More from Overcoming Bias
While anyone can buy stock in public firms, private equity firms are instead held by a more concentrated and exclusive set of owners.
While most foragers had great respect for nature, our farmer-era ancestors had less resepct.
Compared to before writing, religions that had sacred texts were better able to resist changes to their religious dogmas and dogma-enforce social rules.
We start our lives focused on the concrete immediate narrow world around us in space, time, social distance, and abstraction.
More in history
Most of what we know about the people involved in the Australian Frontier Wars, and the massacres that unfolded, comes from the journals of those who were involved in them; that is, European settlers, pastoralists, and government officials. They also come (especially with regard to the massacres) from Aboriginal oral histories, which continue to […]
Has Nigel Farage just ended his chance of victory?
There is no doubt that the audience the First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) had in mind was suffering persecution. Whether it was from Nero before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE or during the reign of Domitian a decade or so afterward, the readers can find wisdom and encouragement in the pages […]
At the Musée d’Orsay, Paris, you can see these sculptured portraits of celebrities by French artist Honoré Daumier (February 26, 1808 – February 10 or 11, 1879). Created between 1832 and 1835, Les Célébrités du Juste-Milieu (The Celebrities of the Golden Mean) terracotta look remarkably modern, an impression enhanced by some of the faces … Continue reading "Honoré Daumier, Portraits des Célébrités du Juste-Milieu" The post Honoré Daumier, Portraits des Célébrités du Juste-Milieu appeared first on Flashbak.