the Mississippi and its various courses over time between … Continue reading "Harold Fisk Maps the History of the Mississippi River, 1944" The post Harold Fisk Maps the History of the Mississippi River, 1944 appeared first on Flashbak.
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Most of what we know about the people involved in the Australian Frontier Wars, and the massacres that unfolded, comes from the journals of those who were involved in them; that is, European settlers, pastoralists, and government officials. They also come (especially with regard to the massacres) from Aboriginal oral histories, which continue to […]
Has Nigel Farage just ended his chance of victory?
There is no doubt that the audience the First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) had in mind was suffering persecution. Whether it was from Nero before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE or during the reign of Domitian a decade or so afterward, the readers can find wisdom and encouragement in the pages […]
Journal of African cities: chapter 16.